Pmc Newsletter Nov01

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Pmc Newsletter Nov01 Newsletter The Periodic Newsletter of Population Media Center October 2001 Capacity Building President’s Message Although the official unveiling occurred on September 19, we n mid-September, I was present in the Middle East have aggravated an continue to celebrate PMC’s late at two very different events. On already bad situation. These shortages August move into more substan- Sunday, September 9th, I par- are the result of too many people com- tial office space. We’re still I located in Shelburne, Vermont, ticipated in the celebration of the peting for a limited resource that can- and still have the same post Earth Charter at Shelburne Farms in not support additional growth. office box and the same phone Vermont. The Earth Charter is a Population growth is contributing and fax numbers, but our physical document that has been drawn up to increasing poverty worldwide. surroundings now meet our needs for consideration by the United Na- People who live in low-income coun- better than ever. With new, tions by a group of environmental tries with large family size spend most highly experienced faces on staff leaders and (see below) and a growing pres- peace activists. ence worldwide, including our The event in Many of the world’s conflicts, recently approved status as a Vermont high- including that of the Middle registered non-governmental lighted the fo- East, are at least in part organization (NGO) in Ethiopia, cus of the PMC is building an institutional Earth Charter propelled by conflicts over base to spread our methodology on the need for resources. as broadly as possible. respect for all living crea- The Home Team tures, the importance of family plan- of their income on immediate survival PMC Welcomes Executive Vice ning and reproductive health ser- needs, while in low-income countries President vices, and the critical importance of with reduced family size, some money "Through over 30 years of in- a peaceful and harmonious world. is left over for investment in education, volvement in the population On September 11th, I arrived in government, manufactured goods and field, he's demonstrated that he's New York City for a series of meet- the economy. The latter leads to capi- dedicated to the cause," says PMC ings only to witness the horror and tal formation and increased productiv- President Bill Ryerson of Peter destruction that can result from ha- ity, increased rates of economic Ames, who signed on as PMC's tred combined with blind ideology. growth, and higher employment lev- Executive Vice President in March. At a minimum, ending terrorism els. Ultimately, reduced family size Ryerson notes Ames' glowing will require finding an equitable so- contributes to higher per capita in- references and the fact that "in lution to the Middle East crisis, as comes and a spreading of wealth be- both large and small non-profits, well as conflicts in other regions that yond the elite. Peter has achieved a great deal in are based upon race, religion and Conversely, countries with rapid administrative and program cultural differences. rates of population growth generally management positions that will Many of the world’s conflicts, in- suffer from economic stagnation, make him an asset to PMC." cluding that of the Middle East, are massive unemployment among Although there were many at least in part propelled by conflicts young men and women, and a strong candidates, Ames stood over resources. Fresh water shortages marked stratification between the (Continued inside) (Continued inside) President’s Message About Population (Continued from front) Media Center Population Media Center (PMC) was founded by William Ryerson in June haves and the have-nots. 1998, as a non-profit, non-governmental In an analysis of the role of massive unemployment in causing political organization to work worldwide with instability, the CIA in the 1970s concluded that population growth exacer- broadcast and print media to promote bates such threats to civil society worldwide. Current government officials population stabilization by encouraging may never have seen that CIA report, but its findings have never been more the use of family planning, safe sexual practices, and elevation of women’s relevant than they are today. status. Population Media Center is While solving the population problem is not sufficient to solve the prob- headquartered in Shelburne, Vermont, lems of humanity, neglecting this issue will inexorably make the solution to and maintains branch offices in Brazil, other problems far more difficult, if not impossible. Ethiopia, Kenya and Mexico. BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIRGINIA CARTER, Redondo Beach, Calif. WILLIAM N. RYERSON, Shelburne, Vt. PHILLIP THORSON, Bethesda, Md. William N. Ryerson President STAFF AND ASSOCIATES WILLIAM N. RYERSON, Founder and In Memorium: President Harold Bostrom PETER AMES, Executive Vice President MARNA EHRECH, Administrative Assistant ROSE HAJI, Radio Trainer, Tanzania good friend to PMC and the CINDY HOUSTON, Administrative Associate population cause world- TOM KAZUNGU, Director of Radio Production Training, Kenya A wide died earlier this year. DR. ANAMELI MONROY, Mexico Country Harold Bostrom was a man who Representative was greatly loved by those who DAVID POINDEXTER, Honorary Chair knew him. He is terribly missed MIGUEL SABIDO, Consultant by those of us who had the MARCIO R. SCHIAVO, Brazil Country pleasure of his friendship. Representative Before developing his interest RODNEY SHAW, Senior Vice President in the population field, Harold was RAMADHAN SWALEHE, Research Trainer, already working hard to serve his Tanzania fellow members of the human DR. NEGUSSIE TEFFERA, Ethiopia Country race. The inventor and developer Representative of hydraulic seats on tractors and Harold Bostrom in trucks, Harold improved the January 11, 1908 — March 8, 2001 NEWSLETTER STAFF Edited by LARISSA VIGUE health and physical well-being of Designed by CRAIG BAILEY farmers, truckers, construction workers and those of us who today CONTACT INFORMATION cut our lawns atop riding mowers. ways to approach the problem. Population Media Center During the 1960s and ‘70s, He was, in fact, a leader in the P.O. Box 547 Harold was a pioneer in the early support of social-content Shelburne, VT 05482-0547 U.S.A. movement to stop runaway soap operas used in developing population growth. Determined countries — support that contin- Telephone: (802) 985-8156 ued until Harold’s death. Fax: (802) 985-8119 to avert the catastrophe of an infinitely exploding population A man of wit, creative intelli- in a world with finite resources, gence, and generosity, Harold Email: [email protected] Harold brought enormous vigor Bostrom changed the lives of Web: to the task, developing new millions the world over. PMC The Home Team charging full speed ahead, he's National Guard as Administrative (Continued from front) carefully tracking the Assistant to the Deputy Com- organization's "learning curve in mander for Maintenance. She then out from the crowd. His back- order to get informed on every worked at Personal Performance ground includes work as Researcher conceivable issue. I'm opposed Consultants, an international with The Population Council and to change for change's sake, so employee assistance program. Director of Finance and Administra- at the outset, I plan to listen From there, she went to the Ben tion for the Association for Volun- and learn a lot about PMC's & Jerry’s Foundation where, she tary Surgical Contraception, as well 'institutional memory.'" as project work in 18 countries. He From what he already knows Houston says she realized her obtained a Harvard Law School J.D. about PMC, Ames feels confident in International Law and Business that directing his career path “passion was in supporting in 1971. north to Vermont was a great "Rather than hiring someone to decision. Calling himself "a non-profits.” take on just one aspect of the citizen of the world by nature and organization," says Ryerson, "I saw mission-driven," Ames says PMC how Peter could assume a greater is the jewel in the crown of his says, she “helped the Foundation give it away.” Later, Houston moved to Ben & Jerry’s corporate "I'm absolutely committed to offices, handling licensing and intellectual property issues out of worldwide population the Treasurer’s office. Houston says she realized her stabilization, and I can't imagine “passion was in supporting non- profits.” a better strategy than PMC's.” When she’s not in the office, — Peter Ames Houston remains immersed in the non-profit world as a volunteer (Continued on back) number of responsibilities including three decades of population work. handling PMC's finances and work- "I'm absolutely committed to ing with me on program." worldwide population stabiliza- In addition to considerable day- tion, and I can't imagine a better to-day organizational experience, strategy than PMC's for reaching Ames is an accomplished public that goal." U.S. Fertility Rate Rises speaker, author of articles like "Laws Relating to Contraception, As we focus on high fertility Abortion, and Sterilization," and Administrative Staff Brings rates all over the world, let us speaks fluent French. This will Eclectic Experience to PMC also keep focused on the U.S. better allow PMC to "respond to ay-to-day operations at PMC Mid-summer, the National requests for involvement through- Dare kept in smooth running Center for Health Statistics out Francophone Africa," says order by two administrative released figures on the total Ryerson, which includes such whizzes. Credit much of what gets fertility rate in the U.S. It rose countries as Algeria, Cameroon, done behind the scenes to them. three percent in 2000, to 2.13, Sierra Leone, Senegal, and the Cindy Houston (pronounced the highest fertility rate in the Ivory Coast. “Howston”) recently joined the United States since 1971. Ames, who most recently PMC staff as Administrative Births in the U.S.
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