PROCEEDINGS, 1927 1 ~) (61) Dixa fraterna Garret :-tBull River, October 10th (C. Garrett). (62) Dixa johannseni Garrett:-~:Cranbrook, October (C. Garrett). (63) Dixa distincta Garrett :-HCranbrook (C. Garrett). (64) Dixa simplex Garrett:-:nCrnnbrook, .Tnne, Octobet' (C. Ganett) . (65) Dixa plexipus Garrett :-tHNelson. References: ,~ Dyar, H. G., Mosquitos of Cannda, 'l'rnmL Roy. Can. Inst.. , TOl'onto, Vol. XUI, p. 1, 1921. ** Dyar, H. G., Note on ..A .. edeR aloponatnm, In~cc. InRcit... Mens, yol. XII., Nos. 10-12, p. 178, 1924. Dyal', H. G. and Shannon, R.N., Amel'ican C hHohol'inH( ~, Tns cc. Tnscit., Mens. vol. XII, Nos. 10-12, p. 201, 1924. t Garrett, C., by letter Feb. f>, 1926. tt Dyar, H. G., Insec. Inscit.., Mens, vol. IX., Nos. 4-6, p. 79, 1921. ttt Dyar, H. G., Insec. Inscit., Mens, vol. X., Nos. 4-6, p. 99, 1922. t Garrett, C., New American Dixiclae (privately published) October ~O, 1924. :n Garrett, C., Sixty-one ncw Diptera (privately pnblishe(1) Februnry 7, 1925. 1::!:t Garrett, C., Seventy new Diptera (privately publishe(1) December 31. 1925. § Hadwen, S., Note on occurrence and significance of Anophelinae in B. C., Proc. B. C. Rnt. Soc. No. G, p. Rl, 191f>. SOME NOTES ON THE HIBERNATING HABITS OF INSECTS IN DRY TREES IN THE INTERIOR OF B. C. By A. A. DENNYS Dining' th e alltnmn of 19~ ;i, and again in 1926, my immediate chipf, MI'. E. R. Bnckell, received a reqnest from the Dominion Entomologist, Mr. Arthur Gibson, to collcct specimens of lacewing' flies (Chrysopid species). as a result of a request which the Department at Ottawa had J'eceived for such material from Dr.
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