Applied Soil Ecology 83 (2014) 59–70

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Earthworm richness in land-use systems in ,

a,∗ b c

Marie Luise Carolina Bartz , George Gardner Brown , Marcio Gonc¸ alves da Rosa ,

c d e f

Osmar Klauberg Filho , Samuel Wooster James , Thibaud Decaëns , Dilmar Baretta


Universidade Positivo, Curitiba, Brazil


EmbrapaFlorestas, Estrada da Ribeira Km. 111, C.P. 319, Colombo 83411-000, Brazil


Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina – Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias, Lages, Brazil


Univeristy of Iowa, Iowa City, United States


ECODIV Laboratory, EA 1293, SFR SCALE, Université de Rouen, 76821 Mont Saint Aignan cedex, France


Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina – Centro de Educac¸ ão Superior do Oeste, Chapecó, Brazil

a r a

t i c l e i n f o b s t r a c t

Article history: Brazil is a megadiverse country from which around 10% of all species are known. However, many areas

Received 2 February 2013

in Brazil have not been adequately studied, particularly for soil . This includes the state of Santa

Received in revised form 26 February 2014

Catarina, where only 18 of the approximately 300 known Brazilian species occur, and where

Accepted 2 March 2014

very little is known of the impacts of land use management on earthworm populations (density and

Available online 13 June 2014

diversity). Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate earthworm species richness in five different

land-use systems (LUS) with increasing anthropogenic impact: native forest (NF), eucalyptus plantation


(EP), pasture (PA), integrated crop-livestock (ICL) and no-tillage cropping (NT), in six counties, three


× ×

Biodiversity each from the Western and Plateau regions of the state. Nine monoliths of 25 cm 25 cm 20 cm depth

were sampled at each site and worms hand sorted. Qualitative samples were also taken by digging at

Land-use intensification

Agricultural sites least 20 holes per site to improve the likelihood of collecting rare species. Samples were taken in the

Pasture Winter and Summer months of 2011–2012 (July–August 2011, December 2011–January 2012). Contrary

Atlantic rainforest to expectations, species richness was higher in LUS with higher (ICL and NT = 15 and 17 spp.) vs. lower

anthropogenic impacts (EP, PA, NF = 9–10 spp.), mainly due to the presence of exotic species in the crop-

ping systems. Native species predominated in PA and NF, although natives were also found in highly

disturbed ecosystems (NT, ICL) and in the West region all worms collected in NT were native. In total

24 species were identified in all LUS, with 19 native species, including several that were new to science.

Several species were collected exclusively in each region, and overall qualitative samples yielded 24

species while quantitative samples only 16. Therefore, qualitative sampling appears to be more effective

in determining earthworm species richness at regional levels, although quantitative samples are a useful

addition when LUS are compared within a region, and if abundance and diversity index calculations are


© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction America, Brazil hosts 336 (Brown et al., 2013), but large areas of

the country still remain poorly known both in terms of biodiversity

Brazil is a megadiverse country that holds approximately 10% of and the presence of species in different land use systems (LUS).

all described species, although only about 10% of the estimated 1.8 One of these areas is the Araucaria forest region in Southern Brazil,

million species have been described from the country (Lewinsohn particularly in the state of Santa Catarina (SC) (Brown and James,

and Prado, 2005). Of the 1013 known earthworm species in Latin 2007). Until recently, very little work had been done on

in SC, and only 18 species (of which only eight were native) were

recorded for that state by Brown and James (2007), mainly due to

the low number of sites sampled.

∗ 2

Corresponding author. Tel.: +554399257521; fax: +55 4332562427. The state of SC occupies an area of around 95.7 thousand km ,

E-mail addresses: [email protected]

and is home to approximately 6.5 million persons (IBGE, 2010).

(M.L.C. Bartz), [email protected] (G.G. Brown), [email protected]

Despite its small size (1% of Brazil’s landmass), it contributes signif-

(M.G. da Rosa), [email protected] (O.K. Filho), [email protected]

icantly to national economy and has the 6th largest gross domestic

(S.W. James), [email protected] (T. Decaëns), [email protected]

(D. Baretta). product in the country, being also an important agricultural

0929-1393/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

60 M.L.C. Bartz et al. / Applied Soil Ecology 83 (2014) 59–70

Fig. 1. Map showing the counties and regions in Santa Catarina State, Brazil, where earthworm sampling was performed.

producer, mainly of crops such as apples, onions, tobacco, rice, and Jiménez, 2002; Decaëns et al., 2003; Feijoo et al., 2007; Smith

wheat, banana, garlic, maize and beans (CEPA, 2012). As in most of et al., 2008; Ponge et al., 2013), but in some cases it may increase

Brazil, the first European colonizers in SC arrived along the coast, biomass and density and have no effect on species richness (Tondoh

making safe harbor in cities like São Francisco do Sul (established et al., 2007, 2011). Reasons for these differences may be related

1553), and then later made their way inland. The Plateau region to the natural and anthropogenic history of the site, the extent

(Fig. 1, “Plateau”) was largely occupied in the 18th century by of difference between the natural and disturbed ecosystems (e.g.,

migrants from the state of São Paulo, who moved to SC to establish native savanna vs. forest converted to pasture or crops), the biology

sawmills and cattle production. In the last 20–30 years old pas- of the species encountered, and the presence/absence of exotic or

ture lands have been progressively converted to annual cropping, invasive species (Decaëns et al., 2004; Tondoh et al., 2011).

mainly soybean and maize (Dufloth et al., 2005). The western most The whole of the state of Santa Catarina is within the Atlantic

part of SC (Fig. 1, “West”) was extensively colonized only recently Rainforest biome, one of the 25 world hotspots of biodiversity,

(20th century) by immigrants of European origin coming from Rio highly endangered and fragmented and in need of preservation

Grande do Sul, who first established sawmills and then family farms (Myers et al., 2000). About 40% of the state was also originally cov-

with annual crops and animals (Waibel, 1955). Until 40 years ago, ered by Araucaria forests, of which <1% remain intact (Alarcon et al.,

all cultivation practices were performed with conventional tillage 2011). As very little is known of the soil biota in that state, and

(moldboard or soil inversion plows; ICEPA, 1999), but since then of the impact of land use practices on their populations, a large

no-tillage has spread rapidly and most farmers in SC now employ 3-year project (2010–2013) was undertaken by a consortium of

this tillage practice (Veiga and Trombetta, 1997; Denardin et al., universities and research institutes, to evaluate soil biodiversity

2008) that generally promotes the maintenance and recovery of along a land use intensification gradient ( In the

earthworm populations (Brown et al., 2003). present study, biodiversity of earthworms in SC was assessed com-

It is well known that land use intensification, mainly by agri- paring different regions (West and Plateau) and different land use

culture, affects the composition of soil fauna and earthworm systems. The efficiency of two different sampling schemes (quali-

communities at various levels (Baretta et al., 2003, 2006; Decaëns, tative and quantitative) for estimating species richness was tested,

2010; Postma-Blaauw et al., 2012). Intensification is generally and earthworms communities were evaluated in order to assess

accompanied by greater soil perturbation, greater proportion of their sensitivity to land use changes (Paoletti, 1999).

annual cropping and use of external inputs such as fertilizers, insec-

ticides, fungicides and herbicides that can affect the ability of soils 2. Materials and methods

to provide ecosystem services such as primary production, nutri-

ent cycling, biological pest control and conservation of biodiversity 2.1. Sites

(Giller et al., 1997). Among the organisms affected by intensification

are the earthworms (Fragoso et al., 1997), considered important The study was carried out in two regions (West and Plateau)

for soil function and the delivery of ecosystem services (Blouin of Santa Catarina (SC) state, Brazil. Study sites were randomly

et al., 2013). In most cases, intensification negatively affects earth- selected in both regions, with three counties per region: São Miguel

worm communities (biomass, density, species richness; Decaëns do Oeste, Chapecó and Xanxerê in the West, and Lages (Santa

M.L.C. Bartz et al. / Applied Soil Ecology 83 (2014) 59–70 61 and of

corn, corn, corn, yr.

Use corn, of

fungicides. fungicides. 7030597.3 7039329.9 7010937.3 6917279.1

two crop

herbicides, herbicides, Use

of of and and

Last insecticides fallow).

(NT) (soybean, with (soybean, (soybean,

(soybean, insecticides. Use Use


loam loam


herbicides. insecticides insecticides No-tillage 746 7036628.9 6.2 18 Loam 3.9 642 7040639.5 3.2 4 Clay 3.6 679 7009274.9 2.2 10 Clay 4.6 923 534167.46 1.1 11 Clay herbicides, oat, rotation No-tillage No-tillage No-tillage No-tillage without fungicides. wheat). wheat). wheat


and and and and


corn, corn, corn, corn, of of of

with of 354841.11 247846.98 332063.29 6915002.2

crop crop crop

Use Use Use


insecticides insecticides insecticides insecticides


with with with


(soybean, (soybean, (soybean, (soybean,


loam loam loam

ryegrass). ryegrass). ryegrass).

No-tillage herbicides, herbicides, herbicides, Minimun oat, oat, oat, wheat, Integrated 714 7031160.6 1.9 8 Clay 3.9 641 7040008.5 1.8 18 Clay 3.6 593 7008603.1 5.1 10 No-tillage Clay 4.6 947 534356.22 4 25 Clay rotation rotation rotation No-tillage herbicides, fungicides. fungicides. fungicides. fungicides. rotation



). 355588.13 247891.07 331686.98 6915778.9 years.




pasture pasture loam



every (PA)


grass. grass. Catarina. clay


loam loam

Santa Axonopus

Native Introduced Introduced input. Native ( Pasture 723 353941.05 4.2 12 Sandy 5.1 660 247970.74 1.9 50 Clay 4.8 642 336900.37 5.4 50 Clay 4.6 1004 6917279.1 6.9 12 Clay with burned burning of

Plateau) (EP)


7036628.9 7040639.5 7009274.9 534167.46

(West, Accidentally

cattle. Entrance loam



region input.

in and

grassland grassland grassland


loam loam


Native Native previously. previously. previously. burned Eucalyptus 709 354841.11 6 4 Sandy 4.1 659 247846.98 2.6 7 Clay 4.0 653 332063.29 3.5 15 Clay 4.1 989 6915002.2 1 20 Clay Native Manure people county



and and and


forest. forest. forest. forest.


7031160.6 7040008.5 7008603.1 534356.22 forest forest forest

stational stational stational (FN)

mixed mixed mixed and

people. people. people

of of of

of of of


forest ombrophilous Secondary Secondary Secondary Secondary


forest. forest. forest. forest. cattle. Native 714 355588.13 1 – Loam 4.8 648 247891.07 10.8 >50 Loam 5.2 623 331686.98 7.6 >50 Clay 4.8 1016 6915778.9 5 - Clay Transition Transition Transition Mixed ombrophilous ombrophilous ombrophilous semidecidual semidecidual semidecidual Entrance Entrance Entrance sampling



(%) (%) (%)

and and and and

zone) zone) zone) zone)

(m) (m) (m) (m)

matter matter matter

(J22 (J22 (J22 (J22

(ha) (ha) (ha) (ha) (yr) (yr) (yr) (yr) texture texture texture texture


Altitude management management management management Parameter Altitude Altitude Altitude UTM Age Vegetation Organic UTM Age Vegetation UTM Age Vegetation UTM Age Vegetation Size Size Size Size Organic Organic Soil Soil Soil Soil Sul







Oeste County Xanxerê São Chapecó Campo environmental


Region West Plateau Selected Table

62 M.L.C. Bartz et al. / Applied Soil Ecology 83 (2014) 59–70

Teresinha do Salto district), and Otacílio Costa in


the Plateau (Fig. 1). Each county was considered a true replicate and corn, corn

five different LUS were selected per county, representing a gradient of

6925122.7 6944460.5

of increasing land-use intensity: native forest fragments (NF), euca- herbicides,

Use lyptus plantations (EP), pastures (PA), crop-livestock integrated of (physiological)


(NT) (soybean, (soybean,

systems (ICL) and no-tillage crops (NT). Use

Selected characteristics of each sample site are presented in fungicides. fallow).

Table 1. Climate in both regions is temperate humid with warm insecticides No-tillage 4.0 883 539402.33 4 7 Clay 4.1 879 612712.11 5.5 10 Loam 5.3 herbicides, and No-tillage


wheat). and fungicides.

(Cfa) or cool (Cfa) summer (Köppen classification) in the West and

Plateau region, respectively, and with mean temperatures 18–22 C


(West) and 14–18 C (Plateau). Both regions show no marked dry and

season and rain falls throughout the year. Soils of the sites in West- corn, corn,

of of

ern SC are classified generally as clayey and loamy red Latossols, 6925346.4 6951380.3

crop crop and

Use Use while in the Plateau region they are clayey and loamy brown

insecticides insecticides


Nitossols or Cambissols (Brazilian classification; Embrapa, 2009). crop-livestock

with with

(soybean, (soybean,

The NF fragments were generally small (1.2–10.8 ha) and clay

ryegrass). ryegrass). consisted of secondary Araucaria forests (mixed ombrophilous

forest, mainly in the Plateau) or a transition to semi-deciduous sea- herbicides, herbicides, No-tillage oat, oat, rotation rotation (physiological) Integrated 4.3 873 539289.77 14 10 No-tillage Clay 4.3 902 603859.81 11.3 12 Sandy 5.6

fungicides. fungicides.

sonal forest (West region), where a part of the forest trees lose their

leaves in the winter season. In several forests either humans or cat-

tle regularly entered, and paths were frequently observed. The EP

ranged from 1 to 6 ha in size and 4–21 yr of age and in several loca-

6924955.1 6947179.5

tions had previously been native grassland. The PA ranged from


1.9 to 7.6 ha in size in size and 12–50 yr old; in the Plateau they

loam burning.

were native grass pastures while in the West they were native, (PA)

grass. grass. clay

introduced or mixed grass pastures. The NT systems involved min-

imum soil disturbance, permanent soil cover and crop rotation (at

Pasture 4.9 858 6925122.7 7.6 15 Native Clay 5.2 900 6944460.5 6.3 - Native Sandy 5.7


least 4 crops in three years), according to the standards of the

Brazilian NT federation (FEBRAPDP, 2013). NT fields ranged from

1.1 to 6.2 ha in size and 4–18 yr since adoption of no-tillage. The

(EP) ICL fields ranged from 1.8 to 14 ha in size and 8–25 yr of age. ICL is

an agricultural management system with annual cropping (planted 539402.33 612712.11

using NT) in summer and cover crops (oat, wheat, grass) in win-


loam ter used for livestock grazing. Both ICL and NT where considered plantation


more intensified systems, due the frequent use of external inputs clay

such as herbicides, fungicides and insecticides. We qualitatively

ranked these five LUS along a land-use intensity gradient as follows:

Entrance - Eucalyptus 4.1 852 6925346.4 2.8 7 Clay 4.5 855 6951380.3 1.5 21 Sandy 4.7

NF < EP < PA < ICL < NT.

Due to the lack of information on local earthworm assemblages,

we reduced the sampling areas to approximately 1 ha in order to

avoid confounding factors that may influence earthworm distribu- forest. forest.

tion within each system, such as slope, differential solar exposure 539289.77 603859.81

(FN) and variation in soil characteristics.

cattle. cattle.


of of

forest ombrophilous ombrophilous

Secondary Secondary


2.2. Earthworm sampling

forest. forest. Native 6.2 895 6924955.1 3.5 - Clay 6.0 919 6947179.5 - Sandy 6.4 Mixed Mixed

Entrance Entrance

In each site, earthworms were sampled following two comple-

mentary approaches: qualitative and quantitative sampling.

Quantitative sampling was carried out on a square grid with 9 (%) (%) (%)

points 30 m away from each other (Fig. 2). Each grid was centered

and and in a 1 ha plot so that sampling points were at least 20 m away from

zone) zone)

(m) (m)

matter matter matter

the plot boundaries. At each point earthworms were sampled using (J22 (J22

(ha) (ha) 3 (yr) (yr) texture texture the TSBF (Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility) method (Anderson and

Ingram, 1993), i.e., hand sorting of a 25 cm × 25 cm × 20 cm deep management management Parameter Organic Altitude Altitude UTM Age Vegetation Organic UTM Age Vegetation Organic Soil Size Size


soil monolith. Other soil fauna was sampled as well; results will be

presented elsewhere.


The qualitative sampling consisted in the digging of at least

20 randomly selected holes in each site. The sampling effort was

adapted to the level of intensification of the LUS, with a smaller Costa


number of holes in the more intensely managed systems. The num- )

ber of holes ranged from 45 to 50 in NF, 35 to 40 in EP and PA and County Salto

Santa Otacílio

20 to 25 in ICL and NT. Usually, the holes were dug randomly in the

1 ha area of the quantitative (TSBF) samplings (Fig. 2), but in some

Continued (

cases, especially in NF, selected microhabitats (in bromeliads, in 1

and under decaying trunks, under stones, and in wet areas) were Region


also sampled. The size of the holes was usually of 20 cm × 20 cm

M.L.C. Bartz et al. / Applied Soil Ecology 83 (2014) 59–70 63

both methods), to assess the effectiveness of sampling methods

in capturing the earthworm species present; (b) total earthworm

abundance data (total of both sampling methods) for each region

separately (West vs. Plateau) and combined (total of both regions)

to assess the proportion of species richness collected in each region

and each LUS. Additionally, we calculated rarefied richness (RAR)

and ACE estimated richness (Gotelli and Colwell, 2001; Oksanen

et al., 2008) using the Vegan module in the R software (Oksanen

et al., 2008; R Development Core Team, 2004).

A multivariate cluster analysis was performed with the TSBF

data by the complete linkage (furthest neighbor) method (Everitt,

1993; Jongman, 1995) and by calculating Euclidean distances

(Frakes and Yates, 2000) with Statistica v.6.0 (Statsoft Inc., 2001).

3. Results

Fig. 2. Example of a sampling scheme in a land use system, using a 30 m × 30 m grid

3.1. Earthworm species richness in LUS

for the quantitative (TSBF) method (squares) and random digging of ≥20 holes for

the qualitative method (stars) within the 1 ha sampling area.

Overall 2227 individuals were collected and identified, of which

615 were from the Western and 1612 from the Plateau region. These

to 20–30 cm depth, but in sites where big species were found

worms belonged to 24 species from six families (Table 2). More

(i.e., “minhocuc¸ us” with >20 cm body length) larger holes (usually

earthworms were collected in the winter (1389 individuals; 385

50 cm × 50 cm) were dug. The time used for this sampling was usu-

in West, 1004 in Plateau) than in summer (838 individuals; 230 in

ally the same as that needed to perform the quantitative sampling,

West, 608 in Plateau). In the West, 14 species from six families were

reaching up to 90 min per plot for NF and 40–60 min for the other

found, of which nine were native. In the Plateau, 19 species from

land use systems. The reason for the differences in sampling effort

five families were found, of which thirteen were native.

in each LUS were based on previous experience of the authors, and

Most widespread was an unidentified species of Ocnerodrili-

the fact that NF usually have much lower earthworm abundance

dae (Table 2, “sp. 1”), found in all but one site (EP in West) and

and mainly native species (Brown and James, 2007), requiring

Urobenus brasiliensis, found in 8 of the 10 sampling sites (Table 2).

higher sampling efforts to describe the communities present. On

The most abundant species were Octalasion tyrtaeum (442 indiv.),

the other hand, LUS such as NT, PA, ICL and EP usually have higher

U. brasiliensis (218 indiv.) and Fimoscolex sp. 2 (165 indiv.). Several

abundances and exotic species (Bartz et al., 2013, in press; Maschio

species were rare, found in low numbers (down to one specimen) or

et al., in press), requiring lower efforts to describe the communities.

at only one or two sites (Table 2). Nine species (five native and four

Sampling was carried out in both winter (July–August 2011) and

exotic) were common to both regions. Five species (four native and

summer (December 2011–January 2012) so each plot was sam-

one exotic) were found exclusively in the West while ten (eight

pled twice with the same sampling design. Earthworms were fixed

native and two exotic) were exclusive to the Plateau region. The

and preserved in 92.8% ethanol, counted and identified at family,

unnamed species of the native genera Glossoscolex and Fimoscolex

or species level using keys and original descriptions found in

are new to science, whereas the unnamed species of Ocnerodrilidae

Michaelsen (1900), Righi (1990, 1995) and Blakemore (2002).

and Metaphire require more careful taxonomic consideration and

genetic evaluation to adequately assess species status.

2.3. Data analysis Considering both regions together, richness among the LUS fol-

lowed the order: ICL > NT > PA = NF > EP. However, two main groups

Since seasonal effects were not of interest in the present study, of systems were identified, according to species richness: NF, PA

winter and summer data were summed for both quantitative and EP, with similar richness (9–10 spp.), and NT and ICL (15 and

and qualitative samples. For calculation of rarefaction curves and 17 spp.), with higher species richness than in the other systems

species richness, data from both quantitative and qualitative sam- (Table 3). In the West region, higher numbers of individuals were

ples were treated separately and also combined for each region to collected in systems with higher anthropogenic impact (PA, NT and

assess the overall efficiency of the sampling effort in each LUS. Mean ICL), and species richness was higher in ICL (11 spp.) and PA (8 spp.),

species richness per LUS was calculated using the data from each when considering both sampling methods (Table 2). In the Plateau

county as true replicates within each region (West and Plateau). higher number of individuals were again collected in the systems

Mean species richness per sample was calculated using the number with highest human interference (ILC and NT; Table 1), and the

of samples for each sampling method, i.e., nine for the quantita- highest number of species was observed in NT (13 spp.), followed

tive (TSBF) and n = variable for the qualitative samples (see above). by ICL and NF with the same number of species overall (9 spp.)

Mean species richness per LUS and mean species richness per sam- (Table 2).

ple were submitted to an ANOVA, followed by Fischer’s Protected Mean species richness per LUS was highest in ICL in both regions,

LSD test at P = 0.05 confidence level (Statsoft Inc., 2001). using the TSBF method (Table 3). Using the qualitative method in

Shannon and Pielou indices were calculated for the quantita- the Plateau, mean richness was higher in NT than in ICL, PA and EP,

tive data only, using standard formulas (Odum, 1983). Rarefaction and combining both methods, richness was higher in ILC and NT

curves were computed with EcoSim 7.7.1 software (Gotelli and than in PA. Mean species richness per sample (no. species collected

Entsminger, 2012). We used the number of collected specimens in each hole) followed similar trends (Table 3).

as the measure of sampling effort in order to allow relevant anal- Shannon indices also showed a trend of lower to higher diversity

yses of datasets that combined both quantitative and qualitative from less impacted to the more intensively managed LUS in the

samples. This was done for: (a) data from both regions (totals of West region. However, in the Plateau region, this trend was not

West + Plateau) for each sampling method separately (quantita- seen: EP had lowest diversity followed by PA, ICL, while NT and

tive vs. qualitative) and combined (total worms collected using NF had the highest diversity index. Pielou evenness indices were

64 M.L.C. Bartz et al. / Applied Soil Ecology 83 (2014) 59–70 5 2 1 8 1 1 4 20 28 13 26 21 77 (sums 207 NT

1 9 24 46 35 11 sampling

ICL 287 413

3 2 2 PA 27 25 35 94 qualitative



3 1 2 40 EP 18 64 (TSBF)

1 7 2 3 1 1 2 Qualitative NF 23 13 53

2 1 2 3 5 quantitative 20 10 14 13 65

102 NT 237 using

1 1 1 6 5 2 38 16 35 (NT)

130 ICL 221 456

2 3 5 6 1 6 PA 15 38 no-tillage


4 1 2 1 6 EP 11 25 (ICL)


1 2 4 8 3 7 PLATEAU TSBF NF 25

crop-livestock 1 4

NT 22 46 11 84

6 4 1 9 9 6 3 3 4 10 45 12 integrated ICL 112


5 2 19 55 24 12 PA 117 pasture

b 2 4 4 2 (EP),

30 EP 42

1 Qualitative NF 14 15 plantation

3 2 5 1 5 NT 17 33 Brazil.


state, 5 2 1 4 4 3 3 5

ICL 15 14 62 (NF),

). 2 −

forest m Catarina

1 5 8 5 4

16 72 PA 111 not



of (i.e.,

1 1 2 5 1 the 10 20 EP

area in

b family.



1 1 1 the WEST TSBF NF 16 19

per of



a and

n e Origin n n n n n n n n n n n e e e e e e West transformed








exotic. species (number


juveniles 6

e: sp.1 sp.2 sp.3 sp.4sp.5 n &




sp.1 sp.2sp.3 sp.4 sp.5sp.6 n n gracilis c

of and

sp.1sp.2 sp.3sp.4 n n


californica sp.1 gracilis corticis







sampling native



n: Numbers NI: two c a Family Glossoscolex Glossoscolex Glossoscolecidae Fimoscolex Megascolecidae Amynthas NI Andiorrhinus Glossoscolex Fimoscolex Glossoscolex Ocnerodrilidae Ocnerodrilidae Glossoscolex Ocnerodrilidae Metaphire Metaphire Lumbricidae Octolasion Fimoscolex Rhinodrilidae Urobenus Ocnerodrilidae Amynthas Megascolecidae Acanthodrilidae Dichogaster TOTAL Bimastus Glossoscolex Fimoscolex Ocnerodrilidae Ocnerodrilidae

b Table Earthworm of

M.L.C. Bartz et al. / Applied Soil Ecology 83 (2014) 59–70 65 ) J (



case 0.18a 0.78b 0.39ab 0.64b 0.23a 0.61bc 0.11a 0.26ab 0.40abc 0.70c Pielou index and

)  West upper




for 0.05a 0.30bc 0.27a 0.24a 0.30b 0.14a 0.05a 0.08ab 0.15ab 0.49c Shannon index





2.3 2.0 2.5 2.6 both), and

Mean species richness of




6) 6)


5) 5) 4) 3) + +


species + + + +


qualitative (7 (9 (8 (13 (13 (7

Total 10 12 14 12 19 19 richness (native total

TSBF, or

per using




Proportion native 88 83 87 83 sampling method 79 82 (TSBF,


per and




60 80 50 60 50 75 63 56 75 58 63 86 88 67 54 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 LUS Proportion native sampling


exotic particular


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 No 1 3 2 4 1 2 5 3 4 1 2 5 1 3 6



LUS native


LUS. No 3 3 4 5 4 2 4 3 5 4 3 4 6 6 5 5 4 5 5 4 6 4 5 3 5 8 5 6 6 7





(EP), a





0.19aB 0.22a 0.30abB 0.41bB 0.19a 0.03A 0.07 0.05A 0.08A 0.08 0.11a 0.14a 0.17ab 0.24b 0.13a 0.16a 0.12a 0.10aB 0.29bB 0.23abB 0.07a 0.05a 0.05aA 0.09bA 0.17cA 0.16ab 0.19a 0.15a 0.29c 0.23bc richness Mean sample plantation 0.05)


P qualitative) (








(NF), richness 1.7a 2.0a 2.7ab 3.7b 1.7a 1.5 2.3 1.7 2.8 1.8 1.5 2.2 2.2 2.8 1.8 2.3a 1.7a 1.5a 4.3b 2.7abA 3ab 1.7a 1.7a 2.3a 4.3bB 2.3abc 1.7ab 1.3a 4.3bc 5.7c Mean LUS









Species richness 3 4 5 8 4 2 4 5 9 4 3 5 8 5 5 4 5 8 8 7 4 5 5 9 5 6 9 LUS in 10 11 13 behind





parameters case



lower TSBF Method Total TSBF Total Qualitative Qualitative




3 significant

Different a Region West Plateau Earthworm Table mean regions

66 M.L.C. Bartz et al. / Applied Soil Ecology 83 (2014) 59–70

Fig. 3. Rarefaction curves, RAR and ACE specific richness of earthworms in each LUS, irrespective of sampling method (total of qualitative and quantitative samples) in the

West region of Santa Catarina State (West), Brazil. (LUS order in “Species richness”: FN, EP, PA, ICL and NT).

highest in EP (0.78) and ICL (0.64) in the West region, while in the that PA had already reached a plateau, while EP and ICL were

Plateau the higher values were observed for NT (0.70), followed by asymptotic in terms of species richness, indicating that the num-

NF (0.61). ber of samples was sufficient or nearly adequate to describe the

The high species richness values observed in agricultural sites earthworm community in these systems (Fig. 4). On the other hand,

were due to the presence of exotic species additional to the the Obs vs. ACE richness were very different for NT, indicating that

native species. Considering both regions together, native species more species will probably still be found with further sampling in

accounted for 90%, 89% and 80% of species richness in NF, EP and PA this system. The number of individuals collected in NF was very low

systems, respectively, while in the cropping systems, native species and inadequate to describe the true species richness in this system.

accounted for 65% and 60% total richness in ICL and NT, respec- The dendrograms obtained by cluster analysis of the TSBF data

tively (Table 2). In the West region, assemblages of NF and NT were are shown in Fig. 5, where numbers on the vertical axis represent

exclusively composed of native species, while in PA and ICL they the “Euclidean distance” rescaled from 0 to 120. For the in West

represented 75% and 58% (Table 2). The Plateau assemblages were there is one cluster with 4 LUS, and PA is outside, in Plateau there

composed of 100% native species in EP and PA, 88% in NF and only is one cluster with 3 LUS, and NT and ICL are outside. Similarities in

67% and 54% in ICL and NT, respectively (Table 2). community composition do not reflect the hypthothesized gradient

For most sites in the West the rarefaction curves reached an of land use intensity.

asymptote, indicating that in these sites, the sampling effort was

adequate to describe the species richness present (Fig. 3). This 3.2. Sampling efficiency for earthworm richness

is despite the difference in sampling efforts made in each LUS.

Observed (Obs) and estimated (ACE) species richness showed few In both regions, the total species richness collected with quan-

differences. The rarefaction curve for the Plateau region showed titative method was lower than that obtained using qualitative

Fig. 4. Rarefaction curves, RAR and ACE specific richness of earthworms in each LUS, irrespective of sampling method (total of qualitative and quantitative samples) in the

Plateau region of Santa Catarina State (Plateau), Brazil. (LUS order in “Species richness”: FN, EP, PA, ICL and NT).

M.L.C. Bartz et al. / Applied Soil Ecology 83 (2014) 59–70 67

Fig. 5. Dendrograms obtained by cluster analysis discriminating by “Euclidean Distance” the five different land-use systems (natural forest, NF; eucalyptus plantation, EP;

pasture, PA; no-till, NT; and integrated crop-livestock, ICL), independent of the sampling method used (total number of individuals collected in each LUS), in the West (a)

and Plateau (b) regions of Santa Catarina State, Brazil.

sampling. In the West and Plateau 9 and 13 species were collected presence of several exotic species in the more intensively managed

with TSBF monoliths, while 13 and 19 species were collected by systems, especially in ICL (both regions) and NT in the Plateau. The

digging >20 random holes and niche searching, respectively. Never- presence of these exotics was expected, as disturbed ecosystems

theless, in the West, three species were exclusively found using the Brazil are frequently colonized by these widespread earthworms

TSBF method and four with the qualitative method. In the Plateau, (Brown et al., 2006). Additionally, the somewhat degraded nature

qualitative sampling yielded all species found with the TSBF meth- and small size of the forest fragments available in the region for

ods, and seven more. Considering the methods independently of sampling, particularly in the West region may also have been a

region, 16 species were found using the TSBF method while 24 were limiting factor in the available species pool, resulting in smaller

found in the qualitative samples. richness collected.

Rarefactions curves performed using all data available (sum of Surprising, however, was the observation of 100% native species

LUS and regions) for the quantitative and qualitative methods sep- present in the three NT fields sampled in the Western region,

arately and combined (sum of both methods), showed that the despite the frequent use of insecticides, fungicides and espe-

qualitative method was more efficient at sampling the earthworm cially herbicides (glyphosate) for pest control. Previous surveys,

species than the TSBF method (Fig. 6). In fact, even if a greater samp- performed in NT agroecosystems the neighboring Paraná State

ling effort using TSBF is made, rarefaction curves predict that this had reported mainly exotic or invasive earthworms in NT agroe-

method would never reach the same level of biodiversity obtained cosystems, particularly of the genera Dichogaster and Pontoscolex,

from the qualitative sampling. Combining both methods led to little although some native species of the genera Andiorrhinus, Belladrilus,

difference in observed and estimated species richness, indicating Glossoscolex and Fimoscolex were also found at low densities

that little is gained by combining both methods when performing (Sautter et al., 2007; Brown et al., 2008; Bartz, 2011; Bartz et al.,

biodiversity studies at a higher geographic level (two regions). 2013). The most probable reasons for the presence of native species

in the intensified agricultural LUS of both regions is the relatively

4. Discussion recent adoption of cultivated agriculture in both regions and the

use of soil conservation practices (NT), which reduce soil disturb-

4.1. Earthworm species richness in LUS ance and allows for accumulation of organic matter in the topsoil

(Derpsch et al., 1991; Derpsch and Florentín, 2000; Landers, 2001;

In total, twenty-four earthworm species were found overall, Pieri. et al., 2002; Franchini et al., 2004; Casão Junior et al., 2006),

increasing the number of known species in the state of Santa Cata- i.e., food for the earthworms.

rina from 18 (Brown and James, 2007) to 39. Only three of the 24 Native secondary forests and pastures established after forest

species found had been previously reported from SC: U. brasilien- clearing after forest clearing allow the survival of native species,

sis, Amynthas gracilis and Metaphire californica (Brown and James, as in both regions 100% of worms collected in NF and PA using

2007). Of the 21 new species records 16 are native (at least 10 of TSBF were native. However, exotic species appeared in qualita-

them new, undescribed species) and 5 exotic species (Table 3). tive samples of both systems (PA in West and NF in Plateau),

Forest systems are often reported to have greater numbers of indicating they are also susceptible to invasion or colonization by

earthworm species (particularly of native species) than cultivated exotics. As observed in other studies in Paraná (e.g., Brown et al.,

agricultural land (Fragoso et al., 1997, 1999; Feijoo et al., 2007) due 2008; Nunes et al., 2006, 2007; Bartz, 2011), earthworm abundance

their higher complexity and greater number of niches that allow for tended to be much higher in PA than in NF. Nevertheless, contrary

persistence of species with variable ecologies (Lee, 1985; Edwards to these previous studies that found mostly exotics (Dichogaster

and Bohlen, 1996). However in the present study, higher earth- spp. and Pontoscolex corethrurus) in high abundance in pastures,

worm species richness and abundance were observed in the more native species predominated in numbers in the native pastures of

impacted sites (ICL and NT), as compared with the less disturbed both regions. The few exotics found were Dichogaster gracilis, col-

ecosystems such as EP and NF. Furthermore, both native vegetation lected under manure spread on the surface of one of the pastures

systems (NF and PA) had lower overall species richness than ICL and in the West (Chapecó). Reasons for the dominance of natives in

NT. The difference in richness among LUS appeared to be due to the these pastures may be related to the land use history in the region,

68 M.L.C. Bartz et al. / Applied Soil Ecology 83 (2014) 59–70

Fig. 6. Rarefaction curves, RAR and ACE specific richness of earthworms irrespective of LUS (all LUS combined), performed using quantitative (TSBF) and qualitative sampling,

considering together both regions (West and Plateau) of Santa Catarina State, Brazil. (Methods order in “Species richness”: Qualitative, TSBF and Total).

particularly its more recent colonization (mainly 19th and 20th to concentrate their activities. The higher number of individuals

century in Plateau and West, respectively), and the widespread use collected in ICL overall and compared with NT, may also be due to

of native pastures in both regions after deforestation. the presence of livestock in this system.

Most of the genera found in the present study had been recorded One of the notable results was the absence of P. corethrurus in

previously in other surveys performed in Paraná, although many of samples of both regions. This species is widely adapted to a range of

the species we collected were new to science, and must still be environmental conditions and was originally described from spec-

described. Glossoscolex and Fimoscolex are native genera with wide imens collected by Fritz Müller in Eastern Santa Catarina. Although

occurrence in S and SE Brazil, and many new species of these gen- competition with native species has not been adequately proven for

era have been collected by the authors in natural and agricultural P. corethrurus (Huang et al., 2006; Marichal et al., 2010) we cannot

ecosystems over the last 10 years (Bartz et al., 2012). The species completely discard the possibility that its absence in both regions

collected in the present study were mostly small to medium-sized may be benefitting the presence and prevalence of native species

(<12 cm long) unpigmented endogeics, although large (>20 cm) pig- in the more impacted LUS, where it is generally dominant in other

mented species with endo-anecic habit were also found in EP and sites of Brazil (Brown et al., 2006).

NT. Unfortunately almost nothing is known of their biology and Another important result was the frequent occurrence of U.

ecology, although we can presume that the endogeics and particu- brasiliensis, a widespread native Brazilian species (Brown and

larly the large species will be important for soil functioning in their James, 2007), in annual cropping systems (NT and ICL). This species

habitats, creating large galleries (observed in the field), that aid in was considered an indicator of well-preserved ecosystems (native

soil aeration and root penetration in compacted soils. forest) and/or sites with dense surface layer of organic matter

The earthworms of the genera Dichogaster and the Ocnerodrili- (Sautter et al., 2007), and had only recently been reported in agri-

dae species found in the present study were all small (3–5 cm long) cultural fields in SC (Bartz et al., 2011). Its absence in cultivated

and usually reddish, with epi-endogeic habit. They inhabited the systems had been attributed to soil disturbance and/or the disap-

soil surface (between soil and straw), but were sometimes found pearance of the dense litter layer that represented the necessary

at 10–15 cm depths in drier conditions. The Ocnerodrilidae were habitat for this species (Brown et al., 2003). The presence of this

especially abundant especially in ICL, and similar species in the species in NT, ICL and EP, especially in the West, and the finding

genus Belladrilus have been found in pastures and NT systems in of adults as well as cocoons (Bartz et al., 2011) indicate that these

North and Western Paraná (Sautter et al., 2007; Bartz, 2011; Bartz systems, like NF, provide adequate conditions for its survival, and

et al., 2013). In fact, this is the first time that earthworms sam- that U. brasiliensis is able to tolerate low levels of disturbance. The

pled quantitatively were identified to species level in ICL in Brazil. presence of this epi-endogeic species in high numbers in NT and

Exotic megascolecids and lumbricids were found in high numbers ICL is probably important for soil function because its feeding (i.e.,

especially in NT and ICL of the Plateau region. High abundance surface litter), burrowing and casting habits assist in the incorpo-

of megascolecids had been previously reported in various natu- ration of residue and aeration of the topsoil (0–10 cm; Bartz et al.,

ral and disturbed ecosystems in Southern Brazil, where the cooler 2011).

climate appears to be more conducive to their presence in these

sites (Brown et al., 2006; Brown and James, 2007). However, the 4.2. Sampling efficiency for earthworm richness estimation

lumbricid O. tyrtaeum was known only from one location previ-

ously (Porto Alegre, RS; Knäpper, 1976), and Bimastus parvus from The TSBF method has been widely used throughout the trop-

only four locations (Brown and James, 2007). The high abundance ics for quantitative estimates of soil macrofauna and earthworm

of these exotic worms (particularly O. tyrtaeum in ICL), especially in populations (e.g., Lavelle et al., 1994; Brown et al., 2001; Pauli et al.,

the Plateau was probably due to the cooler climate and high levels 2011), although the ISO (2006) methodology recommends the use

of soil organic matter (OM) in the topmost 10 cm of soil in these sys- of larger monoliths, to account for the presence of larger earth-

tems (>5% OM; Bartz et al., unpublished results), where they tend worm species in the samples (Römbke et al., 2006). Furthermore,

M.L.C. Bartz et al. / Applied Soil Ecology 83 (2014) 59–70 69

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