Mixed Media Painting with Suminagashi Marbling & Collage – Liz Walker Student Supply List – Art Center Sarasota Suminagashi : From Patterned Paper to Finished Painting

 Suminagashi marbling ink set of 6 colors (via Amazon or at Blick—about $13) http://www.amazon.com/Innovation-Marbling-Kit-Japanese- Suminagashi/dp/B003W2PX8M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1462242799&sr=8- 1&keywords=suminagashi  Rice paper— IMPORTANT: not all rice are created equal; please purchase the one brand that doesn’t fall apart when wet: Art Advantage Rice Paper (100 sheet pack of 9 x 13” about $11 on amazon): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0027A39W2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s0 0?ie=UTF8&psc=1  Canson XL Watercolor pad (30 sheets, 12 x 18”) ( about $18 on amazon, but may be less expensive at Art & Frame); Canson wc papers marble beautifully, while other expensive brands repel the ink and won’t work: https://www.amazon.com/Canson- Watercolor-Textured-Charcoal- Acrylic/dp/B00QJVYCKS/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=canson+xl+watercolor+paper+12x18&q id=1565124361&s=arts-crafts&sr=1-3  2 synthetic liner watercolor brushes to dip into inks (such as a Princeton Liner brush, size 2 for about $5 on amazon) https://www.amazon.com/Princeton-Artist-Brush-Select- Synthetic/dp/B0043G7LRC/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1531192093&sr=8- 5&keywords=watercolor+liner+brushes

 8 oz Spray bottle of water for dampening papers  8 oz white glue (such as Elmer’s)  8 oz Liquitex or Golden brand matte medium (NOT gel medium—it needs to be fluid)  Acrylic paints (include white gesso and black gesso); can be Golden fluid, or heavy body tube paints; bring colors that you enjoy working with, as well as a small palette or small flat plate for mixing.  Acrylic paintbrushes or old watercolor brushes (wide 1” flat and a round #12)  A small pair of sharp scissors for cutting papers for collage  TWO FULL rolls of absorbent paper towels such as Viva or is important ( sheets can be reused when dry).  An apron is recommended; Inks are non-toxic but can temporarily stain fingers and clothes; latex gloves are optional.  4-6 substrates (such as 140 lb printmaking or watercolor paper or small cradleboard panels or canvases) no larger than 11 x 15" to support the marbled rice papers that we will collage on to the (s). The clean back of an old will work just fine.  MARBLING TRAY: Sterilite or other brand 28 qt clear storage bin (approximately 23” L x 16” Wx 6”H) – available at most Home Depot or Lowe’s stores for about $9. Just make sure that if you bring a different bin, it is: approximately 13 x 19”, at least 3” deep (large enough to hold the paper we will be using), and that it’s either CLEAR or WHITE so you can see the ink in the tray when you marble. If you have a printmaking or marbling tray, you can bring that instead.  Plastic tray or clean cookie sheet tray with ½” sides, approx. 10 x 14” (to carry wet papers to the sink to rinse)  Caran D’Ache water soluable crayons (broken halves are fine—brown and black preferred)  sheets or pad—approximately 12x16” or thereabouts  Any other non-glossy papers that you'd like to try marble, such as old sheet music, book pages, or light-colored rice or mulberry papers. All papers should be 11x15" or smaller and should be able to withstand being immersed in water without falling apart.  Reference photos or drawings—animals, figures, still life, etc.---whatever you enjoy painting from

Rev. 8/19

At the Workshop: Lunch will be ordered and brought in each day of this workshop. Cost is under $11 a day. Please bring cash if you wish to order lunch or bring your own lunch. Lunch for all the days of the workshop will be ordered and paid for on the first day of the workshop. Coffee, tea, and water will be available all day. If you would like bottled water it is $1. A refrigerator and microwave in the classroom is available for student use.

Artwork and supplies can be left over night in the classroom for this two day workshop. Art Center Sarasota doors open at 9:00am for classes & workshops and we close at 4:00pm. Table spaces are not able to be reserved.

Local Art Store in Sarasota is Art & Frame of Sarasota Located at 1055 S Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, FL 34236 Phone: (941) 366-2301 Hours: Monday – Friday 9AM - 6PM, Saturday 9AM-5PM, closed Sunday. www.in2art.com