Incunabula In

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Incunabula In IInnccuunnaabbuullaa Grand Valley State University Libraries Special Collections Allendale, Michigan 49401 Revised 22 August 2017 :: 227 Entries Arranged alphabetically by author (or title) as listed in the Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC). Books in this collection date from 1469 to 10 December 1500; they represent the work of 144 printers and publishers from 32 cities. Entries with daggers [†] indicate the only known copies (unica) [4 items]; entries with double daggers [‡] designate copies unique to U.S. col- lections [26 items]. ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ ᴥ A ACCOLTIS, Franciscus de References: GW 410; ISTC ia00135000; Goff A-135; BMC Consilia seu Responsa iuris. (Prelim: Guido de I:277; BSB-Ink A-83; CIBN A-80; HC 310*; Panzer IV:56:465. Octavianis, Repertorium.) Venice: Bernar- Shelf mark: Incun PA 3855 .A2 1492 [A110] dinus Stagninus, de Tridino, 4 June 1499. Folio. ALBERTUS MAGNUS Collation: A10 a-h8 I10 i-r8 s6 (-o1-8, -s6 [blank]) Compendium theologicae veritatis. Venice: Leaf size: 406 x 271 mm. References: GW 144; ISTC ia00018600; H 39; Panzer III: [Bonetus Locatellus], for Octavianus Scotus, 452:2474. 10 Apr. 1490. Quarto. Shelf mark: Incun KJA 2150 .U22 A34 1499 [A178] Collation: a-f8 g4 (-a1) Leaf size: 226 x 166 mm. References: GW 609; ISTC ia00240000; Goff A-240; BSB- ADRIANUS CARTHUSIENSIS Ink H-406; CIBN A-144; H 443*; Panzer III: 281:1258. De remediis utriusque fortunae. [Cologne: Ul- Shelf mark: Incun BT 20 .A42 1490 [A168] rich Zel, ca. 1470]. Quarto. Collation: [a-m8 n6 o-t8 u10] (-u10 [supplied in facsimile]) ALBERTUS MAGNUS Leaf size: 195 x 135 mm. Paradisus animae, sive Tractatus de virtutibus. References: GW 227; ISTC ia00054000; Goff A-54; BMC Strassburg: Martin Flach (printer of Strass- I:188; BSB-Ink A-27; CIBN A-27; H 93*. burg), 10 July 1498. Quarto. Shelf mark: Incun BJ 1500 .F67 A37 1470 [A142] Collation: A8 B-C6 D-E8 (-A3-6 [supplied in facsimile]; -E8 [blank]) Leaf size: 182 x 133 mm. AEGIDIUS (COLUMNA) ROMANUS References: GW 706; ISTC ia00293000; Goff A-293; BMC De corpore Christi theoremata L, sive Theo- I:155; BSB-Ink A-192; H 481*; Panzer I:60:335. remata de hostia consecrata. Cologne: Johann Shelf mark: Incun BR 65 .A253 P37 1498 [A087] Koelhoff, the Elder, 14 Oct. 1490. Quarto. Collation: a-k8,6 ℓ6 m-n8 (-a1, n8 [supplied in facsimile]) ALBUMASAR Leaf size: 180 x 124 mm. Flores astrologiae. (Tr: Johannes Hispalensis.). References: GW 7209; ISTC ia00078000; Goff A-78; BMC Augsburg: Erhard Ratdolt, 18 Nov. 1488. I:229; BSB-Ink A-58; CIBN A-37; H 124*; Panzer I: 302: 180. Quarto. 8 4 Shelf mark: Incun BV 824 .G55 1490 [A113] Collation: a-b c (-b2-7) Leaf size: 220 x 157 mm. References: GW 837; ISTC ia00356000; Goff A-356; BMC II:382; BSB-Ink A-227; CIBN A-192; HC 609*. AESOPUS Shelf mark: Incun BF 1680 .A28 F56 1488 [A068] Aesopus moralisatus [Latin]. (Cum commento: Graecia disciplinarum…; with interlinear ALBUMASAR gloss in Latin.) [Cologne: Heinrich Quentell], Flores astrologiae. (Tr: Johannes Hispalensis.). 29 Sept. 1492. Quarto. Venice: Joannes Baptista Sessa, [ca. 1500]. Collation: A-F6 Leaf size: 206 x 142 mm. Quarto. Collation: a-e4 (-a1) 1 Leaf size: 184 x 135 mm. ANTONINUS FLORENTINUS References: GW 839; ISTC ia00358000; Goff A-358; BMC Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. V:482; BSB-Ink A-229; CIBN [A-193.5]; HC 608*; Panzer III:495:*2795. (Add: Titulus de restitutionibus.) [Rome: Ste- Shelf mark: Incun BF 1680 .A28 F56 1500 [A001] phan Plannck], 12 Feb. 1484. Quarto. 4 8 4 Collation: [a b-n o ] (-o4 [blank]) Leaf size: 215 x 134 mm. ALEXANDER DE VILLA DEI References: GW 2117; ISTC ia00813000; Goff A-813; BMC Doctrinale (Partes I-IV). (Comm: Ludovicus de IV:83; BSB-Ink A-581; CIBN A-430; R 390. Guaschis.) Venice: Bernardinus Benalius, Shelf mark: Incun BX 2261 .A58 1484 [A204] 1488. Folio. Collation: a-b8 c-k6 (-a1 [blank], k5, and k6 [blank]) ANTONINUS FLORENTINUS Leaf size: 282 x 197 mm. Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio References: GW 1008; ISTC ia00434000; Goff A-434; C 292. ... (Add: Titulus de restitutionibus; Con- Shelf mark: Incun PA 2082 .A42 1488 [A217] clusiones et decisiones in foro conscientiae; Versus decem praeceptorum ac septem pec- ALPHABETUM DIVINI AMORIS. Paris: Georg catorum mortalium.) Venice: Petrus de Qua- Mittelhus, 17 Apr. 1493. Octavo. rengiis, Bergomensis, 29 Nov. 1497. Quarto. Collation: [A]-D8 E4 (-[A]1-3 [supplied in manuscript]) Collation: a-y8 [y6-8 excised] Leaf size: 132 x 89 mm. Leaf size: 159 x 106 mm. Bound with: Imitatio Christi (Paris: Philippe Pigouchet, 15 References: GW 2136; ISTC ia00830000; Goff A-830; HR July 1492). 1203; Panzer III:418:2240. References: GW 1563; ISTC ia00530000; Goff A-530; BMC Shelf mark: Incun BX 2261 .A58 1497 [A025] VIII:126; BSB-Ink A-436; HC 7637; Panzer II:301:262. Shelf mark: Incun BX 2180 .A45 1493 [A167] ANTONINUS FLORENTINUS Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio AMBROSIUS, S. [Italian]. Defecerunt vulghare. Florence: Opera. (Ed: Johann Amerbach and Johannes Lorenzo Morgiani and Johannes Petri, for (Heynlin) de Lapide.) Basel: Johann Amer- Piero Pacini, 22 Feb. 1496. Quarto. bach, 1492. Folio. Collation: a-o8 Collation: pt. 1] a-d8,6 e-f6 A-C6, a-d8,6 e4 f8 g-h6 i8 k6 ℓ-m8, Leaf size: 192 x 131 mm. a-d8,6 e6 f8 g4 h-n6,8 o-q6 r4 s8 t10 (-3a1 [supplied in References: GW 2142; ISTC ia00836000; Goff A-836; BMC facsimile]); [pt. 2] n6 a-m8,6, a-m8,6, a8 b-r8,6 s8; [pt. 3] a- VI:683; CIBN A-437; HCR 1211; Panzer I:424:189. k8,6 ℓ-o6, a8 b6 c-h8 i6 I6 k6 ℓ-n8, a-f8,6 g10, a-d8,6 e-f6 (- Shelf mark: Incun BX 2261 .A58 1496 [A206] 2b1-4 [2b1-3 supplied in facsimile], -4f6) Leaf size: 297 x 207 mm. NTONINUS LORENTINUS References: GW 1599; ISTC ia00551000; Goff A-551; BMC A F III:753; BSB-Ink A-480; C 406; CIBN A-291; HC 896*; Summa theologica (Partes I-IV). [Venice: Leo- Panzer I:172:147. nardus Wild [and Reynaldus de Novimagio], Shelf mark: Incun BR 65 .A31 1492 [A081] 1480-1481. Folio. Collation: [Part 1] a10 b-e8 f6 g-k8 ℓ10 m-p8 q10 r-s8 t10 v-z8 ANDREAE, Johannes ⁊8 A-D8 E10 (-a1 [blank]) Super arboribus consanguinitatis, affinitatis et Leaf size: 238 x 172 mm. References: GW 2187; ISTC ia00873000; Goff A-873; BMC cognationis spiritualis. Vienna: Johann Win- V:266; BSB-Ink A-596; CIBN A-454; HC (Add) 1244*. terburg, 22 June 1500. Quarto. Shelf mark: Incun BX 1749 .A58 1480 [A220] Collation: a6 b4 (-a2, -a5 [supplied in facsimile]) Leaf size: 201 x 132 mm. References: GW 1701; ISTC ia00615000; Goff A-615; BMC ANTONINUS FLORENTINUS III:811; BSB-Ink I-309; H 1049*; Panzer III: 525:15. Trialogus super evangelio de duobus discipulis Shelf mark: Incun KBR 1775 .A3 S87 1500 [A122] euntibus in Emmaus. (Add: Franciscus Cas- tillioneus, Vita Antonini Florentini. Baptista de ANDRELINUS, Publius Faustus Finario, Trialogus de contemptu mundi. Elegiae. Paris: Félix Baligault, [after 9 Sept. Bernardus Claravallensis, Epistola ad Seno- 1496]. Quarto. nensem episcopum; Epistola ad parentes Collation: a8 b-c6 d8 e6 f-g8 Gaufredi de Perrona. Super verbum Petri, Leaf size: 177 x 116 mm. References: GW 1866; ISTC ia00693000; Goff, A-693; Bonum est nos hic esse. Humbertus de CIBN A-368. Romanis, De tribus votis. Pseudo-Albertus Shelf mark: Incun PA 8450 .A8 E43 1496 [A150] Magnus, Paradisus animae sive Tractatus de virtutibus. Hieronymus Savonarola, Regulae ANGELUS DE CLAVASIO septem ad omnes religiosos; Oratio vel Summa angelica de casibus conscientiae. (Add: psalmus: Diligam te domine.) Venice: Jo- Hieronymus Tornieli.) Venice: Paganinus de hannes Emericus, de Spira, for Lucantonio Paganinis, 7 June 1499. Octavo. Giunta, 26 Apr. 1495. Ocatvo. 8 10 8 12 Collation: π8 a10 2a16 b-z16 ⁊16 ⁊16 ⁊16 A-B16 C10 Collation: a-h i k-r s Leaf size: 143 x 91 mm. Leaf size: 153 x 104 mm. References: GW 2203; ISTC ia00883000; Goff A-883; BSB- References: GW 1945; ISTC ia00729000; Goff A-729; BMC Ink A-611; CIBN A-464; HC 1274*; Panzer III:380: V:460; BSB-Ink A-537; HC 5401*; Panzer III: 450:2460. 1974. Shelf mark: Incun BJ 1440 .C27 1499 [A176] Shelf mark: Incun BT 235 .A58 1495 [A190] 2 Expositio evangelii secundum Johannem. ANTONIO (BETTINI) DA SIENA [Basel: Johann Amerbach, not after 1491]. De divina praeordinatione vitae et mortis Folio. humanae. [Rome: Eucharius Silber, before 20 Collation: 1-510 a8 b-c6 d8 e-f6 g8 h-i6 k8 ℓ-m6 n8 o-p6 q8 r- Aug. 1480]. Quarto. s6 t8 v-x6 y8 z6 aa6 bb8 cc-dd6 ee-ff8 (-ff8 [blank]) Leaf size: 263 x 193 mm. Collation: [a-g8] Bound with: Abbas Tuiciensis Rupertus, De victoria verbi Leaf size: 197 x 136 mm. Dei, Augsburg: Anton Sorg, 1487. Evidence of third References: GW 2206; ISTC ia00885000; Goff A-885; BMC work removed from binding, probably an edition of IV:121; BSB-Ink B-401; HCR 1278 = HC 14678*; Panzer Gesta Romanorum. IV:23:157. References: GW 2912; ISTC ia01275000; Goff A-1275; Shelf mark: Incun BT 810 .B48 1480 [A195] BMC III:753; BSB-Ink A-889; CIBN A-709; HC 1982*; Panzer II:235:344. ANTONIUS DE BITONTO Shelf mark: Incun BS 2615 .A84 1491 [A145] Sermones dominicales per totum annum.
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