TELSTRA INThE COMMUNITY IT’S hOW WE CONNECT CONTENTS T hINK LOCAL Making grass roots contributions 4 RECONCILIATION IN ACTION Supporting Indigenous Australians 8 TEChNOLOgY fOR SOCIAL gOOd Connecting us all 12 SOCIAL INvESTMENT SNApShOT 14 TO ThE RESCUE Assisting in time of disaster 20 CYbER-SAfETY EvERYONE’S bUSINESS promoting online safety and security 22 SOCIAL INvESTMENT MEASUREd 26 Contact us Your feedback on this publication is welcome. please email Julia hellyer at
[email protected]. Cover image Children from bacchus Marsh Montessori preschool enjoy play equipment purchased with a grant from Telstra’s Kids fund, which supports organisations involving the family of a Telstra employee. As part of its objective to help enhance and strengthen local communities Telstra foundation grants $750,000 annually through Telstra’s Kids fund. Opposite page Telstra CEO david Thodey at Yirkalla school in the Northern Territory, supporting One Laptop per Child Australia. 2 CONTENTS CEO messagE CEO MESSAgE At Telstra, we understand that the of our people. Through our social success of our business and the welfare investment, Telstra assists people to stay of our communities are interdependent, connected, works alongside communities and that’s why we are active in local in times of disaster and helps to communities all around the nation. strengthen local economies. As a company that connects with nearly We are proud of Telstra’s community every Australian in some way – be they activities, some of which are highlighted customers, shareholders or employees – in this report, and of our contribution to we have the opportunity to make a real the wellbeing of all Australians.