ENDOCRINE REGULATIONS, Vol. 34,195201, 2000 195 SUBSTANCE P: TRANSMITTER O NOCICEPTION (MINIREVIEW) M. ZUBRZYCKA1, A. JANECKA2 1Department of Physiology and 2Department of General Chemistry, Institute of Physiology and Biochemistry, Medical University of Lodz, Lindleya 3, 90-131 Lodz, Poland E-mail:
[email protected] Substance P plays the role of a neurotransmitter immunoreactive fibers has also been detected in lam- and neuromodulator in the central and peripheral ina V of the dorsal horn (LJUNGDAHL et al. 1978), lam- nervous system. The presence of substance P in de- ina X surrounding the central canal (LAMOTTE and myelinated sensory fibres, as well as in the small SHAPIRO 1991), the nucleus dorsalis, interomediolat- and medium-sized neurons of spinal dorsal horn sub- eral cell column, and the ventral horn (PIORO et stantia gelatinosa gives a structural basis for the al.1984). Electric stimulation of the dorsal root, or hypothesis that SP plays an important role of peripheral nerve endings, causes a substantial release a mediator in the processing of nociceptive informa- of SP within the substantia gelatinosa of spinal dor- tion. In this paper recent advances on the effect of sal horns (OTSUKA and KANISHI 1976). SP on conduction and modulation of nociceptive In the dorsal regions of the spinal dorsal horn, impulsation are reviewed. The studies concerning the besides SP also large quantities of gamma-aminobu- role of SP in the prevertebral ganglia and spinal dor- tyric acid (GABA) are present, but reduction of sal horns has been presented, including the distribu- GABA levels has no effect on the SP content, and tion of SP in the spinal cord, as well as its pre- and similarly, reduction of SP levels does not cause any postsynaptic actions on excitatory and inhibitory decrease of GABA concentration in this region of postsynaptic potentials (EPSP and IPSP) and the ef- the spinal cord (TAKAHASHI and OTSUKA 1975).