1 Female-female aggression is linked to food defence in a poison frog






7 Heike Pröhl1*§, Martin G. Scherm2§, Santiago Meneses3,4, Corinna E. Dreher1, Ivonne

8 Meuche1, Ariel Rodríguez1



11 12 1 Institute of Zoology, University of Veterinary Medicine, Bünteweg 17, 30559 Hannover, Germany,

13 [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

14 [email protected]

15 2 Institute of Diabetes Research, Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for

16 Environmental Health (GmbH), Heidemannstraße 1, 80939 München, Germany,

17 [email protected]

18 3 Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Luis Clement Ave., Bldg. 401 Tupper, Balboa Ancon,

19 Panama, Republic of Panama, [email protected]

20 4Department of Biological Sciences, George Washington University, Washington D.C., 20052, USA. 21

22 *Correspondence: Heike Pröhl

23 § These authors contributed equally to this work.


25 Total number of words (including references): 6728


26 Abstract

27 Habitat occupancy by territorial is expected to depend on the distribution of critical

28 resources. Knowledge on female territoriality is scarce but it has been suggested as a

29 mechanism to defend limited resources for reproduction. A previous study showed female

30 intrasexual aggression to be connected to territorial behaviour in the strawberry poison frog

31 Oophaga pumilio, a diurnal aposematic species with complex maternal care. Here we

32 investigate the link between spatial distribution of resources important for reproduction and

33 female distribution and behaviour. We observed focal females in their natural habitat in

34 Costa Rica, and recorded the distribution of ecological predictor variables in a grid system.

35 The data were used for calculating home range and territory sizes and for connecting female

36 habitat use to the distribution of potential resources by computing spatial habitat occupancy

37 models. Even though we found females to occupy large home ranges, they were highly

38 aggressive towards other females only inside a small part of their home range, here termed

39 core area. Among the ecological factors the sustained abundance of (as the main food

40 item of the frogs), the presence of leaf litter, and suitable rearing sites for tadpoles predicted

41 female site occupancy patterns. The number of ants was twice as high in the core areas

42 compared to the rest of the female home ranges. Our results suggest that female spacing

43 behaviour is principally driven by the spatial distribution of its main food resource, but that

44 hiding places (leaf litter) and tadpole rearing sites also play a role. The defence of places with

45 high sustained abundance of ants could be relevant for this prolonged-breeding species as

46 egg production and maternal care are energetically highly demanding. Regarding the link

47 between resource defence and maternal care, the reproductive strategy of female

48 strawberry poison frogs resembles that of the females of small mammals comprising same-

49 sex-competition for food and high investment in producing and rearing young.





53 feeding behaviour, frogs, habitat occupancy, resource distribution, spatial autocorrelation,

54 territoriality


56 In natural populations individuals compete for limited resources to maximize their fitness.

57 Competitive strategies differ between the sexes, because males and females depend on

58 distinct resources for survival and reproduction, and include a broad repertoire of

59 behavioural components, e.g. aggressive encounters and territoriality (Clutton-Brock &

60 Huchard, 2013). Territoriality, i.e. the defence of a limited area, ensures the territory holder

61 prior access to critical resources like food, water, mates, hiding or nesting places (Wells,

62 1977; Pröhl, 2005; Alcock 2006).Territoriality is associated with time and energetic costs as

63 well as increased conspicuousness to predators and risk of injury (Carpenter & Mcmillen

64 1976; Marler, Walsberg, White & Moore, 1995; Alcock 2006). However, the benefits of

65 territoriality must outweigh the costs (Brown, 1964; Schoener, 1983; Adams, 2001) and the

66 resources must be defensible and limited in time or space (Wilson, 1975).

67 In numerous vertebrate species territoriality is well studied, especially for males (review

68 Wells 1977; Davies, 1991; Alcock, 2005). Males often compete for females and therefore

69 defend resources that females need for reproduction such as breeding sites (Emlen & Oring,

70 1977). When some males are stronger than others they can gain priority access to clumped


71 resources and thereby increase their probability for mating with multiple females (mammals:

72 Clutton-Brock, 1989; snakes: Webb, Scott, Whiting & Shine, 2015).

73 In general, female intrasexual competition and territoriality has attracted less scientific

74 attention than male competition (Clutton-Brock, 2007) but is particularly well understood in

75 small mammals (Ostfeld, 1990). Some discussion about the purpose, i.e. the resources

76 defended by females, has stimulated this research area (Wolff & Peterson, 1998). Female

77 territorial behaviour has typically been suggested as a mechanisms to defend food resources

78 (Ostfeld, 1990; Rosvall, 2011), however later studies indicated that females directly defend

79 their young in nest sites with the ultimate purpose to reduce the risk of infanticide by

80 conspecifics (Bonnatto, 2017; Steinmann, Priotto & Polop, 2009).

81 Because of the high importance of resources for reproductive success the distribution of

82 resources should influence the distribution of the sexes, while the resource distribution itself

83 is affected by other ecological factors. The link between ecological factors and distribution of

84 a species can be analysed via habitat occupancy models. These models normally analyse the

85 distribution of one or several species over larger landscapes (e.g. Joseph, Preston & Johnson,

86 2016). The questions addressed often involve which ecological factors influence the

87 presence/habitat selection and reproduction of species in a patchy landscape. Hereby spatial

88 autocorrelation often plays a role, because the proximity to other (sub-) populations or

89 occupied habitat produces emigrants and has an effect on habitat choice and therefore

90 occupancy of this habitat (e.g. Miró, O’Brien, Hall & Jehle, 2017). Here we use a habitat

91 occupancy model to relate resource distribution to the distribution and behaviour of females

92 in a frog species.

93 In frogs, defence of resources in territories occurs mainly in species with longer breeding

94 periods. Territoriality was mainly observed in males of aquatic, arboreal as well as terrestrial


95 egg layers (review: Wells, 2007). The resources the males defend are mostly those that

96 females need for successful reproduction such as oviposition sites. These are aggressively

97 protected against other males in ponds or streams, or other sheltered places. For the poison

98 frog family Dendrobatidae complex resource-based mating systems have been described

99 (review: Wells, 2007; Pröhl, 2005). Males often defend all-purpose territories for longer time

100 periods containing feeding, shelter, oviposition, calling and breeding sites (e.g. Roithmair,

101 1992; Poelmann & Dicke, 2008). Within anurans, female territoriality was only reported for

102 this family. Female territoriality seems to be mainly connected to defence of food and retreat

103 sites (e.g. Mannophryne trinitatis (Test, 1954; Wells, 1980a); Colostethus panamansis (Wells,

104 1980b)).

105 The strawberry poison frog (Oophaga pumilio) is a diurnal species which inhabits

106 lowland rainforests in Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Western Panama (Myers & Daly

107 1983; Savage, 2002). Both sexes are polygamous (Bunnell, 1973; Pröhl & Hödl 1999; Meuche,

108 Linsenmair & Pröhl, 2011) and their ecology and complex reproductive behaviour are well

109 studied (e.g. Rudh, Rogell, Håstad & Qvarnström, 2013). Since females provide eggs for

110 mating and unfertilized eggs as a food source for their tadpoles, female reproduction and

111 especially maternal parental care are associated with higher energetic and temporal costs

112 than reproduction in males which only provide sperm and moisten the eggs (Limerick, 1980;

113 Weygoldt 1980; Pröhl & Hödl 1999). The diet of the strawberry poison frog consists mainly of

114 ants and mites (Donnelly, 1991), from which the frogs accumulate toxic alkaloids into their

115 skin (Saporito, Donnelly, Spande & Garraffo, 2012). Together with their aposematic

116 coloration, toxicity provides an effective protection from potential predators (Daly, Myers &

117 Whittaker, 1987; Saporito, Zuercher, Roberts, Gerow & Donnelly, 2007).


118 The main purposes for aggressive male territorial behaviour in O. pumilio seem to be the

119 availability of calling sites, access to females, which are the limiting sex in this species, and

120 place for courtship and oviposition (Pröhl, 2003; Pröhl & Berke 2001; Meuche, Linsenmair &

121 Pröhl 2012). Males also spend more time feeding in the core areas of their territories, but no

122 more prey has been found in these areas than outside of their territories (Staudt,

123 Meneses Ospina & Pröhl, 2010). Recent studies showed that also the females of O. pumilio

124 exhibit aggressive behaviour (Haase & Pröhl, 2002) particularly in the intensely used core

125 areas of their home ranges (Meuche, Linsenmair & Pröhl, 2011).There was no evidence that

126 females compete for males or that oviposition or tadpole-rearing sites play a role for female

127 territoriality (Pröhl & Berke, 2001; Meuche, Linsenmair & Pröhl 2011). However, female

128 home ranges are spatially closely associated with tadpole rearing sites and overlap in the

129 vicinity of these (Pröhl & Berke, 2001). Because of the much higher energetic costs of

130 maternal care compared to male care and the importance of access to high quality food,

131 necessary for toxin sequestration (Staudt, Meneses Ospina, Pröhl, 2010), we assume female

132 habitat occupancy and aggressive behaviour to be linked to the exploitation of food

133 resources.

134 Here, we use the strawberry poison frog as a model species for a detailed analysis of the

135 connection between the distribution of resources in the habitat, and how this in turn affects

136 the occupancy and spacing pattern as well as the territorial and feeding behaviour of the

137 females. Because our main hypothesis is that females defend areas rich in food resources, we

138 test whether females aggressively defend areas with high prey abundance and whether they

139 mainly feed in these areas. Since water-filled leaf axils are used as tadpole rearing sites and

140 therefore are important reproductive resources we also test whether their presence

141 influences female distribution. To our knowledge this is one of the first studies investigating


142 female territorial behaviour in association with spatial abundance of highly important but

143 potentially limited resources in frogs. Providing new data on female territoriality enables us

144 concentrating a part of our discussion on the difference between male and female

145 territoriality





150 2.1 Study area

151 This field study was conducted from April to June 2012 in a Caribbean lowland rainforest in

152 the Biological Reserve Hitoy Cerere in Costa Rica (N: 09°40‘, E: 83°05’). The study area was

153 located at approximately 100m above sea level in an abandoned banana plantation with

154 transition to a young secondary forest and measured 400 m2 (20 x 20 m). It was divided into

155 grids of 1 m2 using nylon strings at a height of 2 m above the ground to facilitate behavioural

156 observations and measurement of ecological variables. All behavioural observations are in

157 compliance with the Guidelines for the use of animals (2012) and have been approved by the

158 Costa Rican authorities (SINAC: ACLAC-PI-005-2012).

159 2.2 Behavioural observations

160 All behavioural observations took place during the breeding season of O. pumilio. At the

161 beginning of the study period as many adult frogs as possible (N = 19 females, N = 15 males)

162 were caught within the study area during three consecutive days. The sex of the animals was

163 determined by the presence of a dark vocal sac at the throat of the males. Furthermore the


164 length (SVL in mm) and weight (in g) was measured using a manual calliper and a precision

165 balance (WEDO Precision 500). To facilitate the recognition of individual frogs in the study

166 area photos were taken from the front, lateral, ventral and dorsal body parts. Greyish or

167 black spots and pattern on the red background allowed recognition of individuals during

168 observations.

169 Eleven females were observed by the same person (M. Scherm) for five days each using

170 focal sampling. The focal female was observed continuously from 6:00 until 12:00 h

171 while the following parameters were recorded every minute on a check sheet: 1) Position of

172 the frog in the grid system of the study area at the beginning of each one minute interval. 2)

173 Feeding: during feeding the frog turns towards the prey and captures it with a stroke of the

174 tongue (M. Scherm, personal observation). Because it is often not possible to determine if

175 the feeding attempt was successful, every feeding attempt was recorded as a feeding event.

176 3) Agonistic female-female interactions: A female was considered aggressive when it directly

177 approached or followed the other female or initiated any kind of physical contact. A

178 submissive female tried to escape the conflict by moving away from the aggressive female,

179 hiding in the substrate or remaining motionless. We also intended to monitor agonistic

180 interactions between females and males, but there were none.

181 To minimize the impact of the observer on the animals, fast movements were avoided

182 and a distance of at least 2 m to the focal animal was maintained. Since no female fled or

183 showed any change in behaviour during the observation, we consider the influence of the

184 observer as negligible.

185 2.3 Habitat and vegetation

186 Several ecological factors were recorded for every 1 m2 grid: 1) Number of ants captured in a

187 trap (details see below). 2) Leaf litter: we determined if more or less than 50% of the area of 8

188 the grid were covered with dead plant material. 3) Debris cluster: the presence of clusters of

189 leaves or wood, exceeding the normal ground coverage (more than 20 cm deep) which could

190 offer shelter for the frogs (M. Scherm & I. Meuche, personal observation). 4) Plants

191 harbouring water filled leaf axils for tadpole rearing. In the study area these were mainly

192 Musa and Heliconia species.

193 2.4 collection

194 For prey collection we used simple pitfall traps, consisting of buried plastic cups, filled up to a

195 height of approximately 3 cm with a mixture of water and a small amount of dishwashing

196 liquid (B. Hölldobler, personal communication). In each grid one trap covered with a lid was

197 placed into the ground with the edge directly at the substrate in the centre of the grid,

198 except in grids where the centre was blocked by trees or other vegetation. The traps were

199 activated at 6:00 am by removing the lid and deactivated after six hours at 12:00 noon. The

200 traps were covered in the same order as they were activated to ensure a high accuracy for

201 the activation time. In the following the ant specimens in the traps were counted, recorded

202 and transferred to vials filled with 70% ethanol. Altogether the traps were activated four

203 times in April and May 2012 separated by 7-8 days intervals. . Ants with a body length larger

204 than 1 cm (mainly Pachycondyla spec., Ectatomma spec. and Atta cephalotes) were excluded

205 from the analysis because they were not eaten by any of the focal females but provoked

206 escape reactions (M. Scherm, personal observation). In an earlier study ants were identified

207 as main food item in O. pumilio especially for the females (Donnelly, 1991), and therefore we

208 expected to mainly find ants in the traps. Our expectation was fulfilled, yet we only found

209 ants, but no other in the traps (see results).

210 2.5 Classification of ants


211 All ant specimens were placed in a petri dish filled with ethanol (75%). One specimen from

212 each and morphospecies that had the legs spread and directed ventrally was selected.

213 The selected specimens were dried in absorbent paper. After mounting, the specimens were

214 placed in a dryer for at least 14 hours and stored away from light, extreme temperatures,

215 humidity and insect pests to avoid deterioration.

216 For the identification of ant genera the keys from Bolton (1994) and Hölldobler & Wilson

217 (1990) were used. The genera Brachymyrmex and Paratrechina were identified to species or

218 morphospecies using John T. Longino’s web tools at http://academic.evergreen.edu/-

219 projects/ants/AntsofCostaRica.html.

220 We calculated the mean ant abundance for each cell and estimated a sustained

221 abundance index (SAI) as the product of mean abundance and the frequency of non-zero ant

222 counts. This index down weights the mean abundance values of those cells where no ants

223 were observed in one or more survey days and should capture the relative importance of

224 cells as food sources for frogs. This index behaves better than other alternatives using the

225 standard deviation, or other central tendency metrics, which end up giving equal values to

226 cells with similar stability regardless of their low or high mean counts. The density of ants for

227 the core areas and the rest of the home range were determined by averaging the number of

228 ants of all grids falling into the core area or the home range. The average number of feeding

229 attempts per grid for home ranges and core areas were calculated in the same manner.


231 2.6 Data analysis

232 The position data of the focal females were transformed into x- and y-coordinates where

233 the individual coordinates correspond to the centre of the grids. To eliminate


234 pseudoreplication, position data of every fifth observation minute were used (Meuche,

235 Linsenmair & Pröhl, 2011). For calculating home ranges and core areas we applied the

236 program ArcView GIS 3.3 (Environmental Systems Research Institute, ESRI), as well as the

237 plugins Spatial Analyst 2.0a (ESRI), Cad2Shape 3.0 and Home Range Extension (Rodgers &

238 Carr, 1998). We used the adaptive-kernel method (Worton, 1989) for estimating the home

239 range sizes by the density function of 95% of the recorded position data. The density

240 function of 50% of the position data was calculated and defined as the core area of the home

241 range (Pröhl & Berke, 2001; Meuche, Linsenmair & Pröhl, 2011). Based on SVL and weight

242 the condition of the frogs was assessed following Murphy (1994) and Jakob et al. (1996). We

243 calculated Product -Moment correlations between the SVL, weight and condition and home

244 range and core area size.

245 We used a spatial generalized mixed effect model to estimate the relative influence of

246 habitat predictors (ants SAI, debris clusters, leaf litter and rearing sites) on the habitat

247 occupancy by females while accounting for the random effect of females and the spatial

248 relationship of the data. Spatial regression analyses were performed in R (R Core Team, 2016)

249 with the R-package spaMM, which fits the models described in Rousset and Ferdy (2014). We

250 implemented a binomial generalized mixed effect model in which the proportion of time a

251 female spent on a given grid cell (minutes in cell / total minutes - minutes in cell) was

252 regressed against the four habitat predictors (fixed factors), while accounting for spatial

253 relationships and individual females as a random factors. We evaluate the statistical

254 significance of the fixed predictors by calculating their 95% confidence intervals and by

255 comparing alternative models with and without each predictor with a likelihood ratio test (

256 alpha = 0.05).


257 We present boxplots for ecological and behavioural differences between core areas and

258 the rest of the home range. We hypothesized the abundance of prey (ants), presence of leaf

259 litter, presence of debris clusters and tadpole rearing sites to be higher in the core areas than

260 in surrounding home ranges. Because we expected a higher abundance of resources in the

261 core areas of the females we also expected them to feed more and being more aggressive

262 here than in the rest of the home range.


264 3.1 Size of home ranges and core areas

265 The sizes of the home ranges of the focal females (n = 11) ranged from 4.8m2 to 71.1m2

266 (median, interquartile range: 54.8m2, 31.2m2). The size of the core areas ranged from 0.41m²

267 to 9.9m² (median, interquartile range: 6.7m2, 8.5m2). On average the core areas accounted

268 for 12.0% of the total area of the home ranges. There was no significant correlation between

269 the size of the home ranges or the core areas and SVL (snout-vent length: mean = 2.2cm, SD

270 = 0.12), weight (mean = 1.9g, SD = 0.18) or condition (mean = 0.001, SD = 0.08) of the focal

271 females (all P > 0.05). However there was a trend of heavier females using larger home

272 ranges (r = 0.55, P = 0.08).


274 3.2 Habitat occupancy

275 The analyses of home range/core area calculation and the habitat occupancy model are

276 different methods for analyzing female spacing behaviour. However, the location of the

277 female core areas corresponds to the grids which were most occupied by the females (Figure

278 1, 2). In Figure 1 and 2 only those grids are shown with at least one observation of a present

279 female. Grids without female presence were excluded from further analyses because we


280 cannot exclude that non-focal females occupied these areas. Note that female core areas are

281 exclusive ranges (our data; Meuche, Linsenmair & Pröhl, 2011) making it unlikely that other

282 females not observed by us occupied these areas.

283 Results of the spatial generalized linear model indicated that the sustained abundance of

284 ants and the presence of thick leaf litter and rearing sites are statistically significant

285 predictors of habitat occupancy by females (Table 1). Sustained ant abundance and thick leaf

286 litter showed a statistically highly significant relationship with female occupancy whereas the

287 relationship with the presence of rearing sites was barely significant. Females spent more

288 time in those grid cells with higher values of these three variables while the presence or

289 absence of debris clusters was not statistically associated with female occupancy.

290 3.3 Agonistic interactions

291 Eight of the eleven focal females were involved in a total of 18 agonistic female-female

292 interactions. Three females were involved in one aggressive interaction, three females in

293 two, one female in four and one female in five aggressive interactions. All except one of the

294 interactions took place in the core area of a female home range. In all of these aggressive

295 interactions the resident female initiated and dominated the conflict (Figure 2b).

296 3.4 Ecological and behavioural differences between core areas and home ranges

297 Only ants but no other insects were captured in the traps. In the core areas (median,

298 interquartile range: 5.33, 1.62) we trapped significantly more ants per grid m² than in the

299 remaining home range (median, interquartile range: 2.52, 1.91; Figure 3a). Accordingly most

300 feeding attempts (77%) occurred in the core areas (Figure 3b). In the home ranges, the

301 average number of feeding attempts per m² varied from 0.06 to 17.8 (median, interquartile

302 range: 2.24, 3.48). In the core area, the number of feeding attempts per grid ranged from


303 19.5 to 110 and was much higher than in the remaining home range (median, interquartile

304 range: 31.7, 20.7). The percentage of grids with more than 50% ground covered with leaf

305 litter was higher in the core areas (median, interquartile range: 72.7, 13.3) than in the home

306 ranges (median, interquartile range: 51.4, 18.7; Figure 3c). The percentage of grids with

307 debris cluster overlapped largely between both core areas (median, interquartile range 12.5,

308 33.3) and home ranges (median, interquartile range 8.6, 11.2; Figure 3d). The percentage of

309 grids with plants that offer tadpole rearing sites was variable but twice as high in core areas

310 (median, interquartile range: 38.1, 33.3) than in the remaining home range (median,

311 interquartile range: 17.6, 8.7; Figure 3e).


313 Our study combined behavioural observations, capture of prey items in pitfall traps, records

314 of ecological predictor variables with the calculation of the home range sizes and habitat

315 occupancy patterns to investigate the spatial relationship between female territorial and

316 feeding behaviour to the distribution of potential resources. The habitat occupancy of

317 territorial female frogs was mainly determined by the distribution of their main food source:

318 ants. Other important factors for female distribution were the presence of leaf litter and

319 potential tadpole rearing sites. While ants provide the female with important energy, leaf

320 litter might offer shelter and humidity to the frogs and maybe ants. Tadpole rearing sites

321 were more loosely connected to female distribution but obviously females visit them to feed

322 their tadpoles. Females defended only a small part of the larger home range which

323 corresponds to the core area or 50% kernel density function. Behavioural observations

324 revealed that most feeding events and almost all aggressive interactions with other females

325 took place here. The defence of food might be particularly important in females of species


326 displaying high mating activities and energy demanding brood care. Besides reproduction,

327 the consumption of ants and other small insects is critical to these aposematic frogs since

328 they obtain toxic alkaloids from their insect prey for subsequent storage in their skin glands.

329 In conclusion our data confirm the hypothesis that female frogs defend rewarding feeding

330 sites.

331 4.1 Territoriality, resource use and occupancy patterns in females

332 Our results also support the ecologically more general hypothesis, initially developed by

333 Emlen & Oring (1977), that the evolution of territoriality is driven by the spatial distribution

334 of resources and that these resources must be economically defensible. Female strawberry

335 poison frogs defend food resources against other females and are able to successfully repel

336 conspecific females which try to invade their territories. While data on female territoriality

337 are scarce for amphibian species, territoriality is better studied in mammals. In this group

338 some studies demonstrated that females defend access to food (Ostfeld, 1990) since

339 maternal investment is linked to high demands for energy during pregnancy and lactation.

340 The behaviour of female strawberry poison frogs mostly coincides with the strategy of

341 female mammals defending food. Like in mammals our females heavily invest in maternal

342 care. Maternal care mainly consists of tadpole provisioning with nutritive eggs which

343 requires high amounts of energy. There is another aspect in which female frogs behave like

344 mammal females: as mammal females during pregnancy and lactation (Rosvall, 2011)

345 strawberry poison frog females are more aggressive towards other females during periods of

346 tadpole feeding (Haase & Pröhl, 2001).

347 Besides insect prey, tadpole rearing sites, i.e. small water filled leaf axils, are critical

348 resources to strawberry poison frog females (Weygoldt, 1980; Donnelly, 1989). After


349 hatching of the terrestrial clutch the females transport their tadpoles to these small water

350 bodies; since food for tadpoles is scarce in these tiny pools, female return to their strictly

351 oophagous tadpoles every few days to feed them with nutritive eggs. Since females use

352 several tadpole rearing sites at different places in the forest (Brust, 1990; Pröhl & Hödl,

353 1999) they are not able to stay in close proximity and defend their tadpoles or tadpole

354 rearing sites. Also females are continuously assessing potential rearing sites, probably

355 because these are not always filled with enough water and therefore present no stable and

356 reliable resources for reuse (Brust, 1990). Nevertheless we found more tadpole rearing sites

357 inside the core areas of the females than in the rest of the home ranges. The proximity of

358 rearing sites might help females to save time and energy when there is nedd to feed the

359 tadpoles.

360 While the diversity of parental care strategies is impressive in amphibians, maternal

361 provisioning of the tadpoles with food (mostly unfertilised eggs) is restricted to the genus

362 Oophaga, some other dendrobatid species, and a number of tropical tree frogs (Wells, 2007).

363 To our knowledge provisioning of the young with maternal produced material (e.g. eggs,

364 secretions, nutrients via uterus) does not occur in fish or reptiles, but is the rule in mammals

365 and birds (Alcock, 2005; Kvarnemo, 2010). In frogs and mammals only the females provide

366 food. However in many bird species, parents of both sexes work hard to find food for their

367 brood, therefore live in pairs (social monogamy) and defend a common territory with nest

368 and feeding sites. This difference between mammals and frogs on one hand and birds on the

369 other might be explained by the the high energy needs of endothermous bird young and the

370 need to grow quickly for minimizing time in the nest and predation risk (Alcock 2005).

371 The distribution of female strawberry poison frogs is governed by two independent

372 resources – prey and tadpole rearing sites – and therefore shows that it is not sufficient to


373 restrict data collection to single resources. Together with male territoriality (Pröhl & Hödl,

374 1999), our frogs provide a beautiful example for the notion that habitat structure and

375 resource distribution in a species are fundamental for the evolution of its, in this case

376 polygamous, mating system.

377 4.2 Aposematism and diet specialisation

378 Oophaga pumilio is an aposematic species, i.e. the frogs combine their conspicuous

379 coloration with toxic alkaloids in skin glands for avoiding to be eaten by predators. The

380 alkaloids are sequestered from their insect prey, mainly ants and mites (Saporito et al., 2004,

381 2007). In our study area we mainly found myrmicine ants (Table 2). These ants are

382 considered as potential dietary sources for histrionicotoxins (HTX) (Saporito et al. 2007)

383 which are the most frequent toxins in male frogs in Hitoy Cerere (Staudt, Meneses Ospina &

384 Pröhl, 2010). Our study showed ants to be more abundant in the territories of the females,

385 thus ant distribution influences the distribution and territorial behaviour of the females.

386 Even though ants seem to present the most important food items to female frogs (Donnelly,

387 1991) mites also provision the frogs with toxic alkaloids (Takada et al., 2005; Saporito et al.,

388 2007). For unknown reasons we were unable to capture mites with our pitfall traps. Future

389 studies should apply appropriate ecological methods for mite collection (Saporito, Zuercher,

390 Roberts, Gerow & Donelly, 2007) and relate mite distribution to frog distribution will be a

391 nice complement to this study and will help to improve our understanding of how different

392 prey types shape the distribution of their predators.

393 Aposematic animals are supposed to differ in their behaviour, physiology and toxicity

394 from cryptic animals (Pough & Taigen, 1990; Pröhl & Ostrowski, 2011; Santos & Cannatella,

395 2011). Oophaga pumilio is one of the most poisonous species and one with the most

396 complex and costly maternal care among the Dendrobatidae (Daly, Myers & Whittaker, 1987; 17

397 Brust, 1993; Pröhl & Hödl 1999). In this family the cryptic species are ancestral, while the

398 aposematic species are phylogenetically more derived (Santos, Coloma & Cannatella, 2003).

399 Several studies confirmed an evolutionary trend toward the aposematic antipredator

400 strategy from cryptic ancestors in the group and found several co-evolving characters. The

401 aposematic frogs spend more time with active foraging in larger areas, capture more prey

402 items, have a higher aerobic metabolism and narrower dietary niche breath, while

403 specializing their diet mainly on ants, and to a lower degree on mites or termites (Pough &

404 Taigen 1990; Caldwell 1996; Darst, Menéndez-Guerrero, Coloma & Cannatella, 2005). It is

405 possible that territoriality connected to the defence of toxic food is more common in

406 aposematic animals than in more cryptic animals and an integral behavioural element of the

407 aposematic phenotype (see Santos & Cannatella, 2011). How the highly evolved and costly

408 maternal care is correlated to aposematic traits has not been tested for dendrobatid frogs .

409 To our knowledge a possible phenotypic association between territorial behaviour, costly

410 brood care, chemical defence and conspicuous colouration has not been studied in any

411 animal group.

412 4.3 Future directions

413 In summary our study showed a connection between female territorial behaviour and the

414 distribution of an important food resource in a frog species. However in many species the

415 behaviour varies geographically or among different habitat types (e.g. Pröhl, Willink,

416 Hauswaldt, 2013; Foster, 2013). The strawberry poison frog occurs in a variety of habitat

417 types, differing in vegetation, predation regime (Dreher, Cummings & Pröhl, 2015) and

418 probably climate and prey community. Therefore one aim in future research projects should

419 be to verify whether female habitat occupancy and territorial behaviour is influenced by food


420 resources in other populations. Furthermore the strawberry poison frog as well as other

421 polymorphic poison frogs, offer the fascinating possibility to find out how the availability and

422 distribution of toxic prey relates to the evolution of the aposematic phenotype.



425 We thank the government of Costa Rica (MINAE; Servicio de Parques Nacionales) for permis-

426 sion to conduct research in the Biological Reserve of Hitoy Cerere (MINAE/SINAC permit No.

427 ACLAC-PI-005-2012) and the staff at the Biological Reserve for their support. The German

428 Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Research Foundation (DFG) supported

429 this work.



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607 TABLE 1 Standardised parameter estimates, lower and upper 95% confidence intervals (LCI, UCI), and 608 results of the likelihood-ratio tests (LRT) for predictors of female Oophaga pumilio habitat occupancy 609 as estimated by the spatial generalized mixed effect model. Significant effects are highlighted in bold, 610 SAI: sustained abundance index.


612 Predictor Estimate LCI UCI chi2 (LRT) p-value (LRT) 613 Ants SAI 0.854 0.473 1.236 17.897 0.0000 614 Debris clusters 0.393 -0.355 1.140 0.843 0.3585 615 Leaf litter 0.789 0.329 1.256 11.563 0.0007 616 617 Rearing sites 0.538 0.056 1.020 4.352 0.0370 618612 619 613 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636



615 TABLE 2 Ants (Formicidae) genera found in the study area, their taxonomic classification (subfamily) 616 and number captured.

Ants genera Subfamily No. captured Acromyrmex Myrmicinae 1 Atta 3 Cyphomyrmex 2 Pheidole 100 Solenopsis 442 Wasmannia 5 Brachymyrmex 8 Camponotus 3 Paratrechina 34 Ectatomma Ectatommine 6 Gnamptogenys 17 Pachycondyla Ponerinae 3 617





621 FIGURE 1 Distribution of predictor variables for female habitat occupancy across the grid 622 system in the study plot.


624 FIGURE 2 Habitat occupancy of female Oophaga pumilio in the study plot. A) Spatial habitat 625 occupancy: the plot shows the proportion of time spent on each grid cell averaged across the 626 11 females studied. B) Distribution of home ranges (grey areas) and core areas (red grid 627 cells). The location of recorded aggressive events is indicated with dots.


629 FIGURE 3 Behavioural and ecological differences between female core areas and home 630 ranges: 3a) Number of ants, 3b) feeding attempts, 3c) clusters of leaf litter, 3d) debris 631 clusters, 3e) tadpole rearing sites.




634 635

636 FIGURE 1







642 FIGURE 2









650 FIGURE 3