Siliguri Jalpaiguri Development Authority, Tenzing Norgey Road, Central Bus Terminus, Pradhan Nagar, Sitiguri-734003, Telephone Nos

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Siliguri Jalpaiguri Development Authority, Tenzing Norgey Road, Central Bus Terminus, Pradhan Nagar, Sitiguri-734003, Telephone Nos I Siliguri Jalpaiguri Development Authority, Tenzing Norgey Road, Central Bus Terminus, pradhan Nagar, Sitiguri-734003, Telephone Nos. 0353 -2515647 t2S12gZ2, Fax-03S3- 2S10056 e-mail: [email protected] website: Notice no. 16,/13-14/ Plg/ SJDA Date: 20.08.2013" INVITATION FOR BIDS SJDA INVlrEs OFFERS FoR ALLOTMENT oP 1.0 AcRE PLor AT NEW TowNsHtP, stLtcuRI oN ,LEASE-HoLD, BAsts FoR coMMERctAL usE siligud Jalpaiguri Deveropment Authority (sJDA), a statutory body constituted under west Bengar Town and Country Plannjng (planning and Development) Act, 1979 of the covernment of West Bengal under the Department of urban Development, covt. of west Bengal havlng its principal office at renzing Norgey Central Bus terminus, Tenzing Norgey Road (Hill Cart Road), Siliguri, p.O. Pradhan Nagar - 734 003, Disi Darjeeling, west Bengal, invites sealed offers from eligible individual of lndian Nationality/ entities in the public and private sectors registered under companies Act i9s6 having an average annual turnover of Rs, 5,0 crore during last three financial years ending on 31.03'2013, subject to applicable laws and regulations for aflotment of an 1.o-acre plot at New ,,Commercial Township, Siligu on 99 years 'LEASE-HOLD, basis for setting up of Use,. The allotment will be made to the bidaler quoting the highest rate as may be submitted in the seared cover provjdedrthat price the highest bid obtained is higher than ihe Reserve fixed for the prot. Any change in rand use pattem other than so specifled will not be allowed. Construction should start within six months from the date of delivery of possession and should end within three years therefrom. The Earnest Money prot for this of rand is R6. 30.0 (Rupees thirty rakh onry) and shal have to be deposited only through Demand Draft drawn in favour of CHIEF ExEcuIVE oFFlcER, SILIGURI JALPAIGURI DEVELoPMENT AUTHoRtry payabte at stLtGURt atong with the apptication. However, Bank cuarantee in rieu of DEMAND DRAET may be accepted, if the same is received at reast before seven working days of the date of closure, i.e. by 7h september, 2013 at the latest, for verification and confirmation by the issuing Bank. ofrers without E[rD will be rejected ouiright and will not be considered. EMD, without interest, of unsuccessful bidders will be refunded within a period of 60 (slxty) days from the date of declaration of the successful bidder, while thai of successful bidders shall be adjusted against last installment of the lease premium. Last date and time for receipt of offers shall be up to 1s:00 Hrs. on 20ft September, 2013. Documents compleie in all respects and signed on all pages in a Sealed envelope containing the offer with requisite amount towards Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) should be superscribed "BlD DOCUMENTS WITH OFFER FOR ALLOTMENT OF 1.0 ACRE PLOT AT NEW ,LEASE-HoLD, TowNsHtp, stt-tcuni, stt.rcunt oN BASIs FoR cowruencial usE in the manner stated in details in the website have to be submitted in the box kept for this purpose at oniot exhtlve otticer Jalpaigu d Developmenl Althority Sliguri E planning section at SJDA office, Tenzing Norgey iqntrat terminus Complex, Tenzing Norgey Road (Hill Cart Road), Siliguri, P.O. Pradhan Nagar - 734 q03, Dist Darjeeling, West Bengat. There is no Application Fee. Offers shall be opened at the conference hall of SJDA, Tefrzing Norgey Centrat Bus terminus, Tenzing Norgey Road (Hill Cart Road), Siliguri, P.O. Praqh4h Nagat - 734 403, Dist Darjeeling, West Bengat, at 16:30 Hrs. on the same day i.e., 20b Septemb$r; Cdfe ifr Oresence of the Appticant-Bidders or their authorized representallves who choose to be preg+rli. it I , SJDA reserves the right to accept / rejecl any di all offerd at its sole discretion without assigning any reason whatsoever and the same will be binding orjr the nppiicant-Bidders. *.r, Siliguri Jalpaiguri"n. Development Authotity Chiel Execuitv' ",..- -r Sou Jalpaioun Developme Authority' I i i I I TERMS AND CONDITIONS INVITING OFFERS FOR ALLOTMENT OF 1.0 ACRE PLOT AT NEWTOWNSHIP. SILIGURI. ON .LEASE-HOLD' BASIS FOR COMMERCIAL USE lvide notice no. '16/13-14/ Plg/ SJDA dated 20.08.2013I (r) sJDA Siliguri Jalpaiguri Development Authority (SJDA), a statutory body under the West Bengal Town and Country (Planning & Development) Act, 1979, formed in 1980, is the nodal agency for the development of areas including the towns of Siliguri, Jalpaiguri, Mal urbanized area of Naxalbari and of Phansidewa and l\,Iainaguri within its jurisdiction; spread over 2327.12 in the Northern Part of West Bengal. New Township, Siliguri: . The New Township of Siliguri near North Bengal l\,Iedical College and Hospital has been envisioned by Siliguri Jalpaiguri Development Authority (SJDA) acknowledging the great demand of organized residential and other sector in the North Bengal region. The various economic development initiative in the state as well as in the region coupled with development of infrastructure are likely to accelerate this demand further. SJDA has planned this township spreading ove. an area of about 300 acre just outskirts of Siliguri Municipal Boundary and provided scope for expansion of urban area in a planned manner. The Township includes plotted development of high rise residential development, commercial use, rehabilitation resettlement area and other social and instltutional facilities. A film city has been earmarked within this township. Reputed hospital and health service providers have already taken land for setting up health facilities. (II} OFFER PARTICULARS SJDA now invites offers in SEALED COVERS from eligible individual of lndian Nationatity / entities in the public and private sectors registered under Companies Act, i956 having an average annual turnover of Rs. 5.0 crore during last three financial years ending on 31.03_2013 subject to applicable laws and regulations for allotment of an '1.o-acre plot at New Township, Siliguri, on gg years ,LEASE- Hold' basis for setting up an "Commercial Use". 1. General Terms and Conditions 1.1. There is no Application Fee. '1.2. The Bids must be submltted with all the pages numbered serially, along with an index of submission. ln the event any of the instructions mentioned herein have not been adhered to. the Bid is liable to be '1.3. The Bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope by15:00 hrs on 20th September, 20,13 in the manner specified herein below. .OFFERS 1.4. The sealed envelope containing Bids would be superscribed FOR ALLOTMENT OF,l.O ACRE PLOT AT NEW TOWNSHIP, SILIGURI ON 'LEASE-HOLD' BASIS FOR SETTING UP "COMMERCIAL USE" at the top of envelope. No Bid after the specified time and date shall be accepted. 1.5. The successfur Bidder for the property would be decrared by o7s october, 2013. ln the event of any change in aforesaid date, the same wi be notified to the bidders by e-mail. SJDA reserves the right io reject any or all of the Bids without assigning any reasons thereof and the decision of SJDA would be finaland binding on the Applicant Bidders. 2. SDecialTerms & Conditions: 2.'1. offers are invited for getting allotment of above mentioned plot of land on lease hold basis for gg ,No years on 'As ls Where ls', 'Caveat Emptor' and Complaint, basis only. 2.2. SJDA is the Lessor of the plot. 2.3. The successful Bidder shourd have to pay an Annuar Rent to the extent of 0.2s % of the Lease Premium per annum during the lease period, besides making payment of the Lease premium_ 2.4. Any change in land use pattern other than so specitied wi not be a owed. construction on this plot of land would have to be done as per plan approved by the Siliguri Jalpaiguri Development Authority or as per use spec'fied herein. construction must begin within six months of land possession and shourd be completed within 36 (thirty six) months of such possession. 2.5. The successful bidder has to execute an agreement with sDJA that the particurar plot of land would only be used for the purpose as specified herein i.e., for commercial use. ln case of any violation SJDA and other concerned authority would take action as per relevant rules. 2.6. The allottee/Lessee may be allowed to mortgage the leasehold interest only (and not the demised plot of land itsel0 on the instant leasehold plot, either in fu or part, only with the prior written permission of the Lessor I 2.7. All statutory clearances/ licences/ permissions shall be obtained by the allottee within the time frame as stated herein. 2.8. Bidder shall not be in a conflict of interest with one or more parties in the bidding process. 3. Eliqible Bidders 3.1. The offer is open for eligible individual of lndian Nationality/ entities in the public and private sectors registered under Companies Act 1956 having an average annual turnover of Rs.5.0 crore during last three financial yeaE ending on 31.03.20'13. The bidder has to submit relevant Audited Annual Report of last three financial years and a certificate from the Chartered Accountant (if a company). No bjdder shall be represented bv anv broker or aqent. 3.2. lf an applicant-Company who is not having an average turnover of Rs. 5 0 crore (Rupees five crore) per year as stated in the above paragraph submits offer, the same shall be void ab,,ilio and the same would not at all be considered and would be rejected. 3.3. The Bidder should submit a Power of Attorney as per the format enclosed at Annexure - C authorizing the signatory of the Bid to commit the Bidder.
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