From: Roberta Frampton Benefiel [mailto:
[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 3:03 PM To: Lower Churchill Review [CEAA] Cc: Clarice Blake Rudkowski; Eldred Davis Subject: Re: Lower Churchill Generation Project - Daily Schedule and Order of Presentations for March 9 / Projet de centrale hydroélectrique sur le fleuve Churchill - Horaire quotidien et ordre des présentations pour le 9 mars Mr. Michaud: The attached 4 files were requested by the Panel after Tuesday's presentation by Grand Riverkeeper Labrador on alternatives. The first 3 files represent one each of three pages of a "Potential Tourism Revenue" report done for Grand Riverkeeper Labrador (formerly Friends of Grand River) by our local development organization, the Central Labrador Economic Development Board in 2000. I would like to point out that the figures are over a decade old and should be updated to reflect today's prices. For example, an airline ticket from anywhere in Canada into Labrador currently runs around $1500.00, round trip. Hotel rates have gone up drastically, (I called today and a room is around $130.00 which I have written into the 4th page update document) Obviously costs of restaurant food, toiletries/clothing, souvenirs, taxis and other expenses have also risen. To reflect those changes I have added a 4th page titled "Potential Tourism Revenue updated to reflect 2011 figures", (file named "updated revenue report" ) and simply penciled in changes that might be more reflective of today's situation. I have used a 30% increase to show approximate figures in today's dollars on restaurants, toiletries/clothing, souvenirs, taxi, and tips, and have changed the excursion fees to $4000.00 to reflect a similar pricing from a US operator who spent several years bringing clients in to Labrador from Maine.