University News, April 8 Students of Boise State University

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University News, April 8 Students of Boise State University Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 4-8-1991 University News, April 8 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. eetet~e.te ee.~t.l De.<t April 8, 1991 Volume XI Issue Twenty-two Communication Lab sponsors recycle MANIA By Chereen Myers Spearman, and Tim Hall, will per- The communication students dis- Looking decep: TheUniversity News form "Recycling is the Master Plan." covered that the campus recycling tively like the Coke BSUadministration officials, an program could potentially produce machine that it What holds 15,000 aluminum ASBSU representative, and a major $100 per week for ASBSU organi- stands next to, this cans and sits in the center of the recycling company spokesperson zations. The project is done in receptacle is part of Quad? will also be on hand for the noon cooperation with ASBSU, who a campaign to BSU's communication labora- conference. takes over responsibility for con- collect 15,000 cans tory students are displaying the cans The communication students' tinuance of the program at the on the BSU cam- to launch a recycling campaign the work toward their final goal of a semester's end. pus. week of April 8-12 to signal the campus recyling program is part of The idea for the campaign de- initiation of a permanent aluminum the curriculum for the required veloped when students discovered can recycling program on campus. communication course. that 15,000 cans per week are dis- A press conference, slated for Communication laboratory carded on campus, with no official Pholo by Brian Becker noon on Friday, April 12 will an- member Matt Fritsch hopes to see recycling program in existence. nounce the results of the campaign. lasting results from the campaign. Recycling bins, placed next to pop All students are encouraged to at- "I would like to see an attitudinal machines throughout the campus, tend. shift among campus students and will be emptied into the large re- The press conference serves as faculty about the way they feel to- ceptacleon the Quad to display the a finale for the week-long campaign wards recycling in general," he said. col1ected cans and will feature entertainment by By placing a large receptacle in Students and faculty can assist the BSU rap group Mo' Better the Quad area, students hope to raise in the project simply by placing World. The group, consisting of campus awareness about the need empty cans in the designated bins. football players Chris Thomas,lsiah for recycling on the BSU campus. and not in the garbage . ,.,1" -, ,; .~~ ;, :~..":':';r'," »",-:.:-.\,,-~,..:;,.,;'-_;"7"',"" !_~~~v"'l?:>"'illii,":':~\:.. , . Cinderella's Brifli'nghamfound Boise totally aWeSOme starting point for the tour was "the Security was beefed up for the almost all of the work," he said. we can still play. You geta combi- By Chereen Myers nation that works and you stick The University News luck of the draw," according to event as well. Even with the secu- Playing before thousands of fans, Brittingham. "We did a video here rity precautions "crazed fans" are nerves are never an issue because with it," he said. Recording an album can take as when we opened for ACDC acouple not a common occurrence, accord- Brittingham is used to performing. In the midst of preparation for long as five to six months to com- the kick-off of their world tour in of years ago. We got a lot of great ing to the bassist. He thinks fans are "I don't get nervous. I'm a last minute person. I'm usually doing plete, and the group continues to Boise, Cinderella took time off looking shots of the audience." The sometimes "apprehensive" about something as I'm going on." perfect the songs "until we get it Thursday to talk to the University video footage shot in Boise was for approaching band members, and that "by the time they decide to do Originally from Philadelphia, right," according to Brittingham. News. the song "The Last Mile." Selecting an opening band is "a Bass player Eric Brittingham Cinderella's road touring crew it you're already gone, and it's 100 Brittingham grew up listening to all late." types of music but he admits to business decision. You have to see discussed the preparation and dedi- was in Boise almost a ful1 week if the crowd reaction is good and if cation involved in putting on a rock before the show to prepare the stage, The band keeps a fast pace dur- leaning towards harder rock groups ing the tour, and played in like Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin their album sales are good," he and roll show. perfect the lighting and make sure said. Slaughter was selected as the Planning for the '91 tour began everything ran inperfect order. "We Vancouver, B.C.just two days after for inspiration. Cinderella's success on and off opening band for Cinderella. where the last tour left off. "We spend most of our time fine tuning appearing in Boise. Despite the non-stop schedule, Brittingham stage is partially due to their similar Brittingham is enjoying success started planning this right when we the show. If we didn't do all this and hopes to be a musician "for- (preparation) there would be prob- doesn't get tired of being on the musical taste. The group formed got off our lasttour, There is a lotof ever." lems when we got on stage," said road and performing. "It doesn't after some trial and error but all planning," he said. members are together for "as long as The decision to make Boise the Brittingham. exhaust me because the roadies do "No more food stamps:" Adjuncts get second pay raise IN two years Most believe that the 50 percent ous years, our salary was frozen adjunct faculty in the department News, Williams compared her sal- boost they got last year was a major while their's continued to rise. So and about IS part-time faculty. ary with that of a new manager at morale boost, and think that the this is a milestone." Martin said the raise was critical McDonald's, who start at about considering the quality of instruc- $25,000 per year. BSU adjunct faculty are guard- four percent raise they will get this "It's an ethical issue, it'sa matter tors that BSU has managed 10 at- "I am pleased that they feel that edly optimistic about a recent State year shows both the education bu- of fairness," insisted Sipe. "It's a reaucracy and the state legislature matter of the American Idea of tract. I am an advocate, because I am Board of Education mandate that really concerned," said Martin. "I gives them the same percentage are taking their situation seriously. paying someone what they are "It's especially important 10 have good people, and we do," said think it is a human issue and a wage increase as regular faculty get "We got a 50 percent raise last worth. It's a matter of keeping 11e people that you have." Martin. "We have some outstand- fairness issue, first of all. I think it this year. year, and while we are still under- paid, it was a signal that people Sipe said adjunct pay prob- ing faculty, and they are here be- is also an issue of qualityeduca- realized there was a problem and lems are symptomatic of a larger cause they like to teach. They tion, and that's critical for the rea- were doing something to correct problem of col1ege faculty salaries. wouldn't be here if they didn't." sons I've already talked about." it," said English instructor Martha "They stink," said Sipe. "It's Martin said the adjunct salaries "My sense is, the morale is Sipe. "Something has been brought very common for public school need to be compared with salaries good, and people like Larry Selland to light in the legislature, and the teachers to make more than college in the Boise School system. have been outstanding in their sup- process of change has begun. There professors in some departments. I "They still need improvement," port of this. I think it is because are a lot of reasonable people out don't know if you have heard about said Martin. "Let's put it this way: they are in favor of quality educa- there, and they would help us if they salary compression, but there are The figure of $17,800 is an entry tion. They have been very support- knew." faculty coming in who are making level salary for a teacher in the ive with the dollars that aren't The State Board mandate raises more than staff who have been there Boise School system. All of ours there," added Martin. full-time adjuncts to S18,5oo per. for 10 years." have masters degrees, and they are An alternative view of adjunct year, while part-time adjuncts get English Department chairper- all experienced. They really should faculty motivation was expressed about,SJ ,500 a semester for a three son Carol Martin said adjuncts teach be at a higher level, but the $17,800 by part-time communication in- credholass.
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