Izu Velodrome Cycling Track
Izu Velodrome Cycling Track 伊豆ベロドローム 自転車競技(トラック) / Cyclisme sur piste Vélodrome d'Izu Women's Keirin 女子ケイリン / Keirin - femmes THU 5 AUG 2021 Finals Start Time 17:37 決勝 / Finales Extended Start List 拡張スタートリスト / Liste de départ détaillée Race distance: 6 laps Height Heat Race Name NOC Date of Birth Number Code m / ft in Final 1-6 104 GENEST Lauriane CAN 28 MAY 1998 1.63/5'4'' Finished 16th at 2020 WCh, 13th in 2019. Placed 7th at 2018 CWG. Gold at 2019 PanAm Ch, silver in 2018. National champion in 2019. In 2019/20 WCup, 5th overall, 7th at Milton, ON, 12th at Brisbane, 2nd at Cambridge, 9th at Hong Kong. She was involved in figure skating for 10 years before taking up road cycling at age 16. She moved on to track cycling a year later. 105 MITCHELL Kelsey CAN 26 NOV 1993 1.74/5'9'' Finished 16th at 2020 WCh. Placed 5th at 2019 PanAm Games. Bronze at 2019 PanAm Ch. Silver at 2019 NCh, bronze in 2018. In 2019/20 season, 13th at Brisbane WCup event, 11th at Cambridge, 10th at Hong Kong. In August 2017, she attended a cycling tryout in Toronto, ON, Canada. She exceeded the national standard for track cycling on the watt bike, and was recruited by Cycling Canada. 187 BRASPENNINCX Shanne NED 18 MAY 1991 - Silver at 2015 WCh, 13th in 2020 and 2014, 5th in 2019, 2018, 2017. Bronze at 2014 European Ch, 4th in 2019, 10th in 2018. Silver at 2019 European Games. National champion in 2019, 2013.
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