The London Gazette, 11 May, 1928. 5323
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THE LONDON GAZETTE, 11 MAY, 1928. 5323 " 2x That upon the union baking effect the the same Measure to receive Notice requiring Extra Parochial Place known as Fordsbridge any objections to such draft Scheme to be (or The Ford) hereinbefore referred to shall stated or transmitted in writing to the said -be transferred and annexed for all ecclesias- Ecclesiastical Commissioners within the time tical purposes to the Parish of the United prescribed in the Statutory Rules applicable Benefice of Hope under Dinmore with Ford. to proceedings under the said Union of Bene- " 3. That the Church of the Parish of Hope fices Measure, 1923: under Dinmore shall be the Parish Church And whereas the prescribed time has of the Parish of the United Benefice and that elapsed and no such objections have been so the Table of Fees for the said Parish of Hope stated or transmitted to the said Ecclesias- under Dinmore shall (until revised or altered tical Commissioners: by proper authority) be the Table of Fees for And whereas public notice of the certifica- such Parish. tion to His Majesty in Council of the said " 4. That upon the day when any Order Scheme and the consent thereto in writing of of Your Majesty in Council ratifying this the Bishop of Hereford has been duly given Scheme shall be published in the London in the manner and within the time prescribed •Gazette the union shall forthwith take effect in the Statutory Rules aforesaid: •and the said Percival Lovell Snowden if he is then Incumbent of the said Benefices of And whereas the said Scheme has been Fordsbridge (or The Ford) and Hope under approved by His Majesty in Council: Dinmore shall be the first Incumbent of the Now, therefore, His Majesty, by and with United Benefice. the advice of His said Council, is pleased " 5. That upon the said union taking effect hereby to affirm the said Scheme and to order the Parsonage House at present belonging to that the Benefices therein recommended to be the said Benefice of Hope under Dinmore shall united shall be united to the extent and for become and be the house of residence for the the purposes recommended in the said Incumbent of the United Benefice. Scheme, and further to order and direct that 4' 6. That with the consents of the Reverend the said Scheme and every part thereof shall Eobert Gillenders now Vicar of Leominster be effectual in law immediately from and after and as such Vicar, Patron of the said Bene- the date when this Order shall have been duly fice of Ivington, Saint John, with, the consent published in the London Gazette pursuant to of the Reverend George Walter, now Incum- the said Measure. bent of the said Benefice of Ivington, Saint And His Majesty, by and with the like John, with the consent of Katharine Agnes advice, in pleased hereby to direct that this Lady Croft, widow of the late Captain Sir Order be forthwith registered by the Registrar Herbert Archer Croft, Baronet, of Croft of the said Diocese of Hereford. Castle, Kingsland, in the said County of M. P. A. Hankey. Hereford, as Patron of the said United Bene- fice of Croft with Yarpole, and with the consent of the Reverend Thomas Wilfred Ward, now Incumbent of the said United Benefice of Croft with Yarpole (which said consents are testified by their respectively At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the signing this Scheme) upon the union taking 7th day of May, 1928. effect: (a) the part of the said Parish of PRESENT, Ivington, Saint John, which contains the locality known as Wharton (all which part is The KING'S Most Excellent Mtijesty in Council. delineated and set forth upon the Map or "¥Tf7HEREAS the Ecclesiastical Commis- Plan hereto annexed and thereon coloured pink) and (b) a part of the said Parish of * * sioners for England have, in pursuance Croft that is to say all that detached portion of the Union of Benefices Measure, 1923, duly of the said Parish of Croft which- is conter- prepared, and laid before His Majesty in minous with the Civil Parish of Newton, shall Council, a Scheme bearing date the 26th day be severed from the Parishes of which they of April, 1928, in the words and figures follow- ing, that is to say :— now respectively form part and shall be trans- 44 ferred to and form part of the Parish of the We, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for United Benefice of Hope under Dinmore with England, acting in pursuance.of the Union of Ford but no transfer of any of the endow- Benefices Measure, 1923, have prepared and ments of or alteration of the Patronage of any now humbly lay before Your Majesty in of the Benefices affected by this Clause shall Council the following Scheme for effecting the be made by reason of such transfers of union of the Benefice (being a Vicarage) of territory. Milton Abbas and the Benefice (being a " Provided always that nothing herein con- Rectory) of Winterbourne Houghton, both of tained shall prevent us from recommending which Benefices are situate in the County of and proposing any other measures relating to Dorset and in the Diocese of Salisbury : the matters aforesaid, or any of them in 44 Whereas Commissioners appointed at our accordance with the provisions of the said request by the Right Reverend St. Clair Measure, or of any other Measure of the George Alfred, Bishop of Salisbury, pursuant National Assembly of the Church of England, to the provisions of the said Union of Bene- or of any Act of Parliament.'' fices Me.asure, 1923, to inquire into and report And whereas drafts of the said Scheme have upon the union of certain Benefices in the said been duly published in accordance with the Diocese of Salisbury, including the said two provisions of the said Union of Benefices Benefices of Milton Abbas and Winterbourne Measure, 1923, and Notices have been trans- Houghton duly made their Report to the said mitted to the persons or bodies entitled under Bishop of Salisbury and therein recommended.