Hancock to Play First On-Campus Home Football Games This Fall

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Hancock to Play First On-Campus Home Football Games This Fall www.hancockcollege.edu COMMUNITY NEWS Fall 2015 Hancock to Play First On-Campus Hancock Graduate Named Home Football Games this Fall to All-California Academic First Team Artist rendering of football stadium For the first time in school history, the stadium with all the proper facilities,” Santa Maria campus will be the season Allan Hancock College football team said Superintendent/President Kevin opener on Saturday, September 5, at 2 Hancock graduate Daniela will play home games on the Santa Walthers, Ph.D. “But we got to thinking, p.m. against Santa Ana. Calderon ranked among the Maria campus beginning in the 2015 we can put in bleachers, get moving top one percent of California “Every game has been a road game for season. The Bulldogs played their on that with the cost about the same community college students. home games at Righetti and Santa as paying the rent for the Righetti High us, so playing games on campus is a big Calderon was one of 30 students Maria high schools prior to this fall. School field and paying for transporta- deal for the program,” said Hancock football head coach Kris Dutra. “It gives selected to the Phi Theta Kappa Thanks to support from college admin- the players a little more collegial feel Honor Society’s 2015 All-California Every game has been a road game istrators, staff, and Hancock College about what they are doing out there. Academic First Team. For some for us, so playing games on campus Boosters, Inc., work is under way to We have a home and there is a tremen- perspective on how significant of is a big deal for the program allow the Bulldogs to host games on dous sense of pride with that.” a feat this was, consider there are the field located in the track and field more than two million students on The boosters will use funds raised facility that opened in November 2013. tion and all the things going back and California’s 112 community college during this summer’s Joe White Memo- Temporary bleachers that will seat forth. We thought there is no need to campuses. rial Dinner and Auction to help with the about 1,300 fans, as well as a press box, start at the end when we can get going project. The 14th annual event will take scoreboard, and sound system will be right now and build a little momentum With a 3.55 cumulative grade point place on August 15, at the Elks Lodge installed prior to the start of official to have the games here.” average, Calderon graduated in Santa Maria. Ticket and sponsorship practices in mid-August. from Hancock in fall 2014 with an information for the event can be found Hancock will host five games on the associate degree in communication “We are looking at the big picture, and Santa Maria campus this fall. The first on athletics.hancockcollege.edu. studies. She transferred to we still would like to have a permanent football game played on the college’s California State University, Chico Follow Us on Social Media! where she is an organizational Hancock to Offer College Credit communication major with a minor in marketing. Classes at Area High Schools This Fall “To be selected for the All-State /AllanHancockCollege @HancockCollege @AllanHancockCollege Team was the greatest recognition each participating high school. Classes and acknowledgement of my life,” will be general elective courses, such said Calderon. “I am extremely as history, political science, and French. proud to represent Hancock on the Instruction will take place at the par- All-California Academic Team.” Periodical ticipating school and each class will be Calderon, the first member of her taught by college-approved faculty. family to attend college, hopes to To be eligible, instructors met specific requirements and completed specific become a motivational speaker training and orientation regarding after graduation. course curriculum, assessment, pro- Area high school students will now be cedures, and other important policies. able to jump start their college educa- The California Community College Interested students and their parents tion without leaving their high school Chancellor’s Office made increasing should first meet with their high school campuses. Allan Hancock College will opportunities for high school students counselors to plan for the fall schedule launch a Concurrent Enrollment pilot its top legislative priority in 2015. and complete required documenta- program at several area high schools Postal Customer Postal Research shows students who par- tion. For more information, contact beginning this fall. Students in the Santa ticipate in concurrent-enrollment pro- the college’s Admissions and Records Maria Joint Union, Santa Ynez Valley grams graduate from high school and office at (805) 922-6966 ext. 3248 or Union, and Lompoc Unified school dis- enroll in college at higher rates, are less admissions_help@hancockcollege.edu. tricts can simultaneously receive high likely to require remedial courses, and school and college credit by registering are more likely to earn college degrees. for college courses that will be taught at Allan Hancock College (USPS #6445) (Vol. 4, Issue #5) is published eight times per year in January, April, twice in May, June, July, November and December by Public Affairs & Publications, 800 South College Dr., Santa Maria CA 93454. Periodicals Postage Paid at Santa Maria, California. POSTMASTER: Send address corrections to Public Affairs and Publications, 800 South College Dr., Santa Maria CA 93454. Allan Hancock College Hancock Allan 800 South College Drive Santa Maria, CA 93454-6399 Hancock Dental Assisting Hancock Welcomes Graduate Makes History Two New Vice Presidents of education services and institutional Michael Black said he is looking forward effectiveness for the State Center Com- to playing a pivotal role in serving the munity College District in Clovis, CA, Allan Hancock Joint Community College which includes Fresno City College, District that spans more than 3,000 Reedley College, and Clovis Community square miles. College Center. “I am very excited to serve the college Previously, Railey served as the vice and community in this role,” said Black. president of academic services for the “The state budget outlook for commu- Chabot-Las Positas Community College nity colleges is very positive and, with District, and held dean positions at the new facilities on line, we are poised George A. Railey, Jr. Santa Maria native Lindsey Cun- Modesto Junior College, Yosemite Com- for growth and expansion of education ningham made Hancock history munity College District, and Cosumnes opportunities.” when she was accepted into the River College. dental school programs at Uni- Black started working at Hancock in versity of Pacific and University of “I sought out the opportunity to become 2007 as the managing director of the New England. The first member a part of the great team at Hancock,” Pacific Conservatory Theatre (PCPA). He of her family to attend a four-year said Railey who worked with Hancock oversaw PCPA’s financial operations and university, Cunningham became the Superintendent/President Kevin Wal- managed an annual operating budget first graduate of Hancock’s dental thers, Ph.D. in the Chabot-Las Positas of nearly $4 million. In 2010, he added assisting program to be accepted Community College District. “Before I the duties of the college’s director of into a dental school. applied, I researched the college from its auxiliary accounting. Prior to working “I hope to inspire and encourage budget to its programs, board stability, at Hancock, Black spent more than 20 other people to keep pressing and more. I discovered Hancock was a years in the steel industry, including Michael R. Black toward their goals, no matter how sound institution with great leadership, several years as the vice president of far out of reach they may seem,” said reputation and a valuable resource for sales and marketing at Steelscape, Inc. Cunningham. Allan Hancock College welcomed two the community.” in Washington. new associate superintendent/vice After graduating from Hancock’s presidents to the administration in June. A first-generation college student, Railey “I believe my unique business experi- dental assisting program in 2008, Michael R. Black was named the college’s says he believes in the power of educa- ence of going from the private sector Cunningham worked full time as new associate superintendent / vice tion and how it not only changes the life to the non-profit and public sector will a dental assistant. She returned to president, finance and administration. of a student, but also the lives of the stu- allow me to optimize the college’s finan- Hancock a few years later to earn George A. Railey, Jr., Ed.D. joined the dent’s entire family. A professional jazz cial resource management,” Black said. an associate degree and transfer to college as the new associate superinten- musician, Railey received a bachelor’s a four-year university. She earned Black earned a bachelor’s degree in dent / vice president, academic affairs. degree and master’s degree in music a degree in biology and a minor in finance and a master’s degree in accoun- psychology from the University of from Eastern Kentucky University. He Railey has worked in education for 35 tancy from California State University, California, Davis in June. earned a doctorate in education from Sacramento. years, including 27 at the community the University of Pacific. Cunningham will start at UNE’s college level. He arrived at Hancock College of Dental Medicine this fall. after three years as the vice chancellor Hancock Cuts Ribbon Hancock Hosts a Large-Scale Emergency Drill at Public Safety on New Industrial Training Complex Technology Complex the facility,” said Doug Dickson, interim “Nowhere else on the Central Coast, and director of the fire, safety, and EMS in only a handful of places in the nation, programs.
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