UNITED NATIONS Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs occupied Palestinian territory l Halabi/OCHA, 2011. l Halabi/OCHA, e Gaza,M FRAGMENTED LIVES oPt HUMANITARIAN OVERVIEW 2011 COOrdinOCHAAtiOn SAveS LiveS MAY 2012 P. O. Box 38712 East Jerusalem 91386 l tel +972 (0)2 582 9962 l fax +972 (0)2 582 5841 l
[email protected] l www.ochaopt.org Scan it! with QR reader App Foreword Over the years, OCHA has produced reports on the humanitarian situation in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). These have been based on thematic concerns – movement and access restrictions, forced displacement, the Barrier – or geographically-specific issues – Gaza, Area C, East Jerusalem. Fragmented Lives: Humanitarian Overview2011 represents a new approach to the humanitarian situation in the oPt, in that it brings together the key concerns oPt-wide in one document. These reflect the advocacy priorities identified by the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), the main humanitarian coordinating body for UN agencies and NGO partners in the oPt. Overall, the HCT considers the situation in the oPt to be a protection-based crisis, resulting from ongoing conflict and occupation, a lack of respect for international law, a near complete absence of accountability and a system of system of policies that severely undermine Palestinian communities to live normal, self-sustaining lives. Were these factors removed, Palestinians have all the capacity, organisation, training and motivation to develop their economy and lives free of large scale humanitarian interventions. In 2011, the main advocacy priorities to address the above mentioned-concerns were Accountability & Third State Responsibility; Life, Liberty & Security; Forced Displacement; Movement & Access; and Humanitarian Space.