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NET PRESS RUN TITB RHMTRKII; AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION fo r c n u it ' hr ' D.'-'S. l e a t h e r ; B« t*„;,^ for the month of October, 1028 ■ «ew' kdee. • ■ 'MB- ''W M ■ ■> ; :Sa~--- 5,205 X'air and slightly warmer tonii^t Hember of the Audit Bureau of :.,t and Tuesday...... ______ClrcUlaUone ______

VOL. VLIII., NO. 19. (Clasalfled Advertising on Page lU) MANCHESTEil, CONN , MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1928. \ (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENRi

<. *1 - I ,♦• r e INDICATIONS POMT TO G


Contributions and Pledges Latest Designs in Silk Gar­ PREDICT GOOD WEATHER f 6 r e l e c t io n t o m o r r o w With All ExtniTagaDt Claims by Both Sides Thrown Oat, to South Methodist Church ments to Be Exhibited for Washington, Nov. 5.— Favor­ able weather will prevail gen­ Four States, New York, Massadiusetts, Missouri and erally over the United States Yesterday Total $15,662; Manufacturers in Cheney for the election tomorrow, the Weather Bureau predicted to­ Wisconsin Are Termed “ Key” States— Republicans Fred Patton Sings. Hall Wednesday. day. X ‘The temperature will be mild Confident They Can Carry These Handily Tomorrow; for the season. In the belief that manufactii.rers A disturbance now centered The South Methodist Episcopal and their wives and friends would //.7 over Manitoba will move rapid­ Hoover Bmifing as He Nears End of Cross Continent clu'rch, Manchester’s most imposing be interested in a silk and costume ly eastward and It will likely cause light showers near the edifice, was yesterday cleared of exhibit to be given In connection Trip. debt on the third anniversary of its northern border from Michigan with the annual meeting of the eastward and another disturb­ dedication. In a unique Joash Day Manufacturers Association of Con­ ance over the lower Rio Grande necticut which Is to be held at OP ceremonial contributions and valley will likely cause showers Hoover Special Enroute to Pal(> sweeping the ten states of the Solid pledges totaling $15,662.00 were Cheney Brothers on Wednesday the In the lower Mississippi valley Alto, Calif.,'Nov. 5— Herbert Hoov­ South, and Smith setting fire, to given to the church by two congre­ officers of the association prevailed and portions of the west gulf the Pacific coast and middle west­ gations which numbered nearly upon Cheney Brothers to present %tates. No other precipitation er returned-to his home state to­ ern states, the difference of opin­ an exhibit of their creations. 2.000 persons. Of the total $12,- r>wAR- is indicated except possibly day to await the verdict of the'elec- ion between the tabulators is found 488.00 was In actual cash, the rest This striding departure from the TWE along the north Pacific coast. torate upon his candidacy for the to focus on a considerable group n! of the amount being in pledges usual routine of business has never , POOO ICOMK*- presidency of the United States. ( states, scattered from Massachu­ that are “good as gold." been attempted before by the as­ ( setts to the wheat .belt_o^f (he west. Notes Burned sociation. In former years it has THE Despite his long journey from > Importai^'Wlrtdi At the eve Ing service when the been customary to confine the pro­ PRESU Washington, which started at 5 p. collection of the subscriptions an 1 gram to events of a strictly busi­ m., Thursday and Included fourteen There are fonlf the pledges had been completed the ness nature and of interest only to BOTH LEADERS regarded by the^l^jkiw^ cancelled notes, delivered to Law­ rear platform appearances as well sides as more the executiver of manufacturing \- rence Case, chairman of the build­ plants. This year, however, execu­ as four prepared addresses. Hoover ' for want of a bjatter.'^ri^L'riHlse ing committee, by H. C. Alvord, of tives will be forced to take a back 1 ^ © came home smiling, confident of are New York, Mis­ h CONFIDENT ON victory and "happy to be back” af­ the Manchester Trust Company, seat during the latter part of the souri and Wisconsin. That does not ter the arduous campaigning which were burned. This service has sel­ afternoon session of the meeting mean that they-are the only doubt­ dom been surpassed in Manchester has kept him from the trout ful states. It does mean that If GOv. for their wives and friends who streams of his homeland since early for a display of enthusiasm. Men have been Invited to witness the E E fflO N E V E Smith carries this quartet— and he. and women representing every de­ August. ! is conceded an excellent chance ul display of the latest creations In There was that mysterious gleam nomination and creed joined with silks and velvets which have been ( $ doing It— it means a close election. the Methodists in rejoicing that / In Herbert Hoover’s eye as be roll­ The electoral votes of these four prepared especially for their bene­ ed over tbe familiar countryside of this $375,000 structure had been fit. Raskob Claims 402 Elector­ states total 94, an Important figure built and completely freed of debt i v i ® California, and those who knew him In itself. But what Is considered within three years. In Clieney Hall best declare that gleam means but more important in the final analy­ Rev. Robert A. Colpltts, himself In an Interview with Miss Helen al Votes and Moses 409; qne thing— tbe approach again of sis is that each of these states is the leader In the construction of Cheney who Is in charge of silk ex­ a period of angling and casting representative o f, the territory in Fall River’s magnificent Methodist hibits and style shows at Cheney amid (be redwoods. which it is located, so that imme­ Brothers, a representative of the church, called this accomplishment m m Ontside Observers Say Cheering Crowds diately adjacent states might ha the outstanding achievement among manufacturers association was told Crossing the Nevada border into calculated to follow the sama Methbdists in New England in ten that the show was to take place on California with tbe sunrise this trend. years. No other church in all the the stage of Cheney Hall, the main Shnation is DonhtfnI. morning tbe^ Republican nominee In the.east, Rhode Island and New England states has done as auditorium of Cheney Brothers. . 1 sped , fast cheering roadside assetn- Connecticut usually are found in fine a task as this, he declared. Miss Cheney stated that the stage hlaiges for the fourth successive dav the same column with Massachu­ Praise was uttered In the name of is to be draped with a selection of KISS KIIIER IS CALM HOLD SEC. OF STATE New Y ork,: NoY. 5.-r-The most enroute to bis Palo Alto home, setts gfter election. New York and Rev. Joseph Cooper, now of Norr the very latest patteins In silk and unusual and complex presidential where.tonight be will deliver his New Jersey of the middle Atlantio wich, who was the pastor h^ere when velvet drai>es in representative final'canipaign appeal over a coast- 'i^mpaign lAvthe ppiuical history of go. along together. plans were' ’*1B3^!Tb 'i'?Tr’’Vho con­ modern design. The majority of to-coS'at radio hook-ub* T ^ssouri is typical of the alwaya tinued through the building and these , drapes will be of a colored the country roare.d down the streteb .-Denote the hurried schedule important border states, with it* dedication of the church. pattern and many ill consist of to the finish today with the'lekders mapped for. thd' “ Victory- Special” mixture of northern and southern Morning Service brocade and printed materials dis­ on both sides shouting “ we win! Hoover yielded to the plea of Cali­ influences; while-Wisconsin is th(» Yesterday morning the church fornia friends for additional stops played with plain velvet and satin. At the same, time, not a few of focal point of political nnresl was filled with those interested In In the midst of the colorful setting Se&$ation Sprung on the Eve in the state and added Sacramento. Seventeen Year Old Slayer those same leaders are secretly whose influence does, on occasion, this Joash Day ceremony. The reg­ several models wil show new crea­ Lodi and Stockton to the list of penetrate up through Minnesota ular church service was shortened places slated for platform greet­ tions In gowns, wraps and other wondering just what is going to and the two Dakotas, and into somewhat so that the ceremonial articles of women's apparel. Two of Election in New Hamp­ happen anyway. In tomorrow’s bat­ ings and Informal talks. could be enacted. an Says He KiUed , High Under the new schedule the ar­ Montana. evening gowns, an evening wrap, a Anything. Way Happen inspiring address by Rev. Robert A. AMERICAN OFFICERS tle of the ballots. rival at Palp Alto was put forward group of afternoon and street shire. It would be possible, of course, Colpitts, hostesses dressfed in white dresses, a sport dress and several School Girl Because She The •principals themselves, Her­ to 2 p. m.. Pacific 'Time, with a five passed around pledge cards, en­ bert Hoover and Gov. A1 Smith, are minute stop at Sacramento at 9:35 tor Gov. Smith to carry New York, negligees Will be included in this Massachusetts, Missouri and Wis­ velopes and pencils. display which will be accompanied confident enough, .and apparently a. m., Lodi, 10 a. ,m., and Stockton Then the Joash. chest was borne Tried to Kiss Him. Manchester, N, H., Nov. 5.— genuinely,so. They have seen, the 11:05 a. m. consin and still fall short of elec­ by an explanation by Miss Cheney. Greets N a u Men Who Made tion. In on the shoulders of four men Armed with a warrant charging madness of the crowds that flocked The broadcast will, begin at 6:45 robed In purple They deposited the about them; Into their ears has p. m.. Pacific time. ■ Hoover Is ex­ But, in the words of one astute chest at the front of the chancel. Ocuin Tnp on Graf ^ p - embezzlement pf $134 of state poured the enthusiastic acclaim of pected to confine himself to an apr Republican observer, "if he does, Then the hostesses led the proces­ G A M B liR , DYING, New York, Nov. 5— Vincent Rice, funds, police and county authori­ the multitudes; and, their eyes have peal to the voters to exercise their look out. Anything may happen.” sion around through the center latest jazz age slayer, today ’pre ties today arrested Secretary of scanned the glowing reports passed franchise. He has declared the There is common agreement that aisle past the chest. As the congre­ sented a baffling study in crimin­ pelin. up to them by their lieutenants. Be­ compaign 'definitely closed, so far Gov. Smith’s chances are all wrap­ State Hobart Plllsbury. ped up in his own New York. Even gation filed past the contributions ology as he sat in a prison cell, ap­ ing human they-have been affteclod as his own contribution is concern­ were deposited In the chest which REFUSES TO TALK The arrest, coming on the eve ot tbe most extravagant Democratic parently unmoved, and awaited de­ election, caused a tremendous sen­ by-what they have seen, and they ed by his si. Louis speech last Fri­ was then carried out to the office Berlin, Nov.. 5.— The, crew of are confident. day, and his final advocacy of Re­ optimist cannot envision a Sml:h velopments following his amazing sation Ih the Granite Slate. victory without New York. Uaace by the robed men. the German ‘ trans-At^ntio dirigi­ Indicate Victory publican protection, and 'prosperity Patton Sings confession that he strangled Alice The secretary of state was taken Gov. Smith emerges from a two- at Pueblo, Colo., Saturday night. the unprecedented efforts of botll ble- Graf Zeppelin and the three ,to the capitol at Concord. Gov. Fred Patton, bass baritone of the Arnold Rothstein at Point of Josst, pretty 15-year-old high hour conference with John J. Has- B2<)' Electoral' Votes sides to capture the Empire' Stale. United States naval officers who Huntley M. Spaulding went from More money and more oratory have Metropolitan Opera Company, a school girl, because she “ kissed kob, the Democratic generalissimo, An unqualified claim to minimum former Manchester man was in the crossed . In the -airship were receiv­ his Rochester home to his office in saying, “ the reports and advices of 300 elocloral votes for Hoovtr flowed in New York'in this elec­ choir for both the morning and eve- Death With Bullet Near him” over his protest and said, ed in audience today by President the State House to formally receive clearly indicate a Democratic vic­ and hiis running mate. Senator tion than In any other election In ing services. He sang the bass aria “ come on and be a sport.” von Hindenburg, who expressed the the resignation of Secretary Pllls­ tory tomorrow.” history. The betting odds today bury. Charles Curtis of Kansas, was the of “ Zion Is Captive Yet” from Par­ That’s the story of this good- hope that such flights would bring Herbert Hoover, nearing the end were 6 to 5 that Smith would carry The warrant was Issued by At­ final summary of the Republican ker’s “ Hora Novissima,” the solo Heart. looking smartly dressea “ sheik” of Germaiiy ip. closer friendship with of his long journey to the Pacific managers aboard the •Heiover train it, without much RepubMcatJ “ A New Heaven and a New Earth” seventeen— and he’s sticking to it. far-away 'Countries. torney General Jeremy R. Waldron coast, informs his associates that as it neared the journey’s end. money in evidence. from Gaul’s “ Holy City,” bass solo After shaking hands with his vis­ and the county solicitor. Gov. Smith himself is so satisfied New York, Nov. 5.— Arnold The girl’s friends don’ t believe It, Although the warrant charged an he does not doubt the correctness of Ralph E. .Wlillams, national com­ “ The Almighty” by Schubert, and for Alice had* an excellent reputa­ itors the president addressed them their reports of victory tomorrow. mitteeman from Oregon and’ vice with conditions in his own state the solo “ Spirit Immortal” from Rothstein, 46, famous gambler and saying: alleged defalcation of $134 authori­ that Instead of making his final tion, and even tho police are ties 'said alleged , irregularities - ex­ Chairman Raskob claims 402 chairman of the national .commit­ Attila, by Verdi. Although Rev. turf operator, lay at the point of skeptical of that phase of the con­ “ I want-, to express my esteem electoral voles for Gov. Smith. tee, said that a month’s survey just election appeal at home, he chose Colpitts said that Mr. Patton’s voice and admiration for your national ceed that amount. , death in Polyclinic hospital early' fession which deals with the motive. Exliifiit Records Senator George H. Moses, east­ completed Indicated ^ a possible today Instead *tb direct it to the was not at its best, and that Mr. today while.200 detectives combed The rest of the confession the deed “and the manner In which the ern director of the Hoover cam­ Hoover total of 400 votes In the mid-western grain belt, wh6re the Patton wished to apologize, his Zeppelin defied storms and fog. ' Records In the secretary of state’s the city in search of the unknown authorities- believe, that, as- young office were said by officials to show paign, claims 409 electoral votes electoral college, against 266 need­ fires of Republican discord have solos seemed to bis hearers to be Rice said, he became aiigry ' with Your w;onderfiil reception in Amer­ for Hoover. ed to elect. Williams, who travelled been kindled. Some of these states done in his usual excellent manner. assailant who shot him in or near ica, for . which ive are most grate­ that* the alleged embezzlement of the girl while being entertained $134 . was paid in two vouchers to with Hoover as far as Ogden; Utah, he must carry to be elected. He The solos Mr. Patton was given to the Park Central hotel here shortly alone in her home, struck her with ful. shovvsthiBt.the Zeppelin Is ad­ declared he foresaw no danger In broadcast today a special message render were not particularly pleas­ mirably suited Mo bring, nations, “ A. 0, Weller.” Secretary Plllsbury, after eleven o’clock last night. his fist and then strangled her with who has alleged to have confessed either the border states ' of Ken­ to the agriculturalists of the Mis­ ing, but did give him an opportu­ which arej now separated by seas, The wounded man was rushed to f cord of an electric iron. a nieasure of guilt to Gov. Spauld­ MAY FREE LAMBERT tucky," Tennessee, Oklahoma and sissippi valley. This Is to be follow­ nity to display his magnificent the operating table, but after work­ A Good Girl clhser together.” Missouri, or the farm belt. In which ed tonight by a general broadcast tone, and tremendous vocal power. ing and offered, to resign. Insisted ing over him for 45 minutes physi­ “ Alice was a good girl,” her Greets Americans the Democratic managers have ad­ to the country as a whole. Last night’s service included also that his wife was not involved. Her cians decided that his condition was mother, Mrs. Lucie Josst. a widow, Turning to the three JJnlted. name . Is Mrs. Augusta O. Weller vanced an Unprecedented campaign Secretary Hoover, the first presi­ the Joash ceremonial again as in too critical to attempt to remove sobbed as she made arrangements States Naval bpeers’President von LATER IN THE DAY for agrarian support ■ dential candidate In history ever to the morning with the exception that Plllsbury. Mrs. Plllsbury a year the bullet from his abdomen. Still for the burial of her daughter. Hindettburg said': ago charged her colleagues on the Hoover Picked! wind up a campaign on the Pacific under the ether, he was taken out “ God will punish him for what he “ I hope',thlsyw^ll-further cement A majority of the newspaper, ex­ coast, will also get on the air to­ (Continued on Page 2.) Board, of Gou,nty Commissioners of the operating room and at 6 a. ha J done." four friendship.” ,' with not keeping the books of the perts have selected Hoover to win. night with an appeal to the elec­ m., his condition was pronounced Young Rice, cool and seeniingly TbethreeAme^Ic»psareCbm- county ‘lin a businesslike manner.” Finger Print Expert Rnds It Is usually “ safe” to predict Re­ torate to do Its duty at the polls “ very critical." unepneerned, sat in his cell t'dis mandey R...I$r.f Pierce, executive oTt She served two terms In the Legis­ publican victory In national elec­ tomorrow. Hoover's appeal. It was NOTED AVIATORS The police were greatly hamper­ morning in Richmond county jail, fleer of Lakehhrst,. N. J., naval sta­ lature, before being elected to the tions, for, as Senator George H. said will not be a partisan cam­ ed in their search for the assassin Staten Island, awaiting the neat tion. Lieut, .(^hftrles C. Baiich^ office of county commissioner )n Only Owner’s Prints on Moses naively, observed, there are paign speech, but rather ah ■admo­ by the circumstances that Rothstein turn of the wheels of justice. He watch officer of thh Lqjs Angeles, RiUsborough county. She has h.eld normally ftve million, more Repuhr nition to election day vacationists refused to dhulge any clues. He was arraigned yesterday on the .and Lidut. T..'G, W. Settle, engp other public offices. Means than Democrats in this coun­ to fulfill their civic duties before KILLED IN CRASH declined to rame his assailant, or charge of first degree murder, neer officer of the. Los Ahgeles. ^' PUlabury, according . to authori­ His Antomobile. try. To which the Democrats retort or after their play. even whether he recognized the man pleaded not guilty, and was re­ H ie Graf was moored to staaken ties insisted that an audit of his that this is no normal year. The Registration for tomorrow’s elec­ who fired the shot manded to jail without ball pending I mast after-an -hQur’s iaifort, ?follow» books, which was under way today, Democrats liken it to 1916, . an­ tion totals between 43,000.000 an i The only definite clue was a .3^ his indictment which is expected to­ ,ln^ a flight . oyer the gtily' 4ecdraL will sho^ discrepancies of $1,000 SUmtord, Conn., ^ Nov.^.-L^Paul other year In which tbe experts 45.000. 000, out clf the estimated Capt. CoHyer- and Harry caliber revolver, found by a taxicab" day or tomorrow. ed cRy whllo' crowds in the streets or leas and that bis bond of $10,- Lambert, former Manchester 70 Uth> predicted Republican victory<—only 60.000. 000 eligible to vote. T-he driver In front of the hotel. The He Is an enigma to tbe police, to cheered and ‘-waved hats -and ban d^ 000; is ample to protect the state held as a suspeci In .the death oif to wake "up two days later to find party leaders expect to see a popu­ weapon was of special make, which the flappers and youths who knew kerchiefs.- ■ ' from any loss. a Democrat elected. lar vote of some 40,000,000 which Tncker Die When Hane it Was believed would aid police in him and even to his folks. He says Olga Bdyes, local stenographer, will Perhaps 1928 may be apptber Is almost 11,000.000 greater than their search for the slayer. he was “ not much for girls” but his be release I from custody in a short 1916. Perhaps It won’t But It is was cast In the CooMdge-Davis-Ld It was learned that shortly after friends say he had quite a few “ orf while, according to officials here to­ going to take a poll Of the religious Follette qontest-four years ago, a Hits Side of Mountain. 9 2 30 o clock last night» less - than his list.” . He Is handsome rnd day. A check-up>^ott material seized prejudices. If any, and (he* wet- record, up to that time. two hours before the shooting, was rather popular. ahd-dry views of some forty mll- Women account for a great psrt Rothstein was accosted by two men “ Narcissus Complex” by police as. possible evidence-baa resulted In nothing being fopodi rion American. citizens to deterr of ihe^jlncrease; new voters coming Prescott, Arlz., Nov. 5.— The in front of Lindy’s restaurant, Some of tbe flappers of Btaten mine whether It Is or not. of .age for some, and the rest is which he owned, at Fiftieth street Island say he bad a “ narcissus they say, to Indicate .Limbert ,w4a bodies of Captain ,C. B. D. Collyer connected with the _ assauit from Both sldes .caa dip into the elec­ ascribed to popular interest fanned and Broadway,; The three argued for complex.” referring to the' mytho­ toral; college figure box and pro^- to fever heat ^ the unprecedented and Harry Tucker, who met death several mlnut^fes. Then Rothstein The.Her$Hd hi»s niade plans io give the best returns which Miss Bayes died. - logical man who became enamored duce tables of certainties, probabl.l- and'unusual issues o f rdMgion find, dismissed the men abruptly and of himself when he saw his shadow on tompi^ow. h in t ’s. eTktion in its history, Police foday anndpnced they when their plane Yankee Doodle w.ere having analyzed sdihe- ashv« ttles and Oxtra and ultra-probabllb prohibition which are Inextricably'’: crashed into a cliff 2^ miles south vanished In a taxicab. His move­ In a pool of water. They assert ^ r e ^ bulletins, - radh) loud . spoakers and ntegahpone ilea that are, extremely aatisfaotory ments ftom that time until the and partially burned ' whiskbrmVfU wouhd up In toinorrow-’a contesti' ■ that his admiration for others who'gather at the Herald to them. Figures cannot Me. but "My survey during the past £onr of here, today were being trans­ shooting are not known. never equalled his adtniratlop for found in .Lambert’s garage after his ported to Prescott where the. bodies B iss^ slir^et plant jifet:how the dMtioh is going. arrest. The broom wCs stained with they can be marvelously juggled. weeks shows,” Williams said, “ that Staggered Into Hotel himself. He took his friendship Tho -Republican tabulators ,cau will be prepared for burial and re­ The shooting first became known with Alice Josst quite seriously. He The Herald’s tel^^ph wire service win operate on a a red material which police thought If the p'eople in the country and turned to Los Angeles. might be blood. . produce tables Ih a twinkling the small towns go to the polls. Mr. when Rothstein staggered into the had a “ spat” with her three weeks 24;,nour . .jS-M^ce; :thr0tugh Tuesday night. Specif showing that a Honver victory is as Collyer, pilot, and Tucker, owner service entrance of the Park Cen­ A fingerprint, expert, summoned Hopver will carry the electlon-by ago at a party, because. It Is said, amnfitenientB haye.been made t o 0 t direct returns from certain: and tnpscapable as. death of the plane, took off from Mines tral on 56th street and asked for she went into ano^ttaer room and here frpm .New Yotk examined a the western, mld-westem, and mid­ Field, Los Angeles, Saturday afteri- a taxicab. He was wounded In the the Republican State Central c;ommittee headquarters stone fopnd near the scene, of .the and taxes; conversely,.their Demo­ dle Atlantic states alone, witl^ ai^'^: smoked a cigarette In company with cratic hreihren can (ake the same noon on a projected non-stop flight right side, near the heart. another boy., / in Hartfo^. , In addition to this John J . Barsto^^ crime, and Miss Bayes’ handbag and electoral vote' o { . 'i t least , 3 Ov*; to New York. It was the same Mrs. Rothstein, the former Caro­ Mnsmlmd a. radio and If^ e ampliaer so that the crowd coat, 'the expert'declared ^he could figures and demonstrate that a against the necessary 266.' Young Rice didn’t see Alice from- Smith victory is inevitable and that plane In which Art ■ Goebel had lyn Green, had not been living with that night until he called at her find no finger prints.o.n any of the other sources o f information, t anV: made his record-breaking non-stop can, get the results through three different sources. articles. . Ths only finger-prints a lahdsMde is probable. > convinced he will secuta an ad4M^ found on Lambert’s car were bis . When all the extravagant claims flight from coast to coast. (Gontinned on Page 2.) , (Continaed on Page >1.) ' ' ' II own. are thrown < oiit, such as Hoover *' * ■ v-.* * V. ■


WANT WOMEN WAR Harry Flavell, Joseph McCaughey, KIWANIANS HEAR FIGHT OYER OLD BILL John Mullins, Peter Oalksso ahd “DEYttOPMENT FOLK READY FOR PAPER Walter Madden. -T|ie latter three TRY SPOT UGHT FOR WORKERS TO MARCH LEADS TO POUCE CALL OBITUARY came here from Flint to attend the faneral. During the church serv­ ASK MAIL SERYICE COPATMADl-PARKSTS. LEGION OFHCER OR MACHINE VOTE ice, Mrs. Jobert-sang, "Lead Kind­ Unit of Those Who Served in Kerry St. Storekeeper Takes ly Light” and "One Sweet Solemn Any Branch During War to Thought.” * . The police are experimenting Out Money When Child Pre­ DEATHS . Burial was in the East Cemetery. Hollywood and Marvin Green with a spotlight Intending to fur­ National Vice’ Commander Be Formed. sents $20 Bill. ElectioB Officials Have Two * ------Residents Petition for Car­ nish illnmlnation for manual trdffic Mrs.. ^Qlga Dlekow rier Delivery. control S t Park and Main streets, An effort Is being made to have There was a con)j)Ialnt received E. IL TREAT DIES Mrs. Olga Diekow, wife of Paul which it is planned to establish Guest This Noon— Tells a reitresentatlon in Manchester’s at the Manchester police station Booths Built for Emer- Diekow, died at her home at~249 Requests for an extension of the there on Thursday and Saturday Tenth Armistice parade of women this morning-asking that an officer West Avenue, Stamford, at four nights, when automobile traffic is who served in one branch of the city carrier service of the south end be sent to Kerry street because of IN NEW YORK CITY o’clock this morning.' Mrs. Diekow post office to include the Hollywood particularly heavy and when con­ of legion's Work. service or other during the World a misunderstanding between a wo­ gency Balloting. has been ill for a long period. She and Marvin Green tracts at Man­ ditions at that corner are becoming War. These women have never man and a store keeper on the formerly was a resident of Man­ increasingly dangerous. rriarched in a body here on Armis­ chester Green have been made tc Major Edward White of New street. Officer Roberts went to Ker­ Former Glastonbury Man. chester, and Mrs. Henry Haefs of Postmaster Oliver F. Toop. Resi­ Tlie spotlight has been tried at tice Day and it is desired that all ry street and then returned with Carpenters today erected two 165 High street.Nls a daughter. tached 10 the top of a pole at the Haven, national vice commander of who are qualified to march in such Founder of Publishing dents of Fairvlew street, which the American Legion, told the Ki- the information that he had been polliag booths in the lobby of the Mrs. Diekow is survived by h er. runs off Center street near Adams southwest corner of the streets but a body do so. told by the woman making the com­ Municipal building and an emer­ I House, Passes Away on Sat­ has not proven altogether satisfac­ wanls members this noon what the Some of those who have served husband, ?aul A. Dlekcw, and five streets, have also petitioned for this Legion means to. the people of Am­ plaint that she had sent her 11 gency provision in case the elec­ urday. children, Margaret, Gertrude, Fred, service. tory, so far, it is said.. Other a»’- in the war and lived here have years old daughter out for a.loaf tion authorities should find It erica. It has grown wonderfully in moved away and some have married Paul and Mrs. Henry Haels of this At present is is estimated that rangements are to be tried and it the pSiSt few years and today com­ of bread this morning and that necessary to resort to the use. of Erastus B. Treat, founder of the town. There are also five grand­ about 17,000 persons are served by is sajd that there is a chance that and now bear different names. On book publishing house, of E. B prises 750,000 men and 400,000 the other hand some women have when the child left home that she paper, ballots in addition to the children. Funeral arrangements the south end office. This includes recoutse may be had to a stop and women. It was instituted within a was given a $20 bill. Oa her return voting machines in order to get in Treat and company, of New York are not complete. city, rural and general delivery. go suspended signaL made Manchester their home in the the vote tomorrow. City, l^orn 90 years ago In Glaston­ year after the ArmisUce was signed past 10 years coming, here from she had the loaf of bread and only Since Mr. Toop became postmaster and one of the first’ duties it suc­ $10 and when the - hild asked for Voters should be prepared to use bury, died Saturday afternoon at six years ago,'the service has ex­ other places. It is hoped that all either method of casting their bal­ the home of his daughter,- Mrs. cessfully carried out was to render the.se women will join in the parade the other $10 it was refused and panded considerably' necessitating KISS KILLER IS CALM lots, though it is expected that the Mary Treat Lang, at 974 St. Nicho­ assistance in placing soldiers re­ and will wear their uniform of serv­ the storekeeper clalmgd that there INDICATIONS POINT the addition of four new carriers. turned from the battlefields in oc­ was an old bill that had been balloting will be done without re­ las avenue. New York City. Mr. Before city carrier service can be ice. Those who served as an army course to the paper vote. Treat was well known to older res­ cupation. It has taken care of the nurse, in the Red Cross, Y. M. C. A., standing for three years and when granted, government regulations AS HE ADMITS MURDER wounded and disabled and assisted it had not been paid she had taken Machine Voting idents of Manchester having attend­ Y. W. C. A., Salvation Arm^, ed the old' Manchester Academy TO A G. 0. P. YICTORY call for a very careful and complete in caring for the children of these the opportunity to deduct the old On the machines the party, tick Inspection of the proposed territory Knights of Columbus, as yeoman- ets are arranged horizontally. The which stood at the Center. (Continoed from Page 1.) soldiers. ettes, in the transportation service bill and would not return more by the postmaster. His report Is In every place where Legion voter on being checked and ad­ After graduating from the aca­ or in any other branch are urged than $10. (Continoed from Page 1.) forwarded to Washington where it home Friday, the day of the mur­ posts are organized the members The officer was at a loss to un­ mitted to a machine, must throw demy here he attended Wllbraham to telephone Miss Dorothy Cheney, Academy and later taught school Ir. eheckeid. There must be fifty der. are making an effort to look out S7 Hartford Road, Phone 875. derstand just what to do and after the large lever at. the top to, the for the people of their own town, right as far as It will go and leave in Addison. He joined the American tlonal 100 electoral votes from per cent, improvements as to Loved Vincent Those who will march are asked to it had been discussed In police sta­ Publishing Company, of Hartford, other states which I have not sur­ houses, sidewalks, street lights and A girl friend of Alice’s, Dorothy assisting in community welfare, es­ be prepared to assemble on Armis­ tion it was decided, that there was it there. That draws the curtain tablishing playgrounds for children and secures his privacy besides set­ later represented that firm in ChL veyed, and that his total electoral house numbers, before carrier serv­ Davis, said she kneiK Alice had tried tice Day, November 12, at Hilliard a civil question more envolved than cago and then was called; to the em­ vote will be between 375 and 400 ice is granted. to make up the quarrel with and other worthy forms of civic street at 2:15 p. m. ting the machine for his ballot. service. The Legion has come to the a criminal action and that is the To vote a straight party ticket ploy of Charles Scribner and Sons. out of the total of 531 In the elec­ Persons living in the Hollywood cent and quoted tha slain gli front in every emergency that has way it will be disposed of unless It is necessary only to move to the The firm of E. B. Treat and Com­ toral college. and Marvin Green tract now either saying: overtaken the country since the there are other new developments right the lever opposite the party pany was then formed with Charles “ My own official survey covers get their mail at the Manchester “ I’ll have a nervous breakd Armistice. The speaker iisted the in the case. designation. When the bell rings, Scribner as president. This firm Is the following states where Mr. Green branch post office or have a if "Vincent keeps on staying a^ different occasions when the Legion DEBT CLEARED release it. still conducted by Edwin C. Treat, Hoover- will secure large and sub- box at the south end office. Those Since the night of the party had been on the job giving their It he is content with his straight a ' son, and is one of the leading stanital majorities if, as I have living on Fairfield street have rural ceht had taken out another assistance and heiping the unfor­ ABOUT TOWN ballot the only step further Is to publishers of medical books. said, the voters go to the polls and free delivery service. The police are seeking a girl seen tunate. He reminded his hearers ON NEW CHURCH throw the upper lever back to the Mr. Treat had made his home in do not leave all the voting to the Mr. Toop said today that if an In­ to alight from a train In Staten Is­ that the organization was non-po­ left as 'nfar as it will go. This late years with his daughter in New large cities: Washington, Oregon, spection of the territory for propos­ land Saturday evening, ■weeping The Salvation Army quartet, York City, but he had always de­ California, Idaho, Montana, Wyom­ ed extension proves satisfactory it violently. She held a paper in her litical and non-sectarian. It has composed of Harold Turkington, draws back the curtain and regis­ come to stay and its influence will ters the vote. tained his summer home in Glas­ ing, Utah, Colorado. Nevada. Ari­ is quite probable that the service hand and sobbed to a girl who met David Addy, Leslie Larder and tonbury, familiarly called Trout zona, North and South Dakota. will be granted. This would prob her: "I don’t think Vincent could be felt as the years go by. IN SINGLE DAY Howard I.eggett sang several selec­ If, however, he wishes to vote a President Qulmby announced to­ Brook Farm. His wife died just a Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee. ably mean the addition of another have done such a thing.” tions for the patients at Manchester split ticket he should proceed as In day that the next meeting of the voting a straight ticket: then, after year ago and he is survived by two Kansas, Nebreebai Iowa, Illinois, carrier. Associates of Vircent a'hd Alice (Continued from Page 1.) Memorial hospital yesterday aiter- Missouri, Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, said Vincent had told how he Kiwanis will take place al the High noou. he has thrown the party lever, tip sons, Edwin C. of the publishing school hall on Wednesday the 14r,h. up the little lever over the name of firm, Payson, a professor at Le- Kentucky, West Virginia. To which respected Alice and hoped some day the hostesses alone passed before xuay be added at once Pcnn.syl- to marry her. At that time the Dramatic club of the chest. They collected the pledges each candidate he wishes to scratch land Stanford University, Califor­ the High school will put on a 20- Manchester lodge. Loyal Order of and tip down the lever for the cor­ nia, and his daughter, Mrs. Mary vania, New Jersey and Delaware of ENGLAND DEYELOPING The police think "puppy lo'vb” and contributions so that time Moose, will hold its first meeting at a to^al of over,300. and jealousy had a lot to do with minute play and luncheon will be could be saved. Immediately after responding candidate for whom he Treat Lang; The funeral will be to­ ■ served there. the Manchester Home Club tomor wishes to vote. Having completed morrow at Washington Heights M.. "Advices also show that the drift the crime In his confession young the ceremony George E. Keith, who row night at 8 o’clock. NEW TURNPIKE TRACT Rice said he had -spent the day in Harlow Willis, chairman of the has been active tbroug’hout the the process, throw the big lever to E. church. New York city, at one toward Mr. Hoover in Wisconsin. -l adies’ Niglit program, reminded the left and step out of the ma­ p. m. and burial will be in Wood- Maryland and'North Carolina will Alice’s home, her mother being planning, building and paying off, The Red Men will hold away at work. Tbiy . had . played the members that the affair would of the churcli, took control of the chine. lawn Cemetery, New York City. carry him over these states, making take place at the i^ountry Club two masquerade dance at the Four Cor­ Paper Ballots a total of 333, without any consid­ Coburn Place to Be Turned In­ the piaUn and sang. About dusk, meeting. Mr. Keith reviewed the ners in Buckingham on Saturday he said, she approached him with weeks from tonight. He urged the story of the inception and build­ In voting a paper ballot the voter DEATH OP INFANT eration of the states where I have to Residential District—^To Kiwanians to invite their wives and night in order to raise funds to de­ will find that the blanket ballot Althea, three months old daugh­ personally, • made no survey but an embrace. “ This I resented,” he ing of the church. fray the expenses of building^ a Build 20 Houses. swore.. “ She also kissed me. I ether guests. History given him contains the names of all ter of Mr. and Mrs. James V. Mun- which should give an additional float for the Armistice Day parade. candidates, with the party tickets sle of 109 Russell street, died yes­ 100 electoral votes.” protested. Finally I stood between I\Ir. Keith said that it was in Frizes will be awarded for the most W. Harry England, today started the bedroom and the living room. •May, 1921, when first steps were set in perpendicular instead of terday morning at the home. The Although he rejected the sug­ original and prettiest sostumes. horizontal columns. The instruc­ funeral was held this afternoon gestion of the Salt Lake City recep a r.team shovel at work on the new She approached me again, putting POLICE COURT taken to clear up the bad condition tract which he is now developing her arms around me. She said, caused by tlie so-called dry brook. tions for voting it,‘appearlng on the with burial In the East Cemetery. tlon committee that he lead a Frank H. Anderson, general man­ pink sample ballots, are as fol­ Adjutant Joseph Heard of the Sal­ parade through, the city on Sunday, with outlets' on East Center and ‘come on and be a sport.’ I did It was then that building plans were ager of the J. W. Hale Company, not like that. I becaipe angry and first, talked of. In 1923 the late A. lows: vation Army officiated. The bearers Hoover appeared on the back plat­ Middle Turnpike, which is known Charles Samuel Myers of 3 today announced that the Hale “ This ballot shall be marked were Elmore Clough, Maynard as the Coburn place, and in addi­ struck her a blow on the forehead Spruce street, Willimantic, was Willard Case made his offer of a form of his private car through store would not open until 9:30 with a pencil having black leaA. Clough, Rusself Holmes and Joseph Utah, and Nevada at every stop to tion to this property, which con­ with my clenched fist. Her head found guilty of driving while under $30,000 contribution if the church struck against the dresser, inflict­ tomorrow morning so that the store “ To vote a Straight ticket, make Kittle.' A quartet from the Salva­ acknowledge the cheers of the.hun­ sisted of forty acres, he has also •the influence of liquor by Judge would raise $100,000. In May employees may have extra time to ing a wound which bled freely. I 1923, the campaign started and a cross-mark *X' within the circle tion Army sang at the service. Al­ dreds and thousands who awaited bought from Harold Alvord an ad­ Raymon.l A. Johnson. He was ar­ vote. above one of the party columns. thea was the only child in thet fam­ ditional piece of one acre that became frightened. I did not know rested by Patrolman W. R. Martin on one spring night $80,000 was he train in every town or city. He whether she was dead or alive. I “ If the column so marked In the ily. passed the day quietly with Mrs. brings another opening on East ’•last night at Adams and Center raised as a start toward the needed There |Will be a meeting at 7:3(^ moved back and forth in the house. $ 100, 000. , circle for a straight ticket does not Hoover and his son Allen, and went Center street. -streets. His attention was called Wednesday evening at the State contain the names of candidates for The object In getting the steam I saw an electric cord, used for an to the manner in which Meyers was Before the campaign was con­ Armory of the general committee to bed before 10 o’clock so that he electric iron. I wound the cord cluded $163,000 in pledges had all offices for which you are entitled might be up early this morning to shovel at work is to get the grades driving his car. He was swinging for the Tenth Armistice celebration to vote or the number of names-of FUNERALS around her neck , three or four I'l'om one side of the street to the been raised. The contract was let greet his California friends. properly arranged and the digging tinjes. and threw pillows and here. This will be the final meet­ candidates for any office equal to of cellars for twenty houses which other and when arrested was way in May 1924, and on Easter Day iu ing and all members are asked to 'William Davis blankets on her body. I then ieft.” 1925 with the church still incom- the number for whom you are en­ WORK’S PREDICTION he is lO build at once. This will over on the’ wrong side of the road. attend. titled to vote, you may write in the Funeral services for William Strangled To Death AVhen the policeman stopped him pletfe a service was held there. Me Davis who died yesterday at the Washington, Nov. 5.— Hoover represent a retail selling price of An autopsy on the body of the space in- said c&lumn designated fqr $175,000 when completed.. Of the he learued that the man was under morial gift'- totaling $75,000 were An Election Celebration danefe home of his son in Windsor, will and Curtis will be elected tomor­ girl, performed by Dr. George Mord, I'l’esenteJ to tlie church on this such offlc^ Bind coatalning the row by 400 electoral colli^ge votes, twenty houses that he is to build, the influence of liquor. At the po­ will be held at the Rainbow Dance words.‘no nominafloh,’ the name Of be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 an assistant medical examiner, fail­ lice station lie was cxa-minerl by Easter Day most of which w'ere Palacb, in Bolton, Wednesday o’clock at the Johnson Funeral Hubert Work, Republican national twelve will be on East Center and ed to tell whether the girl had been any person for whom you desire to chairman, predicted today in a Coburn street. Eight of them have Captain Herman Scheudel and Dr. used in furnishing the new build­ night. The Peerless orchestra of home, Albany avenue, Hartford, the victim of attack. It proved ing. Today the churcli which cost vote for such office, or may place a telegram from his home in Pueblo, already been staked out. The other Holmes. Both testified this morn­ Willimantic will play. cross-mark ‘X’ in the voting space and will be in charge of / John M. merely that she had died of strang­ ing that Myers was under the in­ $375,000 stands free of debt. Dempster of the Brethren of which Colo., to the Republican national four will be staked out today. As ulation, that the blow she suffered at the left of the name of any can­ committee: fluence of liquor and in an unfit Good Neighbors. There will be a rehearsal of the Mr. Davis was a member. Burial the land is restricted to single tene. on the left temple was hot sufficient didate for such office appearing in Work said: ment uouses all will be of that size, condition to drive a car. Meyers Mr. Keith said that considerable Fellowcraft team at the Masonic any other party column. will be in Zion Hill cemetery, Hart­ to cause death. ' »wa,s defended by Attorney William credit was due to Rev. Joseph Coop­ Temple Thursday evening. All ford, ' "Reports to Republican head- but the types will be different. Rice denies he attacked her. In “ You may vote a split ticket, that quart|rs during the last week from Shea. Judge Johnson imposed a er, former pastor, for his work and members of the team are urged to is, may vote for any candidate Besides his son, William Davis, In audition to tfio twelve houses his signed statement he said: “ I fine of $100 and costs. Myers is Mr. Keith also paid a high tribute be present. , Jr., and four grandchildren, he natiofial committee members and that are to he built by Mr. England solemnly declare that . have never whose name appears In one party state chairmen warrant the predic­ employed by the American Tele­ to the Manchester Trust Company. column and for any candidate leaves one sister, Mrs. Jennie Arm­ on this street he is also staking out had any relationship with any fe­ phone and Telegraph Company. Then he remarked that such a Fred Wohllebe, Edward Montie, strong of 140 PeArl street, and one tion 6T' four hundred Republican five more houses to be built on male. I am not so Inclined.” whose name appears iu any other electoral votes for Hoover and Cur­ Joseph Wrobel of North street, beautiful building was due in a Judson Holmes, Frank and Joseph party column by placing a cross- brother, Samuel Davis of Belfast, North Elm street and Manchester Throughout his arraignment tis On Tuesday. charged witli intoxication, breach of great measure to its fine neighbors, mark ‘X ’ in the voting space at the Ireland. Mr. Davis lived in Man­ Green road: two on Holluter street Rice was nonchalant. On his way Irons left Friday night for the The largest registration in the the peace and assault, failed to put referring to the members of the wilds of Maine, where they expect left of the name of each candidate chester until about six years ago and he is going on to complete a to jail he requested that the news­ ill an appearance this morning Cheney family. He said that the for whom you desire to vote, or by when he left town to make hi? history of the country will congest house that he already has on Mid­ papers be sent to l;inr so he could to spend the coming week hunting the polling places, and many may ■when his case was called and the congregation could not think of deer and bears. This is the third placing a cross-mark ‘X’ in the cir­ hqme with his Son. He was seri­ dle Turnpike east. read the football scores. $50 he had deposited as a bond was building anything but a fine edifice cle at the head of any party column ously burned by the explosion ot be, prevented from casting their This is one of the largest build­ His father and mother are stun­ hunting trip they h:,ve made to ballots late in the day. The greac- called. Wrobel has an unenviable tc stand at the head of such a mag­ Grand Lake stream. and a cross-mark ‘X’ In the voting a stove about two weeks ago and' ing opeiations that has taken place ned. They cannot conceive why he court record and Prosecuting Attor­ nificent boulevard as is Hartford space at the left of the name of any failed to respond to treatment. I est activity among precinct work­ in Manchester in many years, con­ killed the girl. Why, it was only ers is Important in a vote-early a short time ago that he was an ney Hatlieway immediately made Road w’here the Cheneys live. He Rev. Harmon F. Schmelzenbach candidate for whom you desire to sidering that it is only a “ side out another warrant for his arrest. .then introduced Prank Cheney. Jr., vote In any other column: and you Plavell Funeral campaign. line.” altar boy, and he had never been and his wife who are to speak Fri­ “ The only necessary thing for in trouble before. chairma.T' of the board of Chen=j day evening at the Church of the may also write, in the space in the The funeral of Herbert E. Fla- Brothers and president of the Sav­ ‘blank column’ designated for the vell, well known local young man, Republicans to' do now to insure USES HIS OPPOR'rUNl’TIES The slain girl, meanwhile, lay In Nazarene are planning to sail again the greatest popular vote ever giv­ a white In h.er rather humble ings Bank of Manchester. on November 14 for. the mission office the name of any person not was held this afternoon with serv­ Mr. Cheney spoke from the printed on a ballot for whom you ices at his home at 93 Spruce en to -a presidential nominee is to Herman P. Kopplemann, candi­ home, groups of neighbors consol-. field in Africa •where they have la­ get the voter to the polls early.” Ing* her widowed mother. Burltl’ standpoint of the community and bored for over 20 years. The Iq- desire to vote for such office. street at 2 o’clock and at St. Mary’s date for • representative in the outlined the many ways in which a “ If you wish to vote a split ticket Episcopal church at 2:30. Both First Congressional District, got will he tomorrow morning In St. cal church extends a cordial invita­ Mary’s cemetery. West New B.rlgh- church can he of benefit to the com­ tion to all missionary societies of for representatives or justices of services were largely attended.’ himself some cheap advertising yes­ munity. His talk was an inspira­ the peace, place a cross-mark ‘X’ The casket was banked with terday. Herman is a newsdealer ton, Staten Island, followlng’^'ser- Days Call For Manchester churches to attend the WOMAN BADLY HURT vlces In St. Mary’s church, Pott tion in itself and gave the Meth­ before the name of each candidate beautiful floral tributes, there be­ and ships New York and Boston pa­ meeting at 7:30 Friday evening, Richmond. odists Just cause to be proud not and hear a thrilling story of victory for whom you desire to vote. ing more than thirty pieces in num­ New Haven, Conn., Nov. 5.— pers to various towns where he has only of their church but of their “ Any other mark than the cross- ber. Most of them came from indi­ dealers who distribute them. In over trials and opposition met with Mary Di Glpla. 20, is in critical con­ MT. AJOTNA ACTnYB work in Manchester. ii. Swaziland and other parts of mark ‘X ’ used for the purpose of viduals, friends and relatives, but dition iu a hospital, today as the these papers delivered in Manches­ Warm Clothing Notes Burned. voting will render this ballot void. there was a handsome standing ter yesterday were inserted a sheet Catania, Italy, Nov. 5.— Follow­ Africa. result of a collision betweeu cars ing a lull, Mt. Aetna, the.famous An iron kettle on an old fashion­ “ If you tear, deface or wrongly wreath sent by his “ Boy Friends” driven by Michael Dl Giola, her 12x9 inches carrying a picture of ed tripod was then brought to the mark this ballot return It and ob­ and another from his “ Pals” in Mr. Kopplemann with the words, bid volcano flared Into ri^ew'ed ac­ William Newman, formerly man­ father, and a machine driven by tivity this afternoon, a new ndouth chancel and Lawrence Case, chair­ ager of the Metropolitan Insurance tain another.” Flint, Michigan, who were former Herbert Nagy at a blind downtown “ Elect as ypur Congressman Her­ man of th) building committee The polls will be open from 6 local residents. man, P. Kopplemann, Democratic opened in the crater and lava began Our Topcoats Company office here, was given a corner. Lena Dl Giola, 16, is in the flowing towards the village of Nun- burned the notes Individually banquet by his associates and those a. m. to 6 p. m. Rev. Stuart J. Neil, rector of St. same hospital in less serious condi­ representative, to represent you at Mary’s Episcopal church, officl.-ited lYashington.” iata at the rate of six nilles per as they were handed to under him Thursday night In tion. Both drivers were arrested for hour. The population fled. him by Harold C. Alvord Barre, Vermont. The occasion was at the house, church and the grave. reckless driving and then put under of the ’Trust Company. With the Mr. Newman’s first anniversary as There was a large number of auto bail to await the outcome of Inju And Overcoats notes burned the hostesses formed manager of the Barre office. Mr. GAMBLER, DYING, mobiles in the funeVal cortege. The ries to the victims. Both cars were a huge circle around the congrega­ Newman, who was captain of Com­ bearers were- Georga England, j wrecked. tion and all joined in singing “ Bless pany G when here, was presented are made to give service. Be the Tie That Binds.” with a smoking cabinet and Mrs. ' REFUSES TO TALK- The physical possession of the Newman was jgiven a bouquet of ?S****3aW30aS98SSS£36X363SSli»SSW6ot*9«SSS«KSS8SSSS^^ TOMORROW (Continued from Page 1.) notes to be burned was made pos­ yellow and white chrysanthemums. — and— sible whmi Lawrence W. Case went STATE ouRsorrs to the Manchester Trust Company The Bon Ami factory was closed her husband, although they were WEDNESDAY and personally uhderwrote the debt all day today out of respect to the not divorced. A few hours later sbe South Manchester that remained on the church. He memory of W. H. Childs, whose appeared at the hospital, accompan­ NOTICE! too, are of the finest fabrics had faith that the friends of the funeral took place today in Green­ ied by three men. church would contribute the neces­ wich. The factory will not re­ Later Mrs. Rothstein urged her husband to reveal who shot him. On and after Noyember 5th, 1928 no more Man­ and values are not to be excell­ sary $15,000. open tomorrow morning until 8 , o’clock to allow the employees an “ No, dear," he gasped weakly, 1 chester Electric Company accounts will be collected ed at our prices. Berhaps of equal importance t.) “ you know I ca^'t.” the clearing of the debt was n">. opportunity to vote early. by Cheney Brothers. .,4 ■ ___ __ Robbery was eliminated as a mo­ ilch was made to tive when $9,000 in currency ■was L1.C ______Bgation yesterday The Men’s society of the Swedish All charges for electric current furnished by the Lutheran church will meet Friday found on Rothsteln’s person. All of morning in a most casual manner. the money was In crisp, new bills. In the church calendar for the yes­ evening when the speaker will be 2 Manchester Electric Company must be paid at Judge C. P. Anderson of Middle- Rothstelnis wallet contained $6.7 terday services appeared this item: 500, and the remainder was cai*- either the “ On October 30th in honor of the town. Music and other entertain­ ment numbers will be on the,pro­ ried loosely in his> pockets. 88th birday of Albert Willard Case The elimination of a robbery as Manchester Electric Company’s office* 773 Main St, a Memorial Trust Fund of Ten gram and the members are urged rWUMCiBEEHy Underwear, Sweaters to reserve this date. a motive led police to believe that or Murphy’s Drug Store,, D e ^ Square. Thousand Dollars was established the gambler was shot because of a with the Hartford-Counecticut grudge, All Manchester Electric Company charge for mer­ Hosiery, Gloves Trust Company, the income to be William R. Campbell of North ...... w; School street. Democratic nominee Rothstein was shot because^ of his chandise must be paid at their office^ 773 Main St. used for the benefit of this church ” inability or unilvlllingness to meet 3 i: ADDED FEATURE The item was referred to by Rev. R. for constable, has qualified and fur­ nished the required bond. a note which he gave for a $250,-. AU charges for electric current furnished by Bolton A. Colpitts in an indirect manner. It 000 debt, according to a police the­ REED HOWES was lear.ned that the fund was con­ ory. / - ~ 4 Electric Company must be paid at the Manchester tributed by members of the Case The next setback party in the se­ . The suitcase given away at ries now running at the Highland When Rothstein was placed on family and they desired as little the operating table he wae attend­ Electric (Company’s Office, 773 Main S t “FASHION the State tomorrow night fur- Park Community club will be post­ publicity as possible about the gift. poned from tomorrow evening to ed by two physicians, brothers. They were Dr. E. L. Kellogg and We will continue to collect water rent charges made MADNESS” hished by us. Tuesday evening the 13th of No­ GRID STAR SENTENCED vember. Dr. Wm. Kellogg. by the South Manchester Water Company. We will __Vv ' ^ \ Worcester, Mass., Nov. 5.— Saxby .-.v.-.v.a I f also coniutue to collect "miscellaneous supply charges Tilson, of Fall River, former The W. C. T. U. will hold a meet­ Princeton gridiron star, and Dr. ing tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 at LINDY BACK IN U. S. made by Cheney Brothers. John J. Donoghue today were sen­ Center Congregational church. An tenced to from five to ten years in election day prayer service will be Fort Worth, Texas, Nov. 5.— ELECTION RETURNS TONIGHT state prison on charges in connec­ followed by reports from the state Colonel Charles A> Lindbergh took BY RADIO tion with the alleged illegal surgery CLARA BOW < i convention. off from the Municipal Airport TOMORROW , . Geo. H. Williams resulting in the death last May of here at 7:20 a. m., today for S,t. "THE FLEET’S ^^ Miss Theresa H. Callqhan, public The Manchester Electric Co. Incorporated TREASURY BALANCE Louis. He was flying a Travelair stenographer. A stay of execution ■Washington, Nov. 6.— ^Treasury monoplane loaned him by W. b . iJohnson Block So. Manchester was filed. i balance Nov. 3: $202,110,665.03. Dunnin, jr., a local oil man. / f HURT IN AUTO CRASH field,' drove his machine through^ TALKS TO MEtrS HAGUE the rear .of a car. drfven by Mrs... FATE OF CHORAL Milford, Conn., No/. 5 — Mrf.. Litman’s son..John, a sailor attach* Mary Litman, of Revere, Mass.,-is ed to the Boaton Navy Yary. Gotta, ON ANTI-TRUST LAWS In serious condition, at Milford hos­ was arrested*'^on charges alleging, CLUB IN BALANCE pital today as the result of a col-; recklesa driving and driving while! llslon in which Paul Gotta, of. Pair- intoxicated Charles Cheney Lauds Princi- ^ m . 1 pie of Sherman Act—Sees Members Meet Tomght to Need of Elasticity. Speaking before the Men’s Decide on Discontinuance League of the Center Congregation­ al church yesterday, Charles Cheney gave an Illuminating talk or a New Start. , on “ Are Anti-Trust Lays Obsolete." Mr. Cheney had only good words to say for the, principles underlying Manchester Is threatened with the Sherman Anti-Trust law, which, the loss of its Men’s Choral Club, he said, was framed with the great­ an organization of which it has est wisdom in that it purposely left grown very proud and which hai, many details of Interpretation to CHRISTMAS achieved an enviable reputation in the United States Supreme Court. musical circles throughout the He traced the methods of the old SPECIALS stkte. Somewhat like a bolt from predatory trusts, whose purposas IN the blue comes the announcement were frankly monopolistic and op­ GIFT that a meeting of the club to be pressive, and showed the change It held at the South Methodist church the entire outlook of big busluiess FURINITURE this evening the question of con­ that had been brought about,by the tinuance or immediate abandon­ adoption of the Sherman law. ment of the organization will be de­ At the same time he pointed out cided. that, under the amendatory legis­ NOON It has been known for a long lation and court interpretation, time that a good many members of many practices, which had been in­ the Choral club have felt that the juriously engaged in under the old close application, many rehearsals regime, had become permlssable and seriously hard work required when undertaken In a spirit of pub­ of them for the giving of two con­ lic adva.ntage. He cited , in this certs a year was not compensated connection the "unscrambling” of railroad and transportation com­ GIFT ITEMS by the results attained. \Vorks Two Ways bines which were undertaken for The policy of engaging high pric­ the purpose of stifling competition, ed musical stars for the club’s con­ and now the proposed merging of the railroads into a few great OF UNUSUAL MERIT TOMORROW! certs, while doubtless of keen sat­ “ X . • isfaction to the mufeic lovers of the groups in the Interest of the econ- community, has operated in two mic service of the nation. ON SALE THIS WEEK ways to dampen the ardor of the Mr. Cheney pointed out the need singers— it has rather subordinated of further amendatory action or the work of the club Itself, so far as court rulings, under the Sherman the concert programs are concern­ .law to make possible certain ed, and it has cost a great deal of economic measures of co-operatior. Rdieve congestion— avoid money. among the industries, always in It is understood that last year’s keeping with the spirit of the orig' concerts, while admirable as musi­ nal anti-trust law. More elasticity in cal offerings and attracting large the operation of the law was badly audiences, resulted In a financial needed in the texlle Indusries, he deficit which the members of the said, to permit agreement on the confusion at the polls regulation of competitive measures club had to make up. This they feel * to be rather much, in view of the which were against the public in­ fact that they had already paid terest— such, for example,' as the their membership dues and given overweighting of drapery silks. up 26 evenings to rehearsals dur­ He illustrated this point by ing the year. showing how the automobile indus­ try, through special interpretation, Members of the club say that the of the law, had been enabled to the other fellow a chance by organization could probably be con­ agree on the universal sharing rf tinued if they were assured that its 1 • ' patent rights— which did not lessen concerts would receive support on the competitive business but which their merits without the expendi­ did not have the effect of bringing ture of large sums of money on ex­ about a condition where there is no pensive out-of-town talent, ..nd if such thing as a poor automobile. A Beautiful your utmost to vote In turn the club could give two cr three concerts outside of Manches­ ter. It is understood that the meet­ S. A. BANDS ACTIVE ing tonight is pretty likely to settle SPINET DESK the fate of the Choral Club one ON ARMISTICE DAY way or the other. In Solid Mahogany or Walnut ybti catt if you want to! The Manchester Salvation Army Band and the Cadet Band from the ABOUT TOWN Salvation Army Training College in New York, which is coming to Manchester Camp No. 2640, $22 Manchester to unite with the Man­ Royal Neighbors, will meet tomor­ chester band In the Armistice Day e s , she would more than adore a desk of such beautiful row evening In Odd Fellows* ban- parade, will have a full schedule for proportions as the one illustrated above, and yet it costa qU-st hall. A report will be made this) week-end. Y very little. Furnished In either solid mahogany or solid a. m. to p. m, on the progress of the Hope chest The Cadet Band, on Sunday walnut. A very attractive design with most graceful propor­ which the Neighbors are to fill morning, will go to the Army and tions combining both beauty and usefulness. Here, Indeed, la en 6 again this fall. 6 Navy Club where at 10:80 o’clock an unusual value in this popular gilt Item. See It now! it will escort a delegation of Dll- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mathlason worth-Cornell Post of the American of Stonington, with the latter’s Legion to the South Methodist brother, Claire Oakes, of Rangeley, church, where a memorial service Maine, were week-end guests of will be held. The band will render Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Walton of -f* - 'it'' f , V 4 ' "> several selections during the serv­ ’ S ' t - M l , < : Strong street. ice. The Manchester Salvation Army Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson I' v l Band will play at the Army services SI H ^ of Clinton street had as their week­ at the Citadel, led by Adjutant Jos­ end guest their niece, Mrs. Vera eph Heard, assisted by officers from Thornqulst, of the Bronx, New ‘ .’ 4' !■ THE TOP the* Training College, . York. • f’ •t'; S.!y,,1 „ -vt V,;. , On Nov. 12, the Day of the Arm­ ' ' 's -iK ' « 'V. istice Day celebration in Manches­ • ^ f- - I f Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong ter the Cadet ban ■’m ill go to Rock­ who recently moved to 29 Norman ville at 9:30. a .m. to participate in street were tendered a surprise the Armlstlr Day parade there, re­ < 'U , housewarming , party Saturday turning ti'. the parade here. night. About 15 of their relatives The ’ .anchester Salvation ^rmy and friends were present and Band will escort the delegation of brought with them a ' andsome lace Dilworth-Cornell Post on Monday and linen buffet set with table run­ morning from the Army and Navy ner to match and a purse of money. FOR HOOVER Club to Manchester Memorial Hos­ Refreshments and a social evening pital where trees in honor of those ^followed. who lost their lives in the World War will be rededlcated. After this Loyal Circle, King’s Daughters service the band will unite with the members are reminded that the reg­ Cadet Band for the big parade. ular meeting will be held at Center church this, evening, instead of wishing transportation to Monday of next week which will be Armistice day. CENTER CHURCH WOMEN The Girl Reserves of the Center PLANNING A BAZAAR Congregational church will meet In the polls call the following the intermediate room tonight at 7 o’clock. Working Faithfully Each Thursday Afternoon on The King’s Daughters will hold their monthly meeting In the pri­ Plans—Will Represent Es­ A Distinctive mary room of the Center Congre­ kimo Land. ’ numbers for a car gational church tonight at 7:45. ■ ■; . t At their Thursday afternoon so­ The Troubadors, under the lead­ cial meetings Center church women ership of Robert Joyner, will re­ are working with great concentra­ GOV. WINTHROP REPUBLICAN HEADQUARTERS hearse this evening at 7:30. tion on preparations for the an­ • > nual bazaar which is to be held on King’s Daughters will hold a November 15. Supplies of aprous, TELEPHONES: 2800, 2801, 2802, 2803 rummage sale on Thursday from 10 children’s dresses, fancy work and DESK a. m. till 10 p. m. and on Friday handmade domestic articles of all \ from 10 a. m. till noon. The com­ kinds are fast accumulating and PRIVATE TELEPHONES: mittee in charge consists of Mrs. other plans for the sale and supper In Combination Red or Brown William Kean and Mrs. James B. are assuming definite form. The Johnston. setting is Intended to represent , Mahogany Esklmoland and the decorations of MR& E. L. NETTLETON ...... !...... 16-14 C. Elmore Watkins and Herbert the hall will alone be worth going W. Swanson of Watkins ' Brothers to the church to see, Mr. and Mrs. are In New York today on a busl- Bert F. Andrews are planning ef-. MISS PAULINE BEERE ...... 1052-2 ness trip. fects' that will equal the work of. professionals In beauty and orlgl* The Howitzer Co., will drill to­ nallty. Silver and crystal and the' Misd EVA JOHNSON / ...... x...... 742-3 morrow night at 7:30. Pay checks dead white of snowy icebergs will F all desks none Is quite as desirable as the well known for the New Britain trip of Sept. be used to bring about a scene o f Governor W nthrop, distinguished by its serpentine drawer 22 will be distributed. ‘ startling beauty. The theme will be O fronts, cabriole legs with claw feet and plain desk fall. MISS M A R Y M cGUlRE ...... 268-3 carried out In the decoration of- We have been fortunate in securing an authentic reproduction The Hi-Y club will hold its first the booths and in the entertain­ of thia famous pattern to retail at so raaaonable a price. Exact- meeting of the. year at 7:30 Thurs­ ment of,the evening. ly as illustrated In either combination'ted;or brown mahogany. MRS.Ia m b s M.SHEARER...... 1655 day night. Charles Huber will speak Besides the hilarious dramatic A large massive desk' that will provide ample space for storage on Shanghai. production that is being .prepared and writing and yet add an air of-distinction'to any room,’ by players from the Men’s League, ( ' , ' ' ’ ' ^ ■ i MiRS. R. J. SMITH ...... ^...... 750-3 movies and side shows will he A Complete Display of Desks of All Types. Rt Our HOSPITAL NOTES shown in other rooms during the •y evening. One of these is of especial Uptown Branch. MISS H AZEL T R O T T E R ...... ______.....„ 535 interest and importance. John Patients reported discharged to­ Reinartz will exhibit and explain day at Memorial hospital were Mrs. his remarkable collection of Polar . • -• 'u ■ . ■ ; / - ■ \ . John Yurgell and infant son of weapons, clothing and domestic Blickland, Carl Manasso of Bolton, utensils. Few communities have Thomas Wallett of 24 Stone street, the opportunity to hear first hand william Maloney of 21 West street, from one of their own citizens the G. E. Keith Fimiiture Co., b e Mi'S. Emma Russell of Burnside and story of an actual expedition to SOUTH MANCHESTER ; V Mrs. Ida Risley of Highland Park. the Polar regions and few mu­ There were no admissions, deaths seums can show a more unique and *AAAAAAAAAAAA^^^ iA/W W S'^ - * hof births reported.• valuable Polar exhibit than this •MAIN (STORE •I : . UPTOWNUPTOW BRANCH \ of Mr. Reinartz. Everyone In Man­ OPP. HIGH l?CHO0H -m a in :^t , / I Quden Marie of Rumania was chester should avail himself of this reported 111 with influenza the opportunity of seeing this remark­ Otiiqr day. Gosh, maybe it’s com­ able collection and of hearing Mr. ing bAck In style. Reinartz tell about it. • w " «- PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER (CONN.) EVENING HERALD,. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5,1928

of the tariff they pretend to be in even took a few pennies off the mm agreement when they are in serious price. I disagreement. And now, when the fate of the The SttrattiQ Brralii The Connecticut voter is ex­ anthracite Easiness hangs in the puBLisnao BZ tremely well advised who ^ e s to balance,, when still other thousands REPUBLICAN THD HDRALO PRINTING Ctt the polls tomorrow and, instead of of citizens in these northeftsteru ‘‘The success of a Founded by DlwOod & BIa. voting for some chimerical, Imagi­ statea are speculating on the mer­ OoC U 1881 cooking -school depends native, fabricated Issue which will its or demdrite.ot oil heating, the Ticket EveiT Bvenlnc Bxeent Snodsya and operators see fit' to once more on the range used more Holidays never get as far as the legislative Presidential Election, Entered at the Post Office at Man- chambers, votes fdr h(s brea^, and boost prices. Six months from now Nov. 6, 1928 than on any other one obester at> Second Class Mali Matter. they will have spent all the excess SUHSCUlPi'lON KATES: By Mall butter— for a party and a candi­ Polls, Municipal Building thing.. that’s why I al­ six dollars, a year, sixty cents s date whom he knows will safe­ charge' and more, no doubt, in the Honrs: 6 a. m.'to 6 p. m. nlont,b tor sborter^perloda guard his job and bis wage scalh. mailing of hundreds of thousands ways use a Chambers By carrier, elffbteen cents a week; Sinsla conies three cents. of circulars trying to re-convert to Eange.” SPECIAL AUVERTTSINO REPRE­ JAM AT POLLS the use of coal the thousands of President SENTATIVE. HanalltonrUa Usset. Manchester faces the problem of former ookl-users they have driven Herbert Hoover, California. Inc.. ISS'Madlson Avsniie. New York Vice-President MARY ANN STUART; and 618 North Ulohlxan Avenue registering nine thousand votes in to the use of fuel oil. I Chtcako. Nobody can account for the Charles Curtis, Kansas. The Manchester Bvenlna Herald la twelve hours on eight voting ma­ Presidential Electors on sale In New York City at Schnlts's chines tomorrow. It is a task wlrti- methods of the coal mine opera­ Helen Hartley Jenkins, Norfolk. News Stand. Sixth Avenue and 4ln

>' 1 ' -’ t : \ r ' ‘r ‘ '-‘r ) ^ : ' ^ ' r '- -. ■. ; . . , , . , . ..■ .>h ‘ -'•. ■ - ■■•Vv r '.—v»gy.' , ... plstt^ed firilty fo rbiwtiog without THE ANSWER J. . a license and waa Qped one dollar HEBROH and costs. Mr. Bitls’ plea' was not XACXS Here is the answer to the Letter CONFlURiSITlAt guilty to sboQting a rabbit whlcn . LOAN SKKVICE he bad in his ppssasMon.. Bis; claim puzzle on the comics page: The Youn«. Women’s Gl^b' hdld' A son was born to Mr., and , HIDE, SIDE, SITE, SITS. SETS, Can be -a'eciired chr .uyh' i.he.' Ideal - their auction rummage sale "at the. J. Kellogg White, OcL 30, qt thb® was th'af while bun^ng birdts the SEES, SEEK. Plan. We make loans un'to $tU0-: dog taught -ithc rabbit. Justice and «tve you twiMiy mobfos t> re?.’ C. of C. Meeting Postponed town hall Thursday afternQO'nViwith ^CCiMMERCB home. Mother and eblid arc dpihi Carlton B. Jones as. auctioneer'. well.-, ..... a , , JoneSi’ f rocji' the, evidence. subniUt ed. pay. VVr orrer-otii elinniele three' . The. meeting of the Rockville found bimyguilty,And imppsed a iii'g thfags:: promptness, privecy Chamber; of Commerce which was to Many useful - and ornamental Dr. George Davis and famRyK^ and courtesy. Our loans art. inade articles >?hre. coirthlbuted' by pepplo^ Wethersfield . were, recent' vlsitbi’a fine nf fivevdoUara and .costs tP for any emeri(;snc.v. be held Tuesday evening has been -58 AinilaReii;;]«02;PHots;>Few Crashes. Wbic)i Mr.: Hillsvtpob an appeaL. HAIUM IS HEMiG postponed until the following Tues­ of the vicinity and quite a'^syin was at Mr. and Mrs. Bart E. Bygll’ll B* Foote . fafnlSb^ed the required IDEAL FINANCING day. It . was felt that many of the netted . The club served’ -.a, Jhoti Thei»;^b -.58 Jii^'neSiTegmi^Cfd tp.:;thiBi State.^; Three of them. Mrs. Buell returned-wlth^ them f # a visit. .' . bond* The case at^qted cPnilderj- ASSOCIATION. I^iG* members would be interested in the lunch. Proceeds will: bn;ufsdl!for; are aea'‘ilIkneB and SS pre lahd^^’P^^^ Thls ls almost twice the aple interest as 'spectators ' were MY VAIIICIISE VEINS es.H Maie^'Ht. Rwoiir 408 election returns. refurnishing the tovfp hall Inteti'ot.' ■j 1 nfilnber o f registered alrcraftB in/the State in 1924. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin I; Hepron, Columbia and Clara Kennedy, 406 'Wee Y 48th St., New Yorl^ Phene 2.^058 ' The committee in charge of ar­ thgt there a re ‘336, vpters npw-qn, Mrs. Gwrge Buell in., Mari borough N. Y. If yon suSer, start nsing RA'PATAI the list. Three other voters whose and with their niece. Miss, Cor|. local. . 'y . . ■ , ' [ tonight. SOc and $1.00 at dmssists. rangements for Armistice Pay wisti- Considerable indignation' is felt es to announce that all societies, rights mature before the national Lord of Washington, D. C., whp. ij election expect to be made before lipjilted^cpmtneroial pU pw^bts/wIip a^e.not perinltted to chrry also a guest at Mr. and 'Mrs; Buell% over the naanner. the "boys’’ -take .to lodges and churches who plan to celebrate now'and' then.'-Hallowe’en take part in the parade on Armis­ election day. They-are Mr. and.- ',i,.PJft8sepgers fbr hire; 42 are for-unlimited commercial pilots, Mr. and Mrs.-. Alfred -H. Post;; Mrs. Robert Owen' and: I^aRoji^Kin-:.' ^I r'.PJlOts who are permlttedyto dperste aircraft’ for any legitimate spent Wednesday with their dani;h| night several Shocks of corn werP tice Day, to notify the secretary of bqrned, in fields owned by R. C. the committee, William Pfun'der. A. ney. ' ’ 1' ^5,'^'’ purpQfie. n^A ® r”Qf ;8tudhnt . pilot licenses issued by the ter, Mrs. Charles -Fish and family The personal tax bills have been departments6 farrtSlB Year. ls 37. ; lii addition to the pilot li- In • Manchester. D Hubbard and Robert Owen. ' A Leroy Martin has agreed to act as horse rake was removed from a marshaii and will be'assisted by sent out by tax-cdnector Edward A; ,, ,cfipi8da^fb^r‘ ‘'par^chPtb:-'.ptld^^^ which permit the holders Mr. and Mrs. Robert Owen ainq Smith. 330 namep b'f Dipse'liable j t o pfle a parachute^pr;'Cogdpi:erqlal- or exhihition. 'puEPdses have Mrs. Ruby Gibson attended the 8hed;.:/#here:itywnB.'stored for the several aides. The mills will all be winter aiid placed' oh top of the closed on Armistice Day and the are,:on' the list. ’ ' • ' , . special'meeting of the State Gnangh Win A Ton of Goal Considerable interest In-^the phil- held in Abbington last week. Tbh Cbureb sheds and other minor of- merchants have been asked to close i ' t -tiln-the pwt five-y'darB upder;stete CPUtrol of aviation, there fehsea.-u :v-; half of the day. tical situation cbntinuea ^tP sixth degree was conferred upop •y*'.ahave been bomparqttyely^-few' aQchJe'nts in- comparison with the a'Class, Mrs. Gibson being a menu- The rummage auction .sale com Meeting of Missionary Society the pupils pf the Center Schdois. In many thousands of fioursCtbSt'pilots‘ and 'planes have spent in the grammar school room -Repiy^' her. . . . duoteji,by the Young Women’s Club The Missionary Society of the the air abbut‘ t'he '^tate.'r vi;Durlng',l924 there were’ four acci­ at.Hebron Thursday was quHe suc­ Union Congregational church will sentative Ames W. Sisson spolte to, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rockwell dents, none BerlbUB.' there were 19'accidents, one of moved this week'to .South Wlnd|> cessful. T h e wbb'e.h served hoi meet Tuesday afternoon at it o'clock the children on Tuesday in'tavpr o f. whleh, reBUlted'in the dehth-'of .an unlicensed pilot.' In 1926 the Democratic candidate, Smlthii bam, where Mp. Rockwell will •, bp dogs,'Coffee 'and bips, etc., soRhey FREE ait the home of Mrs. Charles Mc­ none of the ten accidents was serious. • Last'year an air mail have-a good start toward repairing Lean of Pleasant street. The speak­ Representative Robert E.‘ . Fdpte; employed by the Winchester Mann pilot engaged in inter-state'trevel'and pot' controlled by the factoring Co. They have reglda the Interior of the town hall. er will be Mrs. Frances H. Gates spoke on Friday ip the’ schbol in- ptate Department of Aviation,'attemptirig-to fly through impos­ Just send in or call and leave your guess as to the of Vernon Center. Rev. A. H. Gates the interests of the r.ephbUpan capr’ ! here for several years at the; Hul^- sible weather conditions, was klllisd'. There‘ were- 11 minor bard' farm. They took an active par|t weight of the piece of Old Company’s Lehigh Coal in will furnish the music. Refresh­ didate. Hoover. , On. "niursday :ithe^i aeoidepth in Igg?.. So far-this year there have been 31 acci- ments rwill be served and a social pupils themselves made Speedhes fpr. In the commqnity and we regfet BULL O’ THE WOODS front of our office. deats. alt; bjit three or foyr'of-which wiere classified as minor ac- their going. -j j bout’ enjoyed following the meet­ behalf of their favorite candidates.r r - cidentB.' Ope person was killed as'n, result of an airplane crash ing. Myron Hills. Edward PompppwUhi) Romolo Saglio has. recently ppi^, and an experienced parachute jumpbr making his .169th leap was chased a Majestic Radio and RieW' Bazaar on Wednesday Nancy Kplynik, Edyrard , J^niep,: ’xllled in a ‘‘delayed dpening” jump. . “ "Here, what’s the big idea— Contest Closes Saturday, November 24 The Friendly Class bazaar which Sophie Pom pro wit ii, Nettle -Sh>-rS J. W. Dfceter an'Atwater-^Kent. Othfc chpckln’ the bricks down as fast will be held Wednesday afternoon man, and Leonard Porter represehM er makes are being tried out berej; as i bring 'em up?” If two or more guesses are alike drawing will be held and evening at the Union Congre­ ed the Democratic party, .and Har^ Mr. and Mrs. Wintbrop Porter, and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Foote vlsitj- “ It’s all right—rthe boss keeps to determine winner. gational church is sure to attract old Cummings, Andrew-Ives^iEllePl passin’ underneath.” Hills, Grace Rathbun,,. .:Gl|lfoj;4; ipwing; officers elected for the en­ ed the Montgomery-Ward store- in a large crowd. Everyone is urged to South Manchester Tuesday., ' f patronize the supper which will be Wright. W.inthrop Hildlng. CamV "Oh, yes, accidents will’ happen, suing year: Master, Samuel John- The officers of the Grange held won’ t they?” r—Bulletin, Sydney. served from 5 to 8 o'clock. The paign songs, the words;of ’ which; spn;: 'qvers,eer, Arthur Bushpell; Were written by the. pupils, were rehearsal, preparatory fo conferring menu is as follows: Frankfurts, .lectprer, Ira 'Wilcpx: stew.ard, the first and second degrees op rolls, cold roast ham, baked beans, sung. ‘ ; . , I p , 'Ah alarm from the fire gong wa? C.baries'Gupther:; assistant steward, class next Tuesday evening, at Mr;! G. E. WILLIS & SON, Inc. escalloped potatoes, maccaroni and Miss Helen Hough was the gudstl HEenry* Hiil: chaplain, Alice Steele': Accounting will help any young for a week of her father.'.GhprleS; Ippridcd at about nbldptght^,ef|peg- and Mrs. A. C. Foote’s, Wednesday cheese, pie, cake,' doughnuts, tea tyeasuret, C. .H,,We3t: secretary, evening. man’ to a better positionEnter, the 2 Main Street Tel. 50 and coffee, and will be served a la Hough, and her sister. Miss-'|iar,-f;. llay night >CainuR atte'niianVtp^rt^^^ fitA day or evening sesaipns at the Con­ ptHhp hpihe of Howard Cra^hirHt Mrs. ^e. H .'West; gale keeper, Benjamin Jones and ClaytonjA'i cafeteria. During the afternoon riet Hough, in Hartford. • Evefptt Robertson; ceres, Frances necticut Business College next waffles, syrup and tea will be on Mr. and Mrs. .Clauda-J.Q pesJ ©font fHU district' nearly 'thtbii Hills were summoned before . J'pir 'Bushnell: pomcna. Lulu Johnson; tice J. Banks Jones at the local haU Mdnday.T-r-Adv. s&Ig* and Mrs. Louise Blume spepti-Tues-: Ifhlles away. A-quick response frhid day in Hartford on .bUBipess.; and; hhe meipbers of the Tolland fire'de- flora, Esther Usher; L. A. S. stew­ Thursday evening on charg^ Unique Gifts On Exhibit ard, Emnia Crandall: member exec- Through the courtesy of George as the'guest of friends.- . ; pa|'tment ware rewarded by keeping brought about by State Game Wai^ P. Wendheiser, there is an exhibit Porter Brothers have moved:their ;Utive;iCommittee, C. H. West. den Edward Wralght. Mr. Jphea from the Brush-and Shuttle Gift saw mill from Chestnut Hill to: Studio of Vernon Center in one of land of the estate of.the IpteGsift?®! T the windows of the Wendheiser Mu­ F. Mitchell, on Godfrey^;jfUl,j'_n§!wi *|he air from the kitchen, was'the sic Shop. This will give an oppor­ owned by Fred -Bauipbergen'^': : '■ iess''^di^ ... tunity to everyone to see a new Wednesday evening, IIbllo''y®’e° qajnsed, Albert Schaeffer, I. IHldfen iniOYEE OF M . line of Christmas gifts. The exhi­ night, brought put bands' o f mask­ Jewett aqd - Edshh Adarag were f^rat bit will continue through Tuesday. ed and costumed children who Kn the scene to render asatstahie. \ Wheel Club Anniversary. _ prowled about the streets ipdulginig %: small inaurahee was bn the The Wheel Club celebrated its In harmless pranks,, and making a 'house. matter who wins first anniversary Saturday evening good deal of noise,; They yaUed at .‘Miss Bernice Hall Librarian at in their rooms in the Wendheiser several of the houses 'abbUt the ■tbie Sprlngfield'Puhlic Llbrarv at- ■ building. John Reid, president of green and everybody enjoyed the 'tended the . MasEaebusetts., State the club, presided. Rev. M. E. Os­ fun.' ' " * " 'i^lbrary. Association-meetlug'hbld at borne, pastor of the Methodist Edward A. Smith has rfip’sbed ^inherst Friday evening aqd, also church and Rev. Francis E. Hin- the work of enumeration of schools Sgpbnt t’aa week-end with frleb'ds ia chey, curate of St. Bernard's church of the town, with the resplt that ^puth Amherst Mass. Sfr. C. L. Brielman, of 193 Bunker Ave., Meriden, Conn., Is ^ .1.1 gave very interesting addresses. there appearY46 namas, of'nhjldren The ail 4by*:aet7io,g meeting? of Strong Believer in ERBJUS and States Why. There \yere about fifty present. Vo­ h-^tween the ages'of four and:'8iX- ^he Union ^Missionary, Society? met cal selections were given by Wilfred teen. of these 86 belong in thp Thursday at the ' home of Miss Mr. Brielman who is well knbwn in Meriden and elsewhere In th^ St.. Louis and Edmund Smith. The center district. jEdraee Pratat, A large attendance State 1$ glad to place his testiniony before the pqblic. He says: 1 banquet* committee consisted of Mrs. Edwin T. Smith is slpwly ;^f; the ; members and?;gdeiBtaV; ^gre iV. VFof a; greatimapy years I have suffered‘torments from ipdigestloni the election, Soeony Clayton George, Wilfred St. Louis recovering from her trouble caused •Present and much work; ^kvfinish- My food, would sour and ferment and the gas would rise and theh m;^ and Edmund Smith. ' by an infection of the foot. She is .Ad th be sent tp needy ’''nilsaibri; tcpuble would begin. I have had this trouble so long that I began'*;tp l^obabillty of New Industry not able to. pitt-up ajl ^ay> ppd can ■Iphools. ■ ■' loaeibqth weight and strength and oegan to worry about my condition,. Tbe probability of a new industry walk around only with difficulty: > Kdspn.AfiamP-hf Mas$acbqgctJts;is; |;I ;Wa3 get-tipg,discouraged because I had tried so .many'different ways to ’ coming to this cjty is creating quite The Young Wo'mCn's: Club netted % guest of his^lster Mr6^.;T Tii4en get weir,.but was always doomed to disappointment. T decided to givi, a little comment among the mer­ over gSft in the salt held on Thuris^ '|ewatt?‘imd‘tMr.. Jeweti:;: igRBJUR a gQOd'.trial and did so. ' chants as it would employ about 100 day. All their arflclps auctippisd A special‘ haeetihg of tb^b;:Tbliand ^ I ..have•'taken 5^ bottles of ERBJUS and here are the results—r-My? han^s and . would manufacture a off were sold ■ahd j their hotj Uipcli ;G^nge 3^6'. 5 7; R. of H.'' 'i^as;;'bBlid, . ipedium grade of silk cloth. Offi­ .di^cstfpn is fine ancl l do not have gas attacks and constipation does uot disappeared to the last atbm.j. ;• -yt^eday ^evening last. After \the .lather me at all. I have gained weight and lots of strength and. ai^ ■ cials of the silk company which is A • prominent woman' of the tbWn regular" byslhesp,' therelectipn bt^of- InimenBely pleased with ERBJUSs^’ , ' ' ' ' ' now in business in another state, narrowly escaped being run dpvn Bdiers^foilowed'with the -following For sale at Packard’s Drug Store and all leading drug stores. are expefcted to visit town this week by' an automobile Wednesday even­ to check up on the census of un­ ing just north of Hebrpp’ Greep, continue to employed. This census will, be tak- when she was returning fcoin' a en.this Monday. Tuesday and Wed­ neighbor’s home. She was'cross­ nesday at the office of the Rock- ing the street to'go'to'-her hotpe vllle-Willimantic Lighting Co.- when a car approachihif ‘at top General Kitchener Lodge Celebrates speed missed her by a'’ ’ hfalr’s General Kitchener Lodge, Sons breadth. As she scrambled but of of St. George, observed its Thirtieth the way the driver bec'anae con­ Anniversary on'Saturday evening in fused and swung his car.^'arbund Red Men’s Hall with about 400 In towards' her, running up' a bank attendance. Ernest Boothroyd, vice 'near H. C. Porter’s placp. He raan-r president, was master of ceremon­ aged to stop his cat? -vftthQUt' dam­ ies, The entertainment consisted of age to It, and seemed-greatly re­ four numbers from out of town. lieved to find that tiie pedestrian have the most votes 1 • Notes was not hurt. He • was drivlnjg. tp Mrs. George Dickinson of Talcot.t Middletown. Tbismart o f the town avenue entertained a few friends at Is considered very dangerqpsi and bridge on Saturday evening. it is feared that accidents may'oc­ Miss Julia Peacock of Forestville cur. as motorists almost babitualiy spent the ,week-end with Miss Bes­ speed through the green. The towrt sie Durfee of Park street, has voted to place an arc light at Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blake of this point which may help some­ Orchard street spent Sunday in what in the evenipg. . Providence, guests of Mr, and Mrs. Mrs. Frederick Wyman enter? John Blake. tained the women’s btldge club at Mrs. Marlon Greenwood of Grove her home Wednesday pvenlng^ in New York and street spent the week-end in New Mrs. Annet C, Gilbert and Miss York city. Ben L{sk, Mrs. Sarah Wilson of Susan B. Pendleton motore'l to Bridgeport on Friday, brlp'^ing, this city and Mr. and Mrs. John Miss Helen Gilbert to her home for Wilson of Broad Brook motored to the week-end. ‘ ' Enfield. Mass., on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick N. Beld- ing who has been on an European four for the past six weeks have re­ turned to their home on Talcott avenue. Louis Flechsig of Paterson, N. J., spent the week-end in town vis­ iting friends and relatives. Emil Marti of Hartford spent the week-end at his home on Orchard street. Frank Condon, local Y. M. C. A. secretary, who has been critically ill at the Hartford Hospital is re­ : i ported as somewhat improved. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Harbour of ■V make 0 select tonight. . . Crosley, Atwater- Benni-ngton, yt., are the guests of Qi^?3e or Amrad . . we’ll deliver it Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuhriiy of Tal­ cott avenue. ■ . l^ t minute rush for radio Do Ton this special service for

Quinn’s Drug Store REO.U.S.PAT.OFr. dlOd'Ldiii;'.: •V -4.’ mayberepaid$Smondilj^; plus lawful interest (H READY FOR $dOO L oan ' SPECIAL GASOLINE may be repaid $i0 month* r C o i ^ p l e t ^ Complete ly, plus Uiijvful interest ■‘‘i *.?y ' C0I9 WEATHER $300 Loan; Alcohol for the mayberepaid$15monA* :< AND MOTOR OIL ly plus lawful interest S ^imtIVERm)'TQNIGHT' Radiator / Every p«9Vcnt.redq8< t / « the i&t^est cost. , 'i'tj ,. ( ' ‘y.. ' Wholesale and Retail ’ V. PERSONAI4 FINANCE ' Ontfog election returns on Tuesday night listen to Soconyland COMVANV ;; B r o t h e r s , i n c . Sketelies over the National Broadcasting Company cJiaim Rooms; a Md^a. diato Thimtir CHAP'*'’ RRS RANGES; “V ■{ CAMPBELL’S llulldiiitt, 7aa Main tHrpetv- i::*-;: y / : - - so, MAAi'HJIKlTUif. OONN, FILLING STATION •OiMi.’AVritg dr-inimiia Open 8:80. cd 5. 8:8p/ip'li ■v.i' s t a n d a r d iO I L c o m p a n y o f n e w Y O R K Cor. Main St. and Middle Tpk. Licensed by Stia^. t ; ;^'bi%ifed::t0;;pui^^^^ "iWry-,**' ^ Phonel551 Rr?T-:Tr 'V,-. t' W ' - y -A' .V6'>s '^1 y M - . . - p i ■f ■iU. PAGE SIX ; JtANCHES'fER (CONN.) EVENI.'IG UEJIALD. MONDAY, NQyEMBEB^S, 1928. III If -ri'Ifi'n I II bis brother’s best man. The ushers GCJliiss again HUMAN NATURE IS WAPPING were Herbert J. Wlckbapi, blather ZEP ON TRIAL TRIP, DAILY RADIO PROGRAM of the bride, ehd Dwight L. Wick- Wife On 'relephoiie ’ (dlsgui^n^ hanf, constn of the bride. The house her voice): Guess who this Ib?1 OPEN TO TRA53PS v/usipretUly decorated with laurel nJESO M BERLIN Monday, November 5. 11:00—Amos 'n' Andy; orchestra. Leadingr'DX Stations: Husband: It’s—-um— B-.inai^’ 11:30— Heermann Instrumental trio. ■The Hallowe’ en Sunday school and ; chrysanthemums' by Willis Wife (furiouslyii BUca i-'l tr. Herbert Hoover and Alfred E. Smith 399.8— WTAM, CLEVELAND—750. 475.9—WiSB, AT LA NT A—630. social, which was held in the Pazish ilodge of Glastonbury,-uncle of the will make their final plea to the vot­ 9:30—W EAF family party. Begging Reveals Hidden Trails Husband (disguising bis voiee>: 9:00—Talk by Herbert Hoover, House on last Friday evening, was brlfie. The ceremony was perform- ers of America through a nation-wide 10:30—Studio recital. 10:00-^Talk by Alfred E, Smith.* In New Wallace Beery Film. Berlin, Nov. 6.— The trail-blazing Guess who thi. is?— Tit Bits. , ' hook-up of stations headed by WJZ 12:3(1—Dance program. 11:45—Brown’s Orcbestia, - i certainly a great success. So' many TSd ill ifro'nl b .‘a bank of laurel and German super dirigible Graf Zep­ at U and 10 o'clock respectively on 440.9— WeX-WJR. DETROIT—«80 526-KYW; CH1CAQO-r67a I or both old and young, came, in cps- -wliilo ebrys.^nthemums and arch of Monday night The Republican pres­ 7:30—Roxy with WJZ. pelin received a rousing welcome 7:36—^WJZ programs- (1% hra.) . Tramps know more about humhn tunie, there-were between 60 and the tame. The (linlhg room was VERY CONVENIENT idential candidate will speak from his 8:30—Lthgemen minstrels. nature than any other group of hoipe today when It soared over this own home in Palo Alto, California, and 9:00—Talk by Herbert Hoover. 9:00—Talk by Herbert Hoover. • 7x0 present. The prizes wmre offereu (lecorated -with: 'pink . chrysanthe­ 10:00—Talk by A-lfred ,E. Smith, people acpordlng to»Jim Tully, who ae who was dressed the mums. Among the, ':guest8 were Wife: Gracious,.Hurbenj Sliali. I his native Knst Side. George Ceba- 635.4— WTIC, HARTFORD—560 11:00—^Male quarteL play.. rose from boboland a few years S. T .) after a stormy voyage from novsky, grand opera baritone, and a 6:30— Bond instrumental trio. 36S.6-WEBH.WJJD, CHICAGO—820, most baffling, which went to Miss thieve groups of four generations. Its hangar at Priedrlohshafen. call a plumber? symphony concert under the direction 7:30—W E A F Savings Bank hour. ago to become Amerlca's‘'most. wide­ Lois Foster. The Misses Irene and After tho reception, Mr. and Mrs. 8:30— EdgeWater orchestra, trio. ■ ly read author of stories of tramp The dirigible had left Frledlch- Hubby (catching drops 6i . fluid of Adrian Schubert will present a pro­ 8:00—Republican campaign talk. 9:00—Moosebeart hour; 'abngs. Eunice Skinnt^ of Pleasant Valley Locke left for a sh<*rt wedding trip from ceiling I: Not op your life. gram of the best known and most 8:30—WEAF programs (1% hrs.) 11:06—jDrehestra^; mystery three. life. . shafen at 2:15 a. m. (8:15 p. m., popular of the classics through W H A F 10:30— Bond danco orchestra. dressed as a colored' bride and lo Canad.a and New Hampshire. On B. S. T,). The ship did hot go di­ That bopdegger upstair ■dimply had 422.3—WOR, N E W A R K —710. 416.4— WGN-WLIB, CHICAGO—720. “ Hobos are primitive and there­ and associated stations at 9:30. Among fore more intuitive th ^ subtle,” groom were the most ridiculous. theil’ return, they will reside in rectly north but detoured toi-r the an accident in .his. Htoreroojtt,T— the selections to be heard are "Tore­ 7:00—Levltow’s orchestra; lieders. 9::k>—WIOAF artists party. The most original was the “ old Manchester. Mr. Locks was-formCT- Judge, ador Song," “Hymn to the Evening 8:00—Courier's concert hour. 10:30— Violinist, hungry five. . declares the famous writer. “ it west to avoid terrific storms direct­ Star.” “Danse Macabre." "Festival at 8:30— United Choral Singers. 11:30—Baritone, .orchestra; dreams. would no doubt have shocked many town pump” which was carried out ly from this town and is well ly south of this city and north of Bagdad," “Cuban Serenade" and 9:00— Lowney concert of old time 12:15—Coon Sanders nighthawks. to perfection by Waltei;’ N. Foster, known here. Sumatra, in ; the East Indian "Klde of the Valkyries.” Smiling Ed songs. a leader of Industry had he known Friedrichs hafen, , “ ' Lowry, singer and comedian, will be 9:30—W arner hour with Smit­ 344.6— W L S , CHICAGO—870. that I, a young beggar on the and little Miss Betty Joyce (3 years • After circling above the gaily Archipelago, has the greatest.^vari­ thro guest artist of the Jubilee hour ing Ed Lowry, comedian. 8:35—Tenor; water witches. old) as the mpst beautiful., Refresh­ KNOWS HIS MOTHl^R ety of animal and vegetable JlfofUf 9:30—Musical program. street, could read his face whether decorated city, while thousandi« through W OR and Columbia stations 10:30—Captivators concert hour. ments were served and games play­ Visitor: If 1 took o n e ^ those any place In the world. at 9:30. The program will consist of 11:1)5-Henderson’s dance orchestra. 10:00—Uevue; hippodrome. he would give me a quarter. (peered from roof-tops, the Zeppe- a number of wise-cracks and popular 11:30—The Witching hour, 447.5— WMAQ.WQJ, CHICAGO—670. “ I did this as a gamble once with ed, and all left for their homes supples and you took, t w ^ what; ttn. escorted by a squadron of air­ songs, including his own comi^sition 333.1— WBZ. NEW ENGLAND—900. 9:00— W O R programs (2 hrs.) ■ another young panhandler. He feeling that they had enjoyed a fine would be left? ’ 4 planes, headed for the Staaken Air- "M.V Arras Ate Open." The support­ 7:00— Lowe’s dance orchestra. lltlS—Concert orchestra, pianist . evening. Jimmy (eyein g'tie disb)'V Three ing cast will bo of musical comedy 7:80—WJZ programs (1% hrs.) 11:50—Artist; dance music. would pick out a victim fifty feet ^eld where It was anchored to a away. As he walked toward me I apples and a spanking.— Passing, proportions and will Include a popular 9:00—Talk by Herbert Hoover. 499.7— WF A A , D A LLA S—600. ' Mrs. May (Foster) Barker, with ipporing-mast at 9:45 a. m. (3:45 Dhe Sanitfar vEn^inecr orchestra, vocal and Instrumental so­ 10:00—Talk by Alfred E. Smith. 9:00—Cline’s dance orchestra. . would read kindness or meanness in her mother, Mrs, Mary Foster, of Show. ' , a.im., E. S. T.) loists and a male quartet. Harold C, 491.5— WEAF, NEW YORK—610. 11(;00—Belcanto quartet. his face. I failed once out of eleven Wright, youthful artist and ohe of the 7:00— Savings Bank hour. Westfield, N. J., came last Wednes­ i i ______most recent recruits of Roxy’s Gang, 7:20—Talk. "World Today.” 374.8— w o e , D A V E N PO R T—600. • times and the man who refused me 8:30—W EAF programs (2% hrs;) day to the home of her brother, WHAT IS voui^ will be heard in several baritone solos 7:45—Physical cultural prince. had just finished arguing with a WaiRer I^. Foster to spend a week. during the conosrt to go on the air 8:00—The choristers program. 325.9— KOA, D E N V E R —920. taxi driver.” 10:00—Orchestra, male quarteL They all motored to Wethersfield h e a l t h w o r t h over the W JZ chain at 7:30. Other vo­ 8:30—Gypsies dance orchestra. In “ Beggars of Life,” Mr.. Tully calists will be presented during the 9:30— General Motors’ hout* featuring 11:00—Opera, “Chimes of Normandy.” last Thursday, and to Norwich on !H DOLLARS 1:00—Reese popular trio. has written a story that deals with hour and selections will*be heard from George Cehanovsky, baritone. Friday vislfing friends and rela­ tlie symphony orchestra and instru­ 10:30—Grand opera, "Natoma." 499.7— W B A P , FORT W O R T H —600. real honest-to-goodness humah AND C£NTS tives. mental soloi.sts. 454.3—WJZ, N E W YORK—660. 8:30—Musical programs (314 hrs,) folks. Paramount has translated 6:00—Repultlican state committee. . 12:15—Theater entertainmenL 11 to the screen with Wallace Beery in Scarlet fever has -again visited Black face type indicates besf features 6:50—Long’s sporting page. 400—PWX, HAVANA—750. another home in Wapping this time 7:00—Cook’s musical travelogue. 9:00— Stetson military parade. ' " the leading characterization, and It All programs Eastern Standard Time. 7:30— Roxy and His Gang with Harold 10:00— Studio musical program. comes to the State theater for to­ the little son Fay, of Mr. and Mrs. C. Wright, baritone.’ 422.3—WOS, JEFFERSON CITY—710. morrow and. Wednesday. Raymond Buchard. He also has it The Opening of 9:00—Talk by Herbert Hoover. 10:00—Musical entertainment. Leading East Stations. 10:00—Talk by Alfred E. Smith. Mr, Beery, In the role of “ Okla­ very light. This makes five homes 272.6—WPG, ATLANTIC CITY—1100. 110:00—Sluml)er music. 370.2— W D A F , K ANSAS C ITY—8l6. homa Red,” a "yegg,” or safeblow- who lave hat. it. 7:115—Dinner nuisie; l;i1k. 405.2— WLIT, PHILADELPHIA—740. 8:30—WEAF programs (1%'hrs.) Dr. Henry A. Deane was in town S;30—Musical program. 9:30—W E A K arti.sts party. 10:30— Sunny Jim; Amos 'n* Andy. . er hiding out in the almost untrace- S;4.'i—.''opiaiio ami lenor. 10:30—W E A F grand ouera. 12:45— Nighthawk froiic. able of hobo trails, contri­ Sunday and attended service at the 9:15—Amliii.ssadot concert orchestra. 11:00—Smith’s Symphony orchestra. 468.5— KFI, LOS ANGELES—640. butes a performance that surpasses First Congregational church In HOTEL SHERIDAN 10:1X1—Violinist, 'cellist, pianist. 315.6— KDKA, PITTSBURGH—950. 10:00—N. B. C. programs. 11:00— Symphonette, violinist., any of his previous efforts. South Windsor. He-was a former 10:311—Two dunce orche.stras. 6:30—Besfor’s dance orchestra. resident of this town for years, and 285.5— W B A L, BALTIM ORE— 1050. 7:00—WJZ programs hrs.)' 1:00—Packard concert orcliestra, Richard Arlen and Louise Brooks "It-'Can’t be figured!” That’s 7:.30—Roxy with WJZ. 9:00—Talk by Herbert Hoover. 322.5— WHAS, LOUISVILLE—930. also play important roles. William .lived in the Ro’^ert A. Boardman 9:00—Talk by Herbert Hoover. 10:00—Talk by Alfred E. Smith, 9:00—Talk by Herbert Hoover. . A. Howes in “ Fashion Madness,” a house at East' Windsor Hill and BARBER SHOP what you’ll answer’ right off the bat; 10:00—Talk by Alfred E. Smith. 461.6— WCAE. PITTSBURGH—650, 10:00—Talk by Alfred E. Smith. ' tempestuous drama of modern so­ also on Laurel Hill. He practiced Health's ^orth more than anything 461.6—W N AC . BOSTON—650. 7:30—Address; Uncle Glmbee. 405.2—WCCO, MINN., ST. PAUL—740. 7:11—Amos 'n* Andy; talk. 8:00—WEAK programs (3% hrs.) 9:00—Republican campaign talk, cial problems. medicino in this vicinity. else in jLhe world. And It can 7:30— Finance Corporation singers, 280.2— W H AM , ROCHESTER—1070. 9.’:30— W EAF artists party; Tomorrow evening as" an added The marriage of Miss Viola Wick­ S:00—WOR programs (3 hrs.l 9:00—Talk by Herbert Hoover. often be purcliased for the prlc0;_of in;30— Hamllne University hour. attraction the State will present an­ ham, daughter of Mr. and ” Mrs. 11:10—Gallagher’s dance orchestra. 10:00—Talk by Alfred E. Smith. 11:05—Tenor; musical program. the right plumbing. 302.8—W GR, B U FFA LO —990. 11:00— Smith’s Cavaliers orchestra. 12:00—Republican talk; orchestra. other of its popular Merchants and Horace C. Wickham, and Frank 7:45—W E A F pi-ograms (3?i hrs;) 379.5—WGY, SCHENECTADY—790. State Theater Gift Nites. Many Warren Locke, son of Mrs. Loretta •> 32:00—Buffalo organ recital. 11:55—Time: weather; markets. 336.9— WSM. NASHVILLE—830. 645,1—W M A K , BU FFALO —550. 6:30—Stocks: farm forum. .9:00—Talk by Herbert Hoover. beautiful and practical presents j J. Locke of Laconia, - N. H., took A Ratb a Day , 6:30—Maggie’s orchestra. 7:00— W E A F Savings Bank hour. 10:00—Talk by Alfred E. Smith. . will be glvpn away to the p'ersons 11:00— Studio program. place Saturday afternoon, at The v-'in—W G Y entertainments. 7:30— Studio musical program. holding the lucky numbers. home of the bride’s parents. The ^ Proprietor Keeps You Fit Every Wafy . programs (2 hrs.) 8:00—WE.AP programs (2% hrs.) ’ 254.1—W R V A , RICHM OND—1180. In order that patrops may keep :>'5--Smith’s Cavaliers orchestra. 10:30— Madrigal «nlxed quartet. 9:00—Musical programs. ceremony was performed by Rev. 4?S 1—W LW , CINCINNATI—700. 11:00— Smith’s Cavalier.s orchestra. 11:00— Richmond dance orchestra. well posted on the*results of the Herbert Dixon of Leveretl, Mass., 8 '.'t— Burnt corkers; Gondol.vrics. 305.9—W H A Z, TROY—980. 422.3— KPO, SAN FRANCISCO—710. Presidential Campaign, the returns uncle of the bride. Miss Olive •'•'IC—Talk by Herbert Hoover. 8:00— Samarang instrumentali.sts. 12:30-N. B. C programs. will be broadcast by special wire to­ JOHNSON & LITTLB 10:00—Talk by Alfred E. Smith. 8:45—Studio recital; orchestra. 1:00—Variety program, artists. Nyman sang “ At Dawning” . She Plumbing and Heating Oontractot morrow evening. At the conclusion WAS accompanied by her sister, Miss TODAY, MONDAY, NOV. 5th Secondary Eastern Stations. Secondary DX Stations. of the last performance, the man­ Ruth Nyman, whb also played the 13 Chestnut St. Tel. 1088>2 508.2—W E E I, BOSTON—590. 8:00—Toronto entertainment. 319— KOIL, COUNCIL BLUFFS—940. agement Invites those who are In­ South Hsnchestmr 7:30—Musical program. 12:00—Denn.v’s dance orchestra. 11:00—Gillette bears. terested to remain. wedding march from Lohengrin;. 8:00—WEAF programs (2 hrs.) 809.1—W ABC, N E W YORK—970. 1:00—Amos 'n' Andy. The bride was given In marrla^ by 10:30—Hector's dance orchestra. 8:00—Studio entertainment. 2:15—Lassen concert frolic. her father. The bride wore a gown 254.8—W KRC, C IN C IN N A T I— 1220. 348.6— WGBS, N E W YORK—860. H. B. HOYT DEAD 9:00—Baffle contest, banjoist. 340.7— WJAX, JACKSONVILLE^O. 8:00— Instrurpental program. 9:nn—Tnstnimenfal trio. Bethel, Conn., Nov. 5.— Harrison of white chiffon taffeta. Her veil of 9:00—WOR programs (2 hrs.) 9:30—Violinist, pianist, harmonica, I tulle was fastened to a head band 11:00—Arcadia dance orchestra. 9:30—W EAF artists party. R. Hoyt, for many years a hat man­ 12;on—Dance orchestra, 11:00—Concert program. of pearls. She carri d a shower 361.2—WSAI, CINCINNATI—830. 394.5—W H N . N E W YORK—760. ufacturer here, died suddenly at his 9:30— W E A F family party. 8:30—Studio program; joy hour . 416.4— KHJ, LQS ANGELES—720. home today of heart trouble. He bouquet of bridal roses and.lilies df 10:30— W E A F grand opera. 9:30— St. Nicholas boxing bouts. 12:00—Studio musical program. the valley. Miss Edith Wickham 10:30—Four dance orchestras. 1:00—Dance orchestra. was 45 years old and leaves bis 12:00—Twf' danco orchestras. who was her sister’s maid of honor 2K5.3—W H K , C L E V E L A N D —1130. 526—WNYC. NEW YORK—570. 499.7— KTHS, HOT SPRINGS—600. wife and several sons apd daugh­ 8 :00-Radiogram, Morgan Sisters. 9:00— Gibralter chorus. 10:15—Ballad favorites; pianist. , ters. A native of Danbury, Mr. Hoyt wore a dress of orchid georgettP 9:00—WOR programs (2 hrs.) 9:30—Health talk; lieder. 11:30—Stndio specialties. first entered business as an account­ trimmed with lace, and carried an 11:00—Popular pep purveyors, 10:00—The story of music. 516.9— W M C. MEMPMIS—580. 434.6—CNRO. O T T A W A —690. 11:30— Sdmova' concert program. ant in. New York City and after a arm bouquet of pink roses. Shirley 352.7—W W J, DETROIT—850. 8:00-Mi:hateau Laurier orchestra, 7:30—Barium dance orchestra. 12:30—Dance orchestra. dozen years returned to Danbury to and Phyllis Wickham, nieces of the 8:4.5—French-Canadlan music. 394.5— KOB. NEW MEXICO—760. 7:45—Shoe prince; barcelonians. 10:1.5—Requests selections. enter the hat business with the F. bride Were flower girls. They wore 8:30—W EAF programs (3 hrs.) 10:00—Farm talk; orchestra, 468.5—WRC. WASHINGTON—640. 336.9— KNX, O A K L A N D —890. H. Lee Co. He organized the H, R. Colonial costumes of peach and nlle 410.7—CFCF, M O NTR EAL—730.. 8:30—W EAI’ programs (2% hrs.) 10:30—Play; dourtesy program. Hoyt Hat Company here five years green .affeta and carried old fash­ 7:00—Battle’s concert orchestra. 11:00—WJZ Slumber music. 12:00—Wurlitzer musical program. ago. ioned nosegays. Julian Locke was ' 4

An opportunity to stodlt your shelred for COVENTRY &e wipter with e ^ ic e fruits. The priees WTIC Mf. and jMrs. Geo. Maskiell and are, of course, ^ery low... In iaet^ the ' ' ‘ ’5. . Mrs. John Kingsbiiry^and son, John, savings offered during A is sale o n adost Travelers Insurance Co. Jr., have returned from Ridgebury, Hartford Penn., where they attended the attractive. 535.4 m. 560 k. c. funeral of their cousin and visited o/ Cardess Mr. Maskiell’s daughter, Mrs. Wal­ lace McKnight...... , IONA, Standard halves of excellent flavor! Mrs. Arthur B. Porter and daugh­ NO. 2% Program For Monday ter Ruth, and Wilfred Hill, motored CANS 3:10 p. m.— Summary of program. to Harrison, N. Y., to attend, the PeacheR 6:12 p. m.— “ Mother Goose”— wedding of Mrs. Geo. Bennett, Sr., Bessie L. Taft. youngest daughter who was mar­ DEL MONTE. Sliced or halved Yellow'fHings! ' 6:25 p. m— News-Bulletins. ried Saturday. ause N O . 2% 6:30 p. m.-^A, C. Gilbert Com­ Tuesday evening the Choral Club CANS pany Program from N, B. C. will meet at the chapel at 7:30. Peaches 3 Studios. On the following Tuesday Nov. 13. the Choral Club will give an D E L MONTE, Choice crushed Hawaiian fruiti 7:00 p. m.— Mutual Savings Bank a lifetime NO. 2 from N. B. C. Studios. “ Old Fashioned New England boil­ 7:30 p. m.— Station WCAC will ed dinner” from 6 to 8 p. m., C A N ^ broadcast on this same fre­ followed by a concert and play— Pineapple quency until 8:00 p. m. “ Getting Rid of Father.” The com­ of Regret 8:00 p. m.— Musical Program. mittee In charge of entertainment Tender sections of tree ripened fruit! 8:15 p. m.— “ How the Associated is Mrs. Chas. Christensen, Emil J. N O . 2 Press Collects the Figures of Koehler, Steven Lrizin; supper \ CANS the Vote of the Country” — ^W, committee, Mrs. John E. Kingsbury D^erreJ Payments Grapegrait J. G. Myers, Correspondent. and Mrs. Archie Palmer. Yot^ll Ntcer Mias The regular meeting of the h e satisfaction of a tempting price may OCEAN SPRAY. Packed on^pe Cod! 8:30 p. m.— A. & P. Gypsies irom N O . 1 N. B. C. Studios. Ready Helpers will he held Friday soon be smothered by disappointment in evening at the chapel. CANS 9:30 p. m.— General Motors Fami- Mrs. J. N. Atwood who is suf­ Tthe article purchased. Long after the price Cranberry Sauce " Party from N. B. C. fering with a sprained shoulder is is forgotten, Maytag perfection, its life-lasting Studios. recovering slowly. She has quite qualities, and its outstanding advantages will MINUTE TAPIOCA. pkg 10c 10:30 p. m.— Hoivard correct time. a good deal of pain. * continue to be a joy and an economy. 10:30 p. m.— News and weather Saturday at 1:30 the Sunshine KELLOGG’S PEP p k g 10c bulletins. Scissor Club will meet at the home It will pay you to carefully test and compare GULDEN’S MUSTARD 2 j u s 25c of Mrs. John E. Kingsbury. Every the M aytag before you decide against the many member is urged to be present and outstanding features which have made it the Combine with any f r ^ for a delicious dessert! bring her record book up to date. choice of a million housewives. Find out what CHICKEN PIE SUPPER The leader’s report is dfte now and PKGS getting the record in on time gives a differdice there is in the M a 3rtag cast-aluminum iH , F LA V O R S a lot of credit toward winning the tub, the gsnrafoam action, the Roller Water Re­ JeUo ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT cup. mover and a score of other advantages. Several ladles In town attended OCTAGON SOAP Igei Take 5c the Farm Bureau meeting held at Maytag world leadership is not a happen­ OCTAGON TOILET SOAP 3 cakes 20c South Methodist ladies have the home of Mrs. Bunce in Bolton. stance. It is the result of experienced manufac­ their preparations well under way Mrs. Dakin, food specialist of the turing in tremendous quantities—advantages . SNOWDRIFT 5 ■ib can 23c for a big chicken pie supper to be Extension department gave a talk that are made available only by the vast re­ given at the church Wednesday on school lunches. Makes suds faster than tpty other soap! Elise Neva of Worcester, Mass., For hornet wtiheat etoe- |;| sources of the world’s largest washer manu­ evening of this week between 5:30 trieityo lha Maytag iM facturer. PKGS and 6:30. A large number of the is at Autumn View Farm. aoailahU with inbuilt members are working under the Gordon Southworth has returned godoUna motor* Super Suds leadership of Mrs. Mary Behnfleld to his home In Vermont. CLICQUOT CLUB GINGER ALE 2 bots 29c and Mrs. Gertrude Trotter and a Ma37tag Radio Programs substantial, well-served meal, and C & C GINGER ALE 2 bots 25c a thoroughly enjoyable time is as­ for a Maytag on KDKA, Pittsburgh, Tnea., Wed., lOdK) P.M. WCCO, Minneapolis, Fri., 8:30 P.M. KEX, sured to all who. plan to be there. NOTICE Phone FR E E TRIAL Portland, Ore., Tues., 8:30 P.M. WBAP, LEMON PIE EDTJNG # D & G 3 pkgs 25c The menu will feature chicken FortWorth.Mon.,8:30P.M. WBZA.Bos- MY-T-FINE D^ksSERT pie, with side dishes of mashed po­ Then and by virtue of an execu­ Convince yourself that only a Maytag ton, SpringSeld. Fri., 7:30 P.M. CFCA, 3 pkgs 25c tion to me directed against the Toronto,C^an.,Tues.,7:30'P.M. WHT,Chi- tatoes, turnips, cabbage and pine­ can give you the ultimate in conveni­ cago.Tues.,W^.,Thurs.,Fri.,Sat.,9:00P.M. apple salad, apple and pumpkin goods or estate of Conrad and Anna ence, and service on washday. There KNX, Los Angeles,Mon.,7rf)0P.M. KFRC, D E L MONTE. Erotn Califomia^s finest gardens! Beaupre of Manchester, I levied SanFrandsco, Fri., 7:00 P.M. KMOX, St. pies, tea and coffee. For good meas­ N O . 2 upon one 1925 Nash Coach the is no cost, no obligation. Louis, Tues., Thurs., Sat., 10:55 A.M. ure an excellent entertainment idaiti I ar€ Standard Tima at tka station mamtd. CANS property of the said defendants; will be provided. The Campfire It it doesn’t sell itself, don’t keep it» ^ Apricots and will sell same at public auction Girls of the church will put on on November 14th, 1923, at 2 p. m. MINUTE GELATINE pkg 11c their beautiful ceremonial. There at the Town Sign Post at Depot will also be vocal and instrumental THE Maytag company, Newton, Iowa Square in 6aid Manchester to satis­ Founded 1893 1 MELtEX TOOTH PASTE tu be 17c musical numbers, the program be­ fy said execution and my fees there­ ginning soon after 7:30, ..Permanent Philadelphia Factory Branch, Maytag ' S WANSDO W CAKE FLOUR p k g 33c on. ^ : Building—851-3 North Broad St., Philadelphia, Mrs. J. L, Winterhottom will • Affpcif* ______' -■ i Pennsylvania D E L MONTE. A combination of the finest fruits! have charge of the dining room JAMES DUFFY, and the corps of waitresses. The Constable. ladies are all working with en­ thusiasm to make this one of the Fruit tor ialad HILEERY BROTHERS . “ ' . " ■ • J -■ ' -.1 . !■ ■ ■ ...... I I ' -. most successful suppers held by 384 HARTFORD ROAD, PHONE 1107 The loaf with the satisfying **home bake^* flavor! _____, them In some time. COMPLETE Who remembers the old-fashion­ RADIO SERVICE Maytag dealere’ everywhere follow the standardized rule of sending a Maytag ed preacher who believed a sermon to a home to dp a week’s washing free, and without obligation o f any kind. This Grandindtitor’s Bread ' * to be big had to be long? Free Tube Tekliig. General Repairing is the way all Maytag Aluminum Washers are solii. The h ea ltt^ l loaf that really tastes good! 30-43 LARGE Authorized , Sales and Ser\-ice for LOAF Second Mortgage Majintic Atwater-Kent Wheat Bread Money Roister Radiola Bveready NOW ON HAND Jtluminum tHrSAct m

ri ^ «vjANCllli:>' C.K (CONN.) EVENING, HERALD. MONDAY, NOVEMBER g, 1928.

Gift Night Tue^ay Tuesday GIFTS AT THE Tuesday Thei^e Merchants Co-Operate Stete Th^ter Gift Nights are growing more \ The iperchants whose adyei^isements appear popular each week. This Tuesday evening a I' on this page Are co-operating: with the State Thea­ number of valuable and useful articles are given ter to make the weekly Gift Night a success. Use­ ful and valuable articles from each of these stores away FREE to theater patrons. Be sure and at­ will be given away on the State TJieater stage tend Tuesday evening and save your numbered Tuesday evening. Don’t fail to attend and coupon to participate in the awards. Presents For Everyone From These Stores Will Be Distributed^Tuesday Nighf save your numbered coupon.

NORTH END FHIING STATION BEST VALUES IN The Value of Your Vote and Comer Main and Hilliard Streets. The Value of Your Dollar This $27-50 Cedar Ghesf to be given away at the , ^ ANOTHER UNDERWEAR / depend On How and for What Largest Variety, Dependable Quality. STATE THEATRE Merchandise Come to Marlow’s and Save Money. YOU USE IT Children’s Waist Union Suits, white and Grey, 2 to 13 years ...... 69c Diamonds-Watches-Jewelry Nazareth Part Wool Waist are Saymg Book Union Suits ...... 99c Boys’ Part Wool Union Suits, short or long Investments of Value WELL BE GIVEN AWAY AT THE sleeves, knee or ankle lengths...... 99c ______0____ STATE THEATER Ladies’ Silk Stripe V ests...... 39c up Every Purchase Here is a Vote for These books contain coupons worth $11 in trade and Ladies’ Union Suits in light, medium and sell regularly for $10. It’s a good way to save money Dependable-Quality-Merchandise , on gas, oil and accessories. Each coupon represents heaY^ weights in all styles...... 59c up money. h is fine cedar chest, selected at Watkins Dr. Denton’s Sleeping Garments ... 99c up The Silverware given away at the State Theater Brothers to be given away at the State Come In and Ask Us About Our Car Washing Plan this week was purchased here and is only one of the T Theater tomorrow evening, is made of se­ at $5.00 a Month. Ladies’ Silk Stripe Bloomers...... 50c, 75c many patterns and sets among our stock. lected red cedar in natural finish. It is 48 inches Boys’ and Girls’ one and two piece long and made according to U. S. Government standards for moth prevention. Duplicates of y... We Sell Tydol^Valvoline, Gulf, Flannel Pajamas...... 99c this chest can be purchased on the Christmas Club plan at our store. . . and we wilhhold the chest for' PennzoilGas Men’s Good Quality Union Suits... 1.00 up Louis S. Jaffe Christmas delivery. ~ . v AS AN INTRODUCTION “GIFTS THAT LAST” GALLONS PENNZOIL GAS 95c GOME TO 891 Main Street, South Manchester - ,...... : ■ WATKINS BROTHERS f ^ , ..-H ■ . ■ . ■ r’’ - CRAWFORD AND CHAMBERS RANGES ^ 1 ; iU!------rr FO R VALU ES Tbrrid Toaster and Green Stores 1N€. 5c to $1.00 Store 973 Main Street Mail Orders Filled Regular $7.00 Value Free Delivery in Manchester -■‘■r Th. Sm a rt Shop ■ ’ - 'r*- , ‘ ■ ■ .f “ Always Something New” The dozen' Turkish Towels to be givdi away, at the^ “ Smart Yet ’ State Theater Building. -South Manchester State Theater this week was purchased at this store. Inexpensive” No more burned fingers or 'Stale Theateu burned toast with a We Have Just Received • ' For Our Knilding Torrid Pushomatic One Special Lot ANNIVERSARY Toaster SALE Just push a button and the toast SILK is turned automatically. This hand­ which lasts all this week some toaster and,a nickel plated ♦ Printed-Tweed tray is on sale during November Children’s See for Regular $2.98 Our H A l « DRESSES HOSIERY OF DISTINCTION ONLY $5.50 Regular $15.00 DRESSES SPECIAL for Matron and Miss ______— - 50c Down $1.00 a Month $9.95 at Full-Fashioned M e tr e s , Satins^ The Torrid Toaster and Tray will be given away at the Novelty Patterns in the Newest Special pure silk, elastic Soleil Felts State Theater. Color Combinations. $1.19 top, service weight. Two only to a customer. Reg. $1.69. $1.95 The Silk Kimona to be given away at Sizes from 6 td 14.^ to the State Theater tomorrow night was The Manchester Electric Co. Our motto is never to be undersold by anyone. purchased here. $1.39“ $4.95 773 Main St. Phone 1700 QUALITY PRICE SERVICE S B S i

You’ll Never Be Disappointed If You WeFeature

Purchase Your Fall Nationally Advertised In Beautiful, Decorative SUIT or OVERCOAi Lines o f Heat-proof China you at prices that at GLENNEY'S Consisting of satisfy your STANDARD HARDWARE Sugars and Creams The quality will be maintained at pricey you all can afford to pay. ^ : SUPPLIES Teapots Men’s Buits $22.50 and better. Baking Dishes - I #nder Factory Trade Marks and Brands. Casseroles They^re good looking and their good looks last. You Overcoats $26.50 and better. can’t go wrong in choosing them for they’re Clermont This has been our policy over a long period of years Shirts guaranteed in every way. Newest in colors, styles Our Better Clothes are Tailored at Fashion Park. and confirms our conviction that Standard brands of Pie Dishes and Patterns. long established reputation are the most satisfactory in Priced terms of cost and service. Cheese and Crackers We^are also prepared to meet the demand for popu­ \ .. : $2.00 *”$ 8 .0 0 PAJAMAS lar priced items in Hardware, Tools and kindred lines, ; BonBons v ' A complete assortment of fine Pajamas for Men always with the thought in mind, to give full value in Come in and see the new patterns in stiff collar at­ Step in and look them over.' ^ tached shirts at ' $2.00 up. -point of service for every dollar you leave with us. You wiU be plesaed with their gift appearance, The Pajamas given away at the State Theater were o:- $2.00 “"$2.50 ^iprchased at Glenney’s. The State Theater will give away Tuesday night m e of tliese beautiful sets.'

877 Main Street I C. E. “ If It’s Hiurdware We Have It” •» k Shirts given ^way tii State Theater Tuesday evening Bhlldiiig, South Manchester Phone 459 Use It. Jewelers^^ Stationers Silversmiths purchased at this stert. -


Mrs. Hoover as Next First tfidy ,: ^ Who Knows Her

. . . ■ ■ V ■■ • ,.V.. !1-

HINTS ON HOW TO KKRI* WELL ©MEA^%iM lix^^^UTH O ^ E V by World Fum ^ Awtho^tjr A im iE su M m t , The wife of the, gentleman who tried radioing Mars makes it very MUSSEL POISONING IS we|ft.;con,p^ed,' of whom ,56 were plain that there’s going to be no , MYSTERIOUS m a l a d y . men, 8 boya,f,'S4 .women an


FUMBLES HELP BRIDGEPORT Dwyer With Cloverleaves Local ^ TROUNCE LOCE HIGH 24-0 In An Advisory Capacity Sport Jack Dwyer, who coached thef er than a hinderance to the Clover Warren Harding Not Four Cubs when they won the champion- Determinatio n ]Vhat IVe Think Chatter ship, Is now affiliated with ~ the A town football championship , Providence Eleven Ontplays Touchdown Better Than series would not seem right if Jack •Courage, Men­ Cloverleav.es in an advisory capac­ Dwyer’s name was not connect^ t a l Al^tness In Sports' j ity, It became known yesterday. AI- with it in some way. For many and Self-Gonfi- Lecak Bnt Fayites Wait Manchester Bat Profits Manchester High’s next game is j though not officially assistant years now, he has either coached a d e n c e Big with* Bulkeley of New London at coach, his duties are along > the north or a south end team in the By THOMAS W. S'lDWa annual classic. He has the enviable for B r^ and Are RO’{ the West Side Friday afternoon. same lines. He will also continue On Breaks. Then comes the Willimantlc game record of having not lost a single By •‘JOOK'V SDTHERLAND B la sts leS b O D d l In that city Saturday. Nov. 17 fol­ as coach of the North Ends. game to the north while coaching University of PittsbUi^h. Football COMPARING RECORDS This news will probably be wider Ooach- warded; Rains Hard. lowed by the Naugatuck game here a south end team and only , once COULDN’T MAKE HIS TEAM read and of more. Interest than the Wbat kind of a feUow is tbe ideal Friday, November 23. was on the losing end of a score Bucky Harris, assuming tbe Whatever chances Manchester account of the Cloverleaves* game. football player? 1. am asked that with a north end team against the management ef the Detroit Tigers, High school’s football eleven had Offhand one would say that the Since Dwyer was fired as coach ol south. question frequently and it seems to A seventy-five yard gallop by Cy Graham, Cholko and Hanusov­ me-that it is an interesting one to Tyler upon recovery of a fumble bjr announced that he would direct the of mythical state title recognition 24 to 0 lacing which Manchester sky, the outstanding stars on the the Cubs, he has been the subject 'The admission of Dwyer into the were seriously if not fatally in­ High took in Bridgeport Saturday of many verbal arguments and dis­ explain. an accurate placekiok for the'jxtra teani from the: bench and that he Warren Harding team Saturday, Cloverleaf camp will no doubt In­ would get into action only oeca^ jured Saturday afternoon when the totally eliminated it from any con­ cussions by players and fans alike crease the intense rivalry between Coaches know from experience point by Walter Moeke gave the played center and guard positions that there are certain types'of play­ Cloverleaves a 7 to '6 decision over sionally as a substitute. Silk Town tribe took its first de­ sideration as mythical state cham­ respectively on the Bridgeport who have an opinion on the matter. the two teams. One thing is cer- feat of the season, losing to War­ pion for 1928. However, after look­ In obtaining the services of ers -who, asi(le from their playing the Pawtuxet A. A, o2 Providence . It was generally thought that the . school’s basketball team when lost taln-»-it will not hurt the attend- ability, are invaluable to the squad. Detroit owner was after a playinj ren Harding High in Bridgeport by ing over the situation carefully, it Dwyer even in an advisory .capacity, ,ance. In fact. It will increase the yesterday afternoon at Hickey’s to Bristol in the finals of the Yale A great many footbkll fans want Grove. It. was a close call for the manager when he opened negotia­ the overwhelming score of 24 to 0 appears that Manchester is not so last March. the Cloverleaves are acting in ac­ gate. The average person realizes bad off, after all. cord of v/hat they believe will be to know why a player who looked local team which was thoroughly tions with Harris, but Harris had Ip "The Battle of Mud Puddles.” the extent of the rivalry between promising as a freshman did not outplayed. The w •‘uther was exceptionally Here are the facts to back up for their best interests. It is un­ no intention of doing a two-part The Cubs are going to play at the north and south in football develop, and why another player Job. had for football. A downpour of that statement. Outside of Manches­ derstood that Dwyer will pay espe­ Yesterday most of the Cubs playerr Manchester’s touchdown came in home next Sunday. Manager Red who showed few possibilities as a Late in tbe season when it be­ rain fell during almost the entire ter, the best school boy teams in cial attention to the backfield of standing on the sidelines watching the third quarter after the visitors Vendrillo said last night that he freshman later developed a star. came known that Harris was going first half and the second half the state are Stamford, Torrlngton, might beek the Pawtuxet team the Cloverleaves thus giving Coach the, Cloverleaves in action cheered had made a pretty march from their There are many reasons, but the to Detroit he was asked if be ex­ wasn’t much better. It was evident Bridgeport Central, Bridgeport might book the Pawtuxet team more opportunity to Improve heartily at every opportunity for own forty yard line to local twenty. Warren Harding, Naugatuck, New his linemen. most important is the matter of Here a fumble gave Tyler his pected to play second base. . before the battle that both teams not successful, be will bring either the Rhode Rdand team. Still, you conscientiousness and determina­ would be seriously handicapped Haven Hlllhouse, Hartford, Wllby Some of the Cub players say chance to race more than three- “ I don’t expect to play regular­ and possibly one or two others. the Sons of Italy of Middletown or can’t blame them, for the Cubs tion. ard that there would be many the All-New Haven team here. The that Dwyer went to the Cloverleaf have dqne the same In the past quarters of the length of the field ly;" he said. "I don’t believe I am Now, outside of Naugatuck, not The boy who makes the varsity for a touchdown. Providence good enough to take the Job away fumbles. Such was the case and game will start at 1:80 because of camp with the expresb purpose of when they have been Idle. team starts out with - that idea in one of these teams has an undefeat­ giving them all the Information he scored in the fourth quarter, the from Charley Gehrlnger. I think be while it must be admitted that ed record. Each of them has lost the sham battle at the old Golf It is more than possible that mind. He is willing to sacrifice Warren Harding appears to have Links later in the afternoon. could about the Cubs, but in justice watching the Cloverleaves play yes­ result of two forward passes. The is one of the best infielders to base­ one game. And likewise, so has much, to work long and hard. try for the extra po'nt via the same ball.” -- the better team, it must also be to Dwyer, it should be remembered terday may have done the Cubs determination never falters. He Manchester, which has a smaller that he has seen the Cubs play route, however, was grounded. stated that three of their four enrollment than any of these The Cloverleaves are going out more harm than good. Judging goes about his work with a willing­ scores came as a result of Manches­ schools. of town next Sunday but It has not little, if any, under their new coach, from the remarks heard along the ness and he is quick to understand. Most of the game was played in Nominations Now in Order Tom Kelley. a steady downpour of rain which ter fumbles. [ Naugatuck, the only undefeated been decided Just what team they sidelines, the Cubs are now more He must have ability to think anc Ohio' State may not realize its Victors More Alert will meet. Dill Grlffln has succeed­ Dwyer has been connected with confident than ever that they can must never fail to do so. He is de­ served to handicap both teams (ibn- ambition to beat Princeton and win school boy team of importance in slderably. Fumbles were less con­ However, there is no getting the state, has beaten Wllby. 6-0, ed Eddie Coughlin as manager of local football for a long period of beat the Cloverleaves. Many of pendable. the Western Conference champion­ around the fact that it was the Bridgeport Central, 8-6, and Tor­ the Cloverleaves and he Is nego­ years and has naturally gained con them rate the Cloverleaves as weak­ In selecting players for my squad spicuous than one would have ex­ ship but the Columbus* unlrArslty same for one team as for the other. rlngton, 7-0. tiating for a game now. slderable knowledge of local condl er than: last season. However,, as I put alertness and ability to think pected under such conditions. may succeed in getting two men bn The Park City eleven fumbled Torrlngton has defeated Warren tions during that period of experi­ a matter of fact, the Cloverleayes before any other requisites. If they Coach Jerry Fay ordered his team some All-American teams. much less and also recovered most Harding of Bridgeport, 3 to 0. In view of the Intense rivalry be­ ence. He probably knows the abil­ are just fifty per cent, better than are without these they are poor to play a defensive game most of If there is a better center to the of its muffs. Nevertheless, it is too Warren Harding has won from tween the Cubs and the Clover- ity of any player in Manchester Fay let them show yesterday in the students and are usually ineligible the time and to be excoodlhgly care- country than Bar raft, a 236-polind bad that these two teams could not Stamford, 6-0, and Manchester, 24- leaves, it is funny members of the better than anyone else. At least, rain and mud before hostile eyes. when most needed. Players are us­ full of ball handling on the. offense. sophomore, he deserves to be rated have tested true ability on a dry 0. Cloverleaves don’t give Arthur he should. All of which tends to Laugh, 11 you will, but it is the ually no more intelligent on the He told them to "play for the as the greatest center since BUI grid. Bridgeport probably would Stamford has defeated New Brit­ "Cub" Coseo, their right tackle, a prove that he should be a help rat^- truth. field than they are in the class breaks” . Cunningham. Barratt is unusually, have won, but a four touchdown ain High 26 to 6. new nickname. room. Pnntlng Was Good fast for hla great bulk and he Is of margin is very much doubted. War­ Hartford High has won from I have known cases where boys, The, first downs stood seven to the same aggresuive hustling type ren Harding looked" about one or New Haven Hillhouse, 6-0, Buckley The Cloverleaves will practice because of the love for football, three and Walter Moske made two as Cunninghan^ and Adam Walsh, two touchdowns better than Man­ of New London, 14 to 0. tonight at the^ State' Armory at 7 have gone to school and had no oth­ of the latter with long dashes off who starred with Notre Dame a few chester. , Bridgeport Central holds a 27 to o’clock. er reason for going, and I have seen tackle. The Cloverleaves never years ago and who- played through Saturday Results Drop them develop into good students and> once really threatened to score and Victory over Manchester was the 18 victor:' over Hartford and a 19 the greater part of w game against third which Warren Harding has to 0 victory over Wllby. Suppose you know the football good players, but I could say in the further proof that they resorted to the Army with two broken hands. scored over an undefeated team in A defeat is a defeat regardless of game between the Cubs and the same breath that these cases are defensive tactics waiting for a Leo Raskowfckl, the Ohio tackle, three successive weeks. Norwich the score. Warren Harding may be Wallingford Eagles was called off unusual and that there are many break, is seen in the fact that, for made several All-America teams Free Academy and Stamford were a better team than Manchester but because of .bad weather yesterday. Teams Out Of The Race more that go to school because of the first time this year, they punted last year and he is playing the same the other schools who now have it Is nowhere near four touchdowns football who never get out of the earlier than the first down, and kind of, a brilliant gamo this year. joined the “ also rans” . superior. It’s too bad the Coach Jerry Fay is to be con­ freshman class. often, too. Both teams punted well They are perhaps as great a pair Manchester started off strong couldn’t have had favorable weath­ gratulated on the manner in which At the beginning o f every season considering the handicaps. of linemen as can, be found on any er, for, after all, it must be remem­ he ran the .Cloverleaves yesterday. I make it a point to impress the But, for that inattef, so did team In the country. against Warren Harding making All But the Sooth Shows squad of the necessity of doing its two first downs right off the bat, bered that Manchester’s backs are Allowing them to be outplayed, Rhode Island. Coming here with­ very best in the class room. 1 make out much of a reputation, the visi­ but made no more the rest of the light and shifty and go .much'bet-' still he managed to grab the hair­ Major College it clear to the players that Ifio not tors gave a fine account of them­ Minnesota Has Anothei' afternoon. On Bridgeport’s first ter on a dry field. ’ line decision without showing any­ Who’s Who id Major However, there is no use crying thing. In fact his team hasn’t look­ want them on the squad unless they selves, both defensively and offen­ Minnesota aiso has, a candidate play. Captain Hanusovsky broke are in school witb a serious pur­ sively. They repeatedly halted the for national recognition in Bronko through right tackle on a cross over spilled milk. Manchester lost’ ed worse this season and that’s Grid Scores to Warren Harding and that Is all precisely what he wanted to have Teams; Georgetown Con­ pose to mind. local backs at the line with little Nagurski. a smashing fullback, who buck to run 36 yards to within five Players who fall down in their or no gain and sometimes a loss. was assigned to the hard task of yards of a touchdown. Here Man- there Is to it. Of course, a victory happen with the Cubs looking on. would have placed Manchester on class work are a detriment to the The majority of, the play was 'n making the campus forget Herb cfiSrfCBf’tf*dfifeBse stiffened atfd took a par with any schoolboy team In sidered Best in East. r jNeiv Btm^and squad. If this point is impressed Manchester’s territory and often Joesting. the ball on downs one yard short Coaches Fay and Kelley will get the state. But, the fact that Nauga­ together early this week to make Yale 18, Darthmouth 0 upon them at the start and they much too close to be comfortable. Nagurski hasn’t drawn the pub­ of a score. tuck is the only state team of im­ Harvard 39, Lehigh 0 have any ability at all, few of them Pawtuxet brought a great broken lic attention that was directed to A few minutes later Captain arrangements for the officials to portance undefeated coupled with handle the series. . New York, Nov. 5.— Intercol­ Wesleyan 24, Trinity 0 flunk. field rupner in the' person of Ray Joesting, bu»" the players on the Treat fumbled a pass on his own 20 the fact that they play here against Conn. Aggies 20. Coast Guard Tbe lad with a serious purpose in Feole, former Providence Tech Western Conference' teams who yard line and Hanusovsky recover­ legiate football today was a some­ Manchester on Friday, November The Casino bowling team of what less complicated order , of Academy 0 mind who comes to school for an High school star. This red-Jetsey- have played against him have plen­ ed. He made a first down on the 23, means that our cause is not so Meriden rolls here tomorrow night Brown 6, Holy Crost 0 education and wants that more than ed chap contributed some long and ty of respect for him.' next play and then Dolan and lyonalse potatoes as a result of Sat­ hopeless after all. in a state league match at Mur­ urday’s developments on five of the Boston University 7, Springfield anything else, all things being spectacular runs during the course The Purdue players, for tostapeo,* Cholke finished the distance. If Manchester can defeat Nauga­ phy’s alleys. six major fronts. Princeton and 6* equal, will make the best player. ">! the afternoon. His work was say that he hits the line harder Schrieber’s dropkick went wild. tuck and also win its games with Ohio State occupied the afternoon Vermont 0, Norwich 0 In the first place, be is satisfied made all the more amazing by the and is more difficult to stdp than There was no more scoring the first New London Buckley and Wllliman- An idea of the Ignorance of at in proving nothing at all but New Tufts 0, New Hampshire 0 that he is getting somewhere. He is soggy field which made footing dif­ Joesting was in his best games. half although Mercer recovered a tic, it is difficult to see why it will least one football fan in town was York University was dropped like a Bowdoin 12, Bates 0 developing mentally. He soon comes ficult. To a great extent, it was fumble that gave Manchester the not have as good a claim to the shown yesterday morning when a crochet stitch from the eastern Worcester Tech. 48, Cooper to have a high regard for his his efforts that made the visitors si Smart If It Worked school. He is willing to work hard ball on Warren Harding’s thirty mythical state title as any other young" man called Jack Dwyer on promenade of Union 0. dangerous and kept the outcome leaders, Stanford and to- make sacrifices. Coffee, one of the Ohio State yard line. This was the nearest the schoolboy outfit In the state. All the telephone and insulted him. passed quietly away out on the Maine 0. Colby 0 in doubt until the final whistle. backs, was criticized for. making locals came. A good student is usually a smart have been bumped off but Nauga­ The cowardly young man used the coast, ininols left Itself only a Amherst 13, Mass. Aggies 0 Feole Big 8 | a r a bonehead play in the Michigan tuck and that remains for Us to do. most profane language as one Williams 37, Union 0 player. He is easy to coach and he The game opened with a pretty Pass Fumble Fatal fighting chance for the Big Ten goes on tbe field better-prepared to game that gave Michigan its onn Manchester High always has could imagine and the only print­ Boston College 60, Manhattan 6 runback of the kickoff byFeole :nd Warren Harding scored in the title and Nebraska and Southern take advantage of conditions as they touchdown. It wasn’t a boner. He played much better at home than able thing he said was, “ I hope Methodist plastered chattel mort­ Georgetown 7, N. Y. U. 2 waj followed by a march to the tried to make s smart play and was third quarter when Lupien fumbled away. The Naugatuck game is the Army 38, DePauw 12 present themselves. Brains are more lo(5al 20 yard line where the visi­ a long pass as he was about to you choke to death when you eat gages on the championships of the outsmarted by one of the Michigan last of the season and follows the dinner for helping coach the Notre Dame 9, Penn State 0 importaht than "height or speed, tors were forced to surrender the punt. Bridgeport recovered. Chol- Big Six and southwest respective­ although a. reasonable amount of players. big game with Willimantlc. Should Cloverleaves.” Then the receiver ly. Columbia 0, Cornell 0 ball on downs. It wa: a splendid ko, Harding’s great signal barker, Manchester get safely past New each is to'be preferred. bit of side-stepping, by Feole on' a Michigan piinted to within a few went down with a bang before Jack Colgate 14, Wabash 6 yards of the Ohio line. Coffee broke through right tackle for the London and Willimantlc, no doubt Only the south failed to produce ^ Pittsburgh 18, Syracuse 0 I like the boy who- reports early punt runback that brought Paw­ had a .chance to catch his breath, for practice, who knows his own wanted it to roll over the line, but 20 yards and what seemed a touch­ Coach Kelley will leave no stones let alone speak. The best part of anything that could be deemed a Vlllanova 20, Bucknell 8 tucket within striking distance down only to have the head-lines­ unturned In effort to defeat Nau­ climax in consequence of ."Which Rutgers 12, Catholic Unlv. 0 weaknesses, whether that be throw­ late in the first hhlf, but the Clover­ three Michigan forwards were run­ gatuck. it la that Dw:^er believes he recog­ ing passes, receiving them, kicking, ning him doiyn to ground, the ball man Tult Brifigeport offside. Chol- nized the voice. Georgia Tech, Vanderbilt,. Florida leaf line agaih took the hall a^ay and Tennessee remain In the recog­ Middle West tackling, blocking, charging, or on the goal line. He . tried to take ko then dropped back aqd threw a Following are the up-to-date rec­ Princeton 6, Ohio 6 on downs. pass ;o Murphy who caught it un­ ords of the principal contenders for nized authorites, with Georgia also something else, and is constantly The players were slipping and out the nearest man, but his man Dwyer feels that he has done no Wisconsin IB. Alabama 0 trying to improve. outsmarted him and hit him so molested and ran over the goal the state championship. wrong to join with the Clover­ well placed as far as the actual con­ Mlcshlgan 3, Illinois 0 sliding all over the lot and it was ference race Is concerned. Because I don’t like the player who al­ hard that the Ohio safety‘ man's line. Naugatuck High leaves at their request. When he Pennsylvania 20, Chicago 13 impossible t<> get a true estimate as Warren scored two more touch­ Naugatuck 37— Danbury High 0. of this team’s defeat by Yale, an ways makes excuses for the things to the value of any individual or body hit the ball and knocked It was discharged by the Cubs, he Nebraska 20, Kansas 0 he doesiVt do right. The boy who over the goal line. Dravellng the downs in the final (luarter. One ^ Naugatuck 39— Southington High automatically became a free agent. ultimate Georgia victory would de­ either team. On a dry field and Iowa 19, South Dakota 0 is continually complaining to the Michigan end, and a very good one, came as the result of an intercepted Incidentally, It is understood preciate southern prestige, was with the game an Important one. pass by Catandella on Manchester’s Naugatuck 6— Wllby High 0. done no great good no Saturday South doctor and trainer about his In­ Pawtuxet would have found, the fell on the ball for a touchdown. Dwyer could not have gone with Vanderbilt 14 Kentucky 7 juries, Imagined or otherwise. Is an­ 40 yard line and was followed by Naugatuck 8— Bridgeport Cen­ the Cloverleaves but for the many when Alabama blew an intersec­ going much different. But Fay was the only sustained march Bridge­ tral 6. tional decision to Wisconsin. Southern Methodist University 6, other source of annoyance. A third taking no chances;, just waiting for things which were said behind his Texas University 2. species is the boy who feels that CHALLENGE port made In the game. With Dolan, Naugatuck 26— West Haven back by certain players on the Major Developments. a break which came. He kept High 7. The major developments of the Arkansas 7, L. S. U. 0. the world is against him, that there Erunlg Moske, his backfield ace. Cholko and Hanusovsky alternat­ Cubs’ team. Tulane 27, Miilaaps 0 ing. the latter finally took the ball Naugatuck 7— Torrlngton 0, day, listed In the order of their is never enough being done for hlnw under a blanket all of the game and The New Britain Blues basket­ Georgia 13, Auburn 0. I like the boy who has a fair but ball team is officially sending forth over from the twelve yard line. The Pawtuxet club gets the hon­ importance, might be named as fol­ Harold Ford, colored tackle, saw lows: Floilda 71, Sewanee 6. not an Inflated sense of his own re­ but brief service. Otherwise, how­ a challenge to any amateur ot Both coaches then sent in their sec­ or of being the first eleven to cross sponsibility. BHdgeport Central Southern California 10; Stanford Far West ever,, the Cloverleaves were at full semi-pro basketball team in the ond teams, Bridgeport in one shift the Cloverleaves’ goal line this Summed up, I like boys who and Manchester gradually. A fum­ Central 26— Milford High 0. 0. Michigan 3; Illinois 0. Prince­ Southern California 10, Stanford strength. ^ New; England states. It is a newly Central 19— Stratford High 0. season. They did the trick by .0, \. come to school for an education and organized team conslstlni; of local ble by Ernie Dowd on his twenty means of two forward passes. It ton 6; Ohio State, d-eorgetown .7; Took No Chances ) Central 44—-Greenwich High 0. Orhgon State 44. Montana 0 ' not- for football. I want them to Then, too, it must be remember­ stars. Any team wishing to accept yard line paved the way for McTell appears that the Cloverleaves’ N. Y. U. 2. Northwestern 10; Min­ have determination, courage, men­ to score Harding’s last touchdown. Central 27— Hartford Public 15. nesota 9. Wisconsin 16; Alabama Washington State 26. Idaho 0. ed that the members of the Cubs the challenge kindly negotiate wilth Central 6— ^Naugatuck High 8. weakest point Is defense against Denver 26, Wyoming 7 tal alertness and'self-confidence, ffanager Henry M. Adams, 24 Doris forwards, hut Fay says his regu­ O, Drake 6; Missouri 0. Southern team, from water-boy to coach, 46 Players Used Central 19— Wllby High 0. California 18, Oregon 0 "want hoys who can take the knocks were on the sidelines eagerly street. New Britain, Conn. Central 24— Crosby 0. lar backs have perfected a defense Methodist 6; Texas 2. without whimpering, who feel that A total of 46 players were used that will be sufficient to stop the The Illinois defeat, we learned by watching for some w etness that football is doing as much for them would helo them in the fOTthcomlng GEORGETOWN LEADING. by the two coaches, Tom Kelley Cubs. One of the strongest wea­ the Zuppke outfit apparently, left as they are doing for football. and Jack Mead. All of them were pons the Cubs possess is their the Ohio State-Iowa game as the RING OUT THE BELLS! series. This, coupled with tbe dry Bridgeport Harding field, caused Coach Fay to take no New York, Nov. 5.— Georgetown covered from head to foot with Harding 6— Derby High 0. * aerial game. great convincer of the Big Ten NEXT: Coach Sutherland tells of mud when they left the slimy grid race. The winner of .the game, of London.— ^London’s Big Ben is to unnecessary chances. is still the high scoring team among Harding 0— Torrlngton High 3. the dlfficnltles of football trips. eastern football teams t o ^ , but and no one was sorry the battle Harding 26— N. Haven Coinm.3. course, isn’t compelled to win the have a rival- in Nottingham’s new The Cloverleaves’ touchdown had terminated. The summary fol­ exchange clock. The bell on this came as a big surprise. The visitors Pennsylvania has displaced New Harding 7— ^Norwich Free Acd. 6. conference title but one thing is had Just made three consecutive York University as the runner up. lows: Harding 6— Stamford Hlgji 0. certain. It won’t lose the title. So monster timepiece wlil weigh ten TO GO SOUTH. Bridgeport Warren Harding:— /fO X V FHANN^ tons and. will be struck by a ham­ first downs and appea^'ed on their Georgetown has 247 points and Harding 24— Manchester Ij. much for tl^e midle west, except to way to a. touchdown when Poole, Penn 181. Schrieber, Thompson, le, Graham, Men are the only animals mention that Minnesota is eiut by mer weighing 600 pounds. The dial : New Haven, Conn,, Nov. 5.— ^The Coffey, It, Ward, Petrovick, Ig, their fullback, fumbled thb Mil i Stamford High that can be skinned two points, one each in the Iowa will be 9 feet In diameter and the Yale football team will go south a slice off the left side of ^ Man­ Pijrarnlck, Schiller, c, Wollneck, next fall for the first time in- his­ Stamford 24— Milford High 6. and Northw^te.rn games. pendulum 13'feet loW. chester. line. Cy Tyler,, local cen­ Ambrose, rg, Ryback, Carrafiello, Stamford 40— Yonkers High IK more than once tory. The Ells will play the Uni­ fense which Berry again captured Lme by Fumble. ter, playing on the secondary de- in the end zone tor a touchdown. Wosny, rt, Murphy, Thorne, re, Stamford 26— Ansonia High 0 New York University passed Into versity of Georgia ' at Athens, Ga., Cholko, Dolan, qb, A. Parian, game is not quite the Issue it-once fense^ came in fast, scooped uP Feole snared another long pass in Stamford 26— New Britain High the limbo"' of football’s forgotten on on October. 12, according to an an­ the ball, and out-footed a half a Csitandella, Magner lhb„ Doolan, 6. was supposed to be, except that It nouncement made public here to the darkness Just as time was up a fluke touchdown and its Inability may afford the bears a medium -or dozen would-be tacklers to a mad but two more forwards were Motell, rhb. Captain Hanusovsky, Stamford 0— Bridgeport Hard. 6. to summon a final punch inside the day. Georgia's new stadWBi will RAvFarian, fb. tying U. S. 0. for the title. be dedicated bn that date. dash for the goal. grounded as the whistle blew. 5-yard line. Still, defense and op­ Kansas did better than well In A long forward pass thrown by Ted McCarthy. "Cub" Coseo, and Manchester High:— Healey, H. portunism are integral parts of the Yale’s other opponents next year Rotelll from Manchester’s forty MOrlarty, Hansen, le, Spencer, holding Nebraska scoreless in the will be Vermont, Brown, Army, Mullen were best on the line tor Hartford Public wigti racket and so Georgetown must be first half. But power and inevit­ yard line was snared, by Berry, the Cloverleaves. The latter also Lessner, It, Robinson, Potterson, Hartford 6— Greenfield, Mass. 0. figured as the Army’s main rival Dartmouth, Maryland, Princeton visiting' quarterback, a. yard from able finally overtook ^ Nebraska and Harvard. made some good gains when used In Igj Mercer, McCluskey, c, Johnston, Hartford 18— Bridgeport Cen­ for eastern honors at the moment, may lose tbe Big Six title, but It the goal line. It was a pretty div­ the backfield part of the second George, rf, Cheney, Taylor, rt, tral, 27. ■■Bx with Princeton, Bostou College, ing catch and a score seeipsd im­ 1 win have to -be downright skillful Wf!>N’T BECOME A PITCHER. half. Feole, Rotelll, Berry and Lupien, W. Davis, re, Dowd, M. Hartford 27—y- ; V. Arnold Ihiganl ward their scores.. They had to go quite an afterna>pn but the Commo­ The oldest man on the squad at , Manchester 0— Warren Harding ©NEA SgND ON6 IN ANO OeC and get themselves, which they did. ton yard line. On tho last down. Massey; umpire, Jake Moske; bet

M AN aiESTEB (CONN.) E\"EN1NG HERALD. MONDAY, NOVfiM BER'5,1928. fA G B T E N Concentrate Your Efforts-Use These Columns -----(jiimfiminrri------—* ■ ■ Want Ad Infonnatloa Lost and Found A COURT OF PROBATE HELD ORFOKD PARISH CHAPTER LOST—PAIR OP tortoise shell glass­ WANTED—ELEVATOR boy. Apply at Manchester, within and lor the Manchester es. In case. Reward If returned to 32 Mr. Anderson, Watkins Brothers district of Manchester on the 3rd day BIssell street or telephone 893. of .November, A D.. 1928. MEETS ON SATURDAY P.C.MARKIN MAN TO BOOK ORDERS for nursery Present. WILLIAM S. HYDE. Esq., Evening Herald Annonncementg 2 stock and hire agents. $50.0(1 week­ ludge.' ' ' —r----— ly. Exclusive territory. Free outfit. Phone Your Want Estate of Herbert O. 'Bowers late ot 35 Attend Meeting at Home of Five schools attained one huhr Caassified Advertisements Emmons Co., Newark, New York. ^Manchester in said district, deceased. STBAMSRIP TICKETS—all parts ot Upon applicaUon of the Executor Charles W . Holman; In­ dred per cent, in, the number of r .ignpost tn.said Manchester, five days were the speakers. Ad"* ordered for *hree ir at* And Ask for “Bee" before the said day of hearing and . An Invitation was extended to Hollister St. . . . 300 300 100 and stopped before the third or dft* FOR SALE—DODGE TOURING with return'make to the Court. Man. Green 257 257 100 dav will be charged only for the ao- glass enclosure. A-1 shape. Price Help Wanted^llfale or Female 87 WILLIAM S. HYDE Colonel Henry (jhampion Chapter, reasonable. Inquire 13 Fairfield Tell Her What You Want D. A. R., of Colchester, to be guests South ...... 82 82 100 ?ull number of times the s« Judge, Keeney St. .... 83 83 100 ed. charging at the rate street. WANTED—MEN AND WOMEN for -.H-10-5-28. of the local chapter at the Decem­ no allowances or tofo"*’ ® J*,* local selling. Experience unneces­ ber meeting which will be held in Oakland ...... 21 21 I'lTO six time ads stopped after toe sary. Apply 23 Cooper street, after She will take your ad. help you word It for beat results, on FOR SALE—GOOD USED CARS AT A COURT OP PROBATE HELD the South Methodist church par­ No. school St. .. 587 578 98 6. Phone 2612J. and sea that It Is properly .inserted. BUI will be mailed at Manchester, within and for the Highland Park . 137 129 94 ^‘ no "tm forbids” : display lines not CRAWFORD AUTO SUPPLY CO. district of Manchester on; the 3rd day lors. A special program will be Center ft Trotter Streets Live Stock— Vehicles 42 same day allowing you nutll seventb day after iusertiou Buckland ...... 115 106 02 Tel. 1174 or 2021-2 to take advantage of the CASB RATE. of November, A D.. 1928. presented at that meeting and other ®"The Herald will not be rv-sponstble Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., state officials of the organization Washington .... 365 331 90 ro^more than me Judge. i will be present. It is desired that Barnard ...... 462 392 84.8 of any advertisement ordered for Aoto Accessories— (flreg FOR SALE—SADDLE HORSE; also Estate of Sarah Chambers late of Nathan Hale . . . 492 415 84.3 more than >nb time. i---,. Manchester, In said District deceas­ all local members who can possibly The Inadverteni omission of pony and saddle. Call 109-12. Bunce ...... 78 53 67 NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE your ed. do so reserve the date. A large rect ouhllcaflon Poultry and Supplies The Adnjinistratof having exhibit­ committee will have charge of the Lincoln ...... 511 324 63 recttflod only by ''a"*’* ''? ’ ’®" car checked up ‘or the winter sea­ ed his administration account with charge made for the service rendered son. Experienced mechanics trained arrangements, the personnel of said estate to this Court for allow­ Totals ...... 3490 3071 89 by General Motors assure you ex­ OLIVER BROTHERS day old chicks Wanted— ^To Buy 58 Houses for Sale 72 ance, It 1» which Is Mrs. Franklin H. Strong, All advertisements must conform pert work. from two year old hens. Hollywood ORDERED:—That the 10th, day of In style copy and typography w^th H. A. STEPHENS Mrs, William B. Lpll, Mrs. William Strain-Blood tested and free from WANTED TO BUY old cars for Junk; FOR SALE—SINGLE HOUSE on •November, A. D., 1928, at 9 o’clock, AUTO HITS TRAIN regulations enforced by the publish Chevrolet Sales and Service white diarrhea. Oliver Broa., Clarks forenoon, at the Probate Office, In K. Alvord, Mrs. Nelson Smith, Mrs. Center at Knox TeL 939-2 used parts for ale, auto repairing Hackmatack street, with'large lot, Henry A, Cook, Mrs. L,. Sherwood Willlmantlc, Conn., Nov. 5.— ers. vnd they reserve the f'fht Corner, Conn. day and night, wreoking servlca price reasonable. Inquire F. R. Man­ said Manchester, be and the same is edit, revise or reject any copy non- assigned for a hearing on the allow­ Martin; reception committee: Miss Patrick Barrato stepped pn the ac- sidered objectionable. $15 BUYS COMPLETE set of four Abel's. 28 Cooper street. TeL 789. ning, 230 Hackmatack street. Tel. 4S 1065-2.______I______' • ance of said administration account Alice Dexter, Miss Mary Cheney. celeraJtor of* his car as he approach­ closing HtM'HS—Classified ads Indian Shock Absorbers. Free'trial. Articles for Sale with said estate, and this Court di­ to be Diihllshed same day must be re The Indian is the finest shock ab­ Mrs, Charles Holman, Mrs. J. P. ed the grade crossing of the Cen­ Wanted— To Buy 58 FOR SALE OR RENT at 82 Stro g rects the Administrator to give public tral Vermont railroad at Mansfield •>tved bv 12 o'clock noon. Saturdays sorber -yet made. Ask us about It. FOR SALE—BOW LlNG’ alley. Inqult e street, six room single house, fire­ notice to all persons Interested there- Cheney, Mrs. J. M. Williams and 10;30 a m. Center Auto Supply Co., 155 Center of E. C. Packard at Packard s Depot today and sent the machine Tel. 673. WILL PAY HIGHEST PlUOES for all place. all modern improvements and n. to appear and be heard thereon by Mrs. Herbert House. Pharmacy. garage. Phone 1306, alter R.. Ho'j- publishing a copy of this order In The chapter Is filling a bo^ to be into a railroad train. Michael Telephone Your Want Ads kinds of chickena Will also buy by, 66 Henry street. Manchester. some npwspaper having a clrdulatlon Smith, 28, of Derby, riding with Garages— cSorvIce— Storage 10 Eltk'irtcal Appliances— Ifadlo 4U rags, paper, magaztnea and old sent to the Blue Ridge Mountain Ads are accepted over .-he telephone metala Morris U. Lessner. Call 1545. in said District, on or before Novem- Barrato received skull injuries and at the OHA HOC RATE given above FOR SALE—6 ROOM bungalow with ar 5th, 1928, and by posting a‘ copy school at Dyke, Virginia. All 8 acres of land, willtaiii Kanebl 619 r this order on the public signpost is in St. Joseph’s hospital here. .as a convenience to advertisers, t.iii ELEtri'KlCAL CONTUAC'TING. ap Rooms Without Board 5U members who have not already sent the CASH RATES will be accepted y FOR RENT—2 CAR Garage 114 pllances. motors, generators sold Center street. South Manchester.. In the Town .where the deceased last in their contributions are urged to Barrato escaped with scratches. He FULL PAYMENT tf paid at the bush MSplo street. Tel. 2229 after 5 p. m. and repaired. Work Palled (or. dwelt, 5 days before said day of hear­ leave them at Center church to­ had intended to step on the brake ness office on or before the seventh Pequot Ele.,trto Co.. 407‘ Center Bt. TO KENT—TWO SINGLE rooms— FOR SALE—JUSI’ OFF Main street, ing and return make to this Court, pedal. dav (ollotvmg the first Insertion ot TeL 710-W. men preferred. Apply 23 Laurel new 6 roo'm English style house. SUh WILLIAM S. HYDE morrow. Articles suggested include each ad. otherwise the CHARGK street. Phone 966, porch, fire place, one o-’ r garage, Judge. bright ribbons, beads, neckties, Bnsiness Services Offered 13 extra large lot Morgages arranged. H-10-5-28. . • RATE will be colleclod No rcsponsl. Fuel and Feed 40-A Price low, small down payments. scrap books, books of fiction or his­ bllUv for errors in telephoned ads tory, scarfs, mittens, stockings, un­ will he assumed and th-lr accuracy CHAIR CANING NEATLY done. A*parinients. Flats, Tenements 6» Arthur A Knofla, telephone 788-2 AT A COURT OF PRQBA'TE HELD 4 Family House c a n n o t be guaranteed Price right, satisfaction guaranteed. FOR SALE—se a so n e d hardwood S7.> Main street at Manchester, ‘within and’ for the derwear, dark materials for dresses, Call Anderson, 53 Norman street. $12.50 a cord, $7.50 a load. William FOR SALE-WASHINGTON street district of ^ncTiester on the 3rd day bed slippers, towels, ■washcloths, Phone 1892-2. Sass. Telephone 1930-3, 570 Vernon of November. A. D.. 1928. bed linen or hospital supplies. Index of (Hassifications street. FOR RENT—6 ROOM FLAT, all Im­ brand new six room Colonial, oak Present, WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., EvenlnK Herald Want Ads are now BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Reason­ provements. Walker .'treet. Tel. 341. floors throughout, fire place, tile Judge. Mrs. J. P. Cheney poured and $7000 Efrouped according to claaatftcatlona able fees monthly or weekly. Your FOR SALE—BEST OF HARDWOOD bath, largo corner lot Price right Estate of Adelald M. Hills late of Mrs. W. L. Parkis and Mrs. C. R. below and for handy reference will entire bookkeeping work done by us slabs, large load $7, hardwood $8; FOR RENT OR SALE—NEW S room Terma Call Arthur A. Knofla. Tele­ Manchester, In said District, deceased. house with fire place, sun parlor, phone 7l2-S 875 Main street Hathaway assisted the hostess In Each tenement rents for |20.00. appear In the numerical order Indl Including statements, tax work. etc. also fireplace wood. Charles Palmer. The Executor having exhibited his serving. v.ated: . If you do not need a full-time book­ Telephone 895-3. tile bath, all improvements. Walker administration account w.lth said es­ Why pay rent. Give us a small Births ...... ^ keeper let us talk with you about street. A. F. Jarvis, Sr. Tel. 341. Legkl Notices tate to this Court for allowance, it Is cash payment and- the rent shodld Engagements ...... » our service, with no obligation. Ex- FOR,SALE—HARDWOD- slabs $10 a ORDERED;—That Ahe 10th day of DEMOCRATIC WARNING pay the balance. Marriages ...... " pertlng Accounting Service in Con­ cerd. Inquire 92 vVest street or FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenement, mod­ AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD November, A. D., 1928, at 9 o’clock, telephone '440. ern conveniences. Apply 7 Allen Oeatha ^ necticut for 10 year. Charles H. Sage at Manchester, within and 'for the forenoon, at the Probate Office,* In New Haven, Nov. 5.— Democra­ 2 family, 12 rooms, only $6,000, Cards of Thanks & Co., Jonsultlng Accountants, 27 Place. district of Manchester on the 3rd day said Manchester, be and the same Is near car line. Also garage. ' We In Memorlam .. Burton street, Hartford, Conn, WOOD FOR SALE—Hard ohestiiut. of November. A. D.. 1928. assigned for a hearing on the allow tic State headquarters here today mixed, white birch and slab. Season­ FOR RENT—BUNGALOW, modern are offering it at $6,000. ^,031 and Found Improvements, garage In basement, Present, WILLIA.M S. HYDE, Esq., ance ot said administration account sent a telegram to every Democratic Annmineements -eeseseese® ed and sawett^o order L. T, Wood Judge. with said estate, and this Court di­ town chairman in the state read­ Single six rooms,, steam heat, Personals ...... l<'1orlst»— N orsertes 15 Co.. 55 BIssell street Phone 496. rent reasonable. Inquire at P. O. Estate of James McVeigh late of rects the executor to give public no gas, sewer, sidewalk, oak floors and Antomobllee Buckland. Telephone 73-3. .Manchester, in said District, deceas­ tice to all persons Interested therein ing: 'iLAB.VVOOD stove length. .'Ireplace trim, first floor, 2 car garage, Automobiles for Sale ... EVERGREENS PRGM 60 to 75a Blue FOR RENT—6-ROOM tenement with ed. to appear and be heard thereon by The Republican state chairman Aiiti'inoblles for Exchange Spruce $1.00 each. Catalpa trees wood 6 to 9 dollars * Muck load. V. The Trustee having exhibited Us publishing a: copy of this order- In $6,700. $500 cash. Ftrpo. 116 Wells. Phone 2466-W and all Improvements, Inoludlrig garage. has advised town committees to Auto Accessories—Tires ...... ® $2.00 each. 379 Burnside Avenue annual account with said estate to some newspaper haying a circulation watch Democrats spreadng anti- Foster Street, two houses, one Auto Rsoalrlng—Painting .•••• • Greenhouse, E. Hartford. Gall Laurel 2684-2. - Inquire 58 Summer itvcet, this Court for allowance. It la In said District, on or before Novem­ single and one double, now offered Auto Sch lols ...... 7-A 1610. ORDERED:—That the 10th. day of ber 6. 1928, and by posting a copy of Smlth literature. We advise you Aut*la-*—Shio by Truck •••••*..• 8 FuR SALE—SEASONED hard wood . FOR RENT—6 ROOM flat Upstairs, November, A. D., 1928, at 9 o'clock, this order on the, public, signpost .In look out for smoke screens. Fight a> This is a 10% proptv Au^iis — F*or Hire .••••••*♦•••#•* ^ stove length $13.UU a cord. O U good location and iniprovements. in­ tition as well as a home. Moving— Trucking-—mnrage 20 forenoon, a the Probate Office, in the Town where ' the deceased last ,for your rights. Watch your count. » <;ara«ear—Service—Storage ...... 10 Whipple. Telephone '22X8 eveninga quire H. Beebe, 9 Strickland street. said'Manchester, be and the same Is dwelt, 5 days before said day of hear Motorcycles—Bicycle ...... 11 assigned for a hearing on the allow Ing and return make to this Court. Do not let the election be stolen Wanted Aiitoa--Motorcycles ... i3 STORAGE ROOMS for furniture or Garden-Farni-Oalry I’roducts 60 FOR RENT—THREE ROOM suite. ance of said account with said estate, WILLIAM S. HYDE from you. Itii.vlness niid Peofesshmnl Servlees merchandise. Available at Bralth- Johnson Block, 'acing Main street and this Court directs the Trustee to ■Judge. ^ “ Victory is ours.’ Bu.sinesa Services Offered ...... I* waite’s. 52 Pearl street. all modern Improvements. Phono Robert 7. Smith FOR SALE—APPLES for one week give public notice to all persons in­ H-10-5-28. The telegrams are signed by Household Services offered .....18-A 2U40 or 6‘24. terested therein to appear and he Real Estate, Insurance Bulldtrig—Contracting ...... 14 LOCAL AND LONG dlatanee moving only, Baldwins $1.25 per bushel, one James J. Walsh, chairman, and A. or 100 bushels, just, to celebrate Na­ heard thereon by publishing a copy of AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD Steamship Tickets Florists—Nurrertea ...... 16 by experienced men ,’uhl!o store­ >)NE FOUR ROOM and one thre* tills order In some newspaper haying at Manchester; within and for the S. Lynch, secretary. Funeral Directors ...... 16 house. L. T. Woovl 55 BIssell street tional Apple Week, Nov. 1st. to 6tli. room flat at 170 Oak street all im­ a circulation In said District, on or district of Manchester on the 3rd day 1009 Main Street Heating—Plumbing—Roofing .. 17 Tel 493 Edgewood Fruit Farm, W. H. provements, Including hot water before November 5, 1928. and by post­ of November, A. D. 19'28.‘ Insurance ...... J® Cowles. Telephone 945. heat, Inquire 164 Oak. Tel. 1667-W. MANCHE.STER ft N v MOTOR Die- ing a copy of this order on the public Present, WILLIAM S. HYDE. Esq., Millinery —Dressmaking ...... 19 FOR SALE — STRAWPLOTOERS. signpost In the Town where the de­ J udge. Moving—Trucking—Storage ... XU patch—Part loads to and from New FOR RENT—6 ROOM flat on NbW' ceased last dwelt, 5 days before said Estate of Jennie A. Bldwell late of THE BOOK OP KNOWLEDGE; York, regular service.. Call 7-2 r Make a fine permanent decoration man street, all modern Improve- Vainting—Papering ...... 31 for all seasons. Pine for Christmas day of hearing and return makev to Manchester, In said District, deceas­ Proressional Services ...... 22 1282. nienia. Inquire 147 East Center this Court. ed. I “Famous First Ladies” presents. $1.00 p bunch. Orders de­ street. Telephone 1830. Repairing ...... »* livered In town. Tel. 2045. The Trustee having exhibited Its Tailoring—Dvetng—t.'^leanlng .. z» PERHRTT ft GLRNNEY moving sea- AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD annual account with said estate to Sketches by Itessey; Synopsis by Braacher son Is here Several trucks at vour FOR RENT—s e v e r a l first class Toilet Goods and Service ...... XS FOR SALE—APPTiES, sprayed hard at Manchester, within and for the this Court for allowance, it is Wanted—Business Sei vice ...... X6 service, up to date equipment, ex­ rents, with all Improvements. Api»ly district of Manchester on the 3rd day ORDERED:—That the 10th day of Bflnrnllonnl perienced men Phone 7-2 picked Baldwins. Golden Pippins, Edward J Holl. 865 Main 'tteet. TeL Greenings, Russets, Gtlllfleur, Belle- of November, A. D.. "928. November, A. D., 1928, at 9 o’clock, Courses and Classes I • • • r v s • • tleurs and Spies $1.25 bushel. Wind 660. ______^______Present, WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq., forenoon, at the Probate Office, in Private Instruction Repairing 23 falls 75c bushel. Delivered In town. Judge. , ,, said Manchester, be. and the same is Dancing ...... • • • s s s « MODERN 5 ROOM FLAT for rent, all Estate of Beatrice and Helen, Bid- assigned for a hearing on the allow­ Musical — Dramatic ...... XU ■The Qllnack Farm, South Main modern .improvements. tncludliig CHIMNEYS CLEANED and repaired, street. Telephone 225-4. well of Manchester, In said Dlstrlc, ance of said account with said estate, Wanted—Instruction ...... 30 garage Inquire 45 Mather street. and-thrs Court directs the Trustee to FInnnrInI key fitting, safes opened, saw filing Telephone 1987. minors. and grinding Work called for FOR SALE—HAND -'ICKED Bald­ The Trustee having exhibited It? give public notice to all persons in­ Bonds—Stocks- Mortgages . . . . Si annual account with said estate to terested therein to appear and be Business Opporiunities ...... 82 Harold Clemson, 108 North Elm win apples at bargain prices: also FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement hard wood, stqfve length. Gall Man­ Robert this Court for allowance, it Is heard thereon by publishing a copy Money to Loan ...... S'l street. Tel. 462. Mather street, rent $16. j of this order In some newspaper hav­ Money Wanted ...... 34 chester 1119-12. Smith. Telephone 760-2. ORDERED;—That the 10th. day of Help nnd Sltnnlinna DEWING MACHINE repairing of all November, A. D., 1928, at 9 o'clock, ing a circulation In said District, on makes oils, needles and auntilies R FOR SALE—GREEN MOUNTAl 4 Po­ FOR RENT —6 ROOM tmiemcnt mod­ forenoon, at the Probate Office, in or before November 5, 1928,. and by Help Wanted — H'emale ...... 3i, posting a copy of this order on the Help Wanted Male ...... SO W Garrard. 37 Edward street Tel tatoes. $l.nn Inishel ijellvcrefi Ed- ; ern conveniences Apply J P- Tam­ said Manchester, be and the same is Help Wanted Male or Femal' 3 715 ward Boyle. Manche.s-or Creen. 'el many 90 Main streei. assigned for a hearing on the allow­ public signpost In the Town where Agents Wanted ...... 37 .\ ephone 2.52-4, ance of said account with said estate, the deceased last dwelt. 5 days be­ Situations Wanted -P'eniale ,. 88 I’HMNOG IIA PHS, vacuum oieancr. TO KE.NT—4 ROOM FLAT, modern and this Court directs the trustee to fore said day of hearing and return Situations Wanted Male . . . 89 clock re|>;iir’Mg key fitting gun and FOR SALE - GREEN MOUNTAIN improvements, steam .leat Vacant give public notice to. all persons In^ make to this Court. Employment Agencies . .... 4i lock smithing Bralthwalte 5‘2 Pearl potatoes. Frank V. Williams. Tel. on or about Nov. 1st Apply 29 Cot­ terested therein to appear and be WILLIAM S. HYDE Lire Stock — Pete—Poultry—Vehicle- street. 989-12. tage street. ______heard, thereon by publishing a copy Judge. of this order Is sonie newspaper hav­ H-10-5-28. Dogs—Birds—Pctt ...... 41 FRESH PICKED fruits and vege­ Live Stock — Vehicle* ...... 42 Wanted— Business Service 2(» FOR RENT—DESlllABTiE 6 room ing £L circulation In said District, nih Poultry and Supplies...... 4S tables. from our arm, toadside rent, centrally located. For further or before November 5, 1928.' and by AT A URT OF PROBATE HELD During ■the Jackson regime. Washington was the. Wanted - Pe's Poultry -Stock 44 stand. Driveway .nn, 656 North Main Information Inquire In person at posting a copy of this order on the at Manchester, within and for the Poi Sole— Mlacellnneoae WANTED—500 new accounts. Your street Phone 2669. Kemp's Music House. public signpost In the Town of 5Iun- district of Manchester on the 3rd day oattlegroiind of the “ ladies’ war,’’ in which the wives of Articles for Salt 4! credit Is good at Benson Furniture chester, 5 days befbre said day of of Nov^m er, A. D... 1928. cabinet officers and other high officials snubbed Jkckr Boats and accessories .. . 4ii Company. Buy here and save at "■'o r SALK - GREEN MOUNTAIN H RENT —DESIRABLE tenement. hearing and return make to this Present, WILLIAM S. HYDE. Esq., least 20 per cent. potatoes Thomas Burgess. Wapping T) rooms, 32 V/alker off East Center Court, ■ Jud-ge;'r: - son's protege, Peggy O’Neill Eaton, wife of the se<:r«- Building Material- .. . . 4.' ■ E state‘bf Eliza A. Kyte late of Diamonds - Watches Jewelry 4S Tel. 29-2, Manchester Jlvlsicn. street. Shades, gas water heater, WILLIAM S. HYDE tary of war. Mrs. Eaton had often served Jackson and Ele<"rical Appliances—Radio 49 steam heat, garage. Rent reasonable. Judge. Manchester, In said District,, deceas­ FOR SALE—GLEN WOOD combina­ Inquire 30 Walker street. H-10-5-28. ed. senators and legislators in her father’s tavern in Wash­ Fuel and Feed 49-A Help Wanted— Female 33 The Trustee having exhibited Its (liirdcn - Farm Dairy Products 60 tion coal and gas stove: also gas ington, and It was whispered she was “tavern-raised.” Household Goods ...... 61 hot water heater. James McCaw, 525 TO RENT—1 ROOM newly furnish­ AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD annual account with said estate to Machinery and Toula...... 52 East Center street. ed. steam heat, private family. Box at Manchester, within and for the this Court for allowance. It is By NEA, Through Special Permission of the ^bbshers ot The Booh of Knowletlge. Copyright; Musical Instruments ...... 53 K. district of Manchester on the 3rd day ORDERED:—That the 10th. dajr of Office and Store Equipment . . . . 64 Huusuliuld ttoods 51 of November, A. D.. 1928. November, A. D., 1928, at 9 o’clock, Experienced stenographer wanted - Present, WILLIAJM S. HYDE, Esq„ forenoon,’ at the Probate Office, in Sporting Goeda—Guns ...... 55 for part time employment every Houses lor Kent 63 said Manchester, be and the same Is Spectala at the .Stores ...... 56 afternoon. One with experience Few Good Rebuilt Stoves Judge. Wearing Apoarel —Furs ...... 57 Estate of Ann Gibson late of Man­ assigned for a hearing on the allow­ preferred. Answer by letter stat­ $16 to $25 TO RENT—SINGLE HOUSE, 7 rooms, chester, in said District, deceased. ance of said account with said es­ Wanted To Buy ...... 68 ing qualifications. Address Tobac­ WATKINS FURNITURE EXCHANGE Hooms—Itonrd—Hotel* -Resort* heat and all combinations. Inquire The Administrator having exhibit­ tate. and this Court directs the Trus­ ttrstnurnnts co, care of Herald. 17 Oak Street. at 126 BIssell street. ed his administration account with tee to give public notice to all per­ said estate to this Court for allow­ sons interested, therein to appear and Rooms Without Board ...... 59 YOU CAN ALWAYS find something FOR RENT-SINGLE 8 room house, be heard thereon by publishing a B'lardcrs Wanted ...... 59-A that you need in the house. In the ance, It is Country Board Resorts ...... 6'J all modern Impiovemenis gasoline ORDERED:—That the 10th. day of copy of this order in some newspaper line of new and used furniture at station, 3 chicken coo-ps and large November, A. .D., 1928, at 9 o’clock, having a circulation In said District, Hotels-- Kes'aiirants ...... 61 Ostrlnsky’s Furniture Store, 28 Oak. Wanted .tooina Board .. .. 62 WANTED AT ONCE girl for house­ garden, on state road, Manchester forenoon, at the Probate Office, In on or before November 6, 1928, and lleni Estate For Kent work. Small family, stay nights. Green, 10 minutes to school and said Manchester, be and the same- is by posting a copy of this order on the Apartments, Flats I'enemcnib.. '6S Good home. References. Apply Nel- Musical Instruments 58 trolley. Call J91.2-2. assigned for a hearing on.the allour- public signpost In the Town where W' Business liocatlons for Rent ... 6( legs Hat Store, State Theater Bldg. ance of said. administration account the deceased last dwelt, 5 days be­ Houses for Rent ...... 6( Wanted to Kent 56 with said estate, and this (?ourt di­ fore said day of hearing and return SINGLE GIRLS WANTED to learn ANOTHER GOOD USED PIANO $76 rects the administrator to give public make to this Court. Suburban for Rent ...... 6( mill operation. A ply Cheney Bros. Vlotrolas $10 to $25 WILLIAM S. HYDE Summer Homes for Rent ...... 6' i^ R RENT—DANCE HALL FOR notice to all persons'.Intorestedithere­ Wanted to Rent ...... 61 Employment Office. WATKINS FURNITURE BXCHANG:: in to appear and be heard thereon-by Judge. 17 Oak Street. clubs and parties. Jar-vis Grove, TeL H-10-5^28.‘ ‘ ItenI flslnte For Sole 341. publishing a copy of this . .order, in Apartment Buildings fui Sale .. 6! Help Wanted— Male 8(1 some newspaper having a circulation Business Property for S a le...... 7< FOR SALE—BUESCHER C. melody in'said District, on or before Novem­ Farms.and La..d for Sale ...... 7 saxophone complete with case and Houses , for BaU> 7 » ber 5, 1928, and-by posting:a. copy of TilB FICKLE THING I ^ K e l WANTED—MAN to distribute cards accessories. Any reasonable offer this order on the public sigppost in J a .c fc so rv y / \ Houses for S a le ...... T for Personal Finance Company. Ap­ considered. Phone 481-5. Lots for Sale ...... 7^ ply to manager. Room No. 2. State FOR SALE—NEW 6 ROOM bungp.- the Town'where the deceased' last Flrst Moyle Actress: Why Resort Property for S a if...... 7 low, oak trim, garage, all modern dwelt, 5 days before said day ' of Rachel Jackson had Society snubbed Mrs. Theater Building, 753 Main street. Wanted— To Buy 55 hearing and' return • make to . this tears, dearie? Suburban for Sale ...... 7 South Manchester, between 8 and 5. improvements; new C room hotise. died after getting ready Eaton, but the chivalrous Real Estate for Exchange...... 7 fire place, oak trim, garage - and all Court. . Second (sobbing): - I-I-I don’t Wanted —Real Estate ...... 7 Improvements. Telephone 2632-2 or ■WILLIAM S. HYDE to move into the VVhite Jackson defended her, I PAY THE best prices for rags, Judge. bub-bub-buh-belleve your husband Anctlon—l.egnl Notices WANTED—COUNTER man. Apply paper, books, metals etc. D. Oren- call at 168 Benton street for price doves me any more.— ^Life. House with her husband. even to the point of, send­ Auction Sales 78 Glastonbury Diner. stein, oldest junk dealer In town. and terms. H-10-5-28. . •, . Legal Not leer ...... 79 Tel. 475-3. • t- ^ Jackson’s niece, Mrs. ing Mrs. Oonelson home By Frank Beck Oonelson, was mistress because the niece re­ GAS BUGGIES—Ho-Hum! of the mansion. fused to visit her. c tr WHAT HAPPCNEO^ Q U IC K !i HE*S CALM COMING WHERE TELL ME, M YOURSELF, AROUND... HIS AM I — VIOLA, "^AMY. HE’ LL EYELIDS ARE — WHERE BE ALL RIGHT FLUTTERING..^ IS A M Y— WHAT HAS IN A HE'LL BE 1 MUST HAPPENED MINUTE... OUT OF IT FIND HER.- TO HEM? IN A . . COME ON, JIFFY I ITS AN A LEC .... ILL WIND HELP TH A T BLOWS ME.. NO GOOD* AND ALTHOW5H HEM LOST CONSCIOUSNESS WHEN ALEC ACCIOENTALLY Throughout his life, Andrew Jackson’s Ideal cdhilfe BUMPED HIM AGAINST A ued to b e the wife who had died in the hour of his * “ BOOKCASE, est successr— Rachel. Often he visited hj$r gr* HE FOUND A seemed as if her spirit hovered over the White P L E A S A N T SURPRISE so close had been their interests and them" le 'i WHEN BE she lived. In his great heart she remained RECOVgRED/' inspiration. ,(fo Bo Skitthw »ml Synepsw. Copyrtgtit; IMS, Dm CroUs^i

M, ■ ...... ■. .-I. •sat -'.v 'tii; l.'t ^ i'. ^ - ‘''T'iif.'! '^%-m o


Helen W ills: It’s nice to have a radio on winter nights, Peggy Joyce: Yes, we are plan­ ning to buy two of them— so when the station Is bad on one we can use the other. '

Mrs. Graham McNamee, wife of the famous radio announcer, says she loves to hear her husband talk. Offhand, we can’t think of another married couple who seem so per­ fectly in accord on any one sub­ ject.

“ I often read of a man who has lived to be 125 to 150 years old. It is my opinion that there has never been any such person, although there may have been a few to whom it seemed that long while waiting for the radio commission V\ to regulate and restrict broadcast­ ing."

RCG. U. S. PAT. Radiograms O t9 a e. BY NEA SERVICE. iNC. Although most distance hounds Some girls proclaim their beau­ have only one horn, there are a ty from the hose tops. lot of people who believe they will Another Political Mixup By Fontaine Pox sprout If given time. OUR BOARDINC; HOUSE Radio is progressing by leaps By Gene Ahem , and bounds. Already experts have perfected A battery eliminators and W ho diofjMA dte-r <5 B battery eliminators. If you ask < y ^ V o T e : . us, the next step is a little scientific ciE-r M V VoTfiT. E(3AP,H.-rrflS *

' “ Boy, where did you get such big feet?” - “ Ah, go on. You know. My folks O 4- gave ’em to me for a pres­ • ent.” 5 E.- E K “ I heard you refused the job of president o f the company.” THE RULES “ Yell, there was no chance of advancement.” " NIojX set w h o vAg U Yes Yes ; 1— The idea of letter golf is to change one word to another and do If a man sees another man wear­ It In par, a given number of strokes. ing a hat or suit like his own, he H o o .... ■ Thus to change COW to HEN, in feels complimented. If a woman three strokes, COW, HOW, HEW, has that experience with another HEN. woman It makes her hopping mad. 2. — You can change only one let­ ter at a time. Mrs. Newrich (looking over •ifrie 3. — You must have a completehpuse plan): “ What’s this thing , IP'OU word, of common usage, for each here going to be?” jump, ^.allg words and abbrevia­ Architect: “ That is an Italian O F-Trie tions don’t count. staircase.” i?oPU U ce-i 4. — The order of letters cannot “Just a waste of money. We be changed. probably won’t ever have Italians , SEaU.5.FAT.OrV. coming to see us.

Shopper— I want two ice hags If a girl invites you to dinner and an asbe.stos bathing suit. and her biscuits are a flop, you can Clerk— What on earth for? he certain that she isn’t trying to WASHINGTON TUBBS « Enemies or Allies? Shopper— I’m ’ going to be the put anything over on you; if they By Crane first woman to swim across the are good, you^will still be up in the crater of Vesuvius. air. \ ^ A DESERT NOtHIMC-- IS SAFE IM THE 0EseRT» 'jittMie. POST rm\<. \t O CiP.f\ClOUS ONE, BUT MeTHINKS IT SWH To A X rm P T 3UVIM6 VIORTV^ R\SKlN6. IT IS TWe VlUAAE OF ^P6sv\ e^^Aeus? ONE O f The.MASKED T0UARE6 TRIBES, A W\UD BAND OF DESERT JOBBERS, BUT S' .Tv\e SWORN ENEMIES OF HUDSON BEV.^ Siomr ^ lUL COCHIIAN — PICTURES JSf KNICK im.u.&MT.on'.

FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Oscar Has An Answer! By Blosser .*5! ' COMS OM OSc;Aft=7 ELL, M


vjiet) LlKg*TO KMOVKi VNMAT ms.'/ vk)E


(READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) SALESMAN SAM Sam Makes His Goal The Tinyraites all sat around till night.” And Carpy, too, agreed that B y S m a ( f on the door there came a sound. that was just the thing to do. So “ Hey, Tinymites, you’d better go through the day they slept and ate. to sleep,” a loud voice said. “ To They founa it rather bard to wait. stay up late is very wrong, co hop At last tho stars came peeping in bed where you lelong.” ' “ All forth, up In the .ky of olue, CATCHES Tke right,” replied che Tlnies, And they “ Let’s go,” cried Clowny. ' Night THIEF WHO crawled right Into bed. is here. Now, first of all we’ll sneak swipeoTHe When Clowny wol.e at early up near to Mister Captain’s win­ morn, he tooted loudly on a horn. dow. Then we’ll givo him quite a TOGO FROn “ Wake up,” said he, “ ’Tls Hallow­ scare.” Thplr tick-tacks o’er/tho SUKSSTOR^ e’en. Come on, let’s have some fun. window slid, and then the Tinies (arUa'L HAS We’ve made nice things to do queer ran :ind hid. The captain Jumped PR0Mli€0-ra tricks. Oh, listen how my tick-tack an l shouted “ Whr.t it going on out (L«r H(M |«- ticks. Wake up, you* lazy Tinymites, there?” VeST THC it’s time our sport’s begun.” “ It’s us,” said Scouty. “ Don’t . Then Ccouty jumped right out bo mean. Remember, this is Hal­ MONEY IMA of bed. “ Oh, you’re all wrong,” he lowe’en.” And then they scampered SCHEME sharply said, “ We should not have off to find another man to tease. WHICH SAM our Hallowe’en until quite late to­ “ Ah, hero’s a s.allor sleeping sound. COMTtNOS night. When darkness spt'eads With ticklers now ’et’s gather WILL around the sky, and there is no ‘round,” said Coppy. Then they ©bOMi bright sun' on high, we’ll turn loose tickled him until it made him BUSINESS- on ou/ funny pranks, and do them sneeze. ' all up r’ r ht.” ' « / Wee Coppy added, “ Yes, he’s (The Tinymites have sodic more right. We ought to wait until to­ fun in the next story).

' ^ . ' "I ^ r

PAGE TWELVE illatirliPBtpr ^oraftui MONDAY, NOVEMMR 6/19M ; .•

Mrs. Scott Simon entertained the rls Metter and Reuben Kurland, Election Celebration Neighborhood Bridge club at her BAKER-JOHNSON PUBUC RECORDS store In the southerly section of home on Henry street Saturday eve­ Waranoke Inn. property for a term, ning. z' »■ ot fifteen years from November 1, Miss Dagmar K. Johnson, daugh­ WABRAN'TEE DEEDn 1928. Alice A. Nye to Mrs. Ida Gustaf­ Mystic Review Woman’s Benefit ter of Mrs. Anna Johnson of 22 'V ' DANCE Forest street, was married Satur­ son,Tots No. 31 and 32 of Morn- BUILDING PERAnX association will hold its regular Ingside Park, free from all encum­ meeting in the Odd Fellows ban­ day afternoon at 4 o’clock to Lins- ley R. Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. brance except as to taxes laid as ot George Pazianos, alterations: to AT THE RAINBOV quet hall tomorrow evening. A Oct. 1, 1928. . his caqdy store at the corner' ot large attendance of the members Charles Baker of Wethersfield at the home of her uncle and aunt, Anna W. Robb to Edward Cope­ Pearl and Main street. ii hoped for as plans will be com­ ' Mr. and Mrs. Otto Junnson of Rus­ land, land on the west side of Par­ SOUTH -MRNCHCSTTR ■ CONN pleted for the district rally here on ker street. Wednesday Nighty Nov. 7 the 20th and other Important busi­ sell street. The ceremony was per­ formed by Rev. P. J. O. Cornell, LEASE ness acted upon. pastor of the Swedish Lutheran A. Richard and Co., Inc., to Mor- SPECIAL FOR Peerless Orchestra of church, the wedding march being Another whist, bridge and set­ plhyed by Miss Esther Tack. The 15 DAYS ALL THIS WEEK Willimantic back party is to be held in St. Johnson home was beautifully dec­ James’s Hall on Wednesday even­ orated with white and yellow chry­ Panco soles sewed on— $1.00 ing of this week. The number that santhemums, ferni^, palms and ever­ never offered 'before at this price.. has I been attending these card greens. Guaranteed to wear, from 8 to 10 ABOUT TOWN parties has been Increasing each The bride and grgom were at­ FILMS months. Don’t fall to take advan­ A Special Sale and Demonstration week and in addition to the prizes tended by Miss Dorothy Tack as DEVELOPED AND tage of these prices: that are awarded to the winners bridesmaid and Elden Piper, as PRINTED Men’s Leather Soles sewed on ., $1 there has always been a luncheon bestman, both of this town. 24 HOUR SERVICE liadies* Soles Sewed o n ...... 75c. -of- Local Garden club members are The bride, who was given away reminded of the monthly meeting served, which will be done during this week’s party and entertain­ by her mother, was attired In Film Deposit Box at The best grade of rubber heels this evening at the Manchester used. ■ ■> ment. a gown of white satin trimmed with Store Entrance Community clubhouse. lace. She wore a veil of tulle caught The Social Service compiittee Is with orange blossoms and carried a Boston Shoe Repair Lady Roberts Lodge, Daughters planning to have a booth tomorrow bridal bouquet of white roses and of SU George will omit Its sewing lily of the valley. The bridesmaid’s KEMP'S Shop ■Ever’' for the sale of hot frankfurters, meeting at Mrs. Dotchin’s tomor­ coffee and doughnuts in front of the dress was of tan crepe, and she row on account of its being elec­ Connecticut Company’s small build­ wore a hat to match. She carried an 1105 Spruce St., Near Bissell St. tion day. ing on Center street. The profits arm bouquet of pink roses. will be used in furthering the work A reception, attended by about 35 Members of the Moose will meet of the committee among the needy friends and relatives, was held Im­ this evening for the llrst time at and ailing in the comn-unlty. Mrs. mediately after the ceremony. the Home club on Bralnard Place. Robert Dougan and Mrs. Walter Guests were preaemt from Hartford, A class of candidates will be ini­ Luettgens will be in charge and the Wethersfield and this town. tiated and other business of im­ hours of serving will bj from 11 a. The wedding gifts were numer­ portance transacted. A social hour m. through the greater part of the ous and beautiful. Seasoned During the evening, Mr. and Mrs. with refreshments will follow the day. . MISS GOTHAM meeting. A large turnout is hoped Baker left on an unannounced wed­ for. ding trip, the bride wearing a black For the first time in three years, velvet ensemble with hat to match. From the "Wear-Ever” fac­ employees of the local post offices On their return they will L u m b e r tory, will be at pie store all The ladies Sewing Circle of the will have Christmas Day entirely to reside at 443 Washington street, this week demonstrating the Lutheran Concordia church will themselves. The past two years Hartford. have a special business meeting at they have had to work half a day. wearing qualities of “ Wear- 2 o'clock, after which the ladles This is because Christmas has been Woman’s Exchange Ever” alumirium cooking 2 Qt. will decorate their booth for the observed oh Monday and rather 3Qt. ware. For this week only bazaar to be held Wednesday, than to tie up the mall delivery for Special Towels we are offering special prices Thursday and Friday evenings of two whole days, half-day service has this week at the church. been maintained.. This year, how­ Mrs. Elliott’s If we put too much pep into these advertisements you on a few of their many cook­ Double Boilers ever, Christmas falls on a Tuesday Percolators ing utensils. Replace uten­ Sunset Rebekah Lodge will hold arid there will be no rural or free 853 Main Street can take them with a grain of salt. But it’s a solemn sils that wear out with Its regular business session in Odd delivery. Special delivery letters “ Wear-Ever” aluminum. Fellows ball this evening. A de­ will be delivered. fact that we take pride in the lumber we handle and you gree rehearsal will follow in prepa­ WATKINS BROTHERS won’t find a lot of green stuff in your order if we fill it. ration for the visit of the assembly Miss Ellenor Rogers, private sec­ officers, December 3. The other retary to Principal C. P. Quimby of We like to surprise our customers with just a little bit members will play whist in the the High School, recently under­ banquet ball. went a slight surgical operation. better lumber than they expected. That policy is what ($2.50 Quality) Funeral ($3.00 Quality) During her absence. Miss Gladys If you need a new dou­ Basketball practice will be held Harrison Is doing her,work. has built up our business. We can’t afford to slip—^now. ' as nsual at the School street Recre­ A coffee percolator that ble holler, it will be worth ation Center tomorrow evening be­ will last for years. Assort- ' ^your while to purchase one tween the hours of '/ and 8:30 and About fifty friends gathered, at Directors ed colored handles. ‘ of thfese large, 2-quart dou­ all members are urged to report. the home of Mrs. Emil Peterson, 25 ble boilers that we are of­ Alton street, Saturday night to give W« G. Glenney Co. 2 Q t. S i z e ...... $1-98 fering this week and save a triple birthday party Tn honor of Robert K, Anderson A harvest supper will be the at­ 1 Q t. S i z e ...... $1.69 81c on this article alone. traction Thursday evening of thi". Sherwood and Florence Benson of Phone: 500 or 2837-W Coal, Lumber, Mason Supplies Cambridge street and Wllraore Pe­ week at the Manchester Communi­ Allen Place, Manchester Phone 126 Triplicate ty clubhouse, the first of a series of terson of Alton street. The date similar social affairs it is planned happens to be the birthday of all to have at the White house this three. There were games, refresh­ winter. The meal will be served ments and presents. Sauce Pans between the hours of 5:30 and 7’ 30 and the diners may remain for a Mrs. Thomas Curran of 72 Ridge game of bridge, pool or any of the street was removed to her home recreational diversions the club­ from St. Francis hospital in Hollo- house affords. ran Brothers’ ambulance yesterday. Square . 3 Qt. ( $4.25 Quality) . SOUTH ^MANCHESTER - CONN- Cake Pans Spac^ saving sauce pans—■ Sauce Pans three-in-one— they all can be used on the one burner. FREE! Complete with one handle. A Pair of

Hear The PresidentialI ' . (75c Quality) ($1.50 Quality) GENUINE LEE OVERALLS 10 Inch Cake or biscuit pans, 9x9- Large, 3-quart convex your size, will be given away Saturday to the person Incbes square and 2% Inch­ sauce pans for cooking vege­ who guesses nearest to the number of yards of thread ’ Election Returns Tomorrow es deep. Pie Plates tables. used in sewing THE I

“Wear-Ever” 29c ’PHONE Night at Hale’ s Radio Shop Sale and j ORDERS World’s Largest t (45c Quality) Demonstration , Round “Wear-Ever” FILLED ALL NIGHT SERVICE IF THE DECISION IS Basement alumirium pie plates, 10- ■ y UNDECIDED inch size and extra deep. Overall Hale’s Aluminumware—Basement Made by LEE

Now Displayed Outside our Store—Too Big to Get Inside. Do Not Miss Seeing this Amazing Overall! Studio of Dramatic Art Special Prices on Voice Culture,-Poise, Humorous andx Dramatic lleadlugs LEE OVERALLS AND JACKETS Classes Being Kormetl for Adults fKPM and Children

LEE OVERALLS are made of tough, long-lasting Beatrice C. Johnson to Johnson Terrace Tel.,742-3 Denim. Triple stitched seams, solid brass non-rust buttons'. Big and roomy lined pockets. All strain- GOOD THINGS TO CAT ing points reinforced. Made for men who know and demand quality. CORNED BEEF, ELECTION, ETC. GOOD RECEPTION IS ASSURED THROUGH Probably you know all about Pinehurst Corned Beef—-Its perfect corning, its pertect condition be­ We want YOU to TRY a pair of these splendid THE NEW MODEL 40 . fore it goes into the brine, the fact that it’s not Just odds and ends but fine, high grade beef to start OVERALLS for THIRTY DAYS—give them the ALL-ELECTRIC with. HARDEST KIND OF WEAR and if you do not V Just now the brine tanks contain some of the think they are the best OVERALLS you have finest bits you ever saw— Briskets and Rib pieces. ever bought, bring them back and GET YOUR And Just for the sake of starting something we're MONEY. making a special on the Ribs—at 17 cents a pound. This is a Corned Beef bargain to tell the neighbors i A t w a t e r K e n t about! There’s a beautiful lot of Fresh Pork In the re­ frigeration plant today also. And along with this The Lee Guarantee subject of Porki here’s a happy thought: Ends of RADIO Fork to cook with Sauerkraut at 25 cents; Arid the bulk'Kraut Itself— tangy and Just properly add— If you do not find this to be the most satisfactory perfect Sauerkraut, if we do say It— at. 10 cents a pound. and best value-giving Overalls you have ever worn, This is the weather for Corned Beef. Pork and 1 you can get a new pair or your money back. Sauerkraut— and ,“slch.” Also, tomorrow will be election day, remember, and there’s a lot of things The H. D. Lee Mercantile Company, Trenton, N. 3^ that you won’t have time to do tomorrow, Madame Housewife. Remember the phone. Remember, too, that if you get us .on that phone any time today or after For One Wedc Only Starting Today and Qosing SALES and SERVICE 6:30 topioiTOW morning you can have your order With Demonstration Saturday, November 10th by Ready to attach to your aerial. delivered any time after' 8 o’clock a. m. that yoq Factory Representatiye, want it. It would be a mighty good plan to tip us off as to Just what hours tomorrow yoUv.expect to HILLERY BROS. be home and when you', expect to be away saving your cQuntry:^—so that wo can deliver yo\ir order We Guarantee Installation of All Sets Purchased . T el. 1107^ ' accordingly. 384 Htfd. Road, So. Manchester Anyhow, Happy Election day— even you oan’t Up to Tuesday Noon. all win. A L BROWN & CO. Phond two thousand. .A • - ' Men’s Furnishings, Hats and Shoes. \ ' .Tests revealed that vthe lifting I D ^t Square > Manchester, Conn. Hale’s Radio Shop— Between House’s and Green!s;» ,:p6vrer of an average^slaied mush- Irdoia was 87 pounds. Mushrooms v^have been known to lift and crack Mphalt paths. ADVERTISE LN THE HERALD-^IT PAYS ■A

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