LGC Votes to Return Most of Scurry County's Money
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Vol. 77 No. 41 Monday, June 17, 2019 8 Pages • 75¢ Home of Theresa Kidlow LGC votes to return most of Scurry County’s money By Ben Barkley funds held by the corpora- Helms said the hospital dis- options in the future to help grants,” Bland said. “The SDN Managing Editor tion.” trict would “match what the “relieve the burden on tax- LGC has no authority to as- New board chairman Dr. county puts in.” Bland then payers” for projects. Some sess taxes or take minerals.” The Scurry County Lo- Eddie Bland said each of the said he would like to discuss of the projects mentioned by The board agreed a good cal Government Corporation remaining entities — Sny- the funding with his board of board members were street starting point for projects (LGC) board of directors der ISD, City of Snyder and trustees. maintenance in the city and a would be reviewing the city’s voted to return $48,000 in Scurry County Hospital Dis- When asked what the coun- dialysis center at the hospital. long-term strategic plan. start-up funds to the county trict — could put $2,000 in ty would contribute, Commis- No board member discussed “There are unlimited pos- this morning. the account to help fund the sioner Terry Williams said he investments through U.S. sibilities,” Taylor said of proj- The LGC bank account LGC. Snyder City Manager “had not thought about it” Consults, LLC, which helped ects needed in Snyder and currently has $48,807, and Merle Taylor, who is a mem- and did not say if the county with an LGC investment in Scurry County. Scurry County commission- ber of the LGC board, said he would contribute in the fu- 2017 with Peak Energy. “The biggest challenge ers are scheduled to vote would have to get the funding ture. “We are going to be look- will be finding the revenue Tuesday to ask the LGC to approved by the city coun- Bland said the corporation ing for alternative funding sources. If it doesn’t appear, return “any and all remaining cil while hospital CEO Ella would be looking at funding sources, which may include See LGC, Page 2 Tommy Welch USMC; U.S. Air Force Reserves 1996-2001; 2001-present Soccer pointers Commissioners to debate future Today’s Veteran sponsored by Nix’s Auto & Tire Service 1510 25th Street 573-3567 of county’s role regarding LGC By Steve Reagan ton issue, resulting in Tues- ter works customers pay $20 EATHER SDN Staff Writer day’s discussion about what, for the first 2,000 gallons they W if any, role the county should use, then 75 cents for every Scurry County commis- have with the entity. 1,000 gallons after that. Be- sioners will discuss several County Judge Dan Hicks, ginning in June, the utility issues pertaining to the Scur- for one, is doubtful about will charge customers $35 for ry County Local Government any benefits derived from the the first 2,000 gallons, then Corporation (LGC), ranging LGC. $5.50 for every 1,000 gallons from dissolving the corpora- “I don’t know if it does after that. tion outright, restructuring anything at all,” Hicks said. Hicks said that commis- the board of directors and fu- “Personally, I don’t think tax sioners voted for the increase ture funding for the entity. dollars should go into it. I to bring the utility’s rates in The LGC was originally think it should be more self- line with what other public Jasmine Realsola organized after members of sufficient.” water utilities in West Texas Saturday’s high: 99 de- the commissioners’ court met The LGC-related topics to are charging. grees with representatives from be discussed Tuesday include “I looked around, and most Saturday’s low: 72 de- Jackson Hole, Wyo.-based requesting the return of any of the other (utilities) were grees U.S. Consults, LLC, for the and all remaining funds held charging between $33 and Sunday’s high: 84 degrees purpose of aiding, assisting by the corporation that were $36 (for the first 2,000 gal- Sunday’s low: 66 degrees and acting on behalf of Scur- initially invested by the coun- lons),” Hicks said in May. 7 a.m. reading today: 64 degrees ry County. ty, dissolution of the LGC, ac- Also Tuesday, commis- Precipitation: 0.01 of an The Scurry County LGC ceptance of resignations from sioners will discuss the ef- inch was formed in 2016, using the board of directors and fect of Senate Bill 354, re- 2019 precipitation: 12.61 $50,000 of county funds as discussion of replacement di- cently passed by the Texas inches seed money. Today, the ac- rectors and future funding for Legislature, which reverses count contains $48,807. Be- the LGC. the requirement that com- INANCES cause of a non-disclosure Also Tuesday, the court missioners must approve all F agreement signed between will receive comments from routine office expenditures, WT-Int. Crude $52.51 LGC members and U.S. Con- the public pertaining to including payroll, prior to WTIC Posted $49.00 sults, LLC, details of LGC Hermleigh Water Works and disbursement. Hicks said re- Natural Gas $2.39 investments cannot be dis- the Hermleigh Community moving that requirement may Patterson-UTI $11.27 SDN Photo/Reed Graff Snyder High School soccer coach Rolando Sandoval (left) shows cussed. Center. eliminate the need for a sec- Oxy-Permian $49.81 Investing tax dollars in Several Hermleigh resi- ond commissioners’ meeting Kinder Morgan $20.37 Ian Arredondo the proper form for striking the ball during the Snyder Tigers Soccer Camp this morning at the high school’s such a manner, as well as the dents are upset with plans to every month. indoor training facility. non-disclosure agreements, increase the utility’s monthly Commissioners also will TODAY’S QUOTE have made the LGC a hot-but- customer fee. Currently, wa- See County, Page 2 Anybody can have any opinion they want to, as Tuesday is deadline to register for Petticoats on the Prairie shopping brunch long as it’s an informed opinion. Tuesday is the final day to Morgan of Wildtoad Toffee. the Texas wine we will have should bring a truck. We can the first 50 people in line will - Will Forte register for the Petticoats on Geiger said additional ven- available,” she said. redecorate your house with receive a free shopping tote. the Prairie early shopping dors have registered for the Geiger said the market, the things that we offer,” she Children 12 and under will be OttERY brunch. market, including a Texas which can be described as a said. “We will have every- admitted free. L The brunch will be held vineyard that will be selling smaller version of the Round thing from furniture to small Three different food trucks Saturday’s Results prior to the vintage market wine. Through Friday, Geiger Top market featured on the items.” will also be open during the Powerball opening on Friday, organizer said 85 vendors have regis- television series Junk Gyp- The market will be open market. 8-11-14-16-49 PB: 14 Cat Geiger said. The cost is tered for the Snyder market. sies, will feature items large from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. June 21 To reserve a ticket for the Power Play: 3 $25 and it will feature Fort “Make sure you have your and small. and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. June 22. brunch, email potpbrunch@ Worth Entrepreneur Cheri ID if you plan to buy some of “I tell people that they Admission is $6 per day and outlook.com. Lotto Texas 8-9-12-16-46-48 Cash Five Registration ongoing for final 17-20-27-29-34 Rounding the barrel Pick 3 Morning two museum summer camps 7-0-1 Fireball: 4 Time is running out to reg- Science, will begin at 1 p.m. Pick 3 Day ister for the final two Scurry Christian said campers will 6-4-0 Fireball: 6 County Museum summer be making slime and solar Pick 3 Evening camps, scheduled for June balloons, along with other 5-8-9 Fireball: 4 24-28. projects. Pick 3 Night The morning camp, which “This is going to be a fun 1-0-5 Fireball: 6 will begin at 9 a.m., will fo- camp because if it is weird cus on animals and their sto- and deals with science, we are Daily 4 Morning ries. Educator Erika Jayne going to do it,” she said. 8-4-6-4 6 Fireball: Christian said the It’s A Zoo Wednesday is the final Daily 4 Day camp will feature a virtual day to register for the camps, 8-8-1-6 Fireball: 9 safari each day and campers which are open to children Daily 4 Evening will work together to build an entering first through sixth 5-4-8-8 Fireball: 7 environment that an animal grade. Daily 4 Night belongs to, from the Outback The cost is $75 per camp 3-0-6-7 Fireball: 7 for the kangaroo to the Great for museum members and Plains for bison. $90 for non-members. “We will be doing a lot of To attend both camps, ASK US storytelling around each of the cost is $165 for museum Q. — When is the first the animals we feature,” she members and $175 for non- day of summer? said. members. A. — June. 21. The afternoon camp, Weird To register, call 573-6107. INDEX Event to reflect on bicentennial Classifieds....................6-7 The Borden County Histor- in the Borden County Events Community Calendar......2 ical Commission is organiz- Center and the public is asked Dear Abby........................5 ing an event to commemorate to bring photos of the 1976 Entertainment..................4 the country’s bicentennial event.