(Prepared by the SEC Off,ce of Public Information)

(lasue 110. 72-167) FOR RELEASE _---' __ ..Ulor.;t...... 3"'1...... 1...9.....72"-__ -


IODMIY B. PIICE & CO •• PIISIDIIIT AIm SALlSMAH SANCTIONED. 'lbe SIC announced the i..uance of aD order revoltiag the broker-dealer registration of RodDey B. Price & Co., IDc., of SaDdy SpriQu, Ga., expelliag the fir- froa Mlllbership in the MASD, aDd barriag IocIney B. Price, president of the fira, aDd J_s I. Casey, a sa1es .. n, froa ..sociation vith any broker-dealer. After one year, Price ..y apply to the eo..tssion to beca.e associated with a broker-dealer in a DOn-supervisory capacity upOD an adeqUite showlag that he will be properly supervised, The sanctions imposed by the eom.tssioa were based on its findings that the firm aDd Price sold UDregistered fir- debentures and co.mon stock of Equity National Industries, Inc.; sold Equity stock at excessive prices and fraudulent representations in connec~ion with such sales; aDd failed to comply with net capital, reporting, record-keepiag, customer notification and credit extension requirements. The Commission also fouDd that the fir- and Casey sold unregistered co.-on stock of International Technical Development Corporation, effected purch ..e aDd sale transactions in stock of International and of Growth Sciences, Inc. for the accounts of f custaaers Who had not authorized such tranaactions and made fraudulent representations in connection therewith, and failed to .. intain proper records with respect to those tranSactions. Price was found responsible for a failure of supervision with respect to all of the violations found. The eo..tssion's order .. s based on Price's offer of settlement and consents by the firm and Casey in which they agreed to the above findings aDd the specified sanctions. As part of his offer of settleaent, Price agreed to consent to entry of a permanent injunction against him and the firm in a pending injUDctive action brought against them by the eo..tssion. (SIC v ; Rodney B. Price & Co .. Inc.) (ReI. 34-9740) JOHNSON BARRED. 'lbe SBC has issued aD order barring Jim (James) Johnson of Reno. Nev., fra. association with aDy broker-dealer. After the expiration of one year Johnson ..y apply to the eo.-tssion for pe~ssion to becaae associated with a broker-dealer in a capacity other than as a principal or supervisor, upon an adequate showing that he will be properly superviaed. According to the decision, Johnson was a principal shareholder of Enterprise Securities Corporation during the period Septe.oer-NOve.ber 1971. Among other things, he sold unregistered securities includiag the ~ stocks of Barr Financial Ltd., American Miniag and Development Company, Industrial Manufacturing Corporation, Western Oil aDd Development Corp. and Cardiodynamcs, Inc., false and misleading stat ... nts to cUitaaers regarding certain securities, bid for and purchased securities while Bnterprise Securities .. s engaged in their distribution, and aided and abetted the "intaining of fictitious customer accounts and violations of the credit provisions of Regulation T of the Board of Goveroors of the Federal Reserve System. 'lbe ec-ission's action was taken pursUint to an offer of settlement in which Johnaoa, without admitting or denying the charges, consented to the findings and sanction. (ReI. 34-9741)

SCBWBICL\llT & CO. BRANCH (PFlCE, B. CORBH SANCTIONED. 'lbe SBC has issued an order suspending the over-the- counter activities (subject to limited exceptions) of the Hempstead. N. Y. branch office of Schweickart & Co. for 5 bUliness days and suspendiag Eugene Cohen, manager and resident partner of that office, fra. ..sociation with aDy br~r-dealer for 10 business days, The sUipensions commence on Septe.ber 5. According to the decision, the Schweickert firm violated registration provisions of the Securities Act in the offer and sale of unregistered common stock of A. K. Ilectric Corp. in 1968, and Cohea failed re..onably to supervise a person under his supervision with a view to preventing such violations. The order vas issued pursuant to an offer of settlement in which the respondents, without adaitting or deayiag the allegations in the order for proceedings, consented to the iadicated findings and sanctions. (le1. 34-9745)

~u MAMAGBMBNT All) rUSIDIIIT SANCTIOMBD. 'lbe SIC has revoked the investment advber registration of Ullgore MalUl8eaeat, Inc. of Clayton. Mo. and barred its president, John It. Ullgore, froa ..sociation with a broker, dealer or investment adviser. After one year, Ullgore ..y apply to the eo.-tssion to he so ..sociated in a DOD8upervisory capacity upOD aa appropriate showing that he will be adequately supervised. The action ..s baaed on findings that the respondents in the period NOv_ber 1970 - had violated provisions of the lDvestment Advisers Act of 1940 in the publication and circulation of advertis ...nts about regi.trant's iuvestuent advisory service. Among other things, such advertisements referred to past recom-endations Which were or would have been profitable and to an index advertised as assistiog ia ..king decisions wbea to buy or sell, without settiag forth infor.atlon required by the rules under the Act. In addi- tion, the advertise.ents compared the index with other indexes without pointing out .. terial differeaces. lespondents had subaitted an offer of settleaent, in which, without admitting or deuying the allegations in the order for proceedings, they consented to the findings and the indicated sanctions. It was represented that respondents had ceased their securltie. activities and had refunded to subscribers of registrant's ..rket lettar the unused balances of their .ubscrlption.. (ReI. IA-332) SIC RIWS DlGlST, AmOST 31, 1972 P.. e 2

IIJaTIlBAST IIIVBSTO!SPLAIIIIlI: COIPOIATIOH PDlWmlTLY IKJOINID. The SIC Bew York l.egioul. Office aDDOUDCed that on Auauat 22 the rederal court in Bew YOl'kCity entered a cODll.ntorder of pe~nt injunction enjoinilllHortb... t Inve.tor. Plannilll Corporation, a Hew York City brok.r-dealer. from further violation. of th. c-.tssion'. net capital rul., bookkeepi .. rule, .upple_ntal net capital aDd financial reportias requir_nts and Jaaulation T. On AUlu.t 23 the Court approv.d the appoiDt.nt, on cODllent,of DllVidBaDdel, CPA, .. a snc trustee to liquidate Northea.t. Seba.tian Attardo, preaident, vas also pe~ently enjoined from aidlog and abettiaa violations. (LR-5512)


AlllaICAlt MATUUL GAS CO. 'lb. SIC h.. iaaaed a .uppl_ntal order autborialog A.rican Natural G.. ea.pany, a Hew York hold1na ~y, to ia.ue and sell 1.700,000 .hare. of c~ .tock at c.,.Utive biddilll, and to ...... in related intra.y.t.. transactions with Michisan Pipe Line CoIIpaDy and Hichqan Con.olidated Ga. eo.paay, two .ubsidiary ca.pani... 'Ibis iasue and ..Ie of .tock by ~rican Natural repre.ent. a re.cbedulias of a previously proposed ..1. which was po.tponed by the COIapaDy. (lei. 35-17680)


MN!UQIIA HYDllo-ELECTRIC BQ\aJ) (Han. Bruce I. Ilankin. canadian Con.u1ate General, 680 Fifth Ave., New York 10019), fi1.d a regi.tration .tatement on Augu.t 25 .eeking registration of $60 million of bond •• Seriea lA. due 1997 (guarant.ed by the Province of Manitoba), to be off.r.d for public sale through und.r- writer. h ..d.d by The First Bo.ton Corporation, 20 Exchange Pl., New York 10005. Net proceeds will b. used priacipal1y fer capital ..,eniitures in connection With the Board's present construction program and the N.1soD liv.r project. (Fi1. 2-45486) ARMIN POLY FILM CORPORATION, 301 West Side Ave., Jersey City, N. J. 07305, filed a registration statement on August 25 seeking r.gistration of 525,000 shares of ca.mGn stock. of which 300.000 are to be offer.d for public ..le by the company and 225,000 (being outstand~ .hares) by the holders thereof. The offering is to be (* at $29 per share underwrit... headed by Burnham & Co. Inc., 60 Broad St., New York 10004. The company is engaged in the extrusion. ~nufacture and .a1e of polyethylene fila products and in t.porting and selling popular priced watches. Of ~he net proceeds of its stock ..le, $3.5 million vil1 b. used to purcha.e machinery and equi~nt and the ba1anc. for vorking capital and other corporate purpo.... (Fi1. 2-45488) SCHAAl ELECTRONICS. INC•• 3158 Snelling Ave. South. Minneapolis, Minn. 55406. filed a regi.tration .tata.ent on Augu.t 25 .eeking registration of 90.000 shares of common stock. of which 80,000 are to be offered for public ..le by the company and 10.000 (being out.tanding shares) by the holder thereof {Richard L. Schaak. pre.ident}. The offering is to be made (* at $20 per share maximum) through under- writer. headed by Craig-Hallum. Inc., 133 South Seventh St•• Minneapolis. Minn. 55402. Th. company is engaged pri..rily in the ..le and merchandiling of home and office high fidelity and .tereophonic lound equipment and related items through company-owned and operated retail ..les centers. (File 2-45489)

DIIAND lEAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST. 6811 Kenilvorth Ave•• Iliv.rdale.Md. 20840. filed a registration .tateaent on August 25 .eeking regi.tration of 400.000 shares of beneficial interest. to be offered for public ..le at $10 p~ share through Delland Investment Corporation of America. 200 Third St•• S. E., Wa.hington. D. C. 20003. The Tru.t va. eatablished for the purpose of providing investors with an opportunity to participate in equity. mortgage and other inv.stments in real estate. Dellan4Capital Corporation is invest_ent (File 2-45490) IlBPlESHHENTMACHINERY INCOIlPOBATBD (RHI). 300 Jacksonville 84•• Warminster, Pa. 18974. filed a regis- tration statement on Augu.t 25 seeking regiltration of 250.000 shares of common stock. of which 75.000 are to be offered for public .a1e by the company and 175.000 (being outstanding shares) by the holder ther.of (Th. Penn.tar Company. owner of all RHI's common .tock). The offering is to be made (* at $15 per share _](i_) through underwriters headed by L. Me Rosen~hal & Co•• Inc•• 666 Fifth Ave •• New York 10019. Also included in this .tatement are 45.000 common .har.s issuable pursuant to the company's Itock option p1anl. The company is engaged in the manufacture and ..le of coin and non-coin operated automatic coffee brewing ..chine. and the ..le of coffee and of replacement part. for such machines. Of the net proceed. of its atock ..le. $500,000 will be u••d for the purchase of machinery. toolings and equipment and the improvement and expan.ion of exi.ting facilities and the balance for working capital and other corporate purposes. (FUe 2-45491) PAYSAVlIl CATALOG-SHOWROI»IS, INC., 40 Shavmut Ave •• Holyoke. Mall. 01040. filed a reghtration Itatement on Augu.t 25 .eeking registration of 200.000 Ihares of common stock, to be offered for public .a1. (*at $5 per .bare maximum) through underwriters headed by Culverwe11 & Co •• Inc., Baystate Welt, 1500 Main St •• Springfield. Hall. 01115. The company is principally engaged through subeidiariel in the retail marchandise bu.inea. utilizing catalog Ihowrooml. Net proceeds will be used for working capital and other cerperate (File 2-45492) SIC MIWS DIGEST, AOOUST 31, 1972

VIRGINIA SAVSHARES. INC., 128 Church Ave., S. W., Roanoke. Va. 24011, filed a registration statement on August 25 seeking registration of 200,000 shares of common stock, to be offered for public sale (* at $7 per share maximum) through underwriters headed by J. Lee Peeler & Co., Inc., First Union Bank Bldg., Durham, N.C. 27702, and MeDaniel Lewis & Co., 925 W. Market at Menpenhall St., Greensboro, N. C. 27402. The company was organized in June for the purpose of acting as a holding company for savings and loan associations doing business in Virginia. It owns all the outstanding stock of Home Savings & Loan Association, Incorporated. Part of the net proceeds will be contributed to Home for use in its lending operations and the balance used for working capital purposes. (File 2-45493)

ApII roR FREE STATE GEDULD MINES FILED. Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York, 23 Wall se., New York. N. Y. 10015, filed a registration statement on August 24 seeking registration of 100,000 American Depositary Receipts for ordinary registered shares of Free State Geduld Mines LLmited, a South African corporation. (File 2-45494)

DONALD J. SCHOLZ & COMPANY, 5800 Monroe se ,; Sylvania. Chio 43560, filed a registration statement on August 25 seeking registration of 450,000 shares of common stock, to be offered for public sale (* at $13 per share maximum) through underwriters headed by Shearson, Hammill & Co. Inc., 14 wall St., New York 10005, and MacDonald & Co., 2100 Central National Bank Bldg., Cleveland, Chio 44114. The company is engaged in planning, developing and building residential communities and in the development of land for sale to others. Of the net proceeds of its stock sale, $2 million will be applied to finance the development of residential communities and the balance for working capital purposes. (File 2-45495)

PRINCETON APPLIED RESEARCH CORPORATION, 7 Roszel Road, West Windsor Township. N. J. 08540, filed a registration statement on August 25 seekiug registration of 150,000 shares of common stock, of which 144,000 are to be offered for public sale by the company and 6,000 (being outstanding shares) by the holders thereof. The offering is to be made (*at $15 per share maximum) through underwriters headed by Clark, Dodge & Co. Inc., 140 Broadway, New York 10005. The company is engaged in the manufacture and marketing of specialized electronic and analytical instruments for basic research and analysis. Net proceeds will be used principally to repay short-term bank debt ($1,125,000 at June 30) and the balance for other corporate purposes. (File 2-45497)

OPTASOUND CORPORATION, 116 John St., New York 10038, filed a registration statement on August 25 seeking registration of 225,000 shares of common stock, to be offered for public sale (*at $7.50 per share maximum) through underwriters headed by Frank and Drake, Inc., 120 Wall St., New York. The company is engaged in developing and marketing the Optasound system of sound mot~n picture equipment together with related equipment and services. Of the net proceeds of its stock sale, $325,000 will be used for promotion and advertising and the balance for working capital and other corporate purposes. (File 2-45498)

E.H.C. EQUIPMENT LEASING PROGRAM 1972/73 (a series of Partnerships), 888 7th Ave., New York 10019, filed a registration statement on August 25 seeking registration of $10 million of partnership interests, to be offered for public sale at $5,000 per unit on a best efforts basis by Klineman Associates, Inc. The Partnerships have been formed to engage in the equipment leasing business. Equipment Management Corp., subsidiary of Klineman Associates, will serve as general partner. (File 2-45499)

SAMUEL MOORE AND COMPANY, Mantua. Ohio 44255, filed a registration statement on August 25 seeking registration of 213,000 outstanding shares of common stock, to be offered for public sale by the holders thereof. The offering is to be made (*at $22.50 per share maximum) through underwriters headed by Kidder, Peabody & Co. Inc., 20 Exchange Pl., New York 10005, and Prescott, Merrill, Turben & Co., 900 National City Bank Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio 44114. The company is engaged in the manufacture and sale of engineered extruded tubular products for industrial applications. (File 2-45500)

EQUITY PROPERTIES LIMITED 1972-B (the Partnership), 1900 Avenue of the Stars, Los geles! Calif. 90067, filed a registration statement on August 28 seeking registration of $6 million of partnership interests, to be offered for public sale at $1,000 per unit with a minimum purchase of three units. The offering is to be made on a best efforts basis by Equity Funding Securities Corp., 1900 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, Calif. The Partnership was formed to construct, own and operate five garden-type apartment properties in Phoenix, Ariz., Tucsoo, Ariz. and the Southern California and San Francisco Bay areas. EFC Property Management, Inc. is the general partner. (File 2-45502)


AAR CORP., 2050 Touhy Ave •• Elk Grove Village, Ill. 60007. filed a registration statement on August 28 seekiDS registration of 230.000 shares of CaaDDD stock. of which 150.000 are to be offered for public sale by the ~any and 80.000 (being outstanding shares) by the bolder thereof (Ira A. Eichner. board chairman and owner of 301 of the company's outstanding common stock). The offeriag is to be made (*at $27 per ahare .axiaa) through underwriters headed by Willi_ Blair & Co•• 135 S. LaSalle St •• Chicago 60603. and Bacbe & Co. lDc: •• 100 Gold St •• New York 10038. The company is engaged in tbe sale of new and used air- craft replacement equipment. servicing of communication and navigation equipment and other equipment. sale of general aviation aircraft and the manufacture and sale of certain electronic aircraft instrumentation. Net proceeds will be used to prepay short-tera and lons-tera indebtedness and for working capital and other corporate purposes. (FUe 2-45501)

ANALlTlCAL SYSTEMS, INC •• 60 Ridgeway Plaza. Staatord, Cona. 06905. filed a registration statement on August 28 seekiDS registration of 300.000 shares of common stock. of which 200.000 are to be offered for public sale by the company and 100.000 (beiDS outstanding shares) by the holders thereof. The offeriDS is to be .. de (*at $6 per share lIIIlXiDua) by Carlton-Cambridge & Co•• Inc •• 239 Boulevard. Baabrouck Heights. N• .J. 07604. The company is eDSaged in furnishing statistical information concerning the securities which comprise the contents of investment portfolios. Net proceeds will be used for workiag capital and other corporate purposes. (File 2-45503)


RECENT FORM 8-K FILINGS. The companies listed below have filed Form 8-K reports for the month ~ indicated. respondiag to the item on the 8K form numbered in the parentheses. Photocopies may be ., purchased from the Comaission's Public Reference Section (in ordering. please give month and year of report). An index of the captions of the several items of the form wss included in the August 3 News Digest.

lmoco Gateway Corp Marshall Ind. Inc May 1972 ( 11.13) 1-5806-2 May 1972 (13) 1-5441-2

Jensen Industries Mission Equities corp May 1972 (12) 0-5150-2 Hay 1972 (11,14) 1-6732-2 Lockheed Aircraft Corp New ldria Hining & Chemical Co May 1972 (11) 1-2193-2 (13) 1-3647-2 Max factor 6. Co Nortb Lake Corp May 1972 ( 10.11.13) 1-3875-2 April 1972 (1) 0-1747-2 Hidat1antic Banks Inc Placer Deve1. Ltd April 1972(13.14) ... 0-5698-2 May 1972 (11,14) Hoxie Honarch Nugrape Co Raymond Inti., Inc May 1972 (11) 0-3757-2 Hay 1972 ( 1-5314-2 Hussingwear, Inc Scoa Ind.. Inc April 1972 (11) 1-63-2 Hay 1972 ( 7.13) 1-6005-2

Pr08her Corp Shattuck 8enn Hining corp Hay 1972 ( 3,13,14) 0-3574-2 May 1972 ( 1.13) 1-948-2 Ring Around Products, Inc S*ppican Corp May 1972 (11.13) 0-5455-2 May 1972 (2) 0-3548-2 Squibb Corp Hsy 1972 (11.13) 1-5514-2 American Hedicorp. Inc Hay 1972 ( 3.4,7.11.13) 1-6717-2

Aaerican Nuclear Corp American ReInsurance 0-1764-2 May 1972 ( 2.13.14) April 1972 ( 7.11.13) 2-19516-2

Atek Ind.. Inc Aminex Corp Hay 197 2 ( 2.14) 2-39162-2 May 1972 ( 2.7,14) 0-6064-2 C.G.S. Scientific Corp Askin Service Corp Hay 1972 ( 2.6.14) 0-3351-2 May 1972 u n 1-6692-2 Chart House Enterprises. Inc Great Northern ~t. Co Inc 0-6043-2 May 1972 (13) Amdt. to 8K for Nov. 1971 lbl Security Service. Inc (3) 0-2717-2 Marcb 1972 ( 13.14) 0-6038-2 Master Control. Inc

Laribee Wire. Inc 0-5545-2 1-6267-2 Hay 1972 (3.1-40 Dec. 1971 ( 2.4,7,14) Natural Resources ra, 1970-2 April 1972 ( 2.4,7.14) 1-6267-2 April 0972 (3.13) 0-5657-2 1-6267-2 Feb. 1972 ( 9.14) Oakbridge Holdings. Inc (11,12) 0-1937-2 Pacific Lighting Service. Inc May 1972 ( 7.13) 1-6801-2 Portsmouth &quare. Inc May 1972 ( 1,2,7.11.13) 0-4057-2 Professional Golf Co May 1972 l 2.14) 0-921-2 SEC MEWS DIGEST. AOOUST 31. 1972

Public Service Co of New Hampshire Hagnolia Metal Corp

Hay ,1972 ( 11.13) 1-6392-2 Feb. 1972 (13) 0-3312-2 Metex Corp Soo Line RR Co Hay 1972 (11) Hay 1972 ( 7.11.14) 1-4452-2 0-2112-2

Stone & Webster Inc Middle South Utilities. Inc

Hay 1972 (11.14) 1-1228-2 Hay 1972 (11.12.13) 1-3517-2 Mississippi Power & Light Co Hay 1972 ( 7.11.14) 0-320-2 Hohasco Ind •• Inc Alcon Lab.· •• Inc April 1972 (11) 1-3320-2 Hay 1972 ( 7.14) 1-6726-2 Horse Electro Prod. Corp ARCS. Inc:

Hay 1972 ( 2,3,10,13) 0-2725-2 Hay 1972 ( 7,8) 1-4414-2

Atlantic Richfield Co Newell Ind •• Inc

Hay 1972 ( 7,14) 1-1196-2 April 1972 (11) 0-1830-2

Charter Bankshares Corp Pittston Co

Hay 1972 ( 4,8,14) 0-4600-2 Hay 1972 ( 11.4) Clarke Gravely Corp

Hay 1972 (11,14) 1-6621-2 Alan Wood Steel Co

Crowell Collier & HacHillian, Inc Hay 1972 ( 11.13) 1-3999-2

Hay 1972 (8) 1-3911-2 Amerada Hess Corp 1-1204-2 Crystal Oil Co Hay 1972 ( Hay 1972 (11) 1-4892-2 Intercontinental Life Co Amterre Devel. Inc Hay 1972 (11,13) 1-64iO-2 Hay 1972 ( 11.14) 0-1085-2 • Halco1m Starr, Inc Atwood Fabrics. Inc April 1972 (7) 2-32795-2 Hay 1972 ( 2.13) 0-4709-2 McD0II81ds Corp The Chares River Breeding Lab's Hay 1972 ( 11.13) 1-5231-2 Inc Hay 1972 ( 7.14) 0-3455-2 Natl. Systems Corp COliputer Statistic •• Inc Hay 1972 Hay 1972 ( 3,9911) 1-5715-2 (,13.14) 0-4149-2 Parker Hannifin Corp Canso. Oil & Gas Inc

Hay 1972 (3) 1-4982-2 Hay 1972 (11) 1-4516-2 Primary Medical Communications. Inc ConSlllllersPower Co Ha:- 1972

Hay 1972 ( 13.14) 2-41486-2 (3) 1-5611-2 Pro-Tech Programs Hay 1972 ( 3,12) 0-4969-2 Providers Benefit Co First Realty Invst. Corp

Hay 1972 ( 11.13.14) 0-3647-2 Hay 1972 ( 7,11.13) 0-4159-2 Republic Franklin. Inc Glen Alden Corp

Hay 1972 (11) 0-4771-2 Hay 1972 (11) kepublic Franklin Life Insrs. Co Land Resources Corp Hay 1972 (11) 2-19787-2 April 1972 ( 4,7.9.13) 0-4321-2 Sinclair Venezuela Oil Co Lehigh Press. Inc Hay 1972(13) 1-1155-2 April 1972 (11) 1-4967-2 Long Island Lighting Co Hay 1972 ( 13,14) 1-3581-2

Standard Brands. Inc Hallory Randall Corp 1-1186-2 Hay 1972 (11.13) Hay 1972 ( 11,13,14) 1-4527-2

Sterling Drug. Inc McClean Trucking Co 1-1171-2 Hay 1972 (11.14) Arndt. to 8K for March Studebaker worthington Inc 1972 t i i) 1-4093-2 1-5579-2 April 1972 (3) Montana Dakota Utilities Co Hay 1972 (02) 1-3480-2 Olin Corp Bonanza Inti •• Inc: May 1972 (3) 1-1070-2 0-3697-2 Harch 1971 ( 7.8) Pentair Ind •• Inc ea,.n Corp April 1972 ( 2,9 14) 0-8689-2 0-5801-2 Hay 1972 ( 3.13) Peoples Drug Stores, Inc Coca Cola Bottling Co of LA Hay 1972 (7) 1-174-2 0-606-2 Hay 1972 ( 7,14) Kapid American Corp Coleman Co Inc Hay 1972 (3) 1-750-2 1-988-2 Hay 1972 ( 13) Reliance Ind., Inc IntI. Invstrs Life Insur. Co Nov. 1968(8) 7 2-34247-2 0-2 75-2 Hay 1972 ( 7.9) (7) 0-2775-2

Irv1n Ind •• Inc (7) 0-2775-2 Hay 1972 ( 11) 1-149-2 Feb. 1969(7) 0-2775-2 J. B.'. Big BOY Family (7) 0-2775-2 Restaurants. Inc Feb. 1971 (8) 0-2775-2 Hay 1972 ( 2.7.13) 0-6054-2 Louisiana Power & Light Co Hay 1972 ( 11.13) 0-1236-2 SIC IIIWS DIGIST, AOOUST31. 1972 AeeedtcI 81: bports For Apr 72 Paae 6

Sqe Intl.. Inc: The Coca..co1a BottUDI CoOf Miai Inc Hay 1972 ( 8,12) 0-2700-2 Mdt '1 .(7,10) 2-41605-2 SlIithf1e1da Foods. Inc Hay 1972 ( 7.14) 0-2258-2 Natl I~stors Life IDS Co Mdt 11 (13) 2-25425-2 Montao-ry Land IDvSt " ne".l.nt Corp a_riean States Life Insur. Co Mdt 11 for Jun 72 (2,11,13) 2-3'708-2 Hay 1912 (11) 2-2001-2 Willi ... Caaapnies Brewater Ind., Inc 11 for Feb 72 (2,14) 1-4174-2 Hay 1972 ( 11.13) 11 for Apr 72 (4,7,14) 1-4174-2 Children a World•• Inc Hay 1972 (3) 0-5843-2 The Walter Reade Orlanization Inc Ca.bustion Engineering Inc 11 for Har 72 (7,14) 0-1043-2 Hay 1972 (13) Coaputer Facilities Corp Sa P Wallace Colnc April 1972 ( 7.13) 11 for Apr 69 (13) 0-3435-2 Feb. 1972 ( 11,14) Tbe Congress Co The A.erican Plan Corp Hay 1972 ( 11,14) 2-32351-2 Alldt 11 (11) 1-6839-2 Coquina Oil Corp Hay 1972 (12) 0-6048-2 Northwestern Nat1 Life Ins Co Inters il Inc Alldt 11 (11) 2-21453-2 HIIy1972 (11) 2-24172-2 Lee.ewey Trans., Corp ~rican Recreation Group IDC April 1972 (11) 1-5234-2 11 for Feb 72 (7) 1-6698-2 Hicrodata Corp HIIy1972 ( 13,14) 0-5948-2 Dunkin Donuta Inc Moog, Inc IJ for Har 72 (11) 0-3456-2 April 1972 (13) 1-5129-2 HariDe Resources Inc Pillsbury Co 11 for Har 72 (13) 0-4296-2 Hay 1972 (14) 1-444-2 PennsylUDia Co Pr_ier Industrial Corp 11 for Jan 72 (6,8) 1-4954-2 1-4903-2 Hay 1972 (7) 11 for Apr 72 (6,8) 1-4954-2 Risdon Mfg. Co 0-608-2 Dec. 1971 ( 7,10,11) A.erican Micro Devices IDC Sterner Lighting Inc 11 (14) AaQt. to 8K for Harch 1972(13) 0-2552-2 AD Pres. Ltd 11 (13) 0-5708-2 A10dex Corp A.erican Nat1 Enterprises Inc 0-J434-2 Hay 1972 (3) 11 <2,13) 0-5812-2 American Smelting" I'efining Louisiana CeDeral Service. Inc 1-164-2 Co Hay 1972 (13) 11 for Oct 71 (13) 1-6662-2 Pboenix Steel Corp 11 (1) 1-2908-2

TRADING SUSPENSIONSCONTINUED. Tbe SECbas ordered the auspension of exchange and over-tbe-couDter trsdlDg in the securities of Ecological ScieDce Corporation and over-the-counter tradlDg in the securities of Causa Boldings. Ltd. aDd Acadellic Develop.ant Corporation for tbe further teD-day period August 31 tbrough Sept.-ber 9, inclusive.

SECaITUS ACT RlGlSTRATlOMS.Effective gust 28: ADa. of Ash1kaga Bank, Ltd •• 2-45204; ADa. of W. It. carpenter BoldlDgs Lildted, 2-42788; Nytronics. Inc., 2-40707; WyIm Oil cs., 2-45143. Effective Auaust 29: ~r1can Medical lateraatiCftlal. IDC•• 2-45075; A. T. Cross Co., 2-45297; Eaviraa.eDtal CoIltrol Products. lac •• 2-43376 (Nov 28); Funk Seeds International, lac., 2-45153 (Hov 26) and 2-45470. W. It. Grace & Co., 2-44738. Juniper Petrolewa Corp., 2-43852 (90 days); IiItz Corp•• 2-45084 (Nov 28). Pop Witws. IDe., 2-44187 (90 days); Presto Product. lac •• 2-45023 (Nov 27); lIbir1pool Corp•• 2-45322.

NOTE TO D&\LEIlS. !be period of tt.8 dealers are required to use the I!rospectus in trading transactions is Ibova above 10 pareDtheses after the D_ of the i18uer.

*Aa estt-ated for ~e. of co.putiJll the registration fee. ---0000 __ --

ORLY the SIC ..... D1&est is for sale by the SuperiDtendant of Docu.nts, eover.-eat PriDtilll Office, W.shiagtoD, D. C. 20402. All other refereDced _terial _t be «dered frCllathe Securiti.s aad ExchaD&ec-tss1oD. Wdhillltoa. D. C. 20549. la order full text of 181ease frCllaSIC Publications lJDit cite DUllber.