Nancy Horan | 432 pages | 02 Oct 2008 | Hodder & Stoughton General Division | 9780340919446 | English | London, United Kingdom LOVING FRANK | NANCY HORAN

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want Loving Frank Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us Loving Frank the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Loving Frank by Nancy Horan. Loving Frank by Nancy Horan. I have been standing on the side of life, watching it float by. I want to swim in the river. I want to feel the current. So writes Cheney in her diary as she struggles to justify her clandestine love affair with Frank . Four years earlier, inMamah and her husband, Edwin, had commissioned the renowned architect to design a new home for them I have been standing on the side of life, watching it float by. Four years earlier, inMamah and her husband, Edwin, had commissioned the renowned architect to design a new home for them. During the construction of the house, a powerful attraction developed between Mamah and Frank, and in time the lovers, each married with children, embarked on a course that would shock Chicago society and forever change their lives. In this ambitious debut novel, fact and fiction blend together brilliantly. Drawing on years of research, Horan Loving Frank little-known facts into a compelling narrative, vividly portraying the conflicts and struggles of a woman forced to choose between the roles of mother, wife, lover, and intellectual. Elegantly written Loving Frank remarkably rich in detail, Loving Frank is a fitting tribute to a courageous woman, Loving Frank national icon, and their timeless love story. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. More Details Original Title. United States of America. James Fenimore Cooper Prize Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Loving Frankplease sign up. FLW was bigger than life, especially his own Loving Frank. He found an academic equal in Mamah, and I understand their attraction and need for one another. However, how can a woman leave her children? No man is worth that, even a handsome genius. Linda Lou I would not be so quick to judge unless you have walked in her shoes I was married for 22 years, divorced for 15 a …more I would not be so quick to judge unless Loving Frank have walked in her shoes I was married for 22 years, divorced for 15 and remarried the love of my life for 7. No other man Loving Frank involved. I was dying inside and I Loving Frank not want Loving Frank die so I had to leave. I know this story may be different than mine but then again the same. We, as women are very quick to eat our own. It is one of the reasons we are so far behind. Loving Frank did you feel about FLW Loving Frank a husband and father? Dramatic story was part of FLW's life William One hundred years ago, so many young people were forced into loveless marriages, with no possibility of escape. I would focus instead on the fireworks …more One hundred years ago, so many young people were forced into loveless marriages, with no possibility of escape. I would focus instead on the fireworks of the two geniuses' relationship. I wonder how you, personally, Loving Frank do in this situation. For myself, I feel the deepest love and commitment to my own son, as attested by my raising of Loving Frank in very difficult circumstances. See all 5 questions Loving Frank Loving Frank…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Loving Frank. I was very disappointed by this book. In the past two years, Jason and I have toured two homes and I took a Loving Frank architecture class in college that featured a ton of his work, so I thought I would enjoy a fictionalized glimpse of his personal life. What I didn't like was Mamah, who was unfortunately the main ch I was very disappointed by this book. What I didn't like was Mamah, who was unfortunately the main character of the book. Mamah Cheney Loving Frank a client of FLW's and they had an affair that spanned several years. It didn't bother me to read about their affair the book was fairly tame in that regardbut I did find it highly objectionable that Mamah felt in order to be herself as a woman, she needed to abandon her children and husband. I detest the idea that being a strong woman means being selfish, which I felt was implied throughout this book by Loving Frank thoughts and actions. Isn't it MORE Loving Frank to fulfill your obligations than to do whatever you want? Doesn't it make you a stronger woman to be responsible instead of meeting only your own needs? I would like to think I'm a strong woman perhaps too strong sometimes? I guess I Loving Frank left feeling that "Loving Frank" was not a worthwhile proposition if loving him meant giving up Loving Frank much of what is really important. View all 43 comments. Dec 16, John rated it liked it. Fanciful thinking aside, I saw no courage displayed here. The more I read the more I yearned for some fiber of Loving Frank to make its presence known in their consciousness, but no, that never happened. Frank and Mamah possessed incredible genius, intelligence and the drive to accomplish something noble. Loving Frank was anticipating her breakthrough and was Loving Frank to relish her success yet my interest in her as a person waned as her character flaws inexorably mounted one upon the other. The story near the end of the book crashes with a startling and Loving Frank twist; I Loving Frank not see it coming. View 2 comments. May 03, Gail rated it it was amazing Shelves: favorite-authors. I just think I pick a lot of Loving Frank - ha ; But seriously, this book. I love it in a way I haven't loved a book in a while even all the ones I've said I loved. First off, for those unfamiliar with the plot, this is historical fiction at its finest — detailing the love affair between FLW and Mamah Cheney. Remarkably, this is Horan's first book and it is beautiful. She managed to put pieces together of a puzzle that equates to an unbelievable love story but also one that is so true to Loving Frank time period. And for a story about adulterers early 20th century adulterers no less! PS - I'll just add that I know a writer has done a remarkable job when I finish a book and feel so compelled by it that I have to know more about the characters, the settings, etc. PPS - I often write these reviews right after finishing a book, so sorry if I gushed quite a bit. View all 22 comments. Aug 03, Molly rated it liked it Recommends it for: book club. Shelves: worththeread. Holy smokes does this book have a shocking ending. There is not one note on the book flap or in cover blurbs to point to that. It's Loving Frank historical novel, a love affair between a woman named Mamah Borthwright or -wick or something like that and Frank Lloyd Wright. They really did leave their families--his six children, her three--to be with one another in As an editor, I'm surprised by the book editor's decision to not make note of the tragic twist at the end even once on the cover. The book Holy smokes does this book have a shocking ending. The book jacket recommendations were phoney-sounding: Elizabeth Berg wrote, "this character will live on in my heart Loving Frank soul for the rest of my life. Loving Frank - Wikipedia

Rate this book. An exceptional first novel based on the life of Mamah Borthwick Cheney Loving Frank her clandestine love affair with famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright. I have been standing on the side of life, watching it float Loving Frank. I want to swim in the river. I want to feel the current. So writes Mamah Borthwick Cheney in her diary as she Loving Frank to justify her clandestine love affair with Frank Lloyd Wright. Four years earlier, inMamah and her husband, Edwin, had commissioned the renowned architect to design a new home for them. During the construction of the house, a powerful Loving Frank developed between Mamah and Frank, and Loving Frank time the lovers, each married with children, embarked on a course that would Loving Frank Chicago society and forever change their lives. In this ambitious debut novel, fact and fiction blend together brilliantly. Drawing on years of research, Horan weaves little-known facts into a compelling narrative, vividly portraying the conflicts and struggles of a woman forced to choose between Loving Frank roles of mother, wife, lover, and intellectual. Elegantly written and remarkably rich in detail, Loving Frank is a fitting tribute to a courageous woman, a national icon, and their Loving Frank love story. Mamah Cheney sidled up to Loving Frank Studebaker and put her hand sideways on the crank. Leave Loving Frank thumb out. Still nothing. A few teasing snowflakes floated under her hat rim and onto her face. She studied the sky, then set out from her house on foot toward the library. It was a bitterly cold end-of-March day, and Chicago Avenue was a river of frozen slush. Mamah navigated her way through steaming horse droppings, the hem of her black Loving Frank lifted high. Three Loving Frank west, at Oak Park Avenue, she leaped onto the wooden sidewalk and hurried south as the wet Despite having "bodice-ripping" potential, Loving Frank is most firmly a novel grounded in research, not a 'romance'. Of course, the love affair between Mamah and Frank is central to the story, but Loving Frank Loving Frank first and foremost the story of Mamah's Loving Frank, and although the relationship between her and Frank is interesting, it is the exploration of her character and the period details that impact her life that keep the reader enthralled, as Loving Frank struggles to reconcile her need to be with Frank, her need to be with her children and perhaps most powerful Loving Frank all, her need to discover who Loving Frank is herself Full Review words. This review is available to non-members for a limited time. For full access, become a member today. Reviewed by BookBrowse Review Team. Write your own review! A pictorial tour through the life and works of Frank Lloyd Wright including buildings and people mentioned in Loving Frank Frank and to throw you off the scent a few that aren't! All links open in new windows so close the window to return to this ezine The Lloyd Wright's home, and Frank's studio in Oak Park, Illinois. The Robie Houseconsidered by many to be the finest example of Wright's Prairie architecture. A photo of Mamah Borthwick This "beyond the book" feature is available to non-members for a limited time. Join today for full access. Courting Mr. About this book. More books by this author. From the prizewinning author of Mr. Lincoln Loving Frank, the page-turning and surprising story of a young Abraham Lincoln and the two people who loved him best: a sparky, marriageable Mary Loving Frank and Lincoln's best friend, Joshua Speed. White Houses. The unexpected and forbidden affair between Eleanor Roosevelt and Lorena Hickok unfolds in a triumph of historical fiction from the New York Times Loving Frank author of Away and Lucky Us. A multigenerational story about two families bound together by the Loving Frank of history. Reader Reviews. Master storyteller Ben Macintyre tells the true story behind the Cold War's most intrepid female spy. BookBrowse seeks out and recommends the best in contemporary fiction and nonfiction—books that not only engage and entertain but also deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Subscribe to receive some of our best reviews, "beyond the book" articles, book club info, and giveaways by email. Debut Author. Write a Review. Book Summary An exceptional first novel based on the life of Mamah Borthwick Cheney and her Loving Frank love affair with famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Read Full Excerpt. Please be aware that this discussion guide may contain spoilers! Do you think that Mamah is right to leave her husband and children in order to pursue her personal growth and the relationship with Frank Lloyd Wright? Is she being selfish to put her own happiness and fulfillment first? Why do you think the author, Nancy Horan, gave her novel the title Loving Frank? Does this title work against the feminist message of Loving Frank novel? Is there a feminist message? Do you think that a woman today who made the choices that Mamah makes would receive a more sympathetic or understanding hearing from the media and the general public? If Mamah were alive today, Loving Frank she be satisfied Loving Frank the progress women have achieved or would she believe there was still a long way to go? In SonnetShakespeare Read More. More about membership! BookBrowse Review. Read 0 More Loving Frank Reviews. Beyond the Book A pictorial tour through the life and works of Frank Lloyd Wright including buildings and people mentioned in Loving Frank and to throw you off the scent a few that aren't! Lincoln by Louis Bayard. Non-members are limited to two results. Become a member. Join Now! Book Club Discussion. Win this book! Full access is for members only. Join Today! Newsletter Subscribe to receive some of our best reviews, "beyond the book" articles, book club info, and giveaways by email. Loving Frank |

Sign up for our newsletters! I have been standing on the side of life, Loving Frank it float by. I Loving Frank to swim in the river. I want to feel the current. So writes Mamah Borthwick Cheney in her diary as she struggles to justify her clandestine love affair with Frank Lloyd Wright. Four years earlier, inMamah and her husband, Edwin, had commissioned the renowned architect to design a new home for them. During the construction of the house, a powerful attraction developed between Mamah and Frank, Loving Frank in time the lovers, each married with children, embarked on a course that would shock Chicago society and forever change their lives. In this ambitious debut novel, fact and fiction blend together Loving Frank. Drawing on years of research, Horan weaves little-known facts into a compelling narrative, vividly portraying the conflicts and Loving Frank of a woman forced to choose between the roles of mother, wife, lover, and intellectual. Elegantly written and remarkably rich in detail, Loving Frank is a fitting tribute to a courageous woman, a national icon, and their timeless love story. Loving Frank by Nancy Horan. The Book Report Network. Skip to main content. You are here: Home Reviews Loving Frank. Loving Frank Frank. All Rights Reserved. 11.pdf 95.pdf