The Daily Senator (Fall 1959)
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Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections Documents Online Title: The Daily Senator (Fall 1959) Date: Fall 1959 Location: RG 8/1 - 7.1.4 Contact: Archives & Special Collections Waidner-Spahr Library Dickinson College P.O. Box 1773 Carlisle, PA 17013 717-245-1399 [email protected] the daily senator September 22 editor-in-chief: davc williams student senate __________________ dickinson college cw TODAY - 11:10 SENATE MINUTES Dickinson College Chapel The following students were ap Dr. James Leslie will speak pointed by President Edcl: Cultur on the topic ''What in the Name al Affairs Committoe - Andy Hors of God”, concerning the religi ley, Lynn Riethmillor, Charley ous emphasis that the college Perkins; Chapel Committee - Bob places on the individual as woll Holt, Wayne Clacron. as the emphasis that the student All organizations desiring ap places on the religious aspect propriations from Sonato must sub of the college, mit thoir budgots to tho Financo Beforo’joining our faculty, Comnittco. by Thursday.Before re Dr. Leslie received his AB de ceiving budget approval, organi gree from DePauw University, his zations must submit a list of of STB from Boston University, and ficers, members, and faculty ad his PhD from Boston University visors to Dean Coutts. Graduate School. The Social Committee has pur chased a large spotlight which is TODAY - 11:00 available for use by any organi Allison Church zation, Contact Jack Hall. Upperclassmen interested in The Chamber Singers will meet tutoring should contact Betsy in Fellowship Hall. Bring music. Wylie at Biddle House. TODAY - Ip: 00 pm ATTENTION Music Building All students wishing to serve Chamber Singers will rehearse. on any R.I.L.W. committee nay sign All members arc expected to at up at the Library desk. tend. TODAY - [).: 00 pm Old West MERMAID PLAYERS The Social Committee will Tryouts for Molicre’s comedy, meet in the McCauley Room, "The Miser,” will be held in the Belle Lcttros Room at the follow TONIGHT - 7:00 pm ing times: Old West Wednesday 2:30 - 5 : 00 pn 7:00 - 10:00 pm The Dickinsonian staff and Thursday 7i00 - 10:00 pn those interested in joining the Freshmen and upperclassmen may staff will moot in Memorial Hall. obtain copies of the play in Room 3, Denny Hall. TONIGHT - 7:30 pm Denny Hall WEDNESDAY - 7:00 pm The Debate Council will meet The Men1s Glee Club will hold in Room 8 to discuss topics and its first practice in the Music tournaments for the coming sea Building. son. All members and freshmen are urged to attend. the daily senator September 23 editor-in-chief: dave williams student senate dickinson collego Ih TODAY ATTENTION 2 :30-5 :0 0 , 7:00-10:00 pm Upperclassmen interested in Denny Hall helping to conduct the Program of Values with freshmen stud Tryouts for Moliere's come ents (a continuation of the Dan- dy, "The Miser," will be held forth Experiment) should leave in the Belles Lcttres Room, their names and addresses with Dr-, Leslie in the Service Center or East C-l, The first meeting of this [{.: 30 pm group will bo held on Friday at South College pm in Memorial Hall, There will be an executive ~4\ */»' "a* “if committee meeting of the Pollies Students having free time on Monday, Friday, or Saturday morn' ings should contact Dean James' 7:00 pm office if they wish to chow-pro Music Building spective students the Dickinson campus, The Men's Glee Club will hold its first practice, tnT ‘5C W tnT ”d\ ■}(* Students interested in col laborating in a study of polit 7:30 pm ical power in Carlisle should McCauley Room contact Professor Paul Smith as soon as possible. His office is I.P.C. Meeting located on the third floor of Each fraternity must send Denny Hall, two delegates or a five dollar fine will be imposed. SATURDAY Alumn i Gymn a s i aim THURSDAY - 7:00 pm Denny Hall The social season begins this Saturday with a jazz concert at All students interested in 2:00 pm and a dance at 8:i|5 pm. working for the I960 Microcosm Both events arc sponsored by the meet in Room 9« I.F.C, Admission will be $1.00 stag and $1;50 drag. FRIDAY - 1:00 pm Biddle Field The Red Devils will meet Sus This year the typing of the quehanna in their first scrim dail;/ senator will be the re mage of the year. sponsibility of Mathews House, the daily senator September 2l\. ecimfcor-In-chief: dave' student' son ate ____ dickinson college Pf TODAY - 11:00 ATTENTION Bosler Hall Auditorium The permit sticker for the Todqy marks the first of a rear bumper of your automobile series of Morgan Lectures* may be obtained by calling at These lectures* held every other the office of the Dean of Men. year* were established in honor of a former president of Dick Freshman students interested inson College. in participating In the Program Dr. Harry A. Ghariper* chair of Values for the present man of the Department of Bio semester (a maximum of five logy of New York University, meetings during the semester) will speak on "Commitments of should leave their names and Science." Dr. Chariper is a addresses with Dr. Leslie in cytologist and received his the Service Center or East C-l. B.S., M.S., and Ph. D at New York University. Auditions for Band, Orchestra, and Brass Ensemble will be held IMPORTANT In the Music Building through September 30. Sec Dr. Ultan. Today is the last day for organization treasurers to Anyone interested in being submit their budgets to the a basketball manager contact Senate. These may be placed Coach DuCharme or Joe Clair. in the Senate mailbox in Old All candidates for basketball West. meet Sept. 29. The time and place will be announced later. TODAY ATTENTION FRESHMEN 2:30 - 5:00 P.M. - Old West Some of you have not sub All students who have not mitted your physical examination had an ID card picture taken reports to the Dean of Men/Women. must do so this afternoon in the Please do so at once. Conference Room or face a $10 service charge for a special SENIORS (and Juniors) appointment. All ID photographs must be taken by Sept. 30. Scholarship opportunities for a one-year study in Europe, Il:00 PM - South, Room 2 all expenses paid, are avail able for next year. Interested The Economics Club will hold seniors must apply for these an organization meeting to FJLBRIG^HT Ah ARDS by October 15. elect officers and to discuss Students should be of "Honors" this year’s program. Economic grade, and, if applying to non- majors and others who are English countries, have a interested are urged to attend. workable language knowledge. See Prof. Flower, Fulbright Ij.: 00 PM - Memorial Hall Advisor, as soon as possible. Present Juniors ought to consider There is an Action Party this .possibility also. Caucus. All upperclassmen and freshmen interested in helping TONIGHT the party this year are invited to attend. 7:00 PM - Old West 7:00 PM - Denny Hall The Alpha and Omega Society will hold its first meeting at All students interested In the home of Dr. Leslie. Cars will working for the I960 Microcosm leave from behind Old West at 7. will meet In Room 9. The college Orchestra will 7:30 - Gym meet. Arrangements for auditions can be made at this time. All varsity swimming candidates will meet with Coach Eavenson. 7:00 PM - Memorial Hall FRIDAY At the Inter-Varsity Christ ian Fellowship meeting, George Ij.:30 PM - Durbin Oratory Ensworth, Middle-Atlantic Secretary of the Inter-Varsity You are cordially invited to Christian Fellowship, will attend Sabbath Service sponsored speak on "The Meaning in Christ's by the Jewish Affairs Council. Death," the daily senator _____September 2 % editor-in-chief: dave williams ,student sendto assistant editor: caul racguckian dickinson collonc cb SOCIAL SEASON YESTERDAY'S RESULTS I.F.C. Football The Dickinson College I<,F„C. will hold a dance Saturday night Theta Chi 13 - Phi Psi 0 frora 9:00 - 12:00 in the gym. A Phi Kap 20 - AXP 0 jazz concert will be held in the East A-6 6 - Morgan C-3 2 afternoon on the Phi Kappa Psi lawn beginning at 2:00, Tickets SUNDAY - 6:30 are priced at $1*50 per couple All D-3on Episcopalians — and 11*00 stag. Students, Faculty and Staff - Ort Villa’s group will enter are cordially invited to the tain at the jazz concert, while Rectory (lip7 S. College St., Buddy Corle and Alfonso Britt right across from the Law School) will play at the dance. on Sunday evening for dessert and a session with the famous TODAY - 2:00 "Jazz Masse" If you can come for dessert, tell Alicia Conklin The Dickinsonian editorial at Drayer today. If not, drop board will meet in the Dickin by anyhow, 7 - 8 :30 . sonian Editorial room, WEDNESDAY - 7:^5 pm TODAY - Lj.: 00 Bosler Hail Memorial Hall The International Relations There will be an upperclass Club of Dickinson College cord meeting for the Program of ially invites you to attend an Values. (Danforth Experiment illustrated lecture on the Continuation) Middle East, Far East, and New Zealand to be given by Professor TODAY - ip: 30 W» Lonsdale Tayler. Durbin Oratory ATTENTION You are cordially Invited to attend Sabbath Services By calling at the office of sponsored by the Jewish Affairs the Dean of Men, you may now Council. obtain the permit sticker for A Kiddush will be held the rear bumper of your auto:- immediately following the mobile.