
Description The is one of ’s largest . It is usually a single colour of olive, greenish-brown, reddish-brown or off-white. It has pale lips, finely dotted with pale grey or brown and a whitish belly. Fast Facts Diet Olive Pythons are carnivores. They prey on , and . Adult pythons can consume mammals as large as rock wallabies. The Olive Python kills its prey by constriction and is not venomous. In the wild Olive Pythons are usually found in rocky areas and gorges, especially those Scientific Name: olivaceus barroni associated with water courses. These ground-dwelling snakes often inhabit rocks, caves and can be found in hollow logs. Conservation Status: Vulnerable Extinct Threatened Least Concern Threats Main threats to Olive Pythons include predation by feral cats and foxes, EX EW CR EN VU NT LC depleting food sources and loss of habitat. This python is also often killed by humans as it is mistaken for the venomous King Brown . Body Length: 2–6 m At Zoo Weight: 10 –20 kg The Olive Python can be seen in the Encounter. Incubation: 11 –12 weeks The Olive Python exhibit is proudly sponsored by:

Number of : average of 19

Habitat: Rocky outcrops, gorges and waterholes

Distribution: region of to north . DID YOU KNOW? Olive python Liasis olivaceus olivaceus which is distributed across the north of Australia has a mid-body scale count of 61-72 scales. This makes this python’s skin look smoother than other .

Distribution: Liasis olivaceus olivaceus