Moree Bird Routes
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An Observant Restless Flycatcher without permission Not to be reprinted © document. dry weather suggested and the 4WD equipped only Gomeroi people. Gumflat Reserve, 20km off the Gwydir Highway, for Note: . drive of the all weather tats with many birds amongst the foliage, along this Highways. Toilets at Pallamallawa. Diverse farming and river habi Traditional lands 44km round trip, Moree to Pallamallawa, via Newell and Gwydir A River Road Scenic River Drive: Supported by Moree Plains Shire Council. Prepared by Daryl Albertson & Jane Humphries, January 2011 Photos by Daryl Albertson. Dry weather suggested Redgums along the rivers edge. A variety of woodland and waterbirds, under the shade of River selection of trails and tracks along the downstream Gwydir River. All weather. vation area. Indigenous values at this site. Carnarvon Hwy to Mungindi, cross the bridge and turn left for a Health & Pest Authority as native flora and fauna conser Yarraman Bridge: 3. Approx. 6kms from town, on the for yabbying. Managed by the North West Livestock Well shaded by Coolibah and River Redgums and a site served, especially during an early morning or evening visit. Many waterbirds and woodland bird species can be ob 21kms southwest of Moree on the Collarenebri Road. Royal Spoonbill in breeding plumage Lagoon: 6.Whittaker’s 22 ha lagoon site, located A . Dry weather suggested indigenous values at this site. Shaded carpark at entry. throughout the day. Aboriginal scar trees, bush tucker plants and Many waterbirds, birds of prey and foliage birds can be seen shaded by 50ha of Coolibah woodlands and grassland habitats. Unsealed road access, dry weather suggested 3kms of level walking tracks, past waterhole and wetlands. Well . among the foliage of the rivers edge Moree Common: 2. Only 1.2kms from Town Centre, with observed on the large weir pool with smaller species 18kms East, on the Gwydir Highway. Waterfowl can be tor and water diversion into Mehi River system. Turnoff Tareelaroi Weir Pool: 5. Main Gwydir River Regula . All weather species to be observed. See the constructed fishway. Large River Redgums with many waterbirds and woodland bird around 2km along the rivers edge, parkland and woodland areas. r. All weathe large River Redgums of the Gwydir River. Memorial Services Club Park (behind RSL Club). The return trip is parrot cacophony, as flocks seek night roosts among the Shaded picnic areas throughout Jellicoe Park with BBQ facilities at or an afternoon Scenic River Drive picnic stop along the provides Toilets, BBQ and shaded park seating. Plan a mation Centre, meandering along the Mehi River to the Weir Pool. Pallamallawa: 4. Moree Town Walk: 1. Local Fishing Club Memorial Park Park and walk from the Tourist Infor Bird list courtesy NSW Birds Atlassers Inc. Please keep our town and district tidy. Dispose of rubbish appropriately. Special thanks to Ainslee Lines and Jennifer Southeron. ITS OUR ENVIRONMENT □ Southern Boobook □ Emu □ Whitenecked Heron □ Banded Lapwing □ Striped Honeyeater □ Flame Robin □ □ Stubble Quail □ Eastern Great Egret □ Masked Lapwing Barn Owl □ Painted Honeyeater □ Rose Robin □ □ Azure Kingfisher □ Brown Quail □ Intermediate Egret Combcrested Jacana □ Greycrowned Babbler □ Hooded Robin □ □ Laughing Kookaburra □ Magpie Goose □ Cattle Egret Australian Painted Snipe □ Whitebrowed Babbler □ Eastern Yellow Robin □ □ Rainbow Beeeater □ Plumed WhistlingDuck □ Whitefaced Heron Latham's Snipe □ Varied Sittella □ Goldenheaded Cisticola □ Dollarbird □ Musk Duck □ Little Egret □ Common Sandpiper □ Ground Cuckooshrike Australian (or □ Splendid Fairywren □ Freckled Duck □ Nankeen NightHeron □ Australian Pratincole □ Blackfaced Cuckooshrike □ Clamorous) ReedWarbler □ Black Swan □ Glossy Ibis □ Silver Gull □ Variegated Fairywren Whitebellied Cuckoo □ Little Grassbird □ shrike □ Australian Wood Duck □ Australian White Ibis □ Redtailed BlackCockatoo □ Whitebrowed Scrubwren □ Rufous Songlark □ Cicadabird □ Pinkeared Duck □ Strawnecked Ibis □ Glossy BlackCockatoo □ Speckled Warbler □ Brown Songlark Yellowtailed Black □ Whitewinged Triller □ Royal Spoonbill □ Weebill □ □ Australasian Shoveler □ Silvereye Cockatoo □ Crested Shriketit □ Grey Teal □ Yellowbilled Spoonbill □ Western Gerygone □ Whitebacked Swallow □ Galah □ Golden Whistler □ Chestnut Teal □ Blackshouldered Kite □ Whitethroated Gerygone □ Welcome Swallow □ Little Corella □ Rufous Whistler □ Squaretailed Kite □ Yellow Thornbill □ Fairy Martin □ Pacific Black Duck □ Sulphurcrested Cockatoo □ Yellowrumped Thornbill □ Grey Shrikethrush □ Hardhead □ Pacific Baza □ Tree Martin □ Cockatiel □ □ Brown Thornbill Crested Bellbird □ Bluebilled Duck □ Whitebellied SeaEagle □ Common Starling □ Rainbow Lorikeet □ Australasian Figbird □ Southern Whiteface □ Australasian Grebe □ Whistling Kite □ Common Myna □ Scalybreasted Lorikeet □ Olivebacked Oriole □ Spotted Pardalote □ □ Hoaryheaded Grebe □ Black Kite Mistletoebird □ Musk Lorikeet □ Masked Woodswallow □ Striated Pardalote □ Zebra Finch □ Great Crested Grebe □ Brown Goshawk □ Little Lorikeet Whitebrowed Woodswal □ Yellowfaced Honeyeater □ low □ Doublebarred Finch □ Rock Dove □ Collared Sparrowhawk □ Australian KingParrot □ Singing Honeyeater □ Blackfaced Woodswallow □ Plumheaded Finch □ Common Bronzewing □ Spotted Harrier □ Redwinged Parrot □ Whiteeared Honeyeater □ Dusky Woodswallow □ Redbrowed Finch □ Crested Pigeon □ Wedgetailed Eagle □ Crimson Rosella □ □ □ Yellowtufted Honeyeater □ Little Woodswallow Diamond Firetail □ Squatter Pigeon Little Eagle □ Eastern Rosella □ □ Fuscous Honeyeater □ Grey Butcherbird House Sparrow □ Diamond Dove Nankeen Kestrel □ Paleheaded Rosella □ □ Whiteplumed Honeyeater □ Pied Butcherbird □ Peaceful Dove Brown Falcon □ Mallee Ringneck □ Other birds □ □ Noisy Miner □ Australian Magpie □ Barshouldered Dove Australian Hobby □ Blue Bonnet □ □ Yellowthroated Miner □ Pied Currawong □ Tawny Frogmouth □ Black Falcon □ Redrumped Parrot □ □ Spinycheeked Honeyeater □ Little Raven □ Whitethroated Nightjar □ Peregrine Falcon □ Budgerigar □ Regent Honeyeater □ Torresian Crow □ Australian Owletnightjar □ Brolga □ Turquoise Parrot □ Red Wattlebird □ Leaden Flycatcher □ Whitethroated Needletail □ Purple Swamphen □ Eastern Koel □ Whitefronted Chat □ Restless Flycatcher □ Forktailed Swift □ Blacktailed Nativehen □ Channelbilled Cuckoo Available from Tourism □ Scarlet Honeyeater □ Magpielark □ Australasian Darter □ Australian Bustard □ Horsfield's BronzeCuckoo Moree, cnr Newell and □ Blackchinned Honeyeater □ Whitewinged Chough Gwydir Highways, Moree. □ Little Pied Cormorant □ Bush Stonecurlew □ Blackeared Cuckoo □ Brownheaded Honeyeater □ Apostlebird Ph: 02 6757 3350 □ Great Cormorant □ Blackwinged Stilt □ Shining BronzeCuckoo □ Black Honeyeater □ Grey Fantail □ Little Black Cormrant □ Rednecked Avocet □ Pallid Cuckoo or Moree Plains Shire □ Bluefaced Honeyeater □ Willie Wagtail □ Pied Cormorant □ Redcapped Plover □ Fantailed Cuckoo Council Offices □ Noisy Friarbird □ Australian Raven 21 Auburn Street Moree □ Australian Pelican □ Blackfronted Dotterel □ Brush Cuckoo □ Little Friarbird □ Ph: 02 6757 3222 □ Blacknecked Stork □ Redkneed Dotterel □ Barking Owl Jacky Winter © document. Not to be reprinted without permission .