Fioyal of All of President by Hi Of
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Mi THE NEW CABINET. lature it should be squelched by the The following sentimct t is from the iu 1 1 irii 1 1 I urn i irn boards of supei visors by u refusal to levy augural address of William Henry Har-risu- u, I jjjU J IT IjIjUJ well-know- n Xli ifu. iul Paper of Yavapai County. With its usual enterprise, the tax. A Governor Zulick has again grandfather of the prcseqt presi-de- ut, li R to-da- y JOURNAL-MiNK- placed hitmei: to-da- the present to on record us an econo and the words arc as true y as fiOYAl of all of President by hi of . its readers portraits mist, veto the resolution pro j. Maktin. Kdn in when uttered, nearly u half century ago; Harrison's new cabinet. viding tor the investigation of public in- - ktitutions, his principal reason (or his ac "Republic can commit no grcaur error ,- . KSDAY . - M A11C1I 13. 18S9. tion being on the grounds of economy, than to aciopt or continue any feature it will be interesting to see what action iu their svitcins of government which EDITORIAL NOTES. 011 may be calculated to create or increase 1 1 m he will take the above should it pass nr.vo uavox. iuii.: . one can both houses and come to htm for z the love of pohcr in the bosotni ot those iuo iiiuuu uiuumig-- tny set, oan war news are generally dis--t proval. to whom necessity obliges them to ing into our store. To reduce stock, we will for th v tod. commit this iiiaiugunent of their affairs. days sell goods of all kinds choapr than over bofor N w South Wales will shortly have a The Gazette remits that Councilman And surely nothing is mure likely to pro Arizona. Wo have 600 suite thaft would bo cheap i jade cabinet duce such a stale ul mind than the long Moore arose 10 a question of pnyelege ro $30, which wo will sell from $7.50 to $20. , ver Cleveland and family have on Saturday last and made the follow continuance in an office of high tru&t Nothing can bo more corrupting, noth- Largo Line of Pants, from $l50 to $5. to New York. ing statement : "I desire to make a ing moru destructive ot all noble I .iDulously rich strike is repotted those oie statement to the gentlemen of the coun feelings which belong to the character r iT spen, Colorado. cil. It is not for the purposr of taking of a noble icpublican patuot. When West Virginia is having section of water, but simply to place myself right this corrupting passion ince takes po- - a , identic of hydrophobia. with the council, the people and the sion of Uie human mind, like the love of HATS! HATS! i:nix wants congress to appropriate gold, it becomes insatublc It is the RUSK governor of this territory. My lemarks JkKKM'AU M. of g , . ,000 tor capitol buildings. madtt 011 this floor, some tew ncvei-dytn- worm in his bosom, grows POWDER WisconMn, days Scu taiy ot Agriculture. c Vzona wants a new governor and ago, in reference 10 the actions of Gov- with Ids growth and strengthens with Larp-esf- Stock evor brought to Prescott. Must be ,vtary, and wants them right away. BAYARD'S PRINTING CONTRACTS. ernor Zulick in the insane asylum case the declining years of its victim. If Absolutely Pure. need monov badlv. and will sell Ylntu from 31 95 fn thts is true, it is the part of wisdom for a ti mother war seems brewing Mr. Ihirluin'.s in re- and others of like import, were all 1"hU T railroad p.ntisan action oOl-c- powder uev?r vulet, mrval 'f pneo XV to 5. gathered from what I have icad m the republic to limit the service of that er, lmrlty, Hironith ud wholettomuoMit. Morft een Chicago and the Missouri fusing 10-ounc- tu .cceit the lowest bid It.r rlmtv thPordludryklmU ana oun e, G. Blaine, of Maine, newspapers, and is needtess fur me to at least, toj;whom she .has intrusted veonnintcnl Three dozen genuine J. B. Stetson, bevtlW Jamks it uot bohuld tuoomrtftSU'oii ltb thn mutiltuUu i'-.-- printing the bills of ihe territorial legisla- 5Q TMc r,,.Li c i.--. i 1.1 1 of State tell this council that newspapers He nt the management of her foreign relations, of low.ioiit, tthorl vcUhl. nlum ot IMioapttaln vv--. is wm uum tu Li. lib juiv rtn. Vnator Ingalls has been ed is partially stated in rowdom. Hold only la cann. lUiywl Uuktt: i"ii oiu in uuier m ture this morning's on com- tirm s. I did not intend to cast any the execution her laws, and the I'tiwUr-rf- . IM Wall wlront. New York. JI7 coast. 1 pro tern of the United States racinc dent Courier, through editorial correspon- upon the governor or his admin- mand of her armieri and nnvict, to a te. dence. As the truth is only hinted at istration, as I rnnsidor that he has period 0 short as to prevent his forget- n exodus of colored people fnm ting that he is the accountable agent, in a way which 111 kes the statement made a good, honorable governor. I know th Carolina is in progress. Thwr him not the principal, the servant, r ut the ed personally and enjoy his friend- appear in a false light, we may be pai-don- ctivc point is Kansas. ship, and while I differ with hitn politi- master. Until an amendment of the Our Shirts and Underw te-- for deoiing the space for a 1 )h! Postmaster General Wananiaker has cally rnnsidor him an honorable, con constitution cm effected, public opti- ply. Many anil attempts chased an $So,ooo resilience m Wash- - vain weie scientious imr." on uwiy secure the destrctl ot lYit. I on from Whitney. made by the editor ut this paper to ob t;ive uiy aid to it by renewing tin. pledge A large variety at very low prices. These goods wi s In rfbiiore given, that under no cm um- - appiopriaicd tain from the Washington authorities the When the dtnuM-rt- um.u ihe irii.s for this season's trade, and we bought too many. Thyi The Fiftirth congiess will I Oiiiseiit to a mtoih! construction and printing expenses ut the last legislative of govcri'iiunt owr n th- ivpuhhVans M.iiuvsJ scivf sum. ".., 000,000 for the tc-n-." t . j rovement of public buildings. session including the punting of the code. twenty-eigh- ymrs ihev turned rhe great copper syndicate ibrcatens This under icpublican iuhninit'tratioiis w over with it a cud wui which r.iM the Gcoige M. Pullman has tent oat the oil apse. It is said they are $6o,c-or.- - had done and accomplished it without nation millions in tiensnre an.t thoo--and- s following circular to stockholders ot die Boots; a,nd SIb.oes.1 short of the amount required to any difficulties. Trie powers that be opoti ihouu.ds t( the hvrs o( it J'ulltjMii Cur company, giving teasons for iritain it (or rather were), who were in charge people. It J.ioks vtiy much as if i fiercest: if the capital stock Since All- - Two deaths of men from 1, 1888, to Januaiy 1, 1SS9, 107 AnTthinpr you want lor foot wear. We have prominent of this department under Mr. Cleveland the r imlilii ins. uu ai.uu icniiin' Combines the juice of the Blue Fig of the beat attending maugur- - parlor, elu.utg, sleeping and othe-- i car.., j urnoma from the were as close ns a clam shell in the ut lite tOvvmmt:nt from th California, so laxative and nutritious, made at any price. Full stock. Every pair guaranttip son in March storms, are al such es ait usei 10 the penJ vestibule with the medicinal virtues of plants the cold, 111(01 ivity had inherited a regard to imp uting mation concern democratic wc known give a now pair for every pair wc sell that do not oiva r jdy recorded. Cl.js.0 tainr, hate heeii completed and put into to be moit beneficial to the with Germany with it. From the system, PER-- ing it Parties in Washington were writ Set ice. The oi)ip.uiy intc-e- t in these human forntlne the ONLY mm. iiie price is $j. veaiso nave a large variety General Harrison, in the selection of of the civil war, which wix cnnil to .1 FECT REMEDY to act, gently but in each case same reply was cars has cost $1,511,742 84- - Thirty-tw- o yet cabinet, has appointed four veterans ten the succevilul ruhvin.ttion undrt irpublteaii promptly on the ui.u luueiiuiii urusa suues. of Minnesota, who similar cur-- J iue now under I war positions in it, being William Wisdom, returned that Mr. Durham, was the until the went out power, conrtruction Neck wear, collars and cull's, silk, linen and cotton . the late to rule, party of an com KIDNEYS, LITER AND BOWELS -- Secretary of the Treasury. at estinuted ot $3?S 000. The actor, Tracy, Noble and Rusk. magnate in charge, ret used. At last the this government was at peace with all chiofs, socks, gloves, rubber coats, slickers, rubber boots U company has acquired cars by purchase AND TO latter individual gave that the only nations ot the wcrld wlnh during four West Vireinia has three men who out ot the.