Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at 7.00pm on Thursday, 14 March 2019 In the Committee Room of the Memorial Hall at Cheddon Fitzpaine TA2 8JY.

Present: Cllrs Webber, Woollacott, Baker, Batsch. D Cllr Cavill, WM Cllr Hall (Chairman of Working Party for Country Park). SCC Cllrs Fothergill & Fraschini Clerks: Mrs J Pearson & Clerk Mrs T Cavill.

1. Apologies for absence: Cllrs Isaacs, D Cllrs Townsend, Tucker, Parrish; NP Delivery Group Chairman Tutill. 2. Declarations of personal/prejudicial/disclosable pecuniary interests/amendments to the Register of Interests. Cllr Woollacott advised he is no longer on the Operations Working Group for the Diocese of Bath & Wells. He remains a Governor of Cheddon Fitzpaine Church Primary School. 3. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 14 February 2019: It was resolved to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting. All in agreement.

Public Question Time: none present. Reports: SCC Cllr Fothergill: Full details of the report available on SCC website: items include SCC Finances for 2018/19 have shown a turnaround, with a small surplus at end of year. Secondary School places: first choice to 94.18% Hinkley Point C: the new campus is the second largest in Britain. Motofest being held at Fleet Air Arm, Yeovil 22/23 June 2019. M5/J25 Improvement works to begin shortly. Drop in community events arranged for Ruishton Village Hall. Adult Social Care: SCC will increase funds to providers SCC Cllr Fraschini: Talking Café: at St Mary Madelene Church Monday’s 10am to 1pm. The most common issue raised is loneliness, and information is provided ‘there and then’ for other services available.

WWR: a question was asked regarding the delivery time of this road; Persimmon have paid their element, and awaiting payment from Redrow. Progress remains in the hands of the developers; as there is a link with the Hartnells application it is believed this to be resolved before Hartnells can proceed. TDBC Cllr Cavill: The budget has been agreed with West Somerset & Deane Borough Council, and is due to balance. 4year budget following amalgamation is set to see savings. Deane House refurbishment is on-time and on-budget; renting floorspace is sound business income and a saving on the rates. John Meikle Room (JMR) has good acoustics with no need for microphones as before. /J25 highway improvement: contribution from TDBC. High Street Fund application will bring improvement to the town centre. Garden Town Cultural Forum being set up to cover arts, music, events, sports, landscaping, and design. Meetings held bi-monthly looking at objectives and actions. Up to 25 people to be involved, and request for some under 25 to attend. Cllr Cavill to champion for the Garden Town. Garden Town Vision Consultation: has been released and extended until 25 April 2019.

4. Country Park: WM Cllr Cavill: Licence to Occupy: This document has been extended to allow current access to the site for the discharge of landscaping conditions.


Tripartite agreement for the handing over of land to the two parishes and for the maintenance agreement is progressing. It is not needed to go through formal council at this stage. Nine Acres: of field on the LHS/Northwalls side of Maidenbrook Lane. A north-south strip of land is put forward as a community orchard. Parish Councillors asked on the option to consider who is to maintain this area and how.

Somerset Wood: WM Cllr Hall: Park & Ride trees: 200 trees were moved from P&R to the Country Park by a willing team of volunteers assisted by 40 Cdo. Water Pipe: a water pipe has been located by the central hedge and connection is being arranged. WeeTrees, Wellington: 280 trees have been purchased and volunteers requested to plant prior to end of March. Specific requests: Six London Plane trees and three Wellingtonias have been sourced and planted. Ben Coles: SCC Aboriculturist has introduced himself and offers support to the Country Park. Chestnut trees: TDBC taking down some trees which could be used as 3m lengths for fencing. The aim is to run courses within the CP to build the onsite fences. Large logs: advice is being obtained and it may be possible to use within CP. Yeovil CP: 10 April meeting on how they operate. Sunken area with CP – 50 x 40 x 1.5m – this lends itself to a natural amphitheatre. Ideas being explored with Tacchi- Morris and Heathfield School. Costing Analysis being undertaken prior to grant funding. Timber Play company onboard with design. Mark Pearson, Architect who assisted with MH1 to help with planning requirements as he is also on the Garden Town Design and Vision team. Visitors Centre: discussions continue with Reed & Holland for design and appraisal costs Community Orchard (Nine acres) as above: Frieze Hill Community Orchard has been approached for costings and ideas as to the maintenance. Possibility to include bees and hives.

5. Neighbourhood Plan Delivery Group: WM Clerk Tricia Cavill spoke in Kelvin Tutill’s absence. The NP Review to proceed as per previous recorded discussions. KT asked if both parishes would wish him to continue to act as Chairman. WM PC had endorsed him provisionally if CF PC agreed as well. It was resolved that Cheddon Fitzpaine Parish Council is in agreement to KT acting as Chairman. This is welcomed and much appreciated. It is proposed for the working party group to meet on 15 April 2019 at 7pm in CF Memorial Hall; the original volunteers to be invited as well as newcomers who may be interested in being part of the future growth of the area. It is hoped to put together a questionnaire for publication in autumn 2019. The original policies to be reviewed and a recreation section to be written to establish parishioner’s requests for the public open space use. These findings will support grant applications for the Country Park within Cheddon Fitzpaine, and support for West Monkton’s MH2 growth.

6. Cheddon Ward: Upper Cheddon notice board - Lengthsman offered to rebuild: It was resolved to spend up to £200. All in agreement.

7. Maidenbrook Ward: CMC carpark: Bent old bus stop pole requested to be removed. Enquiries continue. Tudor Park/Yallands Hill cycle way: Volunteers undertook two sessions to clear 100 yds of vegetation intruding on the surface. A huge improvement from willing residents. Nerrols Primary School: it is realised that the roof is not visible from HGT. Apologies made. Northwalls: none. Maidenbrook Lane: flytipping of many tyres down length of lane – SCC Highways responded promptly to clear. Bus Stop: TDBC DLO acted promptly to clear health hazard within the shelter.


8. Highways: -M5 junction 25 planned work at the Nexus site to commence shortly. Further information on SCC website -Dan Mawer, SCC Highways Technical Engineer leaving post. -Ben Coles, SCC Aboriculturist is new to the role and has visited the Country Park offering advice and support. - David Brown, SCC Highways who covers Cheddon requested the locations of the three grit bins within the parish. They are in Cheddon Primary School entrance, Cheddon Lawns at lower end of footpath, and opposite the Lychgate at Church. He will map them on SCC papers, check them and replace or refill as required at no cost to the parish on this occasion/year.

9. Planning Applications: -to consider applications received from TDBC, and to consider any others to date 08/19/0005 Erection of first floor to garage with erection of shed to rear of Medicia Cottage, Maidenbrook Lane, Cheddon Fitzpaine – no objection 08/19/0006 – Erection of single storey extension with alterations to roof line and insertion of dormers at The Joshua Tree, Cheddon Fitzpaine – no objection 08/19/0007 Erection of a single storey extension to rear of 57 Cashford Gate, Cheddon Fitzpaine - no objection -Garden Town Vision Consultation: Councillors to respond personally, and bring suggestions to next meeting as consultation extended until 25 April 2019 -Response to Persimmon MH2 plan – it was agreed not to comment at this stage but to wait until the official consultation is undertaken. -Pyrland Fields – phase 2 advertising: Summerfield Homes had contacted clerk to advise that Cheddon Fitzpaine residents have first choice of properties which are to be released shortly. Information to be circulated via email, Link Up, parish website, and Annual Parish Meeting.

10. Planning Decisions: – none received.

Awaiting Decision: 08/17/0040 -Outline Planning Application with all matters reserved, except for means of access, for the erection of up to 180 dwellings with public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and vehicular access point off Cheddon Road, Taunton (Gladman) – (registered May 2018) 08/18/0019 – Erection of 21 No. dwellings with associated roads, parking, landscaping and site works at Phase 3 Pyrland Fields, Cheddon Road, Taunton. (registered July 2018)

11: Reports: Church/Pastoral Care Group: None. Memorial Hall: Cheddoners Play was well attended and enjoyable. Cheddon Fitzpaine Church Primary School: None Footpaths: See Cycle way at Tudor Park/Yallands Hill. Clerk: Monthly meeting with A Penna Planning Officer for Cheddon; matters reported throughout Minutes.

12. Administration: Annual Parish Meeting 28 March 2019: arrangements being made, and clerk to publicise Timetable for Parish & District Councillors issued: Election 2 May 2019; Clerk distributed election forms to parish Councillors for completion and return by 3 April 2019. Recycling Centre opening times: from 1 April 2019 the centre will open from 9am -6pm not 8am-5pm. The Flower Show and Dog Show Schedules are available.

13. Finance: Advice has been received to indicate that the Community Council of Somerset are refunding £40 to all parishes.


14. Payments for Authorisation: Payments March 2019 Amount VAT Pay Date TDBC Printing £70.00 15.3.2019 Mrs P J Pearson – mileage expenses £48.10 15.3.2019 Mrs P J Pearson – BT ½ year £110.00 15.3.2019 Mrs P J Pearson – March Salary £706.16 (£706.16 minus Feb Tax/NI £14.52) £691.64 Mrs P J Pearson – Feb overtime £209.52 £901.16 29.3.2019 HMRC Feb Tax/NI £14.52 + £16.70= £31.22 15.3.2019 Inform HMRC RTI (Mar)£691.64 +£209.52= £901.16 29.3.2019 Total: £1,160.48

It was resolved to pay the above by cheque/internet banking: Proposed: Cllr Baker, Seconded: Cllr Batsch.

Natwest PLC current account: 15.1.2019 £23,539.71 Natwest PLC business account: 15.1.2019 £ 4,807.42 NS&I 1.1.2019 £ 3,076.37

15. Matters raised by Councillors: -Cllr Batsch advised that the Crown Medical Centre seeks to recruit more members to this voluntary Patient Group to improve communications; to be included in the next newsletter. -Cllr Woollacott advised the rubbish bins within the Play Areas of Summerleaze Nerrols estate are in poor state of repair. Clerk had photographed individually and reported to TDBC in summer of 2017. Outcome awaited.

16. Correspondence: Circulated.

Next Parish Council meeting: 11 April 2019.

Meeting closed: 9.09 pm

Signed by Vice Chair: Cllr R Isaacs (Chair absent). Signature on original

…………………………………………… Chairman