Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2019; 7(2): 1246-1249

E-ISSN: 2320-7078 P-ISSN: 2349-6800 Biology and life cycle of cyst JEZS 2019; 7(2): 1246-1249 © 2019 JEZS ( zeae) Received: 11-01-2019 Accepted: 15-02-2019 Rani N Rani N, Ravindra H, Mukesh Sehgal, Suresha D Ekabote, Girijesh GK Department of Plant Pathology, and Ganapthi College of Agriculture, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India Abstract Ravindra H The present study on biology and life cycle of maize cyst nematode was carried out under glass house, Project , ZAHRS, Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, Shivamogga to know the biology and time University of Agricultural and required to complete the life cycle of maize cyst nematode, Heterodera zeae on maize (Hytech 5402). Horticultural Sciences, The study revealed that, the second stage juveniles of maize cyst nematode, H. zeae are the infective Shivamogga, Karnataka, India stage and penetrated maize roots at 48 h of inoculation. After penetration, the third stage juveniles were observed on the 7th day of inoculation. Fourth stage juvenile at 13th and adult females at 18th day after Mukesh Sehgal inoculation were observed, respectively. The mature cyst of H. zeae was observed on the 23rd day after ICAR-National Research Centre for Integrated Pest Management, inoculation. Thus, the maize cyst nematode, H. zeae on maize complete total life cycle of 23 days after New Delhi, India inoculation of second stage juvenile.

Suresha D Ekabote Keywords: Biology, Heterodera zeae, life cycle, maize Department Crop Protection, College of Agriculture, Hiriyur, 1. Introduction Karnataka, India Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the most versatile emerging crops having wider adaptability under varied agro-climatic conditions. Globally, maize is known as “Queen of Cereals” Girijesh GK Department of Agronomy, because it has the highest genetic yield potential among the cereals. It is cultivated on nearly College of Agriculture, 150 m ha in about 160 countries having a wider diversity of soil, climate, biodiversity and Shivamogga, Karnataka, India management practices that, contributes 36 per cent (782 m t) in global grain production. The United States of America (USA) is the largest producer of maize contributes nearly 35 per cent Ganapthi Organic Farming Research of the total production in the world. According to the USDA world agricultural supply and Centre, University of demand estimates report, December 2018 maize production was forecasted 1099.91 million Agricultural and Horticultural tons in 2018-19. Among the countries United States of America was stood first in maize Sciences, Shivamogga, production with 371.52 million tonnes followed by China (256mt), Brazil (94.50 mt), Karnataka, India European Union (59.50mt), Argentina (42.50 mt) and India (26.50 mt) [1].In India maize occupied second place after . It is cultivated over an area of 9.50 million ha and production is about 25.00 million tonnes with an average productivity of 2630 kg/ha. Although, the maize

crop is grown in almost all states of the country but major area (about 70%) is covered by

Uttar Pradesh, Andra Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Gujarat, [2] Maharashtra, Punjab and Haryana . Maize occupy an important place as a source of human food (23%), cattle feed (12%), poultry feed (51%), starch (12%), brewery (1%) and seed (1%). Maize grain contains about 10% protein, 4% oil, 70% carbohydrate, 2.3% crude fiber, 10.4% albuminoides and 11.4% ash. It also possesses vitamin A, nicotinic acid, riboflavin and vitamin E. It is low in calcium but fairly high in phosphorus [3]. Maize production in India and abroad is greatly affected by several biotic factors i.e. fungi, bacteria, insect pests and nematodes. Among them, plant parasitic nematodes are responsible to cause 10.2% losses on maize [4]. Plant parasitic nematodes viz., cyst nematodes (Heterodera spp.), lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus spp.), root knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.), stunt nematode (Tylenchorhynchus spp.) and spiral nematode (Helicotylenchus spp.) have been found to be associated with maize [5, 6, 7]. Nematodes also interact with other disease-causing agents (pathogens and soil insects) and adversely affect the quantity and quality of maize production.

Correspondence Among nematodes, maize cyst nematode, (H. zeae) is considered to be the most important [8]. [9] Rani N nematode pest of maize in India It was first reported by Koshy et al. (1970) from the Department of Plant Pathology, Chhapli village of Udaipur district of Rajasthan. It is widely distributed in maize growing areas College of Agriculture, of Rajasthan, Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, U.P., Bihar, M.P., Gujrat, Tamil Nadu, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India Karnataka, A.P. and Maharashtra [10, 11, 12, 13] reported yield losses of maize to the tune of 17-29 ~ 1246 ~

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies th per cent by the maize cyst nematode, H. zeae in India at were observed on the 7 day after inoculation and length of J3 varied inoculum levels and soil conditions. become shorter and wider as compared to J2 stage. In the later Recently outbreak of maize cyst nematode was noticed in stage, the juveniles developing into females showed the parts of Shivamogga and Davanagere districts especially in bifurcated development of the genital cells. The evidence of Issuru village of Shikaripura taluk, Shivamogga district and 4th stage juvenile was observed on the 13th day after Chikadadkatte village of Honnali taluk, Davanagere district inoculation. The female juveniles were observed to have thin [14]. Since, maize is a major crop in major junk of Karnataka, cuticle and swollen posteriorly whereas, males remain in the maize cyst nematode H. zeae is considered as major threat vermiform. Stylet of female was embedded inside the stellar and it has been increasing year after year in all the major region of roots and the rest of the body remains outside the maize growing districts of Karnataka. Since, no work has maize roots. been carried out on maize cyst nematodes. Hence, the study Adult females of H. zeae were observed on the 18th day after was carried out with the aim to know the biology and life inoculation, which was white in colour and was lemon shaped cycle of maize cyst nematode to tackle its infective stage for with reflexes and coiled ovaries. It has well developed neck development of management options. and vulva with thin wall cuticle. The adult female started turning yellow/brown and change into a mature cyst after 23 2. Materials and Methods days of inoculation. Several times the eggs retained in cysts The study was conducted during the month of March under are easily visible from outside due to thin cuticle of the cyst. glasshouse condition by using seventy-five earthen pots filled The vulval cone was generally prominent and the sub with sterilized sandy loam soil and three seeds of maize crystalline layer was observed on new cyst. Then, vulval cone (Hytech 5402) were sown in each pot. After four days of was prepared and critically examined under high power of the germination, one hundred freshly hatched second stage microscope; ambifenestrations were seen and identified as juveniles of H. zeae were carefully inoculated in rhizosphere cyst of H. zeae. Thus, from the experiment it is clearly shown of plant. After inoculation, three pots were deported initially that, the life cycle of H. zeae from second stage juvenile to the at 6 h interval till penetration observed. Thereafter, pots were formation of mature cyst was completed in 23 days of deported daily till mature cysts were recovered. The roots inoculation on maize (Hytech 5402). were carefully washed in running tap water in order to remove The results of the present investigation are in confirmatory the adhering soil particles and stained with 0.1% acid fuchsin with the findings of [19] who reported that, H. zeae complete lacto-phenol solution. To remove excess stain, the stained its life cycle in 25 days at a temperature range of 28-36oC. roots were washed in running tap water and kept in clear Similarly [20], reported that, H. sorghi was able to complete its lacto-phenol for at least 24 h before observation. The roots life cycle from the J2 to the next generation J2 in 24 days on were examined under stereoscopic binocular microscope to maize cv. Deccan-103. However, different workers reported observe the different stages of H. zeae. that, different time to complete the life cycle of H. zeae on maize [21]. Recorded the life cycle of the cyst nematode, 3. Results and Discussion H. zeae on maize was completed in 20 days [22]. Reported that, H. zeae is the unseen enemy of a maize crop it also infects H. zeae took 22 days from the date of inoculation of second several hosts. It is soil borne and microscopic in nature. The stage juvenile to the first appearance of newly hatched second investigation on biology and life cycle of H. zeae is presented stage juvenile [23]. reported that, the life cycle of H. zeae from in the table 1 and plate 1. the second stage juvenile (J2) to (J2) was completed in 15-18 The results on biology and life cycle of maize cyst nematode days at 33oC, while at 36oC, 19-18 days were required on [24] revealed that, the infective second stage J2 juveniles burrowed maize cv. Pioneer 3184 . Reported H. zeae are the infective into the roots and they entered in to the root system within stage and penetrated sweet corn roots at 48 hours of 48 h of inoculation and start feeding. Penetration was inoculation. After penetration, the third stage larvae were observed in zone of elongation and juveniles were found to observed on the 6th day of inoculation. Fourth stage larvae and penetrate both in the tap as well as in lateral roots. After adult females were observed at 13th and 19th day after penetration the juveniles were embedded to root system were inoculation, respectively. The mature cyst of H. zeae was seen. The results of the present investigation are in observed on the 25th day after inoculation. Thus, the life cycle [15] confirmatory with the findings of who observed that, the J2 of maize cyst nematode, H. zeae on sweet corn took place in of H. zeae prefer to penetrate meristematic tissue and the zone 25 days after inoculation of second stage larvae. The of elongation on maize and penetration occurs in 48-72 h. differences in time of juvenile’s penetration might be due to However, [16, 17, 18] reported different time interval for difference in variety, degree of attractiveness of juveniles by penetration of H. zeae on maize. The third stage juveniles J3 the host roots exudates, temperature, soil moisture, soil type and other factors governing penetration during the course of the investigation.

Table 1: Biology of maize cyst nematode, H. zeae on maize (Hytech 5402)

Sl. No. Developmental Stage Time after inoculation of second stage larvae 1 Penetration (2nd stage larvae) 48 h 2 3rd stage larvae 7th day 3 4th stage larvae 13th day 4 Adult female 18th day 5 Mature cyst 23rdday

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Plate 1: Biology and life cycle of maize cyst nematode (Heterodera zeae); A) Eggs, B) Second stage infective juvenile (J2), C) Third stage juveniles embedded in stained root system, D) Stained roots showing immediately transformed J2 to J3 Female stage, E) Stained and fully developed female (J4) embedded with root system, F) Mature female embedded with roots, G) White cyst, H) Mature Cyst

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