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Mozilla Outsourcing to Microsoft and New Hubs

By Roy Schestowitz Created 25/01/2021 - 8:57pm Submitted by Roy Schestowitz on Monday 25th of January 2021 08:57:22 PM Filed under Software [1] Moz/FF [2]

Welcoming Open Web Docs to the MDN family [3] [Ed: Mozilla outsourcing to Microsoft is a colossal mistake]

Collaborating with the community has always been at the heart of MDN Web Docs content work ? individual community members constantly make small (and not so small) fixes to help incrementally improve the content, and our partner orgs regularly come on board to help with strategy and documenting web platform features that they have an interest in.

At the end of the 2020, we launched our new Yari platform, which exposes our content in a GitHub repo and therefore opens up many more valuable contribution opportunities than before.

And today, we wanted to spread the word about another fantastic event for enabling more collaboration on MDN ? the launch of the Open Web Docs organization.

Mozilla Announces "Open Web Docs" Following Last Year's Layoffs [4]

Last year during the big round of layoffs at Mozilla the entire Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) writers team was laid off. That was a particularly sad blow considering how valuable the MDN documentation has been to web developers as a very useful resource. Today the Mozilla folks are announced Open Web Docs in seemingly looking to have the community take over. Following those unfortunate layoffs last summer, they exposed all of the Mozilla Developer Network documentation to GitHub. Now they are announcing the Open Web Docs organization.

A New Year, A New Hubs [5]

An updated look & feel for Hubs, with an all-new user interface, is now live.

Just over two years ago, we introduced a preview release of Hubs. Our hope was to bring people together to create, socialize and collaborate around the world in a new and fun way. Since then, we?ve watched our community grow and use Hubs in ways we could only imagine. We?ve seen students use Hubs to celebrate their graduations last May, educational organizations use Hubs to help educators adapt to this new world we?re in, and heck, even NASA has used Hubs to feature new ways of working. In today?s world where we?re spending more time online, Hubs has been the go-to online place to have fun and try new experiences.

Today?s update brings new features including a chat sidebar, a new streamlined design for desktop and mobile devices, and a support forum to help our community get the most out of their Hubs experience.

Software Moz/FF

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