Upadted 7/9/10 SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE 8/23-27/10

MONDAY 8/23 REGISTRATION REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby 8:00-9:00AM Kane 130 Kane 110 Gowen 301 Smith 120 KANE - Walker Ames Room Session Rooms Gowen 201 WELCOME/KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Welcome and Opening Singing: when it hurts, when it helps, Keynote 9-10:30AM and when it changes brains. Gottfried Schlaug BREAK: 10:30-11:00AM Break Break Break Break Break Break

INVITED SYMPOSIUM: SESSION 1 Effects of Musical Experience on Development During 1 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 1 TONAL PERCEPTION 1 11-12:30 Infancy Laurel Trainor

PA 021 Modeling Musical Structure from the Audience: Emergent PA027 The Effect of Structure and Rate Variation on Key-Finding SYM31:Beat Induction as a Fundamental Musical Skill PA 025 A Theory of Music and Sadness: A Role for Prolactin? 11:00 Rhythmic Models from Spontaneous Vocalizations in Samba Culture Morwaread Farbood, Gary Marcus, Panayotis Mavromatis, David Luiz Naveda, Fabien Gouyon, Marc Leman Poeppel

SYM32: New Perspectives on Consonance and Dissonance PA 018 Improvisational Psychodynamic Music Therapy for PA110 Influences of Minority Status and Social Identity on the PA057 Common and Rare Musical Keys Are Absolutely Different: 11:30 Judy Plantinga, Sandra E. Trehub Depression: Randomized Controlled Trial Elaboration of Unfamiliar Music by Adolescents Implicit , Exposure Effects, and Pitch Processing Jaakko Erkkila, Esa Ala-Ruona Marco Lehmann, Reinhard Kopiez Moshe Shay Ben-Haim, Eran Chajut, Zohar Eitan

PA080 Depression and Music Therapy Treatment --- Clinical Validity SYM33: Active Participation in Infant Music Classes: Perceptual, PA175 A Comparative Research About Social Representations of and Reliability of EEG Alpha Asymmetry and Frontal Midline Theta: Cognitive and Social Benefits "Music'' and "Musical Child'' Held by University Students PA111 Diatonic Categorization in the Perception of Melodies 12:00 Three Case Studies Laurel J. Trainor, David Gerry, Elaine Whiskin, Kristen Tonus, Anna Rita Addessi, Rosane Cardoso de Araujo, Assumpta Valls, Jason Yust Jorg Fachner, Christian Gold, Esa Ala-Ruona, Marko Punkanen, Adrienne Cheung, Andrea Unrau Claudia Gluschankof Jaakko Erkkila


INVITED SYMPOSIUM: SESSION 2: Perspectives on the development of expertise. EMOTION 1 TIMBRE 1 TONAL PERCEPTION 2 2:00-4:00PM Susan Hallam

PA036 A Statistical Analysis of Timbre Descriptors for Musical The Development of Practicing Strategies in Young People PA020 Musical Induction and Persistence of Moods PA162 Metrics for Pitch Collections 14:00 Instrument Classification 2:00-3:00PM Susan Hallam Marjolein D. van der Zwaag, Joyce H.D.M. Westerink Andrew J. Milne, William A. Sethares, Robin Laney, David B. Sharp Song Hui Chon, Stephen McAdams WK1 The Evolution of Being Through Singing: A Practice of Ontological SYM42: The Role of Interpersonal Interaction in Supporting PA067 Mood and Personality Influence the Perception of Musical PA007 Importance of Spectral Detail in Musical Instrument Timbre PA122 The Perceptual Grouping of Musical Sequences: Pitch and Transformation 14:30 Progression in Instrumental Learning Emotions Michael D. Hall, James W. Beauchamp, Andrew B. Horner, Jennifer Timing as Competing Cues Kay Kleinerman Andrea Creech Jonna K. Vuoskoski, Tuomas Eerola M. Roche Kamil Hamaoui,

PA141 Are Bodily Responses Pre-Musical? Psychophysiological SYM43: How Does the Development of Expertise Influence PA164 Breath noise and timbre modulation as two important PA148 The First Three Seconds: Listener Knowledge Gained from Applications to Music Analysis 15:00 Instrumental Students' Conceptions of Learning and Instruction? factors for the synthesis of wind instrument sounds. Brief Musical Excerpts David Sears, Mattson Ogg, Mitchel Benovoy, Gil Zilberstein, Stephen Alfredo Bautista Michael Oehler, Christoph Reuter Joseph Plazak, David Huron McAdams

SYM44: Learning More About Practice and Recall: Comparing Self- PA144 The Effect of Pitch Exposure on Sadness Judgments: An PA068 Audio signal analysis of instrumental and vocal samples. PA062 Does Have Parts of Speech? 15:30 Reports for Works by Stravinsky and Schoenberg Association Between Sadness and Lower Than Normal Pitch Bruce Pennycook, Eugenia Costa-Giomi, Tanvi Joshi Ian Quinn Jane Ginsborg, Roger Chaffin David Huron, Gary Yim, Parag Chordia

BREAK 4:00-4:30PM Break Break Break Break Break Break SESSION 3: COGNITIVE SKILLS EMOTION 2 TIMBRE 2 RHYTHMIC MODELING 4:30-5:30PM PA084 Music, Emotion, and the Heart: Affective Physiological PA107 Is the Association Between Music Lessons and IQ Mediated PA116 Perceptual and Acoustical Analyses of Multitimbral Responses to Different Modalities of Vocal Expression PA098 Expressive Timing via Metric Hybrids 16:30 by Executive Function? Orchestral Chords Margarita Mazo Fernando Benadon E. Glenn Schellenberg Roger A. Kendall, Pantelis N. Vassilakis

PA026 Emotion and Preferred Timing and Dynamics Expressions in PA100 The Predictive Relationship Between Length of Musical PA181 Scaling Timbral Combinations: Theorizing Orchestration as PA120 Implicit Learning of Rhythms Using a Serial Reaction Time Music 17:00 Training and Cognitive Skills in Children a Musical Parameter Task Takayuki Nakata, Kana Ohzeki Kathleen A. Corrigall, Laurel J. Trainor Eugene Narmour Josephine Terry, Barbara Tillmann, Catherine J. Stevens




REGISTRATION REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby 8:00-8:30AM Kane 130 Kane 110 Gowen 301 Smith 120 KANE - Walker Ames Room Session Rooms Gowen 201

INVITED SYMPOSIUM: SESSION 4 Cross-species studies of music cognition PERSONALITY EMOTION 3 AUDITORY PERCEPTION 1 8:30-10:30AM Aniruddh D. Patel

PA105 Effects of Personality and Genre on Music-Induced PA097 Recognition is Different from Feeling: Experimental Evidence SYM11:The Cognitive Phylogenetics of Musicality: A Comparative PA160 Multiple Fundamental Frequency Estimation Using Machine Movement for Two Different Types of Emotional Processes in Music Using a 8:30 Biological Framework for Analyzing Music Cognition Learning and Frequency-Scaled Feature Vectors Geoff Luck, Suvi Saarikallio, Marc R. Thompson, Birgitta Burger, Between-Subjects Design in a Web Experiment W. Tecumseh Fitch Daniel Mohlmann, Otthein Herzog Petri Toiviainen Hauke Egermann, Stephen McAdams SYM12:The effects of species-specific music on the behavior of PA153 Narcissism in Music Performance: Singers versus PA104 The Facial Feedback Hypothesis and Automatic Mimicry in PA076 Are Musicians Able to More Precisely Hear the Pitch of Their 9:00 cotton-topped Tamarin monkeys. Instrumentalists Perception of Sung Emotion Own Instrument? David Teie, Charles T. Snowdon Sarah Kettner, Lisa Chan, Frank A. Russo Allan Vurma PA004 Koechlin's Volume: Perception of Auditory Size Among SYM13: Psychometric Comparisons Between Humans and Rhesus PA146 The Role of Acoustical Cues in Decoding Emotion from PA002 When and Why Do Musicians Outperform Non-Musicians? Instrument Timbres from Different Families 9:30 Monkeys Across Time Production Tasks Performance Expression and Compositional Structure Molly J. Henry, Samantha Tuft, J. Devin McAuley Frederic Chiasson, Caroline Traube, Clement Lagarrigue, Bennett Hugo Merchant, Wilbert Zarco, Luis Prado, Ramon Bartolo Lena Quinto, Smith, Stephen McAdams PA154 Modeling Psycho-Physiological Measurements of Emotional SYM14: The social side of avian movement to music. Aniruddh D. PA132 The Perception and Cognition of Basic Textural Structures 10:00 Responses to Multiple Music Genres Patel, John R. Iversen, Irena Schulz Alexander Rozin Eduardo Coutinho

BREAK: 10:30-11:00AM Break Break Break Break Break Break


PA006 FMRI Investigation of Dynamic Cooperativity: Synchronised PA155 The Origins of Music: Comparative Evaluation of Competing PA012 in Cochlear Implant Users PA176 A Comparison of Blocked and Random Practice Orders with Finger Tapping with an Adaptive ``Virtual Partner'' 11:00 Theories Ward R. Drennan, Grace Liu Nimmons, Robert Kang, Jillian Crosson, University Wind Players Merle T. Fairhurst, Petr Janata, Bruno H. Repp, Johannes Stelzer, Richard Parncutt Jong Ho Won, Jay T. Rubinstein Laura A. Stambaugh Peter E. Keller

PA019 Musical Methods for Little Digital Ears --- Musical Learning PA143 The Effect of Instrumental Experience on the PA083 On the Evolutionary Origins of Laughter and Crying PA011 Synchronizing with Metrically Ambiguous Music 11:30 with Preschool Cochlear Implant Users Communication of Phrasing and Tension in Music Performance David Huron Dirk Moelants B. Petersen, R.H. Hansen, K. Beyer, M.V. Mortensen, Peter Vuust Bryony Buck, Nick Bailey PA129 Do Musicians Synchronize Better with a Prototypical PA093 Diverse Movements in Avian Dancing to Human Music PA024 Sending Better Music to the Brain via Electrical Stimulation PA090 The Informal Vocabulary of Professional Musicians for Conductor? 12:00 R. Joanne Jao, John R. Iversen, Aniruddh D. Patel, Micah R. of the Auditory Nerve Describing Expression and Interpretation Clemens Wollner, Frederik J.A. Deconinck, Jim Parkinson, Michael J. Bregman, Irena Schulz Kaibao Nie, Xing Li, Les Atlas, Jay T. Rubinstein Erica Bisesi, Richard Parncutt Hove, Peter E. Keller LUNCH 12:30-2:00PM LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH

INVITED SYMPOSIUM: SESSION 6: How The Hypothesis Lost Its Spots MUSIC THERAPY 3 EMOTION 4 MEMORY 1 2:00-4:00PM Dissanayake

SYM21: Did Neanderthals and other early humans sing? Seeking the PA 040 Regaining Your Voice: Modified Melodic Intonation Therapy PA158 The influence of cognition and emotion in pianistic PA169 Plink: Thin Slices of Music 14:00 biological roots of music in the territorial advertisements of in Acute Care Conklyn performances. Higuchi/Fornari/Leite Carol Lynne Krumhansl primates, lions, hyenas, and wolves. Hagen/Hammerstein

SYM23: Neo-hedonism and the Plural Pleasures of Music. PA059 Effects of ameteur group singing for people with disordered PA159 Effects of repetition and phrase structure on emotional PA180 Neural correlates of music learning: EEG study of musical 14:30 Huron eating. Pavlakou arousal. Livingstone/Schubert/Loehr/Palmer memory. Agres

PA161 Same or different? Individual differences in the conceptual SYM24: Basic Considerations When Proposing Hypotheses about PA165 An autistic boy's spontaneous singing and related emotional PA051 The influence of music on memory for images 15:00 differentiation of emotional responses to music. Evolutionary Origin and Function of Music. Dissanayake states Stadler Elmer/Bachmann Carr/Rickard Kantor-Martynuska/Horabik

PA138 The Effects of Participation in a Music Therapy Voice Protocol PA064 Domain-specific or not? The applicability of different emotion PA156 The effect of music induced emotion on long-term word list 15:30 (MTVP) Group on the Mood of Individuals with Parkinson Disease models in the assessment of music-induced emotions. retention. Judde/Rickard and their Caregivers. Swedberg Vuoskoski/Eerola

BREAK 4:00-4:30PM Break Break Break Break Break Break


PA121 Intonational identification-imitation dissociation in PA014 Finding the words for it: how alexithymia mediates ability to PA044 Segmentation in Improvisation: Computational, Perceptual PA115 Liking and Memory for Music: Effects of Effortful Encoding 16:30 congenital amusia describe the emotional impact of music in autism. and Physiological Analyses. Bailes/Dean Stalinski/Schellenberg Liu/Patel/Fourcin/Stewart Allen/Hill/Heaton

PA177 Memory for Pitch in congenital amusia: beyond a fine- PA163 Music therapy with children with ADHD: attention and PA118 The Search for Common Time: Temporal Negotiations PA117 Working Memory and the Perception of hierarchical tonal 17:00 grained pitch discrimination problem hyperactivity regulation through music therapy between Jazz Musicians. Evans structures. Farbood Williamson/Stewart Erkkila/Saarikallio/Paananen CONCERT: CONCERT: CONCERT: CONCERT: CONCERT: CONCERT: Jazz Artist Cuong Vu Jazz Artist Cuong Vu CONCERT 7:30-9:30PM Jazz Artist Cuong Vu Jazz Artist Cuong Vu Jazz Artist Cuong Vu Jazz Artist Cuong Vu Triple Door, 216 Union Street, Triple Door, 216 Union Triple Door, 216 Union Street, Seattle Triple Door, 216 Union Street, Seattle Triple Door, 216 Union Street, Seattle Triple Door, 216 Union Street, Seattle Seattle Street, Seattle Upadted 7/9/10 SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE 8/23-27/10


REGISTRATION REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby 8:00-8:30AM Kane 130 Kane 110 Gowen 301 Smith 120 KANE - Walker Ames Room Session Rooms Gowen 201 SESSION 8: AUDIO VISUAL CROSS-CULTURAL COGNITIVE MODELING SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 2 8:30-10:30

PA037 Convergent Methods in the Study of Visual and Musical PA048 Cross-cultural Similarities in Polyphonic Timbre Perception PA108 Information content in melodic and non-melodic lines. PA173 Assessing musical self-esteem: development of an analytic 8:30 Components in Film. Hajda Alluri/Toiviainen Duane measure. Hargreaves/Rowe

PA066 Perception of emotion portrayal in cartoon sound and video PA038 Children's singing development, self-concept and social PA042 Phonetic perception of instrumental sounds: Example of PA152 Narmour's principles affect implicit learning of melody. 9:00 tracks by aurally and visually oriented people inclusion. church bell. Ambrazevièius/Pärtlas Rohrmeier/Cross Lindborg Welch/Himonides/Saunders/Papageorgi/Rinta/Vraka/Stephens

PA058 The influence of a visual performance component on PA171 Universal and culture-specific factors in the recognition and PA028 A Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model of Melodic Mode in PA131 The MUSE questionnaire: an instrument to measure 9:30 preference ratings in response to complex musical sound. performance of musical emotions. Western and non-Western Musical Idioms. engagement in music. Chin/Rickard Lipscomb/Mazzola/Huovinen Laukka/Eerola/Thingujam/Yamasaki/Beller Mavromatis

PA092 An experimental investigation of the perception of linear PA142 The effect of on the evaluation of an ad PA050 A Corpus Analysis of Rock Harmony. 10:00 frequency scales found in Central Australian Aboriginal vocal music. for an internet site allowing copying college essays. Temperley/de Clercq Brennan Ziv/Hoftman/Geyer

BREAK: 10:30-11:00AM Break Break Break Break Break Break

SESSION 9: SYMPOSIUM: Scalable Analytical Approaches and EDUCATION 1 GESTURE SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 3 11:00AM-12:30PM Performative Affordance Gualda

PA130 Strong experiences of music: the importance of popular SYM81: Motivic Dissimilarity and Musical Interpretation – An PA182 Advancing interdisciplinary research in singing (AIRS): Pt. 1 PA087 Perceiving Spatial Gestures 11:00 music festivals in adults' lives. 11:00AM-12:00PM interactive, computational approach. Gualda Development. Cohen/Russo/Trainor/Trehub/Tsang Solomon Lamont/Greasley/Hale WK1 The Evolution of Being Through Singing: A Practice of Ontological PA183 (AIRS): Pt.2 Beyond development - education and well- PA033 Social comparison by young musicians who participate in a SYM82: Comparison Set Analysis and Musical Understanding. PA166 Expression of piano timbre: gestural control, perception and Transformation 11:30 being community of musical practice. Tenkanen verbalization. Bernays/Traube Kleinerman Campbell/Heydon/Gick/Rose/Baldaccio Painsi/Buchborn

SYM83: Information Representation for Analysis and Interpretation PA094 Practice Space: real-time visual feedback for music PA137 Perception and recognition of expresssion in pianists PA070 Influence of Choir Singing on Cognitive and Emotional 12:00 of Motivic Order. Hawes education. Sadakata/ Brandmeyer/Timmers/Desain gestures: a continuous response study. Thompson/Luck Processing in 5th-grade children. Gutay/Kreutz

Young Researcher Award YOUNG RESEARCHER PA010 The role of musicians’ temporal prediction AWARD abilities for sensorimotor synchronization in solo and 12:30-1:00 PM dyadic finger tapping. Pecenka/Keller POSTER SESSION 2: POSTER SESSION 2 1:00-2:00PM

2:00 Excursions Excursions Excursions Excursions Excursions Excursions Upadted 7/9/10 SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE 8/23-27/10


REGISTRATION REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby 8:00-8:30AM Kane 130 Kane 110 Gowen 201 Gowen 301 Smith 120 KANE - Walker Ames Room Session Rooms SYMPOSIUM: SESSION 11: Music Health and Wellbeing: Therapy, Education and EDUCATION 2 PERFORMANCE 2 AUDITORY PERCEPTION 2 8:30-10:30AM Communication MacDonald

PA089 Level of musical training in a university sample: implication PA071 Motor expertise influences perceptual accuracy in string PA099. Modeling human brain activity associated with SYM51: What is music health and wellbeing and why is it important? 8:30 for current methodologies. musicians. Wöllner/Cañal-Bruland chronologically dynamic melodic expectations MacDonald/Mitchell/Kreutz Kchenk/Sullivan/Mahar Randall

PA077 Extending the RAN task to pitches in the prediction of PA079 Historically informed practice: Musical decision-making in SYM52:"Music and Rehabilitation: Neurological Approaches" musical sight-reading performance. Baroque violin music . PA168 A computational model of pitch streaming and dissonance. 9:00 LaGasse/Thaut Tirovolas/Stringer/Levitin Bangert/Schubert/Fabian McLachlan/Wilson/Marco

SYM53:Music instruction and children¹s intellectual development: PA078 Musical training facilitates brain plasticity: short-term PA061 Exploring the relationship between voice leading, harmony, PA063 Brainstem encoding of consonant and dissonant intervals. 9:30 The educational context of music participation training effects on sensorimotor integration. and intonation in a capella SATB vocal ensembles. Lee/Skoe/Kraus/Ashley Costa-Giomi Wu/Lim/Hamm Devaney/Fujinaga SYM54:Embodied Musical Communication: Evidence from Singing, PA179 The effect of background variables on the competency PA127 The effect of transient perturbation of auditory feedback on PA043 Repetition detection across multiple exposures 10:00 Dancing and Musical Instrument Playing dimension of perceiving and contextualizing music. the control of keystroke movements during playing the piano. Margulis Davidson Jordan/Lehmann/Knigge Furuya/Soechting BREAK: 10:30-11:00AM Break Break Break Break Break Break


PA174 Musical group interaction in children can promote empathy PA178 Young children's song-making: an analysis of patterns of use PA081 Modular Processing? Phonetic Information Facilitates Speech PA147 A cognitive test of interactive music listening 11:00 through shared cognitive mechanisms. Rabinowitch/Burnard and development. Barrett and Song Imitation. Mantell/Pfordresher Leslie/Warusfel

PA032 Drumming together increases activity in the caudate and PA047 The role of familiarity in the perception of dissonance for PA096 Analysis of timing in children's music reading performances. PA145 A cross-domain model? Grouping of phonemes into syllables 11:30 prosocial behavior - if drumming comes easy musical chords Gudmundsdottir by a model of melodic segmentation. Wiggins Kokal/Engel/Kirschner/Kevsers Marco/McLachlan/Wilson

PA139 Investigating age related differences in timbre representation PA172 Accuracy gains in perception conferred by PA157 Synchrony and Destructive Obedience PA069 An investigation of the acoustic vowel space of singing. 12:00 and discrimination. DeBruyn/Moelands/Leman presentation of congruent non-auditory information. Wiltermuth Bradley Russo/Maksimowski

12:30-1:00 ICMPC Business ICMPC Business Meeting Meeting All delegates Welcome LUNCH 1:00-2:00PM LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH

SYMPOSIUM: SESSION 13: Music Health and Wellbeing: INFANT DEVELOPMENT 1 MUSIC & LANGUAGE 2 RHYTHM & TIMING 1 2:00-4:00PM Clinical and Applied Contexts MacDonald

SYM61: Investigating the effects of music on experimentally induced PA041 The speech-to-song illusion: empirical findings PA123 A detuned simple-ratio attractor in production of cyclic two- PA009 Watch and listen to the singer" perception of face-voice- 14:00 pain. Falk/Rathcke interval rhythms. Repp/London/Keller song associations by infants and adults. Costa-Giomi Mitchell/MacDonald

SYM63: Psychoneuroendocrine effects of musical behaviour on PA016 Participation in Active Infant Music Classes Accelerates PA102 Further factors affecting word intelligibility in sung phrases. PA082 The role of attention in simultaneous intrapersonal and inter- 14:30 health and wellbeing: An overview of research Acquisition of scale structure knowledge Johnson/Huron/Collister agent coordination. Keller/Schroeder Kreutz/Murcia/Bongard Gerry/Unrau/Trainor

PA091 Where weird is wonderful: incongruities and aesthetics SYM64: Researching the relationship bewteen health psychology and PA039 Music and speech preferences in infancy PA029 Temporal coordination in duet performance 15:00 across music and language. community music in diverse settings. Lamont/Murray Corbeil/Trehub/Peretz Loehr/Palmer Featherstone/Morrison/Waterman

PA008 Tapping doesn't help: a dissociation between motor SYM62: Music: A non-pharmacological intervention in clinical PA151 Can prospective parents differentiate between an infant PA030 Musical Modality in Spontaneous and Acted Speech. Gilbers/ 15:30 behavior and tempo judgment. patients. Bernatzky music and linguistic babblings? Adachi van Eerten London

BREAK 4:00-4:30PM Break Break Break Break Break Break


PA049 Hearing two objects at once: segregation of simultaneous PA134 Spontaneous and Intentional Entrainment to an PA035 IF, a 5-year-old drummer prodigy. PA109 Probabilistic finite-state grammars of text-tune association 16:30 auditory objects by harmonic mistunings in infants. Isochronous Beat. Demos/Chaffin/Marsh Dalla Bella/Sowinski Mavromatis Folland/Butler/Whiskin/Trainor

PA022 Differentiating people by their voices: infants' perception of PA170 A phonotactics of drum patterns. PA015 Metrical Hierarchies and Musical nPVI: A re-analysis of Patel PA149 A kinematic model for perceived musical tempo. 17:00 voices from their own culture, a foreign culture and a foreign Ashley and Daniele. London/Jones Erdemir/Rieser species. Friendly/Rendall/Trainor POSTER SESSION 3: POSTER SESSION 3 5:30-6:30PM Upadted 7/9/10 SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE 8/23-27/10


REGISTRATION REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby REGISTRATION - Kane Hall Lobby 8:00-8:30AM

Kane 130 Kane 110 Gowen 301 Smith 120 KANE - Walker Ames Room Session Rooms Gowen 201 INVITED SYMPOSIUM: SESSION 15: Motivating music in cultural context: NEUROSCIENCE 1 MOVEMENT IN PERFORMANCE HEALTH 8:30-10:30AM Interdisciplinary perspectives on participation and learning. Davidson

PA085 EFFECTS OF TEMPO ON BOW ARM AND CENTER OF MASS PA013 Individual differences in rhythmic abilities: behavioral and PA065 The relationship between music and health: a cross-cultural SYM71: Music in our lives: Investigating 12 years of musical MOVEMENTS IN HIGHLY SKILLED CELLISTS AND THEIR 8:30 fMRI studies study. engagement. Davidson/ Faulkner PEDAGOGICAL IMPLICATIONS Grahn/Schult French/MacDonald/Davidson Donald/Wanderley/Cossette

PA140 Mass balancing oscillations. An indication of expertise in the PA124 Music perception and musical behaviors in children and SYM72: What makes me Venda?: Motivations for teaching and PA053 Mechanisms of beat perception: top-down control of rhythm 9:00 bowing of violinists. A quantitative micromotion study. adolescents with ASD. learning musical culture. Emberly/ Davidson interpretation modulates early auditory responses. Iversen/Patel von Hasselbach/Gruhn/Gollhofer Bhatara/Quintin

SYM73: Motivating and motioning ‘tradition’: Children’s participation PA031 Theta band oscillations during simultaneous processing of PA088 The violinists are experiencing relatively large chinrest PA126 Music and pain perception: Investigating the role of 9:30 and performance in a Balinese dance studio. music and language reaction force during musical performance. Kinoshita/Obata attention. Mitchell/Mogil/Levitin McIntosh/Emberly/Davidson Carrus/Koelsch/Bhattacharya/

SYM74: Relatedness in vocal events: The motivation for singing in PA103 Differences in brain responses to vowels and musical PA125 The left finger force during violin vibrato PA074 Sonata Analgesica: Pain, music and the placebo effect. 10:00 adult community settings. Faulkner/Davidson intervals. Bergelson/Shvartsman Obata/Kinoshita/Nakahara Garza-Villarreal/Brattico/Vase/Ostergaard/Vuust

BREAK: 10:30-11:00AM Break Break Break Break Break Break

SYMPOSIUM: SESSION 16: Music as a social integrative tool. NEUROSCIENCE 2 MOVEMENT AUDITORY PERCEPTION 4 11:00AM-12:30PM Elmer

PA003 Influence of musical features on characteristics of music- SYM101: Ubiquitous music learning environment scene analysis PA001 Mediation of cross-modal inhibition in music conductors PA150 Effect of Scale Degree Modifications on Average Interval 11:00 induced movements Myllykoski Hodges/Hairston/Aberdeen/Maldjian/Burdette Size. Davis/Huron Burger/Thompson/Saarikallio/Luck/Toiviainen

PA054 The impact of the bass drum on body movement in SYM102: Does music enhance social inclusion? PA034 Music and action: do they share neural resources? PA136 Applying the schematic knowledge of the musical genres to 11:30 spontaneous dance Elmer/Bissig/Welch Sammler/Harding/D'Ausilio/Fadiga enhance audio-based models of emotions in music. Eerola VanDyck/Moelants/Coussement/Demey/Leman

PA135 Exploring the characteristics of body movement contributing SYM103: Game-based learning in music: Designing for children with PA005 Effect of direction and rate of acoustic intensity change on 12:00 PA113 Musical pleasures and the reward system. Gebauer/Vuust ensemble coordination ADHD Paananen event-related skin conductance response. Olsen/Stevens Katahira


SYMPOSIUM: SESSION 17: Music as affect regulation in everyday life. AESTHETIC PERCEPTION PERFORMANCE 4 AUDITORY PERCEPTION 5 2:00-4:00PM Saarikallio

PA023 Expression and perception of formal structure in an SYM91: Connections between music-related emotional self- PA017 The Magaloff Corpus: An Empirical Error Study PA073 26 Years of Music Perception: Trends in the field. 14:00 unmeasured prelude for harpsichord. regulation and general emotionality Flossmann/Goebl/Widmer Tirovolas/Levitin Goodchild/Gingras/Asselin/McAdams

PA128 Do the words get in the way? Verbalizing and recognizing PA 055 Altered auditory feedback effects on keyboard and singing PA072 An Exploration of the Importance of Phase in Polyphonic 14:30 SYM92: The use of mp3-players as a technology for affect-regulation sound quality of music performers. Mitchell/MacDonald performance. Pfordresher/Varco Processing and Analysis. King/Atlas

SYM93: The function of music in the context of non-suicidal self PA052 Looming Tunes: Effects of Intensity Direction, Tempo, and PA075 Playing by ear at 95: A case study. PA060 Approaching an Audience Model of Listening. 15:00 injury and suicidality in adolescents Tonality on Loudness Change in Melodies. Stevens Selfridge-Field Upham/McAdams

PA167 Perceptual and neural representation of the temporal PA114 Embodied Effects on Musicians' Memory of Highly Polished 15:30 SYM94: Affect regulation with music: a diary intervention study attribute of timbre. Bohannan/Terasawa/Arnardottir/Perreau- Performances. Begosh/Chaffin/Silva/Ginsborg/Lisboa Guimaraes/Suppes BREAK 4:00-4:30PM Break Break Break Break Break Break

KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Closing Keynote: 4:30-5:30PM Spatiotemporal Music Cognition Petri Toiviainen

Closing Reception: Closing Reception-Rainier Closing Reception-Rainier Vista Closing Reception-Rainier Vista Closing Reception-Rainier Vista Closing Reception-Rainier Vista Closing Reception-Rainier Vista 6:00-8:00PM Vista