Homemade muffin Single EggAdd Egg Beaters(extra peregg) Hot OatmealwithMilk& BrownSugar,Bowl Cold CerealwithSmallMilk Homemade CornedBeef Hash Greek (Greek ) Bacon, HamorSausage Home Fries Toast, MuffinorBagelwithCreamCheese Toast, MuffinorBagelwithButter&Jelly Add HomeFries Add Cheese With Bacon,HamorSausage VEGGIE OMELET Mushroom Broccoli Onion Tomato Pepper Cheese Plain House SpecialBaconOmelette Greek Lokaniko&FetaOmelette Add Bacon,HamorSausage(each) 3 BlueberryPancakes 3 ChocolateChipPancakes 3 ButtermilkPancakes 3 TexasFrenchToast Bagel InsteadofToastwithCreamCheese Homemade Muffininsteadoftoast English MuffinInsteadofToastAdd Bagel InsteadofToastwithButterAdd 8oz SteakandEggs. Smoked SalmonwithBagel&CreamCheese Two EggswithLoukaniko(GreekSausage) Two EggswithHomemadeCornedBeefHash Two Eggswith1choiceofBacon,HamorSausage� One Eggwith1choiceofBacon,HamorSausage� Two Eggs One Egg Add cheese(2slices)for80¢•$1.00add’lmeatperitem Fried EggSandwiches Hearty 3EggOmelettes � � � � � � � � Breakfast Specials � Hot OffTheGrill � � Breakfast Sides Served withHomeFries&Toast Served withHomeFries&Toast � � Gluten freebreadadd$1.00 Served withButter&Syrup � � Served AllDayLong � � � � � 8.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 6.95 5.25 � � � � � Greek Spinach &Feta Sausage Greek Feta Homemade Corned� Eastern Western � Beef Hash � � � � (tomato&feta) � (ham) � � � � (ham &onions) � �

� � � � � � $3.25 � � �

� �

11.95 9.95 8.95 8.95 8.95 8.95 9.95 2.95 2.25 0.80 3.45 2.95 2.95 1.60 0.80 4.25 8.95 2.95 7.95 6.95 6.95 0.80 4.45 3.95 2.95 1.25 8.95 7.95 8.95 � 4.95 1.25 1.25 0.60 0.60 9.95 7.95 8.95 6.95 5.95 3.95 Cup ofsoup&smallsandwich Cup ofsoup&salad Add Cheesefor Grilled ChickenSandwich Veal Cutlet Egg SaladSandwich Tuna Meltw/Cheese Tuna orChickenSaladSandwich Hot VeggiePocket B.LT Grilled Cheese Western Sandwich Eastern Sandwich Cheeseburger SpecialwithFrenchFries Hamburger SpecialwithFrenchFries Chicken Ka-bob Lamb Souvlaki Hot LeanPastrami “Gobbler” Hamburger orCheeseburger Tuna SaladorChicken Ham &CheeseorB.LT Roast BeeforFreshTurkey � � Fresh OvenRoastedTurkey Baked VirginiaHam Corned Beef Roast Beef Roasted TurkeyReuben Corned BeefReuben Add OnionMushroomorPepper(each) Cheese Steak Plain Steak IF SOMEONE IN YOUR PARTYHAS AFOOD ALLERGY BEFORE PLACING YOURORDER, PLEASEINFORM YOURSERVER TO ALLOURCUSTOMERS OR SEAFOODPOSES ARISKTOYOURHEALTH WE ADVISETHATEATINGRAWOR UNDERCOOKEDMEAT,POULTRY, IN COMPLIANCEWITHTHEDEPARTMENT OFPUBLICHEALTH, CONSUMER ADVISORYWARNINGFORRAW FOODS Tuna Salad,ChickenRoast Beef orCornedBeef,TurkeyHam Served withFrenchFries,PotatoChipsorCupofSoup � White, Wheat,DarkRye,LiteRollorPitaPocket Soup &Salad,Sandwiches Served withHalf-SourPickle&ChoiceofBread: Swiss Cheese,RussianDressing&Coleslaw GRILLED HOUSEREUBENS: Turkey, CranberryandStuffing � � Lean ShavedSteakSandwiches: Club Sandwiches � Served onDarkRyeorLitewith � Served onaSubRollorPitaPocket � Lunch Specials � � � � Sandwiches � Choice ofSandwiches: Served 11amto5pm � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 10.95 10.95 10.95 10.95 7.95 7.95 0.80 6.95 6.95 6.95 7.95 7.95 7.95 4.95 4.75 4.75 4.75 8.95 7.95 8.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 7.95 7.95 8.95 7.95 9.95 9.95 0.30 8.95 7.95

PRICES, ITEMS, & OFFERS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Fresh OvenTurkeyorDanishHam Roast BeeforCorned *Fish andChips,FreshHaddock Dinner FishCakesWithMacaroni &Cheese FriedHaddockSandwich *Fried Shrimp *Fried ScallopsDinner *Fried HaddockDinner *Baked HaddockDinner withMeatballs withSauce Large: 2Skewers Small: 1Skewer Jumbo CheeseRavioliwithSalad Stuffed ShellswithSalad withVealCutlet Egg SaladPlate Tuna orChickenSaladPlate Chef Salad...... Large CaesarSaladinaShell��������������������������������������� Caesar Salad...... Greek Salad Garden Salad...... Horiatiki GreekSalad...... Small PastawithSauceorButter BLT &FrenchFries Grilled Cheese&FrenchFries Chicken Wings&FrenchFries Chicken Fingers&FrenchFries * Fresh NewEnglandSeafood Fried DinnersServedwithFrench Fries,OnionRings&ColeSlaw Creamy Italian•RussianFrenchDietRaspberry All FriedFoodsArePreparedin100%VegetableOilCholesterolFree Our FamousFreshSalads Includes ChoiceofaSmallFountainDrinkorMilk Served withPotatoSalad&ColeSlaworTossed If weareoutof anitem,it’sbecauseitdid not Chicken Ka-BobDelight: Our FamousGreekHouseDressing• Selection ofSaladDressings Add MeattotheAboveSaladsfor2.00Extra Diet CreamyItalian•BlueCheese Cold SaladPlates ...... Children’s Menu Served withPotatoSalad&ColeSlaw Served withRice&aDinnerSalad � � � � Pasta Dishes meet ourhigh standards. � Cold Plates � For Children10&Under � � No Substitutions � � � � � � � � � � � sm... sm... sm... sm... sm... � � � 8.95...... 7.95...... 7,95...... 6.95...... 8.95...... � � � lg lg lg ���� lg ���� lg �� �� 16.95 16.95 16.95 13.95 10.95 16.95 15.95 10.95 12.95 10.95 10.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 8.95 9.95 9.95 8.95 8.95 8.95 9.95 8.95 8.95 6.95 6.95 7.95 6.95 6.95

ADD STATE MEAL TAX TO ALL PRICES SATURDAY • FRIDAY • THURSDAY • WEDNESDAY • TUESDAY • MONDAY • Mashed Potato, roastPotato,Rice,Vegetable oraCupofSoup Jello Homemade GrapenutPudding Homemade RicePudding Homemade BlueberryPie Homemade ApplePie Lemon MeringuePie Boston CreamPie Carrot Cake Chocolate Cake Cheesecake Homemade GreekFinikia Homemade GreekCustardGalactobouriko French (Idaho)Fries Fresh OnionRings Fresh OvenRoastedVegetables House RiceorVegetable Coleslaw orPotatoSalad Mashed PotatoorRoastedLemon With Tsatziki&achoiceof2(Salad,RiceorFries) Fresh ChickenFingers *Char-broiled DoubleChickenBreast *Chicken Ka-Bob *Sirloin Steaktips *8oz NewYorkSirloinSteak *Lamb ShishKa-bob Greek GyroPlate *Loukaniko, GreekSausage Homemade GreekKoulourakia Homemade GreekKourambiedes Baklava Add smalldinner salad foronly$2.90Fortakeoutorders pleasecallahead Mash Potato,RoastRice,aVegetable,Dinner Salad orCupofSoup.•Adda3rdside-$2.90extra � *All specialsservedwithchoiceofTWOsides: Dinners CookedtoOrder SPECIAL OFTHEDAY � � � to YourPerfection Greek Desserts SERVED WITH 2SIDES: � Side Orders � SERVED ALLDAY � � � $8.95 � Desserts � � �

� � � � � � � � Baked Ham Meat Loaf 1 StuffedCabbage Spaghetti Meatballs Meat Loaf Shepherd’s Pie � (No sides) � � � � � for three2.95 � for two2.95 for two2.95 for two3.95 � 12.95 13.95 12.95 15.95 15.95 13.95 13.95 14.95 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 2.45 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.95 3.95 2.95 3.95 3.95 2.95 3.95 Shepard’s Pie Fish Cakesw/Macaroni&Cheese Chicken EggLemonSoup. Macaroni &Cheese Shepard’s Pie *Baked Haddock *Chicken Pie, Filo(Kotopita) *1/2 OvenRoastedChicken *Char-Broiled DoubleChicken Breast *Chicken Parmigiana *Fresh OvenRoastedTurkey w/stuffing *Baked StuffedChickenBreast *Greek SpinachPie,Filo,(Spanakopita) *Greek StuffedTomatoes & Peppers *Greek Pastitsio *Greek Moussaka American ChopSuey. *Corned BeefDinner *Roast BeefDinner *Yankee PotRoast *Baked VirginiaHam *Baked Lamb,GreekKokinisto Beef Stew. Shepard’s Pie *1/2 OvenRoastedChicken *Chicken Pie,Filo(Kotopita) *Baked StuffedChickenBreast *Fresh OvenRoastedTurkeyw/stuffing *Greek SpinachPie,Filo,(Spanakopita) *Greek StuffedTomatoes&Peppers *Greek Pastitsio *Greek Moussaka *Baked VirginiaHam *Baked Meatloaf *Corned BeefDinner *Roast BeefDinner *Barbequed Beef *Baked Lamb,GreekKokinisto Beef Stew. Chicken EggLemonSoup. Macaroni &Cheese *1/2 OvenRoastedChicken *Char-Broiled DoubleChickenBreast *Fresh OvenRoastedTurkeyw/stuffing *Baked StuffedChickenBreast. *Chicken Pie,Filo(Kotopita) *Greek SpinachPie,Filo,(Spanakopita) *Greek StuffedTomatoes&Peppers *Greek Pastitsio *Greek Moussaka *Baked VirginiaHam *Corned BeefDinner *Roast BeefDinner *Roast Pork Beef Stew Chicken NoodleSoup Chicken EggLemonSoup Wednesday Specials . � Tuesday Specials Monday Specials � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � . cup cup cup cup cup cup cup 4.65 � � � � � � � 4.65 3.75 3.75 4.65 3.75 3.75 � � ��� ��� � small small � bowl bowl sm bowl bowl bowl bowl bowl � � � � �

5.95 5.95 7.45 5.95 7.45 � � 7.45 � 5.60 5.60 5.60 � � � 5.60 quart quart quart quart quart quart large large quart lg 12.95 12.95 11.95 11.95 11.95 12.95 13.95 12.95 13.95 14.95 13.95 15.95 14.95 14.95 13.95 12.95 14.95 13.95 14.95 15.95 14.95 13.95 12.95 14.95 12.95 13.95 14.95 15.95 15.95 13.95 12.95 13.95 13.95 14.95 14.95 13.95 12.95 13.95 13.95 12.95 14.95 15.95 13.95 12.95 13.95 13.95 14.95 14.95 12.95 8.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 9.95 8.95 9.95 8.95

ADD STATE MEAL TAX TO ALL PRICES Macaroni &Cheese Prime RibAu Jus Shepard’s Pie *Chicken Pie,Filo(Kotopita) . *Greek GrapeLeaves . . *Baked Haddock *1/2 OvenRoastedChicken. *Chicken Parmigiana. . *Fresh OvenRoastedTurkey w/stuffing. *Baked StuffedChickenBreast . *Greek SpinachPie,Filo,(Spanakopita) . *Greek StuffedTomatoes&Peppers *Greek Pastitsio *Greek Moussaka. *Corned BeefDinner . *Roast BeefDinner *Yankee PotRoast *Baked VirginiaHam . *Baked Lamb,GreekKokinisto. Beef Stew Chicken EggLemonSoup. Macaroni &Cheese Shepard’s Pie *Baked Haddock *Chicken Pie,Filo(Kotopita) *1/2 OvenRoastedChicken *Char-Broiled DoubleChickenBreast *Fresh OvenRoastedTurkeyw/stuffing *Chicken Cacciatore *Chicken CordonBleu *Greek SpinachPie,Filo,(Spanakopita) *Greek StuffedTomatoes&Peppers *Greek Pastitsio *Greek Moussaka *Salisbury Steak *Baked VirginiaHam *Stuffed Cabbage *Corned BeefDinner *Roast BeefDinner *New EnglandBoiledDinner *Roast Pork Beef Stew. ChickenEggLemonSoup. or Lentil Soup. Fish orClamChowder Chicken EggLemonSoup. Prime RibAuJus Shepard’s Pie Baked Haddock Fish Cakesw/Macaroni&Cheese Macaroni &Cheese *1/2 OvenRoastedChicken *Chicken Pie,Filo(Kotopita) *Char-Broiled DoubleChickenBreast *Fresh OvenRoastedTurkeyw/stuffing *Baked StuffedChickenBreast *Greek SpinachPie,Filo,(Spanakopita) *Baked VirginiaHam *Greek StuffedTomatoes&Peppers *Greek Pastitsio *Greek Moussaka *Corned BeefDinner *Roast BeefDinner *Baked MeatLoaf *Greek RoastLegofLamb . � Thursday Specials Saturday Specials � . . . Friday Specials � � � . . � . . . . . � � � � . � � . � � � � � � � � � � . � cup . � � � � � cup cup cup c cup cup � up 4.75 4.65 4.65 3.75 3.75 � 3.75 3.75 � � . � � small 5.95large8 .95 small 5.95large8 small 5.95large8 bowl bowl bowl � � bowl bowl bowl bowl � � 7.45quart1295 7.45quart1295 7.45quart1295 5.60quart995 5.60quart995 5.60quart995 5.60quart995 14.95 15.95 11.95 12.95 13.95 15.95 13.95 13.95 14.95 13.95 12.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 15.95 14.95 14.95 14.95 15.95 11.95 15.95 11.95 15.95 12.95 13.95 12.95 14.95 13.95 12.95 13.95 13.95 13.95 14.95 12.95 15.95 14.95 15.95 14.95 13.95 12.95 13.95 12.95 12.95 14.95 13.95 12.95 14.95 13.95 13.95 15.95 14.95 12.95 13.95 14.95 9.95

PRICES, ITEMS, & OFFERS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE ADD STATE MEAL TAX TO ALL PRICES other Brothers Restaurant) (We arenot affiliated withanyotherDeli or New BrothersRestaurant &Deli. We lookforwardtoserving youatour Greek cateringmenuavailable. take-out service.Partyplattersandauthentic you withfasteconomicaldining.Wealsooffer The cafeteria-style,casualatmosphereprovides Lunch, andDinnersevendaysaweek. Our staffis comfortable, familydiningatmosphere. choose from.Comeandrelaxinour Our menuoffersalargevarietyofmealsto served freshtoyoufromanopenkitchen. is preparedusingtopqualityingredientsand style Greek&Americandishes.Allourfood We takegreatprideinservingyouourhome at 31MapleStreetwithplentyoffreeparking. We areLocatedinbeautifuldowntownDanvers Oven RoastedTurkey Backed Ham Shepherd’s Pie Greek Pastichio Spinach Pie Served withchoiceof2sides:MashedPotato,Roast Kary Andrinopoulos LUNCH SPECIALS11:00-5:00 New BrothersRestaurant&Deli SUNDAY WEOPENFOR Ted Kougianos BREAKFAST ONLY 6:OOAM -1:00PM MONDAY -SATURDAY Rice, AVegetableOrCupOfSoup happy toserveyouBreakfast, Add SmallDinnerSalad$2.90only Yourhosts, $10.95 Welcome to • • • •

Stuffed Pepper One StuffedCabbage Greek Mousaka Chicken Pie

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