JOURNAL OF SYNAGOGUE MUSIC JOURNAL OF SYNAGOGUE MUSIC NON-ASHKENAZIC TRADITIONS NON-ASHKENAZIC TRADITIONS FALL 2013 VOLUME 38 2013 VOLUME FALL FALL 2013 VOLUME 38 ISSN 0049-5128 THIS IS THE INSIDE FRONT COVER EDITOR: Joseph A. Levine ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Richard M. Berlin EDITORIAL BOARD Rona Black, Shoshana Brown, Sanford Cohn, Gershon Freidlin, Geoffrey Goldberg, Charles Heller, Kimberly Komrad, Sheldon Levin, Laurence Loeb, Judy Meyersberg, Ruth Ross, Neil Schwartz, David Sislen, Sam Weiss, Yossi Zucker TheJournal of Synagogue Music is published annually by the Cantors As- sembly. It offers articles and music of broad interest to the hazzan and other Jewish professionals. Submissions of any length from 1,000 to 10,000 words will be consid ered. GUIDELINES FOR SUBMITTING MATERIAL All contributions and communications should be sent to the Editor, Dr. Joseph A. Levine—
[email protected]—as a Microsoft Word document using footnotes rather than endnotes. Kindly include a brief biography of the author. Musical and/or graphic material should be formatted and inserted within the Word document. Links to audio files may be inserted as well, along with a URL for each. Footnotes are used rather than endnotes, and should conform to the fol- lowing style: A - Abraham Idelsohn, Jewish Liturgy (New York: Henry Holt), 1932: 244. B - Samuel Rosenbaum, “Congregational Singing”; Proceedings of the Cantors Assembly Convention (New York: Jewish Theological Seminary), February 22, 1949: 9-11. Layout by Prose & Con Spirito, Inc. Cover Design by Replica, based on the interior of the Synagogue of Santa Maria La Blanca, 12th century, Toledo, Spain. Copyright © 2013 by the Cantors Assembly.