Julie Anne Long | 368 pages | 01 Aug 2004 | Time Warner Trade Publishing | 9780446614252 | English | New York, United States The Runaway Duke - Navy General Library Program Downloadable Books, Music & Video

Being with the beautiful and desirable Rebecca jeopardizes Connor's secret every day-and tests his willpower every night. For if ever there was a reason to bring the Duke of Dunbrooke back from the dead, it would be to make Miss Tremaine his Duchess! Edition -. Subjects - Fiction Historical Fiction Romance. Languages: - English. Copies - Available:. Library copies:. Levels - ATOS:. Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available. Recommended for you. Options for Lady in Waiting by Kathryn Caskie. Lady in Waiting. The Marriage Bargain. Esselman More. You Drive Me Crazy. The Third Circle. Options for Bride by Stella Cameron. The Courtship Dance. Grand Central Publishing. Kindle Book. File size:. OverDrive Read. EPUB eBook. File sharing or redistribution is prohibited. Your rights to access this material expire at the end of the lending period. Please see Important Notice about Copyrighted Materials for terms applicable to this content. Sign In More titles may be available to you. The new OverDrive is coming soon! Preview it now. You've reached your checkout limit. You already have this title checked out. Recommendation Limit Reached. Recommend your library consider adding this title to the Digital Collection. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Dec 14, Beckey rated it really liked it. The cover made me think this book was going to be all smut all the time. Not the case. I was pleasantly surprised to find myself enjoy the story. I laughed out loud in spots. A book that I'll recommend. Mar 20, C rated it really liked it. This book truly lives up to the adage about not judging a book by its cover. The cover is dreadful, but the story and characters are wonderful! Cheryl Breza rated it it was ok Jan 12, Laura King rated it really liked it Apr 20, Layla Koski rated it it was amazing Jul 29, Tracie rated it it was amazing Aug 13, Wordsworth rated it liked it Dec 27, Kendra marked it as to- read Apr 14, Sandy added it Feb 03, Christine marked it as to-read Mar 22, Becky marked it as to-read Jan 09, Mermarie marked it as to-read Jun 18, Karen marked it as to-read Nov 08, Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Charming the Runaway Duke. Dec 02, Janet rated it really liked it. He is so notorious for fleeing from obligation and his future wife that the ton have labelled him the Runaway Duke. A delightful fun short story, which I read in a sitting. Of course Royce pretending to be a solicitor is bound to go pear shaped when Amelia finds out the truth. My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read Jan 04, Ishara Dasruth rated it liked it. Sweet and short. Jan 19, Elaine rated it really liked it Shelves: kindlefire , regency , christmas. A sweet and charming short story. Enjoyable reading. Dec 02, Kaye rated it it was amazing. Maggie shakes it up, laying 'em out, dropping the bomb and leveling the field with this explosive treat that hooks you from the start and reels you in for the duration. Mastering the ups and downs, weaving a cocoon so intricately and tight, draws you deeper into this tangled web until everything else ceases to exist. Producing amazing, well rounded scenario's, ramping up the excitement and adrenaline with such intensity and precision, melding this gem together flawlessly. The chemistry builds as each layer is peeled back exposing an undeniable bond and amplifying affections that catapult this jewel to life beautifully. The personalities are well matched and blended with just enough flaws for diversity. The characters and scenes are strikingly sharp with abundant details and colorful descriptions so rich and lively, they blend and flow magnificently. Remarkable job Maggie, thanks for sharing this little jewel with us. Nov 21, Margaret Watkins rated it it was amazing. His actions have affected her on more than one front, leaving her vulnerable and disappointed. Nevertheless, Amelia is a generous and kindhearted woman who brings smiles and showers everyone in her wake with kindness. Finally, deciding it is time to insert himself into her life, The Duke of Harlow hides his true identity, hoping to get a better understanding of his future bride. Whilst he gets far more than he ever bargained for, his actions bring even more pain. This novel is a well-written parody of one of Shakespeare's comedies and fortunately does come to a happy conclusion. This is a clean and warm-hearted romance but for some reason, I was left with an ache for all that Amelia endured. I received a copy of this book as a gift and this is my honest and voluntary review. Jul 27, Jenelle rated it liked it. They keep referring to this couple so I did a bit of research and found the book. Unfortunately this story was a bit disappointing. I only gave this one three stars because the Duke of Harlow was a bit of a douche. I think this book would have been better if Amelia had made him suffer a bit more for ignoring her for so many years and tricking her about his identity. It would have read much better if you could see in detail how her wooed and courted her in front of society at the end. Dec 02, Raquel rated it it was amazing. Great short little read. This is a really cute read but my heart went out to Amelia for sufferings for so long and I just wanted to smack Royce some times but was very happy to read about him work to make up for his past transgressions. Lovely read definitely recommend!!! Voluntarily read and reviewed an arc of this book Dec 02, Vibliophile rated it really liked it. Twice over. It is sweet that Royce works so hard to try to make up for it. It's relatively short, maybe a bit too short, and it had that je ne sais quoi, hard to define quality wher Shakespeare-flavored romance I liked the premise of this story with its hat tip to Shakespeare's "As You Like It". It's relatively short, maybe a bit too short, and it had that je ne sais quoi, hard to define quality where it felt like it might be setting things up for a series so it was gratifying to learn that it is. Enjoyable Short Story Lovely short story, first I have read by this author and I thoroughly enjoyed it, and look forward to the next in the series which is Adelaide' s story. The book was well written, and a poignant story of a young lady would had been betrothed to a Duke since being a child, and he had been on the continent for years only to come back and meet her in cognito, which went terribly wrong. Amusing at times but mostly a story of misunderstanding and 'hurt' on Lady Amelia's part. I wo Enjoyable Short Story Lovely short story, first I have read by this author and I thoroughly enjoyed it, and look forward to the next in the series which is Adelaide' s story. I would thoroughly recommend this book. Dec 16, Delacey rated it liked it Shelves: arc , christmas , ebook. A cute and sweet Regency romance, with a little bit of humour. If you are looking for a low angst, clean, instalove story you will love this one. I did find it lacked some of those period details that stand it out as a Regency. The picture and setting were during the Christmas holiday, but there was not much of a Christmas vibe, other than the mention of it being the holidays. Characters were decently developed for a quick read. The Runaway Duke by Julie Anne Long | NOOK Book (eBook) | Barnes & Noble®

I had a few minor annoyances. On page is a cliffhanger. I prefer each scene end at a logical place. Lastly, I noticed other reviewers complained that some events were not historically accurate. DATA: Story length: pages. Swearing language: none to mild. Sexual language: mild. Number of sex scenes: 3. Total number of sex scene pages: Setting: — France and England. Copyright: Genre: regency romance. Shelves: classified-as-dnf. Pages Survived: This was one weird reading experience! I literally was absolutely loving this book, truly all the way through. Until page Never in all my reading have I encountered a book that I went from absolutely loving to absolutely hating within the span of one page. While it may seem laughable to some, the reason I reared up and hated this book was a result of the characters. No, I did love Rebecca and her absolutely unique personality. I even loved Connor, the hero. What killed th Pages Survived: This was one weird reading experience! What killed this story, for me at least, was the fact that within the span of about three pages, the two characters went from being friends, to lovers, to pulling the mutual "you're-the-love-of-my-life. However, my main problem in this case was the fact that the book was only half over, and the characters just magically realized they were in love. For me, romance novels that are written in a way where the love is cultivated without knowledge are more enjoyable. The only event that allowed the two characters to realize their affection for each other was the fact they made love. This is, ironically enough, a huge pet peeve of mine when it comes to romance novels. Whenever an author constructs a story in such a way where both parties magically realize they love one another at the exact same moment, and that moment is brought out by no notable action- especially in the case of the two characters having known each other for five years I find that a hard pill to swallow. I'm all for love-at-first-sight, or instantaneous-realized-love in most circumstance, but not when the characters have known each other for an extended period of time. Either way, this book crashed and burned hard. I so desperately wanted to enjoy it, but sadly, I could not and was forced to toss it aside. Oct 07, Beanbag Love rated it liked it. Closer to 3. I love Julie Anne Long's writing or this one wouldn't have held up. She created a couple of really good lead characters and then tossed them in a story so rife with coincidences it was laughable. Really, the coincidences were so outrageous that they should have been remarked on in a post-modern way but they weren't. It also contains one of the loveliest declaration moments I've read in a while: "I love you," she murmured. The w Closer to 3. The words He'd been ridiculous. His thrashing thoughts, his grand confusion and torment and helplessness -- it was only love, had always been love, he supposed. It was no precipice he stood at, or rather precipices have little meaning when one finally acknowledges that one has wings. Connor stepped off. View 2 comments. Dec 09, Elis Madison rated it really liked it Shelves: bad-guys-galore , era-regency , hidden-identities , intrigue-is-good , like-the-author , adventure-and-danger , character-development. Rebecca is trying to save her sister from disaster and get a little blackmail material when she slips out to the garden in the wee hours to catch her trysting with Edelston, the fortune hunter. Unfortunately, all cats look alike in the dark. So when her father sees Lorelei sneaking out into the night and follows, and when the gardener sees a man skulking in the shrubbery, it's her father who gets brained, and Rebecca who ends up caught in Edelston's arms. And Edelston really isn't a nice guy. In fact he plans to arrange an accident for Rebecca once her handsome dowry is secured— that is until she decks him. Then he's all… Rebecca's parents tell her that she has an obligation to marry Edelston even though he's a fortune-hunting schmuck. She owes it to her younger sister the one who got her in this fix to start with , since a scandal in the family will prevent Lorelei from making the "right" connections for a "famous" match. Rebecca's keen to shirk this responsibility, so she turns to her father's groom, Connor Riordan He agrees to help her. As you might suspect from the book title, Connor is no stranger to shirking responsibilities himself. So the two of them shirk together, run off with gypsies, etc. Right before they run, though, Rebecca goes through the pockets of a coat in her father's library and snags out whatever she can find of value, including a pound note and a locket. The next thing they know they're being followed… and then someone wants to kill Connor. It's not as mysterious as it sounds since we know whodunit and why but it's a decent adventure complete with some misapprehensions and broken hearts Aug 17, Margaret Foxe rated it it was amazing Shelves: five-star-historical-romances , favorite-historical-romance-authors , road-trip , broken-heroes , more-stars-than-it-deserved , loveable-heroine. There is something magical about this book. I believe it is Long's debut novel, and it does have its problems, among them a strangely truncated ending between Hero and heroine. Long's writing has certainly improved since this one. But i don't care. This is still one of my favorite historical romances. I have read and re-read this title. And not in a saccharine-make-me-throw-up-a-little-in-my-mouth sort of way. In a way that makes me smile VERY broadly while reading it. It makes me feel good. I just love the heroine -- and i rarely love a heroine like this. Even though she could have been one of those horribly TSTL naive heroines that really get on my nerves, Rebecca escapes that horrible fate. She is just so refreshing, and I can see why the hero loves her. She truly does refresh his rather badly broken soul. And what can I say about the hero? A duke disguised as a stable hand? Yes please. I love their adventure. I even love the villain a little bit -- not the villainess. She's awful. I could have used a little bit more in the love scenes. In Long's later novels, her steam factor really ramps up. But the love scenes in this book are still pretty satisfying in a tender, sweet sort of way. If you are looking for a tender romance between a jaded duke in disguise and a feisty, sweet heroine, with a road trip, gypsies, and an evil duchess thrown into the mix, this is a must read! Overall okay book. It took a while to get into the book. Required skimming pages to keep my attention and get to the good parts. Recommend: Those who enjoy Romance novels and Dukes! Quotes: "she had lately come to understand injustice and tricks of fate, and how they could turn you into someone else completely, maybe even turn you into the person you were meant to be. Connor turned to her and smiled faintly. Always a question, that was Rebecca. There's more? You know very well there is more. In Papa's book—" Tell me all about it without mentioning your papa. Feb 04, Minesweeper rated it it was ok Shelves: romance , fiction. It was a bit dull: there wasn't enough tension to keep me flipping the pages, and I had to skim large portions of e book to be able to finish it. Some points of note: 1. The age difference between the hero and the heroine is disconcerting. She's 18 and he's in his late 20's or 30's. Furthermore, the guy knew her since she was a kid and supposedly stayed in England instead of following his dreams and going to America because of her. What's with all the "wee Becca"s? It was annoying and also co It was a bit dull: there wasn't enough tension to keep me flipping the pages, and I had to skim large portions of e book to be able to finish it. It was annoying and also constantly reminded me of point 1. The fight at the end felt contrived. Why exactly did E fall in love with her? While we are on the subject, how did the hero and the heroine suddenly realize that they are not just good friends but that they love each other? On the other hand, all the side characters were rather intersting. Oct 01, Vampire-lk rated it really liked it Shelves: hidden-identities , historical-romances , my-favourites , spy-thrillers , best- rogues-and-vixens. Great novel!!! Well done storyline Wonderful pick of a regency era novel!! View all 3 comments. Jan 13, Nancy rated it it was amazing Shelves: romance , historical. Rebecca Tremaine runs away from marriage to a boring nobleman. But then highwaymen mysteriously attack them. They barely escape but not before Connor Riordan figures the ruffians might have been after him rather than the errant bride. No one knows his secret identity as the Duke of Dunbrooke. Everyone believes he was killed in the war. He assumes his younger brother manages the dukedom but then is shocked to disco Rebecca Tremaine runs away from marriage to a boring nobleman. Someone does have a valid reason to want to kill him. Even as his attraction grows for Rebecca, he knows the truth might tear them apart. Can he protect her until he can make her his bride? Feb 07, Annika rated it it was ok Shelves: romance. OK, so what bugged me: I did not like Rebecca very much. Even it became a bit better in the end she was just and behaving like a child. I can live with the age difference, which is typical for historicals, in case the heroine is behaving somehow adult. Which Rebecca is not. And I did not feel the spark between the two of them - which implies somehow a strange feeling of "childlove" on Connors side which surely is not intended. I did like Connor in the beginning of the book quite a lot, that's because I admire people who know what they want, go for it and maybe even sacrifice what others consider a better life. But he dismisses all his plans and year long dreams in the end, and this change of heart was just not done very convincingly. I didn't have the feeling that he will be happy. Neither Rebecca by the way. I couldn't picture them happy still after 3 years of time passed. Then there were soo many coincidences they made me close the book several times and groan. Just lined up cooincidences one after the other to push the story into the intended direction. The big conflict and the making up. The big conflict: especially Rebecca was totally over the top and both hurt each other profoundly and so their fast making up was totally unbelivable to me. There is an object in this book which gets stolen and causes lots of problems for the former owner. It has never been explained why the former owner kept it at all when it would have been soo easy to destroy it. It was expained very late why it meant such a threat to the owner keeping the reader wondering about inaproppriate behaviour of the owner. Apart from my opinion, that the person pictured was not identified and could have been anyone. Which means no threat. If this problem persists, please contact support. There are no copies of this issue left to borrow. Please try to borrow this title again when a new issue is released. You should only have to sign into your NOOK account once to link it to your library account. Don't show this message again. We are making necessary security upgrades that will end this device's access to the digital library on October 30, Continue to the digital library. This site uses cookies. Learn more about cookies. Main Nav Subject Navigation. Featured Collections. Audiobook Fiction. Audiobook Nonfiction. Streaming Video. Main Content. The Runaway Duke. Julie Anne Long More creators No one could ever accuse Rebecca Tremaine of being a proper young lady. She's wretched at embroidery, pitiful at the pianoforte, and entirely too informed about the human body, courtesy of her father's scientific journals. And now she's been compromised by a dandy she despises! When her parents arrange a hasty marriage, there is only one man she can turn to for help. No one knows that Irish groom Connor Riordan is the fifth Duke of Dunbrooke, "killed" in action at Waterloo, and he wants it to stay that way. But a true gentleman never turns away a damsel in distress. Soon Connor and Rebecca dash away-only to be pursued by bumbling highwaymen, a scheming duchess, and Rebecca's fiance. Being with the beautiful and desirable Rebecca jeopardizes Connor's secret every day- and tests his willpower every night. For if ever there was a reason to bring the Duke of Dunbrooke back from the dead, it would be to make Miss Tremaine his Duchess! Edition -. Subjects - Fiction Historical Fiction Romance. Languages: - English. Copies - Available:. Library copies:. Levels - ATOS:. Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available. In this thrilling, passionate tale, the brother of infamous sea pirate Lady Cat will discover his own share of danger, deception, and daring, as he saves the woman he loves from a terrible fate. He could run from everything Pressured to take a wife, Jonathan Carlisle has retreated to a rural hunting lodge to consider his options—only to be seized by kidnapper In this thrilling, passionate tale, the brother of infamous sea pirate Lady Cat will discover his own share of danger, deception, and daring, as he saves the woman he loves from a terrible fate. Pressured to take a wife, Jonathan Carlisle has retreated to a rural hunting lodge to consider his options—only to be seized by kidnappers. Badly wounded in his escape, he awakens in the home of a country physician and his beautiful daughter, Melanie. Uncertain of who his enemies are, Jonathan trusts no one and feigns amnesia, but he cannot deny the tender passion he shares with Melanie. And yet, despite their growing bond, he is unaware that Melanie is burdened by a damning secret, until she confesses the truth: she is wanted for the murder of her husband. Now Jonathan must prove his beloved's innocence by exposing a villain and solving a crime—before they are truly free to share a lifetime of love. Get A Copy. Mass Market Paperback , pages. More Details Original Title. Reluctant Heroes 2 , Destiny's Lady 6. London, England , United Kingdom. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Dec 14, Beckey rated it really liked it. The cover made me think this book was going to be all smut all the time. Not the case. I was pleasantly surprised to find myself enjoy the story. Charming the Runaway Duke by Maggie Dallen

I only gave this one three stars because the Duke of Harlow was a bit of a douche. I think this book would have been better if Amelia had made him suffer a bit more for ignoring her for so many years and tricking her about his identity. It would have read much better if you could see in detail how her wooed and courted her in front of society at the end. Dec 02, Raquel rated it it was amazing. Great short little read. This is a really cute read but my heart went out to Amelia for sufferings for so long and I just wanted to smack Royce some times but was very happy to read about him work to make up for his past transgressions. Lovely read definitely recommend!!! Voluntarily read and reviewed an arc of this book Dec 02, Vibliophile rated it really liked it. Twice over. It is sweet that Royce works so hard to try to make up for it. It's relatively short, maybe a bit too short, and it had that je ne sais quoi, hard to define quality wher Shakespeare-flavored romance I liked the premise of this story with its hat tip to Shakespeare's "As You Like It". It's relatively short, maybe a bit too short, and it had that je ne sais quoi, hard to define quality where it felt like it might be setting things up for a series so it was gratifying to learn that it is. Enjoyable Short Story Lovely short story, first I have read by this author and I thoroughly enjoyed it, and look forward to the next in the series which is Adelaide' s story. The book was well written, and a poignant story of a young lady would had been betrothed to a Duke since being a child, and he had been on the continent for years only to come back and meet her in cognito, which went terribly wrong. Amusing at times but mostly a story of misunderstanding and 'hurt' on Lady Amelia's part. I wo Enjoyable Short Story Lovely short story, first I have read by this author and I thoroughly enjoyed it, and look forward to the next in the series which is Adelaide' s story. I would thoroughly recommend this book. Dec 16, Delacey rated it liked it Shelves: arc , christmas , ebook. A cute and sweet Regency romance, with a little bit of humour. If you are looking for a low angst, clean, instalove story you will love this one. I did find it lacked some of those period details that stand it out as a Regency. The picture and setting were during the Christmas holiday, but there was not much of a Christmas vibe, other than the mention of it being the holidays. Characters were decently developed for a quick read. Overall, an enjoyable story. Nov 23, Melissa rated it really liked it. This was a sweet story, perfect for some holiday cheer. Dallen engages in some mistaken identity, even referencing Shakespeare to let the audience know she is going to do it. This may be a troupe many have done but Dallen does a cute job of it. As a short story, the deception doesn't last too long, just long enough for both Royce and Amelia to make some hand slap choices before finding their HEA. I voluntarily reviewed an advance copy of this book. Dec 07, Karen rated it it was amazing. Shakespeare was right - lies create tangled webs! A delightful story, even though getting through some of the emotional turmoil proved rough. Between Royce lying and Amelia jumping to erroneous conclusions lots of heartache ensues, reminding us of the importance of clear and forthright communication The conclusion was lovely, however, and particularly fine for two romantics. Dec 15, Inga Lady Of Bookland rated it liked it Shelves: books-read-in , 3-star-books , adult , e-book , historical-fiction , novella , romance. If u are looking for a very quick and sweet read then this book could be it but otherwise I must admit that I was a bit disappointed. It was lacking in settings and atmosphere, also the ending was a bit cheesy but the beginning was promising and fun. I gave it 2. If u want to read a wonderful and romantically sweet historical holiday novella then I would recommend A Holiday by Gaslight by Mimi Matthews If u are looking for a very quick and sweet read then this book could be it but otherwise I must admit that I was a bit disappointed. If u want to read a wonderful and romantically sweet historical holiday novella then I would recommend A Holiday by Gaslight by Mimi Matthews Dec 06, Roslyn Stillman rated it it was amazing. Another lovely short story, just in time for Christmas. It was a sweet story that fills your heart with joy and humour. The characters are wonderfully written as you would expect from Ms Dallen. It is a nice set up for the next book. There is no sex in this book. I received this as an ARC and was very happy to do a review. Dec 02, Ellen rated it it was amazing. Lady Amelia and Royce - the Duke of Harlow have been engaged for years though they have never met in person. The Duke has no desire to get married so he avoids coming to England altogether! Things change for both of them when she unknowingly meets him at her parent's house A great read - clean, regency romance! Dec 07, Kanyon rated it it was amazing Shelves: adult-fiction , adult-historical-fiction , adult-historical-romance , adult-romance , books-with-review , favorites , read Such a wonderful, sweet romance. I just loved Amelia with her positivity and strength. The Duke was quite charming too. Their story is such a quick read I wish there was more, but I'm quite content with the ending! Being with the beautiful and desirable Rebecca jeopardizes Connor's secret every day-and tests his willpower every night. For if ever there was a reason to bring the Duke of Dunbrooke back from the dead, it would be to make Miss Tremaine his Duchess! Edition -. Subjects - Fiction Historical Fiction Romance. Languages: - English. Copies - Available:. Library copies:. Levels - ATOS:. Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available. Recommended for you. Options for Lady in Waiting by Kathryn Caskie. Lady in Waiting. The Marriage Bargain. Esselman More. You Drive Me Crazy. The Third Circle. Options for Bride by Stella Cameron. The Courtship Dance. Grand Central Publishing. Kindle Book. File size:. OverDrive Read. EPUB eBook. File sharing or redistribution is prohibited. Your rights to access this material expire at the end of the lending period. Please see Important Notice about Copyrighted Materials for terms applicable to this content. Sign In More titles may be available to you. The new OverDrive is coming soon! Preview it now. You've reached your checkout limit. You already have this title checked out. Recommendation Limit Reached. Recommend your library consider adding this title to the Digital Collection. Metacritic Reviews. Photo Gallery. Trailers and Videos. Crazy Credits. Alternate Versions. — Rate This. Season 2 Episode All Episodes Director: Dick Moder. Writers: Gy Waldron creator , Jim Rogers. Added to Watchlist. The Evolution of Armie Hammer. Our Stuff on DVD. Watched Jan-June. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Photos Add Image. Edit Cast Episode cast overview, first billed only: John Schneider Catherine Bach Uncle Jesse Enos Sheriff Rosco Coltrane Boss Hogg The Balladeer voice Susan Walden Suzy Holmes Lance LeGault Les Sloane Robert Tessier Mitch Henderson Robert Alda Holmes Ernie Lively

The Runaway Duke by Julie Anne Long

Christine marked it as to-read Mar 22, Becky marked it as to-read Jan 09, Mermarie marked it as to-read Jun 18, Karen marked it as to-read Nov 08, Anna marked it as to-read Dec 06, ARomanceLover marked it as to-read Jan 08, Mystikfire added it Jan 19, Audrey marked it as to- read Feb 10, A marked it as to-read Mar 22, Trisha marked it as to-read Aug 04, Jamale Ghossein marked it as to-read Nov 10, Fenia marked it as to-read Feb 27, Oona marked it as to-read May 25, Mindy added it Jun 12, Deborah marked it as to-read Jun 23, Fred added it Jul 24, Ingrid marked it as to-read Feb 16, Sharon Ross added it Jun 15, Dianne marked it as to-read Jul 04, Ayo marked it as to-read May 09, Justine saulnier marked it as to-read Aug 15, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. About Susan Grace. Susan Grace. Other books in the series. Reluctant Heroes 3 books. Books by Susan Grace. Related Articles. Subjects - Fiction Historical Fiction Romance. Languages: - English. Copies - Available:. Library copies:. Levels - ATOS:. Due to publisher restrictions the library cannot purchase additional copies of this title, and we apologize if there is a long waiting list. Be sure to check for other copies, because there may be other editions available. Recommended for you. Options for Lady in Waiting by Kathryn Caskie. Lady in Waiting. The Marriage Bargain. Esselman More. You Drive Me Crazy. The Third Circle. Options for Bride by Stella Cameron. The Courtship Dance. Grand Central Publishing. Kindle Book. File size:. OverDrive Read. EPUB eBook. File sharing or redistribution is prohibited. Your rights to access this material expire at the end of the lending period. Please see Important Notice about Copyrighted Materials for terms applicable to this content. Sign In More titles may be available to you. The new OverDrive is coming soon! Preview it now. You've reached your checkout limit. You already have this title checked out. Recommendation Limit Reached. Recommend your library consider adding this title to the Digital Collection. Enhanced Details. Limited availability Availability can change throughout the month based on the library's budget. Holds Total holds:. A delightful fun short story, which I read in a sitting. Of course Royce pretending to be a solicitor is bound to go pear shaped when Amelia finds out the truth. My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read Jan 04, Ishara Dasruth rated it liked it. Sweet and short. Jan 19, Elaine rated it really liked it Shelves: kindlefire , regency , christmas. A sweet and charming short story. Enjoyable reading. Dec 02, Kaye rated it it was amazing. Maggie shakes it up, laying 'em out, dropping the bomb and leveling the field with this explosive treat that hooks you from the start and reels you in for the duration. Mastering the ups and downs, weaving a cocoon so intricately and tight, draws you deeper into this tangled web until everything else ceases to exist. Producing amazing, well rounded scenario's, ramping up the excitement and adrenaline with such intensity and precision, melding this gem together flawlessly. The chemistry builds as each layer is peeled back exposing an undeniable bond and amplifying affections that catapult this jewel to life beautifully. The personalities are well matched and blended with just enough flaws for diversity. The characters and scenes are strikingly sharp with abundant details and colorful descriptions so rich and lively, they blend and flow magnificently. Remarkable job Maggie, thanks for sharing this little jewel with us. Nov 21, Margaret Watkins rated it it was amazing. His actions have affected her on more than one front, leaving her vulnerable and disappointed. Nevertheless, Amelia is a generous and kindhearted woman who brings smiles and showers everyone in her wake with kindness. Finally, deciding it is time to insert himself into her life, The Duke of Harlow hides his true identity, hoping to get a better understanding of his future bride. Whilst he gets far more than he ever bargained for, his actions bring even more pain. This novel is a well-written parody of one of Shakespeare's comedies and fortunately does come to a happy conclusion. This is a clean and warm-hearted romance but for some reason, I was left with an ache for all that Amelia endured. I received a copy of this book as a gift and this is my honest and voluntary review. Jul 27, Jenelle rated it liked it. They keep referring to this couple so I did a bit of research and found the book. Unfortunately this story was a bit disappointing. I only gave this one three stars because the Duke of Harlow was a bit of a douche. I think this book would have been better if Amelia had made him suffer a bit more for ignoring her for so many years and tricking her about his identity. It would have read much better if you could see in detail how her wooed and courted her in front of society at the end. Dec 02, Raquel rated it it was amazing. Great short little read. This is a really cute read but my heart went out to Amelia for sufferings for so long and I just wanted to smack Royce some times but was very happy to read about him work to make up for his past transgressions. Lovely read definitely recommend!!! Voluntarily read and reviewed an arc of this book Dec 02, Vibliophile rated it really liked it. Twice over. It is sweet that Royce works so hard to try to make up for it. It's relatively short, maybe a bit too short, and it had that je ne sais quoi, hard to define quality wher Shakespeare-flavored romance I liked the premise of this story with its hat tip to Shakespeare's "As You Like It". It's relatively short, maybe a bit too short, and it had that je ne sais quoi, hard to define quality where it felt like it might be setting things up for a series so it was gratifying to learn that it is. Enjoyable Short Story Lovely short story, first I have read by this author and I thoroughly enjoyed it, and look forward to the next in the series which is Adelaide' s story. The book was well written, and a poignant story of a young lady would had been betrothed to a Duke since being a child, and he had been on the continent for years only to come back and meet her in cognito, which went terribly wrong. Amusing at times but mostly a story of misunderstanding and 'hurt' on Lady Amelia's part. I wo Enjoyable Short Story Lovely short story, first I have read by this author and I thoroughly enjoyed it, and look forward to the next in the series which is Adelaide' s story. I would thoroughly recommend this book. Dec 16, Delacey rated it liked it Shelves: arc , christmas , ebook. A cute and sweet Regency romance, with a little bit of humour. If you are looking for a low angst, clean, instalove story you will love this one. I did find it lacked some of those period details that stand it out as a Regency. The picture and setting were during the Christmas holiday, but there was not much of a Christmas vibe, other than the mention of it being the holidays. Characters were decently developed for a quick read. Overall, an enjoyable story. Nov 23, Melissa rated it really liked it. This was a sweet story, perfect for some holiday cheer. Dallen engages in some mistaken identity, even referencing Shakespeare to let the audience know she is going to do it. This may be a troupe many have done but Dallen does a cute job of it. As a short story, the deception doesn't last too long, just long enough for both Royce and Amelia to make some hand slap choices before finding their HEA. I voluntarily reviewed an advance copy of this book. Dec 07, Karen rated it it was amazing.