Changes to the Municipal Government Act that Affect all Municipalities: IDPS and ICFs

On October 26, 2017 the Province of approved a number of amendments to the Municipal Government Act (MGA) including a requirement for all municipalities in the province that share a common boundary to develop and have in place an Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) and an Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) by the spring of 2020. Neighbouring municipalities that have an existing IDP may also have to update their current IDP in order to comply with the new regulations.

Since the date that these new regulations have come into effect, has been working with its neighbouring municipalities in order to develop ICFs, as well as IDPs where necessary, in accordance with the new Provincial requirements. Frequently Asked Questions:

What is an Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF)?

Municipalities with a common border are required to create an ICF with each other within two years of the provincial regulations coming into effect. ICFs will address the sharing of services on an intermunicipal basis. The Provincial ICF Regulations outline the requirements with respect to how municipalities deal with among other things: exemptions; duties; alignment of other bylaws; the arbitration process for creating frameworks; the dispute resolution process; and judicial review.

What is an Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP)?

The purpose of an IDP is to provide neighbouring municipalities with a high level, comprehensive long range land use plan for lands immediately surrounding or adjacent to another municipality such as a village, town, city or an adjacent county. IDPs provide joint policy direction for proposals for future development; transportation systems; intermunicipal infrastructure; environmental matters; coordination of intermunicipal programs related to physical, social and economic development; dispute resolution; and procedures to amend the plan.

Why? All neighbouring municipalities must approve an IDP and ICF in accordance with the Alberta Government requirement outlined in the Municipal Government Act (ICF Regulations (AR 191/2017) Part 17.2).

When? Regulations requiring ICFs and IDPs come into effect April 1, 2018 and are required to be completed by April 1, 2020.

IDP and ICF Progress To Date

Below is a list of the various IDPs and ICFs that Red Deer County has completed with the following municipalitiies:

Town of Sylvan Lake Village of Village of Elnora Town of Bowden Town of Town of Innisfail

Current IDP and ICF Projects

Red Deer County is currently working on IDPs and ICFs with , , Clearwater County and the City of Red Deer (ICF). Each of these IDPs and ICFs are at various stages of completion but are all projected to be completed prior to April 2020. The County is also involved with a joint IDP project that involves all the Summer Villages surrounding Sylvan Lake, the Town of Sylvan Lake and .

All draft IDPs will be made available on the County’s website once they are considered ready for public viewing and well in advance of County approval.

The dates and times for public hearings will be advertised in the Red Deer County News, on the County’s website and as well as within the applicable municipality’s newsletters/newspapers and websites. Landowners within and directly adjacent to an IDP plan area will also be notified of any upcoming public hearing via referral letter.


If you have any questions regarding this initiative in general or regarding any specific IDP please contact the Red Deer County Office at 403-350-2170.