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Ocm11420828-1933.Pdf (5.308Mb) y p l FIFTY-FIRST ANNUAL REPORT BOARD of TRUSTEES ~nl~itr!l' ifnmt in :!1Ilta!lsat~usttts AT CHELSEA For Year Ending Nov. 30, 1933 PUllLlCATION OF TIDS DOCUMENT APPROVED BY THE COMMISSION ON ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE 1500. 7-'34. Order 1722. LEGACIES TO THE SOLDIERS' HOME ·As legacies intended for this Home may be lost by defects in the phraseology by which bequests are made, it is desirable that the subjoined form should be care­ fully followed by persons desiring to leave money to the Institution. FORM OF BEQUEST I give and bequeath to the Trustees of the Soldiers' I-lome in Massachusetts, incorporated by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the sum of . .. ......... .dollars, the same to be paid by my executor to the person who shall act as treasurer of said Corporation, at the time when the same shall be payable. OFFICERS 1933-1934 President, COL. WILLIAM J. KEVILLE Secretary, ERNEST W. HOMAN Vice-President, HORACE GOODWIN Treasurer, FRED E. BOLTON Assistant Treasurer, COL. ROBERT E. GOODWIN TRUSTEES WILLIAM J. KEVILLE, Belmont ERNEST W. HOMAN, Saugus HORACE GOODWIN, Westfield FREDERICK H. BISHOP, Wollaston JAMES A. WRIGHT, Beverly WALDO TURNER, E. Weymouth FRED E. BOLTON, Roxbury OSCAR B. DUDLEY, Shrewsbury ROBERT E. GOODWIN, Concord DUDLEY L. PAGE, Lowell WILLIAM B. EDGAR, Fall River THOMAS F. SHAUGHNESSY, Belmont EDWIN J. FOS~ER, Worcester ALBERT NICKERSON, Chelsea JAMES H. WEBB, Boston JOSEPH F. STODDARD, Stoneham JOHN A. BRACKETT, Lawrence LEONARD BOYD, Newton JAMES S. MITCHELL, Wollaston GEORGE W. GR.EEN, Jamaica Plain GEORGE A. GAY, Department Commander, G.A.R., Ex officio Executive Committee WILLIAM J. KEVILLE ERNEST W. HOMAN ROBERT E. GOODWIN HORACE GOODwn, FRED E. BOLTON Committee on Admissions ERNEST W. HOMAN JAMES A. WRIGHT ALBERT NICKERSON Finance Committee WILLIAM J. KEVILLE EDWIN J. FOSTER JOHN A. BRACKETT ROBERT E. GOODWIN FREDERICK H. BISHOP Audit~ng Committee THOMAS F. SHAUGHNESSY GEORGE W. GREEN JAMES H. WEBB Building Committee VVILLIAM J. KEVILLE HORACE GOODWIN WALDO TURNER FRED E. BOLTON WILT.IAM B. EDGAR Officers of the Home Commandant, CHARLES W. PARKER AS8istant Surgeon, LEWIS GLAZER, M .D. Ad.iutant, JOSEPH E. MARTIN Chaplain, REV. BENJAMIN G. SEABOYER Surgeon, Lt. Col. WILLIAM H. BLAN- Chief Engineer, BERNARD LAUGHLIN CHARD, M.D. Consul ting Surgeons Dr. KARL R. BAILEY, Boston Dr. MAXWELL E. MACDONALD, Boston Dr. FREDERICK L. BOGAN, Boston Dr. HARRIS P. MOSHER, Boston Dr. PAUL F. BUTLER, Boston Dr. THOMAS J. O'BRIEN, Boston Dr. DANA W. DRURY, Boston Dr. WILLIAM F. REGAN, Boston Dr. GEORGE B. FENWICK, Chelsea Dr. BENJAMIN W . RUDMAN, Boston Dr. ARI .... L W. GEORGE, Boston Dr. BERTRAM 1-I. SAWYER, Boston Dr. BENJAMIN A. GODVlN, Boston Dr. CHANNING C. SIMMONS, Boston Dr. HERBER'l' H. HOWARD, Boston Dr. EDWARD A. SUPPLE, Boston Dr. ARTHUR R. KIMPTON, Boston Dr. SAML'EL TAR'rAKOFF, Boston Dr. RALPH D. LEONARD, Boston Dr. ISADORE GREEN, Boston Dr. EDWIN A. LOCKE, Boston Dr. RICHARD H. MILLER, Boston Dr. STEPHEN MALLETT, Boston 3 THE HOME Gen. Horace Binney Sargent of Boston, "The Father of the Soldiers' Home," to whom more than to any other one we are indebted for our Home, began in 1875 by rousing the members of the Grand Army of the Republic, and they caused the Department of Massachusetts, G.A.R., to take up the work with vigor. The public nobly responded and contributed freely their sympathy and money. Members of the G.A.R. and associates were incorporated in 1877, worked hard, opened the Home July 25, 1882, with the General as President, and, although in California, he continued a Trustee until his death, January 8, 1908 (Annual Re­ ports, 1883, President, page 4; 1901, President, page 5; 1903, Secretary, pages 1,7,8; 1908, President, pages 1, 4, 5). The fourth Thursday of September is the annual meeting-the first day of the corporate year; and July 1 is the first day of the financial year, but it was July 25 up to 1892, when it was changed to conform to the year of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. The Trustees were eighteen in number when incorporated by chapter 218, Acts of 1877, and were increased to twenty-one by chapter 282, Acts of 1889. The Governor fills all vacancies in the three Governor's appointments, and the Com­ mander of the Department of Massachusetts, G.A.R., is ex officio, a trustee. All other vacancies are filled by the remaining Trustees; but there must always be fifteen members of the Department of Massachusetts, G.A.R., one member of the Department of Massachusetts, Spanish War Veterans, and one member of the Division of Massachusetts, Sons of Veterans, U. S. A. Seven Trustees con­ stitute a quorum for doing business. CHARTER MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND THE ORIGINAL OFFICERS President Gen. HORACE BINNEY SARGENT V ice-President Capt. JOHN G. B. ADAMS Secretary Treasurer GEORGE S. EVANS Hon. WILLIAM GASTON ADAMS, Capt. JOHN G. B., 1877-1900* LOVERING, Rev. Jos. F., 1877-(r) 1908 BAILEY, Hon. ANDREW J., 1877-1927* McKAy, JOHN, Jr., 1877-(r) 1883 BROWN, Dr. W. SYMINGTON, 1877-1910* MEECH, JAMES F., 1877-1899* CARTWRIGHT, Maj. E. G. W., 1877- PATCH, GEORGE H., 1877-1887* 1886* RAYMOND, Maj. EDWARD T., 1877-(r) DALTON, Gen. SAMUEL, 1877-1905* 1883 DEVENS, Gen. CHARLES, 1877-(r) 1885 RICE, Hon. ALEX. H. (c) 1877-(r) 1883 EMERY, Maj. CYRUS C., 1877-(r) 1883 SARGENT, Gen. HORACE BINNEY, 1877- EVANS, GEORGE S., 1877-1903* 1908* GASTON, Hon. WM. (c) 1877-(r) 1883 WILCOX, Lt. CHARLES W., 1877-1913* WILSON, Col. HENRY, Jr., 1877-(r) 1880 (*) Died in office. (r) Resigned. (c) Civilian. 4 FORMER TRUS TEES SERVING FROM 1880 TO 1933 tAMES, Dr. AZEL, Jr., 1883- (1') 1884 tHOSLEY, GEORGE A., 1924-1930* AMES, THOMAS .J. (D .C.) 1913 (D.C.) 1912 tBARKER, Col. THOMAS E., 1886-1896* KIDDER, HENRY P., 1893-(1') 1894 tBARTON, SILAS A., 1899--1914* tKING, DAVID, 1930- 1934* tBEATTY, JAMES, 1921-1930* tKNIGHT, R.-.RRY T. (a) 1912-(r) 1921 tBIcKNELL, FRANCIS A., 1921-1930* tKNOWLES, ALFRED H. (D.C.) 1926- BILLINGS, JOHN D. (a) (D.C.) 1928- 1933* 1933* tLODGE, HENRY CABOT (c) 1885-1924* tBLACKMAR, Gen. WILMON W., 1900- tMACCABE, JOSEPH B. (c) 1890- 1930* 1905* tMARCY, GEORGE D .W., 1915· (r) 1921 tBOND, Capt. NELSON A. (a) 1885- tMATHEWS, THOMAS R., 1916- 1927* 1899* MCGREGOR, ALEX. (a) 1910- (1') 1912 tBOWEN, JAMES L., 1913-1919* tMERRlLL, GEORGE S ., 1887- 1900* BRADLEY, .J. PAYSON (a) 1923-1927* MOLE, FRANCIS E. (D.C.) 1915, tl919, BROWN, J. WILLARD (D.C.) 1910 1924* BROWN, WILLIAM F. (D.C.) 1926* MONK, HENRY A. (D.C.) 1927 tBUFFUM, THOMAS J ., 1922- 1929* tMONROE, ALFRED C., 1883- 1884* tCLARK, HENRY (D.C.) 1922-1929 MORRILL, EDWIN F. (D.C.) 1921 1931* tMOSES, GEORGE W., 1903-1911 (1') tCOMEY, HENRY N., 1926-1932* (D.C.) tMOSMAN, MELZAR H., 1925- 1926* 1925 tOLlN, Col. WILLIAM M., 1892-1911* CONVERSE, ELISHA S. (c) (a) 1881- tPARKER, BOWDOIN S., 1920-1923* 1902* PARKEU, JOHN L. (D.C.) 1909 CONVERSE, HARRY E. (c) (a) 1902- tPARKER, WALTER S., 1923-1930* (r) 1910 PORTER, CHAS. H. (c) (a) 1896-(1') 1899 tCOPPINS, GEORGE T., 1911- 1919* PRA'l'T, GEORGE W . (D.C.) 1923 tCREASEY, Capt. GEO. W., 1881-('1") RAND, Col. ARNOLD A. (a) 1899-(1') 1892 190() tDALTON, J. FRANK, 1920- 1922* RICKER, OLIVER P., 1920- 1929* tDARLING, CHARLES K, 1908- 1926 ROE, ALFRED S. (D.C.) 1908 tDENNY, DANIEL E., 1906- 1926* (D.C.) tSANBORN, FREEMAN B., 1925-1930* 1017 tSIMPSON , JAMES M., 1914- 1920* tFlELD, LUCIUS, 1908- 1910* tSMITH, Lieut. PE'rER D., 1886- 1911* FISKE, GUANVILLE S. (D.C.) 1911 S'l'ANLEY, EDWAUD P. (D.C.) 1918 tFLYNN, JAMES F., 1930-1934* STARBIRD, EDWARD P., tl910- (1') 1924 "tFOSTER, RICHARD R., 1923- 1924* tSTICKNEY, ALLISON M., 1905- 1912* FROTHINGHAM, LOUIS A., 1926-1928* STILLINGS, EPHUAIM B., 1905- 1917* tGILMAN, JOHN E ., 1900--1921* tTAYLOR, Gen. CHAS. H., 1894--(1') 1897 tGRAVES, GEORGE, 1912-1923* TAYLOR, GEO. W. (a) 1914-(1') 1915 "tGRAY, JOSHUA, 1931-1932* tTENNEY, Hon. SAMUEL P., 1883-1903* GROVER, WM. O. (c) (a) 1888-(1') 1891 tWALCOTT, GEOUGE P., 1913-1921* "tHALL, ELI W., 1893-1920* rWALES, Gen. NATHL., 1880-(1') 1886 tHALL, Gen. GEORGE F., 1910-1915* WALKER, Col. M. B. (a) 1888-(1') 1895 HAM, BENJAMIN A. (D.C.) 1924 tWALLACE, Col. C. N., 1895-1918* tHAMMOND, EDWARD A., 1918- 1926* tWELLINGTON, Col. A. C., 1886-1888* tHARVELL, ELISHA 1.,1883- 1908* tWILDER, GEOUGE W., 1928- 1932* tHASKELL, EDWARD H., 1897- (1') 1919 (D.C.) 19H) tHAWES, Capt. JOHN A., 1880-(1') 1882 tWILLIAMS, FRANK P., 1929-1932* tHERSEY, JOHN W., 1884--1912* WOODS, JOHN M. (D.C-.) 1913, tl918- tHOOPER, Maj. AINSLEY R., 1911-1919* (r) 1924 (a) Appointed by the Governor. (D.C.) Commander of Department of Massachusetts G. A. R. (Trustee for the year he was Comma nder.) (1) Elected by the Trustees. (c) Civilian. (r) Resigned. (*) Died in office. 5 THE DEFENDERS OF THE FLAG ARE REMEMBERED The following legacies and donations of fifty dollars and over are gratefully acknowledged :- Capt. Joseph B. Thomas, Boston, donation in 1881 . $10,000 00 Miss Elizabeth P. Sever, Salem, Mass., legacy in 1882, amounting with interest to . 4,164 82 F. H. P. Rogers, Post 29, G. A. R., Waltham, 1882 .. 1,000 00 Hon. J. Warren Merrill, Cambridge, Mass., donation in 188::1 . 1,000 00 George Draper, Esq., Hopedale, Mass., donation from 1883 to 1886, inclusive, $100 per annum . 400 00 Mrs. Caroline M. Barnard, Everett, Mass., furnishing Cudworth Ward in hospital in 1886 .
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