CORAL leptopus


 Type: Vine  Sun: Full sun  Family:  Water: Medium  Native Range: Mexico  Maintenance: Medium  Zone: 8 to 11  Suggested Use: Annual  Height: 8.00 to 10.00 feet  : Showy  Spread: 3.00 to 6.00 feet  Leaf: Evergreen  Bloom Time: Seasonal bloomer  Attracts: Butterflies, Bees  Bloom Description: Pink to white  Tolerate: Drought


Fast growing vine. Tender tropical perennial vine can easily grow to 30-40 feet in length. Hardy 8b and warmer. Part to full sun. Average, sandy soil. Will grow up a fence or trellis, or along the ground as ground cover. Easily grown in average, medium, well-drained soils in full sun. Tolerates drought, but appreciates consistent moisture during the growing season. Evergreen in USDA Zones 9-11. Deciduous in Zone 8, but roots generally survive. Grow as an annual vine or in containers in cooler areas.

Noteworthy Characteristics

The abundant and brilliantly beautiful attract hordes of butterflies, bees and other pollinators to your yard. Antigonon leptopus, commonly called coral vine, native to Mexico. It is a tuberous-rooted, tendril-climbing tropical vine that rapidly grows to 40’ in its native habitat. As an annual in cooler areas, it more typically grows to 8-10’ in a single season. Flowers in axillary racemes feature pink to white sepals. Blooms late summer to fall. Coarse, wavy-edged, arrowhead-shaped green leaves (to 4” long). Numerous additional descriptive common names, including confederate vine, Mexican creeper, chain of love, love vine, pink vine, corallita and Queen’s wreath.


No serious insect or disease problems. Caterpillars may chew on the foliage.

Garden Uses

Coral vine is used to cover fences or climb trellises with fresh green foliage and a splash of bright color. It is also used in urban plantings because it tolerates air pollution, restricted space, inadequate sunshine and poor soil. Containers. Greenhouses.