The Newsletter of the Newcastle Restored Vehicle Club Inc. Issue 404 December, 2018 Meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of the month at Club Macquarie, Argenton commencing at 7.00 pm. Social events and outings are held on the following Sunday but may alter. Members should check the 'club runs' in this Newsletters calendar. COMMITTEE PRESIDENT: Frank Wilkinson Mob: 0419 233 886 Email:
[email protected] VICE-PRESIDENT: Terry Jones Ph: 0427 508 627 Email:
[email protected] SECRETARY: Debbie Maxwell Ph: 4950 2284 Email:
[email protected] Mob: 0409 502 284 TREASURER: Mary Jones Ph: 0421 642 251 Email:
[email protected] REGISTRARS: Ken Morris Mob: 0417 467 232 Email:
[email protected] Wes Coghlan Mob: 0423 083 274 Lynn & Stephen on their arrival at Hexham Email:
[email protected] Macca’s for their organized run, and outing to Australian Army Infantry Museum at Singleton for CLUB-CAPTAIN: Ken Barrett Mob: 0402 603 655 our members and visitors to enjoy their day. Email:
[email protected] MID-WEEK RUNS: Gary and Ruth Newcombe Mob: 0427 222 075 Mob: 0408 689 652 RALLY COMMITTEE: Terry Jones and Neville Maxwell WEBMASTER: Glenn Towndrow Ph: 4991 2421 Mob: 0418 221 462 EDITOR: Ros Walker Ph: 4934 4617 Mob: 0407 916 374 Email:
[email protected] Articles appearing in this Newsletter reflect the views on the contributor and not necessarily those of the Club, the Frank and Donna’s Story Inside Committee or of the Editor. Web Site: http/ Club email:
[email protected] Official Postal Address for NRVC: PO Box 217, New Lambton.