Earthworm (Clitellata: Megadrili) Taxonomy in the Last 200 Years: a Homage to András Zicsi (1928−2015)

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Earthworm (Clitellata: Megadrili) Taxonomy in the Last 200 Years: a Homage to András Zicsi (1928−2015) Opusc. Zool. Budapest, 2016, 47(1): 01–07 Earthworm (Clitellata: Megadrili) taxonomy in the last 200 years: A homage to András Zicsi (1928−2015) CS. CSUZDI1 & K. SZLÁVECZ2 Csaba Csuzdi, Department of Zoology, Eszterházy Károly College, Eger, Hungary. E-mail: Katalin Szlávecz, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA. E-mail: Abstract. Prof. Dr. András Zicsi, the renowned soil biologist and earthworm taxonomist passed away on 22 July, 2015 at the age of 87. To honour his enormous contribution in exploring earthworm biodiversity all over the world, we provide a brief, albeit subjective overview of the history of earthworm taxonomy in the last two century. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ urn: HU ISSN 2063-1588 (online), HU ISSN 0237-5419 (print) Csuzdi & Szlávecz: Earthworm taxonomy in the last 200 years o date, approximately 6200 earthworm spe- fully call the turn of the nineteenth century “the T cies have been described (Csuzdi 2012), the golden age” of earthworm taxonomy. first being Lumbricus terrestris by Carolus Linnaeus in 1758. Rate of species description in This fruitful period of megadrilology ended the subsequent decades was slow; only around abruptly with the outbreak of World War I. 30 species were added, most of them by Savigny Between 1915−1918 only 147 species were de- (1826). Not surprisingly, all of these belong to scribed, mainly by Michaelsen and John Steph- the Holarctic family, Lumbricidae. The first enson (1871−1933). Recovery from the wartime non-European species, Glossoscolex giganteus era was quite slow; still, two prominent books Leuckart, was described in 1835 from Brazil, were published in this period: The Fauna of South America, but up to the 1850s earthworm British India (Stephenson 1923) and The Oligo- research still focused on the European fauna. chaeta (Stephenson 1930). During this time a new generation of scientists, Gordon Enoch While in the first century of earthworm taxo- Gates (1897−1987), Lev Černosvitov (1902− nomy (1758−1865) only ca. 70 new species 1945) and Grace Evelyn Pickford (1902−1986) descriptions were published, the situation joined Michaelsen and Stephenson. By the mid- markedly improved by the 1860s when a new 1930s productivity almost reached the peak of generation of zoologists began exploring this the turn of the century (Fig.1). This upward important soil animal group. Research by Johan trend was again interrupted by the deaths of Gustaf Hjalmar Kinberg (1820−1908), Edmond Stephenson (1933) and Michaelsen (1937), and Perrier (1844−1921), Gustav Eisen (1847− World War II. Between 1940–45 only 120 earth- 1940), Rutgerus Horst (1849−1930), László Ör- worm species were described, mainly by Gates ley (1856−1887), Daniel Rosa (1857−1944) and (e.g. 1940, 1945) and Černosvitov (1940, 1942). Frank Evers Beddard (1858−1925) dramatically Additionally, Victr Pop (1903−1976) published improved our knowledge of both earthworm his high-impact synthesis, which profoundly diversity and their geographical distribution th (Fig. 1). Other distinguished zoologists, Johann influenced the 20 century Lumbricidae syste- Wilhelm Michaelsen (1860−1937), Sir Walter matics (Pop 1941). The war and deaths of iconic Baldwin Spencer (1860−1929), Sir William persons like Černositov, Stephenson, and Micha- Blaxland Benham (1860−1950) and Luigi elsen took a major toll on megadrilology. Cognetti De Martiis (1878−1931) joined this group, making fundamental contributions to With only 159 new earthworm species de- earthworm taxonomy. scriptions, the decade of 1946–1955 represented a low point in earthworm taxonomy. After Between 1886–1905 approximately 1300 World War II, Pop continued working on the earthworm species, about 25% of total known Romanian earthworm fauna (Pop 1949), and his species richness (Csuzdi 2012), were described son, Victor V. Pop (1936–) followed his foot- from all over the world (Fig. 1). Additionally, steps decades later. Fortunately, a new ge- this era produced the first modern earthworm neration of earthworm taxonomists, including monographs (e.g. Örley 1885, Benham 1886, Kenneth Ernest Lee (1927−2007), Pietro Omo- Beddard 1895, Rosa 1893, 1895). Among these, deo (1919−) and Barrie Gillean Molyneux Michaelsen’s famous synthesis (1900) rep- Jamieson (1934−) revived the field, bringing it resents a milestone in modern earthworm taxo- out of its dormant state. The recovery continued nomy and systematics. Michaelsen’s other main in the mid-1960s when, along with Danuta contribution was the first global biogeographical Jadwiga Plisko (1927−), Reginald William Sims synthesis of the earthworm fauna, including the (1926−2012), Marcel Bouché and Gilberto Righi first comprehensive summary of invasive pereg- (1937−1999), András Zicsi started working on rine species (Michaelsen 1903). We can right- earthworms. 2 Csuzdi & Szlávecz: Earthworm taxonomy in the last 200 years Figure 1. Rate of description of new species. A: Cumulative number of new species between 1826 and present. Intervals are decades. B: Number of earthworm species described after Savigny (1826). Intervals are decades. In his early career Dr. Zicsi’s research fo- his professional development, as an earthworm cused on agroecosystems, specifically on the taxonomist. role of the earthworms in organic matter decom- position. (Zicsi 1955, 1958ab). However, early Between 1960s and mid-1980s Dr. Zicsi’s on he realized that correct species identification taxonomic work focused on the Holarctic family is essential to properly interpret ecological data. Lumbricidae. In this group, he described over 60 He continued conducting field observations and species new to science; most of them remained experiments in earthworm ecology; at the same valid up today (Csuzdi 2012). In a thorough time, he wanted gain deeper taxonomical insight revision of the Lumbricidae species, described into this keystone soil invertebrate group. His up to 1971, he reported that out of the 561 collaboration with Victor Pop, whom he visited Lumbricidae species names almost half, 271 fell several times in Cluj (Romania), was crucial in into synonymy. Moreover, authors who pub- 3 Csuzdi & Szlávecz: Earthworm taxonomy in the last 200 years Figure 2. Number of earthworm species described by A. Zicsi between 1960–2010. lished only one or two papers in the field of tremely rich earthworm and other soil inver- earthworm taxonomy, almost always produced tebrate material (Zicsi & Csuzdi 2008). Prior to synonymic names (Zicsi 1974, 1982). these expeditions only 39 earthworm species, described mainly by Cognetti (1904, 1905, In the mid-1960s Dr. Zicsi had the oppor- 1906), were known from Ecuador. Dr. Zicsi tunity to join to several collecting expeditions examined over 10,000 specimens, described 68 led by the late János Balogh, an expert in species new to science, and added 32 new oribatid mites. These expeditions, supported by records, bringing up the number of earthworms UNESCO, resulted in a huge earthworm mate- recorded from Ecuador to 139 (Zicsi 2007). Dr. Zicsi published this and previously collected rial (3000 specimens representing 120 species) material from South America, in 43 papers, from Africa (Balogh et al. 1965) and South under a series title “Regenwürmer aus Südame- America (Andrássy et al. 1967, Balogh et al. rika” (see full list of publications). This exten- 1969). However, this invaluable collection re- sive research made Ecuador the best explored mained unprocessed until the middle 1980’s country in South America regarding its earth- when the present first author (Csaba Csuzdi) worm fauna (Fig. 3). To this day, no new species joined Prof. Zicsi’s laboratory (Fig. 2). First, the has been added to the list. African material was processed, which resulted in description of 20 species new to science be- Between 1986−1993, Dr. Zicsi travelled to longing to the families Benhamiidae and Eudrili- Tanzania (1987, 1989) and carried out field dae (Zicsi & Csuzdi 1986a,b, Csuzdi & Zicsi collections with his friend the renown bryologist 1989). Tamás Pócs, then a professor at the University of Dar es Salaam. In South Africa (1990, 1991) Also in the late 1980s, a new opportunity e- he collected together with Danuta Plisko (Natal merged to continue the global exploration of Museum, Pietermaritzburg). earthworm diversity and distribution. In col- laboration with the Pontificia Universidad Ca- In the late 1990s Dr. Zicsi’s beloved wife tólica del Ecuador, Quito, and with financial was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. While support from the Hungarian Academy of Sci- caring for her, Dr. Zicsi’s scientific activity ences, six collecting trips to Ecuador and gradually diminished, and in his final years he Colombia were organized, resulting in an ex- withdrew from public life. 4 Csuzdi & Szlávecz: Earthworm taxonomy in the last 200 years Figure 3. Sampling localities in Ecuador between 1986–1993. Localities less than 10 km apart are represented in the same circle. Dr. Zicsi had a tremendous impact on the tions, he recognized the need to train and mentor earthworm taxonomy of the 20th century. Here a young scientist who will continue curating this we highlight two examples of his lasting legacy: invaluable collection. Today this is the task of the number of his taxonomy publications (137), the present first author. and

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    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN MEMORIAM Dr. Gilberto Righi (1937–1999) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This pdf document is a compilation of three publications memorializing renowned oligochaetologist Gilberto Righi – written by colleagues Catalina C. de Mischis and John W. Reynolds (1999), Martin L. Christoffersen (2001), and Pilar Rodriguez (2001). Full citations for each these memoria are presented immediately below, followed by the memoria. ---------------------------------------------------- Mischis, C.C. de and J.W. Reynolds. 1999. Prof. Dr. Gilberto Righi (1937-1999): In Memoriam. Megadrilogica 7(8): 55-60. Christoffersen, M.L. 2001. Some personal memories of Dr Gilberto Righi (1937– 1999). p. xix, In: Rodriguez, P., and P.F.M. Verdonschot (eds). 2001. Aquatic oligochaete biology VIII. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Aquatic Oligochaeta, held in Bilbao, Spain, 18–22 July 2000. Developments in Hydrobiology 158. Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. xxiii + 268 pp. ISBN 1-4020-0090-1 [reprinted from Hydrobiologia, vol. 463, 2001]. Rodriguez, P. 2001. Scientific profile of Dr Gilberto Righi. p. xx, In: Rodriguez, P., and P.F.M. Verdonschot (eds). 2001. Aquatic oligochaete biology VIII. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Aquatic Oligochaeta, held in Bilbao, Spain, 18–22 July 2000. Developments in Hydrobiology
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