Farewell to Shri. Sudttrskan [] welcome to Shrimati Rama 154 Agarwal on his retirement Devi, New Secretary- tribunal and labour court daring the last Shri Agarwal joined the Rajya Sabha three years; Secretariat in 1971 and served in diffe-rent capacities for 22 years. He asumed the office (e) the number of vacancies of the of Secretary-General of the Rajya Sabha in presiding officers occuriag each labour April, 1981 and served in this capacity for court and tribunal, date of the vacancy more than 12 years. and the date on which they were filled in- during this period; As Secretary-General, Shri Agarwal performed his duties, with dedication and (f) whether any review has been con distinction and helped in ensuring the smooth ducted regarding institution and disposal functioning of the machinery for the of industrial disputes and applications in parliamentary ysstem. He main-tained cardial the past; relations with the Members of the House and has always been accessible and helpful to (g) if so, the steps taken thereon; them. He has accompanied several parliamentary (h) whether there is any proposal to double delegations abroad and attended many the strength of labour courts and industrial Presiding Officers' Conferences and tribunals in Delhi; and Conferences of Secretaries of the various State Legislatures, of which he was the (i) if so, the steps taken thereon? Chairman. He also actively participated in the 37th Comnwttwealth Parliamentary THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE Conference and the 89th Inter-Parilameirtary MINISTRY OF LABOUR (SHRI P. A. Union Confetece held in New Delhi. He has SANGMA); (a) to (i) The information is also been associated with nume-ous welfare being collected and will be laid on the activities Table of the House. Shri Agarwal has had the disinsection of serving six Chairman of the Rajya Sabha. As for myself, I found his advice on matters of procedure and parliamen-tary practice of FAREWELL TO SHRI SUDARSHAN great value. AGARWAL ON HIS RETIREMENT AS SECRETARY-GENERAL AND On behalf of the House and on my own WELCOME TO SHRIMATI V. S. RAMA behalf I want to express appreciation for the DEVI, NEW SECRETARY-GENERAL, service he has rendered and wish him good RAJYA SABHA health and happiness. I have also to inform the House that I have MR. CHAIRMAN: Hon. Members, I have appointed Shrimati V. S. Rama Devi as to inform the House that Shri Sudarshan Secretary-General of the Rajya Sabha. Agarwal has retired from the office of Secretary-General of the Rajya Sabha with Shrimati Rama Devi started her career as an effect from the afternoon of 30th of June, Officer of the Indian Legal Service in the 1993. Legislative Department and was appointed as Special Secretary in the Legislative He began his career in the State Judi Department in September 1985. She became cial Service and held several assignments Member Secretary. Law Commission arid as Civil Judge, Magistral, Settlement Secretary to the Govern-ment of . Later Comniis-sioner in the Department of Re- she was appelated as Secretary in the habuttation, as Law Officer in the Law Legislative Department of the Ministry of Commiisioo, Government of India, for Law and Justice in January 1989 and held the various terras before he was promoted post till January 1992. District and Sessions Judge in April 1971. Farewell to Shri Sudarshan [26 JULY 1993] welcome to Shrimati Rama 51 6 Agarwal on his retirement Devi, New Secretary- She had also officiated as the Chief sense of humour. I have collected many notes Election Commissioner for a short period in which he used to pass on to me at various 1990. times. It was to his credit that we have produced two books on "Humour in She was honorary Advisor to the National Parliament" because in the moment* of Commission for Women. tension, if nothing helps us, it is the sense of humour which I think is inborn in all of us She is the first Asian to have been elected which comes to our rescue to maintain peace as the President of the Commonwealth and harmony in the House. Association of Legislative Counsel, to which she was re-elected at the 10th SHRI CHATURANAN MISHRA Bihar): Commonwealth Law Conference. Secretary-General can't laugh in the House.

1 welcome Shrimati Rama Devi to her DR. (SHRIMATI) NAIMA HEPTULLA new assignment. (DEPUTY CHAIRMAN): That is the beauty of the sense of humour. Even without a smile Do any Members wish to say anything as and ripple he could make others laugh. That it is sometimes customary ? was the quality which Mr. Agarwal was having. THE LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION (SHRI SIKANDER BAKHT): Sir, Many a time I had travelled with him she likes to begin. After her 1 would say abroad and with great pride I found that he a few words. behaved well in all the international conferences and he performed his duties as MR. CHAIRMAN: Your are talkig on her the Secretary-General of this august House behalf? very well and we were very proud of him.

SHRI SIKANDER BAKHT: As good Sir I wish him all the best in his future and neighbourly relations Sir. hope that he will have many more opportunities to do good work in his life for DR. SHRIMATI NAJMA HEPTULLA the good cause he would take up as he was (DEPUTY CHAIRMAN): Mr. Chairman, Sir, doing quite a lot otherwise also when he was I sit next to him and he is the Leader of the Secretary-General. Opposition. So, he tries to be nice to me. I would like to take this opportunity to When I go to the Chair, be can take advantage welcome our new Secretary-General Mrs. of it. Sir, { would like to put on record that L Rama Devi, Generally we don't talk about have been a Member of this House for ti.2 last what happens in the Chairman's Chamber. thirteen years and in the Chair for quite many But I think in this case we can make an years: and in both the capacities I had exception. I think it was Mathur Sahib or opportunities to work with the then Secretary- somebody who said that we have got two General, Mr. Sudarshan Agar-wal. I found women- one sitting there and another sitting him to be a good officer knowing the subject down. .. (Interruptions) . . .One there and stpecially the parliamentary procedures and many more. etiquettes very well. After the Question Hour is over, when generally you do not need the services of the Secretary-General and the staff SHRI TAGDISH PRASAD MATHUR at the Table—fortunately not today— I (Uttar Pradesh): Madam, may I correct you? I desperately need the help of the Secretary- only said one woman on the right and the General. I found every time Mr. Sudarshan other on the left. Now she is adding "up and Agarwal was ready to help me with all the down". I don't mind it. information that I needed. DR. SHRIMATI NAJMA HEPTULLA Apart from his experience and knowledge (DEPUTY CHAIRMAN): Mathur Sahib you of the procedures and legal background, I referred to it in the Chairman's Chamber.. must say that he has a great .(Interruption*)... •' Farewell to Shri Sudarshan [26 JULY 1993] welcome to Shrimati Rama Agarwal on his retirement Devi, New Secretary.

MR. CHAIRMAN: There is a lot of talk.

DR. (SHRIMATI) NAJMA HEPTULLA (DEPUTY CHAIRMAN): Mr. Chairman, you know that in your Chamber when you preside over a meeting, my scat is usually on the opposite side and the Secretary-General's seat on the other side There, of course, we sit on your left and right sides. But here we are sitting up and down. I hope that there would be many, many more women in this House both in the Secretariat and among the Members in this House also. Sir, we need a gender balance in the Rajya Sabha very much. I welcome Mrs. Rama Devi. She has had a very good career in the past. We hope that we will all give her cooperation and support. We hope that she will also recipocate. We also hope that she will have a very good career. We thank you for taking up this issue of gender balance also in your decision. Thank you very much.

MR. CHAIRMAN: Non, no. You go ahead. There are a number of people who have asked me for time. But yon go ahead now.

159 Farewell to Shri Sudarshaa [RAJYA SABHA] welcome to Shrimati Rama 160 Agarwal on his retirement Devi, New Secretary-

161 Farewell to Shri Sudarshan [26 JULY 1993] welcome to Shrimati Rama 1|62 Agarwal on his retirement Devi, New Secretary- as Secretary-General and THE General Rajya Sabha And I am sure, as I said MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY earlier when we met to welcome her, that OF PERSONAL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES with Rama Devi in the Chair, both the AND PENSIONS WITH ADDITIONAL Opposition and the Congress will be more CHARGE OF THE MINISTER OF STATE careful about the language they use at each IN THE MINISTRY OF other because she would be right in the PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (SHRMATI middle. ): Mr. Chairman, Sir, on behalf of the Government, on behalf of the SHRIMATI RENUKA CHOWDHURY: Members of the Congress as well as of the And that will have to be gentle. House and on my own behalf, I wish to place on record our appreciation of the work done SHRIMATI MARGARET ALVA: Sir, I by the outgoing Secretary-General, Shri welcome her and I wish her every success Sudar-shan Agrawal. We have seen him for and I hope she will find working with us many years in that Chair and, as the saying inside the Chamber even more rewarding goes. Members came and Members went, but than she has found drafting of a legislation it seemed that Mr. Sudarshan Agarwal went from outside the Chamber in the past. on forever because we had got so used to him Thank you. in the House, every part of the year and every SHRI S. JAIPAL REDDY (Andhra part of the day. His quiet efficiency.his good Pradesh): Mr. Chairman, I deem it my duty to humour and the way in which he helped each associate myself with the views and Member—the front benches and the back sentiments articulated by you in regard to benches; the large groups and the small Shri Sudarhan Agarwalji. As Secretary- groups—I think, made him really a friend, General, he was not only competent, he was philosopher and guide to many Members in also correct. I never found him incorrect the House. I know that we will miss his either in his advice or in his conduct. He is a presence here. But, knowing him as we do, quintessential bureaucrat. He lsted for twelve he has so many areas in which, I know, he long years and assumed such a lowey that we will continue to contribute even outside the did not even notice that he lasted for twelve Rajya Sabha. We hope that he will have long years and this is a virtue that a breaucrat many years of quiet retirement and dedicated in today's circumstances rarely possess. We service ahead of him. will miss him very much. We will miss his I also have great pleasure. Sir, in wel- ripe wisdom, rich experience. I am sure what coming Smt. Rama Devi to this House as our is our loss will be the gain of the society out- Secretary-General. We have known her in side. many capacities. She is known for her Sir. I take this opportunity to welcome) experience and her very efficient Mrs. Rama Devi. I have known her for functioning wherever she has been She a few years. She is from the same part brings to this House a quiet dignity and of the country as I am. . . (Interruptions)... charm which, I am sure, will go a long way, Well, I hope the performance of friends perhaps, in improving the atmosphere in the from Andhra does not reflect on her. House itself. Sir. now you have a lady on the Her legal erudition and her legislative left of you, a lady on the right of you and a experience will stand her in good stead lady in front of you. as Secretary-General and they will also be of immence help to us. She not only SHRIMATI RENUKA CHOWDHURY brings erudition to the House but she also CAndhra Pradesh): And a lady in waiting. brings charm. I wish her a11 success. Thank you. SHRIMATI MARGARET ALVA: And an all-pervading lady in the middle of the SHRI E. BALANANDAN (Kerala)? Sir, I House. join with those who have appreciated the capacities of Agarwal. He was really helping us when we, Members of the 163 Farewell to Shri Sudarshan [RAJYA SABHA] welcome to Shrimati Rama 164 . Agarwal on his retirement Devi, New Secretary- as Secretary-General and General Rajya Sabha [Shri E. Balanandan] House became naughty and haughty and when we were making a situation in the House to the extent of unmanageable proportions, the Deputy Chairperson as well as Mr. Agarwal were helping us to behave like parliamnetarians with discipline. We are missing him now. I SHRIMATI RENUKA CHOWDHURY: wish him better prospects and better life Sir, there is a fine line between saying too outside. much and saying too little and it reflects in Now the new incumbant in the post is a the sense of duty that We repose in our lady. She is most welcome. She is efficient in responsibility. When I was a new-comer to her career as law-maker and in the legal this Parliament, Mr. Sudarshan Agarwal profession. I hope she will be able to help the maintained that fine line wonderfully. He House very much. With these word, I showed us the right way; he gave the correct welcome the new incumbent. rule, but he was dispassionate. He infused his sense of responsibility with sensitivity which I again express my gratitude to Mr. is required for the Parliament today. Much Agarwal. Thank you. has been said about his efficiency and the courtesy which he extended. But what I appreciated most was his, sensitivity towards human issues which continued outside the Parliament when he was in-teractign perpetually with issues which affected human life. I pray that God will bestow his benevolence on the members of his family and himself and guide him, in good health and spirit, in his selfless service that has marked his career in the Parliament.

Sir, I also take this opportunity to accord a great welcome to Mrs. Rama Devi. I will not speak of her credentials because She is here for what she is. But I will say that for a lot of girl and women across the country today she will be a wonderful role model to emulate and she will go down in the history of Parliament as the first woman to hold this post. It is yet another mark and notch for us women who are striving to get the men to accept the fact that we are equal. Thank you Sir.

SHRI G. SWAMINATHAN (Tamil Nadu): Sir, as has been rightly said by Mrs. Margaret Alva, it is usual for the Secretary-General to be there to welcome the new Members and to bid farewell to the Members. That is what the Secretary-General does. But this is a very rare occasion that some of the Members bid tarewell to the Secrtary Gernal or the clerk of the House. I know Mr. Sudar-

165 Farewell to Shri Sudarshan [26 JULY 1993] welcome to Shrimati Rama 166 Agarwal on his retirement Devi, New Secretary- as Secretary-General and General Rajya Sabha shan Agarwal for a very long time. I am only by the Member, of the Treasury. really surprised to know that he is retired Benches, but also by the Members of the now because he looks so young. He never Opposition. They have to offer advice to those looks 60 years, he is still young. When I say who are in the Govenrment and to those who that he looks so young, I think, his sponse are in the Opposirion. I know about some who is also here will very much agree with incidents when I was a member of the me. Both of us know each other for many Legislative Council in Tamil Nadu. Some of years. Sir, I am reminded of a small the Secretaries had to face probkms because incident which happened in Strausbourg. Members of the Treasury Benches felt that Very recently when we went to the they were oerivig advice against them to the European Parliament. Mr. Sudarshan Opposition Members and sometimes Agarwal also came there as an Officer of the Opposition Members felt that they were Parliament. We both went to a museum and offering advice to the Treasury Benches. Sir, we have never doubted Mr. Sudarshan in that mu-sem they had different rates for the Agarwal. He had always been offering his people to pay. At one place you have to best advice to the Treasury Benches and to the pay ten dollars for enhance and there Opposition Members. Before concluding I was another place with five dollars for would say 'that we always refer to the Book of entrance and yet another place with 2.5 Kaul and Shakdher as our Bible for the dollars for entranre. I asked them, my practice and procedure in the Parliament. Kaul wife was also with me. "What is this ten and Shakdher is predominantly about the dollars ?" They said, "It is for people who procedure adopted in the Lok Sabha. Mr. are below 60 years of age." When I asked Sudarshan Agarwal, according to me, will be about five dollars, they said, "It is for people (he fittest person to bring out a book on the who are above 60 years of age." As I am procedure that is being followed in Rajya more than 60 years, I wanted to pay five Sabha, which is also unique in its own way. I dollars. My Wife, who was standing hope, if he does it, it will be a unique service beside me—she is always fastidious— to the Rajya Sabha. immediately said, "Pay 10 dollars and don't ask for five dollars." Mr. Sudarshan Agarwal was also there. My wife never normally I also take this opportunity to offer my forgoes five dollars. She was. very liberal congratulations to our new Secretary-General. at that time. She never wanted me to I wish her all the best. We also sssude her that we will always cooperae with her. We also announce that I was above 60 years of age expect her full cooperation not only to the and What I was a senior citizen and hence Members of the Treasury benches, but also to to pay five dollars. That is the nature of ?he Members of the Opposition. Thank you. spouses.

- 1 know Mr. Sudarshan Agarwal not SHRI MURASOLI MARAN (Tamil Nadu only as Secretary General of the Rajya ): Mr. Chairman, I join my friends in paying Sabha but as a great Rotarian. He has my encomiums to Mr. Sudarshan Agarwal. many social activities. If I enumerate it. He is a gentleman to the core and he is an it will be a long list. I know this for epicome of Kaul and Shakdher. Whenever we so many years. I was a Rotary and were in doubt, he used to give us clarification. he was also a Rotary Governor. There after, Easy accessibility and ready advice were the he became Director of Rotary In- ternational, hal!marks of this gentleman. Therefore. I wish which, according to Rotarians, is a very big him well in his life. I also welcome Mrs. post. Sometimes I used to wonder how he Rama Devi. Probably, we would have been was managing both the posts. Sir, he was discussing many of the Bills prepared by her. managing both the posts very carefully Now, she herseif would witness how and very well. I know that the irrelevant the Secretaries-General and Secretaries of the Houses have got a diffi- cult role to play because these Secretaries or Clerks of the House,—as called in the Westminster—are being approached not

167 Farewell to Shri Sudarshan |RAJYA SABHA] welcome to Shrimati Rama 168 Agarwal on his retirement Devi, New Secretary- as Secretary-General and General Rajya Sabha [Shri Murasoli Maran] ready spoken. He is also from the Telugu Desam, House is; how we were discussing matters which had nothing to do with the Bills. I feel SHRI MENTAY PADMANABHAM she will enjoy it herself. Her name itself will be more appealing because if you write her (Andhra Pradesh); Only one word. Sir, I join name is English and read it, it can be read as with you and my colleagues in this House Rama Devi. So, we have found Rama in in paying tributes to Shri Sudarshan feminir© form In this House. For this Rama Agarwal who retired recently as the we need not go for another temple because Secretary-General of this House. Sir, when I she herself is in the temple of democracy. became a Member of this House the first man I met was Shri Agarwal. Ever MR. CHAIRMAN: It also means har-mo- since, he has been a friend, philosopher and ny which is more, appropriate... {Interrupt guide to me and to all the Members of this ions) House particularly those Members who came fresh. His advice is alway.3 very helpful in our SHRI MURASOLI MARAN: Yes, Sir. She parliamentary work and as a man he is also brings to this House her experience and ; erudition. Sir, the Secretaries-General have very, very cons derate and kind-hearted, always been the guiding lights to the always giving out his knowledge on parliament Chairman. Therefore, my request to you is proceedings and procedures. I once again join this: you should not always be carried awaw with all the Members of this House and also by the charms of the lady. Please give the with the sentiments expressed by lo and hope benefit of doubt to the Opposition also. So, I he will one day come back again to this House say to the retiring Secretary-General as a Member of this House and will 'Goodbye' and I say to the incoming make a great contribution to the proceedings of Secretary-General 'Welcome'. this House. I wish he will one day come back to this House as a full-fledged Member of this House. I welcome Smt. Rama Devi. My SHRI N. E. BALARAM (Kerala); Sir, I also associate myself with you and my friend Shri Taipal Reddy said that she comes colleagues on this occasion of the from our State. I would go a little further. retirement of Shri Sudarehan Agarwal. She comes from the same district from where I All of us know that his service was am coming. I need not say much about good and he has done his job very well. her competence. I welcome her and under Whenever the Members had any doubt her able guidance this House will be he was there to help them. I have no conducted in a very orderly and in a more doubt in saying that for the success of this purposeful way. I congra-tule Mrs. Rama Devi House one of the important reasons and I pray to God that Mr. Sudarshan according to me was Shri Agarwal service. Agarwal be given all comforts in life I am His service and his guidance were very sure that he will be doing a lot of service. helpful to mosf of the Members, especially Thank you. Sir. the new ones. I wish him all success in his future life. With regard to the SHRI KARMA TOPDEN (): Thank new.comer, I wish her all success. She may be knowing us and I would like to say you, Sir. I wish to associate myself with the only one thing and that is, we are prepared sentiments very kindly expressed about Mr. to offer all our cooperation and help that may Agarwal. He is a nice person and I was very be needed much carried away by his humility and gentleness. I will miss his presence in this MR. CHAIRMAN: Shri Mentay Pad- House. I wish him and all the members of his manabham. Andhra Pradesh must have family good luck. I welcome the new priority. Secretary-General, Mrs Rama SHRI SUBRAMANIAN SWAMY (Uttar Piadesh): Telugu Desam has all 169 farewell to Shri Sudarshan [26 JULY 1993] welcome to Shrimati Rama 170 Agarwal on his retirement Devi, New Secretary- as -Secretary-General and General Rajya Sabha Devi. I am a great admirer of the Deputy hon. Member that Sudarshan Agarwal Chairperson. Now that you have given us could write a book on 'the Rajya Sabha. Mr. another lady in front to admire, I shall attend Sudarshan Agarwal used to tell me that the Parliament more regularly. Rajya Sabha has some special role which the Lok Sabha does not have because if the Lok Sabha has to introduce a Bill on a matter SHRI M. M. JACOB (Kerala); Thank you, restraining the powers of a State or Mr. Chairman. It is a rare occasion for me increasing the powers of a State, it will have to speak a few words on the eve of Mr. to take the permission of the Rajya Sabha, Sudarshan Agarwal, our good friend, the Rajya Sabha being the Council of States. going out and another friend, Mrs. So, he can write a book on the special role Rama Devi, coming in. Sir, 1 had the and significance of the Rajya Sabha. And Mr. occasion to work with Mr. Sudarshan Sudarshan Agarwal is the proper person to Agarwal for quite some time in various give us a dimension on the role of the capacities. When I wag the Deputy Rajya Sabha in Indian Parl'-amentary history. Chairman, I had the opportunity of He has got a very talented and efficient interacting with him every day. When I was wife. They will be missing us and we handling Parliamentary Affairs, then also will be missing them. But I am sure that we it was almost a daily business either for will keep in touch with Mr. Sudarshan him to come to me or for me to go to Agarwal even outside Parliament. And, him to discuss matters rela-ting to the mrs. Rama Devi, as you know, is also an asset House, Even when our Party was in to our institution. the Opposition, I had many things to do She is going to prove it by her own per- with him in my official capacity. From this formance. I don't want to add any words at what I want to derive is that Mr. this moment about Mrs. Rama Devi because Sudarshan Agarwal is a man who is of her excellent performance during the completely netural in his approach. Even previou years. I congratulate Mrs. Rama Devi in the formation of Committees of fos joining us and wish her well in the House. Parliament, he would advise people in I assure her that we will not make any the correct manner about how the unparliamentary or uncharitablle remarks. As various parties would have to be Shri mati Renuka Choudhury has correctly represented. He had no prejudiced stated, she will be really pondering over the views against anybody and he appreciated performance and record of the House and she the views of everybody. I had seen him will see; that all of us co-operate very well in giving correct advice to the Members. the future in Rajya Sabha. I once again The new Members would usually go congratulate Mr Sudarshan Agarwal on my to him for any information. He is such behalf—I cannot represent everybody here— a fine gentleman. I also had an and on b-half of my friends for his excellent opportunity to go abroad with him to performance as the Secretary-General of this International Parliamentary Conferences House which all of us will cherish for ever. where he used to play a key role keeping all his responsibilities intact. He was always an asset. I had slao seen his interaction with the Secretaries-General of Thank you, Sir. Parliaments of other countries He had a very deep sense of understanding and SHRI JAGMOHAN (Nominated): Sir, on fellowship with thosee friends in other my own behalf and on behalf of the ooun'ries. Now, my good friend has nominated Members, I express my deep retired. But I don't think that he can appreciation for the co-operation, guidance ever retire because he has a lot of and help which Mr. Agarwal has always opportunities outside, where he used to extended to us. play a key role even when he was in Parliament as Secretary-General. I take a cue from the suggestion of one of the 171 Farewell to Shri Sudarshan [RAJYA SABHA] welcome to Shrimati Rama 172 Agarwal on his retirement Devi, New Secretary- as Secretary-General and General Rajya Sabha [Shri Jag Mohan] words about him. To me, the outstandinging quality of Mr Agarwal was his outstanding In this connection, I am reminded of an human quality. As a person he was event. . There was a Secretary of the Ministry extremely sensitive and every new Member of Works and Housing. He was retiring from who entered this House knew immediately service and his subordinate brought the paper that we could go to him for advice not just on for signing the 'relinquthing charge'. It was sensitive constitutional conundrums or the written there as charge'. It was relieved problems of legal issues, but on the smallest officer'. Mr. Mathew, who was the Secretary of things. His doors were always open; at that time, added 'very much' before the any Member could walk in and for his advice words 'relieved officer' I hope Mr. Agarwal on any issue, from the smallest to the largest. who say all these stresses and strains of his So, when I had the occasion also to sit in office and kept his composure, did not do the Chair and serve as Vice-Chairman, as what Mr. Mathew did. Mr. Jaipal Reddy has said his advice was also I know Mr. Agarwal well. He served the the proper thing, what the right thing to do was representatives of the people and I know he and not just procedi'raHy what the right thing has a great capaciiy to directly serve the to do was, but also what was fundamentally the people. When I was the Lt. Governor of decevit thing to do. I think it was an Delhi, he used to come to me for various outstadlng quality of Mr. Sudarshan humanitarian projects. Now; I am quite sure Agarwal that he was always functioning in he will have more time at his disposal to serve the must decent, in the most, proper and in the poor, the sick and the dying for whose the most correct fashion and that was the cause he has always been striving. 9 kind of advice he always gave to us. There is no retirement in actual life. You only retire from one activity to another. I am Another important feature of his per- sure Mr. Agarwal will have a still brighter sonality was hic boundless enthusiasm for future. He can jot down all his experiences, evrything. He was neer cynical or tired or not about the technicalities of the procedures dismissive and he never gave up on anything. but about the larger dimensions of life in India He was also having the childlike enthusiasm which he saw through his chair. It is the for every thing. He gave a lot of reflection of the underlying cur-ents which are encouragement to the new Members to face the ethos of our country and which really what the House was to offer. make us speak what we are speaking now. I wish him all luck, all success. I welcome the I would like to wish him all the best for the new Secretary-General. I am quite sure she future and to tell him that we will miss him a will do still better because there is always great deal. scope for improvement. I am sure her presence will improve the atmosphere as somebody has said that he will attend the House from now I would like to welcome Shrimati Rama onwards regularly. I hope she will be both Devi. Everyone has said how nice it is to have gentle and kind. With these words, I again a woman sitting in the chair here and I wish him good luck and welcome her and endorse that. But I would like to add that for wish her all the best. me it is even more important that he is 'not here because she is a woman, but she is here SHRIMATI JAYANTHI NATARA JAN because of what she has achicived and that (Tamil Nadu): Sir, I would like to join all the the despite the fact that she is a woman. Her Members who have expressed their sentiments outstanding background will stand her in about Mr. Sudarshaft Agarwal. I just want to good stead and helo her in serving with add one or two distinction from her chair and I hope the House also will extend its cooperation to her in carrying on with the House. Thank you, Sir. 173 Farewell to Shri Sudarshan [26 JULY 1993] welcome to Shrimati Rama 174 Agarwal on his retirement Devi, New Secretary- as Secretary-General and General Rajya Sabha SHRI VISHVJIT P. SINGH (Maharash- office by which he saw to it that he gave the tra): 'thank you v,ry much, Sir, for giving me correct legal advice. this opportunity- Much has been said by my friends about Sir, the Secretary-General', as has been his extra curricular activities, his other said before, does not speak in the House and interests. He was a very important functionary he has a pivotal role to play. The fadt is that in the Rotary movement and it was brought to ft is on the advise of the Sec-retary-General my knowledge when we travelled abroad. Till that the House is run. then I did not know that he was a very high officer. I did not know till then how important Shri Sudarshan Agarwal has brought to his he was till we were travelling in South ofllie many wonderful qualities, as has been America and even in the remotest parts of the pointed out by a Nominated Member here country, people were walking up to him to The most prominent among them was his talk to him. I knew that he had something to sense of humility. There was never an do with the Rotaty Club But I did not know occasion in all the years that I have known till then how impirtant he was I do not follow him, in ail the years that at I saw him, when the terminology of the Rotary and I thought he was not humble in his approachnity life, he was some sort of a senior Officer there. humble in his approach to the House and They would approach him and he was a humble in his approach to individual person of great importance for them. And I Members. No matter now new a Member, no will miss him. I will personally miss him. He matter whether was a back-bencher or a is a friend of both mine and my wife's. He is Minister, he was equally humble towards all known to us for a long time. And as far as I of us and he treated everybody with the same am concerned, he is always welcome in our amount of humility. Coupled with this House. And I personally owe a debt of humility and his sense of humour, which gratitude to him. everybody has spoken about the most important quality was, to use the Latin word, SHRI PRAMOD MAHAJAN (Maha- the sense of gravitas which he brought to the rashtra): Which house? office that he held. He was to totally conscious of the importance of the chair that SHRI VISHVJIT P. SINGH: My personal he held and not once during the period did he house, where I am living. I am giving my ever do or say anything which militated personal tribute. I am not speaking on behalf against the dignity of the Chair and the office of my Party. I am speaking from the heart. that he has held. Coupled with that was his efficiency. I do not think I have seen a more efficient officer it, As far as the new Secretary-General' is this Parliament. He brought to his office a concerned... tremendous amount of efficiency, 110 matter what the issue was or what the subject or SHRI V. GOPALSAMY (Tamil Nadu): what the conference was and in the Sir, it is very fortunate that no heat is organisation and running of the office, he generated on the first day during the Zero brought a certain personal attention to us. I Hour. remember, on various occasions, when the Bills were coming up, when a large number MR. CHAIRMAN: I am all in favour of of Bills were coming up during the Budget prolonging this happy hour. session, he would be sitting here till midnight making sure that each of the papers was in irder. He could not have acsieved all this without his legal acumen. He brought a DR. MURLI MANOHAR JOSHI (Uttar certain acumen, as has been said by Pradesh): It is more of unhappi ness also. everybody. He was having a certain lega acumen which he brought to his

175 Farewell to Shri Sudarshan [RAJYA SABHA] welcome to Shrimati Rama 176 Agarwal on his retirement Devi, New Secretary, as Secretary-General and General Rajya Sabha SHRI G. SWAMINATHAN: Sir, one coffs, no deserves a Padma Bhushan, if not special leature is that Mr. Sudarshan Padma Vibhushan, at least. And he Agarwal cannot reply to this felicitation. maintained that equanimity and sense of humour. As 'the Deputy Chairman has SHRI VISHVJIT P. SINGH: I am quite revealed the nicest he used to pass in to us as sure he writes individual letters to all of you. ananyious notes, unsigned. She could dare to keep them, but 1 could not keep them though Sir, as far. as the new Secretary-General is I was one of the recepients. They were so concerned, I am afraid I suffer from a great naughty that I was afraid of retaining them, in disadvantage. Everybody who has spoken fact. And it is a pity that the tradition which here, they all speak of previous ac-quaintance he started in publishing the book—-Humour with her. They say that they know her for in Rajya Sabha—has been discontinued for many years. Somebody comes from her State, the last two or three years. I do not know, the and there is even one gentleman.who claims House rarely witnessed such kind of wit and that he comes from has district. I am sure humour which merits mention in a book. there will toe somebody who comes from her village. But I am afraid I have no acquaintance with her. I have not known her. And we miss him very much here. He has As far as I am concerned, I am starting on a been identified with this House for such a clean slate. And I have only one request to long time. I wish him well in his future make of her that when I make a request to the career. I know some of his plans, and it will hon. Chairman either in the House in the not be a surprise whether he writes or comes Chair or in the Chamber, I request the . new here or he continues in his social work as a Secretary-General, I kindly agree with what I Rotarian, but he will be active throughout. say. Thank you, Sir. About the new Secretary-General, Sir, I AN HON. MEMBER; It is a classic must congratulate you first because of the first compliment. administrative decision you have taken which has received the appreciation of all. And there is hardly any criticism about that and MR. CHAIRMAN: I have two more name' We can go up to one o'clock, everybody appreciated your decision. And probably. Mr. Upendra. though Margaret provoked me, I do not want to go to the extent of saying that we come from the same village. I do not want it SHRI P. UPENDRA (Andhra Pradesh) emphasise that because that would not help Thank you, Sir, for giving opportunity to the me anyway because I am aware that she is Members to speak about the officers who above all these things. She is least parochial. remain anonymius and work with She is very thorough in her dealings with pe- impartiality all the time. ople and dealings with matters. I have known her for a long time. One thing I should SHRIMATI MARGARET ALVA; He mention here before I close. During the time probably comes from her village. when we were in the Government, we gave such a task to her to draft as many as 60 to 65 SHRI P. UPENDRA: Sir, so much has Bills in a record time of 2-3 months, ano she been said about the qualities of Mr. did it with remarkable ability, skill and legal Sudarshan Agarwal, his effieciency, his the acumen and I feel that as Secretary-General oughness in Rules, etc. Sir, one thing very here, she would acquit herself honourably clear. If an officer could maintan his and be of equanimity and sense of humour, sitting in that chair for 12 years, is the midst of this din and bustle and occasional quarrels and even fisti-

177 Farewell to Shri Sudarshan [26 JULY 1993J welcome to Shrimati Rama 178 Agarwal on his retirement Devi, New Secretory- as Secretary-General and General Rajya Sabha distance io you and to the House. Thank have done well'. This used to give me you. strength while sitting in the Chair. When ever there was a dispute or a problem, he used to MR. CHAIRMAN: We have one more send Us slips and gave very valuable speaker. Shri Hanumanthappa. guidance in running the House. I personally feel that we would be missing him very SHRI H. HANUMANTHAPPA (Kar- much. I am his neighbour and I hope we will nataka): At least, I got the last chance. 1 think meet across and will have more opportunities it was sometime during the Asian Games to meet each other. Here, I join Mr, Swa- period. I dashed into Mr. Agar-w-al's minathan. It will be a very great contribution chamber asking why this restriction for the on his part if he takes UP the work of M.Ps in getting the tickets. I thought as a compiling Rajya Sabha pro-cedureh just like Member of Parliament, 1 have go, every the work of Katie and Shakdher. power and every right to purchase any number of tickets. Sud-arshanji ordered for a cup of coffee to me and coolly calmed me Of course, I have no acquintance with our down and said that M.Ps have got only this new Secretary-General. But I certainly much. and nothing beyond this. Then, one disagree with Mr. Jagmohan when he said fine morning, he sent me a chit to say: 'Relieved officer' or 'Very much relievel 'Chairman wants to meet you tomorrow at office 1 don't think that tolds good to the new 10.30'. When I went there, I found that he had officers that come. Even if you are tired in given my name for the panel of Vice- your office, you can certainly come and sit Chairmen, and Mr. Venkata-raman said; 'You here. The proceedings in the House will are among the five on the panel. You are certainly give you relief. The lighter vein, the there already sitting in the House. You have arguments, the quarrels will certainly bring to sir for some more time in the House. Be you some relief from the tedious work in regular.' your office.

I welcome the new Secretary-General and 1 had an occasion with Mr. Jacob as the expect more guidance from her in running leader to go outside in the World Parliaments the House. Thank you. Conference. As Secretary-General, Mr. Agarwal played a pivotal role and got the panelled Vice-Chairmanship to India wherein MR. CHAIRMAN; Thank you. Now, 100 countries participated. As Secretary- papers to be laid on the Table of the House. General, he had his own role to play. He came and said: 'Jacob Sahib, I got a chance for India to preside over this Conference'. The Deputy Chairman in the Chair] Being a panelled Chairman, Mr. Jacob and Mr. Agarwal made me preside over the Conference for three hours continuously in SHRI RAM JETHMALANI (Karna the World Conference. taka): I had asked for permission to mention some matter during the zero As the Deputy Chairman, Najmaji said, I hour. cannot forget the pieces of advice I used to get from Agarwal They were really the tonic THE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN; Zero for us while conducting the House and while hour is being zeroed. Now papers to be managing the proceedings. I also cannot laid. forget the fact that whenever he used to come, he used to commend which was really a pat. by the words "Thank you" or 'you