Subject: Disposal of Fire Apparatus Meeting Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 Prepared By: Debra Grosfield, Protective Services Manager Presented By: Debra Grosfield, Protective Services Manager Link to Strat Plan: Providing Good Governance

Recommended That Council approve the donation of K2 and E11 to Society for Firefighters Motion: Abroad (ASFA).

That Council approve keeping E21 for training and out of service temporary replacement, however to no longer fund this on the Capital Replacement Plan.

Background/ has purchased 4 engines that replaced two rentals (Torrington, Proposal Trochu areas), and two in-service engines (Acme, Carbon areas) which we are looking to dispose of, as well as spare K2.

K2 is a 1986 Mack pumper that has been in storage as a spare unit when any of the area’s units are out of service (repairs/training), however it requires major repairs to be useful to us.

Engine E11 (Carbon) is a 1999 GMC that has now passed its NFPA front line life cycle.

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Engine E21 (Acme) is a 2000 Freightliner that has had low maintenance issues and may still be used as a spare for out of service (repairs/training).

Discussion/ #1. Donation: K2 and Engine E11 Options/ Benefits/ “The Alberta Society for Firefighters Abroad (ASFA) is on a mission to build the Disadvantages: capacity and safety of firefighters and emergency services abroad through apparatus, equipment and training projects.

ASFA is a society made up of past and present emergency responders, community members and supporters. Our association operates out of Lacombe, Alberta but we have members and supporters in various areas throughout the Province of Alberta. Our primary base of operations abroad is in Paraguay where we have successfully made 7 significant donations to numerous fire departments. Most recently in October of 2019 we donated and subsequently trained on an Aerial apparatus donated by DOW .

We strive to deliver what we consider a total package donation to our partners. When a truck is donated we also send down enough equipment, PPE and supplies that the truck can be in-service when it arrives. Shortly after the arrival of the truck and equipment, a small group travels down to Paraguay to train the receiving department on the use and maintenance of the apparatus and equipment.

While we do not have exact cities determined at this time we do have numerous pending requests for apparatus in Paraguay, which is where the Kneehill County trucks would go. Our general practice is to wait until we have donations secured prior to opening up for final requests for the trucks.

Our requirements to receive a donation include; a secure place to store the apparatus and equipment (ideally a fully functional fire hall), a demonstration of support from the Municipality the fire department is based in and a shown ability to fundraise. The fundraising requirement helps us to ensure the donation goes to a sustainable department and will have a long second life.

We also strive to maintain regular communications with the departments we partner with and often troubleshoot issues and help with SOP development via chat groups and virtual calls.”

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Advantages: A feel good story to donate apparatus to others in need. Do not have store these units, and no pump testing or maintenance costs.

Disadvantages: May have been able to sell the trucks to offset funding new trucks. Reuse: Move off Capital Replacement Plan: Engine E21 2000 Freightliner that has had low maintenance issues and may still be used as a spare for out of service (repairs/training).

#2: Engine E21 maintain operational Advantages: Would have an operational unit available for any time another apparatus was out of service in our area for maintenance, repairs or for training purposes.

Disadvantages: Requires maintenance and CVIP, pump testing, storage, insurance. Age of truck won’t meet NFPA standards for front line engine for an extended time. Storage area at shop yard may be used for other storage of assets. This unit could bring a higher sale price due to age and condition.

#3: Disposal of one, two or all three disposal of assets procedures Advantages: Receive some funding through the sale of these trucks to put back into the Capital Replacement Plan Reserve.

Disadvantages: Having no back up truck for times when apparatus is out of service.

#4: Disposal of one, two or all three through donation process Advantages: A feel good story to donate apparatus to others in need. Do not have store these units, and no pump testing or maintenance costs.

Disadvantages: Having no back up truck for times when apparatus is out of service.

Financial Disposal 1: K2 1986 Mack pumper Year-end asset life is estimated at $3000 on Implications: capital plan.

Disposal 2: Engine E11 1999 GMC Year-end asset life is estimated at $1000 on capital plan.

E21 operational costs approximately $4000 per year (plus repairs if necessary). Storage area identified in KC Shop building in yard. This unit could bring a higher sale price than the others.

Council Options: 1. That Council donate K2 and E11 to Alberta Society for Firefighters Abroad (ASFA). 2. That Council approves maintaining ownership of E21 for training and out of

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service temporary replacement, however to no longer fund this on the Capital Replacement Plan. 3. That Council disposes of one, two, or three trucks through disposal of assets procedures. 4. That Council disposes of one, two or three trucks through the donation process.

Recommended ☒ Directive Decision (Information Sharing-One way communication) Engagement: Goal: To educate and inform citizens Tools: ☐ Individual Notification or ☒ Public Notification ☐ Consultative Decision (Consulting the Public – Two way communication) Goal: To seek feedback, test ideas, develop concepts and collaborative solutions Tools: ☐ Public Hearing ☐ Open House ☐ Focus Group ☐ Other- ☐ Collaborative Decision (Active Participation- Share or delegate decision making) Goal: To share or delegate decision making Tools: ☐ Participatory Decision Making ☐ Inter-Municipal Agreement ☐ Other-

Attachments: N/A

Follow-up Disposition of K2, E11 and E21 as per Council’s decision. Actions:

Director Approval: CAO Approval: Laurie Watt, Director Community Services Mike Haugen, Chief Administrative Officer

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