
25, 2021

346 NW First St, Gresham OR. 97030 Ph. 503-665-9129 / Fax 503-665-8238 Email: [email protected] Flocknotes: sthenrygresham.flocknote.com FORMED: www.formed.org Website: sthenrygresham.org

Pastoral Council: Don Schantz; Chair, Juan Avila; Vice Chair, Art Abbott, Guillermina Hernandez, Doug Klein, Marcy Marlow ,Gerald McAfee, Cristino Pina, Terry Tygielska, Sharon Williams Administrative Council: Robert Ferek, Dan Troglin, Claudia Lorena Marron, Deacon Larry Loumena, Cecilia Pelayo, Tom Barrie, Randy Shearer, Jesus Torres

Staff: Pastor...Fr. Charles Zach, Parochial Vicar / Habla Español...Fr. Julio Torres, Deacon...Larry Loumena, Deacon / Habla Español...Lou De Sitter, Business Manager…Claire Clow , Administrative Assistant…Terri Heitzman, Maintenance / Grounds…Ed Kurtz, Youth Ministry / Young Adults…Emma Bavarskas, Liturgy / Sacraments…Sara Wise, Faith Formation…Jeanne Chambers, Music...Barbara Adams, Bookkeeper… Anita Weber, Project Manager...David Mastroieni The Office of St. Henry is closed at this time. Staff is available by appointment only. Please call the office Monday - Thursday at 503-665-9129 to make an appointment Calendar for April 25 - 2 Mass Intentions -

Sunday April 25 All Masses in the Church Today M LaVerne Olson (Dingman Family) Mass 8:30am & 11am English T -Tom & Mary Neal (Carol O’Bill)

1:30pm Spanish +Helen Ramsey (Family) Monday April 26 W +St. Philomena (Monique Pundyk) Mass: 8am in the Fireside room T +Phillip Pham (Loan Nguyen) Tuesday +Helen Ramsey (Family) Masses: 8am English, 7pm Spanish Both Masses in the Fireside room F +Officer Eric Talley (Ron Welsh) St. Vincent de Paul 10am (SVDPP) S -Men of Meadows/Huachuca (Ron Welsh) Wednesday +Sr. Rosemary Antonich, SNJM (Ron Welsh) Mass: 8am in the Fireside room S +Andrea Hartsock (Ron Welsh) YM 7th Grade 4:30pm (ZOOM) End to Abortion (Susanna Perletti) YM First Communion Class 6:30pm (GYM) +Adela Villa (Nancy Haley) YM Confirmation 1 & 2 6:30pm (ZOOM) St. Henry Construction Workers (Nancy Haley) YM Post Confirmation 6:30pm (Rm 8) -Hartsock Family (Ron Welsh) Thursday Mass: 8am English, 7pm Spanish Prayer List Both Masses in the Fireside room Day Shelter 1:30pm (GYM) “What you ask in my name, I will do” John 14:13. Friday Please pray for... Mass: 8am in the Fireside room Janell Beaudry, Tyler Bourgo, Imelda Broyles, Stephanie Burton, Pete Clark, Angela Donnelly, Saturday Bryan Donnelly, Lee Eberhardt, Masses: 8am English, In the Fireside Room Michael Dennis Farrell, Mary Pat Giglotti, 5pm Vigil English in the Church First Communion Bill Hay, Mary Hay, Amy Jameson, Tense Kinner, Spanish Baptism Class 9am (Must Pre-Register) Dawn Martian, Duane Martian, Dr. Richard H. Miller, St. Vincent de Paul Pantry 10am (SVDPP) Karyn ML., Patricia Mulkey, Connie Ostlund, Confessions 3pm (FSR) Lori Scienski, Joi Shervey , Sisters of Our Lady of Sunday May 2 First Communion at all Masses Peace Retreat, Mari Spring, Leah Trice All Masses in the Church Today Out of respect for an individuals privacy, we print only Mass 8:30am & 11am English the names of those who give their permission to have 1:30pm Spanish their names published.

Covid-19 Information 4/14/2021 Next Weekend...May 1at 5pm, & May 2 at 8:30am, 11am and St. Henry is allowed by the State to be at 50% 1:30pm is capacity. We are sorry for the misscommuni- First Communion Weekend cation in last weeks bulletin. Every other pew has been designated “Closed” So please stay Please pray for these young home if you are not feeling well or are uncomfort- able attending Mass. St Henry still offers live folks as they prepare to streamed Mass and communion in the parking lot receive Jesus after Mass. through the View the live stream at: https://www.facebook.com/sthenrygresham Holy Eucharist or after Mass at sthenrygresham.org. Pg 2 Pastor’s Note ~ 4th Sunday of Easter 2021

“My Sheep hear my voice. I know them and they follow me. I give them eternal life. They shall never perish.” John 10: 27ff What about those who don’t hear? Who walk away after Jesus gives this assurance? One of the saddest sayings in the gos- pels: “those who walk away”, “and Jesus wept.” Times of doubt and questioning. Jesus weeps compassion and lack of faith.

We all have family members who have walked away. Like Je- sus, we weep. We pray, we encourage, we invite. Jesus did the same. Remember that on Good Friday 11 of the 12 cho- sen apostles walked away. How many times? many! did he appear to them after the resurrection to pray with him, to en- courage them, and to invite them! That’s Mother Church!

What part of Jesus’ words today don’t resonate with us? What would we rather hear? What signs would we rather have as proof of what He and the Father offer? How many atheists and agnostics are there who want more reasoned proofs before they will succumb to the love of God. Because the language of the Easter Good Shepherd is a lan- guage of love.

Today, there are many “faith rattling events.” We can all probably name at least a few. In the Church; in our families; in politics; on our streets; in world events; natural disasters. Some events might be very personal and others we bear witness to from the comfort of our homes. In today’s reading, my hope comes from the evangelist's explanation that Jesus, the eternal Son of God, is in perfect unity with the Father. Together they hold us. Nothing can pull us away, no matter what hap- pens. There may be more “faith rattling events” in my future, or yours, but there is one constant, one eternal hope. God holds us. God will not drop us. Or, said another way, God has our backs, no mat- ter what happens. Even when we say, “Where were you Lord? You shut me out.”

No one can take them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one can take them out of the Father’s hand. The Father and I are one. "Mysteries revealed by God cannot be harmful to us, nor should they remain as treasures hidden in a field, useless." Pius XII, Mystici Corporis, 1943.

This, of course, was not a new teaching. St Paul comes back to it again and again. Here are a few instances: "Christ is the head of the body, the church" (Colossians 1: 18) "For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and indi- vidually we are members one of another" (Romans 12:4-5) For in the one Spirit we were all baptised into one body - Jews or Greeks, slaves or free - and we were all made to drink of one Spirit" (1 Corinthians 12:13)

St Paul's was not a lone voice. Pius XII adds, "The unbroken tradi- tion of the Fathers from the earliest times teaches that the Divine Redeemer and the Church which is His Body form but one mysti- cal person, that is to say, the whole Christ." Pg 3 Vespers Service For Mothers

In honor of all mothers, the St. Henry Respect Life Committee is holding a Vesper Service on Mon- day, May 10th at 7:00 p.m. in the church. All are invited to come and participate in this beautiful prayer service to honor our mothers. We will be praying for all mothers, espe- cially for those currently carrying a child in utero. Come and honor your mother and pray for her and mothers who are experiencing difficulty of any type. Deacon Larry Loumena will be presiding and there will be music as we recite the psalms and prayers and hymns that make up this beautiful liturgical service. The service will last about a half hour. Covid precautions will be observed. Questions: Jerry McAfee, Phone# 503-260-8995.

April 25, World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Vocation is how God calls you to serve Him in the world.

God calls you through Baptism and Confirmation to serve Him in a specific way of life. You can follow God’s call as a single person, married person, ordained priest or vowed religious.

Pg 4 April 25, The 4th Sunday of Easter

First Reading Gospel Reading Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said: Jesus said: “Leaders of the people and elders: If we are “I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays being examined today about a good deed done down his life for the sheep. A hired man, who is to a cripple, namely, by what means he was not a shepherd and whose sheep are not his saved, then all of you and all the people of own, sees a wolf coming and leaves the sheep should know that it was in the name of Jesus and runs away, and the wolf catches and scatters Christ the Nazorean whom you crucified, whom them. This is because he works for pay and has God raised from the dead; no concern for the sheep. I am the good shep- in his name this man stands before you healed. herd, and I know mine and mine know me, He is the stone rejected by you, the builders, just as the Father knows me and I know the Fa- which has become the cornerstone. ther; and I will lay down my life for the sheep. There is no salvation through anyone else, nor is I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. there any other name under heaven given to the These also I must lead, and they will hear my human race by which we are to be saved.” voice, Acts 4:8-12 and there will be one flock, Second Reading one shepherd. This is why Beloved: the Father loves me, be- See what love the Father has bestowed on us cause I lay down my life in that we may be called the children of God. order to take it up again. No Yet so we are. one takes it from me, but I The reason the world does not know us is that it lay it down on my own. did not know him. I have power to lay it down, Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we and power to take it up shall be has not yet been revealed. We do know again. that when it is revealed we shall be like him, This command I have re- for we shall see him as he is. ceived from my Father.” 1 Jn 3:1-2 Jn 10:11-18

Updated Pictures of the Madonna Center

Pg 5 IV Domingo de Pascua

Primera Lectura Evangelio En aquellos días, Pedro, lleno del Espíritu Santo, En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo a los fariseos: “Yo dijo: “Jefes del pueblo y ancianos, puesto que soy el buen pastor. El buen pastor da la vida por hoy se nos interroga acerca del beneficio hecho sus ovejas. En cambio, el asalariado, el que no a un hombre enfermo, para saber cómo fue cura- es el pastor ni el dueño de las ovejas, cuando ve do, sépanlo ustedes y sépalo todo el pueblo de venir al lobo, abandona las ovejas y huye; el lobo Israel: este hombre ha quedado sano en el nom- se arroja sobre ellas y las dispersa, porque a un bre de Jesús de Nazaret, a quien ustedes crucifi- asalariado no le importan las ovejas. caron y a quien Dios resucitó de entre los muer- Yo soy el buen pastor, porque conozco a mis tos. Este mismo Jesús es la piedra que ustedes, ovejas y ellas me conocen a mí, así como el Pa- los constructores, han desechado y que ahora es dre me conoce a mí y yo conozco al Padre. Yo la piedra angular. Ningún otro puede salvarnos, doy la vida por mis ovejas. Tengo además otras pues en la tierra no existe ninguna otra persona ovejas que no son de este redil y es necesario a quien Dios haya constituido como salvador que las traiga también a ellas; escucharán mi voz nuestro”. y habrá un solo rebaño y un solo pastor. Hch, 4, 8-12 El Padre me ama porque doy mi vida para vol- Segunda Lectura verla a tomar. Nadie me la quita; yo la doy por- Queridos hijos: Miren cuánto amor nos ha tenido que quiero. el Padre, pues no sólo nos llamamos hijos de Tengo poder Dios, sino que lo somos. Si el mundo no nos re- para darla y lo conoce, es porque tampoco lo ha reconocido a tengo también él. para volverla a Hermanos míos, ahora somos hijos de Dios, pero tomar. Éste es aún no se ha manifestado cómo seremos al fin. Y el mandato ya sabemos que, cuando él se manifieste, vamos que he recibi- a ser semejantes a él, porque lo veremos tal cual do de mi es. Padre’’. 1 Jn 3, 1-2 Jn 10, 11-18

Confianza en los Principes –Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS ©LPi

¿Alguna vez le has confiado tus problemas a un amigo, solo para obtener la respuesta, "¿has orado al respecto tanto como has hablado de ello?" Como todo buen consejo, al principio puede irritar mucho al receptor. Aquí estoy, vulnerable y heri- do, descargando mis problemas, y este bromista intenta volvérmelos a cargar y enviarlos a alguien con un salario más alto. Pero, de nuevo, como todo buen e irritante consejo, suena cierto si te sientas y lo piensas. Claro, ventilar es útil. Todos necesitamos a ese amigo o familiar que pueda escuchar nuestros pro- blemas. Pero si alguna vez empezamos a pensar que esa persona puede resolverlos, es una buena señal de que estamos perdiendo la perspectiva. ¿Estás mirando al mundo en busca de una respuesta? ¿Te estas mirando al espejo esperando en- contrar una solución a tus problemas? ¿Estas esperando que la felicidad, la paz, el contentamiento o la justicia vengan de algún lugar aparte de Dios? “Es mejor refugiarse en el Señor que confiar en los príncipes,” nos dicen los Salmos. Bueno, yo nunca he confiado demasiado en los príncipes. Pero cuando se trata de problemas, a menudo me encuentro diciéndole a Dios que dé un paso atrás: "Yo lo tengo." Es difícil orar por cualquier problema tanto como hablar de él. Tenemos tantas ganas de abordar el problema nosotros mismos. Pero te contaré un secreto: no importa cuál sea la pregunta, no tene Pg 6 mos la respuesta. Llévasela a Aquel que si la tiene. ╬ Anuncios del Ministerio Hispano ╬

Entrada a la Iglesia en las Misas Dominicales. Se ingresa al Templo por la parte de atrás, en la par- te cubierta y también por la Puerta de la Capilla del Santísimo. Pedimos que también al Salir lo hagamos siguiendo las instrucciones de los Servidores.

Confesiones. Son los días Sábados, y empiezan a la 3 de la tarde. No es necesario y llamar o hacer una reservación.

Platicas para Bautizos en Español. Las pláticas para los Bautizos son los Primeros Sábados de Mes. mes; de 9:00a.m. a 1:00 p.m. PERO PRIMERO DEBEN REGISTRAR EL BAUTIZO EN LA OFICNA. SI no se registra en la oficina no pueden ingresar a la plática. Recuerden que los Padrinos, que son pareja, deben estar casados por la Iglesia, si no, NO PUE- DEN SER PADRINOS; los padrinos solteros, bien solteros. Los Papás deben estar registrados en esta parroquia. Traer la Copia del Acta de Nacimiento del Nino, y de la Boleta de la Boda de los padrinos.

El Horario de la Oficina Parroquial. Es el Lunes a Jueves de 9:00 a.m. a 3:00 p.m. Favor

Hora Santa – Noches de Adoración. Tendremos una Noche de Adoración al Santísimo (en la Igle- sia) en los Últimos Sábados de Mes (por lo regular), a las 7:00 p.m. Algunas FECHA: 29 de Mayo (para Pentecostés). ** Les pedimos que si traen niños y si son un poco inquietos favor de usar el salón que está destinado para los niños.

Meditación ~ 4 Domingo de Pascua ©LPi

El cuarto Domingo de Pascua siempre nos recuerda la belleza del Señor Jesús como Buen Pastor. En el Evangelio, Jesús describe cómo es el trabajo de un pastor. Nos dice que, lo primero es dar la vida por sus ovejas. Segundo, cuidarlas y protegerlas de todo peligro. Y tercero, un buen pastor no cobra un salario, no trabaja a sueldo. Más, sin embargo, da la vida por su propio rebaño. Existe una acción permanente entre pastor y oveja. El Papa Francisco explicó lo que hace un Buen Pastor: “El Buen Pastor, Jesús, está atento a cada uno de nosotros, nos busca y nos ama, dirigiéndonos su Palabra, conociendo en profundidad nuestro corazón, nuestros deseos y nuestras esperanzas, co- mo también nuestros errores y nuestras decepciones”. Y el continuó diciendo: “Nos acoge y nos ama como somos, con nuestros méritos y nuestros defectos. Por cada uno de nosotros Él da la vida eterna: nos ofrece la posibilidad de vivir una vida plena, sin fin. También nos custodia y nos guía con amor, ayudándonos a atravesar los sende- ros inaccesibles y las rutas a veces peligrosas que se nos presentan en el camino de la vi- da” (Noticias Vaticano 12 de mayo 2019). No tengamos miedo, continuemos firmes en este tiempo de prueba, el Señor es nuestro auténti- co Pastor que camina con nosotros y es fiel a sus promesas. “Yo Soy el Buen Pastor y conoz- co a los míos como los míos me conocen a mí, lo mismo que el Padre me conoce a mí y yo co- nozco al Padre. Y yo doy la vida por las ove- jas” (Juan 10:14-15). ¿Dónde, cómo y cuándo ha sido Jesús nuestro Pastor en este tiempo? Pg 7 Gresham Memorial Chapel Locally Owned and Operated since 1991 John J. O’Hara Providing Insurance and Financial Services Family Owned Funeral Home Joe Swift John Gerbish It’s time to consider your estate plan. w w Agent La Carreta of Gresham Wills Trusts Estates 1999 East Powell Blvd. 503-618-8176 Personal Injury & Accidents 503-665-1101 Mexican Restaurant & Cantina 257 SE Roberts, Gresham 660 N.E. Burnside Rd ~ Gresham (503) 255-8795 503-665-0101 1008 NE Division St., Suite A, Gresham www.greshamfuneral.com 503 661 7647 [email protected]

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