Of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures

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Of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures [Entered at the Post Office of New York, N. Y., as Second Clsss matter. Copyrigbt, 1 95, by :Munn & Co.) A WEEKtY JOURNAL OF PRACTICAL INFORMATION, ART, SCIENCE, MECHANICS, CHEMISTRY, AND MANUFACTURES. Vol. LXXII.-No. A YEAR. EBTABLl�HED 1845. 26'-1_ NE \V YORK, JUNE 29, 1895 [$3.00WEEKLY. ELECTRICALLY OPERATED WATER SUPPLY and llJotors are shown in the large general interior of PLANT, DE KALB, ILL. the new pump house. For the water supply of De Kalb, Ill., a The water is raised from a well which is 900 feet city of 3,000 inhabitant8, the water ha�, un­ deep, the water level being 65 feet from the surface of recently, been raised from a well close to the ground, by a motor and lift pump, to a sllJall snp­ pipe, by means of steam pumps, re­ ply reservoir just outside the pump house; from this the usual services of an engineer and reservoir it is taken by two large size Gould triplex When an electric system of pumps, and forced to the mains and stand pipe, the was inaugurated in the city, a pro­ latter being 18 feet in diameter, power being ohtained IJUI>lLJIUlJ was accepted by the authorities to frolll electric motors of high running speed, and geared the pumps run by the �urpltls current down, as clearly shown in our view. The electrical plant supplied with one double, up­ the electric plant, and this system was is ' and put in operation in February right direct-attached 150 horse power 50 kilowatt en­ Uur illustrations, sketehed from the gine and dynamo, shown ill lower small view, and two 100 show the manner in which this is ac- horizontal belt engine� and dynamos, horse power THE DE KALB, ILL., ELECTRIC PUMPS. complished. The smaller view at the top shows the combined, 25 kilowatt. The Edison three-wire sys­ former steam pump, boiler, coal house, and stand pipe. tem is used, and the connection to the pump house is 0000 One of the dynalJlos in use at the electric plant fills over a copper couductor. HlP lower smaller view, while the Gould triplex pumps The requ irements were lor a constant level of water © 1895 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. jlUtritlu. UNE 402 J titutifit [J 29, 18cJS· of 85 feet in the stand pipe, with an increased pressure THE CELEBRATION IN GERMANY. in the mains in an emergency of fire, the increase .of The ship canal recently opene<! across the northern pressure bping obtained by use of an al"!.tomatic closing peninsula of Germany was celebrated with rejoicing's valve at the stand pipe, when a fire pressure was re­ JtittttifitESTABLISHED �mttitan. 1845. and festivities by the people of that great E:mpire. On quired. An ordinary pressure of 40 pounds is main­ the invitation of the Emperor the representatives of tained in the mains for domestic service, and in case MUNN & CO., Editors and Proprietors. the leading foreign governments took part; England, of fire the pressure is raised to 125 pounds. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT France, Russia and Italy sent some of their greatest The pump honse shown is fully one-half mile from No. 361 nu,OADWAY, NEW YORK. war ships. The naval pag'eant was very grand. It is the electric plant, and the pumps are controlled en­ gratifying to know that the United States was repre­ tirely by means of a switch at the electric power house. O. D. MUNN. A. E. BEACH. sented by four such noble vessels as t.he Columbia, the The system has been found to meet all the require­ New York, the San Francisco and the Marblehead. ments. '1'J<:ltllIS FOR 'I'HI': ,",CIESTIFIC AiUEltICA�. Report says the American ships presented a more at­ ..J. One copy, one year, for tbe U. S., Canad.. or Mexico.. ..... ... ........83 110 tractive appearance and excited more interest than One COPY. six months, for the U. 8., Canada or !\lexico. ....... ..... "0 1 �O One copy.one y'ear,toany foreign country belonginjiZ'to Postal Union. .. Corn St,.alk.. and Cocoanut Husks. r d UO any of the assembled fleets, due, no doubt, to the In view of the great rapidity with which the modern �ll�W'EOJb�� &'i 'i:lo :J:.:����n'::r gf·Jl:a�8:s�:!:"�t,\���hi6�k. white color of our ships, their clean and graceful lines. rapid-fire guns can deliver shells, it has been felt for '('he �cielltinc AmerIcan �lIppleJnen[ The new canal, while it is a work of high importance a dl.tinct paper from tbe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. 'l'RN tHJPPLEMNN'l' some time that, in addition to watert.ight subdivisions i. issued weekly_ Every number contains octavo p�e8, uniform size to Germany as a means of defense in time oC war, and with18 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. '!'erms of subscription16 for SUPPLEMENT.1D in war sbips, other means of preventing any inflow of e e y or of special commercial advantage in time of peace to �i�:�el���i�� tou ��ra�t�fon� �\::leI6cO�i:S fFc!�t:. ;�� water should be used. The most favored method of b ib�·' t . e e s, her, to England and other nations of Northern Europe, ��!I��r;���4t�r�����,��» s��i������Y A�� R���B ��� §��j�i;ENT accomplishing this result has been to fit a coffer dam, i sen O i a r C is likely to be of little utility for ships of the United or double skin, for some distance above and below the � ���� O f ;e��� 3�3al8�1'�fo��rg�g����ri �s UWi�h'i� p�:ar J!T�� ��� States. Seldom, probably, will American vessels have doUarsand ftJt;u cents a year. water line, the space between being about three feet occa!'ion to use the canal. Yet a stranger might have thick and filledwith material which would expand and IInildilia Edition of Scientific American. supposed, from the ringing cheers and enthusiastic THE BUILDING ElJlTIONOF THl! �CIENT1FIC AMEItlCANI. a large and keep out water when a shot passed through. The splendid llustrated periodical, issued monthly. contalnin� floor plans demonstrations of the populace, as the Marblehead and perspectiveI views pertaini:p to modem arChItecture. Each number material that was adopted in the United States navy u a� i i u came into view and passed from town to town, bearing t���::: �0�� l�·g..�����e��· ¥'�� i1.r.,� �f�' J; :�� for tbis purpose. in 1892, called cellulose, is obtained �"uN�y�a!��contemplate building.:�\� tbi. work i. invaluable. ... tbeU larl/e.tcirculation the star spangled banner through the windings of of any arcbitectural publicationIn tbe world. H from tbe husks of cocoanuts, being a brown, powdery Single cople.:!Iicent By mall, any part of tbe United State., Canada the canal, that Germany considered the Americans as or Mexico. a year.•. To foreignto ..Postal Union countriefl., $3.00 a year. substance, very light, and admitting of a good deal of Combined rate12.50 for BUILDING EDITION with 8CIENTIFIC AMERICAN. to one holding the greatest interestlS, next to themselves, in compression. It was first used in France, and has a ea the success and operations of the new waterway. ����r�er-�e flr :JirligI:����Tig:�(�I�:���l�A�����A�·�n� ��:; been more or less used by various other foreign PLEMENT, $9.00a year. To forei.-nPostal Union countries. $11.00a year. Doubtle!;s it Vl"as the presence of the glorious old flag', nations. Export Edition of the �cientific A .nericK". the symbol of free institutions, under which so many with whicb ts lncorporated U LA AMERICA CIENT IFICA INDURTRIAL," or A Philadelphia inventor has recently brought to the Spanl.h edition of tbe SCIENTr.rc AMERICAN, publlsbedE montbly, uni­ Germans, so many of their own kindred, live and pros­ attention form in size and typography with tbe SCIENTIFIC AMERIOAN. Every num· of the Navy Department a new cellulose, ber contains sbuut pages, profusely illustrated It is tbe finestscientiflc, per, under which so many of them have fought and composed of the Indu.trlal ex rt paper50 publi.bed. It circulate. througbout Cuba, tbe died, that roused their feelings and caused their accla­ pith of cornstalko which is granulat­ � i O e d m r in ed by machinery. Secretary Herbert ::��!�\:fiere�� ;t�e ��:!u�� l���e i� i:Ok��� 8��?��Tr��C mations. Next to the emblem oC the Fatherland, no has determined IeRICAN EXPORT EDITION has a large guaranteed �'i�circulation in all to tboroughly investigate the new substance, and a commercialAM place. tbroughout the world. $3.00a year, post paid to any ensign is so dear to the German heart as the flag of the board of experts was appointed a few weeks ag(\ to P�1jJ�:u'f���re��':&3 �;���Slre to .ecure forei n trade, ml\ American Union. bave large and bandsomelygfE��: displayed ann ouncements pugusbed In thisY conduct experiments. This board had duplicate coffer edition at a very moderate co.t. MUNN CO .. PublIsbers, ••e •• & Broadway, �ew York. dams constructed, measuring six feet square and three e l S61 e o y TEMPERATURES OF LAKES. feet thick, one packed with cocoa fiber and ��'h�R� ��.:;;�: t�.!'::'�lI ·re�itf��s "::�bl';,xfo'" ��d: �� Mr. Desmond Fitz GeralJ, at the annual meeting of the other j!l[;&()o. J[fN'� with cornstalk cellulose. p blisbers in case ot A six and an eight inch shell �Fr�:�l�;'t�i���c!?p����a:��. u the American Society of Civil Engineers at N antasket, were fired into each. Water was then forced into the .:r;a���:t!�� June 18 to 22, read an interesting paper on the tem dams under pressure.
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    arvard Square Records, Inc. P.O. Box 381975, Cambridge, MA 02238 Year 2001 Rare And Out Of Print CASSETTE CATALOG - PDF EDITION •Order Toll Free:1-877-465-7669 (GOLPNOW) •Customer Service:(617) 868-3385 •Fax: (617) 547-2838 • Email: LPnow@yahoo.com For vinyl please contact us, or visit our website LPnow.com arvard Square Records, Inc. P.O. Box 381975, Cambridge, MA 02238 Year 2001 Rare And Out Of Print CASSETTE CATALOG - PDF EDITION •Order Toll Free:1-877-465-7669 (GOLPNOW) •Customer Service:(617) 868-3385 •Fax: (617) 547-2838 • Email: LPnow@yahoo.com For vinyl please contact us, or visit our website LPnow.com Special Note on Reserving Stock and Song Titles: Customer Info We do not reserve any stock nor do we have the song titles of any title available to us. Please do not call or email to see if something is in stock or Please read this before calling with questions. what songs are on any title. Everything in this catalog is available to us at press time, but we cannot guarantee the availability of any title on the HI! HI! phone. Placing an order is the best and fastest way to insure you get the Welcome to our year 2001 Sealed Cassette Catalog. titles you want. Orders begin only when payment or credit card # is received. We had no 1999/2000 Cassette catalog (sorry) so this is our 1st cassette The sooner you order, the sooner you will get your order. catalog since our 1998 one, which is now void. This catalog will be good We have many sources for most of the titles listed, but some titles have no until the end of 2001.
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