NOTE: The following are selected as the most important among the items of these groups, complete lists of which will be contained in the SUMMARY OF EVENTS OF JEWISH INTEREST, being compiled by the Statistical Department of the American Jewish Committee. i I. ANNIVERSARIES AND CELEBRATIONS UNITED STATES September 3, 1927. Sacramento, Cal.: Celebration of seventy-fifth anniversary of founding of TEMPLE B'NAI ISRAEL. December 3, 1927. : Celebration of seventy-fifth anniversary of organization of the HARMONIE CLUB. December 19, 1927. , 111.: Celebration of seventh-fifth anni- versary of the birth of ALBERT A. MICHELSON. March 4, 1928. Philadelphia, Pa.: Celebration of ninetieth anniver- sary of founding of the HEBREW SUNDAY SCHOOL SOCIETY. March 11, 1928. New York City: Celebration of seventieth anniver- sary of the birth of ADOLPH S. OCHS. March 11, 1928. New York City: Celebration of ninetieth anniversary of founding of SHAARE ZEDEK CONGREGATION. March 25, 1928. New York City: Celebration of seventy-fifth anni- versary of founding of MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL. April 8-10, 1927. Montgomery, Ala.: Celebration of seventy-fifth anniversary of founding of KAHL MONTGOMERY. April 27, 1928. , La.: Celebration of one hundredth anni- versary of founding of TOURO SYNAGOGUE. May 11, 1928. Cumberland, Md.: Celebration of seventy-fifth anni- versary of founding of B'ER CHAYIM CONGREGATION. June 6, 1928. Yonkers, N. Y.: Celebration of seventieth anniversary of the birth of SAMUEL UNTERMEYER. BRITISH EMPIRE June 6, 1927. London: Celebration of seventieth anniversary of the birth of CLAUDE G. MONTEFIORE. January, 1928. Great Britain: Celebration of seventy-fifth anniver- sary of the birth of RABBI SIR HERMANN GOLLANCZ. February 24, 1928. Prague: Celebration of eightieth anniversary of the birth of SIEGFRIED POPPER. DENMARK March 17, 1928. Copenhagen: Celebration of seventy-fifth anniver- sary of the birth of DAVID SIMONSON. 71 72 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

GERMANY , 1927. Berlin: Celebration of seventy-fifth anniversary of the birth of FRANZ OPPENHEIM. , 1927. Berlin: Celebration of eightieth anniversary of the birth of MAX LIEBERMANN. April 14, 1928. Berlin: Celebration of seventieth anniversary of the birth of LEOPOLD BADT. May 17, 1928. Berlin: Celebration of seventieth anniversary of the birth of FELIX DEUTSCH. May 17, 1928. Berlin: Celebration of seventieth anniversary of the birth of MAGNUS HIRSCHFELD. NETHERLANDS December 19, 1927. The Hague: Celebration of seventieth anniver- sary of the birth of ERNST COHEN.

II. APPOINTMENTS, HONORS AND ELECTIONS UNITED STATES ADLER, SIMON L., Rochester, N. Y., appointed judge, United States District Court for Western New York, May, 1927. BAMBERGER, LOUIS, Newark, N. J., awarded by Newark Technical School, degree of Doctor of Science, June 17, 1927. BARON, SALO, New York City, appointed by Jewish Seminary of Breslau, Professor of Jewish History, May 11, 1928. BILLIKOPF, JACOB, awarded by the University of Richmond, degree of LL.D., June S, 1928. BLOCH, ERNEST, , Cal., awarded by Musical America, music prize of $3000.00, June 8, 1928. BLUMENTHAL, GEORGE, New York City, appointed by the French Government, Commander of the Legion of Honor, December IS, 1927. BROWN, DAVID A., Detroit, Mich., awarded by the Hebrew Union College, honorary degree of Doctor of Hebrew Law, June 1, 1928. CARDOZO, BENJAMIN N., New York City, elected Trustee of Columbia University, March 9, 1928. CAYTON, NATHAN, Washington, D. C, appointed Judge of Municipal Court, May, 1927. FINESHRIBER, WILLIAM H., Philadelphia, Pa., awarded by Temple University, degree of Doctor of Divinity, June 16, 1927. FISHER, HARRY M., Chicago, 111., re-elected Judge of the Circuit Court, June 6, 1927. FLEXNER, ABRAHAM, New York City, appointed Rhodes Memorial Lecturer at Oxford for the academic year 1927-1928, November 19, 1927. FRANKEL, LEE K., New York City, awarded by the Hebrew Union College honorary degree of Doctor of Hebrew Law, June 1, 1928. FRIEDMAN, DAVID E., New York City, appointed Professor of Neu- rology and Head of Department at the University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College, January 20, 1928. REVIEW OF THE YEAR 5688 73

FRIEND, HUGO M., Chicago, III., re-elected Judge of the Circuit Court, June 6, 1927. GOLDSMITH, IRVING I., Saratoga Springs, N. Y., appointed Supreme Court Justice, New York State, January 1, 1928. JACOBSON, LOUIS J., New York State, elected Senator, November 2, 1927. KAUFMAN, DAVID E., Philadelphia, Pa., appointed Minister to Bolivia. March 9, 1928. KEIDAN, HARRY B., Detroit, Mich., appointed Judge of the Circuit Court, March, 1927. KUN, JOSEPH L., Philadelphia, Pa., appointed by Governor, Judge of Common Pleas Court, No. 1, , 3927. LANGSDORF, ALEXANDER S., St. Louis, Mo., appointed Dean of the. School of Engineering of Washington University, January 20, 1928. MARSHALL, LOUIS, New York City, awarded by the Jewish Theo- logical Seminary honorary degree of Doctor of Hebrew Literature, June 12, 1927. MENGELBERG, WILLEM, New York City, awarded by Columbia Uni- versity honorary degree of Doctor of Music, January 20, 1928. MICHELSON, A. A., appointed by Secretary of Commerce, Herbert C, Hoover, member of the American Committee of the World Congress of Engineers, Tokio, Japan, February 10, 1928. MORGENSTERN, JULIAN, Cincinnati, Ohio, elected President of the American Oriental Society, April 19, 1927. RIESMAN, DAVID, Philadelphia, Pa., awarded by Franklin and Mar- shall College, honorary degree of Doctor of Science, June IS, 1928. ROSENBACH, A. S. W., Philadelphia, Pa., awarded by University of Pennsylvania, honorary degree of Doctor of Fine Arts, June 15, 1927. ROSENWALD, JULIUS, Chicago, 111., awarded by the Commission on Race Relations, the Harmon Award (Gold Medal), March 18, 1928. SCHWARZ, LEON, Mobile, Ala.r elected Mayor, November 2, 1927. SEASONGOOD, MURRAY, Cincinnati, Ohio, elected by the City Council, Mayor, November 22, 1927. SELIGMAN, EDWIN R. A., New York City, awarded by Royal Academy of Science, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium, the Emile de Laveleye prize, April 23, 1927. SOLIS-COHEN, SOLOMON, New York City, awarded by the Jewish Theological Seminary, honorary degree of Doctor of Hebrew Literature, June 3, 1928. STALMASTER, IRVING, Omaha, Neb., appointed by the Governor of Nebraska, Judge of District Court, April 17, 1928. STERN, HORACE, Philadelphia, Pa., appointed member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, March 23, 1928. STROOCK, MOSES J., Brooklyn, N. Y., awarded by the Board of Trus- tees of St. John's College, honorary degree of Doctor of Laws, June 6, 7928. WEINSTEIN, MAXWELL, Brooklyn, N. Y., awarded by President Coolidge, Soldier's Medal for heroism in Tientsin, China, April 21, 1928. 74 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

ARGENTINE KESSEL, JOSEPH, awarded by the French Academy, Prix de Rome, for novel "Coeurs Purs," June 10, 1927. ENGLAND GOLDSTON, JOSHUA, Stockton-on-Tees, elected Mayor, November 25, 1927. INSTONE, ALFRED, Paddington, elected Mayor, November 11, 1927. STRAUSS, G. A., North Southwark, elected to House of Commons, March 28, 1927. STREIMER, MORRIS, West Ham, elected Mayor, November 11, 1927. FRANCE BERNSTEIN HENRI, Paris, appointed Honorary Commander of the Legion of Honor, January 22, 1928. ISRAEL, ALEXANDER, Paris, elected Senator, September, 1927. DE ROTHSCHILD, MAURICE, elected Member of Parliament, May 11, 1928. LANIADO, JOSEPH, Syria, elected by Syrian people, Representative at Constitutional Convention, May 4, 1928. BRAUN, MRS., Frankfort, appointed Judge, March 9, 1928. FRAENKEL, ADOLPH, Marburg, appointed by University of Kiel, Pro- fessor of Mathematics, April 20, 1928. WILLSTATTER, RICHARD, appointed by University of Manchester, Honorary Doctor of Natural Science, June 1, 1928.

HUNGARY WESHI, JOSEPH, Budapest, appointed member of House of Magnates' June 4, 1928. ZOLD, MARTIN, Sivagard, appointed by the Hungarian Government, General, June 3, 1927. NETHERLAND POLLAK, DR., Hague, appointed Judge in the Highest Court, Novem- ber 12, 1926.

PALESTINE ALHADEFF, Z., Tiberias, re-elected Mayor, May, 1927. SOLOMON, CHAYIM, Jerusalem, elected Vice-Mayor, April 26, 1927.

POLAND ASKENASI, SIMEON, Warsaw, appointed by Ministry of Education, Honorary Professor of History, Warsaw University, February 3, 1928. BRODT, RABBI, elected Deputy to Seim, March 9, 1928. FARBSTEIN, H., elected Deputy to Seim, March 9, 1928. REVIEW OF THE YEAR 5688 75

GREENBAUM, J., elected Deputy to Seim, March 9, 1928. HARTGLAS, A., elected Deputy to Seim, March 9, 1928. RASNER, CH., elected Deputy to Seim, March 9, 1928. REICH, LEON, elected Deputy to Seim, March 9, 1928. ROSENBLATT, DR., elected Deputy to Seim, March 9, 1928. RUTSTEIN, MENDEL, awarded Polonia Restituta, November 19, 1927. THON, I., elected Deputy to Seim, March 9, 1928. WIGODSKI, DR., elected Deputy to Seim, March 9, 1928. WISLICKI, W., elected Deputy to Seim, March 9, 1928.

ROUMANIA BERKOVICI, ELI, Orhei (Bessarabia), elected Senator, , 1927. CARP, HORIA, elected Senator, July 18, 1927. FILDERMAN, WILLIAM, Bucharest, elected Senator, July 18, 1927. NIEMEROWER, I., elected Senator, July 18, 1927. STRAUCHER, DR., elected member of Parliament, July 18, 1927. WEISSELBERGHER, DR., elected Senator, July 18, 1927.

III. SPECIAL BEQUEST AND GIFTS UNITED STATES ADLER, MAX, Chicago, 111., donates $500,000 to the City of Chicago for the construction of a planetarium, June 8, 1928. BACHRACH, AARON, New York City, bequeaths $30,000 to Jewish and non-Jewish charities, and residuary estate to Jewish Social Science Asso- ciAtion (formerly United Hebrew Charities) of New York City, as endowment fund, Mar. 27, 1927. BAERWALD, PAUL, New York City, donates $200,000 toward $10,- 000,000 fund for agricultural activities in Russia, May 4, 1928. BAMBERGER, LOUIS, Newark, N. J., donates $100,000 to Beth Israel Hospital, Newark, for endowment fund, Jan. 30, 1928. BARNERT, NATHAN, Paterson, N. J., bequeaths $700,000 trust fund to Jewish charities, Jan. 10, 1928. BLUMENBERG, EMMA, New York City, bequeaths $150,000 to Asso- ciated Jewish Charities in Baltimore, Md., and $150,000 to Jewish and non-Jewish charities in New York City, April 15, 1927. BRUSH, LOUIS S., New York City, bequeaths $1,467,113 to the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York City, for the Louis S. Brush Educational Fund, and for the erection of the Louis S. Brush Memorial, a fireproof dormitory and maintenance, March 2, 1927. BURROUGHS, HARRY E., Boston, Mass., establishes a fund of $100,000 for the Burroughs Newsboys Foundation, Boston, Mass., for the educa- tion of at least five boys each year, Dec. 15, 1927. COHEN, GEORGE S., Houston, Texas, donates $125,000 to Rice Insti- tute, Houston, in honor of parents for the erection and maintenance of Robert and Agnes Cohen House, March 22, 1927. DOBLIN, LEO L., New York City, bequeaths $400,000 to Jewish chari- ties, May 25, 1927. 76 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

ELIAS, HENRY F., New York City, bequeaths $400,000 to Mount Sinai Hospital, New York City, and other Jewish charities, Dec. 3, 1927. EMANUEL, VICTOR, New York City, donates $300,000 to the Univer- sity of Dayton (Catholic) for a library building, May 8, 1928. EPSTEIN, MAX, Chicago, III., donates a clinic and social hall to cost over $250,000 to the University of Chicago, Nov. 5, 1927. FABIAN, JACOB, Paterson, N. J., donates $150,000 to Temple Emanuel, Paterson, Oct. 16, 1927. FALK, MAURICE and LEON, Pittsburgh, Pa., donate $750,000 to the University of Pittsburgh for a modern clinic and dispensary, April 20, 1928. FOGEL, RUBE ROBERT, New York, bequeaths $1,000,000 to the Pacific Jewish Orphan Asylum, San Francisco, of which he had been a ward, Dec. 24, 1927. FRANKS, JACOB, Chicago, III., establishes $100,000 Memorial Fund in memory of his son Robert E., April 29, 1928. FRAUENTHAL, HENRY W., New York City, bequeaths medical library and medical apparatus to Hospital for Joint Diseases of the City of New York; $10,000 to endowment fund for one bed in the male ward observa- tion room in memory of father and for one bed in the famale ward observation room in memory of mother; and residue of approximately $300,000 (conditionally) to laboratory endowment fund for permanent and distinct memorial, Mar. 14, 1927. FUED FELIX, Newark, N. J. donates $250,000 to Beth Israel Hospi- talf Newark, for Endowment Fund. Jan. 30, 1928. GROSBERG, OSCAR, Boston, Mass., establishes $100,000 trust fund for Jewish charities, Mar. 8, 1928. DANIEL GUGGENHEIM FUND FOR THE PROMOTION OF AERONAUTICS donates $230,000 to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Jan. 16, 1928. HANO, HORACE G., Philadelphia, Pa., bequeaths $200,000 (condition- ally) to the Federation of Jewish Charities, Philadelphia, Aug. 26, 1927. HAYMAN, MRS. MINNIE, New York City, donates $1,550,000 to the Montefiore Home for Chronic Invalids, the Hospital for Joint Diseases, New York, the North Woods Sanatorium for Tuberculous, at Saranac Lake, N. Y., and other Jewish charities upon her death, May 18, 1928. HEINEMAN, LOUIS, Gallipolis, Ohio, bequeaths residuary estate, valued at $280,000 to be equally divided between the Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, Ohio, and the Jewish Consumptive Sanatarium, Denver, Colo., Jan. 22, 1928. HENDRICKS, HARMON W., New York City, bequeaths $70,000 to Jewish charity and $250,000 to non-Jewish charity, May 25, 1928. HERRLICH, JOSEPH, Greensboro, N. C, bequeaths $100,000 to Jewish charity, Dec. 2, 1927. HIRSCHBERG, SAMUEL, Boston, Mass., bequeaths $100,000 to charity, Oct. 1, 1927. HOFMAN, SAMUEL, Chicago, HI., bequeaths $300,000 to charity, Nov. 3, 1927. HOMBERGER, MRS. FLORENCE N., Chicago, 111., donates an infirmary (value $277,000) to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in memory of her son Richard M., Nov. 24, 1927. REVIEW OF THE YEAR 5688 77

KATZ, SAMUEL, Chicago, 111., donates $100,000 to Marks Nathan Orphan Home, Chicago, Nov. 26, 1927. KAUFMAN, HENRY, Pittsburgh, Pa., donates $200,000 to the building campaign fund of the Y. M. H. A., New York City, Dec. 23, 1927; and $625,000 to the Irene Kaufman Settlement, Pittsburgh, April 20, 1928. KAUFMAN, LOUIS G., New York City, establishes $100,000 trust fund for the Graveraet High School, Marquette, Mich., in memory of his mother, May 22, 1928. KUPPENHEIMER, Louis B., Winnetka, 111., donates $250,000 to the University of Chicago for endowment fund to be known as the Louis B. and Emma M. Kuppenheimer Fund, Oct. 17, 1927. LAMPORT, NATHAN, New York City, donates $200,000 to the building fund of the Yeshiva College, New York, May 28, 1928. LASKER, ALBERT, Chicago, III., establishes $1,000,000 Lasker Founda- tion for research into causes, nature and cure of degenerative diseases- of middle life, Jan. 9, 1928. LAVANBURG, FRED L., New York City, bequeaths $3,000,000 to Lavanburg Foundation, New York, to build low rent apartments; and $500,000 to Hannah Lavanburg Home for Immigrant Girls, Nov. 11, 1927. LEHMAN, HERBERT H., New York City, donates $100,000 toward $10,000,000 fund for agricultural activities in Russia, May 4, 1928. LEVY, JACOB AND NATHAN, Brooklyn, N. Y., donate $125,000 to the Jewish Hospital of Brooklyn for a dispensary, Jan. 27, 1928. Lit, Jacob D., Philadelphia, Pa., donates $125,000 to Mount Sinai Hospital, Philadelphia, for new hospital, Dec. 16, 1927. LOUCHHEIM, JEROME H., Philadelphia, Pa., donates $100,000 to Eagleville Hospital and Sanatarium for Consumptives, Philadelphia, for dispensary, June 15, 1927. MARSHALL, LOUIS, New York City, donates $100,000 toward the $10,000,000 fund for agricultural activities in Russia, April 15, 1928. PRAGER, WILLIAM, New York City, donates $100,000 for the erection of a new building for Jewish Theological Seminary in celebration of his 70th birthday, April 20, 1928. RATSHESKY, A. C, Boston, Mass.. donates $200,000 to Beth Israel Hospital, Brookline, Mass., for a new building, in memory of his brother, Nov. 3, 1927. ROME, JOSEPH L., Brookline, Mass., establishes a trust fund of $100,000 for Jewish charity, April 5, 1928. ROSENWALD, JULIUS, Chicago, 111., donates $5,000,000 to the $10,- 000,000 fund for Jewish agricultural settlements in Russia, Mar. 30, 1928; $2,000,000 to the Julius Rosenwald Fund, and provides that the entire fund, over $20,000,000, be distributed within 25 years after his death, May 18, 1928; $250,000 to the University of Chicago, Mar. 10, 1927. SCHOENBERG, MRS. MOSES, and son SIDNEY, St. Louis, Mo., donate $300,000 for nurses home for Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, in memory of their husband and father, Nov. 25, 1927. SHOYER, CHARLES C, Philadelphia, Pa., bequeaths $84,000 and re- siduary estate to Jewish and non-Jewish charities, Oct. 28, 1927. 78 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

SPEYER, JAMES, New York City, donates $250,000 to the Museum of the City of New York, May 1, 1928. STEINBERG, MARK C, St. Louis, Mo., donates $100,000 to Y. M. and Y. W. H. A., Nov. 11, 1927. STERNE, HENRY, New York City, bequeaths estate valued at $500,000 to charities, Oct. 11, 1927. STRAUS, NATHAN, New York City, donates $100,000 in celebration of his 80th birthday, to the United Palestine Appeal for reconstruction work in Palestine, Jan. 31, 1928; and $75,000 for a Health Center in Tel Aviv, Palestine, June 17, 1927. WARBURG, FELIX M., New York City, donates $1,000,000 to the $10,000,000 fund for Jewish agricultural settlements in Russia, April 25, 1928; $100,000 to the Y. M. H. A. building fund, May 6, 1927. WISE, MR. AND MRS. S. D., Cleveland, Ohio, donate $100,000 trust fund to the Jewish Welfare Federation of Cleveland, Mar. 1, 1928. BRITISH EMPIRE BARON, BERNHARD, London, donates £5,000 to the Middlesex Hospi- tal, Feb., 1927; $160,000 to Jewish charity in celebration of his seventy- seventh birthday, Dec. 4, 1927; £5,000 to the Central Office of the Zionist Organization, Jerusalem, for constructive works to be executed by Jewish workers in Palestine, May 4, 1928. BEARSTED, LADY FANNY E., London, bequeaths £5,000 to Jewish Maternity Home for building fund, May, 1927. DAVIS, ISRAEL, London, bequeaths £40,000 for Palestinian institu- tions, March 9, 1927. ELKAN, JOHN, M. V. O., London, bequeaths £34,000 to Jewish and non-Jewish charities, Sep. 1927. FRIEDLANDER, LESLIE JOHN, London, bequeaths about £100,000 to Jewish and non-Jewish charities, June 15, 1928. HENRY, JULIA L., London, bequeaths £4,000 to Jewish and non- Jewish charities, and residue of estate (over $1,000,000) as a perpetual trust fund to provide scholarships for American students at British Universities and British students at American Universities, Aug., 1927. HEYNSSEN, HANNAH, Manchester, bequeaths £13,000 to Jewish and non-Jewish charities, Aug., 1927. LEON, ARTHUR;L., London, bequeaths £20,000 to University of Lon- don for the promotion and encouragement of scientific research work, Sep., 1927. PERRY, I. S., Shanghai, bequeaths $150,000 (conditionally) for the erection of Jewish school in Shanghai, Aug., 1927. TUCK, ADOLPH, London, bequeaths £10,000 to Jewish charity, Dec. 26, 1926. FRANCE ROTHSCHILD, EDMOND DE, Paris, donates 6,000,000 francs (about $240,000) the income to be used to maintain the Maison de Vlnstitut de France (a home for French students) in London, January 13, 1928; $35,000 to Nachlath Jacob (Hassidic Colony), Palestine, April 3, 1928; 30,000,000 francs (about $1,200,000) to Scientific Foundation for the promotion of bio-chemistry and bio-physics, July, 1927. REVIEW OF THE YEAR 5688 79

HUNGARY BAUMGARTNER, HERMAN Budapest, bequeaths $1,000,000 for authors and writers of Budapest, Dec. 4, 1927.

ITALY LEVI, ISAIA, Rome, donates 1,000,000 lira for the restoration of the royal palace in Turin, and 1,000,000 lira for its maintenance, June 22, 1928. ROUMANIA CAHAN-LINARU, Bucharest, bequeaths $50,000 to Keren Hayesod to assist Balkan Jews to emigrate to Palestine, January 24, 1928.

IV. NECROLOGY UNITED STATES ANSPACHER, ABRAHAM S., rabbi, Hazelton, Pa., at Cincinnati, Ohio, aged 50, Nov. 20, 1927. AUSTERLITZ, EMANUEL H., journalist and founder of Freie Presse, Cincinnati, Ohio, aged 88, March 28, 1927. BARNERT, NATHAN, former mayor and philanthropist, Paterson, N. J., aged 89, Dec. 23, 1927. BARONDESS, JOSEPH, labor and communal leader, Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 65, June 19, 1928. BERNARD, SAM, actor, New York City, at sea, aged 64, May 17, 1927. BLOOMFIELD, MAURICE, professor, orientalist and author, Baltimore, Md., at San Francisco, Cal., aged 73, June 13, 1928. BLOOMFIELD-ZEISLER, FANNIE, pianist, Chicago, 111., aged 64, Aug. 20, 1927. BLOOMINGDALE, EMANUEL WATSON, merchant and civic worker, New York City, aged 76, Feb. 6, 1928. BOEHM, SOLOMON, Civil War veteran, New York City, aged 87, June 18, 1927. COHEN, CHARLES J., author and communal worker, Philadelphia, Pa., at Atlantic City, N. J., aged 80, September 17, 1927. CONHEIM, HERMANN, merchant and Zionist worker, New York City, aged 69, May 2, 1927. DINKELSPIEL, MAX, former judge of Court of Appeals of State of Louisiana, New Orleans, La., at Pass Christian, Miss., aged 83, Aug. 27, 1927. DRACHSLER, JULIUS, sociologist and author, New York City, at Brown's Mills, N. J., aged 37, , 1927. EICHLER, MENAHAM MAX, rabbi, Buffalo, N. Y., aged 55, May 11, 1927. FRANKEL, BENJAMIN, rabbi and national director of B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation, Urbana, 111., aged 30, Dec. 21, 1927. 80 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

FREEDMAN, ISABELLA, communal worker, New York City, aged 64, May 25, 1927. GOODFRIEND, MEYER, communal worker, New York City, aged 66, , 1927. GROSSMAN, RUDOLPH, rabbi, New York City, aged 60, Sep. 22, 1927. GUTTMAN, ADOLPH, rabbi, at New Haven, Conn., aged 73, Aug. 3, 1927. HUTZLER, ABRAM G., pioneer merchant and philanthropist, Balti- more, Md., at Pikesville, Md., aged 92, October 8, 1927. KAUFFMAN, RUDOLPH, editor and newspaper publisher, Washington, D. C, aged 74, Sep. 19, 1927. KOPLIK, HENRY, physician and author, New York City, aged 68, April 30, 1927. LIEBLING, MAX, pianist and composer, New York City, aged 82, Sep. 24, 1927. LOEB, HANAU W., physician, dean of Medical School of St. Louis University, author, and communal worker, St. Louis, Mo., aged 61, July 6, 1927. LANDESBERG, MAX, rabbi, Rochester, N. Y., aged 82, December 9, 1927. LAVANBURG, FRED L., manufacturer and philanthropist, New York City, aged 54, Nov. 5, 1927. LINDHEIM, NORVIN R., Zionist worker, New York City, aged 49, Feb. 8, 1928. LOEW, MARCUS, pioneer motion picture producer, New York City, at Glen Cove, L. I., aged 58, Sep. 5, 1927. MAY, DAVID, merchant and philanthropist, St. Louis, Mo., at Char- levoix, Mich., aged 79, July 22, 1927. MENDES, FREDERIC DE SOLA, rabbi, author and editor, New Rochelle, N. Y., aged 78, Oct. 26, 1927. MORRIS, LOUIS, journalist, founder of Jewish Monitor, Ft. Worth, Texas, Nov. 22, 1927. PINE, MAX, labor leader, Maywood, N. J., aged 62, March 2, 1928. RIES, ELIAS ELKAN, engineer and inventor, New York, aged 65, April 20, 1928. ROSENBERG, ELY, lawyer and president of the New York County Association of the Criminal Bar, New York City, aged 51, June 23, 1928. ROSENBLATT, FRANK, publisher, communal worker and writer, New Rochelle, N. Y., aged 44, Nov. 7, 1927. ROSENWALD, THEODORE, merchant and communal worker, New York City, aged 60, April 9, 1927. ROTTENBERG, IGNATZ MORVAY, physician, former State Commissioner of Lunacy, and civic worker, New York City, aged 72, Aug. 8, 1927. SOUS-COHEN, JACOB DA SILVA, professor of laryngology, surgeon, author and communal worker, Philadelphia, Pa., aged 89, Dec. 22, 1927. SOLIS-COHEN, JUDITH, author and philanthropic worker, Philadelphia, Pa., aged 51, Oct. 8, 1927. SOMMERFELD, ROSE L., educator and communal worker, Baltimore, Md., Sep. 12, 1927. SONN, RALPH A., social worker, Atlanta, Ga., Sep. 23, 1927. REVIEW OF THE YEAR 5688 81

SPIVAK, CHARLES D., communal worker, author and editor, Denver, Colo., aged 66, October 16, 1927. TRIEBER, JACOB, United States judge for Eastern District of Arkansas, Little Rock, Ark., at Scarsdale, N. Y., aged 73, Sep. 17, 1927. ZINGHER, ABRAHAM, bacteriologist, assistant director, N. Y. Bureau of Laboratories, Captain in World War. New York City, aged 42, June 5, 1927. AUSTRIA CHAJES, HIRSCH PEREZ, author and chief rabbi, Vienna, aged 52, Dec. 14, 1927. FUNK, SALOMON, rabbi, author and scholar, Vienna, aged 63, June 1, 1928. GESTETNER, SOLOMON, rabbi, at Stupana, aged 68, Feb. 14, 1928. HILSNER, LEOPOLD, victim of blood libel accusation at Polna, Bohe- mia, 1899, Vienna, aged 50, January 11, 1928. STEINBERG, ABRAHAM MENAHEM MENDEL, chief rabbi of Brody, Galicia, at Vienna, aged 90, April 21, 1928.

BRITISH EMPIRE BLAU, JOEL, rabbi and author, London, aged 49, Oct. 22, 1927. DAVIS, MORTIMER BARNETT, financier and philanthropist, Montreal, at Cannes, France, aged 62, March 22, 1928. HENRY, MRS. DAVID LINDO, author, London, June 4, 1928. LEVIN, H., rabbi, Leeds, , 1927. LEVY, JOSEPH, author, London, aged 86, July, 1927. MELNICK, SHMUEL KALMAN, rabbi, London, aged 66, Jan. 30, 1928. MONTAGU, LOUIS SAMUEL (LORD SWAYTHLING), financier and com- munal leader, London, aged 57, June 11, 1927. SALOMON, BERENDT, rabbi, Manchester, aged 82, April 27, 1928. SOLOMON, SOLOMON JOSEPH, portrait painter, artist and president of Royal Society of British Artists, London, aged 66, , 1927. TANNENBAUM, WILLIAM, author, London, aged 70, Dec. 9, 1927. WALSTON, SIR CHARLES (WALDSTEIN), fellow at Kings College, au- thor, on Mediterranean Cruise, aged 71, March, 1927.

CZECHOSLOVAKIA WERNER, SIEGMUND, journalist and editor, Zuckmantel, aged 61, May 6, 1928. FRANCE CITRUK, MOSES, chief rabbi, Tunis, aged 85, Dec. 16, 1927. LAIZEROWITZ, I. A., (pseud: Berlowitz) journalist, Paris, aged 33, Nov. 23, 1927. TIOMKIN, VLADIMIR, former chief rabbi of Elizabetgrad and communal leader, Paris, aged 66, Dec. 25, 1927. WEIL, ISIDORE, rabbi, Colmar, Alsace, aged 89, April 8, 1927. 82 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK

GERMANY AXELROD, PAUL, Russian labor leader and founder of Social Demo- cratic Party, Berlin, aged 78, Aprill6, 1928. BRAUNSCHWEIGER, D., rabbi and communal leader, Oppeln, May 1, 1928. DEUTSCH, FELIX, industrialist and president of the German General Electric Co., Berlin, aged 70, May 25, 1928. KOENIGSBERGER, BERNARD, rabbi, Berlin, at Vienna, aged 60, June 5, 1927. LAZARUS, RUTH, (NAHIDA REMY) author, Berlin at Mesan, aged 79, Jan. 12, 1928. LOWENTHAL, ABRAHAM, rabbi, Berlin, May 11, 1928. HUNGARY BRUCK, LEO, professor of philosophy, Budapest, Feb. 23, 1928. HERZL, ABRAHAM, rabbi, Pressburg, May 4, 1928. LEDERER, ALEXANDER, communal leader, Budapest, aged 75, Nov. 28, 1927. MEZEY, FRANZ, communal leader, Budapest, July, 1927. ITALY ARTOM, professor and scientist, Rome, May, 1927. SEGRO, ARTURO, professor of history, Turin, March 3, 1928.

JUGO-SLAVIA WESZEL, SAMUEL, rabbi, Sarajevo, aged 51, April 19, 1928.

LITHUANIA FEIVELSON, ELIJAH MEIR, rabbi, Kupisok, agedj60, Feb., 1928. ORLIANSKY, SOLOMON ZALMAN, rabbi and teacher, Plungian, at New York City, April 2, 1928. RAFFALOVITCH, CHAIM, editor Unzer Zeit, July, 1927. SCHNEIDER, JOSEPH SELIG, author, Ponievez, aged 80, March 21, 1928. ' SHAPIRO, ELIEZER JOSHUA, rabbi, Neustadt, aged 90, January 2, 1928.

PALESTINE CHAIKIN, AVIGDOR, former rabbi and author, Tel Aviv, aged 76, June 21, 1928. CITRON, ABBA DAVID, chief rabbi, Petach Tikvah. at Tel Aviv, Sep. 4, 1927. ROMBERG, JACOB, Hebrew lexicographer, Jerusalem, March 22, 1928.

POLAND BERGHAUER, PHINEHAS, rabbi, Reinbertor at Warsaw, Aug. 10, 1927. BERMAN, SOLOMON, Hebrew teacher and author, Homel. aged 70, Mar. 6, 1928. REVIEW OF THE YEAR 5688 83

BRANDSTETTER, MORDECAI, author and poet, Lemberg, aged 84, May 15, 1928. FROSTIG, MOSES, member of Sejm, journalist and editor, Lemberg, at San Remo, Italy, aged 41, Feb. 14, 1928. HERTZ, SIMON, rabbi, at Vlostchava, Feb. 24, 1928. HUTNER, JUDAH LEIB, rabbi, Warasw, Aug., 1927. KANTOROWITCH, P., journalist and author, Warsaw, aged 62, Dec. 1, 1927. LEINMAN, MOSES, rabbi, Tschemelier, at Warsaw, aged 73, , 1927. MALENITZKY, HAYYIM DAVID, rabbi, Gradjist, aged 70, Oct. 8, 1927. MELCER, HENRY, professor of music and composer, Warsaw, May 4, 1928. NAUMBERG, CH. D., novelist, journalist and communal worker, War- saw, aged 51, Nov. 21, 1927. PERL, FELIX, member of Sejm, editor and labor leader, Warsaw, aged 57, April 15, 1927. PERLOW, A. N., Hassidic rabbi of Kaidonov, Bardnowitz, at Warsaw, July 21, 1927. YECHIEL, MEIR, rabbi and author, Ostrowiec, aged 76, March 12, 1928. ROUMANIA FRIEDMAN, SHOLOM JOSEPH, Hassidic rabbi of Milnitz, Chernowitz, aged 57, Aug. 23, 1927. ROSENTHAL, ELIJAH, rabbi, Podily, August, 1927. TEWELES, HEINEICH, dramatic critic and author, Prein, aged 72, Aug. 18, 1927. WALD, JACOB MEYER, rabb', Cluj, Jan. 6, 1928. SOVIET RUSSIA GOLDBERG, JOSHUA NISSAN, author, journalist, Minsk, aged 69, March 29, 1927. JOFFE, ADOLPH ABRAMOWITZ, statesman and diplomatist, Moscow, aged 44, Nov. 17, 1927. NELICK, MENDEL, author, Odessa, aged 49, March, 1928. STERNBERG, LEV, professor at University of Leningrad, ethnographei and anthropologist, Leningrad, aged 66, Aug. 17, 1927. TURETZKI, JUDAH, rabbi, at Lenin, aged 97, June, 1927. YAFFE, ZWI, author and mathematician, at Smolensk, aged 74, May 12, 1927. SWITZERLAND REICHSBERG, NAHUM, professor at Berne University, Berne, aged 61, Jan. 7, 1928. YELSKI, ISRAEL, rabbi, Geneva, aged 62, Dec. 26, 1927. ESKENAZY, BEHOR JUDA EFFENDIIFFENDI,, ex-president of the Jewish com- munity, Constantinople, aged 86~ , Aug,., 1927.