Health Insurance Exchange Operations Chart *Chart updated June 12, 2015 Allison Wils As states continue to refine the operations of their health insurance exchanges, regardless of the exchange type (state-based exchange, state partnership exchange, or federally facilitated marketplace), it's helpful to compare and contrast operational resources. This chart contains each state's resources and forms for three distinct, and fundamentally important, areas of exchange operation: applications, appeals, and taxes. With links directly to the states' forms and guides related to these issue areas, this chart serves as a one-stop resource library for those interested in developing new, or revising old, versions of applications, appeals, and tax resources. Like all State Refor(u)m research, this chart is a collaborative effort with you, the user. Know of something we should add to this compilation? Your feedback is central to our ongoing, real-time analytical process, so tell us in a comment, or email
[email protected] with your suggestions. State Application Forms & Guides Appeal Forms & Guides Tax Guides IRS: Form 1095-A Health Insurance Marketplace Statement IRS: Instructions for Form 1095-A Health Insurance Marketplace Statement IRS: Form 8962 Premium Tax Credit IRS: Form 8965 Health Coverage Federally-Facilitated Marketplaces Appeal Request Exemptions Application for (FFM) & State Partnership Form for Wyoming Marketplace (SPM) States (AK, Health Coverage & Help Paying IRS: Instructions for Form 8965 AL, AR, AZ, DE, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, Costs Appeal Request Health Coverage Exemptions KS, LA, ME, MI, MS, MO, MT, NC, Form for Select States (Group 1) Instructions to IRS: Affordable Care Act Tax ND, NE, NH, NJ, OH, OK, PA, SC, Help You Complete Your Provisions SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WV, and Appeal Request Application for Health Coverage Form for Select States (Group 2) WY) IRS: Pub.