Triassic Gastropods of the Southern Qinling Mountains, China
SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO PALEOBIOLOGY • NUMBER 92 Triassic Gastropods of the Southern Qinling Mountains, China Jinnan Tong and Douglas H. Erwin Smithsonian Institution Press Washington, D.C. 2001 ABSTRACT Tong, Jinnan, and Douglas H. Erwin. Triassic Gastropods of the Southern Qinling Mountains, China. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology, number 92,47 pages, 11 figures, 6 plates, 5 tables, 2001. Forty-eight species in 27 genera of gastropods, including 14 new species and one new genus, are described from early- to middle-Triassic (Scythian- to Ladinian-aged) rocks from the southern Qinling Mountains of Gansu and Sichuan provinces, China. This report expands the knowledge of the biogeographic distribution of gastropods during the recovery from the end-Permian mass extinction. The new taxa include Tongweispira sichuanensis, new genus and new species, and the following new species: Ananias guojiashanensis, Worthenia extendia, Gosseletinal dangchangensis, Zygites laevigatus, Trochotoma {Discotoma) gansuensis, Cheilotomona acutocarinata, Naticopsis (Dicosmos) compressus, Naticopsis (Dicosmos) sichuanensis, Naticopsis? ribletella, Neritopsis planoplicatus, Platychilina sinen sis, Platychilina obliqua, and Omphaloptycha gansuensis. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION DATE is handstamped in a limited number of initial copies and is recorded in the Institution's annual report, Annals of the Smithsonian Institution. SERIES COVER DESIGN: The trilobite Phacops rana Green. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Tong, Jinnan. Triassic gastropods
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