1 Tow11. , Firm, anti B~f. to Bafl.k~"'· TOfDft. Ftf"fn 1 tmdr Rl!f, to London Banl:erl. BBttlll •.••••••• J • •• , BIU'clay< & Co. Limited, br. • • • • • • • • • • .. • • .. 8 Bingley .. • • .. • ... • • • Bradford. Old Kan 11:, L\rllited, branch •. ., •• 112 ~

Ba.wn boy, ••• ,. •• .. ,, Uhter ., Llm1ted, eub·br. , .. , ...... 70 1 86 Bingley • '. • .. • •• , .. Cmven Bank, Limited, br...... , ...... 86 Bawtry ...... Beckett & Co ...... , ...... ~ Birchington-oR-Sea •• Lloyds Bank, Limited, snb-braooh ...... ,, 5~ Bawtry ...... L

Beckenbam •••••• .. London and Provincial Bank, Limited, br.66 1 4 · Ferry), Beckenham ...... Londnn and County RankingCo. Ltd. br ..... 6ll Blrmine:ham ...... Bank of En~land.braneh ...... & Bedale ...... Barclay & Co. Limited, branch .. .. • ... .. • • 6 Birmingham'"" .... London Oity & Midland Bank., Ltd. 14 hrs ... M- Bedale ...... , York City & County Banking Oo. Ltd. br .. 80 IHrminghHm ,,., •••. , .BirminJ~"ham Dietrict aTrd Gennties BankinJr .Bedford ...... Northamptonshire Union Bunk, Limited, br.162 Cn. Limited, head office, 3 branches & 19 Bedford ...... Thomas Ba.rn11rd & Co •...... 100 sub-branches ...... • S BPdford ...... London & County Bankin!(Co. Ltd. branch •• 6:3 Rirmin"'ham ,, ...... Caprtal & Counties Bllllk, Limiten, brancb .• 2~ Bedford ...... London City & Midland Bank, Limited, br .. 64 l!irmin!!ham .. • ..... Lloyds Ba11k, Ltd. head Muntry ofhce,19 Bedlington ...... , North-Eastern Banking- Co. Limitt"fi, br..... ol.5 branches and 2 sub-branches ...... 62 Bedminster ...... Prescott,Dimsdale, Cave, Tngwell& Co.Lim. 86 Birmingham ...... Parr's Bank, Limited, branch ...... 82l- Bedworth ...... Birmingham District & Counties Banking Birmingham , ...... l\.ational Provincial Bank of E~>sland 1 Co. Limited, branch...... 8 Limited, 4 branches ...... ~ Bedworth ...... London Oity & Midland Bank Ltd. branch .. 64 Birmingham .. •.. ... Metropolitan Bank (cl England & Wales), Beer • • • • • • ... • • • • • • • • Devon & Cornwall Banking Co. Limited Limited, 6 branches ••••.••••••••••.•••• 78: (Se!!. ton), sub-branch .. • • .. .. • ...... 8 Birmingham ...... London City & Midland Bank, Lt

llelper ...... , ..4 •• Crompton & Evbns'Uninn Bank. Limitra,br. ~5 Bishop's Stortford .... Barclay & Co. Limited, branch ...... 8 Belper ...... Nottingham Joint Stock Bank, Lim. br .... 82 Bishop's Waltbam .... Capital & Counties Bank, Lim. branch .... 22' Belturbet ...... , ... Bank of Ireland (Cavan), sub-agency..... 15, S4 Bishop's Waltbam ... Ounner & Co...... • • .. • ...... I! Belturbet ...... ., Limited, branch ...... 7l 1, •6 Bishopston ..... " .... Capital & Counties Bank, Limited, snb-br... 22 • ..... Bel ntlere ..•1 Capital & Counties llarok, Limited, snb-br..• 22 Bispbam ...... London City & Midland Bank,, sub-br. 64 Belvedere ...... London & Provincial Bank, Limited, br. 66, o Black burn ...... Lloyds Bank, Limited, branch , ...... ;o .. ~ Bemtridge .... , ..... Capital & Counties Bank, Lim. sub-branch .. 22 Black burn ...... Manche•ter & Liverpool District B~nking Bentham ...... Craven Bank, Limited(Settle),Bub-bmnch,, 86 Cnmp•ny,Liroit~d, llranch ...... 74i Bentham ...... Lan~aster Bankitw Co. aub-br"Bch. • . .. • • • • S Black bum ...... L

Berkhampstead •••• Prescott, Dimsdale, Cave, Tugwell & Oo. Ltd. 86 Black.hoath., •• ~ .•••• London and Provin"ial Ua!lir. 1 Limiled, hr 66, 4~ Benie ...... Town & County Bank, Limit~d. branch •... 63~ Black heath ...... •, London & County BankingCo.Limited. br .... 63 Bervie ...... North of Scotland Bank, Ltd. branch ..... 8, lOO Blackheath (Staffs) .. Bilmingham District & Counties Banking Bcr" ick • , , ••• , • , , • , Barclay & Co. Limited, bmnch •••••• , • • • • • 8 Co. Limited, branch.. . . • • • • . . . . . • ..• 10& llerwick ...... NorU•-Eastern Banking Co. Limited, br .... 41i Blackheath (Staffs.) .. WilliHIDS Deacon's Bank Lim. branch ...... 10&. Berwick ..... -· ...... National Ban 11. of Scotland,Ltd. br.5,81,34,45,100 Blackhill ...... H odgkin,Barnett, Pease,Spenoo & Co. branch 611. · Berwick...... Comm~rcial Bank of Sootlan