The Bravery to Master the New Contents Foreword
The Bravery to Master the New Contents Foreword Foreword 3 The sport, media and entertainment industries are undergoing significant disruption. After decades of impressive growth fuelled by Research Findings 4 seemingly endless increases in the value of media and sponsorship Methodology 7 rights, we are hitting a wall. For the last two years, top executives have told us that the future may look less rosy than the past. How to Spot a Convergence Trailblazer? 8 Convergence Trailblazers 18 Indeed, concerns with changing consumption behaviour of younger generations, particularly Gen Z, is posing significant challenges to decision makers. Putting on “more of the same” Delia Bushell CEO, THE JOCKEY CLUB 20 and simply shifting to a digital channel will not cut it. Younger generations have greater expectations towards content: it needs to be highly personalised, engaging, interactive, Humphrey Cobbold CEO, PURE GYM 22 shareable. To make things more complex, younger generations are used to having massive Mark Cornell CEO, AMBASSADOR THEATRE GROUP 24 amounts of content at their fingertips. The sport, media and entertainment industries have work to do: regardless of whether through digital or linear, accessing live content remains Johanna Faries COMMISSIONER, CALL OF DUTY ESPORTS, ACTIVISION BLIZZARD 26 complicated and expensive. Tony Goncalves CEO, OTTER MEDIA 28 So, what’s next? A transition period, somewhat like the music industry two decades ago. The environment will remain challenging until new, customer-centric and future oriented Brian Grevy EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER, ADIDAS 30 business models move the centre of gravity towards a “new normal”. Peter Hutton DIRECTOR, SPORTS PARTNERSHIPS, FACEBOOK 32 What is needed to effectively manage this transition? Talent.
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