A 99:Each 21.70 29.88
T H U R S D A Y , ’JULY 2, 1790 PAOB TWENTY ilaitfJjwlTr Ewnttig k y Average IM y Net^PreiB Rmt For Tile Wedi IM ed W e a k e r Jane pi , 19M and Debra J. Mlkellte, OPENING SOOW Good, 6 Olcott St.; Mrs. Jeanne Bolton, Mostly cloudy through ‘Sat Poe Appointed Public, Records Bolton. urday; chance of showers late Manchester Lemek, Goose Lane, Tolland; About Hospital Phone RIZZO'S GREAT NEW in day both days. Low tonight Mrs. Minna Andersen, 63 North Building Permits 15,610 T o U o fH Post Warrant*^ Deeds .-A ' Alanchester Chapter'-jDlsabled about 66. Daytime highs in 70a. Hospital Notes The telephone number for ■St.; Mrs. Mary H. Cotter, 38 -Henry C. and .Mildred S. Ten Nutmeg Homes Inc., house Veterans, ' and its BRANCH STORE Manchester Memorial Hospi- MancheHer^—A City of VUlage Charm Deepwood Dr.; Mrs. Lois Car Roger F. Poe of Rocky Hill, ney to I^wrence E. and Marga 26 Country Club Dr., $25,000. -^Uxllfary will sponsor d hotdog tal was changed a few Vernon Circle TlSniN'O BOCBS penter, 188 Broad St.; Mrs. formerly of Manchester, has ret F. Hail, property .at 13 Wesley Bunce, foundation aJ-. ro'ast tonight for patiente at months ago, but too late to Ri. 88 - Exit 85 VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 233 Intermsdlato Care Semi- .Carolyn llnklepaugh, 40 Olcott been appointed an assistant di Marshall Rd., conveyance tax 14 Spencer St., $2,000. V, jtcKky Hill Veterans Hospital. (TWENTY PAGES—TV SECTION) be listed correctly in the new oU Uts.
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