WHITE ADMIRAL Newsletter 78 Spring 2011 SUFFOLK NATURALISTS’ SOCIETY CONTENTS EDITORIAL 1 SNIPPETS Compiled by the 2 editor FEWER TURBINE TURNS MEANS FEWER BAT Kieran Mulvaney 3 DEATHS BIODIVERSITY? DON’T FORGET THE FLEA! Adrian Chalkley 4 OBITUARY Michael Kirby David Walker 6 ROSEMARY BEETLES - CAN YOU ADD Colin Hawes 9 FURTHER RECORDS FOR SUFFOLK? CO-OPTED COUNCIL MEMBER - Liz Cutting 10 IT’S NOT ALL DOOM & GLOOM Nigel Odin 11 IF YOU GO DOWN TO THE WOODS TODAY… Rasik Bhadresa 14 IN WITH THE NEW Richard Fisk 19 A HERBALIST’S VIEW OF SWEET VIOLET Caroline Wheeler 20 HOW TO IDENTIFY THE KILLER SHRIMP Compiled by the 21 editor SNS FIELD MEETINGS PROGRAMME 2011 22 BOOK REVIEW Mosses and Liverworts of Britain and Ireland Richard Fisk 26 FIRST MARINE PLAN AREA IN NORTH SEA BBC report 28 LETTERS, NOTES AND QUERIES Spurge and Burdock - replies Brian Fountain 30 Request for help with landscape project Nick Miller 30 Cover photograph: Prunus avium in Groton Wood by Rasik Bhadresa ISSN 0959-8537 Published by the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society c/o Ipswich Museum, High Street, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 3QH Registered Charity No. 206084 SUFFOLK NATURALISTS’ SOCIETY David Walker Ancient House Lower Street, Stutton Suffolk IP9 2SQ
[email protected] SPRING 2011 After one of the coldest winters on record time will tell what effect the severe weather has had on Suffolk’s wildlife. At least the Coal Tits that visit the seed feeders here at Ancient House have survived, and it is good to see other the other tits in their smart new plumage sizing up potential nest holes.