From: Roberta Frampton Benefiel
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From: Roberta Frampton Benefiel [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 3:03 PM To: Lower Churchill Review [CEAA] Cc: Clarice Blake Rudkowski; Eldred Davis Subject: Re: Lower Churchill Generation Project - Daily Schedule and Order of Presentations for March 9 / Projet de centrale hydroélectrique sur le fleuve Churchill - Horaire quotidien et ordre des présentations pour le 9 mars Mr. Michaud: The attached 4 files were requested by the Panel after Tuesday's presentation by Grand Riverkeeper Labrador on alternatives. The first 3 files represent one each of three pages of a "Potential Tourism Revenue" report done for Grand Riverkeeper Labrador (formerly Friends of Grand River) by our local development organization, the Central Labrador Economic Development Board in 2000. I would like to point out that the figures are over a decade old and should be updated to reflect today's prices. For example, an airline ticket from anywhere in Canada into Labrador currently runs around $1500.00, round trip. Hotel rates have gone up drastically, (I called today and a room is around $130.00 which I have written into the 4th page update document) Obviously costs of restaurant food, toiletries/clothing, souvenirs, taxis and other expenses have also risen. To reflect those changes I have added a 4th page titled "Potential Tourism Revenue updated to reflect 2011 figures", (file named "updated revenue report" ) and simply penciled in changes that might be more reflective of today's situation. I have used a 30% increase to show approximate figures in today's dollars on restaurants, toiletries/clothing, souvenirs, taxi, and tips, and have changed the excursion fees to $4000.00 to reflect a similar pricing from a US operator who spent several years bringing clients in to Labrador from Maine. It can be determined from these very preliminary figures that just 6 eco-tourism operators operating on a seasonal basis could potentially add on the order of $3.5 million dollars to the local economy per season. This type of operation would be seasonal and seasonal employees would likely be eligable to receive unemployment benefits. However those direct local benefits have not been counted. As mentioned in our presentation on Tuesday, there is no incentive for operators to promote the river as an eco-tourism adventure since the Lower Churchill Hydro Project has been looming for decades and two long reservoirs are not enticing to customers who are willing to pay up to $4 or $5 thousand dollars for a 10 day wilderness trip. Thank you for passing these 4 files on to the Joint Panel. I will try to locate information regarding valuing ecosystem services and will provide that as soon as I can. Roberta Frampton Benefiel Grand Riverkeeper Labrador, Inc. Box 569, Station B Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador NL, Canada A0P1E0 709-896-4164 From: Roberta Frampton Benefiel [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 4:35 PM To: Lower Churchill Review [CEAA] Cc: Clarice Blake Rudkowski; Eldred Davis Subject: Re: Lower Churchill Generation Project - Daily Schedule and Order of Presentations for March 9 / Projet de centrale hydroélectrique sur le fleuve Churchill - Horaire quotidien et ordre des présentations pour le 9 mars Hello Mr. Michaud: Please find attached two files containing information on Valuing Ecosystem Services as requested by the Panel on Tuesday morning during the Grand Riverkeeper Labrador presentation on Alternatives. Please note, we have requested more information from Dr. Nejem Raheem and Dr. Murray Rudd and will forward that as soon as it arrives. Dr. Rudd and Dr. Raheem are the author's of a report submitted to the Joint Panel on....May 22, 2009, Document # 182, CEAR. We have also attached that report for ease of review should the Panel need to refer to it. Roberta Frampton Benefiel Grand Riverkeeper Labrador, Inc. Box 569, Station B Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador NL, Canada A0P1E0 709-896-4164 From: Lower Churchill Review [CEAA] <[email protected]> To: Lower Churchill Review [CEAA] <[email protected]>; [email protected] Sent: Tue, March 8, 2011 6:22:53 PM Subject: Lower Churchill Generation Project - Daily Schedule and Order of Presentations for March 9 / Projet de centrale hydroélectrique sur le fleuve Churchill - Horaire quotidien et ordre des présentations pour le 9 mars (le français suit) Please see attached for the daily public hearing schedule and order of presentations for participants who have registered to present at the Topic- Specific hearing session on Economic Impacts on March 9. Please note that the order of presentations is subject to change due to factors such as length of presentations and related questioning. Sincerely, Livain Michaud, Panel Co-Manager Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency 160 Elgin Street, Ottawa ON K1A 0H3 Tel.: 1-866-582-1884 or 613-948-1359 Fax: 613-957-0941 [email protected] Tom Graham, Panel Co-Manager Lower Churchill Joint Review Panel Secretariat 33 Pippy Place, St. John's NL A1B 4J6 Tel.: 709-729-7720 Fax: 709-729-5693 [email protected] ________________________________________________________________ _ Veuillez trouver ci-joints l'horaire quotidien et l’ordre des présentations des participants qui se sont inscrits à la séance thématique sur les répercussions économiques le 9 mars. Veuillez noter que l’ordre des présentations est sujet à changement dû à la durée des présentations ou des périodes de questions. Sincèrement, Livain Michaud, cogestionnaire de la commission Agence canadienne d'évaluation environnementale 160, rue Elgin, Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0H3 Tél. : 1-866-582-1884 ou 613-948-1359 Fax : 613-957-0941 [email protected] Tom Graham, cogestionnaire de la commission Secrétariat de la commission d’examen du projet de centrale hydroélectrique dans la partie inférieure du fleuve Churchill 33, place Pippy, St.John’s (Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador) A1B 4J6 Téléphone : 709-729-7720 Télécopieur : 709-729-5693 [email protected] POTENTIAL TOURISM REVENUE FROM THE GRAND RIVER IN CENTRAL LABRADOR PREPARED BY THE CLEDB FOR THE FRIENDS OF THE GRAND RIVER October 23,2002 6 operators x Wexcursions each x 8 clients = 576 clients per season 6 operators x 3 guides Per triP = 18 employees Operator revenue (576 clients x $2000 per Person) = $1,152,000.00 per season Operator local expenditures Local purchases of consumables & equipment spent in local sporting goods and hardware stores Based at $20 per person Per season = $11,520.00 Local purchases offood Based at $20 per day per person x7 day excursion x 11 persons per trip x 12 excursions x 6 operators = $1 10,880.00 Localemployment costs 18 employees x 12 weeks = 216 person weeks @ $SOO per wk = $108,000.00 MERC (0.1115o/o) = $12,042.00 Other. operator expend itu res incl ude capital purchases, advertisin g, communications, travel to trade shows, insurance, licensing etc. which may have a local or regional impact. Local & regional Per season @ Per client exoenditures bv clients^ 576 clients e2 Air lines @ $600 rsdr' $345,600.00 l5w $60ft.0tr a&*ffi- f"$20030 hotets I w.d& ffr" $115,200.00 17,*'ff, €"*# # restaurants soio $34, 560.00 4p+60fe 6:: fiW Toiletries/clothinq zh"/0 S57.600.00 tOF*$1ee30- 7+.'3 _{l Souvenirs qo"{o $28,800.00 s.s* **t Zryh "o@ taxi aoob $5760.00 SSs $40;00 I 4'9ffi"oa tips zoob $28.800.00 p,"$50.00 ,4& Excursion fees from client $1.152,000.000 tr9iD200s€0 2,4 nilfi- a& totals $1,768,320.00 $3ouose tl 1 q7/; T^// oo Potential economic impact from tourism using the Grand River, Labrador as the ultimate canoeing experience could exceed $1,768,320.00 per season or $3070.00 per client who visits Central Labrador based on these preliminary figures. RATIONALE The potential for wilderness and adventure tourism in Labrador is unlimited. Visitors to the region bring in "new money" and have a direct positive impact on the local economy. Based on requests of Friends of Grand River the CLEDB has prepared a business case on the potential for wilderness adventure tourism/canoe trips between Churchill Falls and Happy Valley. These figures are based on estimates. Although Friends of the Grand River requested monitory figures based on 20 tour operators, working in this region, the CLEDB determined that, in order to maintain high quality wilderness experience for the tourists/consumer, six operators is a more reasonable assumption and projection. The following report, is based on six operators, seven day excursions, eight consumers per excursion who over night in HVGB on each end of the trip. As well, we have based this on twelve weeks of operation. Figures are based on one-year economic impact of all 6 operators combined and based on economic impact per client so that the reader may extrapolate. 6 operators x 12 excursions each x 8 clients = 576 clients per season 6 operators x 3 guides per trip = 18 employees Operator revenue (576 clients x $2000 per person) = $1,152,000.00 per season Operator local expenditures Local purchases of consumables & equipment spent in local sporting goods and hardware stores Based at $20 per person per season = $11,520.00 Local purchases of food Based at $20 per day per person x7 day excursion x 11 persons per trip x 12 excursions x 6 operators = $110,880.00 Localemployment costs 18 employees x 12 weeks = 216 person weeks @ $SOO per wk = $108,000.00 MERC (0.1115o/o) = $12,042.00 Other operator expenditures include capital purchases, advertising, communications, travelto trade shows, insurance, licensing etc. which may have a local or regional impact. Local & regional Per season @ Per client expenditures bv clients 576 clients a(f'' Air lines @ $600 $345.600.00 $600.00- hotels $115.200.00 $200.00 restaurants $34.