SECTION 'BED 0 Ft N B Und Siirruundliir Towns Fol1 D Foarlcsnb and Without Bio, ONE
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Ail the N(3W» ol ••••) SECTION 'BED 0 ft N B und SiirruundliiR Towns fol1 d Foarlcsnb and Without Bio, ONE ISBUCII Weekly, entered its Second-Class Mo Her Ait tho Post-• Subaerlpttoii I1 rice; One Year I a.00, VOLUME MX, NO. 24. office at Red Dank, V. J., under tho Act of March 3, 1870. RED BANE, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3,1936. Sii Months. II.00. Slnslo copy, ic PAGES 1 TO 12. Her Death Soon CLAIMEDW DEATH. Three Plots In Young Women To Ice Yachtsmen To Mayor's Christmas Petitions Favor, Thrills, Spills, Middletown Sold Followed That Have Christmas Elect Officers At Seal Proclamation Oppose Liquor Other Excitement To Homeseekers The* following proclamation, Of Her Husband * Fair And Sale Meeting Tonight has been issued by j Mayor License Transfer In This Fox Hunt Charles R. English In iconnec- Properties Adjacent to the River Mrs. Jessie R. Davidson, Widow Miss Janet Brown General Chair- North Shrewsbury Club to Have tlon with the 30th annual] Christ' Rumson Commissioners Refer Memorable Event Held by Mori- maB seal sale conducted; by na- Sold to Parties Who Will of Marcus M. Davidson, Died man of Event at Woman's . Annual Gathering—Will Ac- tional, stato and local tubercu- Application of Luigi Catanzariti mouth County Hunt Club in , Build Houses on Them—Pre- at Her Home Friday Morning Club House Neat Tuesday- cept Cla»s A Challenge from losis associations: to Zoning Board of Adjust- Atlantic Township—Big Red at the Age of 76 Years. Long Branch. WHEREAS, this year! marks cursor of Other Sales. Display Groceries. the 30th anniyersary of the sale ment—Other Matters. Fox Killed at End of Chase, of Christmas seals in thoi United Frederick W. Bauer of Elizabeth Mrs. Jcflslo R. Davidson, widow of The Home relations department of The 55th annual meeting and elec- States, as •well as the organiza- Two petitions were presented to Thrills and spills and a variety of has bought a corner plot In the Marcua M, Davidson, died at tho ago tho Red Bank Young Woman's club tion of officers of the North Shrews- tion of, the New Jersey Tuber- tho Rumson mayor"' and council at ither unscheduled happenings, In- Blvorslde Heights section of Jflddle-- of 70 yoarfl early Friday morning at met Monday night and made final bury iceboat arid yacht club will ba culosis'League, and an adjourned meeting Monday niglvtf cluding a real honost-to-goodnooo town township on which ho \ylll nor homo on Loroy place after a lin- plans for Its ChrlBtmas fair and food held at the club house at the foot 1 WHEREAS, tho tuberculosis relative to tho application of Lulgl fox chase, featured tho annual build a houso for his own occupancy . gering" Illness. Her decline was rapid salo at the clubhouse next Tuesday, of Broad street tonight at eight death rate has been reduced to Catanzariti for a transference othis Thanksgiving hunt of the Monmouth John t, Lawloy was tho broker In after tho death of her husband last Miss Janet Brown is goneral chair- o'clock. two-thirds in these three decades liquor license from the Central hotel County Hunt club. After four stren- tho transaction. Tho plot consists of August. man. A basket of groceries will be One of tho principal- matters to and facilities for prevention of on River road to his home on Black uous hours on horseback In freezing two lotB. Thoy were owned by tho Mra. Davidson 'was born at Glens disposed of on the co-operative plan, come beforo tho -meeting is a pro- the disease and care of ,Ita vic- Point road. One petition, signed by weather the club memberB and theln estate of A*nnlo Obro and by the Falls, New York, the daughter of The basket will be displayed In the posed change to the constitution and tims are now everywhere avail- a number of residents living in the friends, numbering about 100 la all, t Klveraldo Mortgago & Finance cor- Paulino and Louis Davlaon, who show window of. tho Allen Shoe com- by-laws which will permit persons to able, resulting in an estimated vicinity, state'd that the transfer^was" enjoyed a hunt tea as tho guests of poration. wero natives of Germany, When pany a few days previous to the join the club who havo attained their saving of 4,000 lives In New agreeable to them and asked that Mr. and Mrs. George M. Bodman at Mr. Sauor, who is the owner of a aho was a child her parents moved Talr. ' '18th birthday. Heretofore it has Jersey each year, and thu - application be granted. The their residence on Riverside drive. factory at Nownrk whoro precision to Qulnoy, near Chicago, and sho re- Refreshments will be served, Miss been necessary for a person to bo WHEREAS, the Monmouth other petition, signed by persona liv- For all concerned it was a memor- Instruments are manufactured, has colvcd her early education in a con- Lois Hesse Is chairman of the food- at least 21 years ot age before they County Tuberculosis association ing near by and also by tavern able day unmarried by serious acci- awarded tho contract far his resi- vent at tho last named place. Later committee, which is composed of could join. has not only maintained its es- keepers throughout the borough, pro- dents and especially noteworthy be- dence to William P. Scott, and it 1B sho attended a finishing school, Sho MRS. M, M. DAVIDSON Mn. Janice Dowstra and Miss Char- tablished activities during the tested against the transfer. cause of the kill of a red fox, ono expected that the work will bo start- lotte Fielder. Mrs. Edgar Dcnlse and This change in membership qual- of the largest and finest specimens became acquainted with Mr. David- ification has beon deemed advisable depression period, despite a The council took the stand that In- od aoon. Tho houso will bo on a knoll son while tho latter was a travel- Mrs. Lawrence Burdge are co-chair- much reduced Income, but hab asmuch as the proposed new loca- of its kind ever seen in this section. men of the handiwork committee. because ot a large number of young facing south nnd will afford a flno ing salesman. met demands, arising from the tion is in a residential district the It was as a hunt after hares that vlow of tho surrounding territory East Keansburg Mrs. Ross Wiley and Miss Harriet men between 18 and 21 years of age Tho couple wero married 54 years showing great Interest In local Ice emergency with' great resource- zoning board of adjustment should the event began about 11 o'clock at Including tho ocean. ago, Mr, Davidson having arranged Taylor are chairmen of the flowers fulness, and act upon the matter before It is con- and fortune telling committees, re- yachting activities and whoMiave ex- tho old Montrose schoolhouse In At- Mr.i Sauor, In making tho purchasa, a short tlmo previous to opon a Bungalow Badly pressed a desire to join tho club. WHEREAS, the organization sidered by the council. Clerk Jere lantic township. Sixty members of remarked that In hla opinion Rod spectively. Mrs. Edward Leddy and J. Carew was Instructed to notify clothing business at Red Bank, Mr. Mrs. R. Theodore BlJtler are co-chair- At tonight's meeting the club will now desires to expend Its ac- the club participated, with Amory L. Bank and its environs waa the finest and Mva. Davidson began, life here tivities to Insure a measure of the adjustment board. Mr. Catan- Haskell as master. A pack of har- men of the publicity committee, Mrs. accept n a challenge from the Long ;t placo for anyone to llvo who was as guests at tho Globo hotel, where Damaged By Fire protection to young people, zariti said he would llke to have riers owned by Mrs. Haskell and im- engaged In business at Newark. He Leonard Compton and Miss Alice Branch Iceboat and Yacht club for they lived several years, Subsc- a series of races on tho river here working men and Negroes who deflnito action by Docembcr 15. He ported from England two years ago spont sevpral weeks in looking ovor Simmonds have charge of tho food was informed that the council •will quontly they lived on Walloco street, Dwelling Owned by William basket and Mrs. James VanNostrand, for tho Class A championship pen- are still greatly menaced by mado. tho first kill' of tho day at possible sites for his now homo, ex- and 44 years ago they moved to tho this preventable plage. act at the next meeting, December 10. about noon when they ran down & tending his Investigations to place:, Mrs. Herbert Schaefler and Miss Vir- nant of America which Is now held houso on Loroy place, where the VanTaisel dot Ablaze Friday by the Red Bank club. The chal- I, THEREFORE, call upon all Councilman Lewis, T. Wilson, chair- hare on Joseph >IcCuVs farm. ai far dlatant as Hunterdbn county. ginia Chasey have charge of refresh- man of the road committee, sub- death of Mrs. Davidson occurred. Night Under Unusual Condi- ments. engo came in at tho November public-minded, citizens of Red A short time later the dogs picked Hd finally decided upon tho River- Th'o building whero Mr. Davidson Bank to Increase their contri- mitted his report on the grade-lower- up the. scent ot a fox in a slough, side Heights plot tor a variety of meeting but it was BO worded that carried on his clothing business is tions.