Title: Pygmalion Book I Series: The Praetorians Chapters: 1-21 Author: DocPaul Author’s email: [email protected] Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: none, this is an AU. Disclaimers: The concepts and names are the same, but the characters belong to me. I give them life, more life than Roswell, better lives. Warnings: This is a dark universe. There is bondage, domination, slap and tickles, bloodletting and blood-sports, and child birthing…so be prepared. Oh, and slash…does that need a warning? Summary: Months after Alex dropped his bomb on the podsters, they slowly began to explore their alien powers, but the news tore apart their lives and their concepts of who they were. Left adrift in confusion they were further threatened as their world exploded in fire, hate and destruction. And Pygmalion awakes his Galatea….it is the awakening of the King. Author’s note: The hardest part of writing this story is the increase in action, players, and relationships. This is one fast hard ride, and I hope to lose none of you along the way. In the third part of the trilogy we finally see what has been going on since the beginning…the creation of a legend. First came the Praetorians, the strong guards of the realm, and now finally rises a King. In this story there is a ‘causality loop.’ The question becomes, what came first…the chicken or the egg?


And Galatea, by the sea, with her arms unfurled and hands wide open…

For Arimi and Vin

Chapter One: When Oedipus wept…

Day One: Tuesday, 7:30 am


1 stopped pouring his morning coffee and looked at their damn kleptomaniac, sometimes calico, sometimes black cat who was staring at him almost innocently. “Our mistress bellows, and she ain’t sounding happy. What did you do?”

Maria Deluca appeared at the top of the stairs and tossed a shoe down at him, just barely missing his head as he ducked.

“What is this?”

Michael looked at the footwear as it lay on the floor next to him, after having bounced off the refrigerator. “A shoe?”

“A shoe? Bastard! Of course it’s a shoe!!! Dammit, Michael, it’s not one of mine!”

Michael looked at it again. “It is too one of yours. I know. I bought it for you.”

“It’s a flat...a slipper. I don’t own slip-on shoes. It’s...oh god! It’s ugly!” Maria’s voice echoed in horror. “And there are more of them in my closet.”

“I bought you thirteen pairs in different colors to go with all your clothes.” Michael thought the damn shoes were perfect. He had found one style that looked filled the bill and ordered all the color combinations available. She could be a little more grateful, maybe say thank you…or offer him a quick roll in the sack in appreciation...

“Where are they? Where are my babies?”

Michael looked at her as if she was insane. The 'baby' was in that cute little tight basketball in front of her, all snug and fed for now.

“My shoes, Michael! Where are my shoes? The leather pumps, the sliders, the strappy-heeled sandals...the entire tribute to the House of Choo!”

2 Michael ducked again as another shoe came hurtling towards his head. He knew he shouldn’t have let her join the co-ed PD baseball team this last summer. Her aim was deadly.

“Now, Maria.... Those shoes are lethal. Not a single pair had under a three-inch heel.

They’re murder on your feet, bad for your legs, even make them cramp...and you could fall off them and hurt yourself or the baby!”

“My shoes! You stole my shoes! All of them! You...you...bastard!” Maria was shaking so hard she could feel the baby moving in distress. Resting her hand on her pregnant tummy in comfort, she tried to reassure her child that she wasn’t going to murder his father, just maim the sneaky, no good, no-account…

“If you’d just calm down. This can’t be good for the baby, and...” That was obviously the wrong thing to say as another shoe came whizzing past his head.

“First my clothes. Nothing too revealing, too low cut...nothing too tight or confining, nothing above the knees...” Maria’s voice was rising in anger and frustration. “You bought me an ugly dress for my birthday! It was ugly, and it was...gray!”

“It cost a small fortune.” Michael winced as he heard more items falling from the upper landing. She was getting more and more agitated. Maybe he should’ve talked to her about the shoes before stealing them from her closet.

“Great! A Versace, gray prison gown! It was still ugly!” Maria felt tired, spent.

Sinking to the ground by the upper banister, she laid her head against the wood. “Get out!

Max is here, so just leave. Please.”

Michael frowned and walked around the kitchen bar towards the stairs, but as he did so, Maria suddenly stood up and walked away. The bathroom door slammed behind her.

3 Max was stunned at how fast Michael was vacating the loft. Usually he had to wait for his partner for what seemed like hours. This was not good. Trouble in paradise.

“What happened?”

Michael just shrugged when he got into the car. “Nothing. Let's go.”

Max turned off the engine and put his hands on the steering wheel. “Michael...”

“Fine! We had a fight. Actually Maria had the fight. I just did lots of ducking.”

Max threw Michael a measured look. “What did you do?”

“Nothing!” Michael cussed at his partner’s grimace of disbelief. Why the fuck did

Max always assume he was in the wrong? “I boxed away all of Maria’s shoes and replaced them with some nice, orthopedic, arch-support, flat slip-ons that don’t need to be buckled or even tied.”

“You stole her shoes?” Max looked at Michael in disbelief. “You stole the shoes of a woman who gets a pink fuzzy feeling from each new pair, and walks on air whenever she goes shopping for them? Whose entire side of her dressing room closet houses a wall of shoes?”

“It took me eight trips to get them all.” Michael looked at his partner and tossed up his hands. “What? I replaced them! With a style more appropriate and safe.”

“Michael.” Max just shook his head. “What were you thinking? Maria’s over six months pregnant. She has had you hounding her twenty-four/seven, putting her on a feeding schedule every three hours. You cancelled your on-calls. You don’t do stakeouts.

You dictate her clothes and her schedule. You nagged her until she stopped working at the

4 museum. Now she puts up with you almost every moment of the day as you watch her and scrutinize her. As you carry on being psychotically neurotic and territorial...”

“She’s having an alien baby!”

“You’re smothering her! We don’t even know what the fuck having an alien baby even means! There’s no one to tell us.” Max rubbed his face. “What do you think she’s doing now? Right now?”

Crying. She was crying. Michael just sat back and closed his eyes.

“Take off. Tell Cap I’ll be in as soon as I can.” Michael got out of the car and went back inside, turning as he did so, to look at his partner’s new car. A Volvo...a Volvo sedan no less. Damn. Nothing like chasing the bad guys in a family car with a childseat in the back.

The loft was quiet. He went upstairs and the first thing he noticed was that the bathroom door was open and the lights were out. Stopping, he looked around for her. It was the sound of sniffling coming from her closet that drew him into their bedroom.

She was lying on the floor in front of her empty shoe racks, clad only in her dressing gown. Curled up in a small ball, she was crying as she stared at the place where her shoes should have been and weren't. Mr. Boo was worriedly in attendance. The cat saw Michael first and growled his displeasure.

Michael went to Maria and reached down to cup her face, making look at him. The sadness there, the utter unhappiness, was more than he could take. Picking her up, he took her back into the bedroom and laid her on the bed, then joining her there.

“I’m sorry. I’ll bring them back.”

5 She just shook her head, not saying anything.

“I didn't do this right. I should’ve told you I was worried. I should have talked to you and then took you shopping for new shoes, instead of taking control.”

“I understand.” He hated her small voice with its lack of enthusiasm and real conviction. The two of them were having hard times. It wasn’t just the baby, the blood and the creeping tiredness that seemed to take over more and more each day. It was the


The alien thing. Ever since that day when all of them connected, things had changed.

Michael couldn't stop melting things, or blowing them up or picking up visions from objects at crime scenes. He had always been different, an outsider, but somehow he had always found ways to deal with it before. This was something new. He was no longer human, and because of him Maria was changing too.

The connection she had made with the group through the baby had altered her. She was too sensitive to touch, too sensitive to heat and cold, along with other things they had yet to understand. Life kept changing, and changing fast. She was scared. Tess was blissfully free of any problems except an increase in powers, but Maria was suffering.


“You should go to work.” Her voice was cold and emotionless.

He turned her face again, forcing her to not ignore him. Framing her temples, he leaned in as she shut her eyes and he kissed away her tears. Rubbing his face into hers, he murmured, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you unhappy or to make you cry.”

“I know. It’s just...” Maria’s voice faltered.

“Just what?”

6 Maria’s fingers gripped his arms hard. “I need to feel...normal or at least settled, and everything's been so hard lately. Finding my shoes gone was just the last straw.”

“I know. I wish I could find out more without exposing us.” Michael leaned into her, kissing her neck. “I can’t take a chance some 'Men in Black' types in suits will kidnap you and the baby. That they’ll want to study you, poke and prod you...and maybe harm you.”

Maria just sighed and pulled her courage back together. “Michael...I feel strange.”

Michael looked at her, saw the seriousness of her face, and pulled back from her a little. “Strange? How?” His faced clouded. “Are you in pain?”

“No. Yes. No...not really.” Maria reached down and opened her robe. Michael followed her glance.

Color was streaking over her skin, moving at an alarming rate of speed. Her hands shook and she looked up to meet his eyes. She was luminescent, glowing.

“How long?”

“Since yesterday. It doesn’t last long, and not all the time. Just when I get emotional.

I can feel it start.”

Michael framed her face. “Does it hurt?”

Maria paused before shaking her head. “Not in the sense of pain. I just feel jumpy inside, like a live wire. And there are these flashes - not really pain, just like flashes of light. White and brilliant.”

Michael rubbed his hand down her body to touch her skin. He watched as the color streak followed his hand, seeming to concentrate under it. It was her response that startled

7 him. She tossed her head back and moaned. At first he was afraid she had moaned in pain, but then he felt it too.

He cleared his throat. That was...okay. “Did you just...”

“Orgasm? Oh yeah!” It was the too sensitive to touch thing again. “It just prickles, but your touch pushed it over the edge. Thank you.” Maria laughed at that. Kissing him deeply, she pulled him even closer. “If you’d bring back my shoes, we could explore this new and interesting development.”

“I’ll bring them back immediately.” Michael kept kissing her. His attraction to her had remained constant, but this was recent. It seemed like when they connected they also connected to their child, very much like an imprint.

“Michael?” Maria had to confess. She wasn’t certain, but somehow it became more apparent each day…

“Hmm?” He was nuzzling her head with his nose.

“The baby.”

He stilled...“Yeah?”

“There are two.”


He entered the room, worried. He waited as the man slowly turned in his seat, rotating around to face him. Pierce.


8 “The outside committee from Atlantic City wants to know if you can move more money through the Operation. Their laundering service was shut down.”

Pierce smiled without humor. “How much more?”

“A few million a week.”

“Tell them it is possible, but the percentage points will go up by three. If that is agreeable then...it will be done.”

His assistant nodded and started to leave, but hesitated at the door.


“The Westside gaming numbers were shut down last night.”

Pierce stood up and then walked over to his assistant, his eyes like dark pits of burning fire.

“Where was our protection, the safety net?”

“It didn’t activate.”

“Who took the bust?”

“Major Crimes...Guerin and Evans.”

His anger exploded and his assistant was tossed a few feet back against the wall. The man slowly tried to find his feet, feeling the blood in his mouth. Coughing, he met his boss's eyes.

“Kill our inside man’s family pet. Deliver it in pieces, and tell him that next time it will be one of his children or his wife. When I pay for a service, I expect results.”

The cowering man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. “Wouldn’t it be easier to just take out Guerin and Evans, or even DeLuca and Valenti?”

9 Pierce turned and walked back to his desk and looked at his assistant with an evil smile. “I told you. They are protected. All of them. Make their lives uncomfortable, even hard, but not a one of them is to be harmed.” DeLuca could die, but the far reaching effects would be devastating. No. Actually DeLuca needed to be protected too.

“But, Sir...”

“You have my orders.” He turned his back to door looking out over his small domain. Roswell.

His private line rang. He reached over, not even bothering to see if his assistant still remained.

“Yes.” Pierce said as the young voice came over the line.

“There’s a new faction in town. The deaths are piling up and getting harder to hide...we should meet.”

Pierce frowned. “A meet? I don’t think so. If the man himself wants a deal then he has my number, but things aren’t so unstable that we need to push. If I find any of your dried skin rejects in my areas, you’ll need to collect the dust.”

He hung up the phone. They all wanted something from him. It was a mistake to leave the silver handprint so close to them. It had brought the others, and at one look, the

Royals had been exposed. They didn’t even know it. In the last four months, they were still struggling to just understand what it meant. Maybe it was time to plant some bread crumbs…

He would be needing them soon. Alive...or at least at first. He smiled a real smile for once, full of genuine amusement. The smile faded as other thoughts took over. He couldn’t afford for anything to interrupt the flow of Destiny. That meant all of them,

10 regardless how much of an inconvenience they were, needed to be kept safe. Especially the commander’s children and his mate.

Laughing, he sat back and stared off at the sky lost in his own thoughts. Time to get back to his other life before he was missed. It was coming near. The King was awakening.


“Jim, honey? Did you want to meet me at the restaurant tonight or should I just come home so we can go together?”

Jim turned to look at his wife and smiled. Amy was standing by the open door of his car. She looked the perfect picture. After over four months of marriage, he still couldn’t stop being amazed over the fact that she had finally married him.

Today she had talked him out of his car, since she had a delivery scheduled and needed more room than was available in her Jetta, which matched Maria’s. He was standing at the curb looking down the street, wondering when the hell his son was going to get there. He needed to get to work.

With the pregnancies and the other thing...the alien thing, Kyle was reluctant to leave

Tess alone. She was fast moving into her eighth month of pregnancy, and Kyle ran through a whole checklist of things every morning with her just in case she went into labor. Now that they knew the child was special because of alien genetics, papas Kyle and Max were like demented mother hens.

11 “Just meet me at the restaurant, honey. At this rate I’m never getting to work, so I’ll need the extra time to clear my desk.”

Amy nodded and chuckled at her husband and his irritated gestures as he paced in front of their house. Catching her husband’s eyes she mouthed an ‘I love you’ as she got into the car.

The engine choked. She attempted to start it again. Jim turned to look at his car in puzzlement. He just had it serviced yesterday and they had delivered it for him. She turned the key in the ignition again as the engine struggled to turn over. It was like a rush of electricity as the flywheel engaged, and the engine finally caught…

Amy? “Amy! No!”

Jim rushed towards his car, trying to reach the door and her in time. It was as if the distance was too long, too far to run, and the door separating her from him was too heavy to move as time seemed to sluggishly pass into endless frames of slow motion...

Kyle came around the corner, already practicing his excuse for being tardy when his father’s car blew…


Julia gathered her bag and everything she needed for a day in court. She was up twice on the docket and had three depositions. Drowning Sean out in her own mind, she continued to get dressed, ignoring him.

“Stop that!”

12 Julia continued her preparations to leave. He had already made her late three times in the last week. It was the same argument. Sean grabbed her arm to keep her from getting away from him.

“Dammit, Julia. Stop shutting me out!”

Sighing, Julia looked at him, and against her will her eyes softened. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to do that.”

She was lying. She did want him on the outside. Over the last four months their lives kept entangling both personally and professionally, and six weeks ago he had moved into her house. Since then they had fought almost constantly, mostly about Pierce. Julia and her department had started a new taskforce for shutting down organized crime, and Pierce was at the top of the list. In the last two months the death threats and warnings had increased, along with Sean’s anger and paranoia.

“Look, Guerin and Evans took out Pierce’s numbers racket on the Westside before the leaks in the department could alert him, thanks to you and a speedy warrant. Don’t think he doesn’t know who's doing all the legwork by greasing the legal wheels.”

“I know. I know that he knows it’s me.” Julia sighed again. It was never easy. It never would be. Sean was who he was, and she was who she was. The same. It made them strange bedfellows at the very least. She didn’t want to lose him, but she couldn’t stop being her own person either. Michael and Maria had found a way to make it work with some pushing and pulling, but Sean wasn’t a man to be pushed or pulled unless he wanted to be.

Sean recognized that stubborn look on her face. They had fought about it last night while they were over at Michael and Maria’s for dinner, and it only made things tenser as

13 they were getting ready for bed. He was steadily working on the shortest relationship of his life with his constant nagging, but Pierce wasn’t something to take lightly.

“I’m sorry. I know it’s your job. But I can’t keep thinking that one day I’ll walk in here and I’ll be too late. That Pierce’s men would’ve found you hiding in the closet, or it’ll be your body in the bed.” Sean rubbed his neck. “Tell me how to stop worrying, how to just shut it off.”

Julia went to him, her hand moving up his arm to his shoulder and then circling his neck. Leaning into him, she met his mouth in a full long kiss. Aaaaah....this man. He pissed her off most of the time. He was irritatingly charming, bold, brash, and his humor was only surpassed by his ability to cook. He was everything she had ever wanted and everything she usually avoided. Perfect.

Stroking his cheek she couldn’t just let him get away with it. “I can’t tell you how. I can’t. It's the same thing I have to do every time you strap on your holster and load your gun. Every day you walk out of here and I know you could die this day. I know that I might open my door to Michael, Max, or Kyle telling me that you were taken again and beaten almost to death, or that you took a bullet. Do you honestly think that knowing you died in the line of duty would in any way compensate me for your loss?”


“Any spouse or significant other involved with a police officer has to learn to cope with harsh realities. So my world touches yours more than just in the bedroom. I cope with your job. You need to learn to cope with mine.”

Julia pulled away to grab her jacket. Sean pulled her back. “It’s not the same!”

She kissed him softly. “It is the same. We’re the same. You need to figure that out.”

14 “You’re a lawyer, dammit. Courtrooms, briefs, and being a royal thorn in my side.

You don’t need to always concern yourself with high profile cases, like Pierce, and taking down his operation.”

“He left a freakin' body in my bed!”

“That wasn’t a damn invitation, Mac! It wasn’t a ‘Come play with me, I’ll be your bitch, come on’.” Sean grabbed her other arm and forced her to look at him. “It was a warning.”

“I know. I know what it was. And who and what would I be to back off, scared and shaking? How can I do my job that way, when the likes of Pierce can send me scurrying at the first hint of violence? He warns me and I run? Is that what you want from me?

What am I? Pierce’s puppet?”

Sean watched as her eyes darkened. Her breathing became short and fast, and her skin took on a healthy glow. ADA Julia in her anger was an awesome creature to behold.

“I’m no man’s puppet! Not Pierce’s, and the sure as hell not yours! So you fuckin' back off, Sean! You decide. This is who I am. Can you take me as I am, or is this over?”

Over? Fuck that. Sean was so aroused at the moment he could hardly get his eyes to straighten the images. He loved her all hot and in control. His favorite thing. Crowding her into the counter, he kissed her hard. And he actually was unbuttoning her blouse before she knew it.

“You’re trying to make me late again.”

“Uh huh. Are you going to make me wear your high heels?” Sean asked with a naughty grin.

15 “Later.” Julia kissed him again and her hand found its way up under his t-shirt to his shoulders. Ready to pull it off over his head, she was forestalled by the ringing of his cell phone.

“Ignore it. Continue undressing me, Counselor.”

Julia nipped the side of his neck. “It might be important.”

“It might be Kyle wanting to know what type of donut I want...”

“Or it could be something else.” Sean met her eyes and reluctantly answered his phone.

“Yeah!” his gruff voice speaking his displeasure. Julia watched as his irritation was quickly replaced with a seriousness and alarm. He swore under his breath, and quickly spoke into the phone grabbing his jacket and gun.


Sean looked at her on his way out the door. “Cap’s car was bombed this morning.

Kyle had just arrived when it happened.”

“Oh God! Was he hurt?”

Sean nodded. “Both him and Amy. They took them to the hospital. It doesn’t look good.”

Julia grabbed her bag and followed him. “I’m coming with you!”


Max walked into the bullpen and smiled at the baby pacifier on his desk. Since his imminent parenthood had become public knowledge people had been leaving gifts of a

16 baby nature on both his and Kyle’s desks. Actually Max tended to get more condoms with detailed instructions, but he took it all in stride. Michael’s desk was already a display of baby junk and books all put there by Michael himself. He wasn’t a target. Max suspected that this was because most people were afraid of Michael.

Since they discovered what they were four months ago, Max actually wondered whether people didn’t have cause to worry. Michael had changed drastically. He was still

Michael, but whatever special talents that Michael had had before, were no comparison to what he had now. Michael now picked up actual flashes and images from objects. This left him confused and almost neurotic, so he went on a one-man quest to decipher his visions. In the process he solved some incredible crimes. It didn’t seem fair. Michael hadn't needed any boost in his detective abilities, but he sure got one.

It took them a long time to pin Alex down on the alien thing, and most of it still remained hidden from them. Alex Whitman wasn’t the most forthcoming individual in giving out information, but from what they could extract from him, it appeared there were more aliens walking the earth. Aliens not like the four of them. Alex called them Skins.

There were also Shapeshifters and Walkers.

Since that day, all of them starting displaying powers they never knew they had.

They could alter matter, rearranging the molecules almost like child’s play. All of them found they could unlock door and start cars, and numerous other tasks along the way.

Isabel was practicing the most. She altered her hair, her nail polish and her clothes several times a day. She and Liz had finally moved into their loft, and Liz being Parker, took it upon herself to scientifically investigate the changes in everyone, especially

Isabel. Together they devised experiments and the two were thicker than thieves, with

17 Isabel discovering another power as they went along, that being dreamwalking. Isabel wasn’t that discreet about her powers either, but one thing remained constant. She couldn’t dreamwalk Alex or Michael. They were closed books, or ones she was too afraid to open. Sean? Isabel woke up screaming from a Sean dream. It was that disturbing. For reasons she wouldn’t divulge, she didn't dreamwalk Maria either.

Max spent a lot of time with Isabel and Liz. When he wasn’t with them, he was over at Kyle and Tess’s doing baby things. Living alone, really alone for the first time in his life, except for the year Isabel was gone, Max was discovering himself. Actually the year

Isabel was gone didn’t count because he kept expecting her, waiting for her. Now his space was his own and everything he surveyed was his. His time no longer was relegated to many. But one day he suddenly woke up alone, and he was afraid. Afraid of not having a purpose, a chore other than himself. Once he calmed down and looked, really looked, he found his life wasn’t empty, just rearranged.

Isabel was there, across town with Liz, next to Michael and Maria. There was always

Michael and Maria. Max’s fascination with Maria was still there, but he was seeing it for what it was. She represented his hope that if she could find Michael Guerin and give him everything he wanted, then someday he, Max, would find the same thing. She was a touch of his soul. Max also had Tess and Kyle. The three of them went to Lamaze, to parenting classes, to doctor appointments, and sometimes he actually spent the night at their house just to be close to his son. He was having a son.

Max had spent weeks helping them prepare the nursery, and after they finished the three went to his apartment and created another nursery in his home. Baby Jack was always going to have a place in the hearts of all three of his parents. And then there was

18 Jonathan. He had Jonathan. Four months of dating a man, Max was still amazed at his daring. Jonathan wanted Max to move in with him, but Max refused. He needed his space, some time to really collect himself, think, and finally just be quiet inside. He had spent too many years hiding from himself, not even knowing his own nature, hiding behind a tree. He had covered up his isolation with women, lots of women. He was still unsure of his relationship with Jonathan except that he felt a need for the man, a draw that was undeniable, along with an unshakeable excitement. The problem was Jonathan.

“Max?” Max startled from his thoughts.

“Yeah, Rhonda? What is it?”

“Dispatch has a call for you. It’s urgent. Line three.” Max nodded down at his phone.

He hadn’t registered the ringing phone or the blinking light.

“Evans.” Max suddenly went still, and then his entire body moved. “On my way!”

Max took off in a run, already hitting his speed dial as he waited for the elevator.

“Rhonda, call dispatch. Tell them to roll extra support units, and I want Forensics on the scene immediately. Call Simon, tell him to get his butt there.”

Rhonda nodded and then paused as Max rushed in to the elevator. “Max, what scene? What is the location?”

Max stuck his head out of the elevator. “Cap’s house. His car was bombed this morning with Amy inside. We’ve got an officer down. Now move!”

Rhonda nodded her head immediately as she picked up the phone and started moving

Roswell’s finest to 101 W. Sycamore Street. Philips looked at his partner Waters, and they were immediately up and heading for the scene. As their elevator arrived, out exited

Hanson and Courtney.

19 “Hey, what’s the rush, boys? How about letting us get out with our guest?” Courtney shoved them back as Hanson struggled to get a hardened criminal out of the elevator.

They weren’t booking him. He was just in for interrogation, but the queer cross-dresser wasn’t too chipper about being rousted in a middle of a john.

“We’ve got an officer down!”

Courtney reached out a hand noticing the empty desks of Evans and especially

Guerin. “Who?”


Courtney breathed a silent sigh of relief, but then realized what they were saying.

Captain Valenti was down. “What happened?”

“Car bomb this morning. His house.” They jumped on the elevator and pushed the button before she could ask anything else. Courtney frowned. Valenti. That was one step too close to the Commander.

“Hey, Carl, can you take care of Princess Dick while I make a call?”

Hanson smiled and nodded. Oh yeah! He’d been observing Guerin’s interrogation techniques, and reading up on the process. His pleasure. Kicking the evil cross-dresser with a off the rack rag down in a chair in interrogation room three, Sam Hanson sneered at him.

“Sit down and shut up!” he growled and then quickly changed paces, “You want a glass of water or something to eat?”

Courtney rolled her eyes. Once again, she was going to have to explain that Good

Cop and Bad Cop were actually two cops playing a role, and not one cop playing both.

20 Courtney shut the interrogation room door deciding to let Hanson confuse the poor man into a confession.

“This is Courtney. We’ve got a situation.”


“Don’t you have to go to work?”

Michael laughed. “Trying to get rid of me?”

Maria appeared to be thinking about the situation, and then solemnly nodded.

“Absolutely, Detective. I can’t sneak out to do what I do all day if you're hawking over me.” She played with the button on his shirt. “I know that you’re taking too much time off for me.”

Michael kissed her, and moved his hand up over her stomach. “For us. All of us.”

Michael reached down and kissed her stomach and he felt it. Damn. Her entire stomach decided to shift under his mouth. “Twins? Maria, are you sure?”

“I don’t know. I can’t explain it. I just know. It’s like this...awareness. Just like I knew the moment I set eyes on you that you were an impregnator.”

Michael laughed at that. If they were looking at twins, then yep, that he was! “Okay, let’s have DocJim look at you. When is your next appointment?”

“I refuse to let you pretend you don’t know.”

Michael tried to look innocent, but failed and then just shrugged. Thursday. It was

Thursday. Two days away. She wasn’t supposed to be going every two weeks until the twenty-eighth week, but because of the problems she had early in the pregnancy, Maria

21 went to bimonthly health checks. Michael was convinced DocJim was going to change it to weekly. Maria hated feeling watched, prodded and pampered to the point of being smothered. “I’ll move it to tomorrow.”


Michael stopped as he picked up the phone and looked at her. Curious reaction.


Maria just shrugged. “I’ve got that glucose tolerance test, and that stuff I’m supposed to drink makes me sick to my stomach. The babies don’t like it.”

Michael was about to make some soothing comment, but the phone under his hand rang. “Yeah? Max, look...” Michael went still, and Maria frowned at his reaction.

“I’m on my way!” Michael slammed the phone down. Looking at Maria, he kissed her quickly. “Maria, get dressed. Now.”

“Michael?” She watched him roll out of their bed and rush down the stairs. He went through the garden to the other glass door across the way. Banging hard, he waited as Liz

Parker came to the door confused, still in her dressing gown and holding a cup of coffee.


“Liz, is Izzy home?”

“Yeah, she’s in the shower. She has a morning class.” Michael’s jaw clenched. “What is it? Maria? Is she...”

“Maria is fine for now.” Michael rubbed his face. “I don’t have time to explain. I need to go. Cap’s car was just blown up at his house this morning.” Michael ignored Liz’s sound of distress. “Amy was inside.”

“Oh God! Maria...”

22 “Doesn’t know yet. Look. They took Amy and Cap to the hospital, and I would take

Maria, but I need to go to the scene first, before everything is gone. You understand?”

Liz nodded. Of course. Michael would want to see if he could get a flash before too many hands picked over the remains. Whoever had targeted Jim would pay and they would pay hard, because they had harmed Amy too. Family. They had hurt Michael’s family.

“What can I do?”

“Tell Isabel and get dressed. I need the two of you to take Maria to the hospital and stay with her. She needs to keep calm until I can come to her. You got that?”

Liz nodded as Michael took off to tell Maria the bad news. “Iz!”

When Isabel and Liz entered the loft from the garden they came upon a wild scene as

Maria bolted past them, pacing around the room in a frenzy. She was crying and highly agitated. Isabel cringed when a vase on the sideboard exploded. Michael was watching her to make sure she didn't hurt herself. A terrified Mr. Boo had taken refuge under the couch.

“Michael, calm down!” Isabel couldn't believe her eyes.

“That wasn’t me.” The three watched as Maria’s agitated state continued. The pictures on the wall started to shake. “Maria! Maria, listen to me. You need to calm down! Now. I can’t let you go to hospital in this condition.” Michael tried to catch her around the center.

“Stop me!” She grabbed her coat and headed for the door and her car. She had just opened the door to the garage when it immediately slammed shut with Maria still inside

23 the loft. Standing there, shaking in fear, anger and rage, she tried to take deep calming breaths. “Michael, open the fucking door!”

“Not until you calm down and listen to me.” Michael moved behind her, his hands coming around her center, resting on the babies, stroking them so they knew he was there. The power in Maria seemed to drain, as the babies realized that their mother was protected. “Isabel and Liz are going to drive you to the hospital...”

“Why not you?” Maria looked at him over her shoulder.

“I would, Professor. I would. But I need to look at the scene first, just in case I can pick up something about who did this. The longer I wait, the more the area is contaminated.”

Maria closed her eyes and tried to calm down. Turning, she leaned into Michael feeling his arms coming up to hold her tight. She just nodded.

“I’ll be there as soon as I can. I promise. I just need you to stay calm. I won’t tell you not to worry, because I’m worried too. But if you get too agitated the twins will think you're afraid and they’ll give you their power.”

Liz and Isabel looked at each other in shock. Twins?

Maria nodded. “I’ll be okay.”

Michael kissed her forehead, and closing his eyes, he rubbed his face against hers. “I love you. Just stay calm.” He registered what he had just said and sighed, “Or at least try to stay calm.”

Maria pulled away and motioned to Isabel and Liz for them to come with her. She needed to go. Michael released the door, but before Maria could step through, she turned and pulled him into a strong hug kissing him deeply.

24 “Michael, when you find the person or persons who hurt our family...” she said softly against him.


“Kill them.” Maria released him and walked through the door with Liz and Isabel following. Isabel looked back at him in compassion knowing it was killing Michael not to be staying at Maria’s side.

Michael face hardened and shut down. He watched the women get into Liz’s car and drive away. Kill them? No problem there.


Michael took his bike. He made the scene in record time with only a half dozen moving violations along the way. He saw Kyle immediately in the distance. The man looked haggard. His clothes were covered in soot. There were pieces of ripped sheet metal everywhere.

Approaching the scene slowly, and moving to the side, he came up on the opened area. It was the blowout section. The bomb was designed to blow from the inside out, and the force of impact wasn’t from the center of the car, but rather out though the engine.

Michael slowly circled inward.

“Michael…” Simon paused when Michael held up his hand for quiet. Squatting down, next to the wreckage he picked up a piece of debris.

“Incendiary plastique. C-4 or higher. I’m smelling more than a sulfur base igniter.”

Michael said, smelling it and then putting his tongue to the residue.

25 “Model plastique with a dual mix igniter.”


“Liquid. They’re hoping to pick up residual effects from the remains. The components were inert until mixed. Best I can tell the initial mixing occurred when Amy first tried to start the car. The second time she provided the spark and was pushed from the car by blowback. If Cap hadn’t opened the door, she wouldn’t have made it.”

“That still remains to be seen. I checked. She's still in surgery.” Michael stood up and rubbed his face hard. “God! Maria...me and Maria, Sean, Kyle, Cap...dammit, all of us.

We can’t lose Amy.”

Kyle came to stand next to Michael. His eyes were rimmed in red. Simon gripped his arm hard in comfort.

“Michael, you need to see anything else?”

Michael shook his head. “No. Load it and shut the site. I’ve seen all I need to see.”

Kyle looked at him sharply, but held his tongue. Simon rocked on his heels. Guerin, his favorite detective. Michael was always a fountain of information, and surprising in his natural instincts, almost preternatural.

“What is it, Michael?”

Michael turned slowly and looked at the site. There would be no flashes. This was someone that would leave no trace.

“We’ve got an expert here. No amateur. This is a master. The blowback was expertly devised. Made to wound the inhabitant of the car, to maim...but not to kill. That kind of skill takes training.”

26 Kyle rubbed his face and looked at his father’s burned out car. All he could see was his father and Amy on the ground covered in twisted metal debris and blood. Oh Jesus...


“Michael, what did you see?” Kyle asked as Simon walked away. Sean was just getting out of a car, dropped off by Julia. She pulled ahead away from the support vehicles and walked back to join them.

Michael looked around them quickly, and led Kyle away from the crime scene towards Sean as he noticed Max joining them. “Nothing. He left nothing behind. No impressions.”


“No remorse. He had no remorse, so there was no impression left behind. As far as I can tell it's the emotions or circumstances that imprint the scene, that leaves me something to flash on. This is a very cold customer. A professional who only sees the bomb and not the result.”

Sean met up with them, turning and looking at the debris. “Oh shit. What a fucking nightmare! Michael, you get anything at all?”

Michael shook his head no and wandered off to meet up with Max. “Anything,

Maxwell? You hear from the hospital?”

Max put a comforting hand on Michael’s shoulder. He could almost feel the rage and the energy level was climbing high. That usually meant explosions. Suddenly car alarms began to go off, as Max quickly grabbed Michael and backed him hard into a tree.

27 “Get it under control. You’re causing subsonic underground tremors. All the glass will go next.”

Michael nodded and leaned forward with his hands resting on his knees. “Jesus,

Max! Amy! I can’t…Maria can’t…” Michael swallowed hard. “We both can’t lose another parent. Not now.”

“I know. You’re going to go. All of us. We’re going to the hospital, and until we get word of Amy and Jim’s condition, you’re off duty. That includes Sean and Kyle as well.”

“What about you?”

Max patted Michael on the shoulder. “I’ll take it easy, but I’ll get it going. Philips and Waters will help.”

“Check out all known bombers. This guy was an expert. This type of expertise needs training. Maybe military, demolition, or counter-terrorist. This isn’t an Internet geek reading the Terrorist Handbook or Solder of Fortune and trying to create something deadly from borax and ammonia. This was elegant.”

“Michael, I told you to not worry. I’ve got it covered. Trust me.”

“With my life.” Michael looked over to see ADA Julia on the scene. Before they could join the others, Michael's cell phone rang.


“Ouch! That was my ear, Michael.” Isabel complained.

“Iz, what is it? Is it Amy…?”

“No. No, there’s no word yet on her condition. She’s still in surgery.” Isabel paused.

“You need to get here quick. Maria is melting down and it’s not pretty. We can’t get her calmed.”

28 “On my way.” Michael cussed as he closed his phone. Looking at Max, “You hear that?”

Max nodded. “Let’s go.”

“I’ve got the bike.”


“Just meet me.” Michael took off running. As Max joined the rest of the group.

“Mac.” Max said acknowledging Julia.

“Where’s Michael going?” Sean asked, watching Guerin leaving the scene at a fast acceleration that had to be anything but legal.

“Maria…she’s upset.” Max looked at Julia and was careful with what he said. It often seemed that the entire world knew about them, but actually both Jonathan and Julia still did not.

Sean, Kyle and Max shared looks of understanding, and after making arrangements to meet at the hospital, they quickly left the crime scene to Forensics and CSI. Simon’s men were crawling over the remains along with special members of the bomb squad.


The County General Hospital in Roswell was in chaos by the time Michael arrived.

Its power was out, there were sprinklers going off, and the back-up generator kept coming on and off. Rushing up the stairs to the OR waiting rooms, Michael easily found the culprit. Maria.

29 “Michael!” Isabel said as she saw him first. Her relief was obvious and heartfelt.

Michael didn’t acknowledge her as his eyes found his mate.


Pacing frantically and almost hysterically. Everything she passed exploded. Liz was walking with her trying to keep her calm and the hospital staff was too busy trying to control whatever was going wrong to notice the upset pregnant woman or make the connection that she may be the cause of all the chaos.

Michael nabbed Parker. “Liz, find a damn candy machine. Get some candy bars, anything. Fifth Avenue bars if they have them. Anything with peanuts.”

“No electricity. She blew it over five minutes ago. The operating rooms are running on their own generator, but if they lose that…”

“I know. I need those candy bars, and something carbonated. No caffeine.”

“Michael, I told you...no electricity.”

“Take Isabel. She can make it work.”

Liz looked at her roommate and nodded. Of course she could.


The doors leading into the surgery remained closed. Maria watched them sharply.

The world was falling apart around her, but all she could see was that damned closed door. Michael moved into her path, and she hardly noticed.

Fear. It tasted metallic in the mouth, almost like acid, and it was too much. Michael could hear her heartbeat from where he stood to intercept her nervous frantic march. The

30 children could feel it in the increase of adrenaline, and thus they reacted. They only knew their mother was in distress and they were protecting her.

Michael quickly pulled her into his arms, resting his hands on her stomach, and suddenly all the excess energy was gone. Powered down. The twins settled as they felt their father’s presence.


Michael held her firmly and kissed the side of her head along the temple and murmured, “You need to calm down, Maria.”

“Michael…” She gripped him hard and held on. “They never come out. No one. No one will tell me about my mother.”

“Shh, it’ll be okay. Max will be here soon. He’ll go find out for us.”

“You go. I can’t wait for Max. People will tell you. You’ll make them.”

Michael took the opportunity to sit her down with him. “I can’t. I’m not leaving you alone again, not until we know.”

“Michael, please?”

“Not until Max, Sean or Kyle gets here.” Michael searched her face. She was tired, drained. Now that the power from the twins had been released, Maria was no longer able to stand on her feet. Michael searched for Liz and Isabel, but noticed Tess coming towards them fast.

“Maria! Michael! I heard. Oh, my god! Is there any news?” Michael quickly took

Tess’s arm and helped her sit down. She was huge, or maybe it was because she was so small like Maria, and her pregnant stomach somehow looked outrageously large.

31 Michael shook his head no. With relief, he noticed that Max and the others were approaching along with Liz and Isabel.


32 Chapter Two: When Apollo kneels to Athena…

Day Two: Wednesday, 2:30 am

Max sat back and rubbed his face. Everyone was taking turns going in to see Jim.

Kyle and Tess stayed with him the longest. He had been in surgery for over twelve hours, and in recovery for almost three. His condition was stable, but he was still unconscious.

They finally moved him to the Intensive Care Unit.

Jim’s left arm had almost been ripped from his body. Reaching the car, he had pulled the door open to get Amy out of the car, and as the door was opening the car blew. The door and Jim’s left arm almost parted company with Jim’s body as he was blown away from the car along with Amy, who was trying to get out of the car. His left rotator cuff had to be repaired and Orthopedic and Plastic Surgery immediately took him into the

O.R. to save the blood supply and neuronal pathways to his arm. He was looking at numerous other reconstructive surgeries along with rehabilitation.

Amy was a different story. She had been in surgery for over six hours and during the two hours she was in recovery they almost lost her. Her heart stopped beating as her pressure dropped. They revived her long enough to take her back into surgery to find more internal bleeding. A large piece of shrapnel from the car was lodged close to her spine in the lumbar region. They called for a specialist and did what they could to stabilize her. After another three hours of surgery, Amy was finally in stable condition in the recovery room. At long last the specialist arrived, and for the past seven hours they had been waiting to find out if she would ever walk again.

“What time is it?” Michael softly asked, trying not to wake Maria.

33 “After two. It’s late.”

Michael nodded and picked up his cold cup of coffee. Drinking some, he grimaced.

It was black and dark. Not the worst, but not the best either.

“You should take her home, Michael.”

“I know. You tell me how to convince her to leave.”

There was no way either Maria or Sean was moving from the hospital until they saw

Amy. Michael reached down to pull the blanket over Maria, trying to keep her warm. He needed to feed her again. Her skin was cold to the touch and the twins had been quiet since he arrived.

“She looks tired. Too tired.”

Michael leaned back and closed his eyes. “I know. It’s getting worse. I’m thinking of taking a leave of absence from work and taking Maria to Florida to her family until the babies are born.”

“Babies?” Max actually woke up to that. “As in more than one?”

“That's usually what plurals mean, Maxwell.”

Max actually smiled at that. “Twins, or are there more than that?”

“Not sure. Maria thinks twins. I was getting her an earlier appointment when the call came about Amy and Jim. Guess the Thursday appointment stands.”

Max was silent for a moment. Aliens. They were aliens and they didn’t even know what that meant. Not for them. Not for their children or the humans they chose to love. In the past four months, Michael was the closemouthed one. Unwilling to talk or discuss what it meant, he kept everything inside and tended to close down when Max and the others tried to talk to him about it.

34 “Maria is getting stronger.” Michael looked over at Max and his face went blank.

Dammit. Max ignored Michael’s usual stony-faced regard and continued, “She’s stronger than any of us. Even Tess.”

“Maxwell...” Michael warned.

“Hiding. Ignoring. Denial. None of it is helping, Michael.”

“I’m Mikey’s son. That’s all I know. All I understand. All I want. I don’t want this.”

“Why? Because it's scary, uncertain and unknown? Or because of Maria?” Max asked gently. “Not wanting it doesn’t change the fact that this is what we are.”

“I know that. You think I don’t know that?” Michael lowered his voice as Maria moved in her sleep. “Do you…can you even imagine what it’s like for me?

Knowing...knowing that she’s dying because of me? That being pregnant with my children is killing her? Whatever is in us…whatever makes Tess’s pregnancy a cakewalk and Maria’s a living nightmare is because of me?”


Michael feathered his fingers through Maria’s hair. “I can’t…”

Michael stopped talking. He couldn’t say it. He couldn’t talk about it. Ever since that day over four months ago he couldn’t talk about it. Not to anyone. Maria understood, but she didn’t ask him or force him to talk. She was having her own problems.

“You’re coping. You both are.”

“We’re losing. We both know it. Everyday we struggle, hoping to make it to over seven months so the babies can survive on their own. We’re trying to make it to thirty- two weeks, but at this point…we’ll be lucky to make twenty-eight. And now this! I don’t know, Maxwell. I don’t think I can handle this too.”

35 Max looked at his best friend and the man who felt like a brother to him and shook his head. “You will make it. Not because you have to, but because I’m ordering you to make it. I don’t care what you have to do, Michael. Just do it.”

Michael looked at Max and slow smiled moved across his face. “Okay.”

Both men laughed, but just as suddenly they both stopped. Uneasy. It was strange how natural that felt. Michael’s hand rested on Maria’s stomach and he gently rubbed.

“They are getting stronger.” He said quietly.

“They’re more powerful than any of us. How can that be?”

Michael shook his head. “I don’t know. That’s the problem. I’ve spent four months just wanting it not to be true, but every time she gets upset…really upset...things happen.”

“They’re protecting her.”

Michael nodded. “It seems like it. They can’t understand what she’s feeling, but they seem to understand her fear and anxiety. It upsets them.”

“They feel you too.” Max didn’t want to tell Michael how much that upset him. His son. His and Tess’s, and now Kyle’s too, didn’t have that degree of a connection with him. It felt unfair that Michael’s children reached out to him, needed him more. It felt like being unnecessary.

“They feel me. I think it’s the blood…maybe more. They seem to know that whatever is lacking in Maria to support them, they can find in me. From almost the beginning I felt them, and could sense they felt me.”

Envy. It was eating a hole in Max. He needed that same feeling. Wanted it. It wasn’t

Tess’s or even Kyle’s fault. They had made him a part of their family, an equal partner in

36 their lives and in all things revolving around the baby. Already they had decided that

Kyle’s authority was supreme in all things in the house he shared with Tess, but Max would always be the father and when he had the baby, he made the decisions. All major decisions would be made by the three together, and Kyle and Tess would never move away from Max, making it hard for him to see his son. It was more than most men in his situation would’ve been granted.

Max was worried that his past with Tess would be a point of strain in his relationship with Kyle, but it surprisingly brought them closer together in friendship. Together they tag teamed Tess’s pregnancy and literally drove her nuts. Michael was his best friend, but there were so many places in Michael that Max couldn’t understand or even touch. Kyle was different. He was open and willing to share things with Max in ways that Michael wasn’t. This made it easier for him to never feel left out about the birth of his own child, and it was like having a partner in crime with Kyle at his side.

“Why do you think Maria's power is so much stronger than ours? Tess is pretty powerful and has more control than the rest of us, but Maria is steps above us.”

“I never figured it out until today. Twins. Two of them. They must be more powerful together. It would be like our normal powers magnified. They do seem to be governed by instinct, whereas we have to push every step of the way. Maria doesn’t usually seem to be aware that the power surges are happening until it’s too late. Tess isn’t showing any increase in power from your son. I think that's because Tess has her own power that she can control, and she can channel it when she's upset so she’s doesn’t need help from the baby.”

“Maria is different.”

37 Michael nodded and looked down at his sleeping mate. Yes. She certainly was different. “Not a distinction she really appreciates.”

Max suddenly stood up as a doctor approached them. Posner. The specialist.


Michael gently stood up, dislodging Maria’s head carefully from his lap. Sean, who had been quietly staring out a window across the room, left a sleeping Julia to join them.

Kyle and Tess were still with Jim, and Isabel and Liz had left to go home and check on

Mr. B and pick up clean clothes for everyone.

“Amy?” Michael asked.

“She’s in recovery for the next few hours. If her vitals remain stable we’ll transfer her to the Intensive Care Unit.” Posner stretched a little to relieve the stress in his back from a long surgery. “Prognosis is good. The shrapnel was removed. It was a little tricky.

I might have left it in place if it had been any closer, but it was safe enough to remove.

Actually I needed to remove it. It was compromising the blood supply and nerves to the lower back. She could’ve been paralyzed. She may still have some loss of mobility and sensation, but all tests currently are showing good reflex responses. We’ll know more in the next twenty-four hours. We need the swelling to decrease before we can determine the full extent of damage.”

Michael sighed his relief. “Anything else?”

“Broken leg. And her hip was strained. The broken bone will be set tomorrow. They stabilized it with a temporary, but Orthopedics will come in the morning to x-ray and recast the leg. She has a concussion and some contusions. A few needed stitching, but all in all, she was extremely lucky to have survived.”

38 The doctor talked for a few more minutes and then excused himself. Sean, who remained quiet the entire time suddenly looked too tired to stand. Kneeling next to the sleeping Maria, he put his hand on her face.

“Sean?” Michael said softly.

“I’m okay.” Sean wiped away the moisture from his eyes. Dammit. “I just been sitting here all night…all day wondering how Maria would survive if…” Sean stood up and bent down to leave a kiss on his cousin’s forehead. “Amy…she seems a little whacked at times, but she’s the glue that holds us together. She always has been. Maria needs her. I need her.”

“We all do.” Michael looked at Max, who nodded. “They said two of us could go in to see her at a time. Maria is sleeping. Why don’t we go check on Amy before waking

Maria up?”

Sean nodded, and Max stood close to Maria while Michael went with Sean. Both men stood at the doorway looking into the large recovery room. Amy was in the second bed. All the others were empty. Michael cussed under his breath, but Sean was a little more vocal.

“Son-of-bitch, I’m going to kill somebody.”

Michael didn’t say anything to calm the man down. He agreed with him. Someone needed to die.

Amy Deluca-Valenti wasn’t a large woman by any imagination. The figure in the bed looked too small for words. Smaller than the woman that she was. Amy was a giant among her family, and seeing her so quiet was more painful than any bleeding wound.

39 “I can’t let Maria see her like this.” Michael said in a hushed tone to Sean who nodded in agreement. Maria was already living on a very sharp edge of control with her emotions. This would be too much stress.

“I know. Oh god!” Sean went to stand at Amy’s side. His hand reached for her, but hesitated. She looked so tiny and wounded, and somehow touching her felt like it would cause pain. Kneeling next to the bed, he slid his hand beneath hers and bowed his head to rest it against hers.

Michael looked up, swallowing hard. There was so little he could do. No choices.

Maria needed to see Amy to reassure herself that her mother was still with them, but…

It was the movement of Amy’s hand in Sean’s hair that alerted them to the fact that she was awake. Her eyes met Michael’s and he went to stand next to Sean. Amy blinked owlishly trying to focus her sight. Her boys. Kyle? Jim? They watched as her eyes opened in fright.

“He’s okay. Jim’s okay. Kyle and Tess are with him now.” Michael said softly, afraid to talk too loud.

“Maria?” Amy’s voice was so low both Michael and Sean leaned forward to hear her voice. It croaked out in a soft sigh almost.

“She’s…” Michael never finished.

“Here.” Both Michael and Sean turned to see Maria standing in the doorway.


“Don’t be mad at him.” Amy said quietly. “He’s afraid too.”

40 “I know.” Maria picked up Amy’s hand and her eyes flooded with tears. “Look at you. Look at what they did.” Maria’s hand moved softly and lightly over Amy’s.

“You listen to me.” Amy’s voice became stronger. “Maria. Listen.” Maria looked up from where she was staring to look at her mother. “I’ve lived through worse. You know that. But I’m going to be a grandmother soon, and I can’t live through you losing the baby.”


It didn’t register at first, but Amy started to smile until it hurt too much to even do that. “Babies?”

Maria nodded. “I’m not sure, but I think so.”

Amy’s eyes became moist as she looked at her tired child. “All the more to love.

Does Michael know?”

“I’m surprised he didn’t know first. He has a way about him.”

“He does. A good son. A good man. He’ll make the best of fathers. You need to help him. This isn’t easy for him. He’s on the verge of breaking, and I need you to walk away from me, from the hospital, and go home and get some rest.”


“Maria. Please. For me. For Michael. And most importantly, for my grandchildren.”

Maria held her mother’s hand. “I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be here tomorrow, the next day, and so many days after that you’ll have to start hiding from me again.”

“I never hide.”


41 Maria laughed softly. “I cagily elude when the need arises.” Maria stood up and kissed her mom on the forehead. “I’ll get Sean, but I’m not leaving until you’re asleep.”

“Deal. Guess I can’t find a way to convince Sean that this was just a bad dream, huh?”

“Sorry. Don’t think so.” Maria went to find Sean and found Michael in the doorway leading out of the recovery room. She patted him softly on the stomach as she went to find her cousin.

“Thank you.” Michael said in a heartfelt voice to the woman in the bed. Amy just nodded.

Amy lifted her hand for Michael to come to her. “She’s getting weaker.”

“I know.” Michael took Maria’s seat. “I’m failing, Amy.”

Almost to tired to talk, Amy reached up and stroked his cheek gently. “No, you’re not. This isn’t your fault, honey. None of it is,” she said softly.

“Stop that. I’m supposed to be taking care of you.” Amy just laughed softly.

“They’re both a mess. Maria almost melted down the entire hospital.”

“Sean?” Amy actually held her breath worrying about her impulsive nephew.

Michael just shook his head. Sean was…Sean. “He can’t stand the thought of losing you. I’ll keep a close eye.”

Amy stroked Michael’s cheek again. “And you?”

Michael didn’t say anything, but the two of them shared a look that said more than words. Amy was the closest thing he had ever had to a mother. Losing her would have been as bad as losing Mikey. Maybe worse. There was something about being a cop. An

42 understanding that dying in the line of duty was always a possibility. It was part of the risk and the package, but not Amy. She was collateral damage.

Michael followed Amy’s eyes and saw her looking at Sean standing behind his shoulder. Leaving them, he quickly kissed Amy’s forehead and went to find Maria.

Looking back, he saw Sean’s head fall against Amy as her hand came up to stroke the back of his neck.

Michael found Maria standing at a window looking out in the night and rubbing the small of her back. Coming behind her, he pulled her back against him and took over rubbing her back. Turning in his arms, she buried her head against him, wrapping her arms around him and then cried.

He could still remember a time when she wouldn’t shed a tear, seeing it as a weakness, a symbol of surrendering. Holding her, he could feel the wave of pain wracking her body, and for the first time since the call came, he let himself feel it too.


“Maria, you ready?”

“No. Michael, where is Mr. Booboo?”

“He went out earlier. I think he went to find you a nice juicy mouse or bird.”

“Great. That’s what I need. More headless poultry.”

Michael was flipping through the mail. “It's his way of trying to help you. You hungry?”

43 “Starving.” Maria looked at the clock. It was after one in the afternoon. They had left the hospital early in the morning after Amy went back to sleep. Sean refused to leave, but

Julia went home to check on her cat, Miss Fluffy. Michael watched as fleeting emotions ran across Sean’s face. He was torn between letting Julia out of his sight, and staying with

Amy and Jim. Maria solved the problem by having Michael take Julia home and check out her house before they left her.

They were heading back to the hospital after waking up from a good eight hours of hard sleep. Michael had woken first, and seeing the time, he frowned at the sleeping woman next to him. She was sleeping too deeply. Her forehead was furled almost as if she was concentrating on nothing but sleep. It was a look he had seen before. That look still had the ability to scare him sick with grief. She was beginning to succumb to the tiredness plaguing her.

Sex. A good solution for waking her, but somehow with both Amy and Jim in the hospital it felt wrong. Their schedule was anywhere from three to four hours for feeding.

Maria quoted him a statistic that lions in mating season mated every twenty-five minutes for three days, non-stop. They weren’t up to that, but then again nine months was a long haul in itself.

Maria took care of his indecision. Without opening her eyes, she reached for him and pulled him close biting him hard on the side of his neck, drawing blood. Sucking for a moment, she pulled back and opened tired eyes with a drop of his blood still on her mouth. Never losing eye contact, she licked the rouge blood away, watching his eyes narrow and darken. It never took much to start it up again. Three times in the hospital the day before, and once when they got home.

44 Sex was the one constant thing in their lives, that and the feeding. It had held Maria stable for a while, but over the last month she was losing ground and sex was starting to hold a tinge of desperation.

Maria was slowly losing the battle to an increasing weakening as the babies grew, demanding more and more of her energy reserves. Michael had lost over fifteen pounds since the babies were conceived, and Maria was too thin for her condition, a growing concern for DocJim. Keeping the Maria and the babies alive was taking everything

Michael could spare in energy and blood. He could barely eat enough or rest enough to keep up.

“I’m going to take a leave of absence from work.”

Maria stopped contemplating food long enough to look over at Michael, still flipping through the mail. His matter of fact announcement hit her hard.

“Why?” Holding her breath she waited for it to begin.


“Because of me and the babies?”

Michael just shrugged. With Amy and Jim hurt, Maria upset, and the increasing battle to just survive one more day until the babies were safe, it was the only possible solution. It was only fair. He had forced her to stop working over two months ago, and she was taking a leave of absence from the University for an entire year. She would not return to work until the following Fall semester. Though Maria was keeping herself busy with writing articles and working on her research while occasionally checking in at the museum, she was still taking time off for their children.


45 “Maria…”

“Don’t. I’ll be fine. The babies will be fine.” Maria gave up the fantasy of eating an entire turkey and walked over to him, taking the mail from his hands. “Someone almost killed my mother and Jim. Almost. I need you to find that person before they try again. I need that more than I need you to stay home and watch me get fat.”

Fat? Michael circled her waist with his hands. She had a nice pregnant stomach, but everything else about her was too thin. “You’re hardly fat by any imagination. Now Tess is fat.”

Maria hit him hard in the gut, ignoring his ‘oomph’. “Don’t you say that to Tess, mister.” Maria ignored the tinge of jealousy she felt at Tess’s hardier pregnancy, the healthy glow, and even her excitement. She and Michael were missing out on that. They were too afraid to start building a nursery in case…just in case something went wrong.

Maria had seen the nurseries that Max, Kyle and Tess were putting together, and her heart ached.

“I’ll still work on that, but damn, she getting so…”

Maria kissed him to shut him up and went to grab her bag. “Who's in charge now that Jim is out of commission?”

“They’ll assign a temporary Captain.”

“Michael, who’ll be in charge regardless?” Liar.

“Me, I suppose. I’m senior detective.” Michael frowned at the thought. He hated the whole idea. He could lead, do a job and fight a campaign, but sitting back and ordering without action wasn’t part of his makeup.

“Good, then that is where you need to be right now.”

46 “Where I need to be is here with you.” Michael said simply, holding the door to the garage open for her. “It’s where I belong.”

“Oh, you’ll be here, Detective. Just try to get away. But this feels…it feels wrong.”

Michael stopped and looked at her. “You sensing something, Professor?”

Maria absentmindedly rubbed her stomach. “Yeah, I feel something. Best I can say is

‘Something wicked this way comes.’ You think this is over?”

“It’s barely begun.”


“They’re going to want to replace me with someone in the Department. It’s too sudden for them to make arrangements outside the city. Last time they brought in someone from Las Cruces when I went on my honeymoon. This time they need someone in quick.”

Sean sat on the window sill and he looked over at Michael leaned up against the wall. Both Kyle and Max were seated in chairs in the room. The four men listened to Jim as he outlined what he wanted done. Sean just looked outside and watched people leaving and entering the building.

“They'll expect chaos and division within the ranks.” Jim winced as his arm began to throb. He refused his last pain meds so he could have a clear mind. They had taken him to see Amy earlier, but she was still asleep. They were both in the same ICU, but her room was across the floor. Too far away. “Michael, you know what has to be done. All of you do. I expect you to do it regardless of who they assign…whatever it takes. Max,” Jim

47 waited until Max looked up from where he sat staring at the ground. “Michael is in charge of the field, but you are in charge of the entire unit. I want you to direct all the teams. Make your primaries Guerin, DeLuca and Valenti. Hanson and Courtney can cover the foot units. Waters and Philips mobile patrol. Reassign all others to cover all other areas, but use discretion.”

“Why me?” Max was confused. Michael should have been assigned the entire unit.

He held seniority and had the better record, not to mention more experience. Looking at his partner, he noticed that neither he nor Sean and Kyle made eye contact. They were leaving it to Jim to assign them. They would follow without question.

“Michael has his job, as do the others. They’ll do it as they’re assigned, but this is your job. You keep my department in order. Keep them working and the streets clean.

Assign them as you see fit, but keep your enforcer arms close. Is that clear?”

“Aye, Cap.” Max rubbed the back of his neck. Enforcer arm. He looked at both

Michael and Sean, and surprisingly Kyle as well.

Michael glanced over at Sean, sharing a look. That would be them and Kyle. Sean just smirked and searched for a cigarette, ignoring Michael’s narrowing eyes and scowl.

They had a pact. Sean was trying to stop smoking and Michael was attempting to clean up his language before the baby…babies...came. Both were ongoing battles of futility.

“Get going. I’m not dead yet, so I don’t need healthy young men hawking over me like I’m on death’s door. What I do need is to know who hurt my wife, and I expect the four of you to find the answer to that question.” Jim shifted uncomfortably in his bed.

“Now go.” Jim watched the four slowly filed out of the room. “Michael, stay for a moment.”

48 Michael nodded at the others and waited until they left waiting patiently for Jim to talk.

“Max. You think he’s ready?” Jim asked quietly.

Michael seemed to think about it for a moment. “He’s born to it. For Max, it’s never been easy. He spent his young life with strong parents who made his life easy and safe, as did we all. But they grounded him, gave him confidence and ambition. After they died his only ambition was to never see that happen to other people, and he put away his books and became a cop. But in all other areas of his life he was drowning, uncertain and indecisive.”

“I thought he was becoming more assertive.”

Michael nodded. “He is. Jonathan pushes him, and Max is learning that he can push back or not be pushed. It’s there. He just needs to trust in himself.”

“Maybe I’m pushing him sooner than he’s ready for…”

“No.” Michael looked out the glass at his partner. “No. He’s more ready than he realizes. Life builds winners and losers, and the full mettle of a man is determined by the gauntlets he runs. Sometimes the losses are more character building than the wins, and

Max has lost many along the way. It made him strong without him realizing it.” Michael looked at his Captain. “One thing I know to be true. Max is stronger than most men, and maybe the strongest of all of us. He’ll make the hard decisions regardless of the cost, and he’ll do it for the right reasons. I’d trust him with my life, and have. There’s not a man I trust and respect more than him.”

“Good. I trust you to watch over him.” Michael nodded recognizing his dismissal.

“Michael,” Jim said quietly. “When the time comes, I expect you to take care of this.”

49 “It’ll be done, don’t worry, Cap. The question will be who will finish it. I have a feeling that Kyle and Sean will be there fighting for the privilege.”

“As long as we understand each other.”

Michael nodded and left the room. On that one point, all of them were in agreement.

No mercy.


Michael looked at his watch and frowned. He and Max had left the hospital over three hours ago to check in at the Department. They were both still effectively on family leave, but things needed to be done. It was the itching between his shoulders, almost as if he were being watched, that bothered him the most. He had left Maria with Amy and Jim, but suddenly he was uncomfortable having her so far away.

“I’m switching Maria’s Lamaze nights back to Tuesday and Thursday.”

Max laughed. “I thought the instructor moved the two of you to Monday and

Wednesday to break us up.”

Michael just made a face. The group of them in Lamaze had been a heralding experience for the instructor. Somehow having three expectant fathers all carrying guns and being ‘just a little’ over-protective and competitive sort of disrupted the class. The team of Valenti-Evans was racing the team of Guerin-DeLuca in concentrative deep breathing, so much so that the two pregnant women both turned red from the coaching and effort. The water incident had nothing to do with him, but Michael was resigned to take the blame. Typical.

50 “I don’t care. I’m switching us back to the same night. Maria is a little emotional lately and with this whole incident with Amy and Jim, she needs people around her that makes her feel safe and calm.”

“Calm? Dammit, Michael, how calm can the woman be with your enforced commando tactics in place?”

“Hey, we were doing fine until you and Kyle stepped up the competition. The

Professor and I were doing just fine.”

“There was no need to shoot the water…”

“That wasn’t my fault! Dammit, pull over. I’m going to drive.”

Max just ignored his partner and kept driving, undaunted. Boorish prig.


“You can’t drive and you know it. The Department pulled your insurance, so don’t bitch at me. I told you that using your car to detain a suspect was a bad idea.”

“I just cornered him. He was fine!”

“Uh huh. Until you have insurance again…no on-duty driving.”

Michael just cussed, and Max looked at him sharply. “Pass it over, partner.”

“Dammit!” Michael quickly shut his mouth realizing he cussed again. Sighing he reached into an upper pocket and pulled out a candy bar from his stash. The quest of kicking his habit of colorful phrases was an ongoing one, forever increasing in futility. He had tried paying money. He had tried having to forfeit things he liked to do. It was decided that he had too much ready cash and no real care about whether he had it or not to make it effective. But food. His junk food and snacks was something he couldn’t live without.

51 Max ignored Michael’s under breath cussing and calmly ate the candy bar. He was going to gain thirty pounds before Michael stopped cussing…well, stopped trying to stop cussing. Some things never changed.

“That was my last Fifth Avenue.”

“Tasty.” Max said cruelly making great show of enjoyment for the bar.

“Aw! There’s a Whataburger. Pull over. I need food.”

Max was on the verge of protesting, but Michael was really getting too thin and most of the food energy went to Maria and the twins. Max tried to avoid looking at Michael as he polished off four large cheeseburgers, two large orders of fries, and an extra thick milkshake. Stealing a glance at his partner he made a face as the man dipped his fries into the thick milk concoction humming happily under his breath. An in-between meal snack.

More calories and fats than most people ate in a day, and because of Michael and Maria’s food fetish and Michael’s trying to clean up his language before the babies arrived, Max was sporting an extra twelve pounds he never had before.

“So when is Jonathan going to descend on us?”

Max looked over and turned his attention back to the road. “Tonight. He’s taking the late evening flight back. I told him he could wait until Friday, but he was concerned.”

“Amy and Jim have nothing to do with him.”

“He cares, Michael, so give him a break.”

Michael just shrugged. He still didn’t like Jonathan. He couldn’t help it. His attentions to both Maria and Max bothered him. Always had, and more than likely always would. Jonathan was nothing if not courteous, but he still bugged Michael.

“He didn’t have to cut short his business trip.”

52 “Yes, he did. He felt he did, so just do me a favor and take it for what it is. His concern.”

“Fine.” Michael sucked on his shake and looked at his partner. Four months. His partner had been dating a man for four months. It still shocked him at some level, but at another level Jonathan was something Max seemed to need in his life. A stabilizing effect.

“He was worried about Maria and the babies.”

Michael just swore. “I might not like him much, but I do know he’d protect her. I just don’t know why.”

Max just shrugged. “Maybe he loves her too? They were friends for a long time before you showed up. He protected her back then, and he still does,” Max said casually, not hinting how much Jonathan’s regard and care of Maria bothered him. It wasn’t jealousy, not in a classical sense, but suddenly like Michael, he was feeling that Maria was the perfect choice for Jonathan. It was hard feeling that way, especially since neither

Maria nor Jonathan did.


“You going to eat all that?”

Kyle looked at his partner and down at his donut. Handing him half, he grimaced at the taste of the cold coffee. It was impossible, or it should’ve been, that the hospital coffee was worse than the Department's. Of course nothing touched the Anthropology

Department’s coffee at the University.

53 “How long is this going to take?”

Sean searched his clothes for his usual imaginary cigarette and just shrugged. The orthopedic surgeon was in Jim’s room and Amy was in with them in a wheelchair. She was recovering, but it would take time. She had awakened that morning in pain, and refused all pain medicine until she saw her husband, so the doctors finally agreed to let her visit him. Maria came early, but Michael forced her to go home and nap when he and

Max made a trip to the Department.

“Sean, how long…?”

“I don’t know Kyle. They’re checking his arm. The nurse said that the damage was extensive, but at least he still has an arm.”

Kyle nodded and suddenly wanted that imaginary cigarette that Sean seemed to carry in his mind just as much. Kaleidoscope. Their lives were like a moving pattern of order, disorder, and ever rearranging chaos to order. Michael was the most silent. His anger rolled off of him in waves, and the angrier he got, the quieter he got.

They waited for what felt like hours, but finally the doctors left the room. Stopping to converse with Kyle, Sean listened as the doctor outlined a long rehab program for Jim.

The best they could determine was that he would retain his arm, but that he lost some use of it. Only time would tell. Quietly they stood in the doorway as Amy sat in her chair gazing at her husband.

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It does to me!” Jim hissed angrily. Seeing her face, his voice softened. “It does to me. I can’t hold you tight, make you feel safe, and god help me, I let this in our lives.”

54 “No, you didn’t. I knew the risks. I lived with them for years. You think I was more protected as your fiancée for six years? I lived in your life. I slept in your bed. I rearranged your damn closet, Jim Valenti! Nothing changed except a piece of paper and my name. Nothing changed. I loved you then, and I love you now.”

“I might never be able to use my left arm again, Amy. I’m crippled.”

“In your damn brain!” Amy ignored his look. “You look like my husband to me.

Whole. Strong. Beautiful. The man I married. If this is all you can see, then I’m sorry.

I’m sorry you sacrificed your damn arm for me. You should’ve let me die in that damn car…then you’d at least have your arm.”

Jim tried to sit up in bed as Amy tried to move her wheelchair. But her cast on the right leg was too bulky and her one hand was wrapped in a straining brace that extended upward to her shoulder for stabilization.

“Dammit, Sean. Get me out of here!”

“Amy, honey, don’t go.”

“I’ve got nothing more to say to you, Jim Valenti! You’re a horse’s ass! Do I look like I want to talk to a horse’s ass? No.” Amy gave up in frustration and looked at her nephew in pleading. “Sean...”

Sean went behind the chair and gave Jim a look of sympathy, leaving Kyle to take care of the man.

“Amy, I didn’t mean it that way! I…of course I don’t mind…um, I mean, no sacrifice would be too great.” Kyle quickly shook his head no at the word ‘sacrifice’ but it already left Jim’s mouth, and Amy heard. Her eyes filled with tears, and Sean quickly took her from the room. “Amy, honey?”

55 “Dad. Leave it, please?”


“She’s not going to take this well. You know that. The very idea of you hurt, possibly maimed because of trying to save her, it’s too much right now. And the thought that you regret it is hitting her hard.”

“I don’t regret it. I just regret all the times I won’t be able to hold her in the future, being less of the man…”

“She married?” Kyle asked quietly. “Maybe all she sees is the man who risked his own life to save her. A man that she trusts and believes in regardless of how many hands he has, or how strong his arm is. Maybe all she sees is the man she loves who for a short span of time she was afraid was lost to her forever.”

Jim was thoughtfully listening to his son. His son. More a man than he was. “I remember when your mother left. You were so small then, so young. It was just you and me. I was devastated, and I had to leave you in that dreadful daycare so I could go to work. You never complained. One day I came to pick you up and you gave me a picture you drew. It was me in my cop uniform with a cape with the words ‘My Dad’ under it. I asked you what the cape was for and you told me that all superheroes needed them.” Kyle smiled at the memory. “I never wanted to ever do anything that would make you stop looking at me that way.”

“You never have.”

Jim laughed. “Liar. Get me a damn wheelchair.” Kyle looked at his arm in traction and… “Just get me the damn chair or I’m walking.”

“Maybe you should let her calm down, and…”

56 “Kyle,” Jim warned.


Amy was back in her bed, crying, by the time they got to her room. Sean was sitting on the edge of her bed talking quietly. He turned when Kyle and Jim entered the room, his eyes flashing in anger. Jim, for the first time, saw the blood of Sean's ancestors running in his veins, the deep impact of his ire as he protected his family. Squaring his shoulders, or shoulder, Jim met it face on. Amy was his family too, dammit.

“Leave us.” Sean stood to protest, but Jim remained firm. “Now.” Kyle and Sean shared a look, and after a kiss to Amy’s brow, Sean followed Kyle out. The last words they heard were from Jim talking to Amy.

“I love you. There is no sacrifice too great, because if I lost you, I wouldn’t even want to live.”

Sean closed the door and looked at Kyle. “He’s good.”

“Yeah, where do you think I get it?”

Sean just snorted. “I should write it down so I can remember it.”

“You should. It’s got to be better than your standard, ‘Baby, make me your bitch!’ line.”

“Hey! That one works too!”


“Hey, Blondie. Time to go home.” Michael said from the doorway. He had taken her home three times that day, but every time he turned his back she was back at the hospital.

“I want to stay, and…”

57 “Maria. Michael is right. Go home. Rest. I’m just going to sleep anyway.”


Amy just sighed and shrugged at Michael. “Okay, I understand. Well, I guess if you’re going to be here all the time, you might as well help me.”

Maria’s eyes narrowed suddenly. “Help you?”

“Sure. I just started a new project, and being in the hospital is really putting a dent in my time. Now did I tell you about the noble plight of the endangered….”

“Mom,” Maria said, cutting off her mother before she could get started. “I really should go home and rest.”

“Of course, dear.”

Michael waited as Maria said her goodbyes and fled. He went over to kiss Amy gently on the forehead. “You’re one scary woman.”

“Don’t you forget it.” Amy smiled tiredly. “You should have realized that from the start, since you’re going to be my son-in-law.” Amy looked at him intensely. “You are going to be my son-in-law, correct?”

“I’m working on it. Who knew getting so many flowers would be such a chore?”

Amy laughed. “You called the number I gave you? I could help, you know. There's nothing wrong with asking for help.”

“Yeah, I called it. They said they could fill it in the next two to three weeks. I know that you’d help, but I want to do this completely on my own. It’s sort of a present for

Maria. So I’m shooting for the last day of August. I already put in for two weeks off for the honeymoon.”

“Honeymoon? Hmm, where would that be?”

58 Michael patted her on the cheek and smiled a rare boyish smile. “Secret. Not telling a soul!”

“Well, I hope Maria finally gets to know.”

“Oh, she’ll know. I’ll let her see the airport, the trip from the airport, the outside of the hotel, and one hotel room.”

“Good man.” Amy laughed, and waved him off. “Go. Get my grandbabies home.”

Amy just shook her head at the whole concept of having grandchildren.


Michael paused as he opened the door to the loft. Someone was there. He could feel a presence, a sense that the place wasn’t empty.

“Zeke.” The young man slowly lowered his hands that he had instinctually raised when Michael’s gun was pointing straight in his face.

“Whoa! Back off, big guy. It's just the little computer geek!”

Michael grunted and put it away as Maria’s voice raised behind him in complaint from not being able to get in the door. Moving aside, he reached down and picked up the bags he had placed beside the door before entering.

“Zeke! Sweetie, what are you doing here?” Maria looked at him critically, taking in the added inches he seemed to have grown overnight. At seventeen and their youngest tenant of the loft complex, Ezekiel Garza was just a little over an inch shorter than

Michael, much slimmer, and his longish curling dark brown hair and scruffy bearded face

59 made him a real popular boy with the girls in his class. Maria always thought that his dark brown soulful eyes and honest direct regard were his most attractive features.

“I heard about Amy and Jim.” Zeke looked at Michael with a slight raise of his eyebrow. Michael shook his head no slightly. “I was wondering if you needed me to do anything, plus Mr. B came visiting this afternoon with a fat juicy bird in his mouth and he didn't seem to be able to get in the petdoor without dropping it.”

“Oh, God! Where did he put it?” Zeke gestured towards the upper loft area.


“I’ve got it. Zeke, help Maria with the bags.”

The younger man smiled and went to help his favorite person in the world, well except for Michael, and of course, Margo. Telling Maria about his day and the latest software he was writing, he kept close to her.

“So when is this play?”

“Friday night, but you don’t have to come. I mean, with everything happening and all, it’s okay.”

“Don’t be silly. We wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Maria looked up as Michael came down the stairs with a dead bird and a plaintive Mr. Booboo meowing over the loss of his token of love. Maria swallowed a laugh as Michael had a long conversation with the cat about depositing dead bodies in his shoes and threatened to arrest him. “Michael,

Zeke has a school event on Friday!”

Michael nodded at them on his way to dispose of the corpse. In the past he used to toss it outside, but soon found the same decomposing bird back in his shoes, so now he

60 tossed them in the garbage can in the garage. Coming back in he quickly washed his hands, and threw a piece of roast beef on the ground to pacify the put-out cat.

“What event?”

Maria began digging into a bag of chips, and with her mouth full she smiled at Zeke, gesturing for him to tell Michael. Zeke avoided Michael’s eyes and mumbled.

“I didn’t catch that. You want to add some letters and vowels in there somewhere?”

“A play. I’m in a play.”

“Do you have to wear tights?”

“No!” Maria looked sternly at Michael as the poor boy slowly turned red. “But I do have a sword.”

“Awesome! We’ll be there!” Michael made a face at Maria. “Do you get to kill anyone?”


“We’ll come early for good seats.”

Maria looked at the two and just shook her head. “You’re both sick.”

Michael hit Zeke on the back. “This calls for pizza.”

“Pizza?” Maria suddenly perked up. “I could eat!”

61 Chapter Three: When a moment defines a life

Day Three: Thursday, 12:46 am

Max tripped over his gym bag he had left in the middle of the floor. Moving around in the dark, he cursed at the illuminated dial of a clock in his kitchen.


A very tired looking Jonathan was resting up against the door jamb with his overnight bag in hand. Smiling slightly, his eyes ran over Max’s face, and dropping the bag he pulled the slighter man into a powerful hug.

Closing his eyes, Max rested against Jonathan and just breathed deeply.

“Are they okay?”

Max nodded and moved back, giving Jonathan room to come inside. “Yeah. They survived, but...”

“The injuries are serious.”

Max swallowed hard, and a sound of distress actually escaped him, unguarded.

Jonathan pushed the door closed behind him after pulling his bag inside. Taking Max back in a strong hug he just let Max take his time. He could feel the tremors running through Max's body, and of all the things he knew about , one thing was that he felt deeply for those in his life.

“How bad, Max?”

Max pulled away and went to stand in the kitchen turning on the light. “You want something to eat or drink? You must be tired, and...”

62 “I didn’t rush home to be entertained. Come sit with me, and tell me what the hell is going on.” Jonathan went into the living room and threw himself down in a heap on the sofa, putting his feet up on the coffee table. Reaching for his tie, he gave up and let his hand drop.

“Sorry. I’m avoiding again. I know.” Max sat next to him and stared at his hands dangling between his legs. “Jim might never be able to use his left arm again. He’s looking at numerous surgeries, rehab and therapy. They went in immediately with plastics and orthopedic surgery trying to re-establish and maintain all the blood supplies and nerves. He was in there forever.”

Jonathan closed his eyes and rested his head back against the sofa. He asked so quietly that Max almost didn’t hear. “And Amy?”

“She may never walk again. They don’t know yet. It will take some time to let the area heal. She has feeling in her legs, but...” Max leaned his elbows on his knees and rubbed his face. “They just don’t know yet, but she’ll be in a wheelchair for a while.

Either way, she’ll also need therapy and rehab.”

“Maria?” Jonathan asked in a hushed tone.

“She’s understandably upset, but between Amy and Michael they’ve seemed to calm her down.” Max didn’t want to ask, but he couldn’t help it. “What is it with you and this

Maria thing?”

“There is no Maria thing. She’s my friend, and has been for a long time. I care for her, and for her family. That even includes Michael...somewhat.” Jonathan looked over at

Max. “Hey, not so long ago you thought you were in love with her. Why couldn't I be any different?”

63 “Who says I still don’t?”

Jonathan stood up and looked at Max. “Then it looks like you and I have much more in common than we knew.” Jonathan quietly walked away and went to shower. Max just sat there and slowly went to follow.

Max stood in the bathroom waiting for Jonathan to get out of the shower. The room was filling with steam, and Max stood in front of the mirror brushing his teeth. Looking at Jonathan's reflection in the mirror he held the stare when Jonathan looked at him.

“You’re in love with Maria?”

“Aren’t we all? She’s got something special about her, something even I can’t name or describe. It’s like being pulled to a magnet, or perhaps the center of a storm where there’s a sense of calmness. I don’t know.”

“How long?”

“Since I met her.” Jonathan laughed as he dried his hair. “It’s definitely not like what

Michael has for her. They’re like two parts of a whole, or maybe the different face of the same coin. Soulmates. Maybe more. Elemental. Like they dance this dance together through a thousand lifetimes, and still they find each other. They are one and the same, and yet different. I don’t know.”

Max followed Jonathan out of the bathroom after he brushed his teeth. “I felt it too.

Maria is...Maria. Somehow with her, I just feel like I can think clearer, see things that didn’t make sense before. She's like a focus or something, and I find myself searching her out. I know Michael does the same.”

“I searched for her for a long time, and when I found her...I had expectations, things I thought would happen, a overwhelming sense of clarity of what would happen, but I

64 didn’t expect...” Jonathan just shook his head and grabbed his extra pillow before Max could steal it.

“What didn’t you expect?” Max looked around trying to locate another pillow. He liked sitting up against the headboard talking to Jonathan at night, but that damn headboard was pretty hard going.

“I didn’t expect that she would be so small. So wounded. When I met her...”

Jonathan looked away from Max and climbed into the bed, the side he usually slept on when he stayed at Max’s place.


“She was...she was sorrow.” Jonathan cleared his throat, but not before Max saw a hint of moisture there. “I...I didn’t know. I never felt..., um not before, I never...”

“Never felt?”

Jonathan just shook his head. “I don’t know. There can be no naming, no words to touch the silence that held her. She didn’t speak a word for a year, you know. It was as if sound would break the air around her, the very fragile hold she had on reality. Her father was gone. Her brother being a murderer and her watching him slaughter her boyfriend...it hurt worse than the cuts he left on her tiny body. Deeper. Running blood.”

Max didn’t know what to say. So much of his life, losing his parents, felt intolerable at times, but what Jonathan was describing were made worse by knowing Maria, imagining it.

“She loved him.”

“Him?” Max was confused. “Her boyfriend?” Strange thought. Max couldn’t imagine Maria loving anyone but Michael.

65 “No. Her brother. He terrorized her, made her afraid, but she still loved him. His death and who he was, tormented her for the longest time, and she wished she had died that day too.”

“What do you mean you searched for her?”

Jonathan just shrugged. “Like you said, she's special. She has this ability to clear the mind, to give a sense of clarity. I knew that people like her existed, special people with special talents. It was what I surrounded myself with all my life. When I saw her, I knew.

And the fragile state she was in offended me, made me angry, and I guess at that moment she became mine. Something I protected regardless. I just didn’t know I could feel...not like that.”


Jonathan nodded. “Yeah. Not a romantic love, not even sexual, but something else.

Like she was...looking at God at the impression of purity.”


“Yes. No hate. No spite. Just pure feminine sorrow, and she was like a princess encased in ice, held there suspended, untouchable.” Jonathan laughed. “And then she shocked me.”


“She looked at me and said I had to either speak my mind or move my fat ass, because she was one busy chick on a quest to find the perfect cup of coffee.”

Max laughed. Maria.

“It was a novelty. All those months I took over so many of her affairs, helped her mother and Sean, and she looked like a waif that barely could hold her own weight, and

66 the first time I heard her voice...it was the voice of an angel spewing words that would have sent sailors running.”

“A perfect mate for Michael.”

“I hate to admit it, but yes. They fit in places I didn’t know were supposed to be matched.” Jonathan sank down into the bed and waited for Max to move down closer to him. “I, who usually felt nothing, but with her I felt everything.”

Max was quiet, resting against Jonathan. “And me? What do I make you feel?”

“Confused. Horny. Pissed off...happy? You never inspire the same feelings at the same time, Detective. You are an anomaly in my life. I want to push you, but I find myself holding back. That, in itself, is highly unusual for me. At all times, I am a man with a plan.”

“Because I won’t move in with you? Or is there some other reason?”

“Maybe it’s many things. Things known, and things untold, or maybe it is just stress.

My life. Yours. All the places between. Will he stay? Will he leave? Is he just using me?

Stupid shit. But still important. To me.”

"When I was feeling this stressed in my life, as you put it, I discovered the perfect way to end it, and make myself come down from the high of shocking uncertainty."

"What was that?"

Max smiled evilly in the dark, his deep brown eyes shining mischievously. "Sex."

The matter of fact reply completely contradicted the gleam in the eye, but then Jonathan realized there was more to come. "Besides bringing good luck, it relieved stress and helped me go to sleep."

67 Jonathan just stared at his bedmate, trying diligently to decipher what was likely going on in the depths of the other man's mind. The brown eyes shone brightly, but gave away little more than Jonathan had already picked up. Dammit, hint a little more here

Evans! Jonathan took a deep breath and all the tiredness that plagued his body was suddenly gone. He was more than willing to relieve all the stress Max might need relieving. Jonathan jerked his head, and realized, yup, he'd just thought that. He was such a fucking slut. It wasn’t his intention to find Max that late for anything other than comfort and to make sure he was all right. Endless lectures of not giving up too much of himself, since Max seem incapable of making a real decision or commitment, went out the window in a second.

Something needed to be said, to break the silence they were experiencing, and he was sure Max wouldn’t say any more.

"So you what? Fuck your brains out, pass out, and everything is suddenly okay?"

Jonathan swallowed a curse. What the fuck was he saying? He had kept Max at a distance over the past four months, and now he was offering to just let it all go?

"Basically, yeah. Worked almost every time." Max said, eyes watching Jonathan in the dark, making Jonathan feel even more disconcerted, making him regret having hurried back from his business trip. That's when he saw it, the little flash of something that said there was definitely a discussion going on here between the lines, or under them, behind them maybe? He wasn't positive what that discussion was exactly, but he was damned if he was going to give up on finding out yet.

"Almost every time?" Jonathan's genuine curiosity was outweighed by the bright light of encouragement in the other man's eyes, and he just prayed he was reading it right.

68 "Yeah, didn't last night, couldn't find anyone to help me out, give me a hand."

Yup, there it was again, a flash, a glimmer of something a whole lot more important than what was actually being discussed.

What to say? That door had been slammed in his face too often in the past few months, but nothing ventured was nothing gained. Jonathan's own face grew mischievous, a smile lighting the angled features. "Maybe now is the time to talk to Mary, huh?" His smile grew as Max was suddenly still and tried to appear more thoughtful.

"Samantha maybe? Or Carol, Denise, Jenny, Lisa, Carmen…"

Max stopped him with a hand to the mouth and rolled his eyes. "Where the hell did you get all the names of my past girlfriends?"

"Weren’t they carved in the wood of your bedpost?”

“You’re not going to forget this and not remind me of my past promiscuity?”

“Not likely," Jonathan said seriously. It was Max’s past relationships, or sexual partners that made him want a promise of commitment, exclusiveness. Silence descended again, but this time it was bridged by the connection between the two sets eyes in the room as so much was left unsaid, yet both heard it all loud and clear.

They had been working up to this. They were at a breaking point. Going forward, or ending it. Handsome? No, more like pretty. Max’s features were almost too finely defined for a male. This wasn't the first time he had noticed it. He realized this little flirtation game had begun a few months ago. Shortly after that night in the club when Max had feared him dead or hurt, after they had found the bodies. Max came to him with no questions asked or even permission, and he let him back in, and he had done it every time

69 since. It had been as if the dam had broken, and all the tension released to flow out of their lives.

Jonathan had started noticing slightly heavier gazes being directed at him from Max, and realized that Max was trying to overcome a mental hurdle, make a decision he knew would change his life forever. So he practiced patience until the days ran into months, and suddenly he tossed out the gauntlet, demanded a decision. He did it by asking Max to move in with him. Max said no, but Jonathan couldn’t just walk away, so they stood at an impasse.

Then the masked innuendoes, the somewhat veiled allusions, and the outright advances that had only gotten more intense and more playful as the weeks and months wore on. The two of them had been heading in this exact direction, possibly for longer than either were conscious of, and there was no way in hell Jonathan was turning back now.

"So, any other contenders?" Jonathan had intended to sound more innocent than that, but the huskiness in his voice was more than obvious, and Max's smile only grew. He had never promised to date and see Jonathan exclusively, but it still had turned out that way.

"Possibly. Not sure if this other contender is up to the challenge," he replied, leaning forward to prop himself up on and arm above Jonathan. "Or if there's actually time to investigate said contender's prospects."

"Prospects?" Jonathan’s jaw flexed as he clenched his teeth and forced himself to proceed at Max’s speed, and not force him to hurry this along. He absentmindedly reached out to move a finger up Max’s jaw line just in time to be caught by Max’s graceful hand that reached for his cheek. He looked up into the wide eyes above as he

70 was pushed back into the mattress and the sturdy body leaned into him. "What's there to investigate exactly?" Jonathan asked huskily, slightly clearing his throat.

"Umm, let me think," Max murmured, allowing his hand to caress the features of the older man. Jonathan turned his head to brush his lips over the palm, never taking his eyes off the man above him. Max seducing him? Yup, that sounds about right.

"I think that it would have to be something simple, due to time constraints and the lateness of the hour, and the fact that the contender has probably been up all day and traveled late into the night to get here. There's only one more thing to do tonight than what was expected." Max's face had moved closer until his breath was a warm, moist touch on Jonathan's lips.

"Quite right," Jonathan was able to get out just as Max’s lips finally completed their descent. Any hesitation that might have been present disappeared at that exact moment.

Max’s hand slid down to a muscular shoulder and began to knead, but quickly moved back to cradle the back of Jonathan's head. Jonathan's own hands moved as they originally desired to sink into Max’s hair.

Tongues met finally as mouths slanted, grips became tighter, breathing became unnecessary, and the first taste caused an addiction Jonathan didn't ever want to rid himself of, even if he could. He hated Max for that. He felt as Max had discovered every chink in his armor, and proceeded to take from him all his control. It became something akin to a race to see who could control every movement, find every dark corner the fastest and make it their own.

When breathing became necessary, Jonathan felt Max pull away to pant into his mouth. A low moan of passion mixed with a pout of chagrin, and he pulled the head the

71 last inch forward so their foreheads were resting against each other. They panted together for a few more seconds, slowly calming down as they ran their hands across each other's body. Jonathan knew what Max was thinking, and he wanted just as much to let things keep going. It was Max’s party.

"We've got ground to cover, huh?" Max said breathlessly.

Jonathan nodded in answer to the younger man's breathy question, rubbing their foreheads together. "Unfortunately, yeah," he whispered. He smiled, though, and resituated their position to bring their lips near again. "So how did tonight's contender do?"

Max shook with silent laughter. "I do believe he did quite well," he answered, letting their lips meet again for a quick moment, an unwanted validation as they began to untangle themselves. Jonathan felt his face being held again between strong hands, and he met the glassy eyes. "I think we may be able to waive a couple of the other pieces of crap I usually put you through and go straight to the heart of things."

"Oh, is this one of those accelerated courses?"

"Yup, self-paced, but with large rewards to get things done real quick." Max planted another peck to Jonathan’s mouth, and then backed off. "But I've got to be honest with you, I can’t live with you, not yet. I...I know you get irritated with me, and how slow I go, but something in me, like my heart stops and everything is hushed, and I feel a sense of caution. Go slow. We've got time, Jonathan. Time. I just feel that somewhere, somehow I made a big mistake once. I made a decision that cost too much, and something inside me remembers that, and tells me to stay the course, be cautious, and make the right choices. I can’t fail this time,” Max said fiercely. “Not this time."

72 Jonathan squeezed the hand that he caught tenderly. Yup, they had time, for now. It could wait, and would.

“So you can’t live with me, so what does this mean exactly Max? Do you even understand how much of who and what I am that I’ve changed and altered for you? I changed my sexual orientation, put things on hold…dammit, you’re rewriting my life and…”

“I can give you a promise.” Max said quietly. Jonathan stopped and waited. “I can’t live with you, but I can promise you exclusiveness. No dating. No others. Just you.

And…I can promise that once I can make a commitment to live with you…I will.”

Fair enough. Jonathan nodded. He wanted more, but that would do for now. It was one more step closer to his goal, better than what he had when he woke up this morning.

“I missed you.”

“I was only gone for three days.”

“It felt longer.”

Jonathan smiled at that. “Oh baby…”

“Baby? Okay, we need to set some rules! No cutesy nicknames…and baby? That is totally out!”

“Sweetheart? Honey?”

Max made a face and hit Jonathan hard across the chest as the older man started laughing. “Okay! Okay. But just once…in front of Michael.” Max looked at Jonathan and they both dissolved in a flood of laughter.


73 “Maria! We’re late!”

“I’m coming! I can’t find my watch.”

Michael looked down at their kleptomaniac cat. “Don’t even get me started on that shit again. No more hoarding for the babies.”

“Found it!”

Michael looked back down at the cat. “Don’t think I’m going to apologize. You’re still under suspicion.”

Mr. Boo regarded him with disdain. Yeah, yeah. Always my fault.

“My back, it's killing me,” Maria said as she came down the stairs.

Michael looked at her shoes and frowned. “It’s your shoes. I’m telling you, they’re bad for your legs and back. Dangerous.”

“Michael,” Maria said warningly. Her shoes were an off-limit topic. “Are you going to drop me off at the hospital to see Mom afterwards?”

“No. I’m bringing you home to rest. I’ll take you to the hospital after lunch.”

Maria opened her mouth to protest, but decided to be reasonable. Waiting for

Michael to close the loft door and open the door of the car for her, she noticed his gun.

“Oh, no you don’t! Leave the gun home.”

Home? Michael looked at her like she was three degrees shifted to insanity. Not going to happen. Fingering his weapon, his eyes narrowed. “I need it.”

“No, you do not. We’re going to the baby doctor, Michael, not into a hostage situation.”

74 “That’s what you think. Have you even bothered to notice the women that frequent that place? They’re…”

“Pregnant! They’re pregnant, not insane, not criminals, and they are not going to attack or maim you.”

“No. I’m required to have my weapon at all times, even off duty. As an officer of the law…”


Michael raised a hand. “I swear, it’s true. Ask Kyle, Sean or Max…”

“I will not. That’s just ridiculous! I saw the group of you sitting around comparing your ‘pieces’ talking about barrel size, and muzzle velocity. Don’t try that one on me!”

Michael just shrugged. What the hell was her point?

“Dammit Michael, you’re all obsessed with your phallic hardware! Don’t even deny it. You even name the damn things!”

“I call mine Maria.”

Maria looked up at him where he stood close holding open her door. “Really?”

Ridiculously pleased, she noticed he was looking so incredibly fine. He smelt…

Michael groaned as she sniffed him along the side of his neck. Looking down at her, he kissed her hard, and then he firmly put her in the car. “Stop it. We’re finding out about the twins today. For once, let's not be late. I’ll treat you to a Burger Barn double cheeseburger with extra pickles afterwards.”

Maria smiled and settling back in her seat with her hands folded across her stomach she said simply, “I love you.”

75 Michael smiled and started the car. He was getting so damn fucking good at this relationship shit…um, stuff.



“I’m sure.”

DocJim looked at the schedule on her chart. “Well, you’re up for a ultrasound today, so we’ll check it out. That would explain the muffled Doppler results. I see they took your glucose test today, so I’ll let you know the results of that too. Blood chemistry will be back soon. I told them to put a rush on it since your chemistry is always all over the place.”

DocJim put the chart aside and looked over at Michael quietly sitting in a chair in the corner. Sighing, he shook his head. “Your weight is too low, Maria.”

“I eat. I eat enough for ten men.”

“I know. I can’t explain it, but you’re seriously underweight. The babies seem to be thriving, but it would be remiss of me to not be concerned for the mother as well.” Jim looked at his patient. “I heard about Amy and Jim. And I know that this is a hard time for you, a lot more stress. I need you to stay as calm as possible. Rest. Eat well, and take care of yourself. I realize that both of you are doing everything you can, but I’m worried.”

“Don’t be. I’m fine.” Jim looked at Michael and then to Maria again. “Okay. But I want you in here twice a week for blood draws, and to see me at least once a week.

Normally we wouldn’t schedule your appointments so close, but it’s still going to be a

76 few weeks before the baby…babies... are old enough to survive if we need to take them early. You’re twenty-six weeks, and I’d like to see you about thirty-two. That’s six more weeks. The babies will be fine after twenty-eight with some difficulties, but still fine. The longer we can give them, the better.”

“No one is taking my babies. They’ll be born when it’s time, and not before.”


“No.” Maria refused to discuss it. “So I think it’s time to see if an ultrasound can confirm what I already know, don’t you?”

DocJim discreetly looked at Michael, who had been strangely quiet. “Yes. Let me get

Carolyn to set up the room. She’ll come and get you when she’s ready.”

Michael sat transfixed, looking at the screen. If he had to put his money on anything, he’d have put it on Maria’s knowledge, but there was something about seeing his unknown child for the first time that meant something to him. He was expecting only one, but two was like a bonus.

“Stop. Carolyn, back it up a little to the right upper field. Can we move in on that?”

DocJim waited as his technician moved the screen, changing the viewing field. “There.”

“What?” Michael tried to figure out what they were looking at. Holding Maria’s hand, he leaned forward.

“Two placentas. So you were right. Why does that even surprise me?” DocJim moved his finger along the field and talked to Carolyn again. “See if you can get a better view. I’d like to have measurements on both.”

77 “Is something wrong?” Maria asked her hand tightening on Michael’s almost painfully.

“No. You’re not a very big person, Maria. That’s an incredibly small space for them to be sharing, and we haven’t seen the other baby because one is behind the other. So we need to get them to shift, so we can see both at once. We’ve been tracking the growth, but now it’s hard to say which baby we were tracking, if not both.”

Carolyn helped Maria shift more to her side, and after a few moments they got a better view.

“There! Freeze that one.” DocJim smiled. “Well, hello there. You want to know the sexes?”

Michael looked at Maria with a raised eyebrow. Maria nodded. “Yes.” Michael was surprised how strange his voice sounded until he realized he had been holding his breath.

Jim pointed to one image with an obvious curled fist. “That’s your son. And…” He waited as Carolyn tried to fix a better image. “And there is your daughter. One of each.”

Hitting Michael on the shoulder he smiled. “Guess you’ll be wanting a copy of the videotape?”

Michael just nodded, his eyes remained fixed on the monitor watching them. They looked so small. “They’re okay?”

“They look perfect.”

Perfect. Michael looked at Maria, and a slow smile moved across her face leaving him breathless again. Perfect.


78 “We haven’t talked names.”

“I know.” Michael took another bite of his burger.

“Don’t you think we should?” Maria asked quietly.

Michael put down his burger and looked at her. Reaching out a hand he moved it gently down her face, his eyes traveling softly over her features. Moving his hand down, he rested it on the swell of her stomach.

“I can’t. Not yet.” If they lost the babies, it would be so much harder if they had names. He already knew that Michael, called 'Mikey' would be his son, but the girl…his daughter... Michael looked out the window and gulped.

“Hey, it’ll be all right.” Michael looked at Maria, and tears collected in her eyes at the look on his face. Despair. Pure panic. “God, Michael…”

He lowered his head next to hers and pulled her close in a hug. “I just can’t. Okay?”

Maria nodded. Terror. She understood the feeling. He was afraid, and fear wasn’t a feeling he could express well. Michael didn’t want her to feel his fears. Losing them, all of them, or even one of them, was plaguing him.

“Okay.” Maria ran her hand over the back of his bent head. “It’s okay. I understand.

You don’t have to say anything.”

Michael looked up at her soft reassurance, and then leaned into a kiss. Maria could feel him. So much of everything inside him, and as awesome as it was, it was also overwhelming. Laughing, she pulled away and grabbed his hand placing it over her stomach which was suddenly moving.

79 “What does it feel like now?” Michael asked smiling at the feel of his children under his hand.

“Something to wondrous to describe. At first it felt like a fluttering, like wings of a butterfly. Now it’s like my entire stomach is alive, moving, almost like a rocking motion on the sea.” Maria laughed at his expression when her stomach moved again under his hand. Maria could feel the building energy. Uh oh! “Maybe you should remove your hand?”

“What?” Maria laughed again at his adorably confused look.

Michael Guerin. Hers. The way she saw him, so few other people were allowed to see that part of him, if any. To others he was a stand-offish man with a fierce temper and sharp sarcastic tongue. With her, he was soft, gentle, romantic, roguish and outrageous. A young boy - a beautiful young boy.

Leaning into him, she whispered in his ear. “Remember that new thing I started doing? The glowing thing that causes me to…”

“Oh!” Michael looked around quickly. “We were going to investigate that a little more.”

“Uh huh. You keep touching me, and we’ll be doing that right now!”

Michael laughed, polishing off his burger and reaching for some of her fries, he quickly waved down the waitress for the check. “C’mon. I need to get you home for a quick nap.”

Maria slapped his hand away from her food, and quickly stood with his help. “Oh? Is that what we’re calling it now?” Taking the rest of the food with her, Maria let Michael worry about the bill.

80 Michael just laughed again and pulled her out the restaurant with him after tossing money on the table.




Michael covered the phone and fell back in the bed with a moan, mouthing Max’s name to Maria whose eyebrow went up in question.

“Max, what is it?” Michael looked at the clock at the bedside and swore. They were running late. Between the doctor’s appointment, eating and sex, he was already half an hour late for the time he told Max he’d meet him at the Department.

“Nothing good. Look, you think you’ll be making it to work today? Or does


“Maria is fine.” Michael looked at her, his eyes smiling with mischief, taking in her state of undress. Maria leaned down close and kissed him hard, biting him. “I need to drop her at the hospital and then I’ll be on my way in.”

“You might want to hurry, partner. You’re going to love meeting our replacement


Michael swore and looked at the time again. “I’ll be there within 30 minutes.”

Michael hung up the phone as Maria kissed the side of his neck.

“Need to go in, huh?”

“Yeah. You going to be okay on your own?”

81 Maria sat up and looked at him. “Of course. I actually am able to do many things by myself, Detective. It's only recently that I started practicing the ‘I’m helpless’ routine.”

Michael sat up on the side of the bed and reached for his clothes. “Look…dammit,

Maria. I know you hate this. And I know you’re being a good sport about it because of me. I know you’re not helpless, but I can’t…”

Maria moved up along his back. “I know. I do understand, really I do. Sometimes I just feel so…restless sitting at home and waiting. It’s like my life is on hold, and letting you decide everything isn’t sitting well either.”

“I know that too.” Michael pulled her arms closer around him and closed his eyes at the feel of her along his back. “I just need this. I need to know where you are every moment of the day. Know you’re okay, alright? I can’t do this worrying about you.”

Maria hugged him tight. “It’s not like your life hasn’t changed too. You barely work three hours a day, sometimes four if you’re lucky.” Maria’s voice went softer. “I didn’t mean to make your life so hard, so miserable.”

Michael turned around to really look at her. “I’m not. I cut my hours by choice.”

Michael sighed and put his forehead next to hers. “Nothing is more important to me than you and the babies. After that, finding out who hurt Jim and Amy. There is nothing else.

We agreed, remember? Whatever we had to do for the babies, we’d do. You’ve given up more. Working. Teaching. The museum. All of it is on hold until the babies are born. I know how much this is costing you. I can’t keep working like I was if you need my blood every three to four hours.”

“It's not just your blood I’m taking, Detective.” Michael laughed at that. “If only I was…more like Tess...this wouldn’t be happening. Or maybe Isabel. I…”

82 “If you were Tess or Isabel this wouldn’t be a problem, true. It sure as hell wouldn’t be, because you’d wouldn’t be pregnant, at least not by me. I don’t want anyone else but you, Maria.”

“I love you. And don’t think I’ve forgiven you for that yet!”

“Okay, so what rule are we up to?”


“Damn! Already? Do you even remember all the rules?”

“Of course. I wrote them down.” Maria laughed at the skeptical look on his face.

“Oh! Okay! So I added a few you don’t know about!”

“Well, add number 138.”

“That would be?”

“Maria remains calm at all times. If she feels upset or stressed she calls Michael, no matter where, what time or the situation, and…” Michael held up his hand before Maria could interrupt, “and if she can’t find him, Maria must go home immediately.”

“I don’t like the wording of your rule, and it should apply to both us equally.”

“What? Meaning that if I’m upset I have to call you immediately or go home?”

Maria nodded. “That makes no sense. I don’t blow up shit every time I see a new pair of shoes and realize I forgot to carry my VISA card.”

“That’s not fair! That only happened once!”


“They were an awesome pair of shoes, too.”

Michael got up from the bed and pulled her out with him. “We’ve got to go. Let’s jump in the shower...quickly and I’ll drop you at the hospital.”

83 “Shower? Together? Quickly?”

“Good point. You go first, and I’ll wait.”

“Good. Could you make me something to eat? I’m hungry.”

“Wonders will never cease.”


Maria walked into her mother’s room and found it empty, so she went to Jim’s. The staff had moved their rooms closer together, but they were already talking about transferring both of the patients out of the ICU to a general care unit.

“So does the doctor know you two are playing doctor?” Maria asked as she walked in on her mother kissing Jim.

“Maria! I told you to stay home and rest.”

“Phish! When have I ever followed instructions? Plus…” Maria waved a small stack of pictures in the air. “I thought you might want to see ultrasound pictures of your grandchildren!”

“Give me!”

“Grandchildren?” Jim looked at the mother and daughter talking over the pictures excitedly. “Maria...? Grandchildren? Plural?”

“Twins,” Maria said smugly. “Needless to say Michael is feeling very virile right now.”

“I bet. Honey, let me see.”

Maria left them looking at the pictures and went to find the nurse.

84 “Maria?”

Maria stopped and smiled widely, seeing Jonathan Stiller coming towards her with a few packages. She hugged him back when he took her into a strong hold.

“Jonathan! I thought you were gone until tomorrow late.”

“I was, but came home early. I was just coming to check on both Jim and Amy.”

“That’s kind of you.” Jonathan waved away Maria’s remarks.

“You look tired. Why isn’t your boorish detective taking care of you?”

Maria punched him playfully in the gut, laughing. “Stop it! He takes excellent care of me. Actually, he takes such good care that I'm hardly allowed to breathe on my own.”

Jonathan looked at her critically. There it was. Just below the surface, a creeping blueness and washing away of color. The healthy bloom that should have graced her skin was absent, and he frowned at the amount of clothing she was wearing. Coldness was slowly finding its home in her again.

“I thought you would be here. So I brought you a present.”

“Me? I thought it was for Mom.”

Jonathan led her to a chair and sat next to her. Unable to resist, he rested his hand on her stomach. “This one is for Amy, and this one,” Jonathan handed her a golden foiled wrapped box, “is for you.”

Maria tore into the package placing her hand over his lightly. “I’m getting fat, huh?”

“Nowhere near fat enough. This little guy better be born soon because I swear you weighed more when you weren’t pregnant.”

“Oh god! Funnel cakes! You brought me funnel cakes!” Maria looked at her friend with misty eyes. “I love you! Did I tell you that lately?”

85 “Not often enough, and don’t forget to share.”

Maria was already shoveling the cake in her mouth. Giving Jonathan a piece…a small one, her eyes twinkled in glee. “Not one baby, Jonathan. Two. Twins. I’m having twins!”

Jonathan’s face shuttered and darkened as his eyes roamed over her too thin face, taking the cake in his hand he dropped it back into the box with the remaining other ones.

“You eat that one too. You’re eating for three, and dammit, Maria, you’re too thin.”

“I’m fat! I can barely see my beautiful shoes, and Michael already has to help me get up from the sofa.”

“You look tired and cold, and worrying about Amy and Jim can’t be good for you or the baby…babies.”

“I’m fine. Really. I swear, Jonathan, if you join Michael in his possessive nature I won’t be responsible for what I do.”

“Eat your damn funnel cake.”

“Coffee. I wish I could have a cup of coffee with it. Real coffee. The kind that eats the stomach lining. I miss coffee.” Jonathan smiled as Maria started a tirade on the sacrifices of pregnancy. “So when did you get in?”

“Early this morning. I woke up Max.” Maria’s eyebrow went up at that, and a light of interest entered her eyes.

“Hmm, so are you going to tell me more, or do I need to ask?”

“Maria...” Jonathan warned.

“C’mon, Jonathan! I’ve had no fun lately. Take pity on the pregnant lady.”


86 “Hmm, okay, okay. Chivalry. I thought it was dead.”

Jonathan laughed at that. “No. Not dead. Just obsolete.” He gave Maria a knowing look. “You want to share some details about the Detective?”

“Oh, would I! But, I won’t. I don’t want you lusting after my man,” Maria said smugly. “Once you know what I do, it’ll be unrequited lust for all eternity.”

Jonathan laughed. “He’s a keeper, huh?”

“Oh yeah! Like a devil from hell in the sheets, and that is all I’m going to say.”

Maria sat back and relaxed enjoying the company. “So? You going to tell me?”


“You and Max? I thought you were pulling back from the relationship, or not?”

Jonathan was quiet for a moment. “I don’t know, Maria. I tried to stay away from him. Really I did.”

“Last night was special?”

“No. It was the same. Me giving in, and letting Max decide the pace.”


He took her hand and patted it, pulled it under his arm and settled back with his long legs in front of him. “He made me a promise last night. Fidelity, which I take as a huge step forward since his previous record was pretty dismal with lots of one to two date affairs. The man had a turnstile on his bedroom door.”

Maria looked at the man sharply. “Really? A commitment of sorts? Finally.”

“I was…” Jonathan closed his eyes. “I don’t know. I really don’t know where I’m going with this.”

“Do you need to know? I mean really? Shouldn’t it be about how you feel?”

87 Jonathan laughed at that. “Feelings. Yeah, I guess. Who would’ve thought I’d ever get this involved? I wasn’t looking for this. In a million years I couldn’t have predicted

Max Evans and the effect he has on me.”

“In love. You’re in love with Max Evans.” Maria said it in an annoying sing-song voice that had Jonathan glaring at her.

“If you’re going to be mean to me, I’ll just take myself off to work.”


Jonathan looked at Maria, and the two of them shared a silent understanding. Love. It was a terrible emotion. One that made them willing to change their well-organized lives and include that special someone they came to find more essential to them than air. Lines were drawn, and along the parameters of the soul was the understanding that love and hate shared a common edge.

“I’m many things, and yes, coward is one of them. How can I not be? I risk everything for him, and I’d risk more. Do you think I don’t hate that about myself?

Dammit, I could just convince myself it’s just the sex and companionship, but it’s more.

It has to be. I feel…” Jonathan paused, and continued with a hushing awe. “I feel.”

“Why is that so unusual? I’ve never thought of you as incapable of feeling. And before you wax over the topic, lets go back to the sex thing.”


“Okay just a little. Blowjobs, maybe a little domination and slap…”

Jonathan put a hand over her mouth to stop her from continuing as he was losing the delicate control over his own humor. Damn her. Maria De Luca was his girlfriend in a

88 giggly, ‘Let’s tell secrets’ sort of way. Like Max Evans, she was so much more than he expected.

“Stop it. Oh, thank god! There's Tess.” Maria spied Tess coming towards them when

Jonathan pointed her out. “Damn, she looks ready to pop out that baby any moment. Are you sure you’re only six weeks behind her?”

“If you imply she’s fat, I’ll tell Max about that model you dated...Lisa...who was almost arrested because she was…”

“Okay. Resorting to blackmail? You are bored.”

Tess stopped at where they were sitting, and Jonathan quickly stood up and gave her his seat. “Tess, you look even more radiant every time I see you.”

“Liar, I look like a double-sided beef loader, swaying from side to side. My feet hurt.

My back is almost terminal, and Max and Kyle took to counting my calories. I’m starving!”

Maria offered Tess a funnel cake. “Here. The two ogres of Roswell aren’t here, and neither Jonathan nor I would snitch you out.”

“God bless you both.” Tess took a hardy bite of the confectionary delight moaning in total appreciation. “Dammit it, Jonathan! If you came back in the night, couldn’t you do something about distracting Max enough to keep him off my doorstep at dawn with nutrient shakes made with some kind of putrid grass and kelp?”

Maria put a hand over her mouth in horror at the very thought. “It was green wasn’t it?”

Tess nodded joining Maria with a look of horror and repulsion as well. “You don’t want to know. Not really.”

89 “He's diabolical. Deranged.”

“I know! And he’s got my sweet loving sexy Kyle caught up in the madness. The two together are sick!”

“I thought Michael was bad. I can’t imagine two Michaels at once…” Maria paused and smiled. “Actually, I could, but not harassing me about the babies.” Clicking her tongue, she let her fantasies take her somewhere else, and wondered suddenly where the man was, what he was doing, and…

“I heard. Max told me that you’re having twins.”

“A boy and a girl.” Maria patted her stomach. “I feel bad. I’ve been assuming it was only one and a boy, now I need to make up time and talk to my daughter too.”

“I know I need relief, or to have this baby born. Yesterday.”

Maria was suddenly uncomfortable. Tess didn’t deserve it, but… “I’ve got bad news then.” Tess held her breath and waited for the next shoe to drop.

“Just tell me.”

“Michael and I have rejoined the Tuesday and Thursday Lamaze classes.”

Tess put her hands over her face and moaned. Peeking through her fingers she looked the quiet Jonathan up and down. “You’ve got to save me, Jonathan. I’m begging you!

Sex. Sex can be very drug inducing, draining. Why a sated man could say…oversleep a few days, and give a very tired pregnant woman a break. Max. Max is a fine looking man. What the heck is wrong with you? That man should be too tired to get his ass over at my place at the break of dawn. If you take care of Max, I’ll make sure Kyle won’t want to move, and maybe, just maybe I can get a reprieve.”

90 “That sounds like a good plan. Jonathan, you’ve got to do it for the cause. For God, country and Queen.”

“America doesn’t have a damn Queen.”

“Well, do it for Tess then.”

“Please, Jonathan. What’s a blowjob between friends?”

“Oh god! Not you too! That’s it. I’m going to go see Amy and Jim.” Jonathan shook a stern finger at both women and walked off.

“He’s got an incredible ass.” Tess said watching the man rush away in a hasty retreat.

“Yeah. I noticed it long ago. Wonder if Max thinks so?”

Maria and Tess looked at each other, and they both dissolved into laughter.


“Detective Guerin. Nice of you to finally grace us with your presence.

Michael swore under his breath and confirmed his worst nightmare. Captain

Strickland. No. It wasn’t possible.

“Sir. I’m afraid that I’m on limited duty. I only work three to four hours a day, and three days a week.”

“I read that in your jacket, but there was no explanation for this limited duty you requested.”

Michael looked over at his partner who was trying to appear busy, as were the other members of the bullpen. Michael’s jaw clenched and he held his hands behind his back.

“It’s personal, and approved. Cap knows and pushed it through.”

91 “I don’t care. I’m asking you to tell me, or I’ll have it overturned. You look healthy enough, and with all the problems lately, and Captain Valenti almost blown away, I’d thought you would want to be active on this investigation.”

“It’s personal.” Michael said refusing to give more. “Do what you feel you have to, but I will protest having my limited duty taken away, and I will fight it to the full extent given to me by the Policemen’s Labor Union and with legal representation.”

Strickland’s jaw clenched. Getting into a pissing match over something that was already approved, and putting himself in the limelight at this time wasn’t something he wanted to do. Guerin. Fuck him. He had wanted the man's ass for years. Wanted him under his command, and then just wanted him humiliated and fired, after he had made his disrespect of Strickland clear. Now the opportunity was given to him, and because of PD politics, Strickland was forced to back down.

“Well, now that you finally are here, I guess we can get to business.”

Strickland turned to the full room of officers. “Full departmental briefing in ten. All non-deployed units will be present in the briefing room immediately. I want your active cases, workload reports, and all pending investigations that have been stalled, ready and waiting. That wasn’t a request people. That’s an order.”

He stood and watched as the entire room scrambled. Smiling smugly, he stopped to talk to Rhonda, and made a quick phone call. Major Crimes was his. All his.


“DeLuca and Valenti. Report.”

92 Sean looked at Kyle and nodded. Kyle pulled their script sheet.

“We have thirteen cases pending. Three are stalled for lab work sent to Federal, and dead ends. Our team is currently on stand-down for the next six days for family obligation and leave.”

Strickland looked at them. “What are you two doing here today?”

“We try to report in at least once a day, check our pending cases in case things are moving, and we just like the coffee, Sir,” said Kyle, with Sean snickering next to him.

They were both off duty for family leave with Amy and Jim out of commission.

“Get your feet off the furniture, detective,” Strickland said to Sean who was lazing back with his feet up. Sean reluctantly complied. Damn Strickland. He hated being under that prick's command again. Strickland ignored him and his eyes wandered down the sheet.

“Guerin and Evans, you’re up.”

Max cleared his throat and read through their script sheet. “We have two cases pending. No stalls, and Guerin is on limited duty.”

“Two cases? Just two?” Strickland looked at his manpower sheet. That was impossible. Guerin and Evans were still pulling new cases as fast as the others, despite having Guerin on limited duty. They had to have others on the desk still working.

Checking his sheets he stopped himself from whistling. Damn. Over the last four months,

Guerin and Evans had a success rate almost equaling one hundred percent, and a turnover of mere days per case.

Max looked over at Kyle and Sean, worried. Michael's newfound powers were clearing their cases at unheard-of and alarming rates. He picked up so much information

93 off the crime scenes that it was almost never a question of who did it, but getting the evidence to stand up in court. It pushed their percentages to incredible stats, and Max wasn’t sure how to explain that.

Strickland swallowed hard and chose to ignore the team altogether. Quickly reassigning cases and manpower, he reassigned the teams to certain rotations and dismissed them. Michael stayed, watching Strickland leave the room. Sean followed the man, and waited until he was safe back in Cap’s office to shut the door to the briefing room.

Michael just stared straight ahead, but Sean was much more vocal.

“How the hell did we get settled with StrickDick? I heard he was on forced leave until IA finished investigating Vice.”

Max sat down and rubbed the back of his neck. “They needed a replacement fast.

They were afraid that our department would go rogue and search for the people responsible for Cap’s attack. This was the best they could do in limited time, and

Strickland jumped at the chance to take control. He’ll try to take over Majors and make sure that Cap never gets his command back.”

“That’s not going to happen,” said Michael quietly. Standing he looked at the room of detectives. “Cap put Max in charge. Anyone have a problem with that?”

Waters looked at his partner and shrugged. “I think we prefer that. Strickland ran

Vice into the ground. We’d rather not see that happen here.”

Michael looked at Hanson and his partner…um, whatever her name was. “Sam, you and your partner on for Max being in command?”

Courtney interrupted Hanson before he could speak. “We’re green, Commander.”

94 Michael’s eyes narrowed at the young woman, but he soon lost interest. “Max, what you got for us?”

Max stood up and went to a special chalkboard in the front of the room. Moving the top empty board to the side, they saw another board filled with their names.

“We work the numbers. Everyone cover your cases. Business as usual. No exceptions. Kyle and Sean are off for six days, so they take lead with Michael on the

Valenti case. Michael will follow since he still has time obligations to the Department. All teams are cut into sectionals. I want all of you to check your sources. I talked to Parker in

Forensics. She is shuttling duplicate reports to us. Rhonda is in the know. She will hold all rosters in the morning, and you are to check in with her throughout the day. All reports will be given directly to me, or lead team. Strickland can’t know what we’re doing at any time. He’ll run his own bullshit investigation. It’ll be one of us. We feed Strickland’s investigation all we know, but Kyle and Sean run the investigation. They re-assign any and all manpower as they see fit. Any problems, come to me directly. Let's do this quiet and fast.”

“By the book?” Philips asked quietly.

“There is no book for this case. No mistake. This will be taken care of quickly, judiciously and without a nod to the law. We’re going to push the line here, boys. So anyone has a problem, they need to say so now, and we’ll reroute you to basic services.”

No one spoke up. Taking a knock at a cop was a dangerous and risky business.

People understood that. Only a fool wouldn’t expect the cop shop to explode in a full manhunt. Justice was coming. A special type of justice that had nothing to do with books and the law.

95 Max looked over the group. “Where are Sargento and Petrowski?”

“They're cleaning up some dogging and shake and bakes in Bean Town. They got a lead this morning on a new cooker.”

“How many shake and bake factories we close this month?”

“Too many.” Waters looked at Philips. “I think we took three, and I know you and

Guerin plugged six.”

“Four for us,” said Sean.

Hanson raised his hand.

“Put your hand down, Hanson. What’s your count?”


Max nodded and looked at his partner. Michael nodded.

“It’s escalating. The drug factories are increasing overnight. We don’t pull back on the shit. We can’t. If we turn our heads they’ll overrun the streets by next month.”

Michael rubbed his stomach. He was hungry. “The new dust we picked up was a special.

Golden with a tweak. Parker is running diagnostics, but this shit is touchy. So keep it off your skin.”

Max sat down on the edge of a desk. “Can we pull from Narcotics? We’re picking off their turf. Maybe we should give it back and stick to major crimes and homicide.”

Sean searched for a cigarette. “We can’t. Narcotics is overextended. They aren’t covering half the area. Shit is getting across the border, and they can’t find the area of access. Being so close to Mexico is a problem. Vice is defunct. IA has that house torn apart, and StrickDick is trying to find an out. He’s sizing up our home. And boys…” Sean

96 looked at the rest of the group. “We do not want that pit viper to set up in our house. This is Valenti’s and we keep it safe for him.”

“Okay. I’ll rethink the deployment. For now, all drug trafficking and shops are closed harshly. Call for back-up. We don’t pull back. The rest of the units will be looking to our lead. Courtney, you and Hanson cover foot units. They have problems and concerns, I want to know.” Hanson nodded and Courtney started to open her mouth, but Max cut her off by continuing. “Waters, can you and Philips cover all the catch-up cases? We’ve got too many floaters and the work is piling.” Max quickly ran down the list assigning special areas to be watched over. The group quickly dissolved hitting their workloads before

Strickland wondered why his bullpen was empty of working detectives.

Courtney stopped next to Max and Michael and smiled. “Carl and I think we’ve got a lead on a new talent in town. Rumor is he is good at creating chaos of an explosive kind.”

Max nodded. “Just work the information and report back.” Max watched Courtney start to leave. “Courtney. You’re new. Hanson is team leader, so both of you be careful out there.”

Sean, Kyle, Michael, Waters, and Philips watched Hanson and his partner leave while Max flipped through more papers.

“Who the hell is Carl?” Kyle asked.


Kyle and Sean were on their way out the door. They needed to get to work on what they had on the bombing. Being on leave, they had days off and time to put all their

97 efforts to the one case. Michael watched them leave after Kyle reminded Max about

Lamaze that night.

“What's wrong Max?”

Max sighed and tossed himself down in a chair. Looking at Michael, he was disconcerted at how thin his partner looked. “Nothing. Everything. I don’t know.”

“Okay. One thing at a time. What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know if I can do this. Why did Cap give the control to me and not you?”

Michael shrugged. “I can command men, but I don’t lead. There is a difference. A slight one, but in the grand schemes of things the difference can mean a lot.” Michael stood up. “I’ve got to go pick up Maria. I won’t be in tomorrow. I'm not on the schedule until Monday. So I’ll check on the streets tomorrow for information. You want to come visit an old friend?”

“Yeah, just beep me where to meet you? Who we shaking?”

“Oh, you’ll love it! A real peach.” Michael said with an insanely evil smile on his face.

“Okay. I’ll wear protection.”

Michael just laughed. “You might want to wear some tonight. Maria and I are back in the Lamaze class tonight.”

“Aw, shit!”

Michael headed for the door, but stopped and looked back at his partner. Max. He stood in the room alone. Being the leader, the one in charge was often a lonely task.

“Max. As far as being in command?” Max nodded. “All I can say is that no one is every

98 really ready for it, until they have to be. Only advice I can give you is that when in command…command. Simple.”


“Detective Guerin.” Michael stopped at the voice that sounded high and screechy as nails on a board.

“Ms. Gonzales. A pleasure as always.” Michael gave a frightening smile, belying his words.

“New rules. All members of the Roswell PD are required to leave their guns at the door! No guns allowed in the group.”

Maria looked at Michael and Ms. Gonzales and decided to leave it to the woman to disarm her man. Good luck to her.

“You will notice that I have a liaison officer from the Department here to protect and guard your weapons. I’d prefer that none of you came armed, but I understand that you are required to…”

“You want me to remove my piece?”

“Just your gun, Detective. All of them, including your clutch weapon…is it an ankle holster?”

“You want to disarm me?” Michael asked credulously. “Take my weapons?”

“Yes. Please hand them over.”

“Off my rotting corpse!”

99 Maria sighed and moved in closer to Michael so she could speak to him in a low tone. “Michael, my back hurts. Could you just do this and help me sit down? I’m not feeling so good.”

“What’s wrong?” Michael turned in a flash to check Maria over, quickly removing his guns so he could take her into the classroom. Maria met Ms. Gonzales' eyes over

Michael’s head as he bent towards her, and acknowledged the woman’s look of gratitude.

In the classroom were a subdued and sheepish looking Kyle and Max with Tess.

Michael headed to an empty spot next the trio when Ms. Gonzales rushed into the room and redirected him.

“Detective Guerin. I’m sure Maria would be much more comfortable at this spot.”

She pointed to a place opposite and away from the Evans-Valenti trio. Lowering her voice, she whispered to Michael, “It’s closer to the bathroom.”

“Oh right. Good idea.” Michael looked over at Kyle and Max with a smug look on his face, and both men exchanged looks, trying to figure out what Michael was getting for Maria that they didn’t get for Tess.

It took all of ten minutes after the class started for Michael to start bitching about his guns. He kept an eye on the other group and kept increasing the pace of Maria’s panting to keep ahead of Tess.

“I don’t know why I have to surrender my arms. It’s not like I was going to shoot anyone.”

“Oh?” Maria said slightly breathless.

“Professor, pick up the pace…the bastards are gaining, and…I mean, the hees are getting too far from the other hees.”

100 “Hee hee yourself. This is as fast as I’m going. I refuse to be caught in the middle of your insane competitive war with Kyle and Max. And…” Maria groaned softly as she tried to reposition herself causing Michael to rush to her aid. “What about the damn water cooler? Huh? Did it just spring out and attack you, forcing you to shoot it?”

“Maria, dammit, I told you, I was provoked!”

“By a damn water cooler?” Maria hissed under her breath as she felt a tinge in her lower stomach. Moving to her side, she tried to relieve the cramp.

“No, by that bastard, um, I mean by Max and his cootie partner in crime, Kyle.

They…” Michael noticed the look on Maria’s face and paused. “What is it?”

“What is what?” Maria asked exasperated. Michael Guerin was a special man, and, taken as a whole, he was too awesome for words. But individually, day by day and one event at a time, he could be plain loco or insane, depending on the circumstances.

Michael gestured to his face, making a grimace. “That thing you’re doing with your face.”

“There is nothing wrong with my face!” Maria said loudly as a light next to them exploded.

Michael quickly lowered his voice and rested his hand on her stomach so the twins could feel his presence. “Okay. Okay. Calm down. I meant that you’re grimacing. What’s wrong?”

Max was suddenly at Michael’s shoulder while Ms. Gonzales and her helper rushed to the exploded lamp.

“Michael? Maria okay?”

101 Maria looked up at him and suddenly moved to the side in pain again. “No! Maria is not okay!” She looked up at Michael. “I…ouch! It hurts.”

Michael quickly stood up and picked her up, and shoved the pillows at Max. “I’m taking her to the hospital. Collect our stuff, okay?”

Max nodded as Michael quickly vacated the room with a not so happy Maria.

“Michael, you forgot your guns.” Michael swore under his breath and informed

Maria to shut up. He was taking care of it.

Collecting their things Max rejoined Kyle and Tess, who were watching in concern.

“Maria?” Tess asked.

Max just shook his head. “I don’t know. Cramps? Contractions? She was in pain.”

“It’s too early.” Tess said fretfully.

Kyle sat down and prompted Tess up against him. Rubbing her stomach in comfort he looked over at Max. The shared a common look of concern, but said nothing so Tess wouldn’t worry too much.


Maria was quiet when Michael carried her into the loft a few hours later and placed her on the sofa. Mr. Boo, who had been waiting patiently for their return, jumped up on her lap and quickly began to question Maria about her condition. Maria petted him in comfort, and looked over at the endlessly pacing Michael.

“Braxton-Hicks contractions, Michael. You can calm down now.”

102 “It’s too early. It should be in your last month, not at week twenty-six. The book said it was the body's way of preparing the uterus for delivery, and…”

“Michael.” He kept talking, so Maria repeated herself, “Michael.” He stopped his pacing and looked at her. “It was just those Hicks contraction things. The babies are fine.

I’m fine. The book said that they can start in the second trimester and increase in the third. I’m in the third. So, not so unusual. Not really.”

Michael came over and knelt next to her where she lay on the sofa with a purring Mr.


“You were in pain.”

“Well, yeah. You didn’t think pushing out two six to eight pound babies was going to be a cakewalk did you?”

“I really didn’t think about much of anything.” Michael rubbed his face. “I hate to think of you in pain.”

Maria framed his face with her hands. “It’ll be okay. You’ll see. Women have been doing this forever, and they survive. Think about it. Some even choose to have more children, even knowing what that means. I think I can handle it.”

Michael rubbed his forehead against Maria’s. “I’m sure you can. You’re the strongest person I’ve ever met. It’s me that I’m worried about.”

“I know you. You’ll be there, and you’ll be perfect. Michael, you don’t know how to fail.” Michael stared into her eyes, and felt her sincerity. She had a way of making him feel humble. He’d rather cut off his own arm before losing her trust and belief in him.

Some things were too important to risk failure. He couldn't understand why he hadn’t felt the contractions, when he seemed to share everything else with her.

103 “I love you.” Michael said softly. He didn’t say it often enough. A man of few words, he let actions speak for him, but at times, words were all he had.

“You better. You’re kind of stuck with me.”

“For better or worse?” Michael asked casually, but not feeling very casual.

“Is that really what you want?” Maria said quietly trying to read his eyes. “I wasn’t sure. It’s been a while, and I thought maybe you changed your mind.”

“Not likely. I just had things to take care of, and with all this crazy…”

“Alien stuff?”

Michael nodded. It wasn’t a subject they talked about. Ever. Maria had tried at first, but Michael’s uncontrolled emotions made it hard, and after replacing the windows in the loft a few times, she backed off and decided to let him talk when he was able to.

“Not all of it is bad,” she said with a smile pulling at the corner of her mouth.

Actually, some of it was pretty damn amazing. The sex. Oh lord, have mercy! The flooding of power in her body, and the incredible bond she felt with him. Alien sex and love had a lot to recommend it.

“I don’t know,” Michael confessed. “I don’t know what I’m doing most of the time, or where this is going to take us.”

He rose pick her up and take a sitting position, holding Maria on his lap. Mr. Boo reluctantly relinquished just enough space to allow him to do this. Suddenly, Maria shivered and whimpered into Michael’s chest. The glowing sensation was moving across her abdomen and lower body, leaving her almost boneless and weak. It was incredible that every day she found herself more attracted and attached to him. He smelt and tasted…

104 “I’m hungry,” Maria whispered, looking up at him through her lowered eyes. “Are you going to feed me or what?”

“What? Oh.” Michael looked down at her, and gulped. Damn. He recognized that look too well, and the increased intensity was hard to miss. He hadn’t refueled in hours, and suddenly he wasn’t so sure he could hold her. “Not too much, okay?”

Wide-eyed, Maria nodded, but her smile belied her innocence. Michael pulled away his jacket, and opened the first few buttons on his shirt. Maria lightly ran her tongue over her upper lip as Michael leaned back into the cushion of the sofa, and exposed his throat and upper chest to her. He met the cat’s eyes, and together they watched as Maria smiled beguilingly at Michael, and then leaned forward, as if to gently kiss his neck. In the mirror, across the room, he could see his eyes closing, growing heavy as her mouth found his skin, and he moaned at the first nip of her teeth.

“Maria, I’ll cut…”

“Shh, no. Let me.”

Michael leaned back even more and brought her with him. Bite. She was going to bite him. Hard. Break skin and draw blood. His heart raced in his chest as the beating organ threatened to burst through his chest. How could something so simple mean so much to him? His blood. His life energy. It sustained them. All of them. They needed and belonged to him exclusively. They always would. Aphrodisiac of thought, erotic and hearty, he encouraged her to feast off him.

Maria’s lips were soft and gentle, and Michael could feel them brush across his neck before he was swept away on a rush of pure pleasure. He was dimly aware of the fact that her teeth had broken skin and a slight pull and then pain hit his sensory receptors and

105 then quickly was chased away under the sheer erotic release. He could feel a few drops of his own blood slowly trailing down his neck, away from the warmth of her mouth as her sucking overwhelmed his senses. Other than that, all of his senses had overloaded on some chemical rush of total euphoria.

Lost time. That was becoming a common theme for them. Both of them seemed unable to comprehend what their bodies did naturally, without them being aware. The quick rush to remove clothes, the joining of flesh, and the feeling of urgency left them both light-headed and disoriented. Nothing made sense but the rush of emotions and energy that fueled their bonding.

Michael moaned and felt an unexpected warmth flood down his body, and knew that he had just come. Maria pulled away, after one last lick at the swiftly closing wound on

Michael’s neck. Michael closed his eyes and sagged down in the sofa as Maria’s hand gently stroked the side of his face, then meeting his eyes, total innocence and pure lust equally mixed in her eyes. She reached beyond him to a small sharp knife on the table next to the sofa and cut a small thin line on her upper body just below her left collar bone.

“I’m still hungry.”

Michael swallowed hard. “Wait ‘til we can eat, okay?”

Maria nodded, and turned her full attention back to petting him and his body, directing his mouth to the slice bleeding on her skin.

I am no longer alone...

106 Michael woke up to a sensation he’d never thought he’d feel again: the feeling of being part of something bigger than himself, part of a family. Maria’s lips on his, familiar and warm, tasting faintly of herbs and copper. Copper? All of the events of the evening came rushing back to him, and he sat up.

“Dammit, Maria. You just came home from the hospital, and you were having contractions.” She just silenced him with a kiss. It was okay. She felt fine. More than fine. Great.

They were in the loft. Michael was lying on the sofa, with Maria sitting on him and looking down in some amusement. Deciding he was awake enough, she leaned down and gave Michael a hungry kiss.

“Look who’s awake!” said Maria happily placing his hand on her stomach.

Still only half-conscious, Michael smiled just as he registered two other heartbeats with the movement under his hand. His children. Mikey and his sister…

“Amanda,” Maria said. “I was thinking, Amanda. That will make them Mikey and

Manda Guerin.”

Michael grunted for an answer, and looked around the loft seeing the cat again peacefully cleaning his paws. Amanda? He liked it, but it wasn’t good to give in to Maria immediately because he suspected she was getting to expect that. Maria was leaning against him, breathing deeply and fully, as a woman would who has just experienced an earth-shattering orgasm. Michael looked at Maria questioningly. That wasn’t just a normal mating and feeding session for them. It had gone on for a while.

“I was very, very hungry,” said Maria sweetly.

107 “Take it easy on me, Professor.” Michael scratched his eye amused. Someday, he was going to set up closed circuit cameras and record them, just so he could capture whatever the hell they did when they seemed to lose track of reality. “It feels like I haven’t eaten in days. And you’ve been feeding off me for…” He looked over at the clock and was shocked at the lateness of time. “For hours.”

Hours of blood, Michael’s brain translated. That’s right, he thought wildly. His family needed him to survive. Sitting back comfortably watching her where she sat on him, her pregnant stomach still moving under his hand, he couldn’t imagine ever not wanting her near and in his life. Never not wanting to get her pregnant.

Maria suddenly looked at him seriously. “Tell me we won’t lose this feeling, the intensity, the lust when the babies are born. Tell me.”

“I promise,” Michael vowed. “I promise that I’ll never stop feeling this way, or wanting this connection with you.”

He’d do anything to keep from losing her, or having her unhappy. Anything. He pulled Maria closer to him. Maria turned Michael’s eyes back to her, and kissed him again, draining away all thought. When Maria’s kisses moved lower on his chest just above his left nipple, Michael did nothing, just moaned when he felt her teeth sink into his flesh. He let Maria drink her fill.

“Whatever you need, Professor. Take whatever you need...”

108 Chapter Four: Beggars to a thief…

Day Four: Friday, 2:13 am

"When was your shift over?" Sean asked quietly in the dark. Julia paused in taking off her clothes. He was lying back in their bed, naked and lounging, with one arm across his lower body suggestively and the other under his head. Heaven didn’t create such angels who looked like demons. Wicked. A darkness lived in him, but the purity of his heart cleansed his soul.

Julia's eyes widened and then she grinned. "Technically, we don’t have shifts,


"Care to have dinner with me? My treat?" Julia dropped her clothes in abandon and walked towards him slowly.

"Sure. I'd like that." Sitting on the bed next to him, her hand ran down his body, her one finger moving along the lines of his muscles. “Are you on the menu?”

Sean watched her in the late night gloom of their room. He was pissed. Very pissed.

She hadn’t called, and since he couldn’t sleep not knowing where she was, he laid in their bed waiting, knowing she would have undressed and come to bed without waking him.

That knowledge only fed the fuel of his anger. But it wasn’t just anger, it was more. He needed more from her. Proof. Physical proof that she saw him, wanted him, and wanted to be with him. "Appetizer, main course and dessert."

“Dessert?” Julia moved in close to him, her mouth just touching his. “I love dessert.

It’s the whole purpose to any meal.”

109 Julia gave him an enigmatic smile and moved away. Following her, his mouth rejoined hers for more than just a moment. What started as a teasing kiss, soon became a fire of need and passion. Her intensity hit him hard, bouncing along the awareness building in his spine. Need. He wasn’t the only one running on fumes and broken feet.

She needed something too. Power. Control. Him.

“You’re a wreck tonight, Counselor. What demons are you chasing?”

“Witness protection. It didn’t go down well. Our safehouses were overturned three times.”

Sean swore, but bit his tongue. “And your witness?”

“He didn’t make it on the third strike. So the bastard wins again.”

"How close were you?" He had to ask. He had to know.

"A block away when the house went. Looked like an exploding gas line, but the smell in the air suggested other things."

Sean ground his teeth, but held his tongue, lecturing himself. Be smart. For fucking once, be smart. He nodded at her to acknowledge her disappointment. "I'm here if you need to talk."

Julia smiled politely. "Don't know your name yet. Mine is Julia - Julia MacLeod."

"Detective Sean DeLuca, at your service. My hide is yours to command."

They grinned at each other, both trying to keep it light. The tension in the air was stifling, but beneath their idle conversation, a growing sexual tension was building. Sean studied every detail of Julia, her incredibly shiny hair, the two silver hoops in her ear and her lush lips, along with the smallness of her firm breasts which peeked out of the camisole as she toyed with its hem, suggesting a frailty that was just not so. Julia could

110 only see the brilliance of his eyes, the sardonic smile that flashed now and then in that hard, chiseled face. It made her go weak inside. She could have died and left him all alone. Stupid. It was all so stupid.

The shadows got a bit darker and Julia dragged him up from his resting perch to face her head-on. She leaned over to kiss him. Willingly Sean slung his arms around her and let himself fall backwards, taking Julia with him. Burying Sean under her, Julia devoured his hot mouth. The sheets were cool and the writhing bodies heated up fast against each other. Julia had her arms around his strong neck and Sean held on at her waist, stroking the bare skin between panties and camisole, running his hands up and down the silky slightness of her female body. It was clumsy and desperate but very arousing. They stayed there for a while just kissing and groping.

Julia marveled at the gentleness of her detective, and how at times, he was proving to contain so many contradictions. Gentle, brusque, hard, unyielding, and even hot and sexy.

She had never had such a strong lover before and it was exciting how he willingly gave over control and wanted to be the submissive. She slipped her hands over his body feeling for the powerful muscles, loving how easily he could subdue and crush her, but her head was whirling, heady in the knowledge that he would not. Sean grunted as she slipped a hand between them to squeeze him in a tight grip. Sean gasped. He couldn't stand this playing around any longer.

"Do you plan to eat? Or are you just going to pick at the food?" he murmured breathlessly.

111 "Oh, I plan to feast on a full meal. Do you want to come with me?" Julia answered, a bit surprised that Sean was offering himself up tonight. She could feel the tension in him, and part of her expected him to need to exert the control in their relationship.

"I want you. Everything can wait until later."

"Sean, I’m not in a very playful mood tonight."

Sean let her go reluctantly and got up. He could barely keep his hands from her, shocked to see the disheveled look of her face when the subdued light of the night filtered in through the unclosed blinds.

“What are you in the mood for?”

“Lots of you.”

Standing beside the bed, he cocked his head. "I could stand with being had."

Julia grinned. "Mine?"

"Sure. Why not?"

Julia drank in the man, gazing up and down at him as he stood in front of her.

"C'mon, what are you waiting for?" Sean asked with a challenge in his voice. Bad boy.

Julia quickly was off the bed and shoved him towards it where she pushed him on his back. Climbing over him she gripped a fistful of hair and started to ravage his mouth.

Sean moaned. He'd known she liked it rough, a touch of violence and passion. He loved that about her, because she was his equal in so many ways.

"Don't hold back - you know I like it!" He goaded.

Julia bent Sean's head back and mauled his throat. He grunted and writhed under the assault, refusing to be still and just take it. The pain and pleasure of her mouth on his

112 neck shot straight to his cock. Working her way down Julia bit and sucked hard at the salty flesh. His pierced nipple was her target. She tore at it while she held the man down at his upper arms, pressing him into the mattress. Still, Sean writhed too much for her taste. She got the cuffs from the bedside table. They kept them there just for times like these. When Sean saw them his eyes sparkled in anticipation and something else.

Something dark and daring.

Deftly Julia chained his wrists over his head to the headboard. Sitting on untied legs, she admired her victim. Julia returned the gaze from under half-lidded eyes. Red welts were already showing around his throat and left nipple.

Her voice was husky. “God, we really need to work on your resistance.”

“Are you calling me easy?”

“No. That is pretty damn obvious. I’m calling you a slut.”

Sean just laughed. Well, just as long as they were clear on that.

Julia looked him over critically. He was so damn perfect. So willing to let her take control of him when she felt the need to have some control. He was pretty pliable in that regard, and it ran a risk. At times, she felt her humanity slip, and a long dark violence rise inside her. It scared her how easy it would be to really hurt him. It was even scarier that he would let her.

As long as she didn't really lose it it would be okay. Julia sighed and scooted back from the bed stripping her remaining clothing off. She threw her camisole after the panties and climbed back on the bed, kneeling over her prey she admired the wonderful sight. Helpless, weak, sexy. Sean went crazy when Julia was towering over him like this.

113 She looked dangerous, mad. Her brilliant irises were gleaming as a smile touched the corner of her mouth. Sean groaned. Damn, he loved her!

"Are you ready to fly?" Julia murmured.

“Would you fucking stop teasing and just get it on already?” Sean laughed when she pinched him hard for that.

Julia spread his legs and trapped them beneath hers, stroking softly over the hard cock and furry balls. With a sudden hard grip her hand circled the balls and squeezed mercilessly. Sean arched up his heels digging into the mattress, but no sound came out of his mouth. Julia slid half from the bed. The soft flesh between the strong thighs drove her crazy and she had to taste it. Keeping her fingers around the sac she bit her way up to the groin leaving marks of ownership in her wake.

Sean was panting in harsh breaths. His face was flushed and bright gleam stood in his eyes. He loved being manhandled by her. Every time Julia bit harder his body jerked and Sean whimpered. His legs were trembling and his feet shoved downward instinctually seeking for leverage.

Julia was drunk from having him writhing under her, from the smell of arousal and tolerable pain, the choking noises Sean was making. Her smaller body was constantly taunt now and bathed in sweat, as she pushed him almost beyond the point to be able to orgasm. She let Sean go and slid back on the bed, sitting on her heels as she stared between his spread legs, watching him pull at the handcuffs. Sean could take a lot of pain.

He could take torture in many forms and preferred a belt or whip to having Julia take him to the verge, and then just pull back. That was one torture he found almost impossible to tolerate, and she had learned that early on in their relationship.

114 She wiped her face on his skin and turned Sean over with a fast move so he was on his side facing the mattress. His limp body trembled all over as she fitted her body along his back pushing his one leg forward so hers could mate to it. Sean moaned as he felt her naked flesh against his and he couldn’t touch her, just feel what she allowed. Sean's head hung low as if he was too weak to do anything. Julia kissed his back as he waited for her to actually make a real move on him. He really wanted a strap; he felt that shaky inside, but Julia wouldn’t do that. Not yet. It cheated the experience, made it commonplace.

She’d only agree to that level of violence when he really needed it, because then it was never about sex, and only about punishment and power. He was beyond caring what would happen now. He just needed to get off.

“Give me one damn reason why I shouldn’t just get off on you, and leave you unsatisfied?” Julia whispered in his ear. Sean cussed under his breath. She was very capable of that. Had even done it a few times when she was really, really pissed at him.


She quickly moved him back onto his back, and Sean’s eyes closed as a long moan escaped from him as he felt their bodies join. Opening his eyes he looked up at her, and watched as she took his mouth in a long deep kiss.

“I’m sorry, Sean. I’m really sorry. I should’ve called.”

He heard the handcuffs open and suddenly one of his hands was free while she reattached the other hand back to the headboard. She was giving back some control.

Moving his hand down her naked back and up again, his hand went under the curtain of her soft golden hair to hold her head as his mouth found hers again and their bodies moved together in increasing passion. Apology. She had apologized.


When Sean came to, he was still chained to the bed and still on his back. Julia stood at the window nursing a drink. She turned and gazed at Sean when she noticed that he was awake.

"Can I have a drink too?" He rasped.

Julia stepped away from the window and left for a moment to return with a beer for him. She was wearing his shirt and her face looked composed and solemn. He grasped the beer with his free hand. Sean looked at the cuffs, at Julia, at the beer and took a swig.

Obviously, she wasn’t finished with him yet.

"You aren’t going to go weirdo on me? Cut me to pieces later?"

"Isn't it a bit too late to worry about that?"

"Are you?"

"Would you mind?"

"Kind of, sure. I like my body intact. A little on the black and blue side, but intact."

"Too bad."

Julia leaned forward and kissed the soft lips, tasting the bitter tang of the beer. The edge was gone, her hunger stilled. But she loved having him under her tight control.

Laughing at herself, she recognized that Sean was too much a master of these games, and no one really controlled him, only as much as he wanted them to believe.

She studied his beautiful face, marveling at his desire to endure pain and submission.

At this moment the expression on his face made him appear older than Julia knew him to be. She wondered how far she would have been able to go before Sean would have

116 started to protest. Julia sat on the bed her face turned to the window again. She held her wine glass between her hands.

"What are you thinking of?" Sean asked.

"How much I would like to keep you chained on my bed. All the time. Take you, love you, and keep you as my sex pet." Julia smiled over her shoulder at him. "That would be a beautiful dream."

She sighed and picked at the sheets.

"If this is your way to say that you'd like to be with me forever - well, I'd like that too."

Julia peered at him. "Yeah?"

"Yeah!" A broad grin spread over the handsome face.

"And you. You’re not just saying this because I’ve got you chained to the bed?"

Sean snuggled deeper into the pillows and took another swig of the beer. "I admit it really does make me want to agree to anything, but do I look as if I want to go anywhere?"

"No." Julia sighed and looked down into her glass. “But things are never this easy, are they?”


Julia ignored him. “We’ll have problems no matter what. If I unchain you and let you go, you’ll demand things of me. Things I can’t give.”

“Things you choose not to give.”

“That’s not true, and you know it! This isn’t about compromise, Sean. I look at you.

Watch you. Every morning I had to see you put on your guns and walk out that door. I

117 know. I accept that this might be the last time I touch you, kiss you...and yet...I let you go.”

“I’m a cop. It comes with the territory.”

“I know that, and I accept it. But I hate it. It makes me crazy knowing you’re out there doing crazy things, taking unnecessary risks. But I don’t ask you to stop.” Julia shook her head when he started to talk. “I don’t ask you to stop, because that part of you is a large part of why I let you into my life in the first place. It was a part of you, and a part I couldn’t deny or take away.”

“What’s this got to do with us?”

Julia laughed bitterly. “Everything. And you know it. You know. What I do and how I do it is as much a part of me as being a cop is a part of you. I know you hate it. I know it makes you crazy, insanely possessive and irrational. I know that it’s just a matter of time that you ask me to choose between you and my job. If my job was nothing, just a flash in a pan, then I would just walk away…for you I’d walk away. But it’s more than that. It’s about who I am. who I want to be, and what makes me the woman you first met.”

Sean reached over and deposited his now empty bottle. “Julia. I know. I know that I get unreasonable and demanding. I know I let fear and worry drive me to make demands of you that I shouldn’t, but I can’t seem to change that. So what do you want to do? Do you want to end this now?”

“No. I just want you to learn. Accept. And understand. I want you to understand that you can’t push me. That in this, you can’t push me. I am who I am and what I am, just as you are. You have to learn to respect that in some way, or we won't make it.”

“I can promise to try.”

118 Julia leaned forward and kissed him lazily. Slipping up the bed she aligned her length along his lounging form. She laid her head on his bare chest and made herself comfortable by draping her free arm around his shoulder as far as she could reach. She studied the man in her arms. She had always dreamed of a strong lover who would take care of her in every sense of the word, but one that could let her take care of him as well.

Sean was a heavy weight against her, a long leg wedged between hers possessively. She gave him a kiss on his chest where she left a mark and sighed. Closing her eyes she forced herself to relax and sleep.

“Careful, Detective. Don’t make me choose. Learn the limits.”

Sean used his free hand to card his fingers through her silky loose hair, spreading it out on his chest. He understood perfectly, and he even agreed to some extent. Instinct was a killer. Closing his eyes, he hoped he could learn when to hold on tight, and when to let go before he made a terrible mistake.


The detonation timer needed to be hidden. Heating the paraffin to a nice melted liquid, a broad base nitroglycerin and toluene was then added. Pouring the melted wax into an old coffee can, he added a handful of scrap metal and nails. Sinking in the aluminum strips, he connected it to copper alligator clips and wires, and ran the wire to a

Westinghouse clock face. Setting the alarm for 4:00 PM, all there was left to do was wait for the paraffin to dry, thus setting the deadly components.

119 Two jobs. He had two jobs, two employers, and one town. Smiling, the man hummed under his breath as he finished up the one job, and started preparations on the next bomb.


“So where and who we shaking?” Max asked.

Michael just laughed and gave instructions to Club Hell. Alex Whitman was always a treat to visit. Over four months ago he clued the group into their ‘alien’ nature, and after that he suddenly lost his tongue. All of them realized he knew more than he was sharing, but in all matters extraterrestrial Alex remained silent.

“He’s not going to talk.”

Michael shrugged. “We don’t know that until we ask. This isn’t about us. It’s for

Amy and Jim. He might unbend for them.”

Max just snorted and made a derogatory remark under his breath. If Alex wouldn’t break his code of silence for Isabel, it was doubtful he’d break for anyone else. Fucking bastard. Max’s jaw flexed under the strain. Alex, the thorn in his side, was sleeping with his sister and keeping secrets.

“Whitman will not talk or give us any information. He’d remain silent if you slowly ripped off his fingernails, and the bastard would smile at you while you did it.”

“Maxwell, you need to get over your problems with Alex.”

Max just shook his head. “Don’t tell me you don’t have a problem with him sleeping with Isabel. Tell me that the fact he knows things we should know, things that could help

Maria, doesn’t burn you.”

120 Michael looked out the window. “What he knows can’t help Maria, Max.”

“How do you know that?”

“I asked him to help me. He said okay, and when he came back he said he couldn’t find any information that would help Maria and the babies.”

“And you believed him?”

“No. Maria did.” Max went silent at that. Maria. She had a way of reading people.

“That doesn’t mean that…”

“Max, they’re friends.” Michael looked at Max. “Over the last four months Alex hasn't talked to us, but he talks to Maria. He told her that what he knows he can’t spill because he has made a promise that he can’t break. Maria said she understood and made him promise if ever he could, that for her child’s sake he would please tell her. They’ve been friends since that time. Even before he finally accepted a seat on the board of the


“Does Isabel know?”

“Sure. She usually comes to dinner with him. I think their connection bothers her to some extent, but not really.”

“He loves her?”


Max swore. “No. Maria. Alex loves Maria, too?”

Michael thought about it. How with everyone else, even Isabel to some extent, Alex remained aloof and unapproachable. But not with Maria. With her, he seemed young, boyish and carefree. They made jokes, laughed, and he told Maria the most horrible stories.

121 “Perhaps. Yeah.”

Max swore again. “And you’re okay with that?”

“Yeah. I think I am.”

“Okay, explain that. You hated it when I had a Maria thing. You hate that Jonathan thinks she turns water into liquid gold. Sean doesn’t need to be mentioned. He’d kill for her. Kyle adores her, as does every other man, woman and child that meets her. How can you be okay with this?”

“Because it’s just a Maria thing. She wouldn’t be mine if I couldn’t trust her.”

“Fine.” Max was silent for a moment. “Then what the hell is your beef with


“That bastard! He comes near her, and…”

“Michael! Dammit, what the hell is it?”

Michael just shook his head. Looking out the window he didn’t bother to explain how unsettled Jonathan made him. It was like the man wanted something, and Maria was essential to what he wanted. He had looked at everything from all angles, and he couldn’t find the flaw or the problem. Maria’s regard for Jonathan also made him doubt his instincts, because hers were so much more honed to people than his. He was better at places and physical attributes, but not emotional ones. Jonathan wanted the one thing in the world he prized, Maria. And for that alone, Jonathan would always be someone to suspect.

“I can’t believe it. I get a lover for longer than a few dates, and all…”

Michael winced. “Could you please not call him that?”

Max avoided a car and looked at Michael sharply. “What? Lover?”

122 “Yeah. It just sounds so damn gay.”

“Figure it out, partner. Two men in a relationship that is sexual. That’s gay.” Max smiled to himself. He said. “So how about 'boyfriend'.” Michael just made a grunt under his breath. “Okay. So what should I call him?”

Michael shrugged. “Dead works for me.”

“You are a fucking homophobic prick!”

“Hey! There is nothing wrong with being a fucking prick! And homophobic? I could care less if Jonathan gets off sucking dick, or anyone for that matter, unless it’s mine.

Then I’ll bust their frickin’ head. Man, I can’t believe you’d say that to me. I’ve been nothing but supportive. Who stopped those fag bashers from trashing you in the Men’s can last month? Huh?”

Max looked at his partner and smiled. “I love you, man.”

“Don’t get all gay on me. I’ll kill you.”

“Yeah, heard that before. Usually from you.” Max just smirked. “Still love you.”

Michael squirmed in his seat. Uncertain what to say, he just grunted, which made

Max laugh even harder as he enjoyed seeing the larger man look uncomfortable. “What’s not to love? Everyone wants to be Michael.”

“You are one fucking conceited bastard.” Michael just smiled smugly. What the hell was his point anyway?


123 Alex looked up as they entered the bar. Looking at his watch, he just shrugged. “It’s not the first of the month, so this can’t be shakedown money.”

“That’s in two weeks. We’ll be back then for that.” Michael said.

Alex shrugged. “Good, show yourself out.” He got up to leave.


The tall lean man stopped in the doorway leading down a dark hall. Without turning around, he reached in his pocket and extracted a piece of paper. Holding it up in the air he waited until Michael came to retrieve the paper.

“It’s all I could find out so far. In the future, don’t wander into my place as you please. I wouldn’t want to get a reputation as a Cop informant. Shake down Benny the

Rat, or Sly. I hear Sly found a crib over on Weekers. The place is a rat hole.”


“Don’t thank me. It’s hardly anything.” Alex took a drag on his cigarette. “I do it for her, got that?”

“Yeah. I got it.” They watched Alex wander away.

“You believe him?” Max asked curiously.

“Yeah. He wouldn’t lie about it. Alex doesn’t lie. He just refuses to talk.”

“I thought we were going to shake him down?”

Michael just laughed and gestured for them to leave. “Yeah, well once again, Alex anticipated my request and furnished it without me having to threaten him. He must be tired today. He usually enjoys going one on one with us.”

124 Max just laughed as they left the club. A figure in the shadows watched them, and after they exited the building he slowly followed Alex, finding him in the back room reading a few reports and smoking.

“They want to know.”

“Did you expect anything else?” Alex put his feet down and reached for a bottle.

Pouring himself a drink and one for the other man, he waited until his company was seated.

“What did you tell them?”

“Nothing.” Alex downed the shot in one gulp. “You should know better than to ask. I gave my word long ago. I won’t break it, not even for them.”

“And Isabel?”

Alex shook his head. “No. Isabel understands enough not to ask. She knows I’d do anything and everything to make sure she is safe.”

“And Maria?”

Alex paused. “She’s real sick.”

“I know.” The man sat back in the seat. “There is a possibility, but how it will affect her is uncertain.”

Alex nodded. “I thought about that. But the baby…” Alex poured another drink.

“How can we know the effect on a healthy baby?”

“Did you talk to Freddy?”

“Yeah. He doesn’t know. All he’ll say is that Maria and her baby are important, maybe more important than the rest. He wouldn’t say how. They’re all watching her. She has many protectors right now.” Alex looked at the lit tip of his cigarette. “One thing he

125 let slip…babies. He said her 'babies' are important. So it’s either twins, or Maria produces some power children.”

“Did you ask for more details, or even how he could know?”

Alex shrugged. What the hell was the use? His friend of old was harder to pry information from than even his mother’s people.

“Closemouthed, huh?”

“More than even we are. He’s been my friend since I was a boy. I trusted him with my life even after I knew what he was, but in this…I don’t know.” Alex looked at his cousin. “I trust you.”

Eddie stood up and swallowed the last of his drink. “Good. I trust you too, cousin.

I’ll keep an eye on Maria. Perhaps you could try to find out what's so special about her and her child.”

“What about the Old Man?”

Eddie laughed. “Grandfather? He says that she is struggling in the Balance.

Whatever the hell that means. He doesn’t think the stones will help her since she is not one of them.”

“And any other messages from him for me?”

“Yeah.” Eddie smiled and headed for the door. “He said he expects to see you at

Sunday dinner. That was seconded by my mother, so don’t disappoint her, okay?” Alex just nodded, but his cousin turned back for a parting shot. “He also said to make sure you can trust Them.”


126 “Maria!”

Maria smiled and stopped to talk to the lovely Mrs. Mulhoney. A kindly elderly woman in her seventies, she was like a beloved grandmother. Maria enjoyed watching coddle Michael and call him her 'dear boy'.

“How are you today, Mrs. M?”

“I’m fine, my dear. I was wondering if you and Michael were going tonight to see young Ezekiel in his school play.”

“Absolutely! Did you need a ride?”

“If that wouldn’t be too much of a bother?”

Maria leaned down and kissed the elderly woman on the cheek. “It would be a pleasure.” Maria smiled when the woman placed her hand on her stomach to feel the twins.

“How is the baby?”

“Fine. I just went to the doctor yesterday, and they are both doing wonderfully.”

“Twins?” Mrs. Mulhoney’s eye sparkled in delight at the thought, and holding

Maria’s arm in a firm grasp she went on with humor, “I should have known. That young

Michael is a strapping virile man. Of course he wouldn’t just produce one!”

“Well, the blame could very well be mine.” The two women laughed together and gossiped as Mrs. Mulhoney led Maria into her home.

“You look pale. I made you some special cookies. Now these are not for Michael. I made them special for you full of good things that will make your pregnancy go so much smoother.”

127 Maria laughed and started to bite into one, but she paused. “What exactly are in these? I can’t eat…”

“Chocolate, my dear! Pure, unadulterated chocolate with a deep rich flavor. That and some milk and you’ll be putting on weight and being a nice pleasantly plump pregnant woman in the full bloom of health.”

Maria moaned softly as the full flavor of the chocolate chip cookies melted into her mouth. “Oh goodness, I couldn’t imagine anything being better than a diet of these!”

Maria quickly shoved three more in her mouth, and then looked around when magically there appeared a nice tall glass of ice cold milk. Mrs. Mulhoney smiled approvingly at

Maria as she drank the milk and devoured half the plate of cookies.

After making arrangements to pick up the elderly woman later in the evening, Maria went off on her real mission.


Margo was a young woman that Sean had found living on the streets and defacing public property with her art. She had run away from home at fifteen, and after living on the streets for a few years, she ran into Sean DeLuca, who brought her home to Maria.

Maria took one look at the strange girl who could barely talk, and there was an instant connection. They built her loft to have lots of light so Margo could work late into the day on her painting. In the last few years of living in the lofts, Margo was still a recluse, who rarely spoke, and had a fear of large crowded places.

Maria knocked and waited, and after a while, knocked again.

“Margo, c’mon! Open up. It’s Maria. I’ve got Mrs. Mulhoney's chocolate cookies, and if you…”

128 The door suddenly opened and Maria looked around as she entered, shutting the door behind her. The room was dark, except for the artist's studio on the upper loft which was open and airy, with windows and skylights. Maria looked at the twenty-two year old woman, and frowned at her state. She was a mess. Her hair was unwashed and uncombed, and she was wearing cutoff sweats covered in paint, and an old sweatshirt that said Roswell PD. Sean’s. He had given it to her so long ago it was holey and worn, and also covered in paint.

“Hey, you.”

Margo just nodded, and went upstairs to resume cleaning her paintbrushes. Maria went into the kitchen and grabbed two glasses of milk and went up into the loft area.

Stopping at the front of the stairs, she stared at the picture on the easel.

“It’s Zeke.” Whistling under her breath, she slowly entered the room and circled the painting from all sides.

There was a darkness to the painting, a foreboding hush that echoed with a lightness around the figure. Ezekiel, the prophet, a messenger in full body armor standing in a river of blood, holding the banner of his office as the blood slowly seeped at his feet.

“Call now, the dogs of war. Herald the trumpets of time, for they sit, like mastiffs, four beasts to the howling of winds,” Maria said softly, not taking her eyes from the picture.

Margo stopped her cleaning to look at Maria. Her hands fidgeted as if she wanted to stroke the paint, touch it. See if it really could breathe.

“Margo, this is…my god! This is the finest work you’ve ever done!” Maria sat down and passed Margo the cookies. “You want me to see if Linda can sell it?”

129 Margo shook her head no, but sat next to Maria on the floor, hugging her legs and munching on a cookie as she stared at the painting. Maria pretended to flick a crumb from her clothing, but she was busy waiting for Margo to decide.

“Zeke.” Margo said quietly.

“You painted it for Zeke?”

Margo nodded.

Maria continued to look at the painting and became thoughtful. “Because you’re not coming to his play tonight?”

Margo nodded again and got up to continue cleaning her supplies.

“I see.” Maria stared at the painting for a few moments. “He’ll love it, I’m sure. How could he not?”

Margo stopped her cleaning to look at the painting again for a moment.

“He would, of course, be even happier if you came, but I’m sure he’ll understand that you can’t…that you couldn’t, not even for him.” Maria picked up another cookie and thoughtfully munched on it. “Of course Michael, Mrs. Mulhoney, and I will be there, so

I’m sure that will be enough support him. It’ll have to be.” Maria snuck a glance at the younger woman. “It’s just that, because Zeke never had any family, except for Hank, who abused him, he really lacks self confidence. I think it was harder for him since so many of the kids he goes to school with know his circumstances, and he always feels…I don’t know...less than them?”

“Maria…” Margo whispered, the pain in her voice.

“He was just so excited, because all of us there supporting him would prove to them, the other kids, that he’s loved and has family. I’m sure both Liz and Izzy are coming too.”

130 “I can’t…people, and…”

“I know, there will be people there, but you’d be with us.” Maria got up. “Well, of course it is much safer here for you, and you should stay where you can handle it, because life goes on. It could pass a person by without them realizing it.”

Margo continued to stare at the painting, biting her lip.

“I’m sure Zeke will get over his disappointment. He’s survived worse so disappointment he knows, and the painting will compensate nicely.”

Maria went to leave.

“I’ll go,” Margo said quietly.

Maria just nodded. “If you could pick up Mrs. Mulhoney and bring her to the loft before seven, that would be great!”

Margo just nodded, slightly miffed over how she always let Maria have her way.

Every time, she told herself that it would be different, and every time it was the same.


Maria was humming to herself when she let herself back into the loft. Michael was home. He was sitting at the kitchen bar with Mr. Boo lurking under the counter. Michael had several takeout bags in front of him and Mr. Boo was hoping for spillage. Maria’s eyes took on a feral gleam looking at the scene, and Michael quickly gulped. Uh oh.

“Let me eat first, Maria.”

“Depends. What did you bring, and is any of it for me?”

131 Michael pushed a bag towards her to distract her from him for a little longer. He really needed to get a few thousand calories down before she jumped him. Smiling to himself, he tried to remember the last time he was worried about too much sex, compared with not enough.

“Fried pickles from the Grease Pit! Yum. Where's the ketchup and Tabasco?”

Michael watched as Maria quickly devoured two bags of take out, but he frowned when he noticed how much Tabasco she was using.

“When did you start dousing your food in the fire sauce?”

“For a while, why?”

“Not like this you didn’t. A little here, a little there, but dammit, Professor, you’re practically drinking straight from the bottle.”

“The babies like it.” Maria reached over and kissed him, sitting back and patting her stomach smugly. “Don’t worry, papa. We’re doing fine.”

Michael watched her, and licking his mouth which still burnt a little from the

Tabasco in hers, he thought he tasted something else. A lingering taste of...chocolate.

“Where are they?”

“What?” Maria feigned innocence as she studied her nails and frowned. She really needed a manicure.

“Mrs. Mulhoney’s cookies! I'd know them anywhere.”

“There are none. I ate them all.”

“You...” Michael could barely get the words out, his shock apparent on his face, “ate them all? All of them? A what...dozen?”


132 “Two?” Michael couldn’t believe it. “Rule number twenty-seven, Maria clearly states…”


“Twenty-nine, clearly states there will be no hoarding of sweets, especially Mrs.

Mulhoney sweets.”

Maria moved in on him slowly, so not to frighten her prey. Kissing his pouting mouth, she looked down at his reddened upper lip where she had slightly nipped it, watching him lick the small wound.

“She made them for me and the babies, exclusively. All the things she said I needed to get healthy, fat and round. I ended up sharing with Margo to get access to her loft.”

Maria kissed him again, this time harder. “I was bad. Very bad. Didn’t even think of saving you even a crumb. I should be punished.”

“You should.” Michael agreed. Picking her up, he held her as she wrapped her legs around his midriff. He walked them over to the sofa. He was too tired to make it up the stairs.

Michael laid down on the sofa and watched her as she sat up on him. Moving her hair off her face, she did a quick move and knotted it off her neck. Leaning down she kissed him.

“I think we should go upstairs and take a nice long nap and maybe a shower...or bath.”

“We should. But I’m tired. So let's just rest down here for a few.”

Maria frowned at the sound of his voice. Weary. He really was tired. Strange concept. Michael never seemed too tired, especially for sex. But he was.

133 Moving her eyes over his face, she noted the slight grayness to his skin. “Michael?”

“It’s okay. I’m just not getting enough sleep lately.”

“Then let's skip sex and just take a nap.”

Michael thought about it for a second. It was appealing, except for that constant need he seemed to have, a hyped-up desire to have her under him, around him. She was in his blood.

“Sex first, nap second.”

“No. Nap. Then I’ll let you wake me up.”

“I don’t think I can wait that long.” Michael said honestly. Now that he had eaten, he was needing something else to take the edge off. This hyped-up sexuality would be what many would call a gift or lucky side effect, but it was becoming more and more of a nightmare for both of them. It was hard to be so tied together every hour of every day.

After the babies were born, Michael figured he’d be lucky if Maria didn’t refuse to sleep with him for the next ten years.

Maria sighed. Great. “Okay, if we make a deal, I’ll give you a special treat.”

“Deal. What treat?”

“Nap first.”

Michael wanted to say no, but he knew Maria knew that his curiosity would be too strong to let him pass up a deal. So he nodded his agreement.

Maria quickly got up and went to where she had hidden the remaining few Mrs.

Mulhoney cookies, and handed them over to Michael.

“You lied!”

“Of course. They’re cookies, Michael.”

134 Michael shoved two into his mouth immediately. Getting up from the sofa, he picked

Maria up and tossed her over his shoulder as he headed for the stairs while chomping on the last few remaining cookies.

“You really do need a good beating.”

“Aw, c’mon! We had a deal! No sex until after a nap.”

Mr. Boo watched them leave and sighed, then caught a whiff of the last remaining take out bag on the counter above him. All was not lost.


“Kimmie, did Steve pass off the Jessup file? I thought it was on my desk, but I can’t find it.”

“Bret came for it about an hour ago. They finished the depositions, and they’re amending the file. It should be back by the end of the day.”

Julia looked at her watch. It was already after three, actually almost four. That was soon. Nodding, she took her coffee cup over to the break area for a refill. Coffee in the afternoon. Grimacing, Julia thought about checking her heart rate and blood pressure, but decided that in this case, what she didn’t know couldn’t kill her.

“Hey, Jules, are you and Sean coming to the picnic this weekend?”

Julia dumped another cube of sugar in her coffee for good measure. “Maybe. I’m not sure. Sean almost caused a riot last time.”

“He is…um...colorful.”

135 Julia just laughed. That he was. “If we come, I’ll make him wear some clothes this time.”

Jennifer made a face. “Oh, don’t do that on our account. He made an interesting view playing ball on the field with all those holes in his shorts and a beer in one hand.”

“Those shorts have more holes than material, and according to him, they are his lucky shorts, so maybe this time I’ll just have him not forget his jockeys.”

“Well we wouldn’t want to stifle the detective!”

Julia just laughed and took her cup of coffee back to her office. That was her little exhibitionist. Sean DeLuca, without trying, was able to send her entire office female population into heat, along with a few males. Beth, the office manager was walking towards her, and Billy just came back into the room from an early afternoon hearing.

The office was busy with workers, lawyers, paralegals and interns. The clattering of keyboards, ringing of phones, and the low level constant conversation seemed to echo in the room as time and sound stopped, and a hushing silence was followed by an explosion.

Julia watched Beth’s face explode in blood as she felt the impact wave hit her, and she was knocked backwards with a sharp pain across her cheek, and another one to her shoulder. "Damn. I really loved this blouse," was her last thought.


“I’m not doing it.”



136 “It’s just for a few moments. We can follow the lead Alex gave Michael and Max right after.”

“No.” Sean looked over at his partner and swore under his breath. Dammit! He needed some type of normalcy in his life. Between his three best friends, Michael, Max and Kyle he was achieving nothing but strange and bizarre. “Okay, but I swear, you take more than five minutes and I’m deserting your ass!”

Kyle just smiled happily and pushed his sunglasses back on his nose. They had spent the morning running down numbers and pimps, between stopping at the hospital to check up on Amy and Jim. Amy was in her own private room, and Jim had been transferred to rehab where he was teaching physical therapists to fear for their lives. Both were slowly mending, but they were still waiting to hear about Amy’s legs.

Sean cussed a blue streak as he turned into O-Town, Roswell’s solution to a shopping nightmare, a mega-mart store where you could one-stop shop for everything. Kyle pushed his shopping flier into his pocket.

“I can’t believe they have baby formula with iron so low. If Michael finds out he’s going to buy the place out. Thanks for stopping Sean. I really appreciate it.”

Sean just made a derogatory remark about pregnancies and insane fathers-to-be.

Terrorizing the everyday shoppers by driving too fast, he stole a parking spot from the poor woman who had been patiently waiting for the prior occupant to load up and leave.

Donning his sunglasses and avoiding the glare from the June Cleaver look-alike, Sean pointedly looked at his watch. Kyle got the message and was out of the car in two seconds flat.

“I’m sorry, Sir, but that item is already sold out. I can give you a raincheck...”

137 “That’s impossible! It just went on sale this morning! You're running the sale for an entire week!”

“You’d think so. But earlier this morning, a tall man came in and bought out the entire stock. He said he was having twins and needed all the formula he could find.”

“Guerin!” Kyle turned on his heels and took off out of the store, fuming at being beaten by Michael.

Sean looked up as his partner got back into the car. Three minutes? That had to be a record. “What happened? You’re back fast.”


Sean laughed and started the car. They had at least four more stops before they could go pick up Tess, and visit Jim and Amy during afternoon visiting hours.

“This stupid competition the three of you have going is getting pretty out of hand.”

“Shut up, Sean, and drive.” Kyle said as he responded to his cell phone ringing.


“No, Max. Kyle, you might want to get Sean to the DA’s office. Now.”

Kyle looked at his partner, and then turned his head away from him slightly. “What’s going on, Max?”

“DA’s office was just bombed. Julia was inside.”

Kyle swore and disconnected as he hit the siren and lights. “DA’s office was bombed,


Sean looked at Kyle and seeing he was serious, cut through traffic and took the first right, quickly cutting across oncoming lanes to turn around. Kyle just hung on and prayed he made it to see the baby's birth.

138 ~~~

The area around the courthouse and offices of the DA was a mess, with the lower floors gutted, including three law firms and an accounting office. There were support vehicles and bomb squad teams everywhere. Max was on site with both Waters and

Philips. Kyle was busy talking to Simon, when he lost track of his partner. Sean had slipped past the fire lines and was finding his way into the offices.

Avoiding the fire hoses and water, Sean got out of the way as EMS and paramedics moved the wounded out. Searching the faces of people being removed, Sean closed his eyes in thanks that none of them were Julia.



“Sean, this is an unsecured area. Bomb squad is still checking the structure. You need to go back down and out behind the tape.”

“Fuck that!”

Dave grabbed Sean’s arm to stop him, but Sean quickly turned on the man.

“You’d be wanting to remove your hand, Dave.”

Dave took one look at Sean’s face and slowly lifted his hands and backed away. Sean just continued on his way to the DA's offices.


She was on the floor propped up against a wall. There was blood on her face and the front of her blouse. He couldn’t tell where the bleeding originated. She was being treated

139 by a paramedic, and breathing into an oxygen mask. Looking up, it was almost as if she sensed his presence.

“Sir, you can’t be here.”

“Fuck off! Why haven’t you moved her out of here? This structure is not clear.”

Julia struggled with her mask, but the paramedic answered before her.

“More critical cases are evacuated first. Their need is more pressing. She’s next on the list.”

Sean knelt beside Julia, and searched her bloody face. There was a grooved line along her cheek and up towards her temple on the right side. Whatever hit her took a nice slice, but mere millimeters and it would have penetrated her skull. Sean gently turned her head away, as he pulled her blouse away and looked at the injury.

“What the hell?”

“It’s a nail. Embedded deep. I don’t want to remove it here. It needs to be done once we get her to the hospital. I don’t want to take any chances of it having nick an artery or vein.”

Sean’s eyes searched Julia’s and she just shook her head no. He quickly stood clenching his hands in anger. Looking around at the office he could see other places that nails had hit walls, people and office equipment. The main area that held the bomb was blown out taking out a support wall behind it, and the structures below. A wall clock was the point of explosion.

Sean spied the bomb team captain. “Chief…”

“DeLuca, you’re not authorized to be in here. If I remember correctly, you’re supposed to be off duty until Monday.”

140 “Yeah, so what? Is that the point of explosion?”

“It is. Look Sean, I’ve got work here. If you want, I can let you have a copy of the report once my teams have been through, but this is no place for you. We have wounded to clear, and the structure is unsafe.”

“Anti-personnel bomb, sort of like a bouncing Betty.”

The older man was quiet. Sean ignored the people around them. He continued his assessment. “He packed it with nails. That’s meant to frag as many people as possible.”

Sean said looking at the mayhem. “What was the medium? Paraffin with nitro infusion?”

“That’s a good guess. It was loaded with toluene as well. The smell is very distinctive once it was ignited.”

“He rig it to the clock as a timer?”

“Yeah, he is smart one. Even with a bomb scan, we wouldn’t have picked up the scent. He used a perfumed paraffin to mask the chemicals.” The man looked at his notes.

“One of the office workers said that the air conditioning repairman was in earlier today to check the air vents, so we’re assuming that was when it was placed. We’ll follow up on whether or not the air people sent in a worker.”

“You’ll copy me on all reports and follow ups?”

Sean turned and was staring at Julia. They were loading her in a stretcher to remove her from the scene.

“I’ll make sure you are in the know. Now get off my crime scene.”

“Aye, Chief.”

Sean went to Julia’s side and followed them taking her down. He went into the ambulance with her and was holding her hand when the paramedic tried to remove him.

141 “You can’t come in the ambulance. I’m sorry.”

Sean calmly drew his gun and aimed it at the man. Julia made a sound of distress, but

Kyle was suddenly there pulling the paramedic out of the ambulance.

“Sean, partner. C’mon. Let the man do his job. Sean...?” Kyle jumped up into the ambulance, and calmly lowered Sean’s gun. Looking down at Julia, Kyle saw gratitude in her eyes. “C’mon man, she needs a doctor, and they can’t leave until we get out.”

Sean nodded, and bending down, he quickly kissed Julia on the forehead tasting her blood in his mouth. Kyle could feel the anger coming off Sean in a wave. He quickly pushed his partner out of the ambulance and looked back at Julia.

“We’ll be waiting for you, Mac.” Julia just nodded as the paramedic got back inside.

Kyle closed the door and banged on it for the driver. Turning, Kyle found Sean already gone, heading for the car. Kyle took off too, because if he didn’t get there in time his ride would be gone.


Michael looked at Maria, and was surprised to see a hint of tears in her eyes. Damn.

Searching his pockets he cursed the end of the tradition where men always carried handkerchiefs to offer weeping women. Placing his arm around her, he pulled her close into his shoulder, trying to ignore that she was wiping her face on his shirt.

“You okay, Professor?” He asked quietly, mindful of the other people watching the

West theatre production.

142 Maria just nodded, but her eyes remained fixated watching Zeke on the stage. He didn’t have to wear tights as he told Michael, and his sword was wielded like a true warrior. He had forgotten to tell them that he had the lead and was Hal, the King. A rewritten bastardized version of Shakespeare’s Henry V, the more modernized version written to a more modern crowd.

Michael especially enjoyed the battle scenes, and he actually cheered at the war drums.

After the play, they went backstage to find their young charge, mindful to keep Mrs.

Mulhoney and Margo with them.


He looked over, still wearing the pants to his costume, and some stage makeup. “You came!”

Maria almost said something until she noticed that Zeke was staring at Margo in awe. She looked at Michael with an eyebrow going up and a twinkle in her eye. Michael looked at the twosome of Zeke and Margo, his face squinting as he took in Zeke’s happiness and Margo’s blush. His face suddenly scowled, and he was on the verge of saying something indiscreet until Maria’s elbow hit him square in his ribs.

“Zeke, you were great! You didn’t mention that you were the lead.”

“Well…um, I, um…didn’t I?” Zeke almost looked embarrassed, and Maria helped it along with a quick hug and a kiss on his cheek. Zeke looked around at the other people watching, and suddenly Margo was at his side. She gently took his hand and leaned in and kissed his cheek. Zeke forgot to be embarrassed so entranced was he by the sight of


143 “Oh god! Kill me now.”

“Shut up, Detective. It’s sweet.”

Michael just snorted, and made a blasphemous remark under his breath at Mrs.

Mulhoney’s approving look. Zeke quickly went over and gave Mrs. Mulhoney a kiss on the cheek as she pressed a small package in his hand. Michael’s interest increased.


“Zeke!” Michael looked over to see an ecstatic moving fast, practically hopping, followed by a much more sedate Isabel. Liz hit first, grabbing Zeke in a big hug.

Isabel calmly cut a swath among the students and their family members to get to Zeke.

Literally pushing Liz aside, Isabel smiled at Zeke, took his head in her hands and gave him a kiss on his mouth.

Michael swore again. “I think a boy over in the corner just fainted dead away.”

“Hmm,” said Maria unconcerned about the unknown boy. “Margo seems a bit put- out.”

Michael took Maria’s arm and pulled her up close to his body. “No matchmaking. I mean it, Professor. Leave the kid alone. He’s got years to worry about getting involved.”

Maria just made a phishing noise and smiled at the embarrassed boy. “So, what do you need to do?”

“Take off the rest of my costume and makeup, and then there's a cast party afterwards.”

Maria’s face fell. Of course there would be. Smiling overly bright, she nodded.

“Well, I was going to suggest we all go out to eat, but I’m sure you’d rather…”

144 “That sounds great!” Zeke said enthusiastically. “I much rather go with the family than some boring party. Let me just go finish changing and I’ll meet you outside.” Zeke ran off in a bout of energy.

Michael looked at Maria and sighed. Reaching over to a dressing table, he took a few

Kleenexes and passed them to his weeping pregnant fiancée.

“Thanks. Damn hormones.” Maria said wiping her eyes. “Did you hear what he said?

'The family'.”

“Yeah, it was…um...sweet. Come on, let’s make some room.” Michael said, gently helping Maria, Margo and Mrs. Mulhoney from the room. Liz and Isabel were busy talking and following as Isabel calmly shot lethal looks at people who got in their way.

Liz smiled at Maria. “Sorry we missed sitting with you guys. We were late.” Liz motioned at Isabel. “Someone couldn’t decide what to wear.” Michael just made a face, but Maria told Isabel she understood completely. She really needed to go shopping as well. Michael sped up the group and wished Zeke would get his scrawny ass out of there since Michael was definitely the only male in a gang of girls all talking at once.

They didn’t have to wait long until Zeke was back. Isabel was already organizing where they should go, and deciding Michael should pay.

“I think that since Zeke is the man of the hour, he should choose the restaurant,”

Michael said menacingly at Isabel, giving Zeke an intense look trying to inspire him to think of tasty and greasy.


145 “Excellent! I could do pizza.” Michael said happily, putting an arm around the young man and slapping him playfully on the shoulder. They waited as the women preceded them. “So what’s in the package?”

Zeke opened up the package and showed Michael the cookies, who then quickly took a few, shoving them in while talking with his mouth full.

“So why didn’t you tell me about the wicked war drums?”

“They were cool, huh?”

“Awesome. You know they should announce the drums in the playbill. It’ll bring people from all over the city.”

“You think?”

“Sure. I’d see it again just for the drums.”


Sean closed the door softly as Julia entered the room. Taking her belongings from her, he quickly helped her up the stairs. It was dark and the silence between them stretched out like the rubberband of a slingshot. Neither of them was willing to break it, since what would be said could be the very thing they couldn’t take back.

“You hungry?”

“No. I think I just want a bath.” Her arm was in a sling to stabilize her shoulder, and it was uncomfortable and unwieldy.

146 “You have to be careful of your shoulder. The stitches need to stay…” Julia just nodded. Sean stopped talking. Of course she knew. She was there when the doctor gave the instructions. “Let me help you.”


He lost it. “Dammit! Just let me help you!” Sean was shocked to see the shaking in his hands. Nothing hurt him. Nothing touched him. Swallowing hard, he turned begging eyes on her.

“I’d like that.” Something had to break. She didn’t want it to be him.

It felt like hours before they finally made their way out of the bathroom. Julia let

Sean baby her, wash her hair, and she tried to ignore his comments under his breath as he outlined what he was going to do, his reaction and response getting worse as he kept seeing the crease on her cheek, and the covered wound on her shoulder.

“Please? Sean…can we just go to bed?”

“Julia, I swear…”

“Sean...” Julia rubbed her face with one hand, then wrapped the arm around her middle. “I just lost four friends today. I’m tired, and in pain. Could you just let it go until tomorrow?”

Dammit! Sean pulled it back in, and swallowed the bile and hate swirling in his gut.

Yeah, he could do that. As much as he needed retribution for someone touching something of his, he also needed to just feel her living and breathing next to him, to hold her, and make sure she was still with him.

147 Taking her hand, he pulled her into bed, and into his arms. He wasn’t a smart man at times. Sometimes he was too impulsive, a trait he shared with Michael, but his fuse was a long one and this fuse would still be waiting tomorrow.

“Julia…dammit, Mac, just let me hold you.”

Julia nodded as she settled into his arms. She could do that easily.


“Maria, you want something to eat?”

“You can’t be hungry, Michael. You almost ate two pizzas by yourself.” Maria jabbed distractedly at the canvas in her hand, her mouth held just so in intense concentration. “Zeke was so good tonight! Did you see how happy he was to see Margo there?”

Michael came over and sat down next to her with a full bag of chips and a large bowl of ice cream. Scooping up ice cream with Tabasco flavored corn chips Michael looked at what Maria was doing.

“What is that exactly?”

“Huh?” Maria poked a needle through the canvas a few more times haphazardly. “It’s my sewing.”

“You don’t sew.”

Maria just made a noise in her throat, and exaggeratedly showed him her work. “And still here it is!”

148 Michael looked at the badly mangled material that look suspiciously like a baby’s bib with Maria’s rendition of embroidering on it. The stitches were all over the place, regardless of the stenciled pattern which was further obscured by a suspicious smattering of blood where she had pricked herself with a needle.

“It’s…” Michael looked at her expectant face. She wanted to do something to prepare, to get ready for the babies. Anything that could make it seem like they were getting ready. “It looks great.” Maria beamed and went back to work on her project, destroying the canvas even more.

Fear was a terrible thing. Most of the time it was something he could live with it and understand, as it swirled in his gut, choking him in the throat. Fear was something most people expected a man like him to ignore or hate. But they’d be wrong. Fear was a clincher, a teacher of caution and a way to make a man appreciate what he had to hold and was afraid of losing. Watching her shiny bright head bent over a small sampler, doing what normally she would have used her credit card to procure, Michael realized how important it was for Maria to do these little things that were part of her maternal instinct.

He was robbing her of that by letting his fears choke him, therefore holding them back in caution. She needed to get ready for the babies, because the longer they waited, the more aware she became that they were losing ground, losing their hope.



“I was thinking…”



149 “Was it painful, the thinking?”

Michael smirked at her. Smart ass. “Shut up, Professor, I’m trying to be serious here.”

Maria put down her sewing and looked at him. He was serious. So she patiently put aside what she was doing and gave him her undivided attention. He looked so good. So relaxed and…sexy.

“Okay, what were you thinking?”

“I was thinking that we should shovel out the office off the bedroom and start working on the nursery. The babies will be here soon, and…”

Michael reached for some tissue at the table beside him. He should’ve seen that coming. Maria was on a constant emotional rollercoaster ride lately. She just sniffed her thanks and wiped away the tears.

“I think this pregnancy is rotting my brains.” Michael just laughed and pulled her close, kissing her temple and breathing in her scent. He leaned even further back into the sofa and pulled her literally on top of him. She was like a madness in his blood. He could taste her in his mouth.

“I just want you to be happy, Maria,” he whispered.

The simplicity of his words spoke more than thousands of poems of love and devotion. Michael wasn’t a man who dressed things up in sappy diatribe, but he wasn’t lacking in the department of romance despite that. He just had his own special way of doing it.

150 “Really? The nursery?” Michael looked at her and nodded. It was time to stop living in the dark. Maria gave a beautiful happy smile and pushed him over on the sofa so she could trap him beneath her. Oh yeah, just like that...

151 Chapter Five: Soldiers find war, and lawyers find out still

Day Four: Saturday, 8:49 am

When Sean awoke, Julia had still been asleep, and for moments of undisturbed thought, he watched her. Close. It had been too close for comfort. Yesterday she could’ve died.


“Dad?” Sean quickly glanced up at the door to make sure Julia wasn’t up and around.

“Sean! Your mother was wondering when you would call. She said it was over a week, but I said, no. No, Theresa, your son, Sean would not forget his mother for so long, not unless there was something wrong.” Marco paused in his cleverly crafted guilt trip for his eldest son. “Is there something wrong? Maria? The baby? Miko?”

“No, they’re all fine. Actually, it’s babies. Maria is having twins.”

“Twins!” Sean could hear his mother on the other end demanding details, and giving his father questions to ask. He could hear his parents scuffling for the phone. Marco won out, but just barely. Sean realized that his mother was no doubt rushing for an extension, and soon he’d be bombarded with a well-meaning third degree. Only DeLucas had the fine art of needing to know everything down to such precision. “Are they married yet?

Why have I not received my invitation? Get Miko on the line. I have words for that boy.”

“He’s not here, Papa.” Sean smiled at the phone, and then quickly became serious.

“Dad, I think I need your help.”

“My help specifically?”

“The Family.”

152 Marco was quiet. Sean wouldn’t ask such a thing unless it was important. Theresa would be on the phone soon. “I will call you back on your cell phone. Is everyone alright?”

“Aunt Amy was in a car bomb.” Marco swore and swore even more when he heard the other line pick up. “She and Jim both. They are recovering.”

“What? What is this? Amy? My Amy?” Theresa’s voice rose in concern as she picked up part of the conversation. Sean could hear Julia coming down the stairs.

“Momma, please. I can’t talk. Yesterday, Julia’s office was blown up, and she took a frag nail in the shoulder. It killed a woman standing in front of her.” He could hear his mother’s sucking in her breath in dismay, and his father’s silence was more telling than rage. “I can’t talk anymore. She is awake. I’ll call you back later.”

“Sean, honey, wait…” Sean hung up before either his mother or his father could ask any more questions. Idiot. He should’ve called on his father’s personal business line and not the family one. Sean quickly turned to smile at Julia, his eyes remaining untouched by the smile, steely and hard.

“I made breakfast. I was hoping you’d stay in bed so I could bring it up to you.”

Julia smiled at him, but her smile didn’t reach her eyes either. It wasn’t hard to see how he was holding himself steady, and it was just a matter of time before she’d have to tell him.

“What did you make?”

“Your favorite. The special bread from Parma, and eggs over easy with a hollandaise sauce.”

153 “I’ll put on weight if you keep cooking.” Sean came over and directed her to the table. Quickly placing a napkin on her lap, he went to get the food, pouring her coffee as well. He sat back and watched her as she tasted the food sipping his coffee. Sean always used cooking as a method of calming himself in stressful times.

“If I let you cook, we’ll starve to death or die from heart disease due to all our patronage of the Colonel.”

“Chicken is a nice lean white meat, and tasty to boot.” God, he could cook! Julia looked up from her meal to notice him watching her, but not eating. “Why aren’t you eating?”

“I’m not hungry.”

Avoiding. She was avoiding the obvious, and it wasn’t going to go anywhere. Julia got up and went over and sat on his lap, wrapping her good arm around his neck.

Nuzzling into his neck, she rested in him. Closing her eyes, Julia prayed. Be smart. Be smart. You hurt, but make a choice for us.

Sean’s hand came up under her hair, and he tilted her face up so he could look into it.

The sight of her, of the crease along her cheek and her pale color caused an anger and rage to swell up inside threatening to overwhelm him. Sean bit it back as a nausea fought with his rage. He could’ve lost her just when he had found her.

Julia closed her eyes as she rubbed her head up against his. Leaning in, she whispered, “Let it go, Sean. Just let it go.”

“I don’t know what to do with this,” he said softly.

Julia opened her eyes and stared straight into his. Pain. It was pain she saw, and swallowing a sense of sorrow, so much came clear. Sean was pain. He walked it.

154 Breathed it. Lived in its shadow. Until he was so entrenched in it, he used pain to mask what he couldn’t rid himself of, and what tormented him.

All those he loved and protected were a long line before him. The innocents that he fought for every day, Maria, Amy, and even her. They were not just his duty, but his heart, his life’s blood. He had failed. He had failed with Maria and Amy once, and they paid the price in Maria’s silence. He had almost lost Maria again, had it not been for Michael, and now he could only see the blood on Julia’s skin as another movement in a lifetime dance of failure.

Julia could understand pain. She lived in it too. They both did, but her walk was a different one than his. Whereas Sean invited pain in a need to desensitize himself from what really hurt him, just enough to allow him to function, Julia had worked to master and control it, turning the pain and rage to her advantage. She had harnessed the beast.

They weren’t going to survive.

Too many bends in the road. Too many words that needed spoken, but should remain silent. They were running too fast to stand still. And it hurt. Looking at him, needing him in her life, and breathing through the etching pain that cut in her lungs as she struggled to just hold on for one more day. One more day where she could have him.

Kiss him. Love him.

Julia kissed him softly on the neck, and then on the mouth, and then not so softly.

Holding him so tight, she sucked the taste of him into her mouth. Sean moaned against her and tightened his grip as well. Stay. Stay with me. Words not spoken. A silent plea to him.

“I love you,” she said softly.

155 “Mac…” Sean swallowed hard. She loved him. He knew that. He felt it, but it felt nice to hear. “Where do I put this?”

“Away. Put it some place until you need the rage to sustain you, but today just put it away and stay with me. I love you.”

He could do it. For her he could do it. “I love you, too. I can’t stand the thought of you hurt, or being attacked.”

“Just put it away, baby.”

Sean nodded, and for a shushing moment of grace, they were okay. Then his cell phone rang. His father. It had to be.

“I’ve got to take that.”

Julia nodded. “We can finish this another time, Detective.” She slowly untangled herself from him. “I need to go get ready anyway. Thanks for the…breakfast.”

It didn’t register, and then it did. “Whoa, there, Counselor. Ready? It’s Saturday.

You’ve been in a terrible act of violence. Where you going exactly?”


“No. No, you’re not.”

“Sean.” Julia saw the increasing anger. Okay, so he put it away until he needed it.

Obviously, he needed it now to deal with her. “Your phone…”

“Fuck the phone! What are your intensions, Counselor?”

“I need to go check on my office, my files, and my cases. I can’t let yesterday be a deterrent to doing my job.”

156 It bubbled up inside. Behind his eyes almost blinding him in rage. Red, black, swirled in a pit of bitterness in his stomach. “Pierce,” he spit out. “It’s the Pierce thing again!”

“Sean, back off…”

“I will not! Reality check, Counselor. You almost died! One foot closer and you would’ve been Beth.” Sean ignored the blanching of her skin to an even paler shade of white edged in gray. “He means to kill you, not just intimidate you. And not just you, but your entire department. Walk away from this! Fight another day!”

“I will not! He comes on, he maims, he destroys, and we wait. We walk within the limits of justice, the law. He is Herculean to our paltry efforts because for him there is no law except himself, and we watch as he reaps the ill-begotten gains of his evil. There is no ground to give. This is all we have, where we stand. If we can’t bring him to justice, then there is no justice. I can’t believe that. I can’t yield!”

“Dammit, you are the most stubborn woman…”

“I’d say the same to you.”

Sean took calming breaths. “Regroup. Mend. Gather strength.”

“I can’t. The fight is now.”

Sean in a sweep of an arm sent the dishes from the table scattering in a resounding clash. “If you allow him to call the battle, then you’ve already lost! He’ll take the high ground, entrench deep, and your march will be a long bloody campaign to the death.”

“So be it.” Julia turned to leave, but Sean pulled her back.

“No! No, this ends now! No more, Julia.” Sean breathing hard rested his forehead to hers. “Go home to my family in Florida. For me.”

157 Julia’s heart broke. He had just stepped on a line that wasn’t to be crossed. He had asked her to choose, to give him quarter. Damn him.

“Okay,” she agreed closing her eyes to the unbelieving relief in his. “If you come with me.”

Sean stepped away from her, his hands dropping to his side. “I can’t. You know that.”

“I do. Strange that you can’t know that about me.”

“Is this a test?”

Julia shook her head. “If it was, you just flunked it.”

Sean swore and pulled her back to him. “It’s different. I can’t leave. I have…”

“Obligations? Duty?”

“Amy and Jim. Someone attacked my family. They attacked you. Did you think I’d just bend over and take it like a man?”

“Did you think I would take it any easier? Why? Because I’m a woman?”

“Don’t!” Sean pointed an angry finger in her direction. “This is not about sex or sexism. This is not about me being a man and you a woman! Our circumstances are different.”

“No, they aren’t. What makes it okay for you to leave a hospital after being systematically poisoned to save your cousin? Or to sign yourself out of the hospital with a punctured lung to tend to a Dump? What makes your honor and duty above mine?”

Sean’s jaw flexed. “It’s the same. You just can’t release me! You have to understand that

I’m not your duty or responsibility! I want to be your partner…an equal.”

“You could die.”

158 “So could you! Does it make it any easier for me?”

Sean shook his head. It was different. It had to be, but he had no way to say how. To him, it was and always would be. Julia had practice getting the upper hand. She was too smart and cunning, lawyer that she was.

“This ends now, Julia! I mean it. I want you to pack and get ready. I’m sending you to Florida to stay under my family's protection.” He could take orders, give up control, but not in this. Never in this. The rest was a façade, a playground of what if, and amusement. This was not, and in this he would not give way. Could not.

Julia agreed with him. “Yes, it ends now.” Leaving him, she went back upstairs to pack.

Sean watched her, his stomach unsettled as Julia's long-haired white cat, Ms. Fluffy came to sit at his feet. Looking down, he swore when he saw the cat gaze unblinkingly at him as if he had just beaten up a wounded woman.

“Now what the hell am I supposed to do? Let her just recklessly get herself killed?

Who’d feed you those special nibblets you like then? Huh? Work with me here.”

His phone rang. Quickly answering it, he sat down to talk to his father ignoring the mess of broken dishes lying on the floor.




159 Isabel laughed and sat on the bed next to him, holding a steaming cup of coffee.

“You going to wake up, or sleep all day?”

Alex opened one eye, and then shut it again, smiling. Reaching up he took the cup of coffee and placed it on the nightstand. Using his now freed hand, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her back into the bed with him.

Giggling, Isabel laughed in his neck when he made sloppy noises, and munched on the side of her neck. Alex. Smiling, her hand moved down his back to hold him close. He was off late last night from the club. She almost didn’t think he would come over, but at two in the morning she felt him crawl into her bed. Part of her wanted him to go home and get some rest instead coming to her, but another part of her was happy that he sought her out, wanting to sleep with her without it being about sex.

“Damn, I’m tired. What about we, that means you and me, stay here in bed all day long?” Alex wiggled his eyebrows, and his mouth curved in a suggestive leer. “I’ll make it worth something special.”

“You always do.” Isabel snuggled into his warm body liking how he moved himself to make room for her. “Liz is torturing some eggs and making her rendition of French toast, if you’re interested.”

Alex reached over and took the coffee. Not bad. Sort of weak, but hot which made up for all other areas lacking.

“Is Liz alone, or are we still doing the fireman?”

“Nah, she broke up with him last week.”

Alex nodded. He worried about Liz Parker. The more he knew her, the more he liked her, and the amount of pseudo-relationships and men she had gone through over the last

160 four months was staggering. Isabel thought Liz was overcompensating for her break up with Sean. After a six month relationship with him, she was just trying to exert her independence.

Alex sensed it was something else. Liz was searching for something, or perhaps someone. One thing was certain - moving away from her parents and moving in with

Isabel was a large step in the right direction for Liz. Every day she grew stronger and more self-assured.

“Look, how about a date tonight…a double date?”

Isabel sat up a little, looking at his adorably tossed long dark hair and scruffy face.

He needed a shave, but she was hoping he would hold off. She loved his unkempt look.

Her eyes went down over his body. The tattoos, the piercing, and a few scars he wouldn’t talk about. Alex looked very well put together in an adorable computer geek way until you looked closer at his tough wiry body, and the deep still look in his eyes. He was a man with more to him than what he let be seen on the outside.

“I’m not sure she’s seeing anyone yet.”

Alex thought about it. “Fine. I’ll talk my cousin into it.” Alex kissed Isabel and sat up on the side of the bed, reaching for his clothes. Smelling his shirt he grimaced and tossed it aside. Smoke and sweat. Definitely time for something fresher. Walking naked to the bureau, he searched for some clothes, while grabbing a cigarette and lighting up.

Taking a mind-clearing draw, he breathed it in deep, enjoying the burning nicotine. Isabel came up behind him and pinched his ass hard, then pinched his cigarette from his mouth.

Putting it out, she kissed him.

“No smoking in the house!”

161 “C’mon, Iz. Just a quick one, and I’ll be…”

“Nope. Liz and I hate for our place to smell like your smokes. Take it outside.”

Alex smiled an innocent boyish smile. “I was going to go stand under some hot water, how about you join me? I’ll get you all wet.”

Isabel ignored obvious come-on and peeled herself away from him. “Breakfast. You get showered and dressed, and then I’ll feed you.”

“That’s what I was talking about. Come shower with me.”

Alex kissed her, and before she could step away, he deepened it. Loving the way she moaned in his mouth, the tightening of her arms around his neck, he slowly walked them to the bathroom.

“Alex, breakfast…”

“I’ll make quick work. I’m good under a deadline.” Alex shut the bathroom door to a laughing Isabel.


The light filtered through the closed blinds of the loft. Michael lazily looked over at the clock and groaned. It couldn’t be that late. They woke up four hours ago, ate, and went back to bed. Somehow in all of that, he lost about three hours of time, but he didn’t remember sleeping. He could hear Maria talking. Lying back in comfort, he listened to her. Mr. Boo was sleeping like a stone on his legs.

“So I should tell you that I tend to organize everything into lecture form. Now you shouldn’t take this to be a bad thing. It is highly organized, evolved, and created to

162 inform without confusion. I dare say that I should warn you that your father is the direct opposite. He tends to blurt things out impulsively and haphazardly, with total disregard for fluidity and understanding. His language is a bit…colorful. But, like all things about him, you will learn to appreciate those parts of him as well. He is a really wonderful guy, your dad. No one will ever hurt you or threaten you, because your dad will make sure that you’re safe.” He heard her moving around, opening drawers and other things as she paused in her talk to the babies. “Now the hair…”

Michael snickered and settled down to listen to the quiet gentle lull of her voice and let it carry him off to sleep. He needed to get up and around, call Max and enlist helpers to start cleaning out Maria’s old office to be turned into a nursery.

“Professor, don’t diss the hair. They might be born with the Guerin head.” Maria came to stand in the doorway in her bathrobe, still rubbing lotion on her skin.

“Well, don’t you think we should warn them of the harsh realities of life? One look in the mirror could be demoralizing.” She smiled slightly, but her smile soon bled away as she took a good look of him lounging in their bed. Her breath caught in her throat, and all she could smell was him. Mouthwatering.

Michael’s eyes dilated as he noticed her regard. Her look was like a burning touch of fire across his skin. How did she do that? He could feel power emanating from her.

“You’re awfully far away, Professor.”

“Aren’t I though?”

Maria went to join him on the bed. Lying across his chest, she looked into his face as his hand came to rest on her side. All this time, he still held his hand across her old scar.

“I was thinking…”

163 “No.”



Maria’s face clouded in a rush of exasperation. “You have no clue as to what I was going to say, so how the heck can it be no?”

“We’re not renovating and expanding the loft. Final.” Maria hit him on the chest and settled back in the bed away from him.

“Why the hell did I ever let you into my bed? You’re the most unreasonable of men.”

“I more than got in your bed, Professor.” Michael said smugly. Rubbing his hand up over her pregnant stomach he watched her skin change, move in color, and then glow. At the same time they both felt the results.

“Arg! Dammit! Get your hands off me.” Maria laid back, panting and still moaning under the influence of one of the more interesting side effects to being pregnant with alien babies. Bastard. Using her body to get his way. Uncalculating beast. A man beast.

“Maria.” She kept ignoring him. “Oh c’mon, Professor.” Maria turned on her side leaving her back to him. “Baby...”

Maria turned back around and stared at him. “Baby?” She smiled at that. “You never use that unless I’ve got you by the ba...”

Michael quickly kissed her. Yeah, well she literally and figuratively had too much control over him, and it didn’t do to admit that to her. Maria wasn’t above using such information to her advantage, and he could handle the mess from the nursery, but from a full renovation? Nope.

164 “I love you.” Michael stopped and pulled back at the softly spoken words. Dammit.

She said the words. She was more likely to do that now than before, but they were still words she held back at times.

“Okay, draw up plans. But not the entire other side. It’s huge and would double the damn place. We both have to agree before we start.”

Maria squealed in a very un-ladylike manner, and attacked him, making loud outrageous kisses on his neck as Mr. Boo vacated his place in disgust. Whipped. Michael was damn near impossibly whipped. He paused. Holding her in his arms, all happy and content with his hand resting on his unborn children, he couldn’t remember why he should care.

It was the pounding at the door a few hours later that interrupted them as they played around in bed. Maria made a move to get up, but a sweaty Michael pulled her back.

“No. I’m not through.” His voice was deep and husky. “It’s frickin’ Saturday. No sane person expects us to answer the phone or the door.”

Maria kissed him gently. “Detective, it’s early afternoon. Are you forgetting an appointment you have with Zeke and a ball?”

“Oh shit!” Michael looked at the clock. No way! He couldn’t have been that involved. B-ball. Saturday. Shit! Kissing Maria quickly, he was out of bed scrambling into some clothes. Leaving him cussing and having a fit over another dead bird, sans head in his shoe, Maria went to take a nice bath.

“Zeke!” Michael tossed open the door catching the young man as he was turning to leave.

165 “Man, I thought you were gone or something. Maybe forgot?”

“Naw. I wouldn’t forget. I just…um...time sorta got away from me. Come on in and let me do some bird burial business, and finish getting dressed.”

Zeke entered the loft and when he entered, his head started to swim. Whoa! Grabbing the door he made a loud panting sound as he bent over at the waist and grabbed his knees.

“Oh boy! Yeah!” Clearing his throat, he looked up at Michael with a smile on his mouth and laughing eyes. “Dude, you’re going to have to bottle this shit.”

“What?” Michael was confused. What shit?

“Later. I’m needing to use your bathroom to clean up the mess.”

Mess? Michael pointed to the lower bedroom and its bathroom.

“You know the way.” Michael watched Zeke walk in a funny manner, not with his usual loose limbed gait. The confusion moved from Michael’s face as he started to put the pieces together. “Zeke, you didn’t just…” Michael made a motion with his hand and did a strange thing with his face.

“The full load, man. Right in my damn jockeys. Wow, what a rush. Better than porn and my own hand. Instant gratification.”

Zeke went off with a smile and whistling under his breath. The look on Michael’s face? Priceless. For everything else, there was Mastercard.


166 “So explain this to me one more time?” Liz pushed more food onto Alex’s plate.

“An overnight campout. On the Mescalero Reservation.”

“This is a double date?” Liz looked at Isabel and was shocked. Isabel Evans was the last person she expected to be onboard for camping. The woman was lost if her nail polish didn’t coordinate with her sweater, or her shoes were scuffed. “Don’t you think an overnight camping trip is a sort of forward first date, especially a blind date? Maybe coffee?”

Alex stood up and downed the last of his coffee and checked his watch. “My cousin is a veritable genius at handling changes in events. He’ll deal. Plus, you already know him, sort of. And I have to be at the family dinner on Sunday, so we can cook out tonight, and head in for dinner, and come home afterwards.”

“Don’t you have to work tonight?” Isabel chewed on a nail.

“I’ll fix it. I’d rather take you stargazing.”

Isabel laughed at that. “Really? Stargazing, huh? I sort of remember you taking me for that reason once before. I don’t remember there being any stars to gaze at.”

Alex leaned over her, and kissed her quick, and then back again to kiss her deep and dirty, ignoring Liz until the other woman made a clearing sound in her throat.

“Stars this time. I promise. My cousin and I used to literally live in tents on the

Reservation when I was a kid. It’s one of the reasons my parents never left Roswell, even when my dad’s company went big. My mom hated to be away from her people.” Alex grabbed his jacket. “So just pack light for one night. I’ll get all the tents and supplies including Liz her own sleeping bag and tent, and I’ll pick you both up in about four hours.”

167 Liz just shrugged. Okay. Why not? She was free tonight. It might be fun. Watching

Alex leave, a thought occurred to her.

“Alex, wait! I know your cousin? Who is he?”

Alex laughed on his way out, and tossed back at them as he left. “Maria’s friend,


Liz sat there in amazement. Eddie? Not Eddie, the penis gourd guy? Oh! Stargazing.



Sean finished cleaning up the mess he had made. His father was looking into things and making arrangements for Julia, but Julia herself was very quiet upstairs. He could hear her moving around, doors opening and drawers closing, but she herself was silent.

Rubbing a hand over the back of his neck, he actually felt bad about the fight they had. He wished it could’ve gone down differently. Easier. Too late for that. He could hear her on the stairs. Searching the refrigerator, Sean concentrated on what to make for lunch.

He hadn’t eaten anything, and Julia had hardly touched her breakfast. It was past the lunch hour, so she had to be hungry.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her depositing two bags beside the door. One large case and a shoulder bag. Dammit. She should’ve left it for him to bring down.

“Counselor, I would’ve gotten those for you.” Sean wiped his hands and came around to place his hands on her upper arms, drawing her close to kiss her forehead.

Resting his against hers, it wasn’t hard to see that she had been crying. “Julia…”

168 “I’m done.” He hated her soft small voice. It reminded him of how her voice was when she called him that day with the body in her bed and two killers in the house. It didn’t sound like her.

“Packing?” Julia just nodded. Sean looked over at the bags to ask her if she had enough for a long stay. His bags. She had packed his two travel bags. “Julia?”

“You have to leave now.” Julia moved out of his arms. Going to the door, she opened it. “I remembered all your bathroom stuff, and those pills you’re supposed to take every morning for your allergies.”

“Julia, I’m not leaving.”

“Yes. Yes, you are. You said it. It's over, and I agree with you. This is over.”

Sean swore and came to stand next to her, slamming the door shut, he forced her to look up at him. Dammit. Stubborn. He knew that look. She wouldn’t back down.

“Don’t make me call someone, Sean.”

She didn’t say please, but he could see it in her eyes. She was barely hanging on.

This was hurting. Hurting her. Hurting him. He hadn't known he could feel pain anymore, but dammit, it hurt. Instincts told him to stay, refuse to leave, but something even more ingrained told him follow his own request to her and leave, regroup and fight another day.

Pushing her was only going to destroy what slim fragile hold they had on each other.

Sean grabbed her and kissed her. It felt like their first kiss all over again, and all the things that making love to a person that you could love can give a man. It hit Sean as if it were his first time. It was. He had never loved anyone before, not like this. Julia whimpered and tightened her arms around his neck against her will.

169 The rough, demanding lips on hers, the tongue, as strong as her own and just as demanding, the stubble, grazing his cheek, her own rasping against Sean's, the delicious sound of the low, guttural moans in her mouth. His or hers? She couldn’t tell. The sheer strength of the muscles that moved arms and legs, that alternately pulled and pushed and demanded....nothing could feel this good, would ever feel this good again, except this man, this body.

His hands moved around to grasp the firm buttocks, pulling her hips into the saddle of his groin, and he almost came at the first touch. Soft and lean, and yet muscular, yielding to his touch, he kneaded his fingers, loving the feel of her under his fingers through the delicious feel of the silk. He let his fingers around the bone, to hold her taunt against his aroused body, and he felt the immediate response and smiled into the kiss.

Julia pulled away, her breath coming in short pants and she gave him a sad intense look, and hissed out, "Don’t win this way."

Sean closed his eyes and stepped away. She was right. He’d get around her, win, and later when reason reinstated itself, they’d be back where they started, but she’d hate him for using her physically to get his way.

Pulling her back quickly, he kissed her long, hard and deep. His eyes stormy and intense. “This is far from over, Counselor. I’m coming back for you.”

Sean took his bags and without looking back, he left.


“Foul! Dammit, Michael, that was a blatant foul.”

170 Michael took the ball back out to the line and touched. “Not! Tell me, partner, when I do it, it’s a foul. When you do it, it’s skillful playing?”

Max just made a face and stepped into Michael’s gut, accidentally stepping on his instep and causing a murmur of pain. Michael cursed Max’s heritage and passed the ball to Zeke. The kid was good. Fast. Clean. He quickly faked around Jonathan and hit the hoop in a nicely executed lay-up.

“The kid is a ringer, I’m telling you.” Jonathan bent over resting his hands on his knees breathing hard. Damn. He and Max were good players, but they couldn’t take out the team of Michael and Zeke. Michael was a born soldier, shifty-eyed and intense. The bastard didn’t know how to yield or lose. And young Zeke was surprisingly just plain out good. He outclassed them all. No wonder Michael took him on as his basketball partner.

The group of four went to sit on the side and drink some water. That was it for game three. Max and Jonathan had won the first game, barely. Michael and Zeke took the last two. Max was suspecting that Michael and Zeke had a strategy of appearing non- threatening, but coming on strong at the end. He remembered Sean and Kyle bitching about a game they played against the two, but just took it to be sour grapes from having lost, and not from being taken to the cleaners.

“We had a five spotter on this match, right?”

“Twenty,” said Michael smugly. Max and Jonathan had upped it after the first game.

Zeke smiled happily as he planned on where he was spending his winnings.

“So I’ve got one.” The three men looked at Zeke and nodded for him to tell his story.

“A successful businessman flew to Vegas for the weekend to gamble. He lost the shirt off his back, and had nothing left but a quarter and the second half of his round trip

171 ticket. If he could just get to the airport he could get himself home. So he went out to the front of the casino where there was a cab waiting. He got in and explained his situation to the cabbie. He promised to send the driver money from home, he offered him his credit card numbers, his drivers license number, his address, etc, but to no avail. The cabbie said, 'If you don't have fifteen dollars, get the hell out of my cab!' So the businessman was forced to hitchhike to the airport and was barely in time to catch his flight. One year later the businessman, having worked long and hard to regain his financial success, returned to Vegas and this time he won big. Feeling pretty good about himself, he went out to the front of the casino to get a cab ride back to the airport. Well, who should he see out there, at the end of a long line of cabs, but his old buddy who had refused to give him a ride when he was down on his luck! The businessman thought for a moment about how he could make the guy pay for his lack of charity, and he hit on a plan. The businessman got in the first cab in the line, 'How much for a ride to the airport?' he asked. 'Fifteen bucks,' came the reply. 'And how much for you to give me a blowjob on the way?'

'What?! Get the hell out of my cab!' The businessman got into the back of each cab in the long line and asked the same questions, with the same result. When he got to his old friend at the back of the line, he got in and asked 'How much for a ride to the airport?' The cabbie replied, 'Fifteen bucks.' The businessman said, 'Okay,' and off they went. Then, as they drove slowly past the long line of cabs the businessman gave a big smile and thumbs up sign to each driver."

Max gave a chuckle and Michael just smirked while leaning back with his eyes closed.

172 Jonathan frowned. “So did he get his blowjob?”

The other three fell over laughing and Jonathan just smiled slightly, trying to appear innocent. Max passed his water to Jonathan and tipped his head to the side. Jonathan just shook his head no. Any more games and they would definitely feel the crush of defeat.

Fleecing by Guerin and Garza wasn’t high on his Saturday priority list.

Michael looked at the time and swore. “I need to scram. Maria was going to the hospital, and I need to go pick her up. Zeke, you need a lift back to the lofts?”

“Nah. You can give me a lift to the hospital though. I’d thought I’d go see Amy. Tell her about the play and all.”

“Okay, get your stuff, kid.” Michael held out his hand with a raise of his eyebrow.

“Pay up, partner.”

“How about letting it ride on a rematch? You can’t just walk away without giving us a chance to win our money back.”

Michael looked over his shoulder at Zeke. “You up for another game, say double or nothing?”

Jonathan made a sound in his throat and passed Michael a twenty, and one to Zeke.

“Forget it. No sense in adding insult to injury.” Jonathan looked at Max. “You want to go visit Amy?”

Max looked at Michael, and smiled. The man wasn’t happy at the thought of

Jonathan going near Maria. “No. Let’s go hit a shower, and check out that new movie at the CinemaPlex. It looks like a real screamer.”

Jonathan just shrugged. Sure. Why not? It was Max’s turn to choose. He had visited

Amy and Jim the day before, and he and Max could take them breakfast in the morning.

173 It didn’t pay to piss off Michael too many times in one day, and he really was trying to keep on the man’s good side since he was still working on getting Max to move in with him.

Zeke and Michael headed out after saying goodbye to Jonathan and Max. They were all cheerful about winning the pot, but Michael noticed Zeke’s frown.

“What's up, kid?”

“Jonathan.” Zeke looked back at the man. “He’s kind of scary.”

Michael went still. “Scary?”

Zeke just shrugged. “Know how when you're vulnerable, under someone’s control?”

Michael nodded. He knew that from his life on the streets during his Vice career. “The controller is a person who has a look in their eye, a knowledge like about when you’re going to eat, when you’re going to sleep, and…” Zeke’s voice dropped to a mere whisper,

“…when you’re going to die.”

“You get that from Jonathan?”

Zeke looked back at the two men walking away. “Yeah. I get that. He knows and sees things that others can’t. It’s like a person with all the answers to the game, and he sits back and watches, waiting.” Zeke looked at Michael. “Maria used to affect me that way too. Not to this extent. Maybe because she’s not a man, and I have reason to fear men in power. But she has a way of looking at a person, seeing into them, holding what she sees close to her, and then slowly guiding that person to see it for themselves.”

“Jonathan is slowly guiding someone?” Michael looked back at his partner and

Jonathan as they got into Jonathan’s car. “Who? Maria?”

“Max. He’s teaching Max how to be 'more'.”

174 Michael thought about that for a moment. It was true. Max was often riddled by self doubt, the fear of failing, even to an extent that Michael couldn’t understand. It was almost an obsession. But since he hooked up with Jonathan there were changes, subtle at first, but soon more and more obvious. It was the reason Captain put Max in charge, and why the rest of them naturally yielded to him. Jonathan was Max’s mentor in some form, and Michael couldn’t say why it worried him, but it did. Perhaps because with all things there was usually a price, and Michael couldn’t stand to lose Max - not to anyone.


“Coming!” Isabel opened the door in a flurry of activity. She was still fussing over what to take on an overnight camping trip. “Oh god! Not today.”

“Shut up, stop your bitching, and let me in.” Isabel just sighed as she stood aside and let Sean into the loft.

“Sean, as amusing as you can be, Liz and I are heading out for an overnight camping trip.”

“Good. I need a place to flop, and that means your place is vacant.”

Isabel shut the door and leaned against it observing the man. “She tossed you out?”

Liz came down the stairs with a bag she was struggling with, and paused, seeing

Sean. “Who tossed him out? Julia? No!”

“Hey, I’m standing here!”

“I told you she would toss his ass out once she really got a good look at him.”

175 “Thanks, Iz. Look at what you’re banging. Alex is a poster child for the Bad News

Bands and Hackers United.”

Before Isabel could retaliate, Liz forestalled her. Sean didn’t look so good. Leaving her bag on the landing she joined them, and pulled Sean into the loft. Isabel bit back her snotty retort when she too noticed the man was lacking his usual luster.

“What happened, Sean?” Isabel asked quietly.

“Me, I guess.” Sean sat down dejectedly on the sofa and rubbed his face. “Her office was bombed. She was hurt. Pierce. I told her to pack and I was sending her to Florida, to my family for protection, and she packed alright…my shit, and tossed me out.”

Liz sat on the side of the sofa and patted his shoulder sympathetically. “You couldn’t have meant that. It was just an instant reaction, nothing more.”

“Of course I meant it.”

Liz went quiet and looked at Isabel. The two women shared a look of understanding.

“What about her job, Sean?”

Sean looked at Isabel, and then at Liz. “It’d be here when she got back, but with

Pierce gone.”

Isabel understood what he was saying. “So you’re saying you were going to take care of Pierce, and then she could come home?”

“Exactly. It’s too dangerous for her. He almost killed her more than once, and…”

“Oh Sean,” Liz said sadly. Isabel just patted him on the shoulder. “You expected her to run, to leave you to take care of everything and then just come home, happy?”

176 What the hell was wrong with these women? Sean looked from one to the other. Isn’t that what a man was supposed to do? Take care of his family, the people he loved?

Protect them from harm and safeguard them from those who would hurt them?

“What about her job? What she is?” Liz asked gently. “She’s supposed to turn that off, walk away, and expect it to be there when she gets back? I worked a long time and very hard to become what I am, to earn my position. I wouldn’t just walk away, leave my responsibilities because someone asked me to do so.” Liz looked at Sean seriously.

“Would you? If she asked you to leave, to go with her and not look back, come back when it was safe, would you? Could you?”

Sean looked at the two women and then down at his feet. “She asked. I said no.”

Both women groaned and fell into the sofa cushions on either side of Sean.

“Damn, that was a mistake, Sean.” Isabel said looking at Liz over Sean’s dejected head. Making a gesture he couldn’t see, she rubbed her fingers together indicating money.

Liz owed her big! She had bet that Sean and Julia would break up in under six months, and Liz gave it more than six. Patting Sean’s shoulder in comfort, Isabel sat back and enjoyed thoughts of how she was going to use the money. “So why are you here? Why not Michael and Maria’s?”

Sean put his head back against the sofa and closed his eyes. “Are you crazy? Those two are in some kind of mating frenzy. It’s like their bodies haven’t clued in that they are already pregnant. I’ve just broke up with my girl, and being around them not only would not only frustrate me, but make me hard. And right now I have no place to take care of it.”

Liz had to agree. “They are kind of…visceral right now.”

177 “Visceral?” Isabel laughed at Liz’s attempt to be proper. “They are two horndogs just looking for a place to rut. But personally, I love the effect it has on Alex.”

“Needs help getting it up, huh?” Sean was rewarded with an elbow to his ribs.

“Ouch! That hurt, Iz.”

“Lay off the boyfriend. Your jealousy is unbecoming.” Yeah, Sean had reason to be jealous. Alex was perfect, Sean was not. Isabel tried to think of the most biting way she could convey that to Sean and get maximum effect.

“So you want to stay with us?” Liz asked, discreetly making a gesture at Isabel to behave herself. The man was already down. Isabel just snorted in derision. The man liked pain. It would be like dessert. A present.

“If you wouldn’t mind. Not for long. I’ve got a plan…” Both women just groaned.

Great. They’d seen Sean, Michael, Max, and Kyle’s plans in the past. They weren’t pretty.

“Well, since we’re not here tonight you can sleep in Liz’s bed. It’s not like she hasn’t had to deal with your cooties in the past, and her bed lately has been a revolving door for the men of Roswell, whereas mine has been pretty exclusive.”

Liz just shrugged. Sure. Why not?

Isabel patted Sean on the knee and went back upstairs to worry over her wardrobe.

Camping? What the hell did a person wear camping?

“So, is Isabel telling the truth? Are you busy working your way through the men of

Roswell?” Sean asked slightly concerned.

“Not quite that bad, I’m showing some selectivity, but taken as a whole? Yeah, I’ve been working my way through some boyfriends over the last four months.”

178 “Since we broke up?”

Liz looked at Sean and smiled slightly. “It’s not what you think. I’m not pining or whatever you want to call it. I think…I think I’m searching. It’s like I can taste what I want, what I need, but the name of it eludes me.” Liz looked up at the loft area to see

Isabel’s door shut. “Strange as it may seem, I think I’m in love with someone.”

Sean sunk lower in the sofa and whispered conspiratorially to Liz. “Who? Anyone I know?”

“That’s the problem. I don’t even know. It’s like my heart feels full, aware, but my damn brain is refusing to really accept.”

“Maybe he’s someone you can’t have. Someone who is unavailable, and you’re protecting yourself from heartache by denial.”

“Maybe. I just know that I think I’m searching for something, someone to give me a sense of peace.” Liz absentmindedly stroked her scar on her throat. Sean reached up and took her hand in his.

“Liz, you’ve come so far since we broke up. I’m proud of you. You’ve seemed to have grown and blossomed, made a home for yourself and become comfortable with your own sexuality. You seem more in control of your life. Don’t keep looking back. Look forward. Live to live.”

“Are you still looking back, Sean?”

“No. I see my future crystal clear. Now the stubborn Counselor needs to see it too.”

Liz played with his fingers. “So this is the real thing, huh? Heart in your mouth, sweaty palms, hollow stomach, and the beat of your heart so loud it drowns out all reasonable thought?”

179 “You know so much, Parker. You must be in love, or waiting for it, or so ready that

‘he’ is coming near. Maybe you haven’t met him, Liz. Maybe you just have a ‘sense’ of him, that he's close.”

“Perhaps. Or maybe a sense that he already passed me by.” Liz cuddled next to Sean and put her head on his shoulder. “It’ll come right. I’m sure of it. Look at us. All of us.

We’re all in our late twenties to early thirties. It was time. Time for all of us to stop playing high school games. We aren’t children any longer. Michael has Maria and babies on the way. Kyle and Tess are settled waiting for their baby and Max’s, and Max with

Jonathan is a totally hot item. All of us are watching in amazement of how good they look together. Who would’ve thought. I still remember when Max and Michael were terrorizing the single women of Roswell…dating dogs that slept with a woman and then moved on. Now Max owns a Volvo.” Sean snickered at that. “And you’re with Julia.

Amazing. You look so right with her, much like Michael looks with Maria. Not an extension, but a completion. That’s what I want. I want to complete someone.”

“No complete enough, she tossed me out.”

“Yeah, that’s because you need to learn. So learn, Sean. She’s your partner, not your responsibility.”

Sean paused. That was what Julia had said. “I don’t know that I can stop being what

I am.”

“But yet, you expect her to stop being what she is.” Liz hit Sean on the stomach.

“I’m starving! Isabel is a nightmare in the kitchen, and my entire culinary ability revolves around grilled food from the Crashdown. You stay…you cook!”

180 Isabel came down the stairs with an armful of clothing. “Okay, you’re going to have to help me decide what to wear.”

Sean got up to wander into the kitchen, to check out the supplies. Laughing as the girls argued over the plausibility of Isabel wearing leather while camping he tsked at their lack of food. Grabbing a phone, he quickly called the market for a delivery.

“I never saw anyone do that before until I met you and Maria.” Liz said grabbing a bag of chips almost gone.

“What?” Sean hung up the phone and started washing the poor excuses for vegetables from the refrigerator, tossing those on the verge of becoming a lab experiment.

“People who called for food delivery, liquor delivery, dry cleaning, laundry, and almost everything else. Normal people, everyday ordinary people get in their car and do all that themselves.”

Sean laughed. “DeLucas are high maintenance people. We are bred that way.”

Never a truer word spoken. Liz was suddenly thoughtful and serious again. “Talk to

Maria, Sean. She knows better than anyone where Julia is coming from. It almost broke her and Michael that first year, remember? Ask them. They know.”

“I can’t stand having to start over with her, Liz. I’m less than where I started.”

“No you aren’t. You're ahead. She already loves you; now you just have to learn the rules.”

Sean laughed and cut off mold from the cheese. “How’d you get so smart, Lizzie girl?”

181 “Max. He comes over all the time to talk.” Liz sat down and looked over at Sean.

“Believe it or not he treats me like a sister, then a friend, and now he seeks me out just for fun. It’s highly uncomplicated and evolved.”

Sean just whooped at that. Highly uncomplicated? Evolved? Only Parker.


Michael let himself into the back door of the loft. Sniffing the air, he was shocked at the smell of food. Good food. Italian. Liz and Isabel didn’t cook. They tended to burn.

There was a reason Parker dated three firemen over the last four months. The Roswell

Fire Department had their address on constant alert.


“They’re not here.”

Michael turned to see Sean coming out of the bathroom. “What are you doing here?”

“Cooking. Cleaning. Watching a game on the tube.” Sean took Michael in fully.

“Question is what are you doing here?”

“Blood. I brought Liz a new sample of Maria’s blood.” Michael went into the kitchen and placed a tube of blood in the refrigerator. “When is Parker going to be back?”

“Tomorrow. The girls are on an overnight, stargazing with Whitman and his cousin.

They’ll be back after dinner tomorrow.”

“Whitman is a stargazer?” Michael just shook his head in amazement. That was so damn…ordinary. Alex was the farthest thing from ordinary in his mind.

182 “It was interesting to see both Liz and Isabel running around in a frenzy.” Sean reached over and tossed some grated cheese into the dish.

“What the hell are you making?” Damn, it smelt good. Real good.

“Chicken tetrazzini with extra cheese sauce and mushrooms.”

“You cooking here as a surprise for Mac?”

“No.” Sean ignored Michael’s eyes and just kept on cooking.

“What's going on, Sean?”

“Not in a mood to talk about it, Michael. So how about you back off?”

Michael looked at the man and nodded. Sure. Fine with him. None of his business.

“So she kicked you out?”

“I said…”

“Yeah, whatever. What happened?”

Sean slammed a few pots and pans around. “The DA office was bombed yesterday.”

News to Michael. His work time was so cut down that he barely was aware what the hell was going on. Lately they called him into and for special cases, otherwise he was a ghost at work.

“Mac? Is she okay?”

“Took a frag nail to the shoulder, and a nasty crease to her cheek.” Michael’s jaw flexed, but he remained quiet. “What did you do?”

“I left it alone for the night. Next morning, not so easy.” Sean pushed two casserole dishes into a hot oven to bake. “I called my dad. Made arrangements to get Julia out of here and protected.”

183 Michael swore and sat down on a stool across from the cooking Sean. Bad move.

One he would’ve made under the same circumstances over a year ago. One he wouldn’t make now. But inside, he would’ve wanted to do the same. Every instinct in his body would’ve been screaming for him to do what Sean did. Protect the women he loved.


“Sorry, man.”

“Yeah, me too.”

“She took it bad?”

Under-fucking-statement. “She says it’s over.”

“And you say?”

“I’ve got a plan.”

Michael pursed his lips and slowly nodded his head. Of course he did. “Good. Now take those plans and toss them, bury them. Deep, Sean. Whatever they are? Forget them.”

“Fuck that! You think I’m going to just let this be over? Would you?”

“Of course not! Do you see me and Maria broken up? It could’ve been us, and it almost was.” Michael grabbed a hunk of bread from the counter and smeared it with tons of butter. Aw. Still hot and fresh. “Now you can do this stupid, or you can do this smart. If you follow the instincts that you and I have and what we know what must be done…that will be stupid.” Michael ignored the protesting Sean. “Not to us, but to the ladies. Now one thing I learned is they don’t see things like we do, but that doesn’t make them less or whatever. Just majorly whacked and unreasonable.”

184 Sean laughed at that. He had to agree. Julia was whacked if she thought this was through, that they were over. And unreasonable? Hell, that chicken-eating, spicy woman with a gleam for real domination was writing a book on the damn subject.

“Okay, quit fucking with me, Guerin and give me the straight shit. How far in the hole am I?”

“Deep, but still retractable. You need to learn patience. The hunt, Brother, the hunt. A good hunter knows his prey, knows its schedule and habits, and exploits its weaknesses.

You going for a kill, it can be down and dirty…you going to catch an unattainable wild beauty to keep barely contained? You need to practice a long patience.”

“Okay, I doubt I’d call Maria tamed, since she’s got you whipped.”

Michael laughed and put more bread in his mouth. “That I am, but there is whipped, and then there is whipped! It is a matter of semantics.”

“Okay, cut the subtext shit, and tell me how you kept it together without Maria tossing your arrogant, insanely possessive ass from the get go, because I was there, and the two of you were melting down quick, real nasty like.”

Michael winced at that. Too true. He and Maria did more than weather hard times and a stormy early relationship, actually they almost broke to pieces. It took a lot to learn the limits in their relationship, to design a system of checks and balances where they could protect the other without going overboard, a system they both understood and respected. The Rules. Later the rules weren’t really needed so much once Maria learned to accept the parts of him that were neurotically possessive, and she learned that she had some of the same possessiveness in her own makeup. It made it easier for her to understand him, to give him some space to be who he was.

185 “Sex.” Michael said simply.


“Sex held us together when everything else was pulling us apart. Sex and the fact we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. No matter how pissed off we got, how strained things were, just one look, a touch…hell, even her smell was enough to make all the bullshit seems so small and unimportant.”

“Julia and I were going pretty strong, so why did it not work the same? I’m on the outside and I don’t remember Maria tossing your ugly hide out.”

“I wasn’t so stupid to push so hard all at once.”

Sean just sneered at Michael. “In other words, you were so busy letting your dick lead you around you never let your pissy attitude take over enough to torque Maria off enough to toss you out.”

“Yeah, something like that.” Michael smiled. Yeah, when he and the Professor first started knocking boots it was hot, hard and constant. Frowning, Michael realized suddenly that the intensity hadn’t faded in the least bit in over a year and a half, and actually it was in some ways even more intense. Whoa. Smiling even larger, Michael tossed some more bread into his mouth. It was good being him. Sean? Poor sap.

“Okay, so I’m doomed here. I’m already out the door.”

Poor bastard. Michael thought about it for a second. “Okay, so maybe you lost some ground. But nothing we can’t fix. You just need to learn patience, perseverance, and sheer pig-headed stubbornness.”

“Got the stubbornness down.” Sean looked in the refrigerator to grab a beer he bought for himself and passing one to Michael. “So where do I start?”

186 “Back off. Leave her alone. Let what comes natural happen.”

Sean bit back a curse. Relationship pointers from Michael Guerin. He was doomed.

Damn. “Okay, so what is that…what happens naturally?”

Michael just smirked as he nursed the beer. “You’ll see the next time you see her, just be sure not to push her, don’t open your fat mouth, and let it happen as it’s going to, and you’ll see.”

“Fuck.” Sean rubbed the back of his neck and looked in the oven at his food bubbling nicely. “Patience? Dammit. Perseverance I think I can manage, but patience?”

Michael nodded sagely. Yeah that could be a problem. None of them was the most patient of men. Perhaps Kyle, and in some ways, Alex, but they were marginal. “Okay, you’re going to need a project, a distraction.” Michael sat back and thought about it. Sean could feel sweat trickling down his back at the smile that slowly moved across Michael’s face. It wasn’t a pleasant smile. Nope. It was mean, manipulative, and…well, just Guerin- scary. “I’ve got the perfect project!”

“No. Whatever it is? The answer is no.”

“It’s for Maria.”

Sean paused. Dammit. Not the Maria gambit. That Guerin was one sneaky bastard.

“Okay, stop being a prick and just tell me.”

“The nursery. We’re going to start working on the nursery, and I need help getting the room cleared, repainted, and stuff.”

Sean felt relief. Okay. That wasn’t so bad. He’d do that happily, willingly, and so on.

“Done. So what room you turning into the nursery? The downstairs bedroom? That’s

'Keep houseguest away'.”

187 “Maria’s office.”

Sean’s face drained of all color. “No! No way, man. Count me out!”

“You already said yes.”

“Forget it! I was misinformed. Under-informed. That damn room scares me shitless.

I don’t fear much. Mainly my Aunt Amy with that look, and that damn room.”

“It’s not that bad,” Michael lied.

“No? That room is a vortex to the frickin’ Middle Earth, or unknown alien worlds, so sure - you’re safe. Uh huh. Earth boy like me? I’d be toast.” Sean took on a serious look, deadly and intent with a touch of around the campfire urban legend to him. “Things go into that room that never return! I think I saw a mouse run in there once, a high squeal, and then deadly silence.”

“That’s bullshit.” Michael didn’t mention that he was recruiting help to decrease his chances of annihilation. “You’re a DeLuca. I’ve seen that pigsty you call a desk. This is the same, but just on a grander level.”

“Nope. What? You need to get Hooked on Phonics or something? N-O. No.”

“Maria started sewing,” Michael said softly, pulling out all the guns.

Sean’s face went blank as he tried to understand the words that Michael had just spoken. Maria. Sewing. Maria sews? “What? You mean she pulled out her trusty credit card, hunted down five or six domestic women who actually have talent in the craft of sewing and paid them to make things for the babies?”

“No. Maria is sewing. Embroidering is what she calls it.” Michael went in for the real fear factor with emphasis. “I think I saw long needles that looked either like knitting

188 needles or a medieval torture device. Personally, I was hoping it was something kinky, but in truth, there was a hell of a lot of yarn next to it.”

“Shit!” Sean could feel sweat breaking out on his forehead. Maria was really, really sick. “What’s going on exactly? Maybe you should take her to the doctor?”

“I think she’s nesting. Wanting to get ready for the babies and we haven’t done anything to prepare for them, and she needs to do something along that line. It’s time.

Otherwise she’s not getting anything out of this pregnancy but fear. None of the fun things.”

Sean felt the crashing of the steal jaws of a finely tuned trap. “Okay, I’ll do it. I’ll help you, but you better call Kyle and Max, too. The more there with guns, the better the chance of survival.”

“Right you are.” Michael perked up as the timer on the chicken went off. “Chicken tetrazzini, huh?”

“Mom’s recipe. I make it for Julia. She loves it.”

Michael eyed the two casserole dishes full of a nice bubbly cheese sauce. “What’s with two batches?”

“Liz and Isabel don’t have any bigger casserole dishes. I had to split the recipe.”

“Good.” Michael reached across and took the hot pad, grabbing the bigger casserole dish putting a fresh loaf of bread across the top. “I’ll take this one.”


“Maria. She needs food. This will make her happy.” Michael hummed a little under his breath. “Come over for breakfast. You can make Maria those fried French donut

189 things she loves, and after we clean the upstairs room for the nursery, I’ll take you somewhere special! A special project to help work on your Julia woes.”

“What?” Sean followed Michael to the glass door and stopped him from opening the door. “What special project?” Sean had already seen Michael’s ‘special projects’ and they were bloody scary.

“Found you a 1969 Dodge Charger. Pretty good condition, but it needs work. The guy is a person I arrested, and as a favor to me, he might let it go for a song.”

A 1969 Dodge Charger? Sean felt his stomach hollow and his heat pick up speed.

“Let me get that door!”

Michael navigated his way from Liz and Isabel’s loft through the garden, careful of the hot casserole dish of food. Using his foot, he hooked on the semi-opened sliding glass door and went inside the loft.

“Professor! I’ve got something for you.”

“Food?” Maria’s voice echoed in the loft in anticipation.

190 Chapter Six: If yet I have not all thy love,

Day Six: Sunday, 4:17 am

Night was the best time to travel. Roswell, a sleepy town normally, was fast becoming a hotbed of after hours activity. Traveling up the side streets, he ducked under an overhang and observed the footsteps he heard coming behind him. Waiting. Patient.


The hunters became the prey.

Sneering at the two that thought to trap him, the figure emerged from the shadows.

Walkers, not Skins. Pity. Pity for the borrowed body.

Hitting the first one without remorse, he watched it fly and then hit a wall. The second purser stopped and turned.


“Well, so you know me. And I must say, I have no idea who you are. Want to enlighten me as to whom I am about to destroy?”


Nicholas smiled a wicked smile that was made even more obscene because it moved across the face of a young boy. “Zepar. First Lieutenant to Larek. Interesting. Tell me, whatever does Larek want from this powerless planet so much that he would expend the energy to send you?”

Zepar was silent. Nicholas, Kivar’s goon. Right hand General to the tyrant who held them beneath his thumb. “Nicholas. Using a body so young. Kivar had a sense of humor.

191 Surprisingly. I can’t say that our corner of the universe hasn’t been a little less unpleasant with you gone all these years, trapped on this planet of water.”

Nicholas reached out a hand towards the unconscious body on the ground, and extended his power in a grasp that exploded in fire, engulfing the body.

“No!” Zepar slumped as his tenuous hold on his own body was fading. The energy needed to take back the essence of his companion also was pulling at him. The human host was destroyed.

“You’re not pulled back yet. They can only retrieve one at a time, and I’m afraid your friend is in dire need of attention.” Nicholas moved even closer. “What is Larek’s plan?”

“To see you dead!” said Zepar as he felt his consciousness being pulled home. If they didn’t find it first, all would be lost.

Nicholas watched. They were faster than he had anticipated. Kicking the slumping human host body for good measure, he continued on his journey. Pity. He might have learned much from Zepar.

Larek. Larek visiting Earth. Hmmm.... It must be for the King. Zan. Nicholas stroked his chin thoughtfully. The protector had to be near. There was no other way for this to play itself out. They had wasted so much time on the pretenders, the Dupes. Time was short. Watching the other body burn on the ground for a moment, Nicholas smiled. These humans were capable of so much agony. So fragile. Lovely. Just lovely.


192 Courtney swore in the early morning gloom. Damn. Trying to drink her coffee, she couldn’t ignore the itching. Her skin was dry. Luckily Hanson’s car came around the corner in time to pick her up. Their turn at the top of the Homicide rotation always came too quickly, and why always in the middle of the night? Ignoring that it was almost daybreak, Detective Courtney Banks wondered if Michael Guerin would be called to the scene.

Since she started working at the PD over four months ago Michael's work time had been drastically cut down, and she could count on one hand how often she had actually talked to him. New world. New body. But one thing remained true - the Commander was still one impressive individual and very worthy of worship.

“About time you got here, Carl.”

Hanson just smiled. Some days he was just slow. It had taken him a good three minutes to get out of his place after the call came in from dispatch. They had a body and an unconscious man down. It was going to be a busy morning.

The area was already crawling with support teams, and it was Courtney’s nature to take control of the scene. But Hanson was primary, so all teams reported to him.

“Morning, Sam.”

“Simon, Sir. What we got?”

Simon just shook his head. Another one. Over the last four months their area had been crawling in dead bodies. Mysterious ones at that, and the FBI units had moved into the area quickly taking over most of the exotic cases.

“I’ve got two men. One is a white Caucasian, approximately forty-three, in good health except he's dead. He was burnt almost beyond recognition, but I’ve got one good

193 hand for prints. More than seventy percent of trunk mass is gone. This was one hot fire.

The other man is maybe thirty-three. He’s been transported to County General. The extent of his injuries is undetermined, but he was found close to the other victim, unconscious, and the EMT unit was unable to determine the cause. He was transported immediately.”

Courtney was walking the transit, checking out the site. The burnt body was still in

Situ, and she paused. Damn. Avoiding the others, she looked around and moved her search a little further afield. Unseen by others, she bent down and picked up something.

Holding it up, she watched as it disintegrated into nothing. A Skin.

“What you got there?” Hanson asked startling his partner as he came up next to her.

“Nothing. Just some dust.”

Simon came up to stand with the two detectives. There wasn’t much to see from the field, but it was obvious that something had happened here.

“Sam, your call. What do you need?”

Hanson looked at the area. “Call Guerin. He’ll need to see this.”

Simon nodded. Good. That would’ve been his suggestion. Simon didn’t fail to notice

Detective Banks' look of excitement. He allowed a sense of unease to pass over him. The last time a woman in the Department showed a real interest in Guerin it had ended in bloodshed. Cassie Welch.


194 Michael entered the scene without anyone spotting him at first. Circling to the right, he came to the alleyway with the scene before him and to the left. Ignoring other people, he slowly approached the remains of a scorched body. They had held it for him.

“Sam, you copy Evans on this?”

“Aye, Sir. He was called.”

“His orders?”

“To have you assess the field, devote as many resources as needed to identify the victims, and my partner and I are on the way to check up on the other victim and question him, if possible.”

Michael nodded. “Good. You remain primary. Work the case. You're looking for someone small.”

“Sir?” Simon and Courtney came to join them, quietly listening to Michael.

“The concentrated blast. I can see it from here. It hit the man in midgut, below the ribline. He was propelled back from the force. You can see the stronger singe just above his navel. All else radiates. A larger man would have hit him midchest. We’re looking at someone small in stature, maybe five-four or pretty close to that. Don’t let height fool you. This person was strong, and whatever they used was powerful. Powerful enough to fry this man to a cinder. You’ll need to check all high-burning accelerants. Something powerful enough to ignite to blue fire or white. Simon, what are we looking at, or can you tell?”

“Burning power? I’d guess about three thousand degrees. Fire marshal and investigator can place it better. Maybe five.”

195 “That would be something like jet fuel then, or napalm. Check the specs, Sam. Run all high-end accelerants, and see what kinds of specials come back, but I have a feeling that this one won’t be in your lap too long. I expect FBI'ers to intrude, much like they’ve been doing all along. Cut clothing remains and send them to Parker for analysis. Tell her to look for chemical debriefing and residue. Simon will autopsy and get a report to you.

You're going to have to push hard and work fast before the Feds come in and take it away.”

Courtney came up next to Michael, demanding his attention. “What should I do,


Michael’s eyes narrowed, and for a moment he was disoriented, but quickly regained his focus. Looking at the woman who looked too young to hold a golden shield or have the credentials she did, Michael pointed to Hanson. “Follow your primary’s instructions.

He holds authority in this investigation, but the outcome will be credited to you both. So you should watch his back, as he'll watch yours. Go call the hospital now. See if there's news on your surviving victim.”

Michael watched as Courtney walked away. Something…

“Commander?” Hanson said softly.

Michael looked at him and frowned. “Sam, why do you call me that?”

“I don’t know. My partner does, and it fits you perfectly. So now I do.”

Michael just grunted.

Simon joined them. “We gathered the scene. But we need to move the body.”

“In a moment, Simon. Sam, come with me.”

196 Michael moved back out of the alley, and looked at it from an angle. Walking to the far right side, he looked back at the alley entrance and marked placement of bodies. His eyes narrowed. Squatting, he searched the area, now lightening into day. There was enough gloom to see what must be seen. Simon watched in silence.

“Sam, tell me what you see.”

Michael and Simon listened as Hanson gave a rundown of his information. After he finished, Michael reached up and took away his notebook, pulling the man down to squat next to him. “Now tell me what you see. Quickly, look…and see. We’ll lose the shadows soon.”

Hanson looked at where Michael had positioned them, the entrance to the alley and the placement of the bodies, how they felt. The other person was alone as far as they knew. He was smaller in stature, yet able to take out two men taller than himself.

“He entered the alley first. They followed. Pursuing him. They were pursuing him.

He paused, looked behind him and quickly ducked into the shadows.” Hanson pointed to a series of shadows that were fast fading. Even in the dark of night those shadows would’ve been small and slight because of the lighting coming off the surrounding buildings, but the third man could’ve hidden there to wait since his stature was small and slight. Michael and Simon remained quiet. “They entered thinking they lost him. They were following him to where he would lead, far enough back not to be noticed. But he noticed. Walking into an ambush, he came out behind them about there. They turned. The burnt one was knocked back hard into the wall, and he never stood again. As you said, he was hit mid-stomach. The other saw the third man; perhaps they talked. But whatever

197 happened, he hit the ground where he stood. There was some bruising, but no sign of impact.”

Michael nodded. Good. “So he stood in the shadows along that wall. Have you searched it?”

Hanson shook his head. The three of them went to see what was once hidden in the shadow, but now given light by the approaching morning. Sam saw it first. He slowly crouched and picked it up by his fingers for Michael and Simon to see. A skin. It quickly disintegrated into a fine film of dust and blew away before it could be bagged. Hanson stood, a sense of eeriness moving alone his spine. Michael did the same. Both men slowly turned, looking up at the walls around them.

“Sam, keep to your mark. Work the angles as long as you can and report to Max.”

Hanson nodded and started to leave. “Sam, carefully. Be very careful. Your partner, the woman…um, Connie…”


“Right. Her. I don’t get much from her, but I know that she has a look in her eye. An agenda that is not known. You watch your back. How much have you told her?”

“Nothing.” Michael patted the man on his back and watched him walk away. Since four months ago, a small group of them were collecting duel reports, those not confiscated by the FBI personnel, who had become regular fixtures in their department.

More cases than they could count had been taken by these guys with no explanation.

Hanson was with them when the first silver handprint was discovered, and over thirteen other ones had followed in the last four months. His partner was not part of that group.

“How many does this make, Simon?”

198 “About thirty-seven that we know of. The skin we’re finding at the scenes is increasing.” Simon looked over the alley. “What is it, Michael?”

Michael stood up. “Tell your boys to take the body. I want a report sent to Max, as usual.” Simon nodded and gestured to one of his technicians to bag the remains. They had learned all they could for now. There was nothing left here. Just dust. “What's going on here? Wish I knew. If this were a different time or place, I’d say it was armies moving into a tight space, their borders not so defined on the fringes, bumping into each other in minor skirmishes.”

Simon rubbed his face and looked around slowly like both Hanson and Michael had done. “Damn. Strickland is a problem, Michael. He ordered all lab and tech reports to pass through his desk before the detective folders. He is holding things back, I’m certain.”

“You still up for a little two-play?”

Simon laughed. He’d been sending two sets of reports for months. It was becoming second nature. That was even before Captain Valenti was down. It seemed more imperative now then before, and somehow he suspected it would get worse.

“Sure, Commander. I’ll copy Max.” Simon patted Michael on the shoulder and took off to get his team moving.

Commander. Michael looked around one more time. Looked like he had a new name.

Smiling slightly, he went to return home. He had had worse names. This one wasn’t that bad.

199 The loft was quiet when he entered. Mr. Booboo was patiently waiting for him with a dead mouse between his paws. His plaintive meowing alerted Michael to the fact that

Maria was still sleeping.

“Where the hell do you find all these rodents and birds, buddy? Bet you had to expand your hunting grounds.” Michael reached for the tail of the dead mouse, but the cat’s fat paw came down smack dab in the center and held it in place. “So you want our lady to see it. Hmm. You realize that you can’t buy her affections; they already belong to me.”

Michael left the murderous feline to his guard duty and rushed up the stairs. Sunday morning. He might get a few more hours of sleep before that irritating Sean arrived to make breakfast. Maria was still fast asleep. The ringing of the phone hours ago didn’t even disturb her. Shedding his clothes, Michael climbed back into bed and pulled her back into his arms. The only sound she made was a slight protest at the coolness of his skin against hers, but she soon settled and he quickly was warmed by the bedding.

Maria was sleeping deeply again. It made a frown mar his face as he watched her.

The coolness of her skin, even under the covers was worrisome. Michael closed his eyes and concentrated on sleep himself. Tired. He had never felt so tired. He’d wake up and feed her in a little while, but right now he needed to sleep.


“You don’t have to come.”

200 “You prefer that I didn’t?”

Max swallowed more of his coffee and shrugged. “Personally, I think you should come. Maria would love to see you. She spent this entire last week at the hospital with

Amy and Jim. She could use some fun and some time off. Watching Michael all pissy around you would make her day.”

Jonathan looked over from where he was dressing. Max was drinking his coffee on the edge of the bed talking to him. Max. He was calm and relaxed. Early this morning he had gotten a call, and Jonathan was waiting to feel him leave the bed and go. Max stayed.

He talked to two people, made a call and then came back to bed. When Jonathan asked him if everything was okay, Max just said that Michael would handle it. Max was learning to delegate his authority, to trust others to do their job. He was learning to let

Michael handle some things while he covered others.

“What exactly are we going to do today?”

Max laughed. “We’re going to help Michael shovel out the pit Maria calls her home office, then do some painting and stuff to get ready to put in the nursery.”

“It’s about time. They only have a few more months before the baby… babies...arrive.”

Max stared into his coffee cup and frowned. Where the hell had the time gone?

“Maybe. Then again, with the problems Maria’s been having I think neither of them is in much of a hurry.”

Jonathan went quiet. “She’s too thin. I noticed that the last time I saw her. Pregnant women tend to get rounder faces, put on weight in certain areas. Maria is like a stick with a small pregnant stomach.”

201 “It’s a problem. She can’t eat enough. Sleep enough. Michael is…” Max paused.

Michael. All he could see was Michael in the hospital when they brought Maria in near death. His voice. His fear was a tangible thing. That fear was still there under the surface.

Michael was still afraid he’d lose her - her and the babies.

“Hardly in fitting shape himself. I noticed it when we played basketball yesterday.

He’s thin. Real thin. And Guerin used to be like a powerhouse of energy. Silent, but you could feel it. Yesterday he was tired.”

“I know. It’s getting harder. He’s giving everything inside him to Maria and the babies.”

Jonathan stood still. He walked over to stand beside Max slowly buttoning up his shirt. “What do you mean? What aren’t you telling me, Max? Why is Maria sick, and now Michael?”


“Secrets. I know you have them. I don’t like them, but I have my own. Know this,

Max. We can only go so far with you not telling me everything.”

Max looked at his partner. Choices. He had made some, but he needed to make more.

Caution was a word that seemed to echo in his mind. Take it slow. Be sure.

“I will when I can. That, I can promise you. Until then, can you live with this as it is?”

Jonathan looked down at where Max was sitting. Yeah. He could wait. As long as necessary. Putting his hands on Max’s face he tipped his head up and searched his eyes. It wasn’t hard to see the clear honest regard for what it was. He could wait. Leaning down he kissed Max. He had thought he was through with relationships with men. But then

202 again, he had never counted on meeting Max Evans. The shocking thing was how easily he had rearranged his life, given way in areas he once thought he would not. His mind was full of ‘ifs’. If he could keep Max. If they could belong to each other. If…

His life. He’d give his life for some of those ifs.


“Sean, how many more?”

Looking at his cousin, Sean's mouth stretched in a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

Fuck. She was too thin. Her face. Her hands. Her arms. Only thing that looked healthy was her pregnant stomach.

“More coming up, M. I cook them, you eat them. Deal?”

Maria nodded as she shoved more of the sweet dough in her mouth. Starving. It felt like her insides were a hole that she couldn’t fill full. When was the last time she actually felt full? Sated?

For about four minutes after the last time she and Michael had had sex and she had drunk Michael’s blood. Glutted. Satisfied. But the feeling was fading faster and faster each time. She was taking more from him. The blood was just a few drops at first - a turn on, or so it seemed. Now she actually took enough that her mouth flooded with the taste of him.

“Did you make some for Michael too?”

Sean nodded. He had a biting retort, but any fool could see that Michael was losing ground in his battle to keep Maria strong and healthy at the risk of his own health.

203 “He ate about two dozen or so.”

“Make some peach ones next. And Sean, could you make potatoes?”

“What kind?”

“The ones that your mom’s mom makes. The ones with the beef in them.”

“Hash? You feel like some Irish hash?” Maria just nodded. “Okay, give me a few. In the meantime, keep yourself busy with these.” Sean passed over a plate of fresh beignets.

Sean smiled and picked up the phone to call for some fresh eggs, corned beef, and other things.

Maria waved when Max and Jonathan let themselves into the loft. Jonathan beelined it for Maria as Max went to join his partner who was talking on his cell phone. Maria smiled when Jonathan kissed her forehead and passed her a box of fresh bagels and cream cheese spreads.

“Jonathan! Great. Glad you felt up to facing the dragon in his den.”

“Hmm. I suspected he was called out early this morning like Max? He must be tired.

I thought his energy levels might be low enough for even me to survive.”

“Poor old shoe! I’m sure your every waking moment is crowded with thoughts of how to make my Detective adore you.”

“Hardly every one. I have to spare a few for you as well.” Maria laughed as Jonathan sat next to her and stole a beignet from her. “You make these, Sean?”

“With my own little hands. Busy hands and all that.”

Jonathan gulped in appreciation as he inhaled one practically whole. “Awesome. I’d hire you.”

204 “Hmm. What is the benefit package like? Seems I should be considering a life of ease and relaxation, since my current life is majorly sucking.”

Jonathan just laughed as Maria passed him another one, ignoring Michael’s sounds of indignation.

“Do you see that? Do you? She’s sharing her donut things with him!”

“Can it, Michael! You know that Maria and Jonathan have a special gourmet thing going. Eating is their panacea. What happened this morning?”

Michael just swore and tossed his phone on the table. “Nothing good. I’ll tell you later. Where the hell is Sweetpea?”

Max laughed at the patent and true Guerin sneer. Uh uh. Too much fun. “He and Tess are visiting the family. Seems Tess’s sister, mom and sisters-in-law are giving her a baby shower. I was invited, but found one of the perks of not being married to the expectant mother is letting her husband do the duty. It started with early mass and a nice long day of events.”

“You realize that the Valdez family are like a huge name around these parts. They own and operate over three Mexican and Tex-Mex restaurants in the region. You passed up their free food to help me do this?”

“Love you, man.”

Michael was impressed. His ever-loving partner was a gem. A real gem. “Keep your damn cootie kisses for the blighted one. Let's go start shoveling.” Michael went over and tipped Maria’s head up for a long possessive kiss. She blinked owlishly at him as he quickly kissed the tip of her nose. Patting her stomach softly his eyes narrowed as he looked over at Jonathan.

205 “You going to sit and eat all day, or did you come to work?”

Jonathan just smiled pleasantly, ignoring Michael’s possessive behavior. It wouldn’t matter. Michael would be pissing on his territory all day. If not Maria, then Max. The man didn’t know how to share.

“I’m game. Nothing I’d like more than helping you make a nursery.”

Michael’s eyes gleamed in anticipation. Yeah, so the man had not clue to what was coming. Taking in his light Henley shirt, Michael felt his spirits lifting. All righty then...

“Sean, let's go!”

“Without me, Brother. I’m waiting for a delivery, then making the pregnant lady some hash, and then I’ll be upstairs.”

Michael paused. “Corned beef?” Sean nodded. “Damn. Save me some.” Sean just nodded. Good thing he ordered extra beef. Michael was looking about fifteen pounds underweight.

“That’s nice of you.” Maria said watching the fellowship of three arm themselves for a gruesome battle. Max was already shedding his shirt, as was Michael. Time to get dirty.

“He looks small for Guerin.” Sean shook his head. Never thought he’d ever say anything like that. “A few fats and calories might not go too far amiss. The two of you are eating hounds, I can’t even comprehend how you can load up on the food and still stay so skinny.”

“Liz is testing my blood. She thinks that the babies need something special in

Michael’s, something that Tess and the rest also have. They're eating all the food I can give them, and they're still hungry. I think Michael feeds them with his blood.”

“Vampirism. Never got into that too much, but it can be a real kink. Aphrodisiac.”

206 “It’s more than that. Sex. Lots of sex.”

“Awwww, M.... You sure you want to be telling me this? Cousin here. Closest thing to a brother.” Sean swore slightly when her eyes clouded over at the mention of brother.

He quickly grabbed her hand to distract her. “But you know I love a good kinky tale, and from my observation, you and the pissy detective have quite the story to tell.”

“It’s…different. Like a rush of energy. Afterwards, I feel…better. Good. Real good.

Like I could just take on anything and everything. The feeling fades, but for a moment it is like all the cells of my body are rushing fast and hard. Furious. And…” Maria paused for a moment. “And I feel like I’m going to win.”

Sean reached across and kissed his cousin on the cheek. “You will win. You wait and see. I’ve never seen Michael Guerin lose at anything, and I suspect he has no intention of starting now.” Sean heard the doorbell. “And lucky for you, food has arrived.”

“Oh great! I’m starving.”


Isabel snuggled even deeper into the sleeping bag, ignoring the annoying feathering along her neck. It continued, and despite her intentions to remain asleep, she finally gave up and peered up through her hair.

“Alex, go back to sleep.”


“Huh uh. Nope. Night. Sleep.”

207 “Breakfast is ready, and we need to hike out to make it to my family's place in time for dinner.”

“No.” Isabel shut her eyes and convinced it was one long nightmare. Alex’s cousin was a demonic creature from the deep. He had forcibly marched them until almost sundown, in an outrageous ploy of military tactics, then forced them to set up camp, and then had her peel potatoes in cold water, despite her insistence that potatoes were overrated. Hate him.

“Eddie cooked. He already got breakfast ready, and has coffee on the campfire.”

“What? Breakfast? He wrestled a bear or something?”

“Fish. He caught fish and something from his trap.” Alex laughed softly, blowing at a piece of hair against her neck. “Umm, good. Nothing like wild jackrabbit.”

Isabel sat up in a great huff. “You’re sick! Real sick. You know that? I’m not eating no damn Thumper, or any of Peter’s relatives, so…” Her eyes narrowed at the look on his face, his mirth barely held in containment. Bastard!

Pushing him over, she pummeled him with the side of her hand. He fell back into the down of the bag taking her with him, laughing.

“I’ll kill you, Alex! I swear.”

“Aw, my lucky day!” They moved around in the bags finally dissolving in laughter when Eddie banged on their tent.

“C’mon, Cuz. Breakfast is getting cold. Liz already drank an entire pot of coffee.”

“Be there in a second.” Alex looked down at the dishevelled Isabel. Her usual perfect polish was gone and in its place was just Isabel. Young. Innocent. And bone-achingly

208 beautiful. Rubbing his forehead against hers, he closed his eyes and enjoyed a moment of nothing in the world but them.

Isabel finally climbed out of the tent some thirty minutes later, trying to untangle the mess that was her hair. Camping had some things to recommend it. It was…well not that.

Isabel thought about it for a moment. There had to be something. Thinking of the cramped tent and sharing the sleeping bag with Alex, finally something good was found.

A whole night suddenly salvaged, Isabel looked over at Liz who was surprisingly animated and loud.

Liz was laughing and talking with Eddie. They were getting along famously, and strangely enough, they were bonded over the death of Diane over a year ago. Both remembered her fondly, and still held a tinge of sadness over her passing. Parker was strangely at home at the campfire, and Isabel hoped that there was some coffee left.

“Okay, let's see this deer meat, rabbit, or whatever the heck was slaughtered for breakfast.” Liz quickly served Isabel a huge breakfast of eggs and ham with a side of hashbrowns and campfire biscuits. Oh god, food! Isabel took the plate and coffee cup like a miser, and shot a nasty look at Alex for his tales of woe for wild bunnies of the forest.

He just laughed and sat next to her with his own loaded plate.

“Hate you.”

“Hate you, too,” Kissing her noisily upside the head.


209 “Sean! Get your scrawny ass up here!” Michael’s bellowing voice boomed through the loft.

Maria laughed under her breath as she put away her third breakfast of the morning.

First beignets, bagels with cream cheese, and now she was on her second plate of corned beef hash with eggs hollandaise.

“Thanks, Sean.” Maria said softly ignoring the shouts and voices upstairs. “Mom would be here cooking if she could, and I miss her.”

Sean came around, finally leaving the kitchen to sit next to his cousin taking her hands. “Thought you were seeing her every day.”

“I am. A few hours here and there, but she made me promise to only visit for a short period of time. Mom is worried about my health and the babies.”

“Dammit, it’s over there! No there! Max, get it!”

“Hell no!”

“Something bit me! I think something bit me,” came Jonathan’s voice.

Sean looked up at the loft area at the the sound of these voices. His face contorted and he asked his cousin in a soft voice. “M, you don’t still have that tarantula, do you?”

“No! I mean, I don’t think so. It stopped moving one day, so I thought it had died,”

Maria said, deep in thought. Maria and Sean both winced at screaming voices and suddenly a barrage of gun fire. “Um, you know, maybe it wasn’t dead. It might have accidentally brushed up next to a curare dart, and since it’s a neurotoxin, it might have just been paralyzed. But that was over a year ago, so it should’ve worn off.”

Sean just cursed. Damn, he hated that furry spider. Sighing, he kissed Maria on the temple and went off to save the boys.

210 “C’mon! Put away the guns.” Sean walked into the room with both Max and Michael holding their drawn guns searching the room. Jonathan was over in one corner trying to stay out of the line of fire, and unconsciously jumping at every sound.

“Jonathan, you might want to back away from that wall.”

“What?” Jonathan jumped and looked behind him.

“Those darts have curare on the tips that's a few thousand years old, and it’s still active.” Michael looked over quickly, then turned and looked at his own ass. It was numb. He was sure it was numb.

“Damn.” Jonathan could feel the sweat draining down his back. His light shirt was covered in dust and stains, and he was sweating like a pig. Max raised his arm and wiped the sweat from his brow.

“Sean, we’re going to need some boxes. Lots of boxes to pack up all these books, papers and journals,” said Michael. Both Jonathan and Max immediately volunteered to go get the much needed cardboard. “Nope. Uh uh. You’ll never come back. First we find whatever is moving in this place, then we kill it.”

Sean reached over and swallowed a shudder. Damn spiders. Hated them. “Oscar, come on boy. Got a nice juicy fly for you. Oscar?”

All the men stepped back in fright as a large furry spider came out from under some stacked books. Sean felt fear clutch at his stomach. Damn. It had grown! A lot! That wasn’t a spider anymore, it was a Wes Craven nightmare.

“Oscar!” Maria stood in the door eating.

“Dammit, Maria. Stay out of here! There's curare in here, plus an eight-legged monster.”

211 “Don’t be silly. That’s just Oscar. He was a gift from this anthropologist I used to date who’s a specialist in early Aztec culture and the Yucatan Peninsula. I thought the poor guy bit the dust. Aw! Look how healthy he looks!” Maria made a humming noise in her throat, then she cleared it. “Wonder what he’s been eating?”

Max and Michael quickly drew their guns and began looking around them in circles.

Jonathan discreetly stepped up on a low foot rest. Maria reached down a hand and the large spider climbed up her hand. All the men paled and stepped back. Michael’s face twisted in agony as Maria made soothing sounds to the large spider.

“Poor thing. Stuck in the house all this time. Did the big mean men try to shoot you?

I’ve got a nice beautiful garden for you to roam around in and big bugs for you to catch, since Mr. Boo isn't into bugs.”

“Maria, put that down.”

Maria just made a phishing noise, and took Oscar away from the madness that was men. “I’ll call Zeke and have him bring over boxes.” Maria stopped in the doorway.

“Anyone up for pizza? I’m starving.”

“Honey, just get rid of that damn thing and go feed your face.” Maria blew him a kiss on her way out.

“Damn,” said Sean. Michael agreed. This pregnancy was melting down Maria’s brain.

Max looked around at the damage they had caused with their guns. “Um, Michael? I think we’re going to need to fix the walls…and floor. I mean I know they’re your kids, but I don’t think you should decorate with holes from live rounds. It looks like Bosnia in here.”

212 Michael nodded seeing the damage as well. “Boys, we’ll need to redo the walls and floor once we remove all this stuff from in here. You know what that means, right?”

The men were quiet in a hushed wave of expectation. Hardware stores and Home

Improvement centers, namely Home Depot, the Mecca of true masculinity.

“We need to take Zeke with us.” Michael said as the others agreed.


When Isabel and Liz finally made it home, they collapsed on the sofa as Alex carted in all the stuff they had taken. Liz had her feet up, too tired and full to move. Alex’s family had been a surprise. They had a huge family meal, and the amount of children and neighbors that came by never seemed to end. With incredible smells of cooking food, the

Sunday game on the television and voices rising in conversation, it was a vastly different world she was raised in with just her and her parents. When her sister, Rosa died, laughter went with her, and all that was left was the silence.

After she was shot at sixteen, it was as if her parents were afraid that a loud sound or a harsh word would break her, and in years to follow every sound was said in a hushing tone, even at school where people looked at her in wonder like she was some sort of freak to survive the accident. What friends she had, went on without her after she spent a year at home recovering from the incident. When she returned to school her friends were in the grade ahead of her, busy with their lives, and she no longer knew them. Her parents clung to her so desperately, that she soon only went to school as a quiet shadow of what she once was, and then quickly returned home to study and work in the restaurant.

213 Alex. She vaguely remembered Alex Whitman. He hung out with the computer geeks and a group of Mescalero Apaches from the Reservation. They had a sort of nodding friendship from childhood that somehow never took hold. And Kyle. Liz remembered

Kyle, Tess and Jack. They were an inseparable trio that she noticed from afar. After her accident, they were a year ahead. Tess was younger than the others by two years, but she skipped a few grades early because of the surprising ability she had to learn. All of them were there with Max, Isabel and Michael in Albuquerque, and Maria and Sean in Florida.

Somehow it seemed strange that they all came together, almost like they were meant to meet.

Roswell. By the time she left for college it was like a deep cold silence, and the shivering of her body started deep inside, along her bones. All she wanted was to feel warm, and through college that meant men. Lots of men. It didn’t take long to realize that it wasn’t working. That sex and empty relationships were more of the same she lived with all her life. Silence. Mutual silence. Four years later, she remained alone, dating here and there, but nothing serious. Her life was work, her parents and the restaurant. Then she met

Maria DeLuca.

Maria DeLuca. A powerhouse of inertia. Things happened around her. Everything seemed to move, escalate and intensify. Next to her, it was hard not to feel the fire of living. Vitality. Sean had that too, much like Maria. He looked at a person like he was seeing only them, and they had his entire attention. Amy was the same. She looked with eyes that ripped through the layers of protection, the façades and she saw what was there.

Maria appeared not to notice, but her gentle quiet voice in a nice alluring even tone would make a simple statement so true it hurt. DeLucas.

214 And now Alex.

Liz closed her eyes. He was something unexpected. A part of her wished she had made an effort long ago to make him more than a nodding acquaintance. His sense of loyalty to those he made his friends and family was so stark and obvious. She could’ve used a friend all those years ago. A good friend. Someone who’d make her feel the warmth, who’d care, and who’d given her a reason to be more than silent.

Alex’s mother was a Mescalero Apache from Roswell. He didn’t look it, except for the tall leanness, but his father was a thin tall man as well. His eyes were the dark brown seriousness of his cousins, and he was guarded at time, holding things inside, but feeling it deeply. He didn’t yield for many, but for his family she watched him smile, and play with the kids as they hung off him, and he and Eddie sat together laughing and joking about things she couldn’t understand.

His grandfather, River Dog, was an interesting man. Quiet. But there was a sense of strength and power to him. He watched the entire family with wise eyes, and more than once, Liz caught him staring at Isabel. When she first met him, he talked in classical parable Indian-speak, but quickly winked at her and told her he usually does that for the tourists. They love it.

Family. Connections. They all had them. Maria and the DeLucas made Michael one of their own, and that expanded to the Valentis, and then to Tess, who had her own adopted family, the Valdez clan that was too numerous to count. Isabel was being slowly incorporated into Alex’s family, and she was in an unbreakable unit with Max and

Michael. Max was finding a place in the Valenti clan with Kyle and Tess, and his partnership with Michael drew him firmly into the DeLucas.

215 Liz closed her eyes and felt what it was to be alone. She had her parents, but they were still trapped in the past. It was very lonely out here alone.

“Parker!” Michael came through the glass door like a raging bull. He was a sight.

Covered in dust, cobwebs, and dirt with plaster, something smelling of glue and what looked like wood shavings, the man was nothing but unkempt. Alex came through the loft door with the last load, and his amusement was obvious. “Where the hell have you been?”

“Camping, why?”

“I brought you Maria’s blood, and dammit, I’ve been needing your expertise.”

Liz sighed in tiredness. “What do you need analyzed now?”

“Nothing. I need you to come over and keep Maria occupied. Tell her about camping. Help organize that damn downstairs into a pseudo-office. Iz, Maria is planning to renovate and drive me to drink. You might want to check out the loft plans. Don’t let her increase the loft once over, just a small increase!” Michael looked at the silent non- moving people. “What the hell is wrong with you people? Move it! We’re wasting the day. I’ve got to hit the Home Depot again, and…” Alex was suddenly interested.

“I need a new screwdriver.”

“Really?” Michael checked out Alex. “You better come with me then.” Michael turned his stony gaze on Liz. “Parker, stop counting wool! Maria is creating chaos as fast as I can clean, the nursery will be done at this rate by the time the twins have their third birthday, and dammit, Amy called twice. Twice! She wants to know where the hell you are. She says that you haven’t been to visit in about two days, and she’s worried about

216 you. If you don’t call her and check in, she will be trying to leave the hospital to find you.”

“I…um, that is…” Liz didn’t know what to say. A sudden warmness filled her stomach. Amy missed her.

“What? You need a dictionary or something? Maria is surrounded by paint chips, wood samples, baby furniture books, blueprints, and you two are resting?” Michael headed out the door again. “Chop, chop! Oh...” Michael turned on his way out into the garden. “Careful of a huge spider in the garden…Maria set Oscar out there.”

Isabel who had been surprisingly quiet through the Michael rampage looked at Liz.

“Did he say a spider?” She spied Alex calmly walking to the sliding glass door to make the trip over to the DeLuca-Guerin Bedlam. “Where are you going?”

Alex smiled at Isabel in a surprisingly innocent boyish manner. “I need to get going.

Michael might head off to Home Depot without me.”

Liz sat back and smiled. She should get up and get over there. Sounded like the family was in the middle of its usual chaos. Family. Laughing she looked at the priceless look on Isabel’s face. Men.

217 Chapter Seven: Go and catch a falling star,

Day Seven: Monday, 9:09 am

“You’re late.”

Sean just sneered at Michael as he took his seat next to Kyle.

“Yeah, well, you try to get ready for work with two women using all the bathroom space. Then they wanted me to make them breakfast. Things. Strange things hanging from shower curtains. Do you take them down, or leave them up?”

“Down,” said Kyle and Michael at the same time.

“Damn,” said Sean. Dammit, they would drip dry! They had all day. Julia’s things were hung in a special place, but a damn shower rod?

“So that’s your only excuse for being late?” Max asked, wanting to know how Sean could be an hour behind, and almost miss morning briefing.

“My car wouldn’t start.” They all groaned. Sean’s damn car. It was a nasty rust bucket that he could afford to replace but refused to do so. They had all jumpstarted him at one time or another.

“I went to borrow the Jetta, but you and Maria were already gone,” Sean said to


“She went to spend the morning with Amy and Jim and show them the plans for renovation and talk about the nursery. I don’t plan to see her until lunch.”

“She hid the keys to the GTO.”

218 “No. I hid the keys to the GTO. Last time she had you picked up for grand theft auto.

She doesn’t need the stress.” Michael paused as his suspicion grew. “What are you driving?” His Mustang better be where he left it.

“Not your damn Mustang. I took the bus!”

The group of men started laughing at Sean’s dilemma. The bus. Roswell had the worst citywide transit system in all of New Mexico. The thought of big tough guy

DeLuca on the bus was just worth a snicker or two.

“So that’s it? The bus?” Max asked in his pseudo-authoritive voice.

“No! Not just the bus!” Sean tossed himself down with a cup of steaming black nightmare guaranteed to remove inches of internal organs, clean away rust, and dissolve the peskiest of glues. Umm...Roswell PD coffee. “There was this woman…”

The entire group groaned. Of course there was. Sean, even off the market, was still a babe magnet.

“Hey! Not what you’re thinking! I’m a happily involved man…well, um…sort of.

Anyway this woman was trying to get on bus in front of me, and her dress was too tight.”

“How tight was it?” Kyle asked, causing the others to laugh harder.

“Shut up, and let me tell the damn story!” Sean cracked his neck and started again.

“Anyway, her dress was so tight that she couldn’t lift her leg to get on the bus no matter how much she tried. She lifted, but nothing. So she reached behind her and unzipped her dress a little to give herself some maneuvering room and tried again. Still too tight. She reached back, unzipped again. Again, nothing. So once again she unzipped and tried.

Could not get on the damn bus.”

Max smiled slightly. “So this is why you’re late?”

219 “One of the reasons. So anyway, finally tired of waiting to get on, being that I was going to be late to work anyway,” Sean said with emphasis, looking at Max. “I put my hands on her ass and pushed her up and onto the damn bus.” The guys in the room exploded in catcalls and other remarks. Sean ignored them. “Anyway, the woman was a little miffed. She turned back and said, ‘Sir! I don’t believe I know you well enough for you to put your hands on my person in that manner!’ And I said, ‘Well, I didn’t think you knew me well enough to unzip my pants three times either, but that didn’t stop you!’… and that is why I'm late.” Sean finished dunking his stale donut in his coffee as the group of men exploded in laughter.

Strickland walked into the briefing room to all the laughter and comments. His appearance caused a complete quieting of the crowd. Putting his notes on the front desk he looked over the room of his Detectives.

“I’ve got problems with all of your reports. There seems to be a flurry of teams crossing over and helping each other. Gentlemen, this job requires you, meaning you alone with your partner, not every other man in the unit. Dispatch tells me that the teams are not giving their locations or are calling in from areas they aren’t supposed to be. Point in fact, the other night Hanson and Banks took a call in the early morning, and Guerin was called in. I understand that Evans was also alerted. Someone want to explain?”

Michael just shrugged, and continued to demolish a dozen of the donuts he had picked up on his way in that morning. They were incredibly good, but they lacked something. Even Tabasco didn’t take away the sense that they needed…more. He just continued to feed his face and refused to comment.

220 Max waited, but the entire group was silent. Sighing he stood up to take the assault head-on, “Guerin was called because the case was a ‘special’, and Michael is called in on all ‘specials’. I was informed since he is my partner, and we come as a matched pair. I took the call, called Michael to see if he needed me, which he did not, so I went back to bed. Michael took in the scene, worked with Hanson and Simon, and left Hanson primary, and went home back to bed when his assistance was no longer needed.”

“Specials?” Strickland hurriedly scanned his notes, trying to find that reference.

Max cleared his throat. “It's a term we use to denote a case that has excessive violence, serial, cult or gang killing potential, or is just plain bizarre. Captain cut

Michael’s caseload, took him off rotation until after his maternity leave, but he's still pulled to the ‘specials’.”

Strickland looked a hole through Max who was standing strong and authoritive before him, the spokesman of the group. Guerin was too busy eating to comment. “So you're saying that Guerin is a one man special ops team?”

“Well, not exactly, Sir. There are more of us, but Michael is primary and he alone determines if he needs additional help.” Michael watched the two men talk about him like he wasn't there. Good. He couldn’t eat and talk at the same time. Well, he could, but

Maria was trying hard to break him of that habit.

“And the others would be?”

Max looked straight into Strickland’s eyes, unflinching. “DeLuca, Valenti, and myself.”

“I should’ve known. The four stooges. Larry, Curly, Mo, and Shem.” Strickland’s eyes narrowed. “And the reports? The crossovers? The units being out of their turf?”

221 Michael’s eyes narrowed. He better damn well not be Curly. Hoarding his donuts closer he gave Sean a glare. Sean was Curly, no doubt about it. Max was Mo. That left Kyle to be Larry. He had to be Shem, the nice one. Feeling better about himself, Michael started working on another donut while passing his empty coffee cup to be filled.

Max spread his feet and placed his hand behind his back in a stance of power.

“Captain Valenti implemented a new system of checks and balances over four months ago. This system required that all teams available respond in the immediate area, regardless of who is primary. Recently there has been a flood of violence, drugs and gang-like killings on the streets. Our forces are stretched, our budget is pushing the breaking point, and our Captain didn’t want to leave any team or team members out there unprotected. It has never been, nor will it ever be the agenda or protocol of Major Crimes to chop up the city into turfs for the individual teams. All teams work the city, and we help and assist whatever team is primary to the best of our ability, because we are a team.” Max said with a non-emotional voice, cold and hard, “...Sir.”

Strickland’s face took on a nice shade of red. He came to stand in front of Max. “The agenda and protocols of Major Crimes are determined by me, Evans. This is my cop shop. I will determine how it is run, and you…all of you...will follow my orders to the letter. Is that understood?”

Max who had been staring past Strickland turned to look the man in the eye. “No,


“Excuse me, Detective. What did you say?”

“I said, ‘No, Sir.’ We will not follow any protocol not set up by our Captain and commander of this unit, Captain James Valenti. This is his unit. Sir.”

222 “I’ll have your badge, and any badge of any man that will not follow my commands.”

Max calmly took off his badge and tossed it on the table in front of Strickland. The rest of the room tossed their shields on top of Max’s, with the exception Michael.”

Strickland’s face took a deeper shade of red, turning to Michael, he sneered. “What?

You aren’t following your fag partner and his band of mutineers?”

Michael allowed his face to take on a look of disgust and disdain at Strickland’s taunt at Max. “I’d happily follow my partner…my ‘fag’ partner to the ends of the earth, but unfortunately I left my badge in the top drawer of my desk.” Michael took a donut and tossed it on the pile. “You may consider that a ‘stand-in’ for my badge.”

Strickland’s hands clenched, and Michael did the one thing guaranteed to send him over the edge. He sat back and smiled.

“Strickland!” All eyes turned to the sound of an authoritive voice. The Chief. Chief of Police Daniel Travalis stood in the doorway watching the interplay.


“I need to see you in your office, immediately!”

Strickland glared at both Max and Michael, quickly turned and left the room of men behind. Chief Daniel Travalis looked over the room of men and sighed.

“Gentlemen, I realize the transition between Captain Valenti and Captain Strickland has been a rough one. And I apologize for taking so long to oversee the situation. Now men, pick up your shields… go on, pick them up. No one is quitting here today. There is no need for that.” He waited until they all retrieved their badges. “Stand fast, Guerin. I’ll be needing to confiscate that donut.” The men snickered and passed Michael’s donut to

223 the Chief. Waters, who had been standing beside the coffee quickly poured the Chief a cup. “Thanks, Waters. How are the wife and kids? I saw Lydia in the school play the other night. She's growing up fast.”

“Yes, Sir.”

The Chief took a bite of the donut, and hid a smile at the sulky scowl on Guerin’s face. That was a man that took his food seriously. Critically looking at him through lowered eyes, he had to agree that Guerin was in need of some fats and substance. He was too thin, and bordering on gray. His skin was blanched and he lacked his normal pissed off healthy bloom.

“I’ll take care of this situation immediately, so until otherwise, I want you all back on the streets doing your job. That will be all.” He watched them start to file out. Polishing off his coffee and one excellent Krispy Krème donut, the Chief went to talk to Strickland.

Strickland quickly stood when the Chief entered his office. He started to talk, but noticed the Chief was quietly checking out his office.

“You removed Jim’s personal belongings.”

“I just rearranged them to make room for my things.”

Daniel sat on the edge of the desk and nodded. “Did it ever occur to you that your things weren’t needed? This was never to be a permanent assignment; it was an interim quick-fix only. Nothing changes here. Nothing. This is Jim’s unit and it will remain so as long as I am the Chief of Police, is that understood?”

“Yes, Sir. But begging your pardon, Sir. I was trying to implement some discipline and efficiency to this unit, and you saw how unruly these men can be. They were…”

224 “Standing up for their Captain, and resisting your attempts to reorganize a unit that you have no authority to reorganize.” Daniel looked Strickland over. Damn, what a fucking mistake! “You were placed there, despite your suspension, because we had no time to find a more suitable replacement at a moment's notice.” Strickland opened his mouth to protest. “Do not even try to suggest that you are suitable. You were on suspension, your old unit is in turmoil. More than half your men are up for board inquiry, and the other half are too frightened to speak. I gave you this unit, but I never had any intention of leaving you here. This was your chance to play by the rules, be a member of the team, and you failed miserably. You came in all full of your authority and began wreaking havoc with a unit that has been working well above standard performance.”

“Sir, if I may…”

“You may not! Honestly, Strickland…what did you hope to accomplish here?”

“Sir, I was just doing my job as I understand it.”

“Then you need to reread the book or take language lessons, because you understand nothing. I gave you the best unit in the Department. This unit has the best conviction and solve ratio of any other unit. They have the fewest conflicted personalities, and as far as I can see, they work together as a team. Do you see the numbers on the work assignment board written in multicolor?”

Strickland nodded. Rhonda filled it out every morning.

“At the top are visiting hours for Captain Valenti, and next to it is the hospital condition report every morning for both Captain Valenti and his wife. The board is done in red, because this unit considers themselves to be under fire, and in a condition red for distress. The number at the top of the board is a number that increases every day. It is the

225 count of how many days since one of theirs was attacked. Today it stands at seven, and that number will increase until the day this unit brings in the person or persons responsible for harming one of their own. The assignment list is as you assign them, but next to the assignment you will see a sort of shorthand. The shorthand is what the detectives and members of this unit consider their real assignment, and the ones they are fulfilling. This has never been your unit. Not even for a moment. The men have been running this unit at its usual speed and efficiency behind your back.”

Strickland turned red, and started to speak, but the Chief held up his hand. He wasn’t through.

“Don’t think I wasn’t watching, because I was. Tell me, what is the purpose of intercepting all lab and CSI reports? Why are they coming through you and not going to the case teams?”

“I thought it best to keep up on the individual cases myself, and…”

“That is not the most efficient way. The teams take care of their cases, work the information, and then report to you. You were hampering their investigations. Why?”

Strickland had nothing more to say. He remained standing.

“You are dismissed.” Strickland started to protest, but held his tongue. “You are back on suspension until your case comes before the inquiry board, and IA has finished its investigation. So pack up your things, and replace all of Jim Valenti’s belongings exactly where you found them.”

Daniel didn’t wait for a response; he went out to the bullpen. Standing beside

Rhonda’s desk, he looked down and quietly thanked her for sending for him that morning. “Has it been like this all along?”

226 “Pretty much.” Rhonda said softly. “Hell week.”

“Guess that’s why you broke our date the other night?”

“No, I broke our date because you failed to mention that your divorce isn’t finalized.”

“Damn, I hate cop shops. Does everyone know everything about everyone?”

Rhonda just lifted her brow.

“Look, it was just a paper foul up. Jenny isn’t too pleased either. After being separated for two years, she was planning on getting remarried in Reno. It wiped out her plans. It should be all squared away by next week.”

“Then call me next week, and I’ll think about it.”

Daniel nodded. He had been trying to get her to date him for over three months, but she refused to date a married man. Her insistence was one of the reason he stopped dragging his heels on ending a marriage that had died two years previously. That and problems in the Department, Valenti out from a bombing attack, and numerous other concerns, including a daughter who dyed her hair flat black and a son that he suspected was stealing his cigarettes, he was stretched pretty far. He had let Valenti down. He should have paid more attention. “Send Evans to me in the breakroom, and if Captain

Strickland hasn’t vacated Valenti’s office in the next ten minutes call downstairs for some uniforms to escort him out.” Daniel smiled warmly at Rhonda and went to locate more coffee.

“Sir?” Max stood in the doorway fully prepared to reap the results of his morning's activities.

227 Daniel looked up from the contemplation of his deep coffee cup. Vile stuff. He was hoping to get another cup before he had to return to his offices. His secretary had recently discovered flavored coffees, and somehow it just didn’t feel like a real police station with double vanilla coffee bean.

“Evans. Sit down.”

Max took a seat, and tried to remain firm and unyielding. The show of mutiny was his move, and solely his responsibility. He honestly never expected the entire team to follow him.

“Why are you running Majors?”

“I was ordered to continue business as usual, Sir.”

“By whom?”

“Captain Valenti.”

“I see.” Daniel downed the rest of his coffee. “Did Captain Valenti also instruct you to stage an act of insubordination?”

“No, Sir. That would be my own decision.”

“I see.” And he did. Evans was making decisions on his own, ones that were beyond those ordered and required. “Well, you leave me few options, Detective. On one hand, I completely agree that Strickland needed shutting down. But on the other, I’m not convinced that you were the person to do it. There are channels, places and procedures that need to be followed. There is a chain of command. Do you understand that,


“Yes, Sir. I understand chain of command.”

228 “For future reference, Detective, all complaints go up, and if you have a problem with a supervisor, your complaint or hopes for resolution should and will go up the chain of command.”

“Yes, Sir.”

The Chief reached over and poured himself some more coffee. “I have a problem.

First, I have a unit that is missing its Captain. A unit that has been operating rogue and behind its acting-Captain’s back. Second, this same unit staged a group act of insubordination. Third, it will take me a few days to get a replacement. I might be able to get Captain Stevens again. Walt worked here while Valenti was on his honeymoon, and no one seemed ready to mutiny. Problem is, Walter Stevens hates this unit. Not the unit personally, but he thinks weird stuff happens around here, and he is a retiring S.W.A.T. commander. He’s not sure he's equal to the task.” Daniel drank his coffee thoughtfully sizing up Max. Evans. Good man. Good record. Good Detective. But his strengths weren’t in the field. His strengths were his quiet ability to get others to follow him.

Guerin was a point in case. No one could keep Guerin from going off on a rage, except

Max Evans.

“Sir...,” Max started, unsure what to say, but he was interrupted.

“It occurs to me that this unit has been running at its usual operating efficiency since

Captain Valenti went into the hospital. Who do you report to?”

“Captain Valenti.”

Daniel nodded. Of course he did. “Well, it seems I can’t control you, but Valenti can.

And if I’m going to have you and your band of merry men mucking around, I might as well sanction you and use you.”

229 Max frowned, but remained silent.

“Guerin. He's formally on limited duty, correct?”

“Yes. He's having health problems, both he and his fiancée. They're expecting twins and she's having a difficult pregnancy. He's stretched pretty thin.”

“Thin is a good word for him. I don’t remember him ever looking so wasting.

Actually I thought he was putting on a few pounds a while back…”

“He was. Before the pregnancy.”

“He’s assigned to special cases?”

Max nodded. “He is. I’ve assigned him to the Valenti case, but made DeLuca and

Valenti the primary team.”

“That might not be too smart. All three men have personal connections to Captain


Max smiled slightly. “We all do, but the three of them are the most closely connected. But, I wasn’t going to be able to control them, so I figured I might as well use them.”

The Chief recognized his own words tossed back at him. Grunting he continued to drink his coffee. “I remember there also being a granted request for Guerin for vacation time.”

“Honeymoon. He was planning on being married before his children are born, but the problems with the pregnancy and something to do with flowers has put it on a slow burner.”

“Okay. Pull your Detective team from active case duty.”


230 “You heard me. Guerin pulls no new cases except special duty. When he needs his vacation time, give it to him. Until then, he is ‘special cases’ only, and time off. He’s looking too rough around the edges, and I’d rather get him back up to fighting strength.

That’s not going to happen until his children are born.” Max nodded. “Also schedule him for two months' family leave effective the minute they're born. He’s going to need the time to get back on his feet and get used to being kept up all night.”

“And what am I supposed to do in the meantime, if our team is pulled from duty?”

“You are acting Captain of the unit until Valenti returns to duty, or until I feel you can’t handle the job. If for any reason I feel you are not performing to the required degree of excellence, I’ll pull you and put in a replacement Captain of my choice.”

“Sir, I don’t think that I can…”

“You’ve been doing it for an entire week. Valenti thought you could, or he wouldn’t have assigned you. Guerin and the others follow you.” The Chief got up to leave. “Don’t think. Do. Either you're a born leader of men, or you aren’t. Time will tell us what you are, Detective. You’ll be needing to move into Valenti’s office for now.”

“Can’t I just…”

“No. A Captain isn’t one of his men. He has to be above, and an authority. This isn’t a democracy here. It doesn’t work that way. It will set you apart, but you should have been getting used to that over the last week. Now I expect daily progress reports on my desk by the following morning of each day, and you are to continue to report to Jim. Is that clear?”

Max stood up straighter. “Yes, Chief.”

231 “Max, you can do this.” Daniel hit him on the shoulder in comfort. “Who are your major teams? You’ll have to rearrange them to cover the loss of Guerin-Evans.”

“Valenti-DeLuca, Waters-Philips, Sargento-Petrowski, Hanson-Banks, and I’ve got

Fletcher as a floater.”

“Don’t you have three rookies, and a few Patrolmen assigned?”

“Yes, but I’ve been keeping them close since I can’t assign them Primaries.”

“Guerin is out as a trainer. Pretty much excludes Valenti-DeLuca. Their caseload will be tight without you and Michael. Rotate the Rookies with Fletcher. Give them minors and domestic disputes. Bunco might have a few I can bump you if your case loads gets too heavy, but both Vice and Narcotics are already under staffed.”

“We’ve been skimming off Narcotics turf.”

“I heard, and it’s appreciated. You clear everything with their Watch Commander before anything big, and give them full accolades. Your unit is already pulling high marks, and Narcotics is getting trashed lately. Vice is a shit hole. There are only a few men I can vouch for in that nest, so let me know if you cross into their area. I’ll be happy if you keep Guerin from driving or shooting anyone, and Valenti and DeLuca from destroying the city with their car.”

“Yes, Sir.” The Chief just nodded and left the breakroom with Max following.

Strickland was just leaving. Both the Chief and Max watched as Strickland walked out with a box of belongings and the entire bullpen purposely turned their backs to him.

Harsh. There’d be bad blood over this incident if Strickland managed to survive the IA investigation and board inquiry.

232 ~~~

“Guerin,” Michael barked into the phone, swearing at his watch. He was late.

“Hi, Detective,” Maria’s sweet voice came over the phone, and suddenly Michael’s face cleared.

“Professor, I’m late. I know. I was just on my way out when…”

“It’s okay. I’m home already.”

Home? “Wasn’t I supposed to pick you up for lunch?”

“You were.” Michael could hear something rattling in the background. “Mom had a special appointment, and Jim was scheduled for therapy until lunch. Mom says he’s not fit for man or beast after his therapy session, so she told me to go home, and she’d call me when she was finished with her appointment.”

“So you called to tell me to come home, not the hospital?”

Maria laughed. “No. Yes. Well, partially. I called to tell you to bring me home French

Onion dip.”

“Just call in an order from the grocery store. They’ll deliver.”

“I already did. I forgot a few things, and I’m too embarrassed to call in another order.” Maria’s voice picked up a small annoying whine. “Michael, please?”

Michael moaned. Damn. French Onion dip. That was it! That was what his donut was missing this morning! Rubbing his face hard he looked up at the ceiling, rocking on his feet. Ammunition. He was collecting lots of ammunition to guilt his children over in the future. The horrors of pregnancy. All the crap he ate. Dammit! He had actually eaten tongue with peanut butter and mayo!

233 “Okay, give me your list.” Michael winced at her happy squeal. “Let's make sure I’ve got this right. French Onion dip. The dip you put your potato chips into and not the

French Dip sandwich with Au jus?”

Maria paused on the other end, and Michael almost ready to repeat his question.

“Bring me that too! Extra sauce, onions, and see if they'll toss some pickles too. Oh!

Oh! Extra melted cheese.”

“That’s a deli stop, Maria. Not just a grocery store. And, it doesn’t come with cheese.”

“Provolone! Michael, provolone, double slices, and extra meat, extra sauce, and don’t forget the French Onion dip. You better get me two, and pickles!”

“Anything else?” Michael asked amused. When Maria was no longer pregnant, and she looked back on the things she had eaten, the woman was going to melt down, pickle her brain on aromatic oils and blame him completely.

“I think I need chips too,” she said softly.

Michael smiled slightly and rubbed his hand across his mouth. She was so damn adorable. If it wasn’t from the tiredness and fear of her dying, he’d keep her pregnant all the time. Then he heard it. The rattling. A bag.

“What are you eating, Professor?” His voice softened so as not to frighten. Too late.

“Um, uh…nuf..ing.” Maria cleared her throat. “Nothing.”

“My Oreos?”

“Nuuu….No.” Maria said with a full mouth. “Those are gone.” Technically, that wasn’t a lie. She had just shoved the last of them in her mouth.

“Maria! You swore you wouldn’t eat my cookies.”

234 “Honey, can you bring home milk too?” Her small voice came over the phone just before she hung up, “and more cookies.”



“Chief, I wasn’t expecting you.”

“I suspect not.” Daniel took a seat next to Jim’s bed. Jim’s arm was still in a full sling. “How’s the arm?”

“Better. I’ve got some sensation, and almost unbearable pain in it. A good thing in some ways, bad in others. Right now the nerves are going insane. My arm feels like ants are running over its entire surface. Damn irritating. But it's damn nice to actually feel something.”

“Physical therapy?”

“Hurts like a bitch. I can’t use the arm, so physical therapy right now is nothing to do with strength, and everything to do with therapists whose parents overdid their potty training and they’re taking it out on me.”

Daniel laughed and sat back. “Well, you’re sorely missed by your people. They staged a full out mutiny today.”

“We’re not the Navy, Dan. It can’t be a mutiny.”

“Damn well looked like one to me.”

“So what happened?” Jim was almost afraid to ask. He had had reports from Max all week, but this was a report he hadn’t received yet. He sat back, resigned.

235 “Strickland is out. Your man Evans is in - unless he screws up.”

“He won’t. Maybe some bad starts, a few bad calls, but when it comes to anything major, he’ll come through. He’s a natural.”

“I caught that today. He never wavered once, even after staging a revolt that could’ve cost him his job, and the job of some others. Strong convictions in the face of overwhelming odds and against a powerful adversary are an important asset.”

“He lacks confidence, hedges a bit, and the times he’s been at his best is when he’s under pressure and facing crushing odds. When push comes to shove, I’d trust Max

Evans’ native instinct over his long methodical reasoning. He overworks a problem, allows doubt and confusion to enter. I think he can handle it.”

“I’m still putting a reprimand in his jacket. Discipline, even in the face of idiocy is still necessary. He has to learn the rules and abide by them. They have to apply equally to everyone. Nothing above the law.”

Jim nodded, but there were times when men were laws unto themselves. Times when it was necessary to return to an older sense of justice when the newer ones failed. His unit was filled with men who had a sense of justice and understanding of what was right, and when the wheels of justice ran slow and inconsistently, they were willing to brandish their own version. They were becoming too powerful and too strong too fast. They needed a leader to control, channel and guide them away from losing all reason. They needed someone to yoke their strength.

“Max will keep them under control. With Guerin behind him, few will question his decisions.”

236 Normally, that was a true statement. “I’m not sure Guerin is going to be with us much longer. He looks like he could use about a good ten pounds and two months’ worth of sleep. I heard rumors that he was packing away food, that anytime anyone saw him, he’s eating. Today he hoarded a dozen donuts. Has anyone checked the man for worms or something?”

Jim frowned. Damn. He had noticed this situation a little, but his concerns and worries had centered around Amy and himself, getting out of the damn hospital and finding who had hurt his wife. He forgot to keep an eye on Michael and Maria.

“I’ll check on him. You might be right. We might have to kick him loose before I planned. Maria’s pregnancy is going badly, and he’s pushed to the limit with worry and stress. This problem hasn’t made it easier. Maria and Amy are very close, as are Michael and Amy.”

“It’s your unit, your men. I’ll leave you to take care of it as you see fit. I do know that Strickland walked away today with a gut full of hate and rage. He’s a hard one to cross. This won’t sit easy with him.”

“I know. I’ll take care of it.”

Daniel nodded and stood up. “When the hell are you out of here, Jim?”

“Next week sometime, or so they tell me. I have therapy, and in about three months another surgery.”


Jim went quiet. “We’re still waiting for her legs to wake up. She has sensation in them, but she can’t move them. The cast makes it hard too. The specialist thinks that once the area around the spine finally recovers from the trauma, and swelling goes down, we’ll

237 see some progress. Amy can go home too in the next week or so. She’ll stay in the hospital with me. They’re cutting and recasting her leg tomorrow. She’ll have a smaller cast, giving her more mobility.”

Daniel rubbed his hand across his face in fright. “Lord, have mercy.”

“Amen. She has a new project…”

Before Jim could finish telling Daniel the gruesome details, his beautiful wife rolled herself into his room. Her eye lit upon Daniel almost immediately.

“Why, Daniel! Just the man I needed to see!” Jim carefully avoided making eye contact with his friend and boss. A buddy in arms, but this was different. In this, every man for himself.


“Okay, tell me one more time.”

Michael quickly swallowed. “She dumped him. He’s sleeping on the Grim Sisters’ sofa, and I got him a new car.”

Maria banged her spoon on the countertop. “Detective, I’m going to punish you brutally.” Ignoring the gleam in his eye, she continued, “Cut the crap. Give me the stats.”

“1969 Dodge Charger in Charger Red, the tires are gone, and there’s some rust. The engine’s a 383-4BBl, and was already rebuilt but you’ll want to look at it. I don’t trust the restorer, but the 727 transmission is baked.”

“Oh, that will be fun. Transmissions. Damn. They’re like a damn albatross. Well, what else?”

238 “Mechanically, except for the transmission, the car looks to be in great shape. The body, on the other hand, is a mess. The frame is solid, but the trunk and rear quarter panels are all rusted out. So that’s the area that needs to be restored first.”

Maria tossed the rest of her sandwich in her mouth. “Let’s go look at it.”

“Not so fast, Grease Monkey Girl,” said Sean from the sliding glass door, as he and

Liz entered the loft. “My project! You’re pregnant. There won’t be any shimmying under cars for you.”

“Fiddle, piddle, piss. I was just going to look. Hey, Liz!” Maria spied a noxious- looking liquid in Liz’s hand. “What’s that? It’s white, with a tinge of brown and green, and something tells me that the word ‘yummy’ will not apply.”

“Probably not. I think I licked the iron problem. This is a fish extract in a malted milk mixture from whales, that…”

“Michael! Kill Liz.. She’s threatening me!”

Michael ignored Maria and looked at the liquid. “From sea life?”

“The iron is unusual. Closest form found in nature is in sea animals, mammals such as whales and a few others. Genetically, we don’t want to alter her chemistry, and her body is unable to process the iodine, so I found some healthfood derivatives rich in kelp and fish concentrate…”

“I’m not drinking that!”

“Yes, you are.”


Michael’s eyes narrowed at the stubborn look on her face. “One way or another,

Maria. I swear.”

239 “You wouldn’t dare!” Maria said boldly, but the look oh his face told her he wasn’t beyond sitting on her and pouring it down her throat. “Fine, but you first, and…and I’ll drink it if you agree not to take your gun to Lamaze tomorrow night.”

Michael faltered. Eying the slightly green milky liquid and stroking his gun in his back holster, he tried to quickly think of an alternative. It was the gleam in her eye that had him reconsidering, She thought she had won.

Taking the glass, Michael took a hearty gulp. Controlling his stomach and a need to gag, he quickly swallowed. It tasted like a glass of ground up fish eyeballs. The crap was vile. Giving Maria a competitive glare, Michael handed the glass to her. Not in the best of sportsmanlike behavior she grabbed it with a few choice words.

“Cookies? Maybe cookies would help it?”

“Drink it.”

Maria reached over on the counter and grabbed the bottle of Tabasco sauce. Adding a hearty amount, she plugged her nose and downed the remaining liquid. Michael’s stomach did a turn watching her, and Sean actually made retching noises. She made a high hacking noise as her face went through contortions. Michael quickly looked for something for her to throw up in, and found nothing handy.

“I’m okay!” Maria said crossly as her eyes watered and she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “Just tell me that I don’t have to do that again.”

Liz grimaced. “Well, only once a day, and only if it makes a difference.”

Maria gave a full body shake and headed for the stairs. “I’m going to go brush my teeth and sterilize my mouth.” On her way up the stairs she started talking to the twins,

240 “The first time you don’t clean your rooms, you’re hearing about this. So you better enjoy that fish juice my little tadpoles, because it is coming with a price.”

Michael watched her for a moment and then looked over at Liz. “Anything on the blood?”

“Nothing really, except that it’s strange.”

Michael’s entire body went still. “Strange? Her blood is strange? Define ‘strange’ for me, Parker.”

“Well not strange,” She saw his look and quickly rushed in before Michael lost what little patience he had, which from all accounts was next to nothing. “Not as strange as yours and the others. You have specialized blood cells, sort of hyped-up hemoglobin with special receptor areas that carry this strange iron-iodine precursor cell. Maria has some residual iron-iodine cells, I think from the twins, in her system, but she lacks the hemoglobin to carry it. That’s why I think she craves your blood. Your blood in her system is like a banquet, picking up those special hormones and iron-iodine binding cells and carrying through her body at a fast rate.”

“This is biochemistry, right?” Liz nodded. “Dammit, Parker! You’re lecturing me on biochemistry. Okay, talk to me in layman’s terms and tell me what is going on with her.

Why the sex? Why does it feel essential?”

Liz shrugged. She was finally getting used to Michael. “Basically, I think she lacks the transport system to deliver the basic energy and proteins that the twins need. They’re taking what’s provided from the normal fetal-mother concurrent exchange system, but…”

Liz faltered at the irritated and glazed look in Michael’s eyes. “I mean, they use the food

Maria’s system provides normally which, for a normal pregnancy, would be perfect. But I

241 think these babies need more. Assuming that aliens or your kind are highly evolved, or more evolved than human are, there must be a greater need for energy to lay down those highly specialized pathways.”

Michael ran his hand over his face and looked over at Sean who seemed to have gone to sleep. “The sex, Liz. Just tell me what it has to do with the food, the iron-iodine thing, and everything else.” Sean perked up at the mention of sex. Finally, something not totally devoid of interest.

“You said there was rush of power during…um, I mean when you…” Liz paused.

“Orgasm, yeah. It’s like a huge rush, like cosmic energy rushing like live wires through my body and Maria’s. Usually lasting a good hour or so.”

“Back up!” Sean was suddenly perked up. “Are you talking about an hour long orgasmic rush?” Michael ignored Sean, who collapsed back in his seat in a huff. “Damn,

I think I’ve got penis envy.”

“Shut up, Sean.” Michael mulled over thoughts in his head. “The glowing thing that makes Maria orgasm almost from the moment I touch her, could that be the same thing?”

“Oh, where the hell have I been?” Sean whispered in horror. “Doesn’t anybody tell me anything any more?”

“I think her body is using that energy rush and your blood to pick up the needed materials and hurry them at a high speed. It would explain why afterwards, she’s euphoric, then suddenly tired.” Liz looked uncomfortable talking about Michael and

Maria’s sex life, but she had been told most of it months ago when Michael asked for her help. She could understand or investigate things he couldn’t tell DocJim, look into possibilities beyond normal human physiology.

242 “Why do I have this condition?”

“Condition? You have a condition?” Sean moved back unconsciously from Michael.

“What?” Liz lost her train of thought, and Sean wasn’t helping.

“The arousal thing?” Michael said in exasperation, giving Sean a glare. Bastard was lapping up all of this like it was barbershop gossip.

“Is it worse?”

Dammit. Why couldn’t Sean just go away? Hit the bathroom. Soak his crummy head? Sean leaned back and settled in so as not to miss anything. Michael swallowed his retort and chose to ignore the rag-headed stooge.

“About twenty-four seven. It feels like a fever, and keeps going even at a distance.

Before it took proximity. Now, it’s like a constant buzz in my blood.”

“Anything help take the edge off?”

Michael made a disgusted sound under his breath. “Yeah, sex. But I’m coming out of that pretty well aroused too.”

Liz frowned and thought about it for a moment or two. This wasn’t good. Actually it was bad. Michael couldn’t expend all that energy all the time. It was physically impossible. Maybe aliens were different, but looking at his thin body, the slight shake in his hand from physical exhaustion, and a tinge of gray under his normal color, it looked like this was even taxing for alien physiology. It had to be the hormones.

“You’re drinking her blood too?”

Sean just moaned. Blood-sport. Constant sex. Being painfully erect too long. Some guys had all the fun! He could appreciate it just as long as he kept his mind from

243 connecting that the person Michael was nailing twenty-four seven and drinking blood from was his cousin. If he put too much thought into it, he might have to hurt Michael.

“Craving is a better word for it. It tastes…” Michael paused and tried to concentrate.

His brain felt dumb and slow. Just thinking of her taste, the smell, and the warm rush of something almost sweet with a touch of metal. Oh damn.

“Nevermind, I think I’ve got the picture.” Liz said quickly.

Watching his face, the emotions rushing across and the spark of interest in his body,

Liz gulped hard. Now she was equally hyped-up. Liz paused. Pheromones. Lots of them.

Both Michael and Maria were putting off major attractants that caused responses at a very feral level. They were doing it massively together, and continuing to do it at a lesser level alone. Most people were reacting to Maria, hell, even she was. And because of close proximity and helping Michael over the past few months…working with blood from both of them, Liz felt dumbstruck. Of course. She had been an out-of-control dating machine lately and now it was looking suspiciously like she was needing to thank Michael and

Maria for that.

“You remember I told you her blood was flooded with special hormones, unusual ones? Best I can surmise is that the hormones are created by the twins and are being transported in her blood. Twins. Two of them, so twice as many. Recently her blood was loaded. Before she had a few residual proteins in the blood, and usually only around a special time. Now her body is overloaded all the time.”

“Is it making her sick?” Sean asked, suddenly not so amused.

“No. I think it is an instinctual way for the babies to keep their father near. They need him and his blood to help their mother and them. It keeps him attracted and responding.”

244 “That’s stupid. I don’t need some alien drug to keep me around Maria.”

Liz blew out her breath hard. “We know that. You know that. We’re talking in a genetically instinctual way, Michael. Socio-biologists believe that procreation is the fuel of social interaction, that animals instinctually act and react in manners that insure their reproductive success into the next generation. It is a Darwinism at a different level, not just strongest and success of the fit. In this case being ‘fit’ means procreation, and genetic survival. The system probably inherent to your genetics is dominant. They recognize missing amino acids and proteins in Maria, and it probably genetically triggers a latent genetic response in the twins, resulting in the hormones attracting you, keeping you near with both blood to carry the precursors, and energy from orgasmic rushes to propel the system.”

“The bigger they get, the more they need.”

“So they are producing more, and when you drink her blood you literally are getting loaded hits of it, which takes longer to wear off, and because you are engaging in sex every four to six hours, I suspect the hits aren’t wearing off.”

Sean swore. Every four to six hours? Damn. “You’re basically saying that by drinking her blood, Michael is freebasing Maria.”

“I think so.”

Michael thought and nothing in his thoughts sounded good. Escalation of all systems denoted an increased need. An increased need meant that the twins were in a sense starving and searching for a way or means to increase the flow of energy.

“It’s not wearing off, and it used to. So that means her system is oversaturated because needs aren’t being met.” Michael swore.

245 It wasn’t sex every four to six hours now. It was more like every three to four. He was reaching for her even in his sleep, or what little sleep he got. They couldn’t possibly increase it any more than that, and already it was becoming more painful than pleasurable. Michael refrained from commenting. Sean was a recovering pain junkie, no sense in making him miserable too.

“Liz, there has to be a solution. A way to make Maria’s system a more efficient carrier of these…precursor things, and energy.”

“I can’t change her genetics, Michael. She’s human. And if I could, I’m not sure how.

And if I knew how, I’m not sure I can. Not with her being pregnant. It’s too big of a risk.”


Maria moved back into her room so as not to be seen. She knew Michael had Liz working on the problem because he was swiping her blood a few times a day. It was just hard to handle that nothing they did, no matter how hard they tried, they were still coming up short. She had taken an extended leave of absence from her work and the museum, and except for writing a few articles and reading, she didn’t even feel like an anthropologist anymore. The same was true for Michael. He was barely working, and even when he was, his day was chopped to pieces for her, and he was getting weaker.

Maria moved back into bathroom. Splashing water on her face, she slowly counted to ten, trying to keep herself calm. It felt like her body was building up to something, an increasing pressure. Pull it back, dammit. Calm. Stay calm. Patting her face dry, she looked in the mirror.

246 The face staring back at her wasn’t her own. It was too thin, almost translucent and pale with dark rings under her eyes. Lifting a thin pale hand to her face, she ran it over the angles, shocked at how much weight she had lost. She looked gaunt. Looking down,

Maria searched her thin body. The only thing on her that looked healthy was the small pregnant stomach. Rubbing her hands around her enlarged stomach, Maria gulped back a sob.

Too small. They’re too small. She was starving them to death. Oh God! Looking at herself again, she could hardly see herself in the mirror from the flood of tears in her eyes. I’m so sorry. So sorry. My poor babies! Moving away from the sink, Maria sank to the floor beside the bath in a crying heap. Her fault. She couldn’t do it. She wasn’t strong enough, alien enough. Her poor children. The mirror above the sink cracked, until the shattered mass exploded.


Michael went upstairs to check on Maria, ignoring a wailing Mr. Boo. Sean was downstairs being a pest and cooking something for her to eat. Something Italian, with Liz as his assistant.

“No time to check out your kill, buddy. Just leave it somewhere and I’ll look at it later.”

Michael made a note to self to check in the newly cleaned-out office, now nursery.

They had plastered and taped up the walls after putting up new drywall in areas that had taken lethal fire. Strange that he never realized how big that room was until they removed

247 all of Maria’s stuff, and the four of them struggled with the office furniture now occupying a part of the outside garage until a new office could be built. Technically, they could put the office back after the kids were out of the nursery and in their own rooms, but Michael doubted Maria was going to wait a whole year or so for a new office.

Mr. Boo was following him, whining in a high plaintive sound. Looking down at the large black body weaving through his legs, Michael frowned. Quickly looking around the room, he then stuck his head in the nursery. Maria had been spending time in there now that it was cleaned. The new carpet wasn’t due to arrive until next Thursday, and they wanted to wallpaper before they installed it.

“Maria?” Michael looked at the cat. “Well? Where is our lady love?” The cat brushed up against the bathroom door, crying pitifully. “Shut you out, huh? I told you not to leave a headless bird on her pillow. Listen to me next time,” Michael snickered at the cat, and entered the bathroom.

Oh shit!

“Maria? Honey, are you okay? Don’t move. Whatever you do, don’t move!” The room was a wreck. Glass had exploded outward and pieces of it covered Maria’s bare legs and feet where she was on the ground. Small flecks of glass were in her skin, and had caused minor bleeding cuts, and Maria was crying.

Kneeling down next to her, he tried to assess the damage. Did she fall? Slip? Maybe she got dizzy and fainted.

“Maria?” Michael looked around at the glass everywhere. Moving his hand, he concentrated on the glass particles and with a sweep of his hand, he sent them away from her. Picking her up, he pulled her into his lap and held her, rocking. His hand wandered

248 over her face, down her body, and rubbed her stomach. “It’s okay, I’ve got you.

Shhh....It’s okay.”

Michael let her cry for a moment as he tried to piece together what happened.

Nothing else was disturbed, just the mirror was broken. No water on the floor. She didn’t appear hurt except for a few flecks of blood from small cuts from where the glass nicked her.

“Maria, honey, can’t you tell me what happened?” Michael’s voiced softened, and

Maria heard the endearment. Michael never used endearments, not really. Maybe, ‘Oh, baby’ during sex in a nice deep husky voice, and sometimes he called her Professor, so this was somewhat shocking.

“I’m sorry. It’s my fault.”

“The mirror? We can have that fixed.”

Maria shook her head no. That wasn’t it. “The babies are starving. It’s my fault.”

Michael groaned. She must have heard him and Liz talking. Damn. He wasn’t trying to keep her out of the loop, just trying to keep her protected, calm, and not too worried.

“No, it’s not, Maria.” She just nodded and kept crying. He forced her to look at him, and her unhappy tearstained face almost broke his heart. “It’s not you,” he whispered softly. “It’s me. All me. I’m the one with freaky alien genetics. I’m the one causing all the problems. Your body is perfect. It is doing perfectly what it’s supposed to do, in fact it's doing more. You are going so far above and beyond the call of duty, Maria. It’s not you, and it’s not your fault.”

“If I was alien, like Isabel or Tess, anyone but me, they would be healthy.”

249 “If I was human, like Kyle, Sean or Alex, anyone but me, they would be healthy. And you’d be healthy.”

Maria’s arm tightened around his neck and she hugged him harder. “I don’t want

Kyle or Alex. And Sean is a big ewww. I love you.”

Michael held her and smiled in her hair. Sean was definitely a big ‘eww’, and more.

“I don’t want a nice alien girl to try to manage me. I want the difficult opinionated human girl I found. You’re part of me, Maria. I don’t know how it happened or why, but I couldn’t want anyone but you.”

“Sweet talker.” Maria said softly. Looking at him, her face went serious. “I just wished I was more, sometimes.”

Michael laughed, but he knew what she meant. He sometimes felt that being alien didn’t make him more, it actually made him less. It robbed him of his identity, Mikey, and he’d be damned if he’d let it rob him of Maria.

Rubbing his head against hers he said softly with his heart in his voice, “I love you.”

Maria looked into his eyes and moved forward to join her mouth to his in a long easy heartfelt kiss. So many times now, he could hear her thoughts and voice in his head. And her beautiful voice sounded in his ears.


250 Chapter Eight: ‘O, learn to read what silent love hath writ’

Day Eight: Tuesday, 7:47 am

Tuesday mornings were almost worse than Mondays. At least Monday was understood to be a really crappy day, full of lethargy and indifference, so people expected

Mondays to suck. But Tuesday…Tuesday was that space day between mid-week and almost through. It lulled. Hesitated. Slowly dragged until all you could see was a week that would never end, and a day one step closer to not having time to complete everything.

Sean stood in the shower drinking a cup of coffee. Liz and Isabel's sofa was comfortable enough, but he missed his own bed. Monday was the worst day, and Tuesday looked to be a magnified repeat of the day before. His car had broken down, his girlfriend dumped him and wasn’t returning his calls, somewhere in Roswell, was his misplaced leather jacket and his favorite shirt... Added on to those woes was the exponential overnight increase in his caseload, as he and Kyle took on Michael and Max’s cases.

Some were given to other teams, but Sean and Kyle had picked up the largest amount.

Further adding insult to injury, his and Kyle’s name had just rotated to the top of the on- call list, and his Aunt Amy had called him in a list of ‘essentials’ and errands she needed him to run.

Sean gave a loud yelp. The hot water just went ice cold. Being third in line to get the shower, he was lucky that the entire city of Roswell had water after Liz and Isabel were through. He cooked breakfast before jumping in the shower, and if his luck held, there

251 would be nothing left by the time he got out. His car was at Walter’s shop, having been proclaimed dead, and Michael already enlisted him to help with the nursery after work and before Lamaze. His new car wasn’t due to be delivered to Michael and Maria’s garage until the weekend.

“Sean! Phone...”

Sean closed his eyes and slowly worked on getting out. It was too cold to stand in the water for long anyway. Cold showers. Looked like he needed to get used to them.

Probably a good thing though, since his bed was going to be empty for the foreseeable future.

“Yeah, this is Sean.” Sean ignored Liz and Isabel's murderous looks as he stood in the living room clad only in a towel, answering the phone. He was dripping everywhere.

“Gussie, what’s up?”

Sean listened as he got a report from his friend from the bomb squad. “Did you check before she left for work this morning?” Sean’s face darkened. “She never went home? All night?”

Liz looked at Isabel and grimaced. The knock at the door forestalled a comment.


“Hey, Max!”

“Lizzie girl, move aside, huh?” Max tweaked her hair on his way in. “Where is your stinky roommate?”

“Isabel’s eating breakfast.”

“Hey! Who’s stinky? I shower, Lab Girl.” Isabel offered her cheek to Max. “What did you need, Max? Help? Tips on dating a male? Or do you just need to share some

252 incredibly intimate details of your relationship with Jonathan?” Liz took her seat again and waited expectantly for Max to shell out some quality gossip.

“Neither. Doing good. Jonathan is gone again. He had to go finish part of the deal he was working on from the trip he cut short last week for Amy and Jim. I think he has a late afternoon flight. He’ll be back on Friday.”

“Always on the run,” said Liz softly. That Jonathan was…something. “I thought you were bringing him to dinner soon?”

“Sooner or later.” Max said looking over at the dripping Sean. “Actually, that is the stinky roommate I was referring to, and I see he’s actually clean at the moment.”

Isabel looked at Sean evilly. “Oh, we hose him down on occasion to keep the buzzards at bay.”

Sean just made a rude gesture in her direction and kept on talking. “When did you find it?” Sean turned his attention away from the conversation in the loft and concentrated on the phone. “God! Did you diffuse the car? Does Julia know?”

The other three stopped talking and eating breakfast to look at Sean. He wasn’t being overly pleasant on the phone, actually he sounded angry.

“What do you want me to do, Sean?”

“Impound it, Gussie. Call for transport to pick up the car and put it in holding until

Simon’s boys can climb over it.”

“Do you want me to tell…”

“No. Just send a message through the usual channels informing her that her car was impounded. ADA MacLeod would like not to be disturbed by minor things like bombs

253 attached to her car. After all, she’s too busy to be bothered.” Sean said in a biting tone.

Damn her! How long was had that bomb been there? If she had gone home last night…

Max swore. “Don’t do it, man.”

“Shut up, Max.” Sean hung up the phone. Julia should be used to him having her car ticketed and towed. It was standard fare for them.

“You should at least tell her why her car was taken.”

“Why? So we can have another discussion why it doesn’t matter how close he comes to killing her; she won’t walk away? That I am a controlling asshole that has no right to try to keep her safe? Nope. I’m doing this my way. I’m keeping an eye on her, and removing the harm before it takes her out.”

“She won’t understand.”

Sean laughed bitterly. “Yeah, well...when did she ever? And don’t lecture me! ADA

Mac understands perfectly, more than I do at times, but she will not bend.”

Liz patted Sean on the shoulder in comfort, “Why don’t you go finish your shower?

Breakfast is getting cold.” Sean looked down and swore. He had forgotten he was only standing in a towel. Oh well, maybe it would give Max a thrill. Hopefully not Isabel. He was obviously going to die of blue ball syndrome. No sense in them shriveling up and withering away.

“Why are you here, Max?” Sean asked, when he finally came back dressed.

“Thought I’d make sure you got to work on time, today, and…” Max looked at his watch, “...looks like both of us will be late.”

“Well, maybe the acting Captain won’t put us on report?” Sean said hopefully.

“Don’t count on it.”

254 ~~~

Maria looked at the clock. Max had come and dragged Michael off for a few hours of work, and for that, Maria was grateful. It was hard on both of them having to stay so close recently, and in the next two months it would only get worse.


It was hard to imagine being in love with someone as much as she was in love with him. Laughing at herself, Maria let the amazement of it wash over her. She still had a little more time before she went to the hospital to see her mom. Amy had a new project. A restoration of an old landmark theatre downtown that was one of the oldest Marquee theatres in the state of New Mexico.

Talking to Mr. Booboo and the babies at the same time, Maria was scrambling on the floor trying to find her missing shoe. It was wedged under the sofa. The chime of the doorbell saved her from having to do battle with the heavy leather sofa.


The man just looked elegant. No buts about it. Standing on her doorstep with two steaming cups of coffee and what looked like a pastry box under one arm, Maria had to admire his black Armani double seared lean cut jacket, and the slim cut of his pants. The shirt was a nice silk dress shirt with those cute shirt studs instead of buttons. His dark hair was pulled back in a tie, and he was smartly reserved elegance from his head to his toes.

“Is it safe, or should I just drop these off and run?”

“Don’t be a fool. My Detective is off detecting things with your lovelier half.”

255 “More like they’re burning down half the damn city.” Jonathan came in and handed her the goods, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Reaching down he patted the babies.

“Strange, every time I kiss you on the cheek, I have this desire to really, and I mean really kiss you.”

“Resist. I think Michael would sense another man’s lips on mine. You’re pushing it with the cheek already.”

“Don’t I know it! That’s what I meant by strange. Think I’m suicidal or something?”

“Nope. I think you’re territorial like Michael, and a part of you wants to push his buttons, see how far you can invade his turf.”

Jonathan paused as he sat down, waiting for her to open the pastry box. Damn. He was that obvious. Maria. She saw more than she said. Strange that she could be so astute and yet say nothing. She was right. His and Michael’s problem was a war over territory.

Sean had relinquished his responsibility of caring and protecting Maria to Michael long ago, but not Jonathan. He couldn’t. When he had met her she was so broken, lost and trapped in despair, it was hard to pull back what instincts he had and just leave her for Michael to watch over. He couldn’t do it. Not yet. She was too small. Too sick. Seeing her in the hospital when she almost lost the babies the first time just cemented that feeling. He had made it his job and duty to watch over her long ago, and no one, not even

Michael Guerin, could make him yield that responsibility.

“Nothing I enjoy more than pissing in the Detective’s pond.”

Maria gave a sound of delight as a boxful of pastries came into view. Éclairs and

Bearclaws, and large dripping cinnamon rolls. “I love you to death, Jonathan!”

“Tell the Detective that, will you?”

256 “I will not! I love him more.”

Jonathan feigned a crushing blow to his heart. “My lady, you cut me to the quick to deny me.”

“Silly. Eat your pastry.” Maria’s eyes flickered, but she appeared nonchalant. “So to what do I owe this honor?”

“Do I need an excuse to visit and feed you?”

Maria picked up crumbs with her fingertip, and sucking them away thoughtfully, she delicately raised an eyebrow.

“Okay, okay. Stop being so smug.” Jonathan evaded for a moment. Damn. What was that? Embarrassment? Shyness? He felt like a schoolboy in the lull of his first crush, but that was impossible, he was never a schoolboy. Or at least he never felt like one, all gawky and uneasy. “Max has temporary command of Major Crimes while Jim is out of commission.”

“I heard.” Maria took another bite of her roll, moaning in ecstasy. Too good. Opening her coffee she looked at Jonathan.

“Double latte, decaf, with extra cream and cinnamon sprinkles.”

“Bless you!” Maria took a long drink. She was in heaven. Jonathan was the perfect man. Perfect friend. No wonder Michael felt threatened. Silly boy, like anyone could compete with him. “So you got problems with that?”

“Max taking command? No. No, I don’t. I like Max in a more affirmative role. He still hedges around a bit, but he is shaping up nicely.”

“You’re not building a tinker toy here, Jonathan. So if it’s not the command thing, then what is it?”

257 “You know that Max finally pretty much committed himself to our relationship, short of moving in with me, of course.”

“You told me.”


Maria looked at her friend in amazement. He was stammering. “Jonathan, what’s wrong?”

“I just…that is, I’m uncertain how strong our relationship is. And, I don’t know if it’s ready to take some hits, but…”

“Jonathan! Please, you’re a grown man, just spit it out.” Maria’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully. “What is it? Sex? You and Max still haven’t gone all the way?”

“God!” Jonathan put his head down on the counter. “Does everything have to be about sex?”

“So you have.”

Jonathan groaned.

“Okay, so you haven’t.”

“Maria!” Jonathan peeked up at her. Fine. “I want to, okay? But there are complications.”

“Oh. Complications. Hmm.... Well, let’s see... Tab A inserts into slot B. What’s so hard? Though being hard is absolutely necessary.”

“Gee, thanks, Professor. Can I have a damn diagram with that?” Jonathan sighed.

“I’ve got the logistics, Maria. Even read a few books.”

“You read a few books?” For some reason that just cracked Maria up.

258 “Damn. And she laughs!” Jonathan said exasperated. “What else was I supposed to do? My only forage into gay love was in college, and that was just blowjobs and handjobs. Nothing too… penetrating. Dammit, Maria, if you’re going to laugh…”

“I’m sorry!” Maria held up her hand and tried to contain her mirth. “So if it’s not specifics and warm lube, what is it?”

“Tops and bottoms.”

“Oh! So Max is a…”

“Max doesn’t talk about it, but instinctually I’d say Max needs to be in control, and it would take some work making him into a bottom. So he’s definitely a top.”

“Okay, and you are...?”

Jonathan shrugged. “I think I can pretty much switch hit. Either position seems okay with me. I could happily live with either, and give Max time to become curious about the receiving end.”

“Well then, I’m at a loss for what the problem is. Unless Max just doesn’t want to take it that far.”

Jonathan shrugged. “I really can say we haven’t talked about it. I was so happy to get him to just agree to be exclusive, that trying to talk him into doing me hardly seemed a major concern.”

Maria laughed. “Something tells me, that when you’re ready, if you show up with condoms, wipes and warmed lubes, Max will rise to the occasion. Guess it really isn’t sex, huh? So what is the problem?”

“I got a letter.” Maria waited patiently. “Vanessa.”

259 “Oh shit!” Maria swallowed hard. That was the last thing she would’ve guessed. The ex-wife. “What does she want?”

Jonathan ran an elegant hand over his neck fussing with his collar. “No idea. Money.

Sex. Or just me on her arm for some damn event that will increase her opinion polls. I don’t know. She just sent me a threatening letter.”

“Threatening?” Maria was suddenly concerned.

“Yeah, threatening for Vanessa. It said, and I quote, “See you soon.’ And, believe me, for Vanessa, that is pretty damn threatening.”

“So you’re worried over how Max will take being confronted with the ex?”

“Let’s just say that the last time I saw Vanessa I was a player on the heterosexual team, and now…”

“You’re pitching a different game?”

“Yeah. She is going to want to meet what made me change sides.”


“Yeah. Max.” Maria patted his arm comfortably and whistled under her breath.

“Vanessa always was pretty possessive of you.”

Jonathan just snorted. “I barely got away without her tattooing her name on my ass.

Even though we were divorced she has a habit of walking into my life, rearranging it, and terrorizing my latest relationship.”

“So you’re wondering if your relationship with Max is strong enough to withstand the HMS Vanessa?”

260 “I’m wondering if I’m strong enough. If she comes between me and Max, I might have to strangle her. Just tell me you’ll visit me in prison and bring me food and silk shirts.”

“I’ll break you out. Plus, no court would convict.” Maria patted his arm again.

“Maybe Max taking on a more authoritive role will increase his strength and he will take out the unholy Vanessa, saving you…the maiden in distress, and you can let him fuck you for being such a studly hero?”

“Well, there’s a thought. Why do I tell you everything?”

“Because of my charming vibes. As it stands, I am so happy to see you either way.

Think you can wrestle my sofa to give up my shoe? Then you’d be my hero, and I won’t tell anyone what a girly-man you are waiting for Max, your knight in shining armor to take your virginity.”

Jonathan stood up to attack the shoe-eating sofa. Looking back at a smug Maria, his eyes narrowed. “Remember when I said I loved you?”

“Uh huh.”

“I take it back.”

Maria made a grabbing gesture in the air and deposited imaginary something in her pocket. “Too late!” She said in her sing-song voice. “I already stored it away. I call no take-backs.”

Jonathan just rolled his eyes and he struggled with the sofa. “Great, not only are we girlfriends, but how we’re six year girlfriends.” Maria just laughed making a happy squealing sound when her once-captured shoe was liberated.

261 ~~~

Sean looked up from his work. Groaning, he shut his eyes. Great. Just fucking great!

Julia was moving towards him like a steam engine. Guess she tried to find her car...


“Hi, honey.”

“Don’t call me that, you stupid, egotistical munchheaded pig!”

“Hey, we agreed you’d never refer to me as a pig!”

“All bets are off, Buddy. You had my car towed!”

Sean pulled on his collar, noticing the others in the bullpen watching the display in amusement. Hah! She had to prove it.

“What do you base that belief on, ADA? Did I leave evidence?”

In fury, she reached for the stack of towering files on his desk with the intent of knocking them off. Sean, reading her intention, quickly intervened with his own low intent voice, and the slapping of his hand on the pile to keep them where they were.


Julia stopped. He rarely used that voice with her, but when he did it was serious.

Retreating, she pulled her hand away. Stepping close to him, she got in his face anyway.

“I can’t believe you’re being so damn childish! Just because I asked you to leave is no reason…” Julia yelped as he took her arm hard and led her out the bullpen and into the stairwell. “Let me go!”

“You calm down.” She might have kicked him out after four months together and six weeks sharing a home, but he wasn’t admitting it to anyone yet. Not until he was ready.

262 Only Michael, Max, and Kyle knew. Since he had every intention of getting back with her, it was just a matter of when, not if and how.

Julia just closed her eyes and counted to ten. Fighting again. It was all they seemed able to do lately. “Just tell me why?”

“You know why.”

“Pierce?” Of course it was. All their problems revolved around Pierce.

Sean nodded. “Yeah, Pierce.” Sean rubbed the back of his neck. “Why can’t you just drop it, or step back for a little while?”

“Sean, we have discussed this to death. You want me to walk away, let him win?”

“He’s trying to kill you, Julia.”

“I got the message, a dead body in my bed. He can’t get away with that.” Julia relented looking at him. He looked tired. She calmed herself. "I can't just let him dictate my life, threaten me, and pretend it doesn't jeopardize my credibility. It makes me ineffective!"

"It'll make you dead!" Sean leaned back against the wall and put his head back, sighing he finally looked at her again. “You’re pissing in his pond. And the waves? They ain’t small. He’ll retaliate.”

“Good. He’ll make a mistake.”

“He doesn't make mistakes!” Sean cussed and clenched his hands to stop from grabbing her and shaking sense into her. “We found a class three incendiary device under your car. A fucking bomb!”

263 Julia started to reassure him that she could take care of herself when something in flight caught her sight. Suddenly a rush of fear entered her, making her heart beat wildly in her chest, and her breath to push from her lungs in fast heaves.

It dive bombed right for her.

“Sean, help!” Julia jumped at him in panic waving her hands around head in a wild frenzy.

Sean quickly tried to hold her and untangle her from her own limbs flying fast.

“Calm down! It’s just a moth!”

“Get it out! Get it out of my hair...”

Sean quickly extracted the moth and tossed it on the ground, stomping on it. Clean, simple and fast.

“You killed it?” Julia said horrified.

“It’s just a moth.”

“You killed it! I just wanted it gone, not dead.” Sean just rolled his eyes. Yeah. She liked things gone. Him. Moths. What was next?

“Well then, count it gone. Dead is a form of gone.” Sean looked at her critically. She looked tired, and he could still see her panic from the moth. She was afraid of a little moth, but Pierce she stood up to and refused to run away. Women.

“I’m just afraid of them. They are monstrous, vicious in their attacks. They head for your head on purpose. And don’t make fun of me!”

“Was I laughing?” Sean asked, hiding his mirth well.

“I know you…”

"Do you? Do you expect me to believe that, Mac?"

264 "I don't give a damn what you believe, Detective." Damn him anyway. Of course she knew him, missed him, and even when she could’ve just called and chewed him out on the phone, she missed him enough to come find him.

Sean was so close, almost touching her. His hand was prepared to pull her back, but she didn’t step away. Standing at his full height, Sean forced her to look up at him. Her chin lifted in open, adult defiance. This woman could stare down a mountain. God, he loved her scrappy little fighter attitude!

"I think we need to come to an understanding here, Julia. I think it's high time we reach an agreement."

"I think we've already agreed on a few...."

Sean interrupted her by taking her by her arms and pulling her towards him. God, she felt so good in his hands! Her arms both excited and terrified him; they were so tiny and so strong. Sean pulled her close, closer to his body, closer to his face, and backed her against the wall as he tried to speak.

Julia was obviously intent on other things. Reversing positions, she pushed him hard against the wall instead. Sean felt the brutal slam, and couldn’t stop from groaning. Oh yeah. His woman.

"Do you ever shut up?"

“Yes, ma’am.” Normally, Sean was happy to let her call the tune, but in his mind, he was the injured party. She took charge. She decided for them. Not this time.

Looking her over, and estimating how much the blouse was going to cost him to replace, Sean just tilted his head to the side. In for a penny, in for a pound. He spun her

265 around, flung her to the wall, pulled her back to his chest and ripping open the buttons of her blouse. They both groaned as his hand found her skin.

His mouth found its place on her neck and stayed there, although his hands had to struggle for purchase of the rest of her. The feel of her strong, healthy body moving earnestly against him turned Sean on more than he had anticipated, but he forced himself to breathe as he took a slow, firm path down her neck and onto her exposed shoulders.

Pushing her jacket off and letting it drop to the floor, he found her one hand and pinned it to the wall over her head, while his body held her captive and his other hand wandered down to the hem of her short skirt

Sean kept his mouth on a determined pace; kissing, tasting, biting the heated flesh, now at her shoulder, now setting back towards her ear. When he had a firm grip he turned his attentions to her other shoulder, pulling the silk away from her shoulder with his other hand, gently tracing a line there with his tongue.

"You owe me a silk blouse," she growled, her mouth finding his again as her free hand was struggling with his belt and pants.

"Take it out of my checking account," Sean growled back, using teeth now, up and down the nape of her neck. She gasped, struggled, stiffened. "You worry too much, Mac," he murmured into the sensitive skin. "You need to learn how to relax."

"And I suppose you're volunteering to teach me?" she spat back. She worried? The man was a neurotic bundle of worry lines coalescing into one large wrinkle.

"Well, yes, that was the idea."

Sean used hands, body, and voice, to plead his cause. He held her body down with his own and firmly caressed her ribs, her arms, her shoulders and neck, then moved up

266 under her torn open blouse and held her breasts. Watching his hands explore the beautiful curves, he lowered his head so that his mouth could do the same, pressing the white skin with the tip of his tongue, then his lips, finally blowing gently on the skin he had wet.

“Sean...” She moaned, she swore, she turned her head away to find the skin of his neck. Her chest was heaving now as her breath came in gasps. She continued to moan, swear and rage against her undisciplined body. Sean laughed softly and pushed her against the wall once more.

“Damn you, Sean.”

“Damn us both.” Sean murmured, taking the opportunity to push her shirt up fingering her garter belt straps. Damn he loved her underwear. Sliding his hand under the strap, he pulled her leg up to his hip as her hand unfastened his pants and pulled him free.

This part was becoming so familiar that he couldn’t even track the moments, just the results. Him, inside of her, and them both moving hard and fast to some kind of desperate completion. It had been too long. She had felt too far away for too many hours. This was good. Like coming home.

A different noise caught his attention. Her gasps were becoming rhythmic, keeping time to his thrusts. Sean saw something familiar in her face, so he pulled his body off of her, just a little, doing all he could to keep up the rhythm he had started. He wanted a good view. He loved the look she got when she went out of control. With just that look, she was able to push him over the edge, and together they rested against the wall panting, and spent. Sean’s heavier body keeping hers upright and pinned in place.

“I miss you.” he whispered in her ear as he tried to regain his breath.

“It’s only been a day.”

267 “Feels longer.”

Julia put her head on his shoulder. “I miss you too. I couldn’t even think of going home last night, because I knew you wouldn’t be there.”

Oh, God. That saved her life. Sean held her closer. “Tell me something. Tell me anything. Tell me what you were doing, how your day was…anything.” Something had to save him, keep him from unraveling at the seams. Anything normal. Mundane. Everyday.

“Nothing to tell. Just work. Missing you. Ms. Fluffy is totally lost without you.”

Sean laughed at that. “I was worried about where you went. Where did you go? Your

Aunt Amy’s?”

Sean shook his head. “No. I’m staying at Isabel and Liz’s place.”

Sometimes things didn’t connect. Maybe it was mind numbing sex, or lethargic remains of a really sweet orgasm, or maybe he was just stupid. It took at least five seconds to realize that he said something wrong. Perhaps it was Julia pushing him off her and sputtering as she tried to straighten her clothes.

“Liz’s? You’re staying with your old girlfriend?” Julia could barely talk. The words, the anger. It all jumbled up in her mouth. That pig! There she was pining for him, missing him, and he was…bastard! Sweeping up her jacket off the floor, she struggled into it.

“Don’t call me!” Getting real close and in his face. “I swear, you mess with my damn car one more time, I’ll find you and squeeze your balls off! Do you understand?” Julia didn’t even wait for his answer. Idiot! He was still contemplating how much he might like having her twist his balls off when it hit him that she left.

268 “Pants, dammit, pants!” Sean did a quick hopping motion as he struggled to get himself back into his pants and pursue her. “Julia! Dammit…honey, it’s not what you think.”

“She’s gone.” Michael said as Sean came through the door.


“Yeah. Came flying out the stairwell with her blouse wide open…nice by the way.

Hanson ran into a wall, and Fletcher dropped his cup of coffee down his shirt.”

“Shut up! Julia, where did she go?”

“Elevator. Struggling to hold her blouse closed and muttering something about shooting someone with their own gun between their beady little eyes.”

“Damn.” Sean ran a hand over his face. That couldn’t be good.

Michael calmly continued to eat his candy bar. “You know we really need to talk about your technique.”


“Well, being that I’m a detective and more observant than most, I would surmise that the lovely ADA was just pinned up against a wall in the stairwell and thoroughly fucked.”

Sean swore. “Yeah?”

“Well, not that I’m an expert or anything, but it’s been my experience that most women…most are usually pretty…amiable after…” Michael made a gesture that made

Sean glare at him. “I’m just saying that your little Texas filly looked nothing like peaceable, and actually she looked damn spitting mad. Technique.”

269 “There is nothing wrong with my fucking technique!” Sean said groaning at the slip of an unintentional pun. Damn Michael Guerin and his damn one hour orgasms. He could hold his own. “I did what you said. I played it cool.”

“You towed her car.”

“There was a damn bomb under it!”

“Well, I told you to play it cool and let nature run its course.”

“I did play it cool.”


“One thing led to another, and next thing I knew we were engaged in some pretty hot and fast public sex.”

Michael smiled smugly. “Yep. That’s the plan. Let nature do what you would screw up. Judging from the results, you need some help.”

“That was what you were talking about? Sex?”

“Of course. Happens all the time. Emotions get high, both of you are upset thinking you’re right, you see each other, and bam. Great sex. Better living through chemistry.”

Sean sat on the edge of Michael’s desk. “It was pretty great.” Sean smiled to himself, actually it had been better than great. “Then she asked me where I was staying, and things went wrong.”

“You told her the YMCA, right?”

“Um, no.”

“The gym? A rundown flea-bag motel on Grant?”

“Um, no. I told her…”

“Don’t tell me you said Liz and Isabel’s.”

270 “Yeah.”

Michael just groaned. “You are worse than I thought. Babies are smarter!”

“What? What did I do? I just told the truth.”

Michael sneered at Sean. “First mistake. Second. Do not tell the girlfriend who just tossed you out that you went straight to your ex-girlfriend’s house. You’re supposed to be devastated. Pining. Missing her as much as she’s missing you. Not cooking Italian for an ex-flame while being coddled by other women. Just a second, I’m sure I still have it...”


“Relationships for Dummies. Max bought it for me.”

“They have books? No one told me there was a damn book!” Sean’s face clouded.

Everyone was in the know but him. “How did you get so wise in the ways of relationships?”

Michael calmly opened one of his bottom drawers that was full of self-help books on relationships and parenting.

“Hey, hand over a few!”

“Get your own. This relationship stuff is not easy water to navigate. I’m still using them. And fair warning, just when you think you got it figured out, someone changes the damn rules.”

“Okay. At least give me a damn list.” Sean looked around for Kyle. “Where is my partner?”

“In Valenti’s office with Max talking about breast pumps.”

Sean groaned and covered his face. “This can’t be my life!”

“Get over it. Despite this slight setback you did really well today.”

271 Sean looked at Michael through his fingers. “Really?”

“Hell yeah! Public sex. Big points! Encouraging. It means she can’t keep her hands off you, which are points in your favor. Now you just need to plan a few convenient run- ins with her.”

“Now you’re talking. What works? I keep having this fantasy about the hood of her car.”

“That’s a good one. I did that once,” said Michael, thinking of Officer Rod and his speeding ticket writing fest. “Actually if you count on the hood of the Mustang, then there were even more times, but you might have to use Officer Rod.”

“Officer Rod?” Sean was suddenly all attentive like.

“Well, I like to sic Officer Rod on Maria when she gets unruly. She responds real well to law enforcement. It’s probably the uniform and few hundred pounds of kicking power between the thighs that really does it.” Sean eyes narrowed. He better be talking about the bike and not his dick. Michael, totally ignorant of Sean’s thoughts, just kept on,

“But you have to wear the mirrored sunglasses, gloves, and a full utility belt.” Michael noticed Sean pulling out his notebook. “What are you doing?”

“Taking notes. Keep talking.” Sean smiled at Michael. “I better treat you to lunch.”

Michael nodded. Good idea. He could eat.

On their way to the elevator, Sean looked at the closed door to Valenti’s office.

Maybe they should invite Kyle and Max, but suddenly thoughts of breast pumps ran through his mind, and he quickly nixed the idea. Forget them. “You know I was thinking that the interrogation room would be great.”

“It is.”

272 Sean stopped in his tracks. “No shit? Man, I miss out on everything. You know, it would be even better if Julia interrogated me, instead of me doing her. Maybe I could get her to threaten me with a blackjack and use restraints.”

“You are a sick man.”

“Hey! I’m in therapy. Now tell me, you still have the Officer Rod uniform?”


The special phone rang. He put down what he was working on and turned off the soldering gun to answer the phone.


“I thought I told you to keep the pressure on.”

“I’m trying. The next target was a problem. Security was too tight. They not only have state of the art equipment, but a secondary system inside that can’t be by-passed from outside. It wasn’t feasible. So I took an alternative structure. Either way, it should cause a big bright bang.”

“Good. I want to see them suffer. All of them.” The voice paused on the other line.

“I’ve got another special job I need you to do.”

“Really?” The man smiled and rubbed his hands together. Roswell, New Mexico.

Who knew it could be so lucrative? “Tell me.”


273 “Man, I don’t know why I have to do this.”

“You promised this morning.” Max said as Sean tried to pick some more wallpaper paste out of his hair. It was all over him.

“Stop your whining and tell me if this piece looks straight.” Michael said as he backed away from the wall and the piece of wallpaper he had just hung. Watching both

Sean and Max’s heads tilt a little to the right, he swore and ripped the sheet down again.

“Detective, watch your language,” said Maria pleasantly as she entered the room.

“Professor, I told you I didn’t want you around the fumes.”

Maria ignored his tendency to be overprotective. “I brought you some refreshments.”

Both Max and Sean dropped what they were doing to rush to Maria’s side. They each took a glass of lemonade from her as Maria moved over to take Michael’s to him. Sean made a face when he tasted the Tabasco in his drink. Noticing Max’s grimace he handed him his glass in trade. Damn aliens and their Tabasco.

“Maria, you shouldn’t be carrying things upstairs.”

“Pregnant, not helpless.” Maria looked at the walls. They already did two full walls and might finish another before Lamaze. “This looks great!”

Michael’s stern looked softened as he noticed how excited she was. Her hand was resting on her swollen stomach, and for a moment, it was like they were a perfectly normal couple preparing for their children to be born. Pulling her to his side, he held her close in front of him as they looked at the room.

“When do you think you can put up the Wainscoting?”

“Maybe I’ll start it tonight after Lamaze. It’s a beveled tongue and groove. It shouldn’t be that hard to install.”

274 “Can I help?” Maria asked hopefully.

Michael smiled. “You may. I’ll even let you be the boss.”

Maria laughed and said in a funny voice, “Maria’s the boss, Maria’s the boss,


“About Lamaze…”

“You promised! No gun, and in case you haven’t heard, my fiancée says I’m the boss.” Maria patted him on the cheek and then kissed him quickly on her way out of the room.


Michael looked up at the wall and then went back to work. Looking down he saw a disgruntled Mr. B at his feet. “Okay, who wallpapered the cat?”

Both Max and Sean pointed at the other.


“Breast pumps. I swear, Maria.”

“So they wanted you to try them on for comfort?”

Tess snorted. “They wanted me to test run them. I had to inform them that my milk isn’t ready to be pumped, thank you kindly. What? Do I look like a twenty-four hour service station or something? You can’t dry run breast feeding!”

“You look…healthy,” Maria said not without a little envy in her voice.

Tess looked at her friend in concern. “How are you holding up?”

“Okay. Today is okay.”

275 “You look tired.”

“I am that.” Maria smiled at Tess. “We started working on the nursery!”

Tess hugged Maria tight. “Great. I’ll come by and see it soon, I promise.” Tess was more than a little worried about Maria. She had been a little occupied with Jim and Amy being in the hospital along with getting ready for the baby. Her due date was steadily approaching and every day it felt like there was something they were forgetting.

Kyle and Max started instigating mock dry runs to the hospital to mimic labor. She loved Kyle, and was terribly fond of Max, but if they didn’t give her her space soon, she was going to run away in the dead of the night and have her baby in peace and quiet at her mom’s house. Jonathan was the only saving grace. He watched the boys’ antics with amusement and slipped her real fattening food under the table.

“Any more Hicks contractions?”

“A few. A least Michael isn’t freaking out over them as much as he was. I can’t believe I’m just hitting my twenty-seventh week. I wish I was at thirty-three like you.”

“You’ll get there.” Tess looked over at the guys harassing the other members of the class, and dominating the instructor’s time. “I swear, I’m almost ready to beg DocJim to induce labor just so I can get the boys off my back. They would be so busy with the baby, that I could actually get some sleep and some decent food.”

Maria just laughed as Tess frowned while looking at Michael.

“Why is Michael carrying a paint roller?”

“Oh. I made him leave his gun home tonight. The paint roller is a security replacement. Seems he can’t go anywhere without his ‘piece’, so this is just a substitute.”

“You’re kidding right?”

276 “Afraid not.” Maria watched Michael practicing a few quick draw maneuvers with his new weapon and watched as both Kyle and Max tried it too. “I need to go shopping for a few more clothes and some baby things. You want to escape the insanity trio and go with me?”

“Absolutely! I’m just excited about one day being able to wear sexy underwear again.”

“What? You get to wear underwear? Michael said, that…” Maria noticed Tess’s amused look and she quickly looked over at her partner. Indeed!


Michael finished cleaning up the last of the supplies in the nursery, washing off the glue and putting away pieces of scrap wood in a pile to be removed. Standing back he looked at what he had just finished. Nice. An entire wall and part of a second. After the

Wainscoting, he needed to trim in the top of the wall with some dovetail casing. The new baseboards would wait until after the carpet was laid. They had chosen a soft blue with pink cloudlike mottling. The Wainscoting was a nice light pine to keep the room bright.

Maria had already chosen the wall dressings along with alphabet characters, and a new bookcase for an entire Dr. Seuss collection left from her own nursery. Amy had other things stored, and as soon as the nursery was done she was having them sent over.

Closing the door and turning off the light, he stood for a few moments watching her sleep. They had had fun today. It felt good, almost like old times. Before they knew they were pregnant, they used to spend evenings doing things, going to the gym or just talking

277 and watching television. The stress over the past few months at time seemed to eat up all their time, and had destroyed their peace.

Michael stood in the bathroom brushing his teeth. Uncertain, he felt a stillness.

Looking down he noticed Mr. Booboo. The cat noticed his regard and immediately started meowing his long sad tale of abuse.

“I cut it out of your fur, so stop your whining. It was for a good cause. Did you see how happy she was tonight?”

The cat made another final protest on principle and then went to find a cushy place to wash behind his ears

278 Chapter Nine: Built of pyres of fire, the heart is slain.

Day Nine: Wednesday, 3:36 am

Zeke woke to nothing. It was there again. Stillness. This was the second time that night he had awakened. Sitting up in bed, he checked the clock on the bedside table. He still had a good four hours to sleep before he needed to get up.

Lying back in his bed, he tried to go back to sleep, but something seemed to stop him. Caught in an uncertain mood, he let fantasy take him on a ride to calm his nerves and give him an outlet back into sleep.


Time moved slow.

Hush. Silence. Then a loud almost swooshing sound. Followed by a deafening explosion.

The sound seemed to fold in on itself, and the loudness deafened the ears until all he could hear was the beating of his own heart.

The initial blast was strong enough to throw Zeke from his bed. Fuck! Standing up he shook himself. What the hell was that?

Then he smelt it. Fire.

Grabbing his shoes, he hopped down the stairs, struggling to put them on.


Rushing outside, he could see the night sky lit up by the flames of the fire. Call.

Fire. No time. The end of the warehouse was on fire. The south side where both Margo’s and Mrs. Mulhoney’s lofts were, plus the two empty ones waiting to be renovated.

279 Margo.

Zeke rushed to her door and banged on it. Frantic when there was no answer, he could already smell the smoke coming from under the door. Moving back, he raced forward hitting the door. Nothing. Damn strong oak. He looked around frantically for something, anything to help break down the door. Peering through the window, the sight of gathering smoke turned his stomach, emptying it in a disquieting nausea. Margo. Her paint supplies. Turpentine. If the smoke didn’t kill her, the explosion and racing fire would, once it hit her supplies. Almost everything she had was an accelerant. Margo.

Not thinking. Zeke moved back and then ran at the window. Jumping high, he crashed through the glass as tempered sheets of cutting ice rained over him, slicing into his skin. Rolling on the floor, he got to his knees as the thick smoke overwhelmed him.

Coughing, he called for her, “Margo!”

No answer. Zeke rushed for the stairs. He had to search there first. If he checked the first floor, he might lose the opportunity to get to the second, and Margo would be dead.

If she was there. Rushing the stairs, the metal grating was already too hot to the touch.

Searching the loft studio, he couldn’t see anything through the smoke. His eyes were streaming with tears. Dammit. No. No. He wouldn’t lose her too. On his hands and knees he scrambled, feeling, touching things and moving. Coughing, his head hurt. The pounding was almost louder than the rushing sound of the fire.


She lay on the floor in a heap. Her head had a bleeding gash and she was unconscious. The initial explosion must have thrown her across the room.

280 “Margo! God!” He quickly checked her neck. Sighing in relief. Still beating. Leaving her, he scrambled towards the area where he knew there was a sink. Grabbing anything that felt like material he soaked it in the water. Wrapping a wet cloth around his head and shoulders, he quickly wet another one and tried to keep from succumbing to the smoke. If he went down, they both died. Margo couldn’t die.

Returning to her, he quickly wrapped her in the wet material as best he could.

Gathering his faltering strength, he picked her up and tried to get through to the stairs.

The smoke was too thick and the upper room was a hotbed as the heat of the fire concentrated to the top of the room and sucked what remained of the oxygen from the room. Stop. Drop. Roll.

Zeke went to the floor, and pulled Margo behind him towards the stairs. The air near the floor was still breathable, but just barely. At the stairs he pulled them both down a few steps until he could finally pick her up and walk the rest of the way. Struggling to stay upright and not collapse, he carried her still form down the first flight. The smoke was too thick to see through, but one thing he could see was flames. The fire was already in the bottom section surrounding them. The material around his head was already dry, and his skin burned from the cuts and some type of chemical gone aerosol. He felt like his lungs were going to explode.

Last flight. Then the door, and air. He could do it. He had to - for Margo. Taking the last flight in midstep there was another explosion, and the stairs beneath him collapsed.


281 The sensation of falling was the first thing he became aware of as his body hit the floor. There was a stillness as he tried to orient himself to what just happened. It was

Maria that made him finally move.


“Maria!” Scrambling over to her, he found her on the floor as well. She was clutching her arm.

“Let me see.” He looked at it. She had landed hard on her wrist. Instinctually she must have reached out to stop falling, to protect the babies. “I think it’s broken.”

“What happened?”

“I don’t know. An explosion.” Michael looked around the room, and from the closed blinds he could see a light where it should have been dark. “Something’s burning. Grab some clothes and shoes. Leave everything else. I need you out of here. C’mon.”

Michael was helping her up, careful of her hand when the second explosion came.

Pushing them back, he instinctually wrapped his body around hers and flipped her over to take the brunt of the fall, her elbow coming hard in his ribs. The glass exploded around them. The heavy metal blinds protected them from the shower of glass as the windows exploded outward. He could hear the glass downstairs go too, when the glass door went as well.

Grabbing clothes, he quickly got to his feet, lifting Maria up and setting her on the bed as he grabbed her some shoes. Glass was everywhere. Pulling on his own shoes, he picked her up and carried her down the stairs. The security system would alert the police, but they still needed to call.

282 “Maria, call 4-1-1, now!” Michael stepped through the exploded glass door to head to Isabel and Liz’s loft through the garden. Sean stepped through the broken glass on the other side, quickly followed by Alex in nothing but his pants.

“Michael?” called Sean.

“No. You?” Sean shook his head. Both their areas were clear of explosion and fire.

Alex looked up at the lighted sky. “I think it’s the lofts on the other side.”

Isabel and Liz came rushing out of their loft, both wearing clothes and shoes. Isabel grabbed Alex’s arm and handed him his shoes. He was standing in glass.

Michael gestured for Isabel and Liz to follow him into Michael and Maria’s loft.

Maria was just hanging up the phone.

“They’re on their way.” Michael nodded as he grabbed his holster and strapped it on.

Picking up his spare clutch piece, he looked at the girls.

“Isabel, you and Liz need to take Maria out of here.”

“I’m not leaving!”

Michael went to her. “Yes, you are. This is not a place for you, Maria. I’ll take care of it.” Michael gestured to Sean to go through the garage, and both he and Alex took off.

Isabel clutched at Alex’s arm, and he stopped.

“Listen to Michael. Take Maria, and go. All of you. We’ll come for you.”


“I know. I’ll be careful. Now go.” Alex kissed her quickly his hand lingering on her cheek.

“Michael…” Maria said.

283 “No. Not over this. You go. It’s not just you at risk here.” Michael waited until Maria finally gave in and nodded. “Take her to the hospital. Her wrist is broken. Take her to

Amy. I’ll come for her there.”

“Michael, the others? Mrs. Mulhoney, Margo, and Zeke?” Maria said with real fear in her voice.

“I’ll get them. Now go!’

Isabel led Maria towards the front door, but Michael stopped Liz and handed her his clutch piece. She looked at it and nodded. He had trusted her with Maria once before; this time it would be different. She was different.

“Don’t worry, Commander. Nothing will harm her.” Michael just nodded. He rushed out after Sean and Alex.


The entire front of the loft area was on fire. Michael came out of the garage and turned to join the others. He could hear sirens in the distance. Sean and Alex were trying to break open Mrs. Mulhoney’s door. The worst concentration of fire and smoke was in the empty unit next to hers, and her actual loft was on fire. He could see thick smoking coming out of Margo’s loft and the other empty lofts next to the garages. All the windows had blown and oxygen was rushing inside, fueling the fire.

“Go through the glass,” Sean yelled.

284 “You can’t,” said Michael. “We installed special security glass on her unit so she would feel secure. Stand back. I’ll blast the door.” Before Michael could lift his arm, it was too late.

Another explosion threw both Sean and Alex to the ground, and blew the door they were trying to get through. Alex just barely escaped having a piece of the door as part of his head, as he hit the ground before it came flying past him. Sean was on his side cussing as flames followed the explosion in large yellow licks of fire that whipped out the door like angry tongues of demons.

“No.” Michael just shook his head. No. Mrs. Mulhoney...

Michael ran for the door despite the flames. Alex saw him coming, and he quickly rolled to his feet as he heard Sean scream.

“Michael, no!”

Alex tackled the raging Michael as he tried to fly by him into the raging inferno. He took him at midgut and they hit the ground hard and rolled. Michael struggled, slugging

Alex as he tried to get Alex to let him go. Sean rushed to help Alex, and the two men had

Michael pinned to the ground.

“Get off me, God damn you! Get off!”

Before either man could reason with him, another explosion shook the structure, and more debris and glass flew, showering them in molten brick and bits of steel.

“She’s gone, Michael. She’s gone.” Sean yelled above the roaring fire. The fight seemed to drain from Michael as they slowly let him up. Michael looked at the door front and saw the entire unit was a blanket of fire and smoke. She was gone. He shook his head

285 and flopped his hands around him, helpless to stop what happened. Horror gripped him for a moment until his thoughts turned.

Margo. Zeke.

Michael rushed around the warehouse building to the east end where Margo and

Zeke’s doors were. The south half of the building was on fire, but the north side appeared untouched beyond the firewall running straight down the middle of the building, separating the four lofts on the south from the four lofts on the north.

Michael looked at Margo’s unit. It was on the south and also on fire. The last explosion had come from her door, and billowing smoke was obscuring the entrance.

Michael, Alex and Sean ran towards that unit, as fire licked out the exploded windows.

Through the smoke came a figure. Zeke. Zeke carrying Margo’s still form in his arms, struggling to keep his feet. He jumped through the fire and smoke to the outside and into the waiting arms of Michael, Sean and Alex.

The three men pulled him and Margo back from the structure as they all collapsed in a heap. Zeke was struggling for a breath, his voice thick and hoarse.

“It’s going to explode! Margo’s artist materials...”

Alex rushed to his feet and put a hand under Zeke’s arm and Michael took the still

Margo from him. Sean took Zeke’s other arm, and the group of them ran. They hadn’t cleared the sidewalk before another explosion sent them flying across the grassy area onto into the parking lot there. Zeke was coughing and struggling so much that he lost his stomach. Alex held his head as he retched, and the three men turned to look at the burning lofts.

Sean checked Margo, and frowned. “Michael, I can’t get a pulse.”

286 Alex pushed him aside and tried for one too. Nothing. Swearing, he moved, checked her mouth for an obstruction, quickly listened to her heart, and began CPR. Zeke watched helplessly as tears streamed down his face from the smoke. His face and hands were blackened from the soot and blood. Looking around, he saw firemen starting to move into the area quickly, but no paramedics.

“Where the hell are the paramedics?” His voice broke, edged in breaking desperation.

Alex stopped as the woman started to cough. She didn’t wake up, but he was getting a pulse. “She’s breathing.”

Zeke knelt next to her, his hand checking for himself. Breathing a sigh of relief, he bent down and kissed her cheek resting his head against her.

The Fire Department’s larger units arrived, and already they were deploying teams.

They had extended ladders moved into place as hoses were pulled and moved up to their tops. Michael could see firemen on his roof, on the building unit housing his and Maria’s loft away from the main structure. They were searching the units on the other side, and wetting the rooftop of the units not on fire.

A fire marshal came to the group sitting in a huddle watching the fire.

“Is everyone out?”

Zeke looked up and around. Some were missing.

Michael shook his head. His voice was thick from the smoke, and he had to shout to be heard above the roar of the fire.

“No. There was someone left in the first unit on the south side. We couldn’t get to her.”

287 Zeke looked at Michael in horror and struggled to his feet. “No! No!” Zeke took off around the corner trying to get to Mrs. Mulhoney’s door, but Michael caught him and pulled him back.

“Let me go, dammit. We can’t just leave her!”

Michael pulled the young man’s body back hard against his. “It’s okay, Zeke. She’s already gone. Let her go, son.”

Zeke looked up at Michael’s stark solemn face, and back at the burning building.

Coughing, he wiped an arm against his eyes as they filled with tears from something else other than smoke. Turning in Michael’s arms he reached an arm around Michael’s neck as the older man held him tight in a strong hug. It was hard to see young Zeke crying. It wasn’t something he did well or often, much like Margo never spoke. Holding the young boy, Michael just watched the building burn as he slowly lowered them to the ground.

“My fault,” said Zeke hoarsely. “My fault.”

“No. We couldn’t get to her. It was too late. It was no one’s fault.” Michael said, not believing it for a moment. His. His fault. He promised Maria he’d get them. He was too late. And if Zeke hadn’t gone for Margo, she would’ve been lost too.

“I could have. I was first on the scene.” Zeke could stop crying. “All I could think of was Margo, and I should’ve gone for Mrs. Mulhoney first.” Zeke bowed his head against

Michael’s chest. “I was only thinking about myself, and how I couldn’t…not without

Margo, and…”

“You couldn’t save them both!” Michael said forcing the young man to listen.

“Listen to me! Margo was the better choice. Mrs. Mulhoney’s place was next to the primary blast. Chances are she was already gone even before the fire started.”

288 “I should have gone for her. She died alone.” Michael just hugged the young man harder, and he looked over his shoulder at the fire. He should’ve been faster.

They both watched as firemen tried to make it inside. They entered the loft nearest to the garage and were fighting the fire in Margo’s loft, but the two middle lofts were gone.

Zeke’s entire body shook as the top floor caved in and ash, smoke and debris flew.

“Michael?” Michael looked up at the fire chief crossing over to him.


“I thought it was your address that called it in. Is Maria ok?”

“Hospital. She hurt her wrist.”

The fire chief nodded. “Your structure is fine, and the back lofts are undamaged. A little smoke damage and there will be water damage as well. I had them tape and close all the back lofts until the building inspector and arson investigators can clear the structures.

The garages and the annex loft area were undamaged except for the glass from the stress waves. It was lucky that they were closed off by the firewall as well.”

“There was a large explosion that started it,” said Michael, not really much into talking. “You need to call in Simon’s forensic teams and the bomb unit support to check out the rest of the structures for more bombs.”

The fire chief looked up at the building. “Parsons! Get me bomb squad, and pull those boys out of the unoccupied units now!” He looked down at Michael. “Same person as the DA’s offices and Valenti?” Michael nodded. The older man swore and grabbed his field squawk from his hip. Talking into it for a few moments a few feet from them, another fireman stopped to talk to him. The chief nodded and came back to them.

289 “I’ll make sure you’ll get a copy of the report. The paramedics are here. They need to take the young lady in and I suspect this young man as well. All of you need to be checked out for smoke and glass. The investigator will come find you.”

Michael nodded. Zeke, hearing them talk about Margo, struggled to get up, and before Michael could stop him he was off and running, stopping every few steps to cough and retch. Michael went after him.

Alex was talking to the paramedic who was checking Margo over. She had an oxygen mask on and they had covered her head wound. She still hadn’t regained consciousness. Zeke struggled with the paramedics until Michael intervened.

“Zeke, put the damn mask on, now! Let them load Margo. She needs to be at the hospital.” Zeke calmed down in the face of Michael more authoritive voice. Michael turned to the paramedic. “Take him too.”

“I can’t let anyone…”

“You aren’t. He has smoke inhalation, some burns and cuts.” The paramedic finally went over and checked the young man. He had a large piece of glass embedded in his upper arm, and some still bleeding off his neck.

“We’ll take him with her. That glass needs to come out.”

Michael nodded. Good. Looking at Zeke, he talked in a calmer voice than he felt,

“Ezekiel, you go now. They’ll take care of you and Margo, and I’ll see you at the hospital.” Zeke nodded. “How did you get that glass in your arm?”

“I jumped through Margo’s window. I couldn’t get the door open.” Zeke said as the paramedics led him to the ambulance with Margo.

290 Sean and Alex came to stand next to Michael. They watched as the ambulance pulled away with sirens and lights going. The structure was on fire behind them. All three men stood there in the early morning dark short of dawn as the world burned around them.

That was how Simon found them. Michael in the center, with Alex on his left a little back and reaching into his pocket for a cigarette looking down as he lit it. He passed one to

Sean who was next to Michael’s right side, wiping his face with his sleeve, crouching to the ground and coughing. Simon told his man to get a picture of them.

Alex lit up, and tossed the lighter to Sean. “That kid’s got some sand.”

Sean got his cigarette lit, and took a calming draw just before Michael reached over and took the cigarette from his hand and threw it to the ground to stomp it out.

“Yeah, he’s tough. He’s had to be.” Michael ignored Sean’s protest. “You don’t fucking smoke anymore, remember?”

“Like you don’t cuss.”

Michael turned around and looked at the structure. Looking at Alex, who was watching it with a dispassionate eye, Michael stared up at the night sky lit by the fire.

“You in?” He asked Alex.

Alex nodded. “Yeah. I’m in.” Mrs. Mulhoney was a favorite. This time they came too close.

“Then let’s go to work.”


291 Isabel paced the ER as Liz made phone calls. She had already talked to Max, and was searching for Kyle’s number when Amy and Jim arrived.

Jim was up and walking with his left arm in a sling, and Amy was in a wheelchair with a nurse pushing her. They spotted the girls, so Liz hung up to talk to Jim.

“Maria?” Amy’s voice wobbled as she spoke. “We were told that they brought Maria in. Is it the babies?” Isabel was astounded. They woke Amy and Jim at this ungodly time in the morning to tell them about Maria?

Isabel quickly went to Amy’s side and took her hand. “No. She took a fall at the loft.

Her hand is broken. She tried to stop herself from falling hard.”

Amy put and hand to her mouth. “The babies?”

“They called her doctor. He’s in there now checking her out, and then they’ll cast her hand.” Liz said quietly. They had taken a long time in x-ray because of Maria’s pregnancy. She looked up at Jim and motioned to talk to him alone. He nodded.

Reaching down he quickly kissed Amy on the cheek. “Honey, I’ll be right back.

Maria is going to need something to eat. Liz will help me.”

They left Isabel with Amy. Jim led Liz out of the ER towards the cafeteria, and the outside concession area.

“Ok, what happened?”

“The lofts were bombed.”

Jim stopped short, looking at Liz. “Michael?”

“He stayed behind with Alex and Sean. They went to get the others out.”

Jim swore and rubbed his face with his one good hand. “That’s how Maria fell? The bomb?”

292 Liz nodded. “The explosion was powerful enough to throw us from our beds. Maria must have felt herself falling and she reached out to stop herself before the babies got harmed.” Liz reached into the back of her jean’s waistband. “Michael gave me this.” Liz handed him Michael’s clutch piece.

Jim’s face went dark. “The same person?” Liz nodded. Jim took the gun and placed it in his sling on his arm. “Who did you call?”

“Max. I was trying to call Kyle when you came. I wanted to warn him.”

Jim swore and stopped at the nearest phone. “You go get some candy bars. As many as you can. I don’t care if you have to break the damn machine. Especially peanut ones.

I’ll call Kyle. He better damn well have his security system on.” Liz hurried off as Jim dialed his son, but the phone was busy. Looking at the time, Jim assumed that Kyle was being told at that moment so he hung up the phone. He’d try again later.

When they got back to the ER, DocJim was leaving Maria’s room. Amy intercepted him, and Jim joined them as they were talking.

“The babies and Maria are fine, Amy. It’s early in the morning. What are you doing down here?”

“My daughter is here. Where should I be?”

“Resting would be a good idea.” He squatted down next to her wheelchair. “She’s fine. Just a broken wrist. Small cast. Off in six weeks or less. She said she fell and was bracing herself to keep from letting the babies get hurt. And they’re fine.” DocJim looked up at Jim’s worried face. “Now I’m not keeping her or anything, so you can stop worrying.” Getting up, he patted Jim on the shoulder. “Tell Michael that I would like him to call me as soon as he can.”

293 Jim nodded. “First thing. Are you sure…”

“No. It’s okay. I’m just going to make some vitamin changes, so he needs to call and get the information. Just pass it along.” DocJim looked down at Amy. “You, go rest.

Don’t upset my patient any more than she needs to be. Next time I see you, I expect to see you on your feet.”

“Yes, doctor.” Amy said prettily. DocJim just laughed and took himself off.

While Maria was having her hand casted, Jim took Amy aside. He told her about the loft, and both Isabel and Liz looked over sharply at her reaction. Looking away, they gave the couple some time to talk together. Before Maria was through, the ambulance came in with Margo and Zeke.

The entire ER went into overdrive as Margo was shuttled into a closed room. Zeke walked in under his own steam with an oxygen mask on. Amy saw him first and her sound of distress alerted Jim.

“Damn.” Jim stopped Amy from going to the young man as an orderly and nurse helped Zeke into a room. “Amy, you need to stay here. Maria is going to need to be told.”

“Michael? Where is Michael?”

“He’ll be here, just try to keep Maria calm. She’s already been upset enough. I’ll go check on Zeke and Margo.”

Isabel and Liz came over. They stayed with Amy as Amy watched Jim go to talk to the young doctor on call. Her small voice called after him, “Where is Mrs. Mulhoney?”

Jim stopped in Zeke’s room. They were giving the boy a shot for pain, and looking at the glass embedded in his upper arm. No real damage, but it would have to be removed.

294 The kid looked like he had walked through a war zone. He saw Jim and tried to sit up.

They pushed him back down.

“Margo? How is Margo?”

Jim just shook his head. “I’ll go check.” He stopped and quietly asked the young man, “Mrs. Mulhoney?”

Zeke’s eyes filled with tears again and his face fell in devastation. Jim squeezed the boy’s hand and went to check on Margo. He couldn’t tell Maria. He just couldn’t.

It was the beginning of a very long day.


Maria was out of the treatment room and pacing the floor waiting for news about

Zeke and Margo. She was strangely silent. Amy watched and Jim worried as he tried to palm off candy bars on her, but Maria wasn’t eating. She lost control a few times and a few monitors suffered a noble death. They took Zeke to a special room to inject dye in and around his wound so they could extract all the glass. No one had mentioned Mrs.

Mulhoney. Maria was barely holding on, and she’d need Michael there to control the surge of power from the twins when she learned the bad news.

Margo had a concussion and smoke inhalation. They moved her to a special monitoring room in the ICU, and once Zeke returned, the entire group moved away from the ER. That was how Michael found them.

Kyle had taken Tess to her family’s house, and he was in a corner talking to Jim.

After he was informed, bomb squad came to their house to check it out. Kyle called and

295 arranged for the security company to send men over to the loft complex until new windows could be installed, and the doors replaced. Max was absent. He was at the PD working on organizing manpower. The bomb squad had found residual parts of the original bomb. It had been placed in the empty unit next to Mrs. Mulhoney’s loft, and the initial blast took out that entire loft and a good portion of hers. It was set upstairs, and more than likely the elderly woman never woke from her sleep.

Both Liz and Isabel were trying to get people to take some coffee and sit down, especially the pacing Maria. It was hard. The amount of nervous energy in Maria was increasing, and the rest looked on with concern as her skin started to show a color display streaking across her skin. Isabel could feel the power from where she was standing, and instinctually she stepped back and away. Maria was like a nuclear core reactor on the verge of meltdown.

It was the arrival of Michael that seemed to disarm the building power. Maria looked up as Michael, Sean and Alex came through the door. They were all covered in soot and blood. The three walked in abreast. Their attitudes were as black as their clothing and skin. Isabel saw Alex and made a straight beeline for him. Liz stood back watching Sean.

His face was grim, and the usual humor and sparkle in his eyes were missing.

Michael was the one to watch. There was nothing there. Just a coldness. Deep abiding rage barely controlled. His eyes found Maria’s and he never wavered. Taking in her broken hand and the tear tracks on her face, he went to her, ignoring all others and their questions along the way.

296 Michael and Maria shared a silent look, and Michael took her in his arms and led her away from the others. Sitting her down in a chair, he squatted down in front of her.

Maria’s hands found his head and forced him to look up at her.

“Mrs. Mulhoney?” Maria asked with her hand over her heart feeling it beating hard against the palm of her hand. Tears were already in her eyes. She wasn’t stupid enough not to realize that the elderly woman was never brought to the ER, but she needed

Michael to confirm her worst fear.

Michael remained silent, but a slight shake of his head and Maria’s voice broke.

“Oh God!” Her voice broke, and deep inside was a painful sound of an animal caught in pain. It seemed to echo in his ears as he held her against him, soothing her back, but he couldn’t take away from her what he couldn’t release in himself. It moved between them like a deep cut, bleeding and stark, ripping away everything that was normal and real. Michael held her tight as she cried on his shirt. Speaking to her in a low tone, he said words that made no sense, but Maria wasn’t listening anyway. She was off somewhere. Pain. He could feel her pain. It was his.

“I’m sorry. I promised to get them, but I got there too late.” Michael kissed the side of her head. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t get to her.”

Maria just cried. Away from them, the group was silent. Alex reached down and spoke low in Isabel’s ear and it was her startled cry and denial that pulled the rest of the group from their silent despair. Isabel just stood there in shock, her hand on her mouth as her stomach felt empty. Alone. At least her parents had each other when their car was blown up. It was happening again.

297 Michael picked up Maria and walked down the long silent halls devoid of workers and daily staff. Sitting down in a darkened hall, he held her in his lap and let her cry.

There had once been a time when tears found no outlet in Maria, but recently it seemed as if all she did was cry.

If sorrow was a river of despair, and a broken heart was the point of entry, then pain found its place in Maria’s soul. Today she had lost one of her innocents. It was hard thing for most people, but for Maria, it was more. She did more than help people. She took them into her life, made them part of her. Today a large part of her was ripped away.

Mrs. Mulhoney.

A kindly old woman who never did anyone any harm. She, who was left practically penniless when her husband died, had children that never visited, never called. Left struggling on her own, barely able to feed herself on her husband’s social security and pension, she was one of the lost souls that had found their way to Maria.

Maria met Mrs. Mulhoney at a time when she was sadly broken and in need of a grandmother, someone who would bake her cookies and tell her that there was indeed a silver lining in all clouds. Despite being destitute, the beautiful Mrs. Mulhoney never found a reason not to smile and be pleasant. Inside her was the most noble and gentlest of creatures. Mrs. Mulhoney gave Maria Mr. Booboo, a stray kitten she had found in a dumpster, because she felt that they needed each other. Maria made a home for the sweet elderly lady, because there was no amount of money or time she could give to ever equal or repay what Mrs. Mulhoney gave her in a time of need.

That sweet woman had died alone.

298 If it was pain they wanted to serve to these people, then pain they would get. All of them stood in the light of a new day and, unusual for a dry September, it rained, and rained.

299 Chapter Ten: Time will come and take my love away.

Day Ten: Thursday, 8:03 am

The coffee was hot. That was all Michael could say about it. Nothing. He felt nothing. He tasted nothing. Yesterday had wiped away everything from his senses. A creeping numbness invaded his body. The world would never be the same. Sipping the coffee, he listened to the person on the other end of the phone. A frown marred his attractive features into a mask of coldness.

“I don’t care! The cost is secondary. Get those windows and doors repaired today!

The security company will issue passes to your men, but I don’t want anyone working there if they haven’t been in your employ for at least five years.”

Michael swore as the man on the other end argued that it would be impossible to fulfill that request. Sean came into the kitchen and grabbed the coffee. Sitting down at the kitchen table, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and settled back to listen to Michael.

“The building inspector cleared the back lofts. There is power, and the security people will be there all day installing a new security system. The construction team will also be there repairing the water damage. I’ve got people all over the place. I need those windows installed today. The glass doors can be installed by the construction team, but only your company carries the security panes I want.” Michael listened for a few moments. “I’m unwilling to wait a week. If you can’t do the contract, I’ll find a company that can, even if I have to go to Albuquerque to do it. I am offering a bonus to get it done today, and that bonus is in cash. You have my number. I’ll give you one hour to decide to do it, or I’ll get someone else.”

300 Sean winced when Michael slammed the phone down. Watching the man, it was hard to figure out how he continued to keep going. Yesterday was the worst day for all of them. They thought that the day Jim and Amy were hurt was that day, but yesterday taught them just how much worse it could get.

“What you want for breakfast?”

Michael just shrugged and picked up the phone again. Sean took his cup and went to search the refrigerator. Amy and Jim’s house had stood empty for over a week, but last night it became a refuge. Liz went home to her parents’ house, and Isabel was staying with Alex. Michael, Maria and Sean took over the Valenti house. Yesterday was spent hiring a construction contractor to get into the remaining lofts and repair smoke and water damage as soon as possible. The fire marshal and police crime scene investigators had cleared the remain structure. The firewall had saved the north part of the renovated warehouse structure from being completely destroyed.

Normalcy. They needed their lives back immediately, and Michael was working hard to restore it for all of them, especially Maria. The loss of Mrs. Mulhoney had hit Maria hard. All the fight she had in her body seemed to have been depleted, and in a matter of hours she collapsed into a bundle of tired nerves. Both Margo and Zeke were still in the hospital, but they were hoping to bring Zeke home today.

Margo’s loft was damaged beyond repair. It would need to be completely rebuilt.

One of the empty lofts on the north side could be renovated for Margo either as a temporary solution, or if she’d like, a permanent one. Maria was silent for once, so

Michael was taking care of everything. He wanted all of the collapsed loft area removed and cleared away before he took Maria home.

301 Both Sean and Michael had been back to the complex several times to search for Mr.

Booboo, but the cat was gone. Michael didn’t have the heart to tell Maria, so he told the construction crews to keep an eye out for a whiny black cat losing its hair.

Sean had had enough. “Michael, put down the phone and sit.” Michael ignored him and searched for another number to call. “Michael, sit down before you fall down!”

Sean grabbed the phone and hung it up.

“Back off, Sean.”

“You back off! If you go down, who’s going to take care of Maria? She’s already breaking, but if she loses you too, it would destroy her.”

“I’m doing this for Maria! Everything I do is for Maria! Everything!” His life had reorganized itself to revolve around her, and all his energy and thoughts went into keeping her with him. There was nothing else. Nothing more important.

Sean took a skillet and put it on the burner. Grabbing milk, bread and eggs from the refrigerator, he checked the bread for mold. “I know you are. Normally, I’d be in there with you, but you’re too stretched. It’s not going to kill you to stop and breathe.”

Yes, it would. How could Sean not know that? It was in the pit of his stomach. A sourness. A tiredness of his soul that bled outward. Mrs. Mulhoney hadn't just belonged to Maria, she had been one of them, a part of their family. And she was gone. He couldn’t think about it or talk about it. If he sat still too long, the reality that there would be no more cookies, no more going over to move furniture, and no more kind sweet woman to pat him on the arm and tell him about ‘when she was a girl’ caught up with him. If he stopped, he might never start again.

302 Some days you could convince yourself that you had nothing left to lose, that all the things you held in your hand were what was important, and you’d protect them. What did a person do when that which they protected was gone? Failure was a terrible thing when the price of failing came at such a grave cost.

Max knocked on the door and waited a moment before entering. Seeing the two men facing each other, neither speaking, made him lose his tongue as well. Michael nodded and without a word, he left the room.


“Sean, what just happened?”

“I’m not sure. He’s not talking, so I don’t know.” Sean had to cook. His nerves were frayed. “I think he’s scared.”

Max sat down at the table. Watching Sean, he reached over for the coffee. “You got another clean cup?”

“Sure.” Sean passed over a cup and started frying bacon. Meat. Breakfast meat. That would make him feel better.

“It’s hard for him, you know.” Sean looked up at Max, but remained silent. “He lost his father a while ago, and after Mikey died, Michael was alone. That was hard. He found

Isabel and me, but it was never the same. Mikey gave Michael something none of us can possibly understand. An identity. A name. A place. Without him, it was like Michael lost all sense of belonging, so he searched. He searched hard. All he could understand was in some ways he was stronger than others, but deep inside, he always knew that in other places he was weaker. He once told me that he never thought he would fall in love or marry, that he didn’t have it in him to risk that much again.”

303 Sean started cracking eggs and whipping them with milk. “That makes no sense to me. Practically from the moment he met Maria…”

“Exactly. From the first moment he saw her. I was there. The electricity was instantly apparent. One look, one touch, and it was as if she jumpstarted his cold heart. The heart he forgot how to use, or maybe he used it too much. Hard to say.” Max took a drink of his coffee. “He wasn’t looking for it, and if the truth be known, he was trying to avoid it at all costs. So Maria was unexpected, a surprise.”


Max laughed. No, that was too simple. “Yes, but there is more there. Like there is between all of us. Michael, Isabel and I, we were all pretty messed up and isolated when we came here. But I know that it was meant for us to all be here in Roswell, to meet.

Maria was here, waiting. Destiny. Karma. Kismet. Who knows? I just know from the moment they met, they knew. It was like they recognized the other in a cosmic way.”

“And he’s scared…”

“If he loses this time, there will be no coming back. Mikey was bad, but Maria?”

Max couldn’t even find the words to express what he knew instinctually. It was beyond words. All he could see was that one long awful day when they almost didn’t make it.

Michael, standing outside her room in the ER, hugging his stomach, afraid and almost broken. It was shocking to see him need someone that much, but Michael did need.

“Maria completes him, and he does the same for her. Both of them were running pretty fast, but they both stopped the moment they met. It was time. Running was no longer an option. If he loses her, what does he do? He doesn’t know how to run anymore. He won’t be able to run fast enough or hide from the pain, from the loneliness.”

304 Max was right. There were no words for it, or even a clean concept. Love. A small word to encompass so a strong emotion, so complex and variable.

“He fights being alien because it’s the one thing that could take her away from him.”

“Yes.” Max looked into the empty cup. Sean was making French toast, and Max watched as he flipped them without even paying attention. “It’s the very thing that’s killing her. He’s scared because the unknown makes him powerless, unable to stop what’s happening.”

“And this bomber…”

“Is the same. A danger he can’t find. It’s coming at us in all directions, and we stand vulnerable. How terrible must it be for the hunter to become the hunted?”

Sean passed Max a plate of French toast and crisp bacon. “We’re losing him, Max.

I’ve never seen him so…”

“I know.” Max pushed a mouthful of food in, and shook his coffee cup at Sean. He had stayed up all night at the PD coordinating everything, waiting for reports. It was a long night. He hadn’t even had the time to call Jonathan and let him know what was going on, but he needed to do that very thing. Jonathan would be angry not to be there.

“I could call in a few favors from my family.” Sean said nonchalantly.

Max had already considered that. It didn’t have to be Sean. Amy or Michael could do it as well. The DeLuca family would do anything to help Maria, to help any of them.

After Amy married, it was apparent that both Sean and Amy were considered family again, and Michael was included on his own merit. There was something in Michael that the DeLuca family saw and understood, a kindred spirit of sorts. And despite being a cop, they respected and honored him with an extended hand of fellowship. And for Maria,

305 Michael was smart enough to overlook what family he was marrying into, and accept the gesture for what it meant.

“Perhaps Michael should call?”

“ ‘Miko’ should.” Sean dipped his bacon in his syrup thoughtfully. “But I don’t know that he can. He’s not all here. He isn’t thinking. I think that we’ll have to carry Michael this time.”

Maria was down, and with her went a sense of stability in their lives. She was

Michael’s rock. Maria was the person all people turned to confide in, to talk to, to clear up what was bothering them. Even people who never talked, found themselves confiding in Maria. She and Michael had a symbiotic relationship. They depended and used the other in a mutual relationship, beneficial to each of them. Those ties were so established now, it was a hard to imagine what would happen if they were severed. The answer was, they could not be severed. Whatever it took to keep them was worth it.


She was too small. Too tired.

Standing in the door, he watched her. A lot of time was spent watching her.

Worrying. Sitting on edge of the bed, Michael took one of her hands and raised it to his mouth. Rubbing her fingers across his lip he closed his eyes and willed her to feel better, to mend.


306 Michael hadn’t realized that she was awake. She was watching him. Perhaps… perhaps she watched him as much as he watched her.

“Professor. You missed a feeding.”

“I’m tired. I needed sleep more, and now I need to go back to the hospital.”

Michael stood up and paced the room. “You need to rest, and eat, and rest some more.”

Maria sat up in bed and looked at him kindly. He was breaking. The string of his reserve was drawn and pulled to the edge. It couldn’t happen, but there were some things that couldn’t be changed, no matter what. Wishing didn’t make them so, and all that was left was reality.

“I have to go. You know that.”


“My people are in the hospital, Michael. Mine. You do what you have to.”

Michael took a seat next to her and picked up her hand. “The babies…”

“I know. I know that you’re worried. I’m worried too, but life goes on. I can’t…”

Maria looked away and stared at the wall. “They need me.”

Michael glanced at her pale small face. So much ground already lost in less than twenty-four hours. She had been fighting so long and so hard. It was the price she paid. A price they were paying. Her skin was cold last night, and she was too tired to wake up and eat. In the early morning gloom, he sat watching her sleep, and that deep concentration was back. They needed her, but what she didn’t say was that she needed them.

307 “I can’t stop, Maria. I can’t. I know that you have things to do, and don’t think I don’t know that you’ve given up many things along the way for the babies and for me. I don’t want to beg more from you.”

Her finger came to rest on his lips. “Don’t beg. Ask. I’d do anything you ask. You know that.”

Michael kissed her finger. That was the problem. He wouldn’t ask. She knew that.

There were some circumstances and limits even they wouldn’t breach. The rules. They worked for a reason. They were more than words on a paper to remind them to be considerate of each other. The rules were in their hearts. Forged, tried and true. They worked because they were meant to work. He couldn’t ask. Not for his fear, and not for his children. He had to trust Maria to know her own limits, and to be who was she was.

Her people were down and in need. It was killing her. It was sapping her of whatever strength remained, but she had to continue. There was no other way for people such as they. No other way. The balance they struck was a separate peace.

“At least let me feed you. Promise me that, okay? You skipped a feeding.”

“I was tired. So tired.”

Michael could feel her coldness. “I know, but I need it too. It’s not just for you.”

Maria leaned back in the bed, and hooked her hand on his shirt, and pulled him down to her. “Detective, are you suggesting that I am neglecting you?”

“Very much so, Professor. I was forced to talk to Sean this morning. I could feel all my IQ points settling in my groin.”

308 Maria laughed and kissed him on the lips. “I know you. I refuse to let you blame poor Sean for the fact that all your thoughts revolve around your…nether regions. You’ve been that way since I met you, so this isn’t anything new.”

Michael moved her over, and slid in the bed next to her, pulling her tight up against him. “Then it must be your fault. Before you, I was on a pretty long dry spell with no real desire to end it.”

“Now that I can’t imagine.” Maria undid the buttons of his shirt. Her eyes darkened at the sight of his skin, and the telltale quickening of the heartbeat under his skin. Her voice became husky and almost lazy in a long draw. “Feed me, Detective. I’m hungry.”

“God, Maria…” Michael drew her so close, and it wasn’t close enough. She took away everything. All the worry. All the pain. For a short time, it was just them, and he could actually rest.


The doctor was leaving Margo’s room when they arrived. Zeke was sitting outside her door waiting patiently. He saw them coming towards them, but the doctor held his attention.

“How is she? Is she awake? Can I…”

“Zeke, let the doctor talk,” Michael said soothingly, his arm going around the younger man’s shoulders and pulling him back to give the doctor room.

“Guerin. Why am I not surprised?” The doctor hesitated. “Actually I am. You’re on the wrong side. Usually it’s you in this bed.”

309 “C’mon, Jack…” Maria put a hand on his arm.

Jackie saw Maria and smiled. “Maria! How are you feeling?”

“Tired.” Jackie was the doctor Maria knew best. The young resident had lived through an intern stint in the ER with the destructive teams of Guerin-Evans and Valenti-

DeLuca terrorizing the medical profession. She was finally doing a rotation in the ICU, and lo and behold, there he was again. Her Waterloo. Her Nemesis. Cranky Detective

Guerin. He was like a bad penny. He always showed up.

Michael, seeing the look of understanding between the two women, felt at a disadvantage. His eyes narrowed and he took in the petite woman with medium length hair in a nice curly black bob.

“Are you a real doctor yet?” Michael said nastily. “We want a real doctor.”

“Michael...” Maria said in a pleading voice.

But Jackie didn’t take offense. Instead she just looked at Michael Guerin, the thorn in her side, pain in the ass Detective that caused her more late shifts than she could count.

Swallowing a smile, she just looked at him in a superior condescending manner.

“Want? Aw....wanting is a good thing. It builds character. By the time you finally get what you want…you finally might even have a personality.”

Michael opened his mouth to respond, but Maria quickly intervened.

“How is Margo?”

“She’s awake. That’s about all I can tell you.”

“Then get us a real doctor who can…”

Jackie continued to ignore him. “She’s not really talking. What little I could get out of her was almost unrecognizable. Too hard to understand.”

310 “Margo rarely talks.” Maria volunteered.

“I checked her over. She had a severed tongue. Is that why?”

“She can talk,” Michael said. “She just finds it hard. Her tongue was bitten clear through when she was eight. Her stepfather used to beat her. She learned to hide from him in small places, but as a child the fear was so great that when she heard him coming, she would give herself away. To keep from making a noise once she bite her tongue so hard…”

Jackie turned pale, and quickly nodded. “I think I’ve got the scenario. Thanks.”

Zeke had turned away when Michael started to tell Margo’s story. He couldn’t take it. He and Margo had much in common. Maybe too much. Thinking of her so scared and abused hurt his stomach. It reminded him of a time when he too was paralyzed with fear, vulnerable and abused.

“May I see her?”

Jackie looked at the young man. She nodded. “Yeah, I think it’s exactly what the doctor would order. Try to get her to eat.” Jackie waited until the young man was in the room. “I’m transferring her out of the unit today, so you’ll get your real doctor soon.”

“Jack,” Michael said. “How is she really?”

“She’ll survive. Though I don’t think that would be surprise to either of you. Her throat will be hoarse, and she took quite a bit of smoke damage, but there is no indication that it did lasting damage. She was lucky to get out when she did.”

“Zeke went in for her.” Michael said softly.

311 Jackie looked at the closed door. That charming attractive young man? Her delicate eyebrow arched in wonder. Where did these two find such interesting and colorful people? It never occurred to her to include herself in that description.

“Well, it should be this afternoon, and if everything goes well she’ll be released either tomorrow or the next day. I take it from the news that her home was lost?”

Maria shook her head no. “Just some of her material possessions. Her home is with us, and that she’ll never lose.”

Jackie glanced at the two. No, she suspected that that was true.

“Thanks, Doc.” Jackie quickly acknowledged Michael’s thanks.

“Good to see you on your feet for a change, Detective. Let’s keep it that way.” She walked away hurriedly as her beeper went off.

Maria watched her and hit Michael in the stomach. “Do you have to be so confrontational with her all the time?”

“With who? The Doc? Aw, c’mon, Maria, she knows me. It’s a sign of affection. She knows that.”

“And what? A two by four across the head is what? A marriage proposal?”

“More like an invitation to dinner,” Michael said opening the door for Maria.



Sean glanced at the phone in his hand again. Sighing, he finally punched in the numbers. Waiting for the phone to be answered, he calmed his stomach. This was not a

312 real favor. It was a family thing. The abrupt end to the dialing and ringing took a moment to make sense to his brain. It was answered.

“This is Sean. I need help…”


Alex walked through the dark club to the back room. Stopping in the door, he lit up another cigarette as Freddie was testing some equipment.


“We need to talk.”

Freddie put down the cymbals and nodded. It was inevitable. “I figured with everything going on that you’d have to come to me.”

“I’ve kept the faith with you for a long time.”

“You have. I’ve always appreciated that.”

“Can you?”

“Most of the time. It’s hard at times. We don’t feel like you do, but the longer we’re here in human form, the more we are able to understand human feelings and emotions.

I’ve been ‘Freddie for well over fifty years.”

Alex laughed. Yes. That had been the first clue. He met Freddie when he was sixteen and first started playing in the band. By the time he was twenty-two, he started to notice that Freddie never aged. He was eternally twenty-one. So one day, he asked. And a few years of friendship was enough for Freddie to know what Alex was and to understand him, so he took a chance.

313 “Did you know they were here?”

Freddie laughed. “No. We suspected that they might come here. It was where they crashed. Homing into what was left behind. But no. For the longest time, I thought they were in New York.” Freddie laughed in a strange humor. “What a disappointment that was!”

Alex grabbed a bottle and sat down. Pouring them both a drink, he waited. Freddie would only tell what he could and no more. Alex wasn’t going to rush him.

“They weren’t the best people in their last lives.”

“Last lives?” Alex’s eyes narrowed. “You better explain that.”

Freddie sat down and took a cigarette from Alex’s pack. Alex wouldn’t ask unless things were getting very serious. Taking up the lighter, Freddie drew in deep. Damn, that felt good! He loved Earth. Loved it in so many different ways. It was like that damn silly movie with the Dorothy chick. Damn whiny chick she was, but okay on the eyes if only she’d stop singing. Anyway, Antar was like Kansas, grey and colorless. Tasteless. And

Earth? It was all in Technicolor.

“They were the ‘Royal Four’. Three siblings and a consort to the King.”

“Consort? You mean…”

“His wife. The Queen. The first two were the Royal blood of Antar, and the third, the

Commander, was a son of the King by a neighboring planet’s Queen. That planet had lost their King, and their Queen needed an heir. She chose her nearest and most deadly enemy in the hopes that their child would bring their two worlds into an unbreakable alliance.”

“The Commander?”

314 “The one you call ‘Michael’.” Freddie laughed. “I know him well. I followed him.

Worshipped him. He was our hope. He was the ‘second’, and next in line to the throne. If the King, Zan, failed, it would have been Rath, your Michael, who would’ve been in line to take control.”

“So he’s their brother, Max and Isabel’s?”

Freddie nodded. “Yes. In our corner of the galaxy it doesn’t mean the same as it does here, but close. Zan was King. He was born before your Isabel by mere breaths. First twin birth in so many centuries. There was a lot of jealousy there that Zan ruled merely by an accident of birth. Your Michael was born almost exactly the same moment they were, and the strange thing about it was that he was born exactly at the same time as Vilandra.

They’re all twins in a strange way. Isabel wanted to rule, but with Michael alive at the same time, it would never happen. The throne would pass to the next male in direct bloodline. Michael was destined to rule two planets as one.”

“How many planets we talking here?”

“Five. Five in the Crest. Antar was always the strongest. It had the Granilith.”

Alex was getting confused. “Maybe your people should write this all down.”

“It is written, has been written. Destiny is a strange thing. You can run from it, but you can’t hide. It finds you eventually.”

“So how did they die?”

“Very painfully.” Freddie took another drink. “Not at first. There were six from the five.”

“I don’t understand.”

315 “No, I’m sure you don’t. Five planets in a ‘V’ formation. Antar sat on the cusp. At the end. Two on either side. When they were young, the great houses of each planet sent their heirs to be educated at the same place, and there, they became friends. Kivar was from the furthest planet to the left of Antar, with Ava also on the left, but from the planet in between. The Commander was from the right, immediately next to Antar. Finally

Larek’s planet was the furthest on the right. Five planets. Six friends. Three in blood and three in friendship. They were unbreakable, and it looked like for the first time in our history there could be an alliance, a peace.”

“What happened?”

“Politics. Antar still held the power because they had the Granilith, and nothing could change the nature of those who live in our galaxy. A thirst for power is what motivated us in all things. It was decided that King Zan would marry Ava to cement an alliance. It was not a happy union. Zan loved another, but he was cruel enough and corrupted by his own power to want it all, so he agreed. Zan was many things, but the most consistent description would be drunk on his own power. He forgot to pay attention, and he made mistakes.”

“Ava would be…”

“Your Tess. The Queen. She was in love with another as well, but he had died when they were young, so she didn’t protest the union. She knew Zan well enough, and they were attracted to each other, so it worked out on some level bringing her world, Rath’s world and Antar into a strong alliance.”

“Sounds like it should’ve worked. What went wrong?”

316 Freddie sat back in the booth. “We went wrong. It was our nature to thirst for power.

Feelings, or emotions as you know them, don’t really exist in our world. Zan married

Ava, and his best friend, Larek was his best man. The other world was Kivar’s, and he was upset that all the other planets were aligning with Antar. He created dissension and

Zan’s conduct didn’t help matters. Larek and a few others went to the Commander and begged him to overthrow Zan, to take Antar’s rule. Rath refused, but the seeds were sown. He watched his brother, the King closely, and at times they almost came to blows.

Breaking the Commander’s loyalty was impossible. Zan would have had to become the most horrendous of murderers for the Commander to try to overthrow him. Genocide might have swayed him to do it, but...”

“Larek, the King’s best friend, allied against him?”

Freddie shrugged. “Funny thing was, Larek was loyal to Zan, but his people were feeling the weight of tyranny. He was forced to make a decision between his people and his friend. He chose his people. One thing was certain. There was too much turmoil.

Skirmishes, wars and battles were being fought on every planet. Zan was slowly realized he was losing control, and all that he had to control the planets was the Granilith. He also discovered that his sister, Vilandra was aligning with Kivar, and she, who had always been jealous of his throne, was looking to take it with force by marrying Kivar.”

“Vilandra?” Alex paused. “You mean Isabel?”

“Yes.” Freddie looked into his drink. “She’s a story perhaps best left for another time.”

Alex was quiet for a moment. “There’s more?”

“Yes. Much more.”

317 “Can you tell me?”

“No. Perhaps not at this moment. Perhaps never. I can tell you that the threat is not from the aliens, or not specifically. None of the factions would ever harm the Royal Ones.

Not until…”


“Until they find the Granilith. Not until the path of Destiny is set.”

Alex sat back. The Granilith. What the hell? Vilandra…no, his Isabel had betrayed her brother, the King and tried to take his throne? Isabel... Vilandra... How?

“At least tell me about how they were reincarnated if they perished before. How did you recreate them?”

“The Granilith. Its power is immense. With the help of a crystalline entity called a

Gandarium, human DNA with a special chromosomal abnormality and the power of the

Granilith, all four fallen Royals were re-engineered.”

“Why on Earth? Why here?”

Freddie paused. Too much. He was telling too much. “They’re human. They can’t live on our planets. Once their alien essence was mixed with human DNA, they became essentially human. They were never meant to be lost. That was the mistake. Their ship collided with a human craft...I think it was a weather balloon. Anyway, it brought the ship down before it could continue to the designated area. Their pod chambers were in danger so their protector quickly hid them in a makeshift cavern and left them in order to try draw attention away from them. When he returned years later, they were gone.”

He was hiding something. Alex thoughtfully worked through all the information he had. They were retrieved from death. But why?

318 “What is so special about these ‘Royals’ as you call them? Why bring them back?”

Freddie sighed. “Destiny is only a walk along a determined line. The Royals’ destiny wasn’t completed. They were important enough to risk re-engineering them. There were two attempts. But most of us didn’t know that. One group was more alien than human, and they reside in New York, but they’re not the Royals…merely duplicates. We call them ‘the Dupes’.”

Interesting. Isabel and the three others had replicates who looked exactly like them.

How could they tell the difference?

“These Dupes... How can you be certain they aren’t the real Royals, and the ones here aren’t the backups?”

“Simple. The Dupes are sterile. They have been mating for years, since early in their teens. Nothing has resulted. Too much alien essence in their makeup. They can’t reproduce with humans on Earth, or even with each other. For the longest time, we all suspected that it was a mistake, that too much had been risked for nothing. I found the

Royals first, but didn’t say anything.”

Michael was reproducing with Maria, a human. And Max and Tess, two aliens, were reproducing. That was pretty conclusive. And he had found them first, but didn’t say anything.

“Why? Why were you silent?”

Freddie glanced at his hands. His new husk had almost another fifty years before he would be forced to harvest a new one. Every year closer and closer to that fifty, he almost felt human.

319 “Many of us had given up. We saw the Dupes and realized that it was a lost cause.

Our options were slim to almost non-existent. If we could find their protector and the

Granilith, then we could go home. Our only other option is to make this planet our home.

And I happen to really enjoy this planet. So many things to experience. So many sensations. Except for my husk needing to be replaced every fifty years, I could literally live here forever. I don’t want to go back. The Royals can’t go back either. Why mess up their lives? They were happy... I was happy...”

Alex nodded. It made sense. All of it, except for one thing. Why? “What was this unfulfilled Destiny crap? If they can’t go back and re-establish peace, then why bring them back at all?”

Freddie was silent. Alex and his friend stared each other down, both unwilling to budge on the question or the answer. Some things couldn’t be forced. Alex finally backed off.

“Then at least tell me that this bombing shit, and the threats aren’t from your people.”

“They aren’t from us. None of us would touch any of them, especially not the

Commander, and doubly so, Maria. Never Maria.”

Alex noticed the change in Freddie’s voice at the mention of Maria’s name. It was almost breathless, reverent. Curious. Maria was an engaging woman, but she was human, not a Royal. Why would this alien be so deferential to her?

“She’s sick. Dying.”

“I know. We’ve been watching. All of us.”

320 That close? No wonder Guerin was a neurotic bundle of nerves, hissing and spitting at anyone and anything that got to close to her and his children. He must have sensed the interest, the eyes, and felt them too close as they moved into his territory.

“You told me you couldn’t help her.”

Freddie shook his head sadly. “We can’t. None of us know how. We only know there is a solution, but the details are not something ever explained to us.”

Alex tried not to react to that information. They knew Maria. Knew of her long before they met her. Long before they found her. Freddie had been on the Earth for over fifty years. It was as if he knew that Maria would exist long before she was born. What the hell was going on?

“Can the babies survive without her? If she gets too weak, can they take the babies?”

Taking another cigarette, Freddie lit it and drew the smoke deep into his lungs, or his equivalent of lungs. “No. The babies will come when it’s time. They can’t leave their mother’s body until then. And if anything happens to her within the first six years of their birth…the twins will die without her.”

“Die? Why? She doesn’t remain pregnant for six years?” Alex felt a breaking of sweat on his body, and an empty feeling in his stomach. Impossible. She was hardly going to make nine months, but six years would be… No. It couldn’t happen!

“Until there is an internal trigger to commence labor, the babies are connected to their mother in so many ways, I can’t even begin to make you understand. Once they’re developed enough to release the physical connections, then birth will be triggered. But even their father, who is more human than alien, was in an incubation pod for over six years. It took that long for all his mental, neurological, and sensory pathways to close and

321 develop enough for him to control them. Without that developmental time, his alien mind and powers would have been unleashed, unrestrained, and used out-of-control by a child unable to understand them. That crucial six years created a mental connection with the other three that basically dampened their powers until all four were born. There was a mistake. They weren’t born together. The one you call Tess is younger. She took longer than the rest. Perhaps her incubation chamber was damaged during the crash, or possibly it failed and she went into hibernation while in stasis. Hard to say. They should’ve all emerged at the same time.”

“Four months ago they all finally stood in the same room, at the same time for the first time. There was a power surge. I was there. It was amazing.”

“Yes. That was the unlocking of their innate powers.”

“And the twins? Do they go into stasis too? Incubation pods?”

“No. Their mental connection to their mother remains after birth. For six years she is the control, the dampening of their powers. Their powers are already active and there is no mechanism to shut them off, so they’re rerouted through mental pathways to their mother. All that they are and all that they will be, is maintained by her. At six they will have an awakening and their powers will finally be their own. But until then, their lives are connected to her in a mutual symbiotic relationship. They can’t survive mentally without her. She is, in effect, their incubation pod.”

“So she’s important for that reason? For the survival of the hybrid twins? Is it really the twins that are important, and Maria just part of the package?”

“There is more. She has a greater role, both she and the Commander. The

Commander’s followers are Skins who would never harm or let harm come to the

322 Commander or his family. He has and always will be our greatest hope.” Freddie stood.

He had said too much. It was time to leave before he revealed any more. “I can tell you this. There are more than just two factions of Skins. There is at least one Shapeshifter and an army of Walkers, who are human hosts taken over and used as puppets. But for the

Royals, the enemy has always been from within. Close. Inside. Just be careful who you trust, Alex. Who you love. She betrayed them once, and what was inside her once can very well rise again. She has a vulnerability inside that can be exploited. Choose carefully. Walk softly.”

Freddie left a very quiet Alex watching him through a haze of smoke. Isabel.

Vilandra. What the hell was a frickin’ Granilith, and why was it so important? Alex decided to sit back, drink a few whiskeys and chain smoke. Maybe the chemicals would clear his brain. If the aliens weren’t the threat, then who was?


It was late before Michael found a way to get Maria away from the hospital. Zeke could go home, but he insisted on staying with Margo. Tomorrow, they might bring her home, and if they could he would bring them both.

“Maria, wake up. We’re home.”

“The loft?” Her voice sound groggy with sleep.

“No, your mom’s and Jim’s.” Michael frowned. She had fallen asleep in less than a minute after they got in the car. The entire day in the hospital wore on her.

“Did you find Mr. Booboo?”

323 “Soon. I promise.” Getting out of the car, he went around and picked her up. She was almost asleep again. “Maria, I can’t let you sleep, honey. You have to eat.”

“Too tired. Just let me sleep for a little while, and then I promise…”

“No. You already promised to eat. Remember?” Michael looked down at her snuggling in his arms, her head resting in the crook of his shoulder. She was so tired. She had to eat.

Pausing to enter the security code, Michael shut the door behind them and quickly re-engaged the alarm. Going up the stairs, he took her into their bedroom. It was the main guest room. Sean was staying in Kyle’s old bedroom down the hall. The house was silent, missing the activities of its normal inhabitants. Maria just snuggled into the warmth of the covers.

“Maria, c’mon. Food, then sleep.”

Maria turned over and looked at him with tired eyes. Smiling slightly, her smile quickly left her face. Reaching up her hand, she stroked his face softly, her fingertips dragging along the various features.

“You look exhausted, Detective.”

“Hard day.”

“Hard life,” she said softly. Lifting a little she fitted her mouth to his. Kissing him, his eye closed and he allowed himself to be pulled into her, inside. She had to do so little to make him happy. Just a smile, a kiss. Michael looked down at her his eyes, drinking ever minute inch of her face. His.

“Maria,” he said hoarsely, but she stopped him with another kiss.

324 “I know. I love you, too.” Maria pulled him down with her, as her hands moved over his skin, softly touching him, stroking the surprisingly soft skin. Her enigma. Michael

Guerin. He was so much more than she could have imagined from the first glance, but something in her suspected such greater depth.

“We should eat.”

“Later. This first. Let me make love to you for a change. You’re so tired.” Michael closed his eyes and rubbed his face in her neck. He was. Tired. Terrified of losing.

Powerless to stop it. It was and had been a hard fight.

Sex was an act. Making love was almost an art form. It was like losing himself in something so intense, he couldn’t see…just feel. Sex they did, a lot, but lately it lacked the grace and gentleness of making love. The emotions were all there, but desperation and obsession was robbing the act of its grace. He loved the hot wild sex they seemed to crave, but this was something else. Something more. Her hands touched him. Her mouth worshipped him. The sounds in her throat mixed with his, and it was like being part of something sacred.

Love. He had never known love. Love for his father, yes. But not this type of love. It burned inside, deep. Hollowed out his reason, and taught him what true happiness was, that and true sorrow. Until he found her, it was like he lived his whole life searching for spice, something that had enough flavor and taste to make a difference. She touched him, and from that moment it was if he had finally come home. He would never be the same, and he hoped she felt that way too.

Looking in her eyes as sweat dripped from his body, seeing into her, Michael smiled.

Yeah. She got it. Understood it. Felt it too. Without words, she told him everything in the

325 soft gentle touch of her hands. She adored him. Illumination. Touching creation. All the wonder, all the pain, and all the energy of transcending above the normal. They said it all without words.


“Hmm?” He snuggled more into her body, sprawled across her with his one hand low on her abdomen covering part of her scar. That type of sex, soft, slow and gentle at times was much more draining than wild and out of control. It left so much amazement that it stole the breath and stopped the heart.

“I could eat.”

Michael lifted up and looked at her. Her hand was still touching him, stroking his body. The touch was soft and intense. She was gentling him, lulling him into a peace.

“Have something in mind, Professor?”

“Barbeque. I need barbeque.” Michael’s heart stopped. Damn. He just kept falling in love with her. How could happen? Now she was talking! Barbeque. Michael moaned as he rolled out of bed.

“I’ll go for it. It’ll be faster,” Michael paused and looked at her lounging in the bed, all mussed up with a healthy glow to her skin. “What kind of barbeque we talking here,


“Lots of it. Extra saucy, spicy…” Maria patted her stomach thoughtfully as if asking the twins. “Real spicy. Sweet and sticky. Oh and some of those atomic hot wings!”

Michael groaned. “This you or the twins talking?”

“Twins. They have a craving.”

326 Michael quickly pulled on his pants and grabbed a t-shirt. Climbing across the bed, he stopped and put his hands on her naked stomach. Bending down, he kissed her stomach.

“Daddy loves you!” His kids. Good taste. Reaching up, he kissed Maria and mouthed he loved her too. Rolling out of bed, he pointed at her. “Stay. Rest. I’ll bring back lots of food.”

Maria watched him race out of the room. Calmly reaching over on the bedside table, she waited a second until he came rushing back. Tossing him his badge and money, she watched him rush away again already calling in an order on his cell phone as he went down the stairs.

“Chocolate milk. You guys want some milk? Let’s go see what’s in the refrigerator.

Grandma always keeps chocolate syrup around. Your Grandpa Jim is a sucker for chocolate sauce.”

Maria stood in the kitchen, looking out over the sink and drinking her Tabasco laced chocolate milk. Mrs. Mulhoney. She always loved to cook with chocolate. She had a gentleness of soul that made her kindly smile and accept people at face value. It hurt.

Losing her hurt. The twins would never know her now. Maria swallowed a sob. Too much to do. Too much to worry about. She’d think of it later. But the thoughts had already weighed down her shoulders. She stared into the night, and all she could see was the fire.

327 Chapter Eleven: Lives a woman true and fair

Day Eleven: Friday, 12:03 am

“I can’t believe you’re still up.” Sean shut the door. Rubbing his neck, he sighed.

He’d be lucky to ever feel rested again. Michael shook a barbeque rib at him, and Maria just kept chewing.

“Bless you!” Sean grabbed a chair and turned it around, straddling it backwards to face the food laden table. “Feeding frenzy again?”

Michael just grunted and continued to eat. Potato salad…good. Maria was dipping chunks of barbeque meat into a thick sauce and licking the sticky sweet and spicy sauce off her fingers.

“Where have you been, Sean?”

Sean looked at Maria quickly. Her question was asked in a casual manner, but her eyes belied that tone. She was looking and seeing too much - as usual.

“Just checking into some leads. I did get the report on the loft fire. Simon believes it was your loft that was the target, but your security system was too complex and hard to override, so the bomber took the next closest space.”

Michael stopped eating for a moment. “That would’ve been the loft behind Liz and

Isabel, not the one next to Edith.”

“No.” Maria said quietly. “Sean is right. The loft next to the garage has a security system. It’s on all the time. Or it was.”

Michael looked at Maria, puzzled, “Security system? Why? None of the empty lofts that needed renovation were on a security grid. Just the occupied ones.”

328 Maria looked miserably at Michael. “I had it installed over six weeks ago.” The confusion rushing across his face was enough of a question. “I wanted to expand into the loft next to us…”

“Maria, we have plenty of space already.”

“You said yes.” Maria reminded him. Of course, that was just recently. She had installed the security system in the empty loft on the other side of the garage in preparation to convince him. The loft in the minor annex building with them already had a security grid connected to theirs.

“Six weeks?” Okay, so it was official. She really was controlling him. “Were you expecting to expand into that loft as well?”

“No. But I figured that when we renovated ours, that some of our stuff would have to have a storage area. Someplace close and roomy enough so we could find things we needed, but a place to make room for the workers and ourselves. The empty loft is a massive amount of space, and in the future I could have that loft renovated and it would already have a security system.”

Michael could see her reasoning, but he didn’t have to like it. She was too used to getting her way, but in truth, the lofts were hers to do with as she saw fit. It was just…he thought they were beyond this ‘his and hers’ stuff.

“It’s your property. You can do what you like,” Michael said in a cold quiet tone.

“It wasn’t like that! This wasn’t a decision that really concerned our lives, Michael.

It was all about convenience. When we started renovating it would’ve been the same solution you would’ve thought of, given the circumstances. I just did it ahead of time in

329 preparation. I’ve been thinking that way a lot recently.” The babies. Maria was concentrating on the future. Future needs. Future plans. Planning ahead.

“The decision did concern our lives, Maria. It concerned Mrs. Mulhoney. That means because the bomber couldn’t place the bomb in that loft, he set it in the one next to hers.

It took away time…time we needed to rescue her, and…”

Michael stopped at Sean’s angry sound. Maria’s face had turned ashen. He stopped raving long enough to actually understand what he was saying and how he was saying it.

It was unforgivable. He was letting his hurt feelings lash out at her, and he had hit a real sore mark.

“I didn’t mean that…”

Maria’s face shut down, and she turned away from him. Picking up her scraps, she quickly cleaned the area around her and left the room without another word or even a look.

Michael cussed and quickly stood up to go after her, but Sean stopped him.

“Leave her.” Michael pulled his arm free. “Leave her! The damage is done. Nothing can take that away now. Leave her to work it out on her own.” Sean’s face was angry and fierce. “How the hell could you…”

Michael just shook his head. He was stupid. That was the only explanation. He had taken all his anger and guilt, and piled it on Maria’s small thin shoulders. He had to fix it.

Needed to fix it. Putting away the remainder of the food, Sean just made a quiet sound of goodnight, and went upstairs to bed. Michael worked to clean the kitchen. He should go upstairs, but he couldn’t handle seeing her hurt look. He had abused her in a terrible way.

330 Leaning against the counter with his arms resting there, and his head lying on his arm, he tried to blank his mind. Impossible.

The doorbell saved him from himself.


“Michael. Hi.” Julia stood there uncertain. “I know it’s late. I’m sorry. I just…”

“He has just gone upstairs. Why don’t you go on up?” Michael moved aside and let her in, gesturing towards the staircase. “He’s in the first door on the right at the top of the stairs.”

“Thanks. I’m really sorry,” Julia looked at him and frowned. His face was shuttered and dark. Angry and sad at the same time. “Is Maria doing okay? I heard about the loft and everything.”

“No. She was trying to go on, but I messed that up.” Michael reached over and turned on the alarm again. “Let Sean know the alarm is on so he doesn’t set it off if you leave.”

Julia nodded. “Sure. I’ll tell him.”

Michael went off into the dark living room to sit as Julia made her way upstairs.

Tapping on Sean’s door lightly so as not to disturb Maria, she waited. There was no answer, so she let herself into the room, calling softly to him.


There was water running in the adjoining bathroom. Tossing her jacket across the chair, she straightened her clothes and went to find him.

The room was full of steam. He was in the shower. She could see the outline of his body behind the shower curtain. Calling softly so she didn’t startle him, it wasn’t

331 surprising he didn’t hear. Her voice seemed to stick in her throat. This was wrong. A mistake. But she had to come. All day, she had struggled over what to do.

“Julia?” Sean pulled back the curtain and saw her standing there, just staring.

“Um…, hi! Um…” she quickly averted her eyes. “Sorry. You’re dripping.”

Sean looked down at his naked body and grabbed a towel. Stepping out he quickly toweled off but didn’t bother with clothing. He didn’t have anything she hadn’t seen before on numerous occasions.

“What are you doing here?”

Julia glanced at him quickly, and then away again. “I...um…” Damn him. “I’ll just wait for you in the bedroom so you can get dressed.”

Sean reached out and nabbed her, stopping her from running away. “I sleep in the nude, as you know. Maybe you could just tell me what’s going on? Why are you here?”

“I…” Julia cursed herself under her breath. He wasn’t going to turn her into a fumbling schoolgirl again. He wasn’t. “You look good.” Dammit! The hell he wasn’t.

“You look flustered.”

Julia couldn’t find any room to walk or move away from him, so she quickly changed the subject. “I saw Michael downstairs. He didn’t look so great. He said to tell you that the alarm is on, so when I leave…”

“Are you going to be leaving?”

“I, um…”

Sean moved in close to her. She smelt great. She looked tired, but the pinkness to her cheeks was a bonus. Moving his hand under her hair, he leaned in real close with his lips just barely a whisper from hers.

332 “Really? So then why are you here?”

“I…I wanted to check to see that you were okay.” Julia looked down at his mouth.

“The fire. I knew that you were staying with Liz, and…”

“Liz and Isabel. Their sofa, and their erratic use of all the hot water. I’d much rather stay with you.” Sean looked at her in earnest. “Cooking is no fun without you,


“Really?” Sean nodded. “What did you make?”

“First night, both Liz and Isabel were gone on an overnight camping trip double date thing. Chicken tetrazzini with extra cheese sauce and mushrooms. I had to eat it alone, and Michael confiscated more than half of it for Maria and himself.”

Julia peeked cautiously at him. “Your tetrazzini is unmatched.”

“It would’ve been better if you had been there to help eat it.”

Julia didn’t know what to say. He was crowding her, and he was okay. That mattered.

Nothing else did. Her heart stopped when she heard about the fire and that there was a death. Waiting for details on the news, finally she gave up and used her connections to get the details early. Just to make sure. It took her an entire day of internal struggle to decide to go and find him herself. She had to be sure that he wasn’t hurt.

“You’re shaking,” he stated in an almost accusatory tone. Worry was hard to release.

“Caffeine overload. It was a long day.”

“Aye, that it was.” More ways than she could imagine. “Worst day of my life, or at least in a while.”

“I had to come. Had to know you were okay.” It was hard to admit that she felt some of the same possessiveness towards him that he had for her.

333 "Why?" he murmured, his eyes dark and full of a depth of emotion that she had often witnessed, but never understood before.

"Why do I love you? Or why do I care?" She laughed. "Why wouldn't I? Why the hell wouldn't I? I never knew how hard it was to shake someone off, try to keep them in a quiet place when you needed them to be silent. You’re never silent, Detective. Most of the time you’re loud and obvious, making me crazy, making me do crazy things. I even kissed you once before I even knew you, remember?" she teased, tracing a finger over his lips. "I kidded myself it was anger and getting back at you, but I knew as soon as my lips touched yours that it wasn't. It burnt a streak of lightning up my spine, and made every part of my body tingle, and you… you acted like a shy teenager who'd never been kissed before!" She laughed, remembering.

"Not like that, at least," he chuckled, his big hands pulling her close. "Nobody ever kissed me like that," he whispered, lacing his hands through her hair and gently brushing her lips with his own.

She responded hungrily, reaching up to pull him close, opening her mouth and finding his tongue with her own, tasting him, desperate to be as close to him as possible.

His hands ran streaks of fire over her body, caressing her skin as he moved his hands over her hips, her thighs, her back as they kissed until they ran out of air, then separated.

Wrong. It was a mistake to come to see him, but it was so hard not to care! He was alright, alive, and…well, just Sean. Just Sean. Sounded so simple. It wasn’t.

“I thought we weren't together.” Sean had to know.

"Come with me." She took hold of his hand and led him into the bedroom, and he hesitated, glancing at the closed door. Michael and Maria were down the hall. Not that it

334 mattered before, but Julia was different. "The world can wait a few hours. What’s wrong between us can wait. I can't," she told him impatiently. He grinned and followed her to the bed.

“I seem to be at a disadvantage, Counselor. You have too many clothes on.”

“Sean,” she said. “You’re about to get lucky. You want to ruin it with too much talk?”

Sex. Julia. Naked. Or talk about their relationship? Oh, he could be very quiet; it wasn’t impossible. Not really. Sometimes actions were more important than words.

He started peeling off her clothes before they even reached the bed, and had her completely naked by the time she hit the mattress. He had managed to get the bedding moved out of the way, then she pulled him down on top of her. She could feel his erection digging into her thigh and she said seriously, "I'm so glad to see that you’re none the worse for wear," She rolled over on top of him, taking him in her hand and reveling in the feel of that hardness beneath her fingers as he quickly gasped and thrust up against her, moaning. “I really do need to make it clear how I don’t appreciate what I consider to be my personal property being risked in such a manner.”

“Thought this personal property was discarded, Counselor.”

“You thought wrong.” Or maybe it was her. She thought she could walk away, but it was hard, so hard to imagine not having him in her life. "I think that's working okay," she teased, removing her hand from him.

"Is that a professional opinion, or are you going to need to investigate deeper?" he sputtered, grabbing hold of her and pulling her down so that she straddled him, his hands

335 gently caressing her breasts. She put her head back and moaned as his fingertips rubbed her nipples. Leaning down she made a meal of his mouth.

"I love you," she said finally.

"And I adore you, but you already know that," he replied, pulling her head down and stealing another long kiss.

"Yes…so many acts of kindness…" she whispered, running her fingers across his chest, finding a nipple, stroking it. His nipple ring wasn’t in, and strange how disappointing that was. "I had a hard day worrying about you, and if it was only a small amount in comparison of what you go through because of me, then I apologize. I just thought…I don't know what I thought."

"I've loved you literally from the moment you threw your shoe at me. A very long time," he said, and his eyes were so serious that she shivered.

"I'm just sorry. I’m sorry that we have such a hard time finding common ground, and

I’m sorry I asked you to leave." She kissed him again, then moved further down his body, licking his beautiful, moist flesh as she went. He tasted of salt and of a masculine musk that was so ‘him’, and a cleanness left from his shower. She became aroused just from the scent and the taste. She took him into her mouth, and he moaned, thrusting up against her once more.

"Too soon. It's been a long time, and I don't want to disgrace myself," he gasped.

“It’s only been a few days.”

“Days?” Sean groaned. “Like I said - too long. Come here," he sat up and pulled her back up his body, gently caressing her, kissing her. This felt so good after so many hours of a weary, soulless existence, wondering if he’d ever find a way to get her to let him

336 back in. She nuzzled into his big shoulders, sucking and biting, needing to taste him and feel his solid flesh against her own. Finally he rolled her onto her back and looked down at her. That old magic was there, or more specifically, Michael and Maria were in the house. He could feel it. It was like having the normal lust and attraction he felt for Julia magnified to the point that even the fast beat of her heart along the pulse in her neck was enough to send his own heart racing.

“I don’t know that I can do this, Counselor.”

“Sure you can. You’re very good at this, Detective. I’d give you a recommendation.”

Sean laughed, but suddenly went serious. “I don’t know that I can take having you in my bed, and then gone again the next day, or the next time I do something thoughtless in your eyes. I…I don’t think I can take it.”

“You want me to leave?”

“No. I want you to stay,” Sean said, wondering if she heard what he was saying, really saying.

Julia studied his serious face. He just…damn... Refusing to back away and hurt him more than he already had been, she searched his face. So damn charming and adorable.

Sean was a strange man. He had that twinkle of the Irish, a sort of devil-may-care to him, but he was capable of suddenly becoming quiet and deadly, intense. It was hard to take him for anything but what he was. He was honest at all times about his emotions, honest and open, and the few times he fooled himself, he was quick to correct it no matter the cost. This was costing him a lot.

“You risk much, Detective.”

“Maybe it’s worth it, to me,” Sean answered, his eyes dark and unreadable.

337 “I can’t say…”

“Then who can, if not you?” She was a slippery character, but even she needed to play by the rules. Giving her an out was too much. Stick to it. Stay strong. It could go good or bad, but at least she knew what his intentions were. “We can’t keep playing games. I’m not strong enough.”

“You’re the strongest man I’ve ever known.”

“Not in this. Never in this,” Sean said, revealing his Achilles’ heel. His heart. It broke easily. It was fragile in ways that not even he could explain. All those years away from his family, his mother treating him as dead, they had burned a hole in his heart, left him wasted and in pain to the point that he searched for anything to make it feel better, or mask what was really hurting him. It led him to pain as pleasure, abuse, and a need to feel a real cut that would burn and hurt more than the mental ones. “I’m asking you to stay.”

Julia studied the length of his body leaning over her, and ran her hand down his skin.

He really was quite beautiful. If she said no, would he leave? Walk away? Life without

Sean would drive her to drink. Life without his lazy smile and devilish humor. Life… there’d be no life, because there would be no Sean, and no one could ever replace him.

Her heart bumped and stuttered in her chest as if a large weight held it prisoner.


“Yes?” Sean couldn’t breath. He needed a damn DeLuca paper bag to breath in, and a nice hyperventilating break down. “Yes, really?”

Julia hooked an arm around his neck. “Really, but…”

“Of course. There would be a but. Hit me.”

338 “But not right now. Not today.” Julia stopped him from talking. “We need some space and time to come to an agreement, and we will come to one, Detective. I don’t want to lose you, and once you come home, I don’t want you to leave. Ever.”

“So what do we do in the meantime?” Sean asked, looking down his body to where her hand was. She was damn well making it hard…making it difficult to think. “I don’t want to play games.”

“This is no game, Sean. I’m very serious,” Julia smiled at the look on his face. He was feeling just how serious she was. “Maybe you could maybe try courting me in an old fashioned way.”

“Courting? You mean call you up for dates?” Damn. Sean could see the long narrow tunnel looking longer and narrower with the light at the end of it suddenly dimmer.

“Yeah. Fooling around in a dark theatre, the backseats of cars, and you coming over to Mom’s for Sunday dinner while trying to discreetly feel me up under the table.”

Sean face took on a devilish look, a twinkle entered his eyes. “How about I do that while we live together?”

“No. We did that already. Too fast. Long before we ever came to understand each other, and look at where it’s gotten us.”

Sean looked down at their joined bodies, her hands on his, and shrugged. He was pretty happy right here, right now. But he knew what she meant. She was right. If she let him walk through her door again, he wasn’t leaving. Ever. So if she wanted to date, then fine. He could date as long as that meant he was getting closer to coming home.

“Okay. So I call you? And ask you again later?”

“Yeah. Later.” Julia kissed his neck and then his face. “And Sean?”

339 “Hmm?” Sean was turning his attentions elsewhere now that the business of being together was over, now he wanted to get down to business.

“Next time?”

“Uh huh.”

“Bring a ring.”

Sean laughed. His lawyer. Always so exact. Nothing too spontaneous. She was getting better. He was wrecking her careful plans with bouts of spontaneity. Sean smiled.

Oh yeah, he had a damn ring just for her, and it was going to make her heart stop. It was his Irish grandmother’s ring. He had sent for it over three months ago, and it figured she would catch him in at a time when he was wearing nothing but his birthday suit to blurt out a marriage proposal. This worked better. He had an entire romantic scenario worked out in his brain, so now he could actually follow through with it. Next time.

“Yes, dear.” Sean’s voice was light and full of laughter. Dating. He was back to dating. This could be fun. He needed practice. So he moved his mouth down her front to latch on a tempting breast as his hand slipped down her body, loving the play of her muscles under his hand. Practice made perfect. Dating. Courtship. Oh yeah, he could drive her insane with that. No problem.

"Please…now," she whimpered. Dammit, she had just given him a license to tease, and he smiled, positioned himself over her, and then slid easily inside her. "Oh god!" she yelled, crossing her legs behind his back and drawing him deep within her body. "More, please…more…"

He started to thrust, long, slow, mind-blowing thrusts, that rubbed her just right with each movement, driving her wild. She looked up into that familiar, beloved face, and

340 wondered how there had ever been a time when she hadn't known she felt like this about him. That was all of what? Two weeks upon meeting him? The damn man was tastier than chicken.

"You feel like coming home," she whispered, reaching up to caress the sides of his face. She came a few seconds later, exploding into a white light that turned her body to boneless ecstasy and her mind into a glowing field of stars. She was dimly aware of him coming inside her a few moments after, then he collapsed down beside her and pulled her lithe, white body against his sweaty flesh.

"Home, sweet home," he grinned, and she smiled back, remembering how arrogant he got at times. Too sure of himself. Time to trim the sails and knock back some of that self-satisfaction.

“Is that all you got? Or should I leave?”

“Stay put. That was just an appetizer.” Sean said turning her in his arms so she rested with her back to his front. Pulling her close and whispering in her ear, he let himself actually feel good for the first time in almost two days. “Miles to go before you sleep,

Mac. We’ve got the Dynamic Duo of Lust in the house. This is far from over.”

Julia laughed softly as he nibbled the side of her neck and his crossed hands held her breasts. “Need the extra help, Detective?”

“Brat!” Sean playfully nipped at her neck and chuckled in her skin at her small yelp.

Miles to go before he’d let her rest.

They slept for a while. When she woke, she found four sunflowers, propped up in a vase, sitting beside the bed. Where the hell did he find sunflowers in the middle of the night?

341 "My mom always told me you could trust a man who brought a girl flowers," she whispered. He smiled down at her, one hand propping his head up. “Where did you get them?”

“Secret! But if anyone claims that someone was trampling my Aunt Amy’s flower beds in the early morning, I deny everything.”

“Did you put on clothes?” Julia asked curiously. Sean in the buff was something else.

He was a born nudist. Once his clothes came off he seemed to forget that they were missing.

Sean just made a face. It wasn’t like anyone was up and around at this hour anyway, and if they were, they were probably drunk. "I almost can't believe you're here like this with me," he murmured, running a big hand over her slender thigh.

"What, buck naked?" She glanced down at her body, realizing that for the first time in months she felt relaxed, calm, and even happy.

"Uh-huh." He dipped his head and stole a kiss. She gave it freely, wanting more.

Always wanting more. "I'll never give up, you know that right?" he said as their lips parted again.

“I always counted on that, Detective.” Julia said. She was a little closer to understanding what he was going through. The fear in her body when she heard of the fire, the bomb and Mrs. Mulhoney's death was enough to rewrite her world. Nightmares of him hurt or dead raced in her mind, and left her unreasonable for a moment. Maybe she had just walked a mile in his shoes. It didn’t change much, but it gave her a perspective she hadn’t had before. Whereas, she knew he could die as a policeman, putting his life on the line, there was a place in her that couldn’t see that ever happening,

342 couldn’t ever believe Sean to be gone or dead. Then the fire happened and she wasn’t near. He was too far away, and the fear that he would be gone was a harsh reality. They suddenly had a common language. An understanding. They could start there.


Michael finally climbed the stairs to the bedroom. Damn, Sean and Julia were noisy!

He made a mental note to let Kyle know about the misuse of his boyhood bed. It should piss him off that Sean saw more action in it than Kyle had. Evil. Michael smiled slightly at himself. He really wasn’t that amused. He had spent hours chastising himself.

Maria was asleep.

Michael frowned down at the bed. She had put on extra blankets. Removing his clothes, he slid into bed next to her. It was hot. Like a damn furnace, but her skin was cold.

Ignoring the uncomfortable heat, he pulled her into his arms to transfer some of the heat from his body into hers. She was cold and tired. She was losing the fight, and tonight he had added to the losing side when he struck at her in pain.

He hated himself.

Hugging her close, he whispered in her ear how sorry he was.

Settling down to sleep for just a few hours before he needed to wake her, he closed his eyes and opened up the connection between them. Nightmares. She was having nightmares again. They were so stark and violent, that at times they scared him awake.

343 ~~~

Michael came down the stairs pulling a t-shirt over his head. Food. Lots of food. Hot tea. Maria was asleep. He could hardly rouse her for an early morning feeding, and when he tried to wake her, she begged him to just let her sleep.

“Sean, I need you to…” Michael stopped when he saw Sean and Julia engaged in an intense session of tonsil hockey. “Ah, c’mon! I haven’t even had breakfast yet, for chrissakes!”

Julia peeled herself away from Sean and looked over at the grumpy Michael with a slight pinkness to her face. Oh, he really did look good with that pissy expression.

Smiling slightly at him, she quickly kissed Sean goodbye again, just not as long this time.

“Sorry, Michael. I was just leaving.” Julia went for the door, but Sean remembered the alarm.

“Whoa, wait! I’ll get the alarm!”

Julia looked back at Michael and decided to leave a little dig behind. “By the way, thank you for the early morning treat. It was lovely.” Michael just frowned as the damn enigmatical woman swept out the door.

Sean chuckled.

“What? What the hell is she talking about?”

“You and Maria. Early morning sex.”

Michael swore. “What? We woke you? I didn’t think we were that noisy, and you don't have much to talk to me about after last night.”

344 “No, not noisy. It was the 'unexpected waking to being so damn aroused' feeling she’s talking about. You two really generate some sex vibes.”

Michael didn’t want to talk about it. That morning disturbed him. Sex. It had been just sex. Maria hadn’t been there with him. She had just gone through the motions and then right back to sleep.

“Look, Maria’s sick. Cold.” Sean stopped chuckling and took in the serious look on

Michael’s face. “I think I did a lot of damage last night, Sean. She seems broken. I should…I don’t know. Just...could you make her something special for breakfast? Lots of fats and sugars, and something hot. She’s so cold.”

Sean nodded. Searching the kitchen, he quickly went to the phone and began ordering groceries. They were under stocked.

Maria finally joined them an hour later in heavy wool socks, a pair of sweats and a shirt with a sweatshirt over it. She was shivering.

“God, baby.” The concern in his voice was hard to miss. Sean looked up from his cooking at Michael’s voice, and swearing, he quickly put the kettle on to boil. Michael was rubbing her body in a full body hug.

“I’m okay. Just a little cold.”

Michael swore. She was still not making eye contact with him, and her voice was quiet and small. He had hurt her. Really hurt her.

“Sean, make tea. We’ll be right back.” Michael dragged Maria after him into the family room. Pushing her down in a chair, he went to the fireplace and began building a fire. It was too early for fires, but she was cold. He could get this one room steamy, and she could rest in here during the day.

345 After starting the fire, he crouched down in front of her chair. She stared past him at the fire. He rested his head on her knees and her hand came down to move through his hair.

“Forgive me.”

“Michael, no. It’s not you.”

“Yes, it is. What I said…how I said it. It was wrong.” Maria looked at the fire and tears started running down her face. “I took out my anger at myself for not making it on time to save her on you, and I can’t forgive myself for that. I couldn’t forgive myself for not keeping my promise. I told you that I would get them, all of them.”

“Margo and Zeke…”

“Are alive because of Zeke, not me. All in all, I was pretty much a failure.”

Maria finally looked at him. “You don’t know how to fail, Detective.”

“Yes I do. I did it with you.” Michael reached up and framed her face. “I swore to myself that I’d never hurt you, because I love you so much, Maria. Hurting you is like hurting myself. I know I don’t say much at times.”

“You say plenty. I’m quite accustomed to reading ‘Michael actions’.”

“I should say it more often. It’s just…” Michael stopped for a moment. “I… There are no words at times to tell you. Nothing that wouldn’t make it seem less than it is.”

Maria scooted closer to him. “I know. And you know I know. I see it all the time.

Feel it. You let me inside you, Michael. You don’t need the words because I feel the rush of what you’re trying to say.”

“Then feel this. Know me.” Michael joined his mouth to her, and concentrating on nothing but her, he opened up himself to her. Let her feel everything he had felt last night.

346 Let her see his reaction to her sad face when he had hurt her. The fear when he saw how cold she was. All of it. His sorrow and sadness over her. Forgive me...

Maria moved away and wiped a tear from her cheek, “Thank you.”

Michael stood up, his face still shuttered and dark. Picking her up, he took the chair and sat with her in his lap with his hand on her face as he held her close. Never let go. He couldn’t. He needed it, her…them, too much.

That was how Sean found them. Bringing a cup of tea into the room, he bit back his comment on the heat. It was like a desert, hot and dry.

“Drink this, M. I added extra sugar.” Sean kissed her forehead as he handed her the cup, and looked at Michael over her head. The larger man nodded slightly, and Sean blew out a sigh of relief. He’d hate to have to kill Michael at this juncture in their relationship, but there were rules. “Breakfast in ten, so finish that, then both of you come eat.”


Alex watched from the bed as Isabel rushed around getting ready for school. She hadn’t brought any clothes. All of hers were being treated for smoke damage, so he had taken her shopping. It was amusing to watch her try to accessorize what she had, mix, match and change until she looked perfect. Actually she always looked perfect regardless of what she wore, but there was no convincing her of that.

“You had a nightmare again last night,” Isabel said over her shoulder.

“Did you walk in it?”

“No. I…” Isabel didn’t want to say too much. His dreams disturbed her.

347 Alex didn’t say anything, but he waited. Isabel and her ability to dreamwalk had been a novelty at first. When she discovered the gift months back, she had no problem invading many peoples’ dreams, until she tried to enter Michael’s. For days afterward she was jittery and upset. What she saw or felt had been too much even for her to explain.

The images were jumbled and dark. Angry. But more than that, it was Michael. He seemed to know she was there, and he had kicked her out. The anger was targeted at her.

The darkness and violence were directed at her. She couldn’t understand it.

Max’s dreams were amusing. Laughable in a strange way. Everything there was off- kilter with a touch of the erotic. Isabel wanted to tease him about it, but then she would have had to admit that she had walked in a place which was a true invasion of his privacy.

Sean. Sean looked like a good time. Isabel woke up crying and in pain. It was too much. There was too much in him. It was hard to describe or put into words, but Sean bled and it was in his dreams. Endless dreams of people he loved, dying or being too far away. It moved into a myriad of pain and despair. Isabel broke free of the dream. She had expected kinky domination scenarios, or at least a woman holding a whip. Instead, it was

Sean. Standing in a dark room alone with open graves around him, all the people he knew inside, with him holding a long butcher’s knife and cutting long bleeding lines into his own skin.

Then Maria. Sweet, lovable Maria. Isabel woke from her dreams screaming in fear.

Hysterically rushing around the room, she had to find a paper bag to breathe into as her heart almost ripped itself from her chest. She tore her room apart, almost driven, as she piled things in front of her door, too wired to settle down. Finally she sank to the floor in exhaustion. The next morning Maria came over with a sweet smile on her face, a coffee

348 cake, and on her way out, she turned to look at Isabel and said calmly, ‘Stay out. That was a mild one. You might not be so lucky next time.’ Isabel stood looking through the closed glass door, seeing her own reflection as her hand was held over her mouth to repress her scream of fear.

So she practiced on simple uncomplicated people. Looking at the scar on Liz’s throat and knowing her personal history, Isabel decided not to venture in her roommate’s dreams. She had thought of Jonathan, but out of respect for Max and a fear of finding something she didn’t want to know, she bypassed him as well. Her classmates and people from work seemed to be easy and fun to visit. But Alex... He was the one she really wanted to do, but sleeping next to him, she already knew that his dreams were rarely calm.

Alex dreamt. All the time. Violent dreams that woke her just by touching his skin.

She flashed his thoughts. That alone was enough to keep her out. He walked in a dark land, knee deep in blood and despair with the masses pulling at his body. Reaching down, he dragged them with him, but there were too many. Too many. He was only one man.

“No. I never dreamwalk you.”

Alex smiled. “It might be an education you wouldn’t want, Iz. All those naked dancing women.”

Isabel laughed, letting a serious moment slide. “Oh,” she said making a face at him.

“Like a little flesh is going to scare me.”

Alex sat up in the bed. It was nice having her in his home, having her things there and waking up together. They spent most of the time at her place. “Skip school and come back to bed.”

349 “I’ve heard that request before, and have given in too many times already.” Isabel jumped on the bed on her knees. “Unfortunately, I can’t today. I’ve got a review session before a test, and I hate missing those.”

“Hmm, I could hire someone to take those notes.”

Isabel kissed him quickly and pushed him away. “Stop it. I thought it was the female that was supposed to be the temptress, not the male.”

“I’ve always flourished under the care of a strong female. If you come back, I promise to keep my hands off your ass.”

“Like I would believe that! You have unholy designs on my entire body.”

Alex leaned back in the pillows and put his hands behind his head. “What gave me away?”

Isabel just shook her head in wonder. What didn’t? The man was too much into everything, and almost impossible to keep up with. “I’ve got to go. Home early?”

“I’ve got a late run at the club. Home after two. Don’t wait up for me.”

“I could come down to the club, and…”

“No.” Absolutely not. Club Hell was off limits for her. Not that he didn’t trust her recovery, but you didn’t tempt a recovering alcoholic. It was bad enough he continued to instigate her into engaging in constant wild sex, but at least he was keeping her from engaging in it with a full array of men. Exclusiveness had to be considered an improvement.

“I’m stronger, and…”

“No. Seriously Iz, half the time I don’t want to be there. I like that what we have doesn’t involve the club. I like having something sane and clean outside of there.”

350 “Okay. I understand.” Isabel kissed him again, harder this time. Sane and clean.

Shocking that those words would ever be used to describe her. Alex. He saw her how she wanted to be seen, and the way she feared no man would ever see her again.

“I can take off the entire weekend if you want me to.”

“Actually, no. You took off last weekend, and you only play Thursday thru Sunday. I have to study for a test on Monday anyway, so there’ll be lots of library time. You do your thing, and I’ll do mine.”

“Deal. But the following weekend we’ll see about doing something.”

Isabel grabbed her bag and jacket. Smiling at him, she waved her hand and was out the door and down the steps.

Alex listened as her car started and she pulled away.

Isabel. Vilandra. Who was she? And were they the same?


Maria was finally finishing breakfast when there was a knock on the door. As soon as she finished one plate, Michael had pushed more food on her, so the knock was heaven sent. A rescue from the food demon plaguing her. Trying to get the door, she found herself pushed back down in her seat, and another cup of tea set in front of her.

Sean chuckled under his breath at the look she sent Michael when he went to answer the door.


Of all the people any of them expected, Alex was the last one.

351 “Alex!” Maria was happy to see a familiar face, one not carrying anything to eat for a change. “Did you come to save me?”

Alex entered the room going straight to Maria. Bending down, he quickly kissed her cheek. “Are you in need of rescue, my lady?” Ignoring the snorts and comments by the smelly peanut gallery. “So many Pigs on hand today. Don’t these boys ever work?”

“Not lately. They seem to find me their only job.”

“Well, there is a noble task indeed. Lucky you.”

“You have no idea!”

“Can the crap,” Michael said, coming back to reclaim his mate from yet another male intent on charming her to death. Hello. Pregnant. Knocked up. It usually means, not available. “What you doing here, Alex?”

“Always a charmer, Guerin. You should’ve taken me up on my offer to date you. It might have rearranged your life and taken some of the starch out of your shorts. Look how loose and easy your partner is now.”

Michael’s eyes narrowed, suspecting an insult. “Alex? Anytime today?”

Alex grew serious as he looked at Michael, Sean, and Maria. “We have to talk.”


Kyle waited for Tess to calm down. Thank god their baby didn’t give power to Tess like the twins gave Maria, or their house would have just been trashed.


“I’m not going to live this way.”

352 “Tess…”

“The restrictions, the food, and the clothes... ‘Exercise, Tess! Don’t eat that, Tess!

Rest, Tess! Sit in a frickin’ corner, Tess! Be good. Stay out of the way...’.” A finger hit

Kyle hard in the middle of his chest. “I’m sick of it! Do you understand?”

“Tess…” Wrong word. It set her off into another tirade. Kyle patiently waited for her to get it out of her system. Finally he grabbed her. “I understand.”

No, he didn’t. Even she could see that. He was placating her.

“I want to go be with Maria.”

“She’s at Dad’s house.”

“Then I’ll go there.”

Kyle grabbed both her arms and gave her a small shake. “That is the site of a bombing, Tess. It’s not safe.”

“Maria’s there.”

“She has nowhere to go right now until her loft is ready again. But she is being protected.”

“Then it’s safe. Who’s protecting it? Who’s protecting her? Michael? Sean? Max? All three?” Tess grabbed her bag. “Perfect. Either, or, I’m safe. Ta-ta. Going to visit my sick friend who just lost someone to an act of violence. I’m going to be there.”

“The baby…”

“Is fine. I’m fine.” Tess saw the doubt on his face. “What? You think I can’t protect my child?” Tess reached over and moved her hand causing Kyle’s ugly chair he liked to sit in to go flying. It was disappointing how something so ugly could withstand abuse.

Maybe Michael could practice his powers on it and blow it up.

353 “I just need you to be safe, okay? I have to meet Sean for lunch to run some leads.

He’s waiting for a call this morning. I wish you would just consider staying at your mom’s.”

“She has enough kids in the house with my brothers and sisters and all their kids, the neighborhood kids, and cousins. I don’t want to add work. I would be fine with Maria.”

Letting out a strong sigh, Kyle nodded. “Okay. But, you take your beeper and cell phone. Is it recharged?”

“Yes, Buddha. It is recharged. A moment of preparation saves a lifetime of regret.”

Kyle chuckled at her tone. All the little sayings he had posted all around the house were obviously starting to sink in with her. “An unexamined life is one that has never been lived.”

“What does that mean, Buddha Boy?”

“It means, I would rather hold and keep close that which I love now, than lose it and spend the rest of my life wishing I had taken more care.” Kyle framed Tess’s face with his hands. “I did that once, Tess, and it lost us time and Jack. I can’t let that happen again.”

“Kyle…” Dammit! He was too good at this all sensitive male thing. “I guess I could go to my Mom’s. She misses me and is really excited about the baby.”

Kyle was smart enough not to smile in triumph. It was better to show good grace in the face of an honest compromise. “Thank you, Tess.”

“I love you, but I swear once I’m no longer pregnant, things are going to change.”

Kyle hugged her tight and kissed the side of her head. “I wanted to talk to you about that.”

354 “What? Me not being pregnant? Seeing my feet? Wearing sexy underwear? What?

“Well, I was thinking after the baby’s born, and…”

“And old enough for us to leave a few days? I was thinking the same thing.

Honeymoon. A longer one than just two days. Someplace warm where I can go topless, swim nude and wear a bikini?”


Tess’s face fell, disappointed. Kyle quickly made up ground.

“I mean yes, of course…absolutely that, but no, I was thinking of something else.”

He wasn’t doing such a great job. Maybe a different approach. “Now remember how we decided to name the baby after Jack?” Tess nodded. “I think we shouldn’t.”

“But,” Tess didn’t know what to say. Jack was the baby’s name.

“Listen, I know it’s late in the game, but some things have changed. Max. I mean in

Max’s new relationship, chances are that he will never father another child, right?”

“Possibly.” Max and Jonathan could break up, but she really couldn’t see that happening. No one in their sane mind would let Jonathan Stiller off a short leash. The man was…ummm, ummm good.

Kyle cleared his throat. “So I was thinking we should let Max name the baby. Maybe after his father, Philip Evans, or whatever he wants.” Kyle had given this a lot of thought lately. Max was his friend, and suddenly he was seeing himself stealing parts of Max’s life, hoarding them, and it felt wrong.

“I don’t know. I think Max thinks of the baby as ‘Jack’ too.”

“Well, if he does, and he wants to leave the baby’s name Jack, then fine. But I thought he might want to name it after his father. You and I can have more children, and

355 there can be another Jack. That baby will be just you and me, no Max, and somehow that is more like you, me, and Jack.” Her quietness worried him. Maybe he had gone too far.

“I mean, you do want more children? With me?”

Tess was looking down at the floor. She looked up and there were tears in her eyes.

Oh damn. “Tess, honey, look…damn, I’m sorry. It’s okay. We can name the baby Jack. I just thought…”

Tess quickly put her fingers over his mouth. “No. It’s okay. Actually it’s lovely. I’d love to have more babies with you, Kyle. Lots of them. You’re right. The next one can be


“What if it’s a girl?”

“Jackie or Jacqueline - it comes out the same.”

“That would be better. Jack always was such a feminine guy.”

Tess hit him hard. “He was not!” Laughing at Kyle, Tess hugged him close. “I miss the two of you and your teasing. So what does this have to do with when I’m no longer pregnant?”

“Oh that.”

“Yes, that.”

Kyle moved his hand down the front of her stomach smiling at the movement inside.

“I was wondering if you’d consider getting pregnant right away after this little guy is born. Like within the next year?”

There was no breath in her body to answer. It took a few moments, but she finally found her voice. “Are you asking me to have your baby?”

356 “Yes.” God, he loved everything about her being pregnant, even the nagging back pain, the swollen feet, and oh Lord, the breasts. Oh yeah, especially the newfound cleavage.


“You don’t have to answer now, and maybe after labor, you might not want to, or not right way. But…”

“Yes.” Tess kissed him quickly before he rambled himself into an anxiety attack.

“Yes, I’d love to make a baby who is just you and me.” Smiling smugly Tess had to tease.

“Why would I not? There would just be you irritating me next time with no tag team labor coaching. Heaven.”

Kyle, a smart man at times, just nodded. Sure. He decided not to tell her that he had every intention of making Max help him with the next pregnancy. It was the least his buddy could do. Plus, they made an unmatchable team. Michael was in the dust in comparison to their baby preparation tactics.


“We should tell the others,” Maria said.

The three men shared looks, but they knew Maria was right. This was alien business.

They had a right to know.

“Why didn’t you tell Isabel, Alex?” That question kept running through Michael’s head. Damn. His sister. He had a sister. And Max was his brother. Unreal. He had felt them. Always. And he had even felt Tess, but this was too much.

357 “Why...?” Alex paused. He couldn’t explain. “Hard to say. Instinct. There are dark places in Izzy. Just as there are gentle ones, too. I…I don’t how much of what she was or who she was have survived, but I think that whatever harm she did in her last life haunts her. It could explain why she spent over five years punishing herself.”

“Punishment?” Michael never saw it that way. He saw it as weakness, despair, and irreconcilable grief. Never as punishment or atonement.

“What else could it be? When I met her she was practically begging me to rape her, to abuse her, and at that time I was angry enough and caught up in my own grief to do as she asked.”

Sean laid a restraining hand on Michael as the larger man stood to his feet.

“Sit down, Guerin. It didn’t happen. There was enough self-preservation in Isabel, and enough humanity in me to keep us from taking it too far. Something in me recognizes something very basic in her. We talk a silent language. I feel her in my warriors’ blood. It feels…like kindred.”

Maria wiped her eyes. “Aw, that is so romantic.” The men looked at her in horror, and she just sniffed. “Well, it is!” Rolling her eyes, she contemplated some more breakfast, or at least Michael’s last donut. She was tired. Her brain was having a hard time keeping up as sleep was a mantra humming in her mind.

“Last life,” said Sean shaking his head. “Crazy.”

“Great. I fucked it up last time, and some idiot called a cosmic ‘do over’ on me.”

Michael picked up Maria’s hand and joined their fingers. Raising their joint hands to his lips, he couldn’t complain too much. It had brought him to Maria.

358 “Did your friend tell you what this Destiny is, or this Granilith thing?” Maria asked, distracted by the touch of Michael’s mouth on her skin. He looked rested today. Good. He smelt good too. Spicy. Hot. A touch of musk. Mmmm. Not paying attention, she moved closer and joined her mouth to him.

Both Alex and Sean squirmed.

“Ah c’mon, don’t start M! We’ve got some serious decisions to make.”

Michael was caught up in it too. Taking his hand to her face, he kissed her again.

“Yo! Other frickin’ people are around! Aliens. Bombs. Death threats!” Sean threw his hands up in frustration. It wasn’t right to get a man all riled up with his woman off at work. It just wasn’t right.

“Sorry, I’m bad. That was my fault.” Maria pulled her hand from Michael’s and tried to straighten herself. Her hair felt a mess. All over the place. “Did he tell you why they were regenerated? And these Dupes? They’re exact replicas of Max, Isabel, Tess and


“The Royal Four. Yeah. I guess they are a ‘more alien’ mix, and not the real thing.

The real Royals aren’t sterile, and since both you and Tess are pregnant it is confirmed that you four are the legit thing.”

Michael couldn’t leave the Isabel/Vilandra thing alone. “He said not to trust Isabel.


“I think he didn’t want to say, given my relationship with her, but he felt compelled to forewarn me of a possible danger. Really, he didn't tell my any more.” Alex held his own council. He had reason to be wary of aliens. Freddie had taken a lot of his inclination to distrust away, but he had a historical reason to make sure the aliens could be trusted.

359 Of the four, he really only trusted Guerin. Isabel had a darkness he understood, but understanding it only made him aware of how it could turn and destroy, when left to run out of control. Max was an unknown, and Alex liked him enough, but.... And Tess? He really didn’t know. Of the four, Michael was the only one he trusted.

Maybe because Michael felt like a brother in arms, the same as he was in many basic ways.

The four of them sat at the table. Michael picked up Maria’s hand and held it to his lips again, thoughtfully considering all Alex had told them. Sean, ever patient, waited for

Michael to work it through with Maria’s quiet suggestions giving him a gentle guide, a clarity in thought. And Alex, the warrior among them, was ever ready and diligent. He was wary and on guard, but with these three, he was able to relax and share the load.

The Praetorians were banded together to meet a threat to their people. Perhaps it was true. There was no escaping Destiny and the nature of a person. They were doing what they were born to do.

“Why is my family protected?”


Michael repeated what Alex had said earlier. “You said that your friend said that ‘no one would harm the Commander and his family…not until Destiny was fulfilled.’ So why my family?” What about the King? Max’s family and child?

“I don’t know.” Alex looked at Maria. “I do know that it has to do with Maria. My friend didn’t say in so many words, but the implication was that they were watching over her…her and the babies. She is protected and will be for a long time. Whatever this

Destiny is, Maria is tied into it.”

360 “And the babies can’t be removed from me until it's time for them to be born?”

Maria asked.

“That's what he said.” Alex gave Maria an apologetic look. They had hoped to keep it together until the babies were old enough to induce labor, but those standards were human ones, and now it appeared that it was the dominant alien genes that were programming the course of the pregnancy. Tired. They were so damn tired already. How the hell were they going to make it for another eight weeks or more?”

“How can they know that?” Maria looked at the others. “How can they know what my role is, or how my children will tie into this great ‘Destiny’ they all seek?”

“I don’t know. They seem to know the future, but how that can be escapes me.”

Sean had been silent all this time, but he finally had to add his two cents into the discussion. “What I want to know about is this Granilith thing. Obviously it’s very powerful, and something everyone wants. And these Skins. That explains the strange shedding we’ve been finding, and I’m assuming that ‘Walkers’ are the reason for all the people who are found in strange places from their home with no memories. But where the hell is this damn Granilith, and why do they think you have it? Meaning of course you

Royal Four people.”

“Don’t look at me. I don’t have any damn Granilith, nor do I even know what it is.

Far as I’m concerned, if they want it, they can have it and get the hell off my planet.”

“It has to have a purpose, Michael, a greater importance to have so many wanting it, and it has to be a power base.” Maria moved her hands along the table in an absentminded pattern, her brow furrowed in thought. “It’s connected to you and the others, not only how you were recreated, but also connected. Why else would this Antar

361 place send it from their home world to Earth with the Royals? The real questions are how is it connected, why did they send it, and what does it do.”

Alex got up and poured himself some coffee. “One thing is certain, your merry bomber isn’t one of them. The implication is that the aliens are searching for this person too. Perhaps they know who it is, but not who is hiring him. I’m not sure. One thing is certain, it’s a race to find him, find his employer and shut off the threat.”

Maria nodded and sneaked a glance at Michael. He hated alien talk. If it weren’t for his powers, he would deny this heritage. That and the babies, and the toll on her body due to their ancestry. So far he was taking this discussion rather well. Maybe because it was with them and not the other aliens.

Taking his hand, she made him look at her. “You okay?”

“Not really. I’m human. That’s a relief. Or at least a hybrid alien human mix, but mostly human for all practical purposes. I can’t go back to this Antar or this other planet

I’m from, and both Max and Isabel are my siblings. Good to know. In my past life Max was Zan, an asshole King whom I followed blindly, to the detriment and defeat of my own people. Isabel was a traitor to us all, her family and her people, with some bigger asshole named Kivar. Yeah. Not much to recommend my past life, or my past worlds.”

“That’s in the past. This is now.” Maria said reassuringly.

“Except for this great unknown Destiny. I don’t know that I want to know what the hell it is. I’d hate being told what I have to do, how I have to act... But isn’t Destiny, by virtue of being whatever the hell it is, already pre-determined?”

“Maybe,” Maria grabbed him, and moved her hand along his face, feathering his cheekbones. “I just know I’m glad that whatever it was or is, that it includes me. I like

362 thinking that I am your destiny, Detective. Good to know that no matter how hard you try, you can’t escape my evil clutches.”

Michael chuckled, and leaned in to kiss her. Smiling he said softly, “God, I love you evil.”

“You’re in luck, because…”

Sean tossed up his hands. “That’s it! I’m outta here.”

Alex agreed. It was time to leave before the table became a re-enactment of some of his more interesting fantasies. Alex called a farewell behind him as he looked at his watch. So late already. He had wanted to make a trip to the reservation to see his grandfather. Maybe tomorrow.


“So who are we going to see?” Kyle quickly tossed his garbage in a bag. It was his car, not Sean’s, even if Sean was driving. He didn’t want it to look like a garbage pit.

Sean’s last vehicle, a nondescript gray car with red rust spots and a missing fender, was held together by said rust plus the garbage spewed about the place.

“An informant.”


Sean didn’t comment, but Kyle could tell it was serious since his shoulders were tensed. “Very.”

“So when does the mystery car show up?”

363 “My new Dodge?” Sean’s face suddenly split in a smile of pure joy. “Oh, if you’re anticipating driving it, partner, think again. That car is going to be purely recreational.”

“Uh huh. So what color is it?”

“Charger Red with detail, though it will need to be repainted.”

Kyle nodded. Of course it would. “Red, huh? Dodge Charger? Isn’t that like a

Starsky and Hutch car? What did they name that, the General or something?”

Sean gave Kyle a sour look. “General Lee. And no, it is not a Starsky and Hutch car!

We’re serious cops.”

“I don’t know. I thought old Starsky was pretty serious. Although I have to admit it was hard to take Hutch seriously after he started singing love songs.”

Sean thought about it for a mere second, and quickly said at the same time as Kyle did, “I’m Starsky!”

They both frowned at each other. “Dammit, Kyle, you be that damn Hutch guy.”

“You’re more gay than me!”

“Hey, not true. You had a gay relationship. What about Jack?”

“That was beyond gay. That was true love! Man, I saw you slutting around at Area

51 kissing everyone, making out with your ex-partner in Vice. You definitely have many more gay tendencies than I do! Add in that I am married,” Kyle flashed his wedding ring,

“and there you have it! Heterosexual, macho man, member of the Men’s’ Farting and

Burping Society. Starsky. And my hair is darker than yours!”

“Mine is curly, and I’ll fucking dye it!” Sean cursed under his breath. No way. He wasn't going to be no damn Hutch in this duo. Uh uh. Nope. He’d sneak in and bleach

Kyle’s hair if he had to. “I might also mention that I asked a certain chicken-lickin’ good

364 ADA with killer legs to marry me, and she said yes. So…” Sean gestured at himself,

“hetero, here! Curly hair and a Starsky car! Add in that Starsky always took the biggest beating, had the highest tolerance of pain…and it is obvious who is who in this team.”

“You asked Mac to marry you?” Oh wow. News or what? “That means you’re back together, right?”

Sean squirmed a little in his seat, cussing under his breath as he barely missed clipping another car. Damn technicalities. “Well, literally, um…not yet.” Sean held up his hand at Kyle’s hooting and singing some wretched 70’s song about not giving up on some damn baby. “We are going to move in again, get married, and everything. I was even thinking of getting a dog.” Sean smiled happily to himself. Dog. Good one. That clenched it. Serious stuff owning a dog, and when you add in Julia’s neurotic white cat, Ms. Fluffy it looked pretty settled.

“A dog.” Kyle smiled out the window. “That’s a bold and daring move there, Hutch.”


“Exactly. About time you acknowledged my name.” Kyle whistled amused at Sean’s sour face. “Damn, a whole dog, huh? Next thing you know I’ll be hearing the sounds of baby rattles and the smell of baby powder.”

A baby? Oh shit! Sean swerved, swearing evilly out the window at a trucker, pulling his gun and badge. Baby? Dammit, Starsky didn’t have no baby. That’s why he had the cool car.

Before Sean could comment, they arrived.

365 “So, who are we seeing?” Kyle asked. His desk at work was piled so high, he’d be lucky to ever see daylight. This better pan out. His call list, lab reports and follow up work were growing out of sight.

“Got to see a man about a horse.”

“Tell me we’re not interrupting our day to put down a bet on a horse.”

“Different kind of horse, son. Let’s go.”

Sean couldn’t help himself. He stopped to pick up the racing form, and snickered when he noticed Kyle had one too. Kyle made a sound under his breath.

“Sean, you got cash on you?”

Sean put his hand over his back pocket as if suspecting his partner of trying to rob him blind. Obviously if the man would steal the identity of Starsky, which belonged to him, it was apparent there were damn shifty genes in the Valenti makeup.

“I’ve got to make a bet.”

“Kyle, you were just complaining about stopping and betting.”

Kyle just said a name. “Ness’s Untouchable.”

Sean flipped through his racing form quickly. “No shit! Where?”

“A horse in the fifth. Terrible odds, but damn with that name...”

Sean loosened his money from its clip. “I’ll go a C-note on the nag. What do you want?”

“Skin me the same, and I’ll catch you if we win, or next payday.” Sean nodded and peeled two hundred off the pile of money. Damn. This was his upfront money for his

Dodge. He started to hand over the two bills when he hesitated. “Does Tess know you gamble?”

366 “Give me the damn money!” Kyle just shook his head. Tess wouldn’t care. Well, unless he lost. But with a name like Ness’s Untouchable how could it lose?

Sean continued to read the form. “Maidens... Fillies.... Two Year olds.... What the hell does any of that mean? Kyle, are odds of 62.30 good or bad? Kyle...?”

“You’re asking me? I can’t figure out this damn thing. What is this? Win. Place.

Show. I thought it was all or nothing? What the hell? Do they pay us if the horse actually shows up to the starting gate? If that’s the case, I say we quit our job, which is sucking right now, and come down here and bet on the healthy looking horse that look like they can trot up to the gate.”

“I don’t think it works that way, Kyle.”

“Don’t you know? What’s the use of being from the wrong side of the law if you don’t get any tips on bookmaking and gambling.”

Sean flipped through the racing form for an easy translation and idiot’s guide for a fool who was to be soon parted with his lovely loot. “Hey, back off, Copper’s Kid! My people pop stiffs who don’t pay, they don’t run numbers. Too risky. Just go put our money down. This baby is coming home. Name like that, we’re in the money.”

Sean waited as Kyle hit the window, and tucked their ticket in his shirt pocket. Time to work. Gesturing to his partner, they headed up the stairs to the owner’s private boxes.

Kyle was still reading the racing form when he became aware of two large men stopping them. Damn. They looked familiar. Goons. Looked like brothers to the two that beat the shit out of Sean last Spring. Shirley and his sister, Gertrude. Muscle. Who the fuck were they going to see?

367 Sean calmly opened his jacket and showed them his piece and badge. Kyle followed suit. One man with an earpiece turned away and talked into a hand receiver. He looked back at Sean, and held out his hand for the shield. They waited patiently as the man went inside. It was a few moments later that the other man got a message in his earpiece, and he opened the door for them.

Vincenza Rinaudo.

“Uncle Vinnie!”

The older man stood up and hugged Sean. “Sebastian.” He kissed Sean on both cheeks. “So, I know you live in my neighborhood, but do you call?”


“Yes, yes. Always politics. Lucky for you, I hear from your cousin, who tells me all the news.”

“Maria is good about keeping people informed.”

“Not so much lately, no?”

Sean nodded. “She’s feeling a little under the weather.” He calmly took a seat and accepted a cup of coffee. Family chitchat occupied them for a few moments. Kyle waited and tried to stay quiet as Sean caught up on family news with his uncle.

“I appreciate you coming all this way to see me, Zio. It’s important.”

Fixing his eyes out across the track, the older man lit his cigar. “Your father, he asks this special favor. He says it is for Family.”

“It is. Maria’s home was bombed two days ago.” Sean waited while the gravity of the situation was apparent. “And Amy was caught in a car bombing eleven days ago.”

368 “This matter is grave. Amy and Maria, they are part of the family. Is this an attack on us or are they just in the path of damage?”

Sean couldn’t lie. “I don’t know. They could be collateral damage, or they could be the targets. The car was Amy’s husband’s, my Captain. He appeared to be the original target. But the attack on the loft? That made it more personal.” Sean refused an offer of more coffee. “It’s more than Maria, Uncle. It’s the unborn twins as well. Uncle Frankie’s grandchildren.”

Vincenza looked at his nephew. His sister’s son. “This is a problem. The request, it too makes a problem. Are you sure this is what you want, Sean?”

“Yes.” No hesitation.

“Maria could ask. It would leave no room for misunderstanding.”

Sean knew that. But this was his responsibility. “It is not Maria’s place to ask. It is mine or Michael’s. He is sick as well. The pregnancy, it has been hard. So I’ll ask.”

“Very well.” The older man looked at one of his men and nodded. “This is the best we can tell you of what we know. This man, your bomber, he has no set signature. All bakers have a certain style. There is one...” he paused as Sean opened the envelope with a dossier in it. Kyle leaned over to read it as well. “...he is a professional. Special Forces trained. Some say ours, but others feel he is Russian. There was a Russian called Sergio.

No other name. Just Sergio. He was good. His signature was like this. Non-repeating.

Multiple deployment and mixed materials for his bombs. Nothing ever the same. Few years ago, Sergio left Russian services, never to be heard of again. Then came this man.

Chameleon. He rose out of nowhere. Some say from Special Forces out of Peru. Others… not so sure. Thing is, this man, he too, like Sergio has no set pattern or signature. He is

369 equally good. Is he the same man? No one can say. Sergio was a hard man to photograph.

I had them give you a picture of him, very old. No current pictures. Chameleon? No one has ever seen him. All his transactions happen via a special phone and email with electronic payments. He is a ghost, but he always succeeds in his missions.”

Sean nodded as he and Kyle quickly read through the two dossiers. “This may not be our man, but it is more than we had before.” Sean looked at his uncle. “What is the cost to you if we capture the Chameleon?”

His uncle shrugged. “That is a question that has no answer until it happens. There will be a price. There always is.”

Sean knew that. He had reason to know. “If it helps, the cops may not take him down. There are factions working our streets. Rumor is that this bomber and his employer are messing in unsafe waters. These factions are looking to take him out first. Our hope is to beat them. We may not succeed.”

“The price may be Maria and her unborn children, or Amy. So if that is so, I wish you well in your hunt.” Vinnie made a note to himself to contact his niece and check up on her. This news disturbed him. Maybe a few extra men to keep an eye on her, just in case.

Sean thought of Mrs. Mulhoney, Jim’s arm, and his aunt in a wheelchair. “The price has already been inconceivable. There is nothing left we can pay, that has not already been taken.”

Sean stood up, seeing that his uncle was ready to depart. Hugging him warmly, he received another kiss on the cheek and a firm grip to the back of his neck. His uncle

370 whispered to him, “Sebastian, il prezzo di queste informazioni può essere più di potete permettersi di pagare.”

Sean stood back and nodded. That was true. All information came with a price, and this could prove to be more costly than most, but then again there was no cost too great.

“I understand, Zio. I can only say that I will pay the cost gladly. This is for famiglia and there is no price too great for that.”

His uncle smiled. “You are a good son. And you will be a better nephew when you call your Aunt Rosa. Silence is an insult that improves with age like a good wine. Soon your Aunt will be drunk on rage that you should forget her.”

“Understood. I will call.” Picking up his shield from the table and taking the envelope, he and Kyle walked out of the room.

Kyle was quiet until they descended the last stairs. They were both thoughtful, but

Kyle kept looking back over his shoulder.

“What did he say to you?”

Sean glanced back too. He stopped with Kyle at a railing watching the races, but seeing nothing in front of him. “He said that the information he gave us might come with a very high price, a higher one than I can afford to pay.”

“I don’t understand. Was he threatening you?”

Sean laughed and patted Kyle on the back. “No. Not at all. Just a lesson in reality.

When a cop goes to them for information there is an expected favor required in exchange.

Otherwise they run the risk of being informants for the cops, and there is not a position they would hate more. It’s….well...bad for business. Your clients suddenly don’t know if they can trust your silence, and silence is a golden thing.” Sean searched his clothes for a

371 cigarette. Lighting up, he offered one to Kyle who quickly refused. “They stand on shaky ground. Maria asking would definitely have no connection to the police, but Michael and

I…well, there’s a lot of gray area there.”

Kyle tried to understand what Sean was saying. “So they might ask a favor of you for this information?”


Kyle nodded. Okay. Fine. “Like what?”

Sean quickly drew the smoke into his lungs. Damn. He was supposed to be quitting.

“Something a cop…an honest cop would have a hard time doing. It could be something as simple as turning his head. Hard to say. The point is you don’t know until one day the request comes, and regardless of what it is, there is an honor to it.”

“Damn.” Kyle’s mind ran rapid with endless scenarios. “You would do it?”

“In a heartbeat. For this? Yes.”

Kyle rocked on his feet, looking out across the track like Sean. They stood there in thought. “Okay, then if there is a price to pay, I want to know. Whatever you pay, so do



Kyle just hit Sean on the back as they turned to leave. “Forget it, partner. This is about family.”

Sean laughed. Yeah. Family.

They were on their way out when it was announced.

“Results in the 5th, NESS’S UNTOUCHABLE, was very reluctant to load delaying the start, stalked the dueling leaders to the stretch, rallied to take command approaching mid-stretch and widened to the wire under steady left handed urging. KANDOOLIE

372 raced five wide while well back on the turn, rallied through the lane and easily bested the rest. HAMPTON EXPRESS came through inside of LUCKY HEIDI to vie for the lead a half mile out, dueled to upper stretch before tiring. CRYPTO'S TRICK was away awkwardly but recovered quickly and chased the pace to the lane before tiring. LUCKY HEIDI broke alertly and held the early lead, was joined on her inside a half mile out, dueled to the lane, was trying to lug in through the entire stretch run and could not be ridden while giving way. SUSAN'S TOWER was ridden along to race between horses in mid-pack early, remained within range to the stretch before giving way. AWESOME CHARMER raced four wide and between horses in mid-pack to the stretch and was not a factor. SECRET TOOSOME showed little. ONE SHARP BIRD showed little while racing inside. ZEN'S SUGAR was outrun. AMBER BLUE was always well back being outrun.

Sean and Kyle looked at each other. Then they both jumped. They won. Did they win? Excited, but uncertain, they decided to celebrate anyway.

“Whoo hoo! Man, I was thinking of betting on Zen’s Sugar. What a sad show that was!”

Sean pushed Kyle towards the pay line. “Shut up and cash in our ticket. And don’t forget you owe me a C-note. Damn, maybe I should charge interest.”

Kyle turned to look at his partner. “Interest? I only borrowed it for half an hour!”

Kyle shook his head. Damn mooching Sean. What a frickin’ tightwad at times.

As they walked out of the track to their car, Sean quickly took out his cell phone and hit an autodial. “Hey, Counselor! You feel like a date on Saturday…and I do mean

Saturday, tomorrow, not next week?” Sean listened and laughed. “No really. I’ll take you somewhere nice. Not the House of Chicken.” Kyle chuckled as he counted his lovely loot. That would pay for a nice present for Tess.

373 “Then it’s a date. I’ll iron out the details with you tonight. You coming over?” Sean paused. “Naw, come over to Jim’s again. We still got Michael and Maria, and I feel like getting really hot and heavy.” Sean laughed at Julia’s reaction and quickly hung up.

“You know,” said Kyle as they got into the car. “I was thinking that you’re right.”

“Of course I am.” Sean looked at Kyle sharply. Okay this was unexpected. “What am

I right about?”

“The whole Starsky and Hutch thing.”

“Damn right I am!” Sean said with little modesty and a lot of gusto.

“Obviously, I am more of an Elliot Ness type.”

Oh, no way! “You? A G-Man? More like junior G-Man. If anyone’s Elliot Ness-like, it would be me.”

Kyle pointed at his face and smiled at Sean in a cheesy manner. “Check out the face!

Authority. Born leader. Charisma. Ness through and through. Yep, you’re definitely the old Starsky.”

“I’m the more experienced partner…”

“And you do have the wild curly hair….Ness’s was straight like mine. You have the car. Ness had the more sedate vehicle. Nothing too flashy like Charger Red.”

“I’m not painting it red when it’s refitted! I was thinking of a classic black. Elegant.

Understated, and obviously more in keeping with the Bureau. You have a frickin’ car seat.

Ness would never have a car seat.”

“He was a family man.”

“I’m getting married…someday!”

Kyle went in for the kill. “Then there is the whole sex thing.”

374 “What? You saying you have better sex?”

Kyle just smiled and looked out the window. “Can’t help it. It’s that whole alien one hour orgasm thing. No reflection on you, or anything.”

“I do well enough…thank you!”

Kyle just snorted. “I think I’ll use my money to buy a nice Ness trench coat.”

375 Chapter Twelve: Not to dream all my dream, let’s act the rest.

Day Twelve: Saturday, 1:13 am

Jonathan let himself into Max’s place. Putting his bag and overcoat across the back of the sofa, he stretched. So this was what tired felt like. Surprising. His body had gone numb about twelve hours ago, so to actually feel anything was a shocker in itself.


Jonathan stopped in mid-stretch at the sound of Max’s voice coming from the doorway. He stood in the hallway, leaning against the door jam. He was wearing nothing but a pair of drawstring pants he sometimes slept in.

“Hey back.”

“Sorry I called.”

Jonathan shook his head. “I would’ve been pissed if you didn’t. Maria and the babies?”

“They’re fine. She’s holding on. Just barely. I’m pretty concerned about Michael. He hasn’t said much, and even for Michael, the silence is too…”


“Yes. Something like that.” Max went into the room. “You hungry?

Jonathan reached out and grabbed Max pulling to him. “Yeah, I’m hungry. Starved.”

Before Max could respond, Jonathan was already springing into action.

Jonathan tightened his hands on Max's hips and pulled him hard against his body.

There was a wall behind them - the small wall separating the kitchen from the living

376 room. He opened his eyes to keep it in sight, never removing his mouth from Max's. He backed the younger man against the wall, pinning him there with his weight. He released

Max's mouth, dragging his tongue across stubble-rough cheeks and then down, licking a trail from the swollen lips to the nipples left bare from a lack of a shirt.

Jonathan heard a groan above him as he latched on to one and tugged gently with his teeth. He worried at it for a moment, sucking and biting, enticing gasps of pain and pleasure from his partner. When it was swollen and throbbing with heat he switched to the other nipple, tonguing carefully, tasting the muskier bite and taste of Evans. Hands cradled his head, clutching on to him, holding him close as Max made throaty sounds of encouragement. He turned his head and nipped at those hands, swirling his tongue suggestively over the thumb. Deep brown met unfathomed black as he did so, both sets of eyes dark and hot.

Max's eyes widened and darkened further when Jonathan continued downward, sliding to his knees before him. Jonathan rubbed his cheek against the hard throbbing length barely concealed behind the thin drawstring pants, felt it pulse against his skin. His own body was more than aroused, swollen and achingly hard in his slacks, throbbing in response. He nuzzled for a moment longer, smelling the unmistakable scent of semen, breathing in the heat and arousal of his partner. His tongue darted out and ran up the bulging material and he heard Max's growl of lust.

Jonathan surged to his feet and grabbed two handfuls of hair, yanking Max's head back, tilting it up. He took the younger man's mouth in a voracious, sucking kiss, drawing

Max's tongue as far into his own mouth as he could. He felt Max's knee thrust between his legs, bringing them closer still, hungry hands scrambling at his waist to release the top

377 button. He shifted so he could rub his aching body hard against the smaller man's, moving against the hand that was reaching to pet him.

Max tore his mouth away, gasping. "Jonathan! Oh, god, Jon..."

"What, baby?" he panted, trying to draw air into lungs that seemed to have forgotten how to work.

"Don’t ruin the mood by calling me baby!” Jonathan laughed at that. “This is good.

It's so good, man...so good..."

"Yeah," he growled before delving back into the dark recesses of Max's mouth. He plunged his tongue in and out, fucking the younger man's mouth rapidly, hands wandering at will. Max's hands were busy kneading and squeezing the muscles of his biceps, rubbing against him hard, seeking added touch.

Jonathan was ready to have Max take him right here, right now. God. He was more than a little ready. He was all but begging him to take it one last step further.

Reluctantly Jonathan dragged his mouth away from his partner's, observing the swollen lips, heaving chest, and hearing the pounding heartbeat. He leaned in to nuzzle at

Max's ear, rimming the outer edge before whispering, "I have to have you, Max. I want more, much more. I want to feel you buried inside me. Fucking me 'til I scream."

A raspy voice moaned, "God, yes."

"Bed? Now?" Maria had said to stop over thinking it, to just show up ready and willing, and Max would more than likely be onboard. Thinking only wasted time. He already knew what he wanted.

A hesitant nod. "Are you sure? Jonathan, this is…"

378 "I won't make it much longer, Max. I need you, now. It's already gone on too long. I spend my days obsessing and daydreaming about getting fucked by you." Jonathan drew

Max's hand down to his raging hard body. "I want you, Max. I’ve always wanted you.

Gotta have you..."

"Yes...." Max breathed. "Let's go."

Max followed Jonathan and twice trailed his fingers up and down the fine silk of

Jonathan's dress shirt where it defined and stretched across his back. Jonathan threw a look over his shoulder the second time, eyes smoldering with barely banked heat and growled, "Undress me."

The wanton look on Max's face only fueled the fire now raging out of control. He could do that. No problem. He could do it in his sleep.

Jonathan steered them toward the bed in the far corner of the room, turning as he touched the edge of the mattress, pulling Max back into his arms. Their lips met and fused, tongues tangling in hunger, desperate for the taste of each other.

Jonathan tugged on Max's arms and raised them to encircle his neck, exposing a large patch of bare midriff as his shirt hung open from where Max had already unfastened it. Their skin touched. Jonathan moaned and slid his hand around Max’s back stroking the smooth skin and firm muscle, feeling the ripples and twitches his touch generated. Max's hands got busy working on the buttons and fastenings of Jonathan's pants, brushing against the obvious bulge that was outlined against the fabric. Hurry. Damn, if he didn’t hurry, Jonathan was going to ruin a perfectly good pair of Armani sear cut slacks.

Jonathan groaned against Max's mouth as those incredible fingers delved in and freed

379 him, warm skin on his heated flesh, cool air rushing against him. A thumb smoothed over the tip, probing at the tiny fissure, spreading the pre-cum that had already leaked out.

"Yeah, touch me like that....just like that, Max..."

"Like me touching you?" Max whispered against Jonathan's chest, nuzzling into hard nipples.

"God, yes...ohhh..." The fingers stroked, caressed, cajoled, drawing breathy gasps and moans from him. Strange. He was nothing but a bundle of endless feelings all firing and shoot about at once. Glorious. It felt glorious. He felt Max smile against his chest.

"Keep touching...don't stop,...don't stop...oh, shit..."

"You can let it go. I’ve got you..." Max released the last fastening and Jonathan’s pant fell unhindered to the floor puddling at their feet. Max watched the material drop, his eyes moving hungrily up Jonathan’s form. All those years. Women. Too numerous to count, and god he loved everything about their bodies! But it was almost shocking that he never noticed how incredible men looked. The male form. It was amazingly powerful, angular, and defined in the hardness of muscles. But would he want other men? Or just admire their forms? Jonathan. He wanted Jonathan. There was no one else.

"No..." Max pushed himself back from Jonathan and watched as Jonathan just sat down on the bed, almost resigned. “I wanted to tell you…show you,…oh damn!”

Jonathan couldn’t even talk. This couldn’t be happening. Max wouldn’t just pull back, not now. Not this far into it. “Max, I can’t…”

“No, you don’t understand. It’s not that! I…it’s just...” Max swore. He was ruining this. “It’s all the women. I know how to do this. I’ve done it before with women. So it’s not what you think.”

380 “Then what the hell is it?” Jonathan asked quietly.

“It’s just different, okay? All those women? It was just sex and it didn’t matter.” Max closed his eyes for a moment. Why was this so damn hard? “I didn’t want to just do this…to make it just sex, because it’s not.”

Jonathan went real still. “What is it, if not sex?”

“I’ve never been in love before. It means more.” Max moved next to Jonathan on the bed, pushing him further and further back in a slow crawl. Jonathan couldn’t breath. His heart stopped. He never knew what it was to want something, until Max gave it to him.

“What did you say?” Damn. He could feel a hint of moisture behind his eyes, a touch of control slipping. If Max Evans turned him into a bawling baby he was going to kill him.

“I said I love you. And the reason I’ve been holding off on this was because in an old fashioned way, I wanted it to mean something more than just us getting off. Something more than pleasure.”

Jonathan couldn’t find his tongue. “Max, I…”

Max laughed softly. Jonathan speechless was worth everything. He shoved him back from the lounging position gently onto the bed, flat on his back. "I want to taste you...drink you. Then I want to make love to you until you can't see straight."

"Oh..." came a faint voice below him.

Max moved his body along Jonathan’s leaning into him to kiss him again as his hand moved down Jonathan’s body, his fingers fumbling in his haste to touch every inch of him. Max leaned down to take his first taste. A few months ago, if someone suggested he could actually enjoy this, he would have shot the person with his gun. Now he just

381 reveled in Jonathan’s gasp, felt an increase in excitement when Jonathan’s hands grasped his hair. He was growing it out just for that reason. He loved the feel of Jonathan’s hands in it when he started to lose control. Flavors and scents exploded in his mouth. Max decided to keep this new favorite thing he was doing to himself. He really wasn’t up to a long intense discussion with Isabel over how much he really liked sucking cock.

Hot. Jonathan tasted of heat. Heat, salt, sweat and a slightly bitter flavor; a delicious combination that piggybacked with the other scents and tastes he had already discovered; the total package of one incredibly sexy man. He pulled back, enough to give him a little maneuvering room, then he sucked the head into his mouth, running his tongue all across the top of it.

"Ohmigod....Max...Mmmmmax..." Hands clutched at his head, fingers scrambling for purchase.

He ignored everything but his driving need for this and plunged a little further down in the heat. The reaction was electric: Jonathan groaned low in his throat and shoved upward against him, forcing the rest of himself into Max's mouth. Max grunted and swallowed, taking it all in. That was the bonus. Jonathan completely vulnerable and under his control.

He sucked voraciously, like a starving man, needing to taste him, bitter and the salty.

Max drank eagerly. He could feel the striations in the skin under his tongue; felt and heard the thundering pulse racing through the hard shaft, tasted the salt of the skin itself.

Veins rolled beneath his tongue as it slid frantically up and down, working...working...

Jonathan moaned above him, hands caressing at his head. Feeling the growing tension, the blood rushing faster and harder towards the organ as other fluids began to move along

382 different paths, it wasn’t long to feel the taunt stillness of Jonathan’s body as he exploded, a low cry hanging in the air. His. Definitely his.

"Max...?" Jonathan's voice sounded shaky, breathless.

"Hang on..." Max reached for Jonathan, shifting him so he was on his stomach. He would prefer to see him this first time, but he really wanted to rest against his back, holding him so close so he could talk in his ear. He had done this a few times with women in his acquaintance, but this time was different. It was Jonathan, and it was a deeper connection for them. Rubbing his unshaved face and late night whiskers along the skin of Jonathan’s back, Max closed his eyes to the rasp of it against the skin. Strangely sensual. It worked for him. Taking his time, he reached into his bedside table for condoms and supplies he put there months ago.

"Please, Max...god, don't tease..." The wait and anticipation was killing him. He had imagined it in his head, the preparation, a cleaning ceremony in preparation, and so many other scenarios, but he couldn’t and wouldn’t back off to change the circumstances. This was perfect.

“You want a reach around?” Max asked chuckling softly as Jonathan swore.

“I swear, if you don’t just get on with it, I’m going to kill you!”

Testy! Max reached around to close around Jonathan's straining cock, pumping him briskly in time to the tiny thrusts he made with his lower body. Jonathan moaned incoherently, arching into his hand, pressing against his body.

Taking lubrication, Max quickly prepared Jonathan, taking his time to stretch the muscles and lubricate. They had come this far many times, but never the final step. It was his fault. He had held back. Nothing ever meant this much to him. He had spent a small

383 lifetime fucking up relationships, and somehow moving at a snail pace with Jonathan was all about not doing that again. Somewhere in his past, he moved too fast, too thoughtlessly, and it cost him everything. He couldn’t let that happen again. Not this time.

"Mmm--oh, yeah...oh, god, Max...anytime. Now would be good." Jonathan moved against the fingers, pressing back. Jonathan protested when Max moved away from him.

Max kissed his back. "Just taking my pants off," he whispered hoarsely.

"Max..." The impatience and irritation in Jonathan’s voice made Max smile slightly as he buried his face in Jonathan’s loose long dark hair at his neck..

“C'mere." Now or never.

"Ohhhh....damn..." Jonathan breathed out as he and Max finally made the last connection. Shit. That was…painful, intense, erotic, hot, and fucking irritating at the same time. Max was going so slow and carefully that Jonathan was conflicted between being grateful and moved by the consideration, or just impatient.

"Christ,..." Max swallowed heavily as he was engulfed by Jonathan. He could feel himself throbbing inside of Jonathan, feel his body throbbing around him. It was incredible…the rush of blood through the thin walls of skin caressed and massaged him,

Jonathan's pulse felt like staccato beats pounding along his sensitive cock, the heat of his body seemed to sear him, branding him. "I love you," he whispered hoarsely as he rested his head against Jonathan’s back. Love. Being in love made a huge difference.

They rocked together gently for a long moment. Jonathan, who was once tired, suddenly couldn’t remember feeling more energized. Then the hunger that had engulfed both of them began to rise again and movements became more urgent, more frantic.

384 Max groaned when Jonathan flexed and encouraged him to speed up. The difference between a male and female lover became apparent. With Jonathan he rarely felt the need to be careful, because Jonathan never felt delicate or fragile. Max leaned forward and bit

Jonathan gently on the neck, sucking on the pulse point. The low moan was encouragement enough that Max did it again, biting a little harder this time. Jonathan's answer was to flex his muscles again.

"God, you're killing me...man, you feel so good...tight, hot...I'm in you,

Jonathan...I'm inside you." Max was definitely babbling, and Jonathan seemed unaware of it as the slick sweat of their bodies poured over him, and all he could feel was Max and for the first time in his life, everything.

Max angled his penetration and found that one spot that caused a cascading reaction from Jonathan. The shivers and shudders that racked his body were echoed through

Max’s when Jonathan tightened around him. Their movements became faster, harder. And

Max reached around to finish Jonathan off as he thrust hard into the willing body, holding his thrust as Jonathan's body tightened around him, muscles clenching, milking his orgasm. He shuddered for long moments, shaking from the intensity as Max’s mouth opened in wonder. Oh, damn!

Sex was good. This was different. The surging energy hit him first in the small of his back, along his spine, and seemed to travel through his entire body at an alarming rate, firing all the synaptic pathways along the way. His eyes had to have rolled back in his head, as he felt his body explode into a billion points of light, and for a cosmic second, suspended, he could feel Jonathan along side him, immersed and coalesced with every molecule of his being.

385 Then it was done. They lay there, Max still buried deep within Jonathan, both men panting and shaking from the intensity of the sensations--and the emotions. It wasn’t stopping. The sensation kept sweeping through them in waves. Max remembered hearing a scream, but he couldn’t honestly say if it was Jonathan or himself.

Max rested his head against Jonathan’s back, with Jonathan lying wasted under him.

Warm, moist air moved across his ultra sensitive skin and he arched slightly into it. He brought a hand up to tangle into the long silky black strands of Jonathan’s hair, reflecting for a moment that they were indeed as soft as they looked.

"Jonathan?" No response. "Jonathan?"

"Yeah." The utter contentedness in his partner's voice surprised him and he forgot for a minute what he wanted to ask.

"You okay?"

"If I were any more okay I'd be dead." The voice was muffled under him. Max gripped a handful of Jonathan's hair and pulled his head back gently, staring at him.

"You sure?"

"I'm fine. Better than fine. Fucking fantastic." Max laughed softly at that. Jonathan wasn’t one to give into bouts of profanity. “Of course, I’d like to add ‘Ouch’, and ‘Damn, you weigh a ton.’” Max took the hint and rolled off the older man and watched as he slowly turned over. They sat for a moment staring at each other, uncertain what to say, until suddenly they both laughed, their grins spreading across their faces.

“Max?” Jonathan frowned at the clock. Hours had gone by. It was already after three, actually almost four.


386 “A few things.” Jonathan waited until Max came out of his resting pose. “First, that was very different from anything I've ever experienced.” That was something in itself. All his experiences with Max were so much above all his others, but this one had just hit a higher orbit.

Max’s face remained silent for a moment. Shit. He forgot about the whole alien orgasm thing, and whatever it was he did during sex must have made a huge difference.

Honestly though, what just happened between them was light-years beyond even Max’s experience. That was a whole new level. Max remembered Michael mentioning experiencing something this surreal and intense with Maria as well.

“Not that I’m complaining. Actually, I am definitely not complaining. I just want to say, ‘wow’, and add that we can definitely do that again.” Max smiled at that. Good. Now that they got past that roadblock in their relationship, he wasn’t going back. “Second, I’m sorry I couldn’t come home when you called. I should’ve been here.”

“You came home early for Jim and Amy. I understood that you couldn’t cancel this time too. It wasn’t a problem.”

“Mrs. Mulhoney died, Max. That is definitely a problem. Maria is sick, and Michael is silent. My place is here with the rest of you. I don’t like this. I actually hate it.”

Max was surprised at the passion Jonathan was showing. He knew Jonathan and

Maria had a complex and unfathomable relationship, but this was the first time he realized that Jonathan thought of the entire group as his responsibility, maybe even family.

387 “You’re here now. That’s cool.” Max ran his hand down Jonathan’s chest, his eyes growing heavier at the sensual feel of the slightly damp skin. “And was there anything else?”

Jonathan bit back telling Max about Vanessa. Later. Now was between them, and them only. This was private. “Actually, I was going to ask if you were going to feed me until I realized it was actually very close to already being morning.”

Max moved closer to Jonathan as the larger man held out an arm and let him in close.

They liked sharing a bed, but it wasn’t like either of them was really into snuggling. It just wasn’t the same. They shared the bed. Slept together. Sex. But they both liked their space.

“Are you asking me if I’ll respect you in the morning, and at least feed you before I throw you out of my bed?”

Jonathan yawned and stretched. Oh yeah. He was going to feel it in the morning. “It was my virginity, Max. It has to be worth at least a few slices of bacon, maybe some fresh fruit, and an egg over easy.”

Max laughed. Hell, it was worth a lot more than that. “I’ll go out for Krispy


“You do love me!” Jonathan said dramatically for effect.

Max became serious. “Don’t ever doubt that. I’ve had a hard time coming to this

Jonathan, so it wasn’t something I’ve done lightly.”

“I know.” Jonathan had to appreciate the man Max was shaping into. It was a novelty to him. In all the world he never thought to find what he had found in Max. It was reshaping his life.

388 ~~~

Michael hung up the phone and looked over at Sean, who was cooking. This was becoming a habit. The food was good, but he really didn’t want to become a roommate with Sean DeLuca.

“That was Walter. I arranged for your car to be delivered to his garage instead of the loft. Walter said he would take care of the cost, and you can pay him on Tuesday. He’s going to do a quick systems check, and start generating a list of what needs to be replaced. Once Maria and I move back home, I’ll arrange for the car to be delivered there, and then we can start working on it.”

Sean started to whistle. Lovely. Fucking lovely. His car. “Great! I can’t wait. All you classic car owners are too snotty with your wheels.”

Michael just snorted as the phone rang again. Yeah. Wait until Sean had his dream car and they would see how giving he was going to be about sharing it with others. He hadn’t noticed Maria coming down the stairs. She had slept in that morning. The darkness under her eyes and the tremor in her hands was concerning him greatly. He had piled on another blanket and left her to rest.

Maria came up behind him and answered the ringing phone. Startled, Michael turned and listened. It was obviously for her, but he frowned at the look on her face. She was listening to the caller, and her face shuttered. What little color she had was suddenly gone as it drained from her face. Michael could see the shake in her hands, as she sank down

389 heavily in the nearest chair. Cussing, he told Sean to put on some tea, and he blanketed himself around her, as he took the phone.

“Who is this?” Sean winced at his angry voice. That was the voice that made secretaries and rookies cry. Guerin wasn’t a subtle man. Going to the door, he answered a knock.

“Morning, Cap Max.”

“Can the ‘Cap’ part, Sean.” Max said as he and Jonathan entered the kitchen.

Jonathan took in the scene immediately. Michael was getting ‘sporty’ on the phone with someone, and Maria…oh damn! Jonathan quickly went to her. Taking her hands in his, he could feel the shaking and the ice cold creeping. This couldn’t be happening.

Maria was crying softly, and suddenly she put her head down on the table and sobbed.

The room exploded. Drawers and flatware went flying, and pictures flew off the walls. Michael ducked as a large platter exploded over his head. Shoving the phone at

Jonathan he barked for the man to take care of the asshole on the other end, as he quickly pulled Maria onto the floor and out of the way of flying objects and quickly tried to calm the twins.

Sean slowly rose to his feet as the room suddenly quieted. Looking around, he swore.

Someone was going to have to clean up this mess, and his suspicions were he was that someone. Searching quickly, he found a cup that wasn’t broken and made a large cup of hot tea, extra sugar. Handing it to Michael, he couldn’t take his eyes off Maria. In mere moments, she had seemed to sink inside herself, and now she looked so incredibly small.


390 Michael helped Maria drink the tea through chattering teeth. Swearing and concerned, he picked her up to put her in a hot bath. Sean went back to making tea. He and Max started to clean the room, making note of broken dishes needing to be replaced.

Jonathan was pacing the room in anger, his voice never raising above a low roar as the very ice in his demeanor could be chipped away as glaciered permafrost.

Jonathan stood there in the room, tall and dark. He was in black pants and a Henley shirt unbuttoned at his neck with the sleeves up. The flash of his watch caught Max’s eye as it flicked and flittered about. Jonathan’s hair was long black silky hair was held back with a leather tie, and his one hand was on his waist as he talked coolly in the phone. It was his eyes that disturbed Max the most. Their usual impenetrable blackness was heated with a gleam, a spark, and it was disconcerting to feel so enthralled.

“Yeah, I could fuck him right now too.” Sean said softly in Max’s ear.

Max looked over his shoulder at Sean checking Jonathan out and something hit him hard. Jealousy. It more than bugged him that Sean was looking at Jonathan as something desirable, but literally it pissed him off to no end.

Sean, ignoring Max’s withering stare, but knowing what it contained, just smiled his usual teasing grin. “Of course, such a magnificent beast…think I’d rather be fucked by it.”

“Sean, I swear if you don’t shut up…”

“Peace! I’m just sayin... Of course, the man is spoken for, and as it happens, so am I.

But I’m not dead, and the energy off that man is totally worthy of drool. My own sweet chicken-pot-pie delight has that same intensity when she’s lawyering, and damn if I don’t crawl all over her just begging for attention. Total turn on.” Sean’s eyes darkened as he

391 let his brain take him on a journey to the truly sick and depraved. “High heels. Love them. Wonder if Mac would like to…”

Max put an elbow into Sean’s gut smiling at the ‘omphing’ noise. Sometimes even a little information was too much, and in Sean’s case any information ran in that vein. But he was right. Jonathan was oozing sex appeal in his take-charge role. Max cleared his throat and tried to clear what had happened earlier that morning out of his mind. Michael couldn’t take see him and Jonathan going at it in the living room.

Michael came down the stairs as Jonathan finally hung up and both Sean and Max had the room in some order.

“Maria?” Jonathan asked with his concern etched on his face.

Michael shook his head. “She’s asleep.”

“What happened?” Sean asked and Max took a seat on the edge of the table as well.

Their curiosity was overwhelming. Michael couldn’t talk about it. It made him so angry.

They ambushed her, hurt her during a time when she had no defenses left.

Jonathan suppressed an urge to go upstairs and check on Maria himself. Clearing his throat, he sat on the edge of the table across from Max. “That was a representative for

Mrs. Mulhoney’s family. Seems that they didn’t want the added cost of burial and were happy to let Maria and Michael do that, but what they aren’t happy with is that Mrs.

Mulhoney’s entire property was burned, and she left next to nothing.”

Sean frowned. Of course the elderly woman had nothing. That was how they found her. Penniless. Alone. Barely surviving. Did her family think that she somehow won the lottery?

392 “Guess they never realized how much of their mother’s livelihood was being supplemented by Maria, and the rest of you. She lived in a nice home. She was warm.

She was fed and loved. Her surviving children thought she had money. They found out they were wrong, and now they’re threatening to sue Maria for damages. Suddenly after years of neglect and disinterest in their mother, they find that they need some consolation in the tune of half a million dollars.”

Sean stood up in a hurry and walked around the room in anger. “That is bullshit!

Bullshit! How can Maria be held accountable? How?”

“It’s their contention that Maria put their mother at risk by not installing security system throughout all the lofts, and that she is ultimately responsible.”

“Pay them.” Maria said quietly from the stairs. It didn’t matter. Mrs. Mulhoney was gone, and God help her, she was responsible. Maria choked back a sob. Her fault.

Looking at Jonathan, she waited until he made direct eye contact. “Jonathan, can you take care of this for me?” Maria ran a small delicate hand over her own face. It was pale and trembling, almost translucent. “I just…I can’t.” Maria didn’t wait for a response. She went back up the stairs to be alone.

Michael grabbed the hot water, and quickly made a cup of tea adding in sugar, and then even more. “She’s right, Jonathan. You take care of this.” Michael looked at the man and in a flash of understanding, they knew what was to be done. “I’ll trust you to keep her interest.”

“Not one red cent…understood.” Jonathan said.

393 Michael went up the stairs, he looked back at the three. “They will not use her grief against her. Maria was Mrs. Mulhoney’s family, not those vultures. They will not be paid for their abuse and neglect. You do it right, or I will.”

“Oh Lord,” Max said softly. Grabbing Jonathan’s arm, he squeezed it hard. “Please make sure you do this right. Michael…if Michael has to deal with it there’ll be bloodshed.”

Jonathan got off the table and came to stand in front of Max. “I need to go to the office and check with the Foundation lawyers. Maria is the Foundation, so it’s only fitting they safeguard her interest. You need me to drop you off?”

“No. I’ll stay close to Michael and Maria. Michael is walking a short fuse right now.

He might need someone to pull him back.”

Jonathan nodded, and reaching down he kissed Max, then paused and kissed him again, longer and harder. He was slightly thick voiced when he said goodbye. “I’ll be back. I’ve got my phone. Just call if you need me. And, Max,” Jonathan waited until Max made eye contact. “We’re going to need to have a little talk about what the hell happened in this kitchen this morning.” Jonathan gestured at the damage.

Max nodded, and watched Jonathan leave. Jonathan hadn’t been told about the alien stuff, but after what happened between them earlier, maybe it was time. It took him a few moments to realize that Sean was watching with interest. The warmth on his neck wasn’t embarrassment. It was just hot in there.

“Mmmm, mmm, good.”

“Shut up, Sean.”

394 ~~~

The man reached over for the phone. Taking it and cradling it between his neck and shoulder, he quickly acknowledged the caller.

“What are you doing?”

“My job. Did you want something?”

“I want you to stop what you are doing. I didn’t hire you to bomb a loft or Captain

Valenti’s car. I brought you here for a very specific purpose.”

The man put down his tools and leaned back in his chair. “That is true. The others are part of a different job, and actually that job is proving to be much more interesting.”

The voice on the other end lost control, the ironclad control that never slipped. “I don’t care who hired you, or what the job is, I want these acts of terrorism to stop! Today.

You are messing in areas that I don’t want messed with, and I think you realize how dangerous it is to make an enemy of me.”

“There is nothing I can do. I hold three current contracts. Two for another client, and one more for you. If you wish to cancel your future job, fine. It will cost you the fee. But the other two are already paid for, and those I cannot abort.”

“I see.” There was a pause at the other end. “Dangerous business you are in,


“The only game in the book.” He hung up the phone. A man’s word was everything.

Pierce should know that.


395 “Maria, please eat something. Anything. I’ll go out for barbeque or hamburgers. Just tell me what you want, and I’ll get it.”

Maria just shrugged. She couldn’t eat. Too tired. Maybe in a little bit. If she just slept for a few more moments…


“I’m fine. I just need to rest a few more moments.” Maria turned over and looked at

Michael leaning over her on the bed. “Please? I’m just so tired.”

Michael sighed in defeat. Damn. He had hurt her so badly yesterday, and now this.

Too much. It was too much. Normally Maria was strong enough to face anything, but she was so drained from fighting, and now there was no fight left in her small body.

The babies. She could’ve held on when she thought they could be taken from her early, when they were developed enough to survive on their own in a just a few weeks.

But Alex’s words had changed that. They needed her. Far beyond the pregnancy. For the first six years of their lives they would be joined with her in a shared telepathy, and without that connection they couldn’t live. There was a slim chance that their human genetics would alter that path and they could survive. Neither of them was willing to risk it, so they couldn’t take the babies early. Nature had to decide when the time was right for the birth, and suddenly Maria was looking at eight to ten weeks longer…and she was so tired already.

They weren’t going to make it. If Maria died, the babies died with her.

“I want to go home,” she said softly. “I want my cat and I want my mother. I’m so tired.”

396 Oh, god. Michael looked at his hands. His powers, his soul and his blood. He’d give all of it to them if that would make them strong, make them live. He couldn’t fight any harder. Like Maria, he was running only on fumes, scraping the bare bottom. Maria was right. Maybe if they just rested for a few more hours, everything would be alright...


“Maybe we should give Comm…Guerin a call?”

Hanson tossed himself down in his chair. They had just spent the last few days running down all the possibilities on their dead man, and working with the man that seemed to have a memory loss. What happened in that alley was still a mystery, but what

Hanson had was a long series of endless reports of people waking up and taking trips to places far from their home. The strangest thing was that in the last four months, it seemed that Roswell was the ultimate destination.

“Call Michael?” Sam seemed to be pondering his partner’s request. “Okay. We could call Michael. Why?”

“What?” Courtney looked at her partner in confusion.

“Why? Why are we calling him?”

“Our case has stalled and…”

“I see.” Hanson did see. Looking at his young blonde partner, and trying to believe she was older than she claimed to be, he really did see. “You want to call the

‘Commander’ in because we’re stalled. Perhaps he can rush to our rescue and solve our case? Or did you just want to see the ‘Commander’?”

397 “I…look, Carl...”

Hanson got up and checked his watch. Long day, and it was enough. He had a date for dinner, and as amusing as his partner could be, he was tired.

Hanson. Strange man. Slow. Methodical. Often he lost touch with his thoughts, but he got the job done in his own way. Some made the mistake of confusing slowness with stupidity. His partner had a major lust thing going for Michael Guerin. One that wasn’t returned, and never would be.

“Sam. My name is Sam, not Carl.” Maybe it was time to clarify that. It really hadn’t mattered before, but recently, Hanson was picking up indications from his partner that he didn’t like.

“Excuse me?”

“Look, I didn’t really mind you calling me Carl, but it’s not your special name for me, is it? No, it’s because you can’t be bothered to pay attention to me. Fine. Not a problem. But being that the case, I prefer that you call me by my name. Sam. I’ve had it for thirty-four years, and my mother really thought it was a good one.”

Courtney was shocked. He had never contradicted her. Never raised his voice. He always seemed to be in eternally good humor. He was on the inside with the

Commander’s group. That wasn’t hard to figure out. He knew things that he kept quiet, and she had caught the King and the Commander both talking to him in a low voice several times. She needed him. All in all, she was actually getting to like this human. His love of the strange and the bizarre was almost a kinship to her own tastes.

“Look, Car…Sam. I’m sorry that I got your name wrong. That was my mistake. But, this thing about the case, I still think we need the…Guerin’s help on it.”

398 “Well, we’re not getting it, okay? Guerin is out sick. Off until after his maternity leave. He only comes in for specials, and with his home being bombed mere days ago, I doubt he’ll be in for awhile.”

Dammit! Courtney tried to understand what the problem was. As far as she could tell, the main loft that the Commander lived in hadn’t been touched, and the rest were expendable. As long as he was okay, nothing else was a consideration.

“This case was a ‘special’, so maybe we should report to him.”

“I think that if we’re supposed to report any findings it would be to Max. He’s the acting Captain in the interim.”

Courtney just snorted. Max Evans. Whatever. Acting Captain or King, he would be the last person she would confide in or report to. The previous King had been a dud in his past life, his dupe was equally vain and cruel, so there was little reason to put great faith in this version as well.

Hanson looked at his watch one more time. “Look, maybe you should take a hint.

The ‘Commander’ is otherwise engaged, literally married and expecting a baby or two.

He doesn’t seem to notice that you’re alive, so hounding him, or trying to get his attention is pretty futile. My advice is to save yourself the trouble and hang up this obsession you seem to have. For God’s sake, he doesn’t even remember your name.”

Courtney stared at her partner as he made his way out of the bullpen. So, he wasn’t as clueless as he appeared on the surface. She had already suspected that. In working their cases, he was pretty spotless, almost compulsive, and that touch of compulsion made him slow and meticulous. Next to someone like Michael, Hanson appeared to be a slow buffoon, but it was more a matter of comparing a hare to a tortoise. Different

399 approaches, but the same end. The disturbing fact was that he had noticed her fascination with the Commander, enough to actually emphasize her name for him.

Picking up the phone, she tried to think of what to do about the situation. Difficult to say or decide.

“This is Courtney. Is there any news?”

“None. The meeting in your alley appeared to be Nicholas intercepting a few of

Larek’s Walkers.” There was discussion on the other end. “Did they get to the Royals?”

“No. So Nicholas is here. Figures he would turn up. But I saw an old friend of ours the other day. I don’t think he saw me. He’s close to the Royals, and had to know they were here for some time.”


“Freddie. He’s deadheading and doing sets at a local color called Club Hell. The owner is an Alex Whitman. The interesting thing is Alex Whitman and the Princess

Vilandra are an item. Hot and heavy. Rumors are they’re pretty tight.”

The silence was long and painful. She could almost hear their brains working, endless thoughts and questions hitting her in a barrage.

“How close is she to the Commander?”

Courtney looked up at the evening crew in the bullpen. It was pretty silent. “Very close. Too close. She shares a loft with another woman just across the way from the

Commander. Far as I can tell, he sees her often enough.”

“And the Commander’s mate and unborn children?”

400 Courtney swore and her mouth tightened. The Commander’s mate. Her voice was bitter and tight. “Her too. Vilandra is close to both of them, and I can’t find a way into the group.”

“Take out Vilandra.”

Courtney paused. No. That was too close. Michael thought of Vilandra…Isabel

Evans...as family. She technically was family. He wouldn’t take her loss well.

“Negative. That can’t be done. It is unadvisable.” The young woman tapped the front of her teeth. Think, dammit. Think! “She’s not the same. None of them are. The

Commander is magnified. Intense. Powerful. The King…he’s different too. I almost could respect him and follow him. Vilandra, or Isabel as she is now called, works with the homeless and the abused. She is completely different. The added humanity seems to have counterbalanced the worst of what they once were. I don’t think she is a threat. They aren’t like their dupes.”

The damn fucking Dupes had all of them fooled for years. No one was told that two sets were made, and only one set was the real Royals. They had thought the Dupes were the Royals, and what a damn disappointment that had been! Rath, the dupe of the

Commander, was led around by his dick by the Dupe Vilandra. A puppet. Their hope had been an idiot, mindless puppet.

“We can’t take a chance. She is never to be trusted. If somehow Kivar were to find her again, it could go badly.” Always Kivar. It always came back to him and Vilandra.

“What of the Six? She is needed to complete the outer pentagon. Five to the outside, one in the center. She has a place in that Destiny. She and her consort.” Five of six…

401 always six. Six aliens allied in their native world, all friends until they grew to hate. Six was the new world number as well

“The threat is too great. We only know that the Commander’s children will be important. The others are inconsequential. Remove the possible threat. That is an order.”

Courtney sighed. “That might take some time. They are on alert. All the attacks are too close to them. It has them on edge. I’ll do my best.”

“Do that.”

402 Chapter Thirteen: Whales Weep Not

They say the sea is cold, but the sea contains the hottest blood of all, and the wildest, the most urgent.

D.H. Lawrence

Day Thirteen: Sunday, 8:54 am

The house was quiet. The door were shut and fastened, the cupboards filled and closed. Michael listened to the silence, the absence of Jim and Amy. The house missed them. Since they married, this house had been flooded with visitors and activity, waiting for the unborn grandchildren to finally decide to join this world.

Maria was upstairs packing the last of her things. They were going home today. It was time. A few days felt like weeks. Margo and Zeke were coming home today too.

Margo was kept longer than Friday, and since Zeke would not leave her side, he stayed as well. His loft had been cleaned and repainted with new carpeting, and everything returned as close as they could get it back to its original condition.

Margo's situation was harder. Her life had been laid in ruins - burned and gone in a flash of powder. Her art. Her home. That sense of being safe. It was gone. Sacrificed to something none of them could name. The halls were dead, and leaves fallen. The house was silent to a missed voice as they prepared themselves for tomorrow.

The Funeral.

They had to go home. It was time to try to get back to normal, but there would never truly be a real normal, not like before. How could there be? They were caught in the storm. Violated. Nothing could take that bitter taste away. The taste of fear and loss.

“I’m ready.”

403 Michael smiled at her. It was that or cry. She was so small. So tiny. This world was too hard for her of late. Her shoulders were sagging from the tiredness, and even in the heat of August, she was wearing a jacket.

“Then let’s go home.”


“He went to pick up Zeke and Margo. Zeke wants Margo to stay with him until her loft can be rebuilt or the one next to him renovated. It’ll be her decision. I don’t think he’s ready to let her out of his sight. He may never be ready.”

Maria frowned. “He’s just a baby. We’re the adults. He should be able to trust us to keep them both safe.”

Michael pulled her the last few steps down the stairs and mated his forehead to hers.

“Let it go, Maria. Let it go. It's okay for us not to be the strong ones this once. There are so many things going on, and we have to let others carry the load for a while. We have to concentrate on you and the babies. Your mom, Jim, and even Margo and Zeke will keep.”

“I…it’s just...,” Maria paused and looked at him. He was sick. Tired and gray. She kissed him gently. “Okay. If you can let it go and take the time off, so can I.”

“Thank you.” Michael pulled her down the remaining step and walked her to the door, carrying the last bag. He needed it to be just him and her for a while. No one else.

He gave it maybe a few hours before someone found them and interrupted that peace.

“Is Sean coming home with us?”

“No. He’s staying here. Guess he likes the idea of having the entire house to himself.”


404 Michael snickered. Such a perfect word for Sean.


The loft was there. Home.

Michael purposely parked in the front, not putting the car in the garage so Maria would be prevented from seeing the damage on the south side. That would come soon enough. The new security doors were heavier than the originals. All the remaining loft areas were now under a tight security system. Michael held emergency override codes to it, plus keys to all the remaining units.


The loft was dark due to the drawn shades and had a strange smell to it. The heavy metal blinds kept the daylight out. Michael hit a button to let the warming sun in, and quickly shut the door, re-engaging the security grid.

“You keep this on at all times, Maria. The cat door has been converted to an electronic lock that matches Mr. B’s collar.” Of course they would need to find the darn cat first. He had been missing since the fire. None of the construction crews had seen him, and Sean and Michael’s searches had turned up no sign of him.

Maria went up the stairs slowly. Stopping at the top, she paused, her mouth gaping in wonder. Carcasses of small dead animals were everywhere. Mr. Booboo was especially hard on small defenseless things. Damn, it smelt!


405 “Shit! I see them. Give me a second.” Well, thankfully, it was now a foregone conclusion that Mr. Boo was still alive and still stalking. He had apparently been leaving presents for the past few days. Michael rushed downstairs and grabbed a plastic garbage bag and returned to their bedroom. Searching the entire room, he found and tossed as many birds, mice and other rodents as he could find, pulling the bedding as he went.

Maria had gone into the linen closet and found fresh linen, then sprayed the room with air freshener. The two of them worked together to put their bedroom back in order.

When finished, they collapsed on the bed in a fit of exhaustion.

It was the banging coming from downstairs at the back that alerted them. Michael rolled from the bed with his gun in hand. His other hand came to Maria’s mouth to quiet her. With a quick finger to his mouth, he went down the stairs slowly, following the sound.

Cat door. It was the cat door. The banging kept increasing. Mr. Boo’s cat door was specially cut in a wall leading out from the dining room, next to the glass sliding doors exiting into the garden. The back garden wall was high enough to keep out strangers, but

Mr. Booboo could easily scale the wall and travel its length.

Michael turned off the alarm and cautiously opened the sliding glass door. He could still smell the fire. Before he could look around, a bundle of black raced over his feet and shot up the stairs.

“Honey, I’m home!” Michael sarcastically mumbled under his breath for the cat.

Bastard. He had another dead mouse in his mouth too. Maria’s cry of happiness suddenly turned to terror as Mr. Boo dropped the mouse in her lap. Why the hell couldn’t he just leave the heads on?

406 ~~~

The clump of smoky black fur meowed plaintively. Michael looked down at the pathetically patchy cat. He was losing his hair again and whining up a storm. Stress.

“I don’t want to hear it. I looked for you. If you had stuck around, or let one of the construction crew pick you up, I would’ve put your new collar on. But no! That new cat door will only open if you have the collar on, so you better stop losing the damn things.”

Mr. B. blinked once expressively. His ears were back, resembling an owl, a large black furry owl with missing patches of fur. The cat turned his large back to Michael and commenced ignoring him.

“We’ll see. First time you try to get in after losing your collar, we’ll see if you wish you hadn’t ignored me.”

“Detective, I don’t think he’s paying attention,” Maria said from the stairs.

Michael glanced up at her and smiled. She looked a little better. Not so pale. Being home was a good thing.

“Take me to the fire site.”

Michael swore. “No.”


“Maria, could you just please just let it rest a little? Tomorrow is going to be hard enough.”

Maria nodded and looked out at the garden. “I just need to see it. I…” Maria swallowed hard and bent her head. “It just seems so unreal. A mistake. I can’t…”

407 Michael came up behind her, pulled her back in his arms. Whispering in her hair, “I know. I know.”


Michael closed his eyes and rested his head on the top of hers, sighing. It wasn’t going to go away. Not now. Not for a long time. It was like a large ugly wound on the south side of their building. Ugly and hateful.

“Come on.”

Maria took his hand and let him lead her through the garage to the outside. She stood there and stared at the missing half of the original warehouse. The firewall banking the back where the missing lofts had been was blackened and soot covered. There was special cautionary tape around the site. The restoration and wrecking companies were already removing debris, but the remaining walls around the foundation remained. Maria stepped around Michael and walked off the sidewalk and closer to the building.

Shattered brick and glass were all around her feet. Brick did that. It heated up, and when it got too hot, it exploded, showering the area.

Maria stood in front of where Mrs. Mulhoney’s unit had been and sank her head in her hands, her shoulders shaking. Michael stopped himself from going to her, from taking her away. There was no getting better. Not now. Not for a long time. Grief. It had to have a beginning, a process and finally an end. Maria was just at the beginning, and nothing could change the process. A person had to live through it.

They stood there for awhile, until suddenly Margo, Zeke and Sean were standing next to them. Maria turned and looked at the two young people who were in her care, and she hugged them both. All wasn’t lost. They had survived.

408 ~~~

“What did you find out?”

“Nothing, um…” The man hesitated nervously. “Sir.”

Pierce paced the offices. They were rarely used due to the fact that the other identity that was his life tended to overwhelm his existence. The original Pierce, the shape he had taken so long ago, was of a man who had no morals, no real emotions except cruelty.

That form was easy to sustain. Almost comfortable. The other form he had taken over in the more recent years was a different story. The native emotions, memories... everything was starting to bother his concentration, his resolve. He was feeling a slight twinge of conscience. It wasn’t something he wanted.

“Find Chameleon. Find him, and kill him. But only after you find his employer. I want them all dead.”

“Sir, Chameleon has no real identity. Our people could be standing next to him and never know it.” Of all the people in the world, Pierce should have understood the problems that a hidden life presented.

“If I wanted excuses, I’d ask for them!” Pierce felt the loss of his normal control. It was his form. It was interfering more and more. At times he found he couldn’t distinguish between what was really himself and the remnants of the human he from whom he had imprinted his form. Quickly morphing from his hidden identity to his Pierce persona he watched his assistant become uncomfortable.

“Kivar…he wants a meeting.”

409 Pierce sat down in his chair. Meeting. Kivar wanted a meeting. Interesting.

“Make the meet, a phone call for now.” Pierce watched the man scurry from the room. “Mr. Richards, if any of the Royals or those connected with their destiny die, I will be very…very upset.”

The man nodded and left.

Pierce sat in the dark elegant room and smiled to himself. It was coming together.

Finally. His fingers touching in thought, his face froze into its usual blank slate. There was still much left to chance. The threat from an outside enemy using a paid assassin was a problem. It was aimed too close to the Royals, too close to the Commander and his mate. Pierce sat back, thoughtfully puzzling out what employer originally brought

Chameleon to Roswell. At the time it seemed a simple stroke of genius for the project he needed done, but now it was an annoyance.

Chameleon would not stop until his contract was finished. For Pierce that was a bonus, and the longer it was drawn out, the more he enjoyed it. But the other contract that bothered him. The nature of that contract and who it was targeting was a concern.

Factions were getting nervous. No one knew who or where Chameleon was or when he would strike.

Maria DeLuca.

Something needed to be done with her soon - before it was too late. The solution was there, somewhere. They had found it once, but where? Where? Time was running out in more ways than one. All this time, all his work, it couldn’t happen. It wouldn’t happen.


410 “Maria?”

Michael stopped reading to look at her. She was standing in the dining room staring out at the garden. She hadn’t moved much since they had seen Zeke and Margo, and the enormity of the damage. Her silence was disturbing.

The latest book he picked up on parenting wasn’t holding his attention. Time and time again his eyes kept going back to her still form. Mr. B was languishing on his legs, cleaning behind his ears. The pathetic cat looked nappy. There were small clumps of hair everywhere. Maria saw them and dissolved into tears.

While she was upstairs changing, Michael had rushed around the house trying to remove as many of the clumps of black fur as possible. Seeing them was an obvious reminder to Maria just how unhappy her cat was, how disturbed their lives were.

Normalcy. They were in desperate need of it. As he sat up to start to go to her, his lower leg suddenly cramped. Bending forward, he grasped it as the pain actually brought tears to his eyes.

“Michael?” When Maria rushed to his side, he realized he must have made a sound.

“What is it?”

“It’s okay. Just a cramp.”

Maria forced him to lie back on the sofa, shooing the cat away. Mr. B walked off with great dignity. Looking back at Michael, he meowed his malcontent at having

Michael’s minor illness pushing his obvious distress to an insignificant level.

411 “You never get cramps in your legs.” Maria massaged the tensed muscle. “Flex your foot. Point your toes to the ceiling and push your heel down and extend the toes towards your head.”

Michael swore as it stretched the muscle causing more pain. “Dammit, Maria! That really hurts.”

“Stop being a baby and keep it stretched. Now relax. Stretch it again.” After a moment the knot in his lower leg released and he could breathe again. It was still slightly sore, but much better.



Maria sat beside him on the sofa, her hand absentmindedly feathering through his hair as she searched his face.

“You never get cramps.”

“Maria, it’s over. Could we just…”

“No. No, we can’t. I want the truth.” Maria kept her eyes in contact with his. He wouldn’t lie. Not to her. “This has happened before, hasn’t it? Recently?”

“Yes. It doesn’t mean anything.”

“Yes, it does. It’s because of me, me and the babies. We’re taking too much from you. There is so little left in your body to feed yourself, and your muscles are revolting.”

Maria frowned. “We need to have your blood chemistry checked. It's probably just as screwy as mine.”

“Like they’d know what’s normal for me.”

412 Maria leaned down, her mouth touching his softly. “You’re starving to death. What good is it to save me and the babies if we don’t have you?”

Michael ran his hand under her hair and held the back of her neck. “I’ll talk to

Parker. She can check my previous blood chemistry against my current, see if I need more potassium or iron.”

Maria moved along his body and laid her head on his chest. Together they rested on the sofa. It had been a long day already. A long life. Since last Wednesday it was if they had lived a lifetime. In less than two weeks whatever felt normal in their lives had been ripped apart.

“I want to see my mom.”

Michael rubbed her stomach, feeling the babies connecting to him like a tingling that started in his arm and rushed up his hand. He couldn’t explain it, but he could feel them, know them.

“I’ll take you. Just hold onto me. Hold on.” Michael kissed the side of her head, and his hand stroked the sides of her cast on her hand. Her little hand. One free of plaster, the other encased. She wielded it like it wasn’t there, that from one moment to the next he forgot about her injury from that night. But holding her, all he could see was her broken hand lying on his stomach.


“You want to take my room?”


413 What was there to say? She had nothing of her carefully constructed life left. It had all burned up in a fire. For the first time in a long time, her hands were quiet. There was no art, no inspiration, and the lack of that inner voice was disturbing.

“Let me fix you something to eat.”

“Stop it!” Margo put her hands to her ears. It hurt. Her voice was louder than she remembered ever hearing it. “Just stop it. I…”

“Margo.” Zeke went quiet. Stay. Please. The words he couldn’t say. “It’ll be quiet here. Safe. I swear. I’m just a little wired right now. Excited. Apprehensive. Lots of things. Just take my damn room! It’s quiet. Dark. You can think in there.”

She gave up. Going into his bedroom, she closed the door shutting him out.

Zeke stood staring at the closed door for a few moments, then went into the second bedroom downstairs to clear away the mess. It wasn’t a bedroom, but a sort of office. He mapped out his computer programs there, putting on hard copy what was in his mind.

Cleaning helped. It gave him something to do.

Margo had nothing. It was all gone.

Leaving the loft, he turned on the alarm and left her sleeping or whatever it was that made her so quiet.


Michael was clearing away the mess from the kitchen. Maria needed to go see her mother, so they quickly had a meal, not-so-quick sex, and now she was upstairs showering. He was faster than she was. It was too distracting to stay in the shower for a

414 long time with her, so he showered in record time and was now cleaning up the kitchen and passing scraps to the still-disgruntled cat.

“I don’t have time for your usual whining. She loves you a lot, but you’ve got to get over this insane jealousy you have when she pays attention to me. The twins will be here soon. So many others needing and wanting her attention.” Michael tossed more beef on the floor. “She cried over your clumps of hair; what else do you want?” he asked on his way to answer the door.

“Zeke? Is something wrong?”

“No. Yes…” The room was too small all of a sudden as he struggled for a way to spit it out. “I need a credit card.”

Michael reached into his wallet and pulled a card. Handing it over, he watched as the younger man put it into his pocket. “You need anything else?”

“It’s not for me. It’s just that it’s Sunday, and I don’t have enough cash on hand.”

“It’s okay. I trust you. Just don’t forget the receipts, okay?”

Zeke nodded, and started to leave. “She doesn’t have anything. Her art is gone. I think she’ll feel more normal again if she had a paintbrush or something.”

“Get her whatever she needs. Clothes. Paints. Canvasses.”

“I’ll pay you back when the bank opens on Monday.”

“Zeke, just go take care of it, okay? Forget the money. We’ll settle it later.” Michael watched the young man taking off. “Zeke! Get her one of those stuffed animal things.

Women like them. And Zeke?” Michael cleared his throat. “The money? It could’ve been for you too, and that would’ve been okay.”

Zeke smiled and waved.

415 “Take a cab home!” Michael shut the door and turned to see Maria watching him from the stairs. “Um, that was Zeke.”

She just smiled.

“He’s growing up very nicely.” Michael said.

Maria had to agree. They both were.


When they got to the hospital, Amy was crying. Jim was sitting on the side of her bed with his arm in a sling.

“Mom?” Maria closed her eyes for a moment. The sound of rushing was in her ears.

The room seemed dark, and Michael’s arms came around her quickly before she hit the ground. Picking her up, he sat her in a chair and pushed her head down between her knees.

“Maria! Jim, get her some water!” Amy struggled to sit up in bed with that blasted cast pulling at her leg.

Amy met Michael’s concerned eyes. Maria was breathing hard for a moment.

Feeling a little better she took the glass of water Jim offered her. Sipping it, she looked at her mom.

“Are you okay? What happened?”

“I can feel my legs! I moved my legs today!”

416 Maria closed her eyes and breathed deeply. It was too much. She was forgetting to look for good things to happen. All she could see was the bad. Going to her mom, she hugged her tight.

Amy held her as her thin body seemed to shake apart. Glancing at Michael, she saw his pale tired face. He was breaking. It had been going on too long, and they weren’t even close to finishing.

Jim put his hand on Maria’s back in comfort. Amy nodded towards Michael and Jim acknowledged the unspoken request.

“Come on, Michael. Let’s go find something for Maria and Amy to eat.”

Michael, too tired to resist, let Jim lead him away, leaving Maria in her mother’s care. They weren’t gone that long, but Jim was stopped by his nurse looking for him, so he sent Michael on.

When Michael entered the room, he found Maria stretched out on her mother’s bed, sleeping against her. Amy was soothing her daughter’s brow and holding her safely as she slept. Michael hesitated in the door.

“Don’t just stand there. Come in and shut the door.”

“She’s sleeping again.”

“She’s tired. Even I can feel it, so I know that you feel it even more.”

Michael put down the food on a table and sank into a large comfortable chair next to the bed, rubbing his face hard, trying to relieve the weariness that was so deeply entrenched he couldn’t even reach it.

417 “I can’t even tell you what it feels like. It’s so deep inside, like every cell in my body is weak and dying. It’s worse for her. I could sleep a thousand years and still need more.

Some days I can’t imagine even lifting my arm to help myself.”

“How do you go on?”

Michael looked down at Maria’s tired sleeping face, the concentration crossing her face in an effort to find rest. “I go on because I can’t afford to stop.” Michael turned eyes so dark with fear and something more. They were bright and full of despair. “I don’t know how to go on without her. If I fail, there is no going on. I can’t.”

Amy reached out for hand to him. He took it. Her hand squeezed his hand hard. “You will do what you must when the time is near. Just follow your heart, and regardless of the outcome, it will be enough. It will have to be.”

“The funeral is tomorrow. I don’t know how she’ll make it through. We…we were struggling, but there was hope. Now?” Michael shook his head and laid it back wearily.

“She’s lost all of her fight. Her heart is so badly broken between you and Jim, and losing our Mulhoney. She’s so tiny, so small. How much does one body need to pay? You shouldn’t have to pay for love with so much pain.”

“Michael, it’s close. The babies can survive.”

Michael made a sound of distress, covering his eyes with his arm. “No. We thought so, and maybe there is a slim chance. But we were told that Maria’s importance and connection with them is deeper than a normal one. They need her much longer than in a normal pregnancy. They’re joined to her in a way that even I can’t understand.” Michael looked at Amy. “I just realized today that it’s more than that. I’m connected to Maria in a way that’s beyond normal…even for whatever I am. I feel her in every cell of my body,

418 and with her, I feel the twins. We’re all connected. Her connection has bled over into me.

They need us both. It has to be the blood.”

“Michael.” Amy looked down at her sleeping child, and back at him. They were both working so hard just to survive, and every slap was taking more than they could afford to give. “Close your eyes, honey. Just for a moment. Rest. I’ll watch her.”

Michael made a sound in his throat, almost like a sob. “I…I can’t. I’m afraid to sleep. What if I sleep and wake to find her gone?”

“Michael. Sleep. She’s not going anywhere. Not on my watch. Sleep, son. It’ll be okay for a little longer.”

Amy watched as he succumbed to the tiredness pulling at him. They were both so exhausted that they didn’t even move, and there were finally no dreams.

Jim watched the group of them. Coming to the bed, he sat on the edge on the other side. Reaching across, he put his hand with Amy’s on Maria’s golden strands. They couldn’t lose. They couldn’t.


The area was bright, even at night. Time wasn’t the same. He stood on the balcony of the Palace, carved in a rock of brilliant vermilion. Red. Everything was red. The sky and the light were from two suns, and three moons.


419 The Holy City stood behind tall walls and gleamed in the light of the two suns, as day slowly bled into a night that knew no darkness as the three moons watched the evening skies.

“Your Highness, My Lord has returned from the battlefront.”

“Bring my brother to me.”

“Yes, Sire.” The servant quickly went to his bidding.

He could feel him. The very ground almost shook from his anger and the barely held rage.

“I didn’t call you. Why have you left your post? Is the war over?”

“Zan, many things I have come to expect from you, but this even I didn’t foresee.”

The King turned to look at his second in command. The Commander. His brother and heir, should he die without charge. He studied him. Taller than most, he was his father’s breed. Strange that he should be less formidable, being that he was King. His brother had that quality in more ways than one.

Yoke his strength. Keep him near. The rebels wanting to depose him and place his brother on the throne were amassing in numbers. Even his onetime best friend, Larek was among the supporters. Rath was a strange one among them. Stranger than most. His one ambition was the fight, the campaign. He hated all matters of the state and politics. It was no wonder he opposed being used as a political pawn.

“It is done. The announcement was made.”

“Make all the announcements you want! I will not marry her!”

“I command it!”

420 Rath got into his brother’s face. “Order it then! I will not comply. In all things, this is the one where you have gone too far!” Rath pushed his brother away forcible and paced in rage. “She is my sister! Our sister! My twin! I will not marry her.”

“You are a halfling! Your twin bond is only through the father’s side, but your mothers are not the same. The twin bond is strongest through the mother. There are no rules governing marriage of family as long as it is not through the maternal side.”

Rath stopped his pacing and looked at his brother. “Do not think I am unaware of what makes you this way! She is allied to Kivar. All these years they have been lovers, and they would have married if you hadn’t forbidden it. Now you use me as a pawn in your war with Kivar and Vilandra? Why? Is my loyalty under question? Or is it the uprising?”

“You’ve never questioned me before.”

Rath got in his face again. “That is because you used to make sense! It is my folly. I cared not about this brush of politics. Only my army. Only my command and soldiers.

You involve me in a plan nothing short of perverse, even for us! Do you think it will quiet those who criticize your rule?”

Zan grabbed his brother’s arm and held it tight. “We are the Ones. As foretold. The

Royals. We must in all things be united. My Queen, Ava, you and my sister at my side.

She is my twin too, from the mother, and yours caught in time and along the father’s connection. She has been ours all our lives! You think we should give her to one who would destroy our very world, enslave our people?”

“He is her great love.”

421 “Love! That is a human concept! It means nothing here. There is no love. There is duty and power. Alliance. Your marriage to Vilandra will be an alliance to fortify our family, The Royal Four into the One. There is not room for her ‘love’, or her ambitions.

She will do as I command, or I will see that she dies.”

“And you will kill us all! Your pride. Your quest for power! Is not being the holder of the Granilith enough control for you? Must you control the very universe?”

Zan paced the floor. “We must control the Granilith. All these generations waiting for the prophecy to come true. Four that Rule. Four that hold the key. The Royal Four. That is who we are! You. Me. Vilandra. And Ava. We are the prophesized ones.”

Rath shook his head. Insanity. “Wanting it so, believing it so, does not make it so! If we are the Four, then why can we not control the power of the Granilith to our will? None of our genetics match that which is part of the powering mechanism.”

“Yours is close. There are some similarities.”

Rath angrily tossed a vase across the balcony with his mind. It shattered into dust.

“This quest... Your need to control everything and everyone will be our death! Mark my word. Make her my betrothed. I don’t care! I will never marry her! Never. There is no bond that was ever forged that will make me want to be joined to her in any way outside of the twin bond.” Rath headed for the door and back to his life, his battlefield and then turned back to look at his brother one last time before leaving, “I’ve at times admired and respected you and your vision. But taken as a whole? You hold yourself too highly, your

Highness, more than you should!”

The King watched as his brother stomped away in anger. He was the key. He would not yield or back down. They would do as he willed. He was the King.

422 “He is right you know.”

“Mind your place, Sa’rel. I ask not for your advice.”

“Not that you would take it as given.”

Zan walked passed his oldest companion, his protector and his shapeshifter.

“What would you have me do?”

A sigh of exasperation. “There is nothing I could suggest that wouldn’t fall on deaf ears. I told you not to marry the Princess Ava, that a marriage of alliance would not be satisfying.”

“She is good enough to use in bed. If she gives me the heir I need, then her purpose is served.”

“There is no heart in your body, is there?”

“You know my heart.”

Sa’rel looked over the red landscape. “No. Once I fooled myself into thinking I knew you better than you knew yourself, that there was only so much you would risk for a dream of absolute power. I was wrong.”

“Mind your place, Shapeshifter. We are all born to a destiny.”

“And yours is to be the leader, the ruler, and one of the Royal Four? Does that make you omnipotent, Zan? Does it make you right?”

Zan looked at the one person he trusted without question. “What are you saying?

Will you turn from me like the rest? You have to know what I am trying to do. If we can make the prophecy true, prove it, it will end this Holy War.”

423 “Nothing will end it. The Granilith’s power will always be a source of lust. Just the smallest amount that can be harnessed is beyond our ability to measure, but to unleash the full extent…is madness. It will destroy our entire solar system.”

“That test was a mistake. I admit.”

Sa’rel laughed in bitterness. That was what it was called? They had tried to harness the Granilith and blew a neighboring solar system into obscurity. A Red Giant went supernova. The twinkling and extinction of its lights would be seen far across the galaxy as a catastrophic event. The five planets in the Formation rose up in anger and fear, even those on the home planet of Antar. The mass destruction and genocide was too much to ignore. If Zan could easily order the death of untold billions on distant worlds, he could do it closer to home. It was only a matter of time before a powerful King unleashed the power of the Granilith to become a powerful dictator.

“Do you plan to depose me too?” Zan asked quietly.

“No, my liege. My King. I will follow your plans to the fruition of insanity. It is after all, my place.”


Zan turned, but his protector was gone.

It had to work. The genetics. They were strange. Unique. Human. But one constant was also present. Antar and Celzian DNA. That was the Commander’s DNA was in the mix. Different, changed. Altered. His hand alone should have activated the Granilith, but it did not. The other three DNA’s were just as strange, especially the one that was almost completely human with a slight alteration. It was the unique presence of Rath’s DNA that fueled the rebel factions supporting him as the true King. The Granilith seemed to know

424 him, follow him, and hum to his presence. But he lacked an alteration that would make it all possible.

Zan closed his eyes and concentrated on understanding what made the Granilith.

Four with one in the center. Like a diamond with three sides, a fourth at the base sharing the same base with three to the other side. Two golden triangles joined by a common base. The pattern. It repeated. What did it mean? From the two triangles swirled two interlocking spirals.

The manuscript found in the Granilith all those eons ago foretold of a hybrid mix, but if the events played as written, then the Granilith would be lost to them for all time.

That couldn’t be allowed to happen. There had to be away to break the cycle of time. But where? Where to break the cycle?


Max sat up in the dark, breathing hard. Dreams. Just dreams.

Mistakes. Too many risks. Too much arrogance. A mistake...

“Max?” Jonathan’s hand moved up his back in comfort. “What is it?”

“Nothing. Just a dream.” Max got out of bed and went into the bathroom. Standing at the sink, he drank some water and stood staring at his reflection in the gloom of the bathroom, lit only by a wall light. Splashing water on his face, he rubbed it hard with a towel. That wasn’t his face. His. But not his. It was fading. The dream. He had been dreaming this dream for a while, but lately he had come to him more frequently.

Zan. He was Zan.

425 “Max? Is it the dream again?”

That was startling. He had never mentioned the dream to Jonathan.

“How did you know?”

“That you were dreaming?” Jonathan didn’t know what to say. The talking in his sleep. The thrashing. A flash he picked up from Max. Something he didn’t want to explain. It made no sense. It was just part of Max, who he was.

“Yes. How did you know about the dreams?”

“They wake you. So they wake me.” Jonathan came up behind Max and rested his head on his shoulder, bending to talk into his skin. “You talk in your sleep. I can’t understand it most of the time, but I know that this dream disturbs you.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

Jonathan just shook his head and pulled Max from the bathroom back into the bedroom. It was late, almost midnight, and tomorrow was going to be a long hard day.

For all of them.

“What does it matter, Max?” Jonathan stretched out beneath the covers. He was going to have to convince Max to get a bigger bed if they weren’t going to move in together. The Queen was okay, but he liked more space and a long length. California

King was the way to go.

Max settled down into his side of the bed, thinking of turning his back and just trying to get back to sleep, and he knew that Jonathan half expected him to do this. Images from his dream were haunting him. Was that who he was? What he was? Could he have been that vain and arrogant? Could he be so again? If he turned away from his lover, someone he was supposed to care for, then yeah, he hadn’t learned anything.

426 “It matters. They bother me. What they mean. I don’t like to think of myself in that manner. Cold. Hard. Cruel. Arrogant and self-serving. The dreams make me think that inside me is an ego-megalomaniac, dying to live.”

“It bothers you? This command. Taking over the unit?”

Jonathan thought it was him taking Jim Valenti’s place, no longer being one of the

‘boys’ that was the problem. No. It was being a leader in all forms. Mistakes. They echoed in his mouth like the sticky sweetness of blood staying too long and putrefying.

All those lost for his throne. Tossed into the battle for his sake, his pride and his ambition.

A sister, born mere minutes too late. Destined to be a twin to two brothers. Hating them both. The one that took the throne by accident of birth, the other born the exact same moment in the womb of another woman, given two thrones to keep. She was cheated. Stripped of her position, because always she would be beneath them.

“It bothers me that perhaps I'll make a mistake and cost the lives of people I care for, people who mean something to me.”

“And me? Do you dream of me?”

Max thought of it for a moment. “Even when I’m awake. I worry that I’ll rush forward, greedy to grab what I want…meaning you, and I’ll make a mistake. Go too fast.

Maybe too slow. My slowness isn’t indecision, Jonathan. It's fear of failing again.”

Jonathan sighed and wrapped a hand around Max’s neck, pulling him down closer until their mouths were inches from each other.

“I shouldn’t trust you with so much of myself. I shouldn’t trust you, but I do. What I want or thought I would want in my life means nothing next to you, and that makes me

427 wonder how I could’ve come that far so fast. I trust you, Max. Who you are. Now you need to learn and decide to trust yourself.”

“I wonder if I can. I wonder if anyone can, or if they should.”

428 Chapter Fourteen: Death be not proud

One short sleep past, we wake eternally, And Death shall be no more:

Day Fourteen: Monday, 9:33 am

“Maria, it’s time.”

Maria nodded from where she stood in front of the mirror, adjusting her clothing for the umpteenth time. It was wrong. The style of the dress. It was too modern. Too upbeat.

The length was wrong. It was all wrong. Michael had to help her get dressed because of her encased hand.

A small sob escaped her and she closed her eyes.

Michael’s hand came around her waist, hugging her back against him. “It’ll be alright.”

Maria turned and looked up at him, her eyes already bright with unshed tears. She just nodded and let him lead her away.

They were waiting. Waiting to send their final goodbyes.

It didn’t matter. Mrs. Mulhoney was already gone.

Mr. Booboo watched her carefully. He had stayed by her side all morning, strangely quiet, occasionally brushing up against her legs as if in comfort. For once, he had no complaints.

As they left the loft, he sat in front of the glass door and viewed the outside garden with detachment. Caught in some flight of fantasy, his feline brain was off somewhere, perhaps he traveling the long road, winding and austere with the others, to lay a family member to rest.

429 ~~~

“Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live…”

Michael glanced at Maria. She sat unmoving as the sermon continued. It had been a long day, from the church to the grave. Maria sat in a chair next to Mrs. Mulhoney's relatives, who suddenly remembered that they were actually family. Standing behind her chair at the graveside, Michael’s hands remained strong on her fragile shoulders, keeping her upright.

She was barely hanging on. The twins were strangely silent as well.

Mrs. Mulhoney’s family were making grievous sounds of mourning, but at times would whisper their outrage that Maria should be here and sitting with them in their place of honor, just loud enough for her to hear. After all, this was her fault.

Michael’s face clenched in anger, but he too held his tongue in check. This was not the time or the place.

The others mourners watched Maria, afraid she would crack or falter. But she did not. Standing, she sang a song and placed a rose upon the grave. Michael saw the tremor in her hands, and the slight shake to her voice.

Living through a day. One day. One day at a time. That was all there was.

As they left the cemetery, Michael held the car door open for Maria as he watched

Mrs. Mulhoney’s family get into the limos that Maria had ordered for them. They were greedy. Selfish and uncaring.

430 Michael got into the car and pulled Maria against his body as the driver took them to the reception. It was a wake, but such a sober one. The people who loved and cherished the once beautiful woman on one side softly talking about her, comforting each other and sharing their grief, while those born to care sat and sized up the rest of the groups.

“Who are all these people?” asked one woman of her husband.

Sean heard this as he was filling a plate for Julia. “They are friends and family of

Mrs. Mulhoney, obviously.”

The woman’s nose flared. She was family. A daughter. Her bitter disposition robbed her of any resemblance to her now-deceased mother.

“We are her family. Not them.”

Sean made a clicking noise in his throat in anger. Holding back, he stared at the woman in disdain. He would not dishonor the memory of Mrs. Mulhoney, not here. Not now. Not ever.

“They are her family. All of them. Strangers to you, but not to your mother. They loved her, checked on her, made sure she was fed and warm, and never alone. They sat in her house and let her feed them cookies and pies as she told stories of her childhood, her life and her husband. They knew her dreams and what goodness she inspired. Most of them had just talked to her mere days before this tragedy. They laughed with her and loved her. And when was the last time you even spoke to her?”

The woman started to make an indignant remark, but her silent husband forestalled her as he took in Sean’s eyes. That and the movement of the rest of room to practically stand behind him. The mourners were tolerating the woman’s family, but they would

431 never be her real family. That privilege belonged to those who had actually loved the kind old woman.

Michael watched the interaction as he stood beside Maria’s chair. She hadn’t eaten anything, and he couldn’t get her to try. The one time she did, he ended up holding her head as she lost her stomach. Grief was taking up all the space in her body and there was no room for anything more.

Jonathan was at Maria’s other side. His presence for once was appreciated by

Michael. Having dealt with the family members and their greed, he had no intention of letting any of them near Maria. Not one.

And so the room remained divided between those who loved, and those who should have loved.

The only thing that mattered was there was a seat empty at the table. A voice silenced. What else could matter more than that?


Kyle handed Tess another tissue. “You okay?”

Tess nodded, then shook her head no. Burying her head in her hands she wept next to him in the car as they drove home. Kyle pulled the car over and dragged her into his arms, holding her close. Her small frame shook, and he kissed her head in comfort as his hand went to rub her pregnant stomach.

“Tessie, it’s okay. It’ll be okay.” Rubbing his chin on the top of her head, he held her as close as he could.

432 “Can we go visit Jack?”

Kyle closed his eyes. They had never visited Jack’s grave before, not together. For a long time grief and guilt were so strong for both of them, that Jack was something they couldn’t share in death. But that had passed. So much was different, and it was time.

“Yeah. Let’s stop and get some flowers. Pink ones. Jack would’ve hated that!”

Tess chuckled through her tears. Going serious she stopped Kyle from starting the car. Framing his face, she kissed him deeply.

“If ever I forget to say I love you, or tell you to come home safe, then forgive me.

There is no person I love more, and I need you to know that every day, and every moment of every day. No one but you.”

Kyle stared in his wife’s eyes, and he nodded. “I know. I always knew. It just took some time for what my heart knew to really register in my brain. I’m not confused anymore.”

Tess smiled and hugged him tight. On this day of loss, it was important to hold close those you love.


“Jonathan, maybe we should leave?”

“No. Not until Michael and Maria do, or those pit vipers.”

Max surveyed Mrs. Mulhoney's family members. They were circling, waiting for an opportunity to attack. The fortress that Michael, Sean and Jonathan had erected around

Maria was firm. Even Alex Whitman, standing in a corner with Isabel was keeping watch.

433 His eyes were narrowed in contemplation, and he stared unblinkingly at the group. His regard was enough to make them uncomfortable and jittery.

Max sized up the room, and then crossed the floor to see Isabel and Whitman.

Jonathan wasn’t going to budge, not as long as Maria was exposed. There it was again.

That protective mode. All of them were doing it, but today more than usual. Maria was so quiet, so still. She barely spoke a word, and it hurt to watch her.


Jonathan looked over at Michael. He hadn’t expected that. “No thanks needed.

They’ve been trying to get to her for days. The phone call was enough. Can’t you get her to go home?”

“She won’t leave until the last guest is gone.”

Jonathan swore. It was a stalemate. “Let me see what I can do.”

Max and the others watched as Jonathan slowly made his way into the pack. He seemed to be singling out one man specifically, Mrs. Mulhoney’s oldest son.

“What’s he doing?” Alex asked.

Max sighed. Shaking his head, he just looked at the ground. “Going in for the kill.

Poor stupid bastards don’t have enough sense to run away.”

Peter Mulhoney. Jonathan made pleasant chitchat along the way as he cut a swath through the grieving family. They had congregated around the buffet, reluctantly making room for other people only when they had to. Michael had come to make Maria a plate, and it was the one time the entire group shifted and gave the reception buffet tables a wide berth. Michael Guerin in any form was a pretty daunting figure to deal with.


434 Jonathan nodded at the man. “Nice of you and your clan to show up for the ceremony.”

“Why wouldn’t we?”

Jonathan seemed to be perusing the dessert choices. “No reason. After all, she was your mother.”

“That’s right!” The man looked at the other people in the room in an encompassing glare. “We are being treated as visitors, guests and not the real family. Ms. DeLuca…”

“Is none of you concern. I thought I made that clear.” Jonathan’s voice took a quiet dark edge, the voice was flat and non-argumentative. The other man instinctually stepped back.

“Just because she has money and people who guard her doesn’t mean that she owns everything. She doesn’t own us. It is our mother we are burying today, not hers.”

“Maria is aware of that. And believe it or not, Ms. DeLuca has a perfectly wonderful mother of her own, one that she loves, cherishes and sees every day. Your mother was her friend. Someone she loved and respected. They had a grandmother and granddaughter relationship. She saw her almost every day. Last year when your mother had pneumonia

Maria sat at her bedside in the hospital the entire time. She filled the room with flowers and get well cards. She made your mother feel a part of something big, a family.”

“It was her lofts that…”

“Were attacked by a mad serial bomber who is attacking the city. Do you think Ms.

DeLuca could ever imagine this threat? Could you? If you did, then why did you leave your mother here, alone? Why wasn’t she in the safe protection of your families, guarded, loved and cherished?”

435 “How dare you! You know nothing about our family.”

Jonathan looked at the man, and then the others. “Wrong. I know everything.”

The group was suddenly silent.

“What are you saying?”

Jonathan put down the plate he was holding, and his one hand went to push back his jacket to reside on his hip as his stance became taller and firmer. Max was watching and inadvertently made a sound that drew Alex’s attention away from the scene. Oh boy. Alex quickly turned back and observed. He agreed. That Jonathan Stiller looked incredible.

Total worthy of lusting after.

Jonathan’s voice was dark and able to chip ice with the coldness it created. “You think I would let you threaten someone in my care? I know you. All of you. I know your businesses and all the shady deals you create. I know your bank accounts, your debts, even the name of your mistress and the apartment you keep that is bleeding your family’s accounts. Did you think I wouldn’t check on all of you?”

The group went quiet. Peter Mulhoney was red in his face and his wife and children looked at him in shock. A mistress? But Jonathan wasn’t finished.

“I know about the official you bribed to get your eldest son off for date rape. Your wife’s alcoholism and rehab programs. Your daughter is pregnant right now. Do you want to hear about how your sister sold your mother’s life insurance policy and kept the money? The list is long and endless.”

Peter looked at his sister Lydia in shock.

“You let a woman whom you call a stranger pay for the funeral for your mother. You try to extort money from her while she is in grief, more grief than the lot of you

436 combined. There is no amount of money you will ever see from Maria DeLuca or anyone connected with your mother. Her will has been made. The lawyers will handle whatever remains as her will stipulates, and there will be no more.” Jonathan brushed off his clothing as if he was trying to remove an unwanted stain. “If any in your so-called family comes anywhere near Ms. DeLuca or anyone else associated with her, I will turn over all the information in my possession to the appropriate authorities, including a certain embezzling cover-up, and we will let the law decide how to proceed.”

By the time Maria returned from the bathroom, the room was surprisingly cleared of

Mulhoneys and all that remained was the true family. Zeke stood next to Margo’s seat as

Maria joined them. The three sat talking quietly as Michael listened in attendance. Margo nodded. It was decided.

“I have something I need to say,” said Maria quietly. Her voice was low and weak, so soft-spoken that the room hushed immediately. “First, I thank all of you for coming.

Those of us who were part of the family feel a great loss. It troubles that she was gone before we were ready to let her go, or had the chance to say goodbye.” Maria breathed in deeply as Michael’s hand fit in hers. “There can be no words, no comfort. Just time. I’ve decided…we decided...that there will be no rebuilding of the lofts with the exception of

Margo’s studio. The space that was once filled with our special Mrs. M will be left empty because there is nothing that can replace her. We will clear the space and create a garden there in memorial to her and what her absence means to us. All of you are invited this coming spring to join us in our planting season.”

Maria smiled at the group. Turning to Michael she whispered to him. It was time to go home. There was no more she could handle today.

437 ~~~

Alex and Isabel headed for the desert. It was late afternoon, but neither wanted to really speak. The funeral, and even the realization of how much more they could’ve lost was ever present in their minds. Alex had something he wanted to do, and unspoken between them, Isabel came along.

They had traveled so far. It seemed fast, but in reality it was not. When they first met,

Alex was a man who was confident in himself, and there was something about him that attracted Isabel to no end. Perhaps it was the feeling that he was a man that would never yield to her whims, but inside had a gentleness that broke through unexpectedly. Alex, a cautionary soul among men, but a lion of a protector. He felt like Michael Guerin to her, but lived closer to where she lived, a place she understood. He stood in the trenches, arrogant and firm in his resolve. He wasn’t a man who took promises or obligations lightly.

After they met again, it was rage and violence crowding in all the spaces. Both of them felt a need to live in burning fires, but that time had now passed. Giving way over the months, they found a silence of understanding inside each other, a person much like themselves. They no longer fought and pulled, except together. No words were spoken.

No promises of commitment. Some understandings needed no words.

Alex spent a lot of his free time in the desert stargazing or walking. It took over two months after his cousin Krystal’s death for Isabel to realize that Alex was searching for

438 some type of peace in his soul. Something to assuage whatever was bothering him. So, for the past month or so, she stood by him quietly until he could tell her.

Whatever it was that haunted him, he dreamt of it. Night after night. Fear found a home in his sleeping form that was expelled in the daylight. One thing she knew for certain, it was the silver handprint left behind on Krystal’s killer’s body. It haunted him, but he would not speak about it.

“Where are we going?”

“Family. I need to see someone.”

Isabel didn’t ask. His family on the reservation was isolated within itself. It was hard to say who kept the most secrets, but Alex had many. Maybe he was a man of many alliances, and in his own way, he was trying to find a balance between them all.

What price was that balance? Only really Alex could say.



“Eddie. Where is Grandfather?”

“He is on a retreat. The back country.”

Alex nodded. That meant someone was sick. An elder. The older generation had a distrust of modern medicine, and a dislike of the towns. They would rather die in their homes than make the trip, so River Dog went to them. He was a medicine man of sorts, a special type of healer, actually more spiritual. Sometimes there was more wrong than just the physical body.

439 “What is it, Alex?”

Alex sat down in the chair and looked out over the yard at the children playing.

Isabel was talking to a few of his cousins and their spouses whom she had met in the past.


Eddie took a seat and offered his cousin a cigarette. “What about her?”

“I went to a funeral today. An innocent.” Alex lit the end of the smoke. “Krystal was an innocent too. She deserved to live, as did this other woman. A sweet elderly woman.

I…” Alex closed his eyes. “I liked her.”

Guilt. Grief. Remorse. It was all still there. Four months was hardly enough time to let it go. Eddie understood that. “I know. I still think of Diane and all those others from that time. It’s hard. But there’s nothing left to do, Alex, but go on.”

Alex concentrated on Isabel across the way. “I know. I know that better than most.

It’s Isabel. There are things happening around her. The people she loves and who love her are under fire. It was close. So close. I know things. Things from my friend. Things from

Grandfather. The handprint. This is not the first time I knew of it, but inside me, I was too glad to see the monster dead that I didn’t care. I just didn’t care. I kept the knowledge to myself and never mentioned it to anyone.”

“You can’t.”

“I know. Grandfather.”

It was a family thing. One that spanned decades. Their grandfather had met a visitor long ago. Befriended him. Helped him. But the visitor later murdered another. The handprint. It was there. And now it was here again. Nasedo was back. Their silence had

440 spared them all this time. Talking now could only cause trouble for their grandfather and their people, those who knew.

“What about the stones and the cave?” Alex rubbed his forehead hard. Headache. It never seemed to go away. The nightmares. Silver handprints. Dead. So many dead. Isabel dead.

“He hid them and closed the cave.” Eddie followed Alex’s gaze. “Do you trust her?”

Alex just watched Isabel for a moment. Smiling slightly at her smiling face. “Me… trust? I don’t know about 'trust'. Not really. But from what I know inside, I trust Isabel. I trust her heart. He told me that there is a monster trapped in her. Something evil. Cruel.

Without remorse. I can’t see it. I can’t feel it. I can only feel her. She is pure in a way that

I can’t explain. Her heart is a fighter. A warrior ready to do battle, but a heart of the softest of metal. Liquid gold.”

“I’ve never known you to be a romantic.”

Alex just shook his head. “Don’t confuse romanticism with truth. It is what it is.”

“If it’s not 'Isabel the betrayer' bothering you, then what is it?”

Alex stared at his cigarette’s lit end. “It’s my silence. How much do I withhold from them that need to know? What is the cost? Could telling them have stopped this threat?

This fire? Did I play a part in the death of another innocent?”

Eddie finally understood. “I thought your friend said even they didn’t know where the danger was coming from.”

“He did. But if you throw a stone in the water, doesn’t it cause outward rippling? Am

I a ripple in this saga, Eddie?”

“No. Alex. No. There can be no sight into this. Not even for you.”

441 “What good are these visions I’ve had all my life if they don’t mean anything?”

Eddie could understand the frustration, the fear. “You like them. Isabel and the others.”

Alex laughed. “No. I love them. Through Isabel, they have come to feel like a second family. Maria, she pulls at me. She is someone I trust completely without question, and that doesn’t just happen. Not to me. Never. But there it is. She sees inside and just knows, and yet she remains silent in all things. She should’ve been born Native American.”

Eddie smiled at that. “I know. She is and has been a friend much longer than you know. I would lay my life down for her. How strange is that? Neither of us wants to date her, but she holds something inside her that we both recognize. Don’t hold a burden of guilt that doesn’t belong to you, Alex. There is enough to go around.”

This was a problem. Alex was torn between too many factions, all of them overlapping and pulling in their own direction. Where and how was he supposed to step to keep them all in balance?

“The dreams. They haunt me. It’ll get worse. I can feel it.”

“Troubles, cousin. This I can see will not decrease. I’ll make an effort to involve myself more so you are not alone.” Eddie drank from his iced tea and filled a glass for

Alex who just scowled at the weak liquid. Looked like whiskey, but it sure the hell wasn’t.

“Between teaching and covering Maria’s classes and the museum?” Alex smiled.

“Should I introduce you as my cousin? Guerin would love that!”

“No. I know Maria already, so he knows me, and I guess I could call Liz for another date.”

442 “I thought you would’ve done that by now. You seemed to have hit it off with her before.”

Eddie leaned back, horrified that one of their aunts was bearing down on them with two large plates covered in food. He had had breakfast with them that morning. He couldn’t imagine how he was going to fit all that food into a stomach that was already full. Alex had eaten at the reception, so his expression of horror was equal to Eddie's.

They thanked their aunt, and both began to pick at the food.

“She's nice, but there is something...”

“Something?” Liz was Liz. He knew her, but not really. Only through Isabel, and really only in passing. He had never realized it before, but when he was with Isabel, everything else paled in comparison.

“Hard to pinpoint. I think it’s that there's this image I have, a residual impression lasting from the moment I first met her over a year ago at the museum. She was a quiet brown mouse. Unassuming. Timid. Unsure. Damaged in some way. I think I felt this… compassion for her. She was on the outside looking, watching the world go by, and not a member of it. The woman I met last week is more assertive, alive and at times, vivid.

There’s a world of confidence in her body, and she disguises it behind a mask. I can feel it, but I can’t see it. Not yet.”

Alex shrugged. He didn’t know Liz Parker back then. She was who she was, as he had been introduced to her. “She made changes. Decided to work at owning her own life.

Nothing wrong with that. Maybe the timid brown mouse is evolving into something more?”

443 “I’m not saying it’s not good. I’m saying that it’s a big change, one that my mind can’t comprehend. I want to treat her like the woman I first met, gentle and compassionately, but when standing next to the woman you introduced me to last week, all that falls away. Perhaps it’s her strength underneath. Our people have reason to be wary of strong people who are strangers, those that hide much. Instinct.”

“Perhaps.” Alex hit his cousin. “I think you’re just afraid that hidden behind that meek and mild temperament is ‘Super Liz’, someone who could tame and handle you, force you to say ‘I do’ and give you fat babies.”

Eddie choked on his iced tea. Wiping his watering eyes, he scowled at his cousin.

“Now you’re just being vicious! I’ve got a few hundred riding on our bet, and from my view you’re in big trouble of losing!”

Alex laughed at his cousin, but his eyes lit on a chatting and laughing Isabel across the way. Their boyhood pact to remain bachelors to old age with a monetary amount added over the years was taking some major hits. Eddie was staying uninvolved, much to his mother’s horror, but Alex could feel nothing but the tentacles of Isabel around him, and he wasn’t struggling to break free. The closer and tighter he felt her, the more he liked it.

Whatever great tree he stemmed from, he had warriors’ blood running in his soul.

Part originated from the European side of his father’s people, conquerors. Blood made strong by the equally powerful branch of his mother’s people, Apache warriors. Fighting was in his heritage. He understood it. Respected it. In Isabel, he could see an equal, one that could fight and be strong beside him.

It was like not feeling alone.

444 ~~~

“You ready to go?”

Isabel turned and smiled at Alex. “Soon. Cathy was going to show me the new quilts that they’re working on. Has Eddie left?”

“Yeah. He mumbled something about grading papers, and throwing up half the food he ate.”

Isabel hit him in the stomach. “We’re going to have to talk about you sharing too much information!”

Alex laughed and kissed her on the temple pushing her off with his giggling cousins and aunts. Standing on the deck, he looked out to the desert. It felt like home. Open spaces. A lesson in how life continued even in the harshest of environments.

“She is beautiful.”

Alex nodded, and reached for another cigarette. He needed to quit, but sometimes the gesture itself was a comfort. “Grandfather.”

“Alex.” River Dog put a strong comforting hand on his grandson and sat down on a chair admiring the scenery. “You come to the desert more now, more than you have in years. Why?”

“Ghosts. Regrets. The very rock and soil hold the blood of my mother’s people. Here they stood the last time, free, before they were herded onto the reservations.”

“They are still here. They live in you.”

445 “I know. I can feel them at times.” Alex looked at his grandfather. “How much does the blood of my ancestors make me what I am?”

The old man glanced to the west. The dying sun. “Everything you are is created by what came before you. A strong breed, Alex. Eddie is the same. As children, I could feel that spirit in both of you. Yours was the stronger of the two. From both your lineage it comes, tapered and strong. Eddie gets it from both sides as well, but it is from the same tree. Yours is different.”

“The visions?”

“Shadow walking. That you get from us. Come to Sweat. Perhaps you will see more in the steam and the smoke of the fire.”

Alex laughed.

“When I was a child, do you remember traveling to the Lakota Sioux in the north?”

“The Dakotas. Yes. I took you and Eddie. You were both sick at the same time. I took you to their healer.”

“In the sweat lodge, the healer told us to shut our eyes, to chant and let the sweat fill up our bodies so the poison could be released. He walked around us chanting, and he said the Great Spirit would come and touch us. Remove the sickness.”

River Dog took his pipe and lit it, nodding. He remembered that time. The boys were like twins, two sides of one coin. One face white, the other dark and red. They had shared more than a kinship, but a path of destiny.

“The healer walked around us. I felt a touch on my shoulder.”

River Dog laughed. “I remember, you whispered to Eddie, ‘If he thinks I don’t know that it’s him touching me, he’s crazy.’ Eddie laughed, and the two of you were sent from

446 the healing lodge.” His grandfather’s eyes wrinkled in mirth. “It was a great humiliation I have had to bear all these years.”

“I still got the chicken pox! And Eddie was one big red dot.”

“Aw, but you missed the point. The mind is a powerful thing. Sometimes the beginning of healing is in the mind, not the body. What you could will from just your mind, is such a wondrous thing.”

“How much of what I am is pre-destined?”

“I am positive your stubbornness was always part of your metal.” His grandfather puffed on his pipe, the stem caught between his teeth thoughtfully. “It is Isabel. The deceiver.”

“She was. Or so I am told. How much of her past carries on and determines who she is today? How much can I trust?”

“Trust. A hard word, Alex. We have trusted in the past, at great cost to ourselves and our people. Now we don’t trust so much. She is who she is. Who she was born to be. That is something even she cannot escape. What went before, you can’t know. Perhaps she can’t either.”

“Then what are the visions good for? The living in the shadows, seeing what should not be seen?” Alex looked out to the desert. “I didn’t see Krystal. That slipped in past my radar.”

“Don’t throw away a gift, Alex. It is a burden at times, but it carries a purpose. Serve that purpose. Your Isabel. She is one who is complex, hidden, with many folds slowly revealing what she is. But I like her. I think that her past life is a roadmap of pain and despair, a burden she carries in her soul, but her humanity is what will make the

447 difference. She needs to learn who she is today, and what she is willing to sacrifice to be that person.”

“I see them both in her. Isabel and Vilandra.”

“Does that bother you?”

Alex closed his eyes and sighed. “It worries. I think I am in love with them both.”


The small contract next. A quickie.

Tumbling the colored wires together, he manipulated them into an elegant knot, tied and twisted. It was a work of art. The water would ignite it. A cold switch. The radiating blast should move outward in a fifty foot circumference.

The phone rang. His special line.


“You hold two contracts with me. Are they still on?”

“Yes. The first is slowly working. Did the fire meet with your approval?”

The pause at the other end was long. “It was sufficient, but it missed the primary target.”

“There was a problem with that. The security was too tight. I’ll move on to the next one.”

“I want you to hold back. For a week or so. Even the smaller contract. Word is that there is active searching on the streets for you. Not just the cops. Others.”

“I heard. My other client ordered me to stand down.”

448 “Your other client? And?”

“The contract is paid in full. I cannot go back on a contract unless the owner of the contract orders me to do so.” The man paused and gave a wire another quarter twist. “Of course, if I am captured, all bets are off.”

“You don’t know me. Just my voice. There is no connection.”

“Perhaps. Perhaps....” Of course he knew who his clients were. Anonymity was good for him, but he didn’t like to be so blind. It was a bargaining card in case things went wrong. “So the smaller contract? Is it a go?”

“No. Put it on hold. Go underground until the heat is off and they become convinced you’ve moved on. I don’t want there to be any mistakes.”

“I don’t make mistakes.” His voice went deadly cold. Professional pride. It was his calling card. His sort of integrity. “I keep working until the contract is done. That is how I work. I’ll pull back for a small while, just until they feel normal again.”

“Good. I like the idea of them suffering. Tense. Waiting for the next attack, on their guard until exhaustion makes them sloppy. Next time, I expect targets to die.”

“Oh, there will be death. I promise you. Did you want bodies on the smaller contract, or just injuries?”

“Injuries are sufficient. I want them to feel exposed and attacked. Useless. Impotent.

Enraged that they became a target at all.”

His client was a violent angry man. A man who carried a grudge to the greatest conclusion, simply for hate’s sake. It made for good business.

“It will be done.”

449 “Oh, and Chameleon...?” There was a pause of dramatic effect as the spite in his client’s voice revealed even more of his innermost character. “They know your name.

Even have an old picture of you from your youth.”

The phone clicked as the connection was severed.

Chameleon stared off into space. That man was dead. There was only 'the

Chameleon' now. Exciting! Exhilarating to know that they had his name! This inspired him even more to meet the challenge and beat them in their own house.


It was nearly ten and there were only three checkouts open, so Max got in line behind a woman with a half-filled cart. Jonathan grabbed the corner of their cart and kept walking, pulling Max along behind it.

"What are you doing? She hardly had anything!"

"Yeah, yeah, and pretty cute, but you're judging by the wrong criteria." He pulled them in behind a family with an overflowing cart and two crying kids.

"I'll take my chances back there, thanks," Jonathan grabbed his hand and yanked him beside him.

“Uh uh. You forced me to go shopping with you, Chief. So here we stay.”

Max groaned. How was he to know it would be such a nightmare? Jonathan seemed to be fascinated with the entire "shopping for groceries" process. He looked at everything twice. Read the backs of packages. Insisted on comparison shopping, and even took out his palm pilot to enter information. It was deranged.

450 “I just want out of here. I’m about ready to pull my gun and open lethal fire. My damn ice cream is melting. The other line!”

"No, listen. Number one," Jonathan murmured, "compare the cashiers. Ours is an old pro, that one was obviously new. She would have scanned slowly, looked up all the codes, needed a supervisor if anything went wrong." Max didn't move his hand. Jonathan was still holding it. His thumb was rubbing over Max’s hand in an absentminded gesture that was arousing, so Max decided it wouldn’t hurt to listen.

"Ours has B.O. that could suffocate a horse." Max countered, trying to give a good reason to go back to the smaller line.

"You're hallucinating that because you're pissed off that I wouldn’t let you go alone when you wouldn’t just let me call and order food like the phone-happy delivery

DeLucas. Two, you need to notice the contents of carts, not just the size. That woman has lots of different little things, which take time to scan; these people have bought in bulk.

Large items and multiple items process faster."

"Did you make this up all by yourself or has some freak actually done a paper on it?"

"It's basic anthropology, Max. Well, technically, sociology. Or perhaps a kind of social psychology, hmmm..." Jonathan seemed to be thinking it over. “Also, please refrain from calling the good Professor a freak. You know how Michael gets over people who insult Maria.”

Max rolled his eyes. Maria. Of course she would do an in-depth detailed analysis of something as mundane as shopping check-out lines. That was why she had her groceries delivered.

451 Jonathan sighed loudly and let go of Max's hand to rub his forehead. One of the kids screamed at the other. Both had snot congealing on their faces. Jonathan sighed again, this time heavier.

"Maybe I made a mistake. The other line has a point in its favor, namely, it’s quieter.

My point is, you observe people, you gather data, and you can use it to predict outcomes of certain situations. I predict we'll be through before that schmuck." A shout of "MOM!

CANDY!" stabbed into his brain like a knife. Jonathan winced. So much for Maria’s analysis. She forgot to figure in the screeching child factor which outweighed standing in line for any amount of time whatsoever.

Max rubbed his arm. “I think I want a few of those.” Max pointedly looked at the screaming brats.

Jonathan snickered. “No, you don’t. I once had a wife who sounded like that. Believe me, you don’t want to go there.”

Jonathan leaned into the touch, knowing he was being too obvious, but liking it too much to really care. It didn't actually stop his ears rattling or his stomach rolling from the mention of his ex-wife, but at least it was something nice he could focus on. Damn.

Vanessa. He had forgotten about her. So busy with the funeral and the Mulhoney’s he never even got around to ask about the flying dishes at the Valenti house. He was losing it.

"Damn," Max muttered suddenly.

"What?" Jonathan said, if only because it seemed like the expected response.

452 "It's a momentary lapse of memory. I really only came here for one thing." Jonathan pointed at the filled cart. One thing? Max made a complicated gesture which wasn't even vaguely explanatory. "Be right back," he said, and disappeared into the maze.

Jonathan watched Max’s disappearing back in desperation. Max had left him alone.

This couldn’t be good. Well, next time, if there was one, he was only going to marry somebody he'd move to the suburbs for. Fortunately, he probably wouldn't do it for anybody who would want to live in the suburbs, and then there was the problem of trying to figure out where the hell the suburbs were. Jonathan noticed a magazine rack. Leaving the noisy children and the woman searching for her coupons, he deserted their cart for just a moment. He grabbed a Playboy and a Playgirl, ducked back to the cart and shoved them under the bread. Obviously he was going to be a bachelor for a long, long time.

"I saw that," Max's voice whispered in his ear. He sounded... possessive.

"Yeah, and?" Eye candy. They could be in line a long time.

"And nothing." Max dropped a black bottle in the cart, hesitated, and then threw a box down on top of the whole pile, gauntlet-like.

Condoms. Large. Ultra-sensitive.

Jonathan couldn't stop his eyes dropping down to check. Yep, large. Ultra-sensitive?

He’d like to think so. He looked up, and Max was watching him. The light was on his face just right, and he looked macho and capable, eyes dark and unreadable, lips a mysterious and seductive curve. Stubble on his cheek. Damn, he was too beautiful to be a man, but there it was. Definitely a beautiful stranger.

“It’s dangerous to leave me unattended in a place like this. I get in trouble.” Jonathan offered helpfully. Condoms. Oh.

453 Jonathan mouth twitched as a smile threatened, and his stomach fluttered. Kid

Number Two gave off a particularly awful shriek. The cashier also had swamp-like foot odor. Max didn’t mind the mixed reading literature. He didn’t even get to claim it was for the articles, and he forgot to tell Max about Vanessa’s arrival sometime in the future.

Life was... getting interesting. Jonathan shook his head and smiled. Maybe he was getting lucky tonight?

454 Chapter Fifteen: Come to me now,

and lay your hands over me, even if it is a lie, say it will all be right, and I shall believe…

Day Fifteen: Tuesday, 9:22 am

“I’m fried. This weekend sucked. Last weekend sucked. Actually the entire last two weeks sucked, and…”

“Stop your bitching, or I’ll slap you around and give you something to whine about.”

Sean pulled into the Roswell First National Bank. “I told you it was just a quick stop.”

“We’ve got work.”

“Yeah, well in case you didn’t notice, we got so much work that even if we did nothing but it for the next six months we wouldn’t even move the damn pile. Guerin needs to get his taciturn ass back to his desk and take some of the load off us. Never thought I would miss bumping heads with Guerin and Evans.”

Kyle sighed. It wasn’t Sean’s fault. He was in an ugly black mood. Funerals did that to him.

“Sorry. I’ll call in the stop.”

“It should be just a moment. I need to get money to pay Walter for my car. He’s housing it and paid for it on delivery. Don’t want to get on Walter’s bad side.”

“I hadn’t realized that Walter had a bad side.”

Sean laughed. “He doesn’t usually, except that once when I changed all his tools to one size and hid his extensions, he was pretty steamed. That man has no humor when it comes to his tools.”

455 “I’ll wait outside.”

“Naw. Come on in. It’ll be a quick transaction. Maybe you should stop and see about setting up a college fund for the baby. After all, I hear that you have to start early to have enough to get them through four years.”

“No shit?” Kyle frowned. “I wasn’t thinking of college. Just diapers. I better get some information.”

“There you go. Aw, Monday morning and Kyle and Sean go to the bank. Lovely. Just lovely. They should make a movie of our life.”

“It’s Tuesday.” Kyle snorted. “Oh, no way. I don’t want all those creepy fans wanting to know about my private life, hiding in my trash, watching every piece of food I put in my mouth. I heard once that some fans once broke into one actor’s trailer and was hiding in the closet watching him get dressed and undressed.”

“Kyle, they’d hire someone to play you.”

“Really! Do I get to choose? I think Ben Affleck would be a good choice.”

Sean snorted, “Too tall! Maybe Michael J. Fox?”

Kyle made a sour face getting out of the car. “And for you? Who would play you?”

“I was thinking Orlando Bloom.”

Kyle laughed and snorted. “More like that Carrot Top character that makes you want to kill something, anyone, everyone, and especially him.”

Sean pointed at his partner as he opened the door to the bank. “You. You need to get your priorities straight. Partner. Best friend. Be nice. Take out your nasty mood on Guerin and Evans.”

“I’m not short!”

456 “Okay, okay! Maybe Casey Affleck.”


Sean just chuckled as they entered the bank and Kyle took off to see a bank consultant about setting up educational funds. Taking out his passbook, Sean perused his balance. Damn, this car was going to take a huge chunk. He might have to transfer funds.

Hated it when his balance got too low. Never knew when he might need bail money, or something essential. Julia. He should buy her a present, something to match the cost of his car. Okay, maybe not that expensive. A ring? No, maybe some earrings. A bracelet would be nice.

Sean was so busy thinking while standing in line that it took a moment for what was going down around him to register. His shit was definitely slow. He had totally missed the three men entering the bank, until the flash of a sawed off shotgun caught his eye.

Without thinking, he drew his weapon and turned to face the man with a gun. He missed the man standing outside his view, but the man didn’t miss him.

The last thing he saw for a while was the floor coming up to meet him. Dammit.

How could going to the damn bank be dangerous? Every fucking time...


Max joined the other commanders at a car facing the bank. A teller had hit the alarm, and the bank robbers were inside with hostages. Looking up and down the street, Max ordered units to pull back and clear surrounding businesses.

“Do we have a line established?”

457 “Got the bank manager, but the phone was hung up.”

Max nodded. “Call me a negotiator. Where is S.W.A.T.?

“They’re rolling. Understaffed. Bank robbers picked a good day. The unit was lent out to Las Cruces 'cause their people are rotating through a retrain.”

“Fucking lovely. Great. That’s my bank! We need to stomp on this now. Do they have a sharpshooter? I need at least one good one or maybe two. Set up sights off the surrounding buildings and take a clean shot.”

“Don’t know until Walt gets here. He’s going to hate seeing this. His retirement is just months away, and having his teams split up all over the place...”

Max nodded. “Let me know when Captain Stevens hits the scene. Someone get me

Henry. I want him negotiating on the line.”

“Lt. Daniels is down at City Hall this morning.”

“I don’t care. Get him if you have to pull him from a witness box.” Max took his radio and called in further support units. “Anyone get a bead on the perpetrators?”

“Sargento counted three. Guns. Shotguns. People are on the floor. The bank manager saw them enter and he hit the vault. It closed before they could get to it. There’s a time release and a snap count. It can’t be opened until morning, without a special code from the main branch offices in Albuquerque.” Jenkins looked at his uniforms and sent them to back up others. His beat cops were the first on the scene before the detectives arrived.

Major Crimes took over from them.

Officer Morris joined them. “Sir, we’ve got all license plates in the surrounding area.

Downtown is running the plates now.”

458 Max nodded to Morris. He was Michael’s favorite uniform officer, ever since he let

Morris get hauled out of a warehouse with glass in his ass. Michael figured the man had balls. “Okay. Let us know if they get possible hits on getaway vehicles.”

Morris nodded and went off again.

They held their position as S.W.A.T. arrived. Captain Walter Stevens wasn’t looking happy.

“Today? It had to be today, huh? I’ve got two-thirds of my teams either out of city or down with some kind of cold or flu.”

“How many you have?” Max asked as he passed Jenkins the radio.

“Four.” Walt assessed the situation. “Hardly enough for a full breach. I’ll need some of your uniforms, Jenks.”

“We need some sharpshooters.”

Walt looked at the surrounding buildings with good sight into the bank. The robbers hadn’t pulled all the blinds. They still had a way in.

“Can your four guys get up audio and visual feed?” Max asked.

“They’re on it. It’ll be up in about three. I suggest we set up monitors in the storefront across the way. That will give up lines and a place to listen to the feed.”

Max nodded. The group of men moved quickly. Four men from S.W.A.T. split up two were setting the mics on the window, and the other two looked through access ports and blueprints to get small optic camera into the bank.

“They’re going to have to go through ventilation. It will be to the front in the main lobby, but it will allow us to position the robbers.”

459 Morris came back to join them in their newly set up headquarters. He went to Max.

“Sir, we’ve got a problem.”

“Add it to the list. Let’s hear it.”

“Dispatch says that Valenti and DeLuca had called in a stop at the bank. Their car is parked at the bank.”

Max swore. Kyle and Sean were inside? “Brilliant. Fucking brilliant. Why the hell am I not surprised?” Max rubbed his neck.

“Henry's here.” Jenkins called.

“Good. Get him in here. How many numbers we have into the bank?”

“Three lines.”

Max nodded. “Hook up the main line first. Walt, what is the situation on visuals and audio?”

“Audio is a go, and visual is almost there. Last count. Three men with guns, with twelve hostages including your two men.”

Max swore. He hadn’t even had his coffee yet.

“Walt, sharpshooters?”

Walt shook his head no. “I’ve got good shots, but no sniper.” He paused. “There is one man who could do it. He even beats my sharpshooters. Best shot in the department.”

Max’s brow went up in impatience.


Max closed his eyes. Normally, Michael would be the top of the list. But not recently, not with his health waning fast. By the end of yesterday, Michael was looking like the walking dead, and that was being kind.

460 When in command, command.

“Get Guerin.”

Max turned and looked at the monitors as audio and visuals came up.


“Looks like we’ve got a cop.”

Sean came awake to the sense of someone rustling through his clothes, and a voice talking in a laidback drawl. Oh damn. He had hit the deck hard. Now he was going to have to explain the bruises to Julia on their next date. Great. How was he going to convince her it wasn’t just fun?

“I’ll be wanting that back,” Sean said to the man holding his golden shield. Shit, they took LuLu. “And the piece.”

“Hey, it speaks. Earl. Our little pig is awake.”

“Dammit, Charley, I told you not to use any names.”

Sean made a noise in his throat. “Too late, Charley. Earl here already spilt the milk, but me and the others are more than happy to fake amnesia if you just take the cash and split. Huh, guys?” Sean asked the other hostages on the floor against a wall.

Kyle was with them. He made a gesture towards his concealed weapon, and Sean shook his head no. They hadn’t made Kyle for a cop because he was over at another part of the bank when they entered. That gave them two guns, Kyle’s service piece and clutch weapon.

461 The security guard was on the floor, not moving. From his view, it looked like a wound to the head. Status was uncertain. Shit. Sean tentatively touched the back of his head. One of the armed men slapped his hand away.

“Stop teasing me! You hit me, you better mean it!” Sean said menacingly. Dammit, he was doing so well too. Now there was blood in his hair. Shit, and he had just washed it this morning. All that washing was drying to the hair follicles.

“Keep your hands where I can see them or I’ll put you out again.”

“Yeah. Whatever. I was checking my head. You’re starting to look attractive, so I must have a concussion.”

The man, Charley, eyes narrowed as he took in Sean. “You a fag?”

Sean reached for a smoke, slowly making a gesture to the man if it was okay. Taking a cigarette, he lit it and offered the man one too. “Naw. My girlfriend said I had to stop that shit or she’d beat the crap out of me.” Sean laughed and smiled wickedly. “Like that’s supposed to be incentive to good behavior.”

Charley looked up at the ceiling. “Great. We get a cop hostage and he’s a pervert.”

“Hey! I’m in therapy!”

Kyle just groaned and shut his eyes. Shut up, dammit.

Earl tossed Sean’s papers and badge to Charley.

“Detective Sean DeLuca.” He looked at the bank pass book and whistled at the balance. “Damn, you on the make?”

Sean made a sound in his throat. “Do I look like Vice? No. I’d have to take a pay cut to become corrupt. Ignore the balance, that’s just paper money and I’ve already spent it.”

“So what you doing here today?”

462 “Banking. All that money is earmarked for a car I bought.”

“Expensive car. What, a Beemer?”

Sean made another sound of disgust. “1969 Dodge Charger, charger red.”

“Starsky’s car!” Earl came over to talk cars. “Is it in mint condition?”

“I wish. But if it was I couldn’t afford it. Naw, it needs some work. I was just thinking of getting my girlfriend a present because when she finds out how much I spent, she is going to tell me to go sleep with that pile of rust, since I obviously love it more.”

“Women,” said Earl in earnest companionship. Kyle just rolled his eyes. Stupid Sean would have them buying him lunch soon and paying for his car for him.

Charley looked at Earl in disgust. “You through?”

“I was just…”

“Go check the windows. Shut those blinds!”

The phone rang, and the other armed man, name unknown and quiet, forced the bank manager to answer it. It was a short call. Charley went over and hung up the phone.

“Why did you do that?”

“I don’t want to talk to no cops.”

Sean sighed. “Then how the hell do you plan to get out of here? They will negotiate, even send in sandwiches. Dealing with the cops now is better than waiting. You wait too long and the Feds will be here and their playbook on hostage situations and acts of terrorism is a hell of a lot different from that of the local PD.”

“What are you saying?”

Sean just shook his head. “You know what statistics are on successful bank jobs? Not good. You’re looking at some major time either way. They will find you. You kill anyone,

463 the charges go up, and you’re looking at the chair or life in prison. I’m just advising you to choose your prison. Now Federal places are the pits, I understand, but I can tell you that the State Pen just put in cable.”

Kyle just groaned. The armed robbers were starting to look real nervous.

The man Charley just looked at Sean thoughtfully. “DeLuca, huh? That name sounds familiar. You wouldn’t be the DeLuca that was part of the fiasco about half a year ago that almost destroyed the Palisades Restaurant.”

“That account was exaggerated. It wasn’t that bad of a stitch.”

“I heard you threw your partner off a building.” Kyle grunted in his corner. He did.


“His fall was broken nicely by the awning of the restaurant. We caught the fleeing felon.”

Charley just threw his hands up. “Great! I get a cop hostage. Couldn’t it be someone of value? No. No, I get you! My luck the cops will bomb this place just to get rid of you!”

“I’ll have you know that there are one or two of them that like me. I’m a very personable guy, once you get to know me.”


The quiet man called to Charley. “Boss, we’ve got more cops. It is a damn charity ball out there.”

“I’m telling you, Charley. They’re not letting you out unless you can negotiate.

They’re going to want a sign of good faith. Maybe release a hostage. A woman is good.”

“Shut up! I can’t think.”

464 The phone started ringing. “Answer the phone. It’ll be the negotiator. I can do the talking. They’ll listen to me.”

Charley seemed to be thinking of it, and finally he gave Sean the phone.

“Yeah? This is Sean DeLuca.” Sean listened for a few moments his eyes never wavering from Charley. “No, Captain. Everyone is fine. There is a security guard down, but he looks alive. They want…” Sean paused. “Just a second.” He put the phone against his neck. “Um, Charley, they want to know your demands.”

Charley looked at Earl and the other guy. They had collected the money from the tellers, and the vault wasn’t going to open anytime soon. They didn’t have the expertise or explosives to blow it.

“We want out of here. They will back off three block radius and let us escape. We’ll leave the hostages unharmed, but will take a few with us.”

Sean shook his head. Stupid. Real stupid. “You get that, Cap? Could you send in some hot coffee and donuts or something? There are some frightened people in here. Oh, and some hostages.”

Charley reached over and hung up the phone. “What was that remark about?”

“Facts. Look, whatever vehicle you came in? It’s gone. They would’ve run the makes on all the cars to find yours. If you were stupid enough to actually use a car registered in one of your names, then they’ve already got you. You can run, but they have your faces off security cameras coming in and out of the bank. Yeah, you can run, but they will find you.”

“Your suggestion?”

465 Sean shrugged. “Call it a bad day, lay down your weapons and surrender before there is more bloodshed.”

“Just shut the fuck up!” Charley kicked a chair and began pacing the floor.

Sean looked at Kyle. Kyle shook his head. He only had a good sight on one. Sean was without a gun, and the main robber, Charley was moving in and out of view. The silent man was a clear target from the windows. A first year Rookie could take him. That was two out of the three. They needed Charley in the view.


Michael joined the others in the store set up as base.

“What’s going on?”

“Twelve hostages counting Kyle and Sean. Kyle is with the other hostages, so we don’t think they have made him as a cop.”

“That means he probably still has his guns. He can take out one. The man standing away from the window isn’t back far enough to be out of sight. Walt, one of your men can take him?” Michael asked.

“Yeah, Wayne has him on sight. If Kyle can take the man to the east, just behind that pillar. But we still need a clear bead on the main man talking to DeLuca.”

Michael nodded. “I’ll take him. We need Sean to get him to the window. Max, you got that? I’ll be topside.”

466 “Go. I’ll see what I can do. Michael, wear your wire. We’ll need all the shoots to go at once. Kyle will be slightly behind, but the shoots should distract the guard long enough for him to draw his gun.”

Michael nodded and took the sniper rifle with scope that Walt handed him. All of them worried. Guerin had a slight tremor in his hand, and it was obvious enough to be noticed by all of them.

“Fuck, he looks sick,” Jenkins said to Walt.

Max ignored them and looked at Henry. “Get them back. Tell Sean what we need.”

Max looked at the other two commanders. “Don’t worry about Michael. He’ll get it done.”


The phone rang again. The three men looked at each other. Finally Charley reached down and dragged Sean to his feet. His wrists were handcuffed behind him. Pushing him to the phone, he put his hand on the receiver and looked at Sean.

“You talk for us. No funny business. If you screw it up, you’ll be the first to die. I’ll beat you to death.”

“What you going to use?” Sean asked in curiosity.

“My hands. It’ll be a pleasure.”

Sean just made a snickering sound in his throat. “Here I thought you were really serious. Hell, that wouldn’t even get me excited. Hands are for wimps. Use something like a whip or tire iron.”

467 Charley hit Sean upside the head, and pushed him to sit on the desk. “You are one sick pervert!”

“Everyone needs a hobby,” Sean waited as Charley held the phone to his ear. “This is


“Sean, it’s Henry. Is everyone okay?”

“Yeah. Everyone is fine. The boys would like an unmarked getaway car. They’ll release two of the women in good faith if it shows up in front of the bank in the next ten minutes.”

“Sean, we’ve got a good mark on the one man just back from the window to the north. We need to know if Kyle can take out the man behind the pillar to the east?”

“Good. Make it ten minutes for sure. The boys are getting antsy.” Sean said looking at Charley discreetly and then over at Kyle. His partner met his eyes. “Hey, tell my partner he owes me for not letting him come with me to the bank. Lucky bastard always knew how to keep his ass clear of trouble. I dropped him just east of here. Can you pick him up?”

Kyle looked at he man behind the pillar. He gave Sean a slight nod. Yeah. He could pick off that guy easily. Clear line of sight.

“Sean, Michael is on scope. We can’t clear the last one. Can you walk him to the window? Get us a shot? Is Kyle able to help?”

“Cap, that’s an affirmative to both. The car in ten, please.”

“Ten count it is. Get us that last mark.”

Charley hung up. “What was all that talking about?”

468 Sean looked at the man. “They’ll have your car in ten minutes. You need to get the two hostages ready to exchange in good faith. They’ll let you walk out of here.”

Charley seemed to be thinking about it. “They wouldn’t just let us walk. What are they planning, Cop?”

Sean pulled his shoulder free of the man’s grasp. “Hey, your robbery. Look out the damn window! You can see them moving to comply.”

Charley looked out the window, but the shades were drawn. “You come with me. I don’t want some trigger happy hero trying to take me out.” He pushed Sean in front of him to an open window where they could see the street. He kept Sean in front as cover, obscuring the shoot.


“Cap, DeLuca is at the front with the other target.” Jenkins said.

Max took his field receiver. “Michael, you got a shot?”

“Negative. Sean is in the field. I don’t have a clear shot.” Michael readjusted his sighting. The two uniforms next to him watched with binoculars.

Sean started the ten count. They could hear him from the audio feed.

“There are at least ten things you’ll need done before you get out of here.”


Sean kept talking.

“Nine of the hostages will be left after you get rid of the two women. That isn’t counting me.”

469 Nine.

“Michael, shot?”


“I counted that you’ve got about eight bags to carry. I suggest you have the hostage you’re taking with you carry some of them. You need your hands free for a clean, clear shot. These cops will take any shot they can, so you want to be on your guard.”


“Michael, Sean said to take the shot.”

Michael shook his head and looked again. Nothing. Just Sean’s big fat head.

“Seven or so minutes from now the car will show up. You’ll want to move fast or people can die. It’s maybe your only shot. You’ll need to take it.”



“I heard him!” Michael swore. He wasn’t going to take that shot. Sean wanted him to shoot through him and take out the third man. Six more counts. He might get a better chance.

“I think you might get about six thousand tops from this job. That is real crappy for the hassle.”


Michael shook his head at the uniform. No shot. Move your fucking head, Sean. Just move to the side.

“You’ll want to cover in five directions. The four main ones and the fifth one being to the top of the buildings. Careful to keep your back to the front at all times. Never give

470 them a good target. If they get desperate, they’ll shoot through anything to take you out.

Standard procedure.”

“What if I use you as a shield, Cop?”

“Wouldn’t work. I signed on for this job. I know the rules. My life is never a bargaining chip. They take me with you easy.”


“So perhaps I should change hostages.”

“Well, there is some hope. Only four guys I can think of could take you out as a sniper. Three of them are down or out of town.”

Four. Three.

“And the other one?”

“Guerin? He’s a pussy. Him and his partner are a joke. The two of them barely register as cops, more of a one man comic team.”

Two. One.

“Take the shot!” screamed Sean.

Suddenly the room exploded as a window shattered and the man standing next to it went down. Kyle’s gun went off at the end count taking out the man behind the pillar.

Charley was still standing past the initial count, and Sean swung around in anger that

Michael hadn’t taken the shot. As he moved around at the surprised Charley, a pen-dot hole appeared in the man’s forehead, and he dropped at Sean’s feet like a sack of potatoes.


471 Michael stood up from where he was kneeling at the building’s side. Tossing the rifle to one of the uniforms, he walked away. Stupid Sean sure took long enough to move his fat head. Pissant.

By the time Michael made the street, an enraged Sean was there with Max and Kyle, and a few others. He saw Michael almost immediately as he came around the corner.

Michael noted the clean up crews. Two wounded, one dead. His kill.

“What the fuck is your problem?”

Michael pushed Sean out of his face.

“You’re still alive, so stop your squawking.”

“You should’ve dropped me, Michael. Taken the clean shot. You hesitated. It could’ve been bad. He could’ve opened fire on the hostages.”

“He didn’t.” Michael was ready to take off. He’d worry about the discharge report later.

Sean stopped him with a hand to his arm. “You know the fucking rules in an hostage situation with a cop as a shield and hostage. You know…”

Michael shook his hand off him. “I know nothing! I know that there is someone in the world that loves you. I know that if Maria has to watch one more person die or bury one more person she loves this week, she is going to break! You might not care how Mac will feel, but I know that Maria has no strength to add you to her deathtoll of mourning.

So fucking back off!”

Sean turned gray as a very tired and shaky Michael knocked his hands away.


472 “Leave it. I’ll shoot your worthless ass later. Drop you in a heartbeat, if that is really what you want. But not today.” Michael’s voice almost came a whisper. “Not today.”

Max grabbed his partner and hauled him away from the others. Pinning him up against the side of the S.W.A.T. wagon he gazed at him in concern.


Michael shook his head and collapsed to the ground. Max swore and quickly lifted him back up. “Dammit, Michael! How fucking sick are you?”

“I can’t…” Michael swallowed hard. “I’ve got no strength left. You have to do it now, Max. Alone. Look for who is doing the bombings. I can’t…”

“It’s okay, partner. It’s okay.”


Jonathan got the call while he was in a conference. Ending it quickly, he went to his office and shut the door. Take the call? Don’t take the call?


“This is Jonathan.”


Maria sat and watched the television special report on the bank job. She could see people she knew. They reported that there were hostages. Mr. Booboo reclined on her lap accepting her attentions as his just due, while she watched horrified.

473 Michael was there. He went when they called.

A vase shattered on the low table.

“Oh, damn. I liked that vase.” Maria picked up the cat and stroked his nappy coat.

“Don’t worry. He’ll be okay. He’ll come home.”

The cat tilted his head upwards to rub against Maria’s chin.

“It’s okay. It will be okay.” She kept repeating that, watching as the story unfolded.

When it was finally over it felt like hours and hours had passed. Mr. Booboo was actually happy to be free of her clutches, and he took himself out the cat door in records time to hunt down mid-day lunch. Maria had used a lot of energy worrying.

Maria rubbed her stomach thoughtfully. “I told you he’d be okay. Your daddy, he always makes things better you’ll see. He’s a hero. He’ll save the world and make it safe for you.”

She just sat there, too tired to move. Her arms and legs hurt, like her muscles were too tired to even move. When did she get so tired?

The knock finally pulled her from wherever she had zoned off to. Thinking? Maybe not thinking. Just…well she didn’t know.


“Hi. Am I disturbing you in the middle of the detective?”

“No. He got called out.”

“Oh.” Jonathan thought about it for a moment. “Oh! The bank thing.”

Maria laughed. Jonathan distracted and confused. Delicious.

“Oh god! He fucked you! You and Max are doing it!”

474 Jonathan hustled her into the loft and slammed the door watching her re-engage the alarm. How could she possibly know that in the space of mere seconds?

“I wasn’t paying attention before, but now that I am…of course I can see it.”

“See what? There is nothing different about me.”

“You’re glowing.”

Jonathan made a sound of disgust and pushed Maria down on the sofa. Going into the kitchen he searched for ice cream. Lots of it. Taking to pints of B&J he went with spoons to join Maria.

“I’m not saying a damn word. And I am not glowing! I do not glow!’”

“Ummm, so good,” Maria said and caught Jonathan’s eye. “I meant the ice cream,”

She added in delight. “Sooo?”

“None of your business, Nosey. But I will say you were right. He rose to the occasion and it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.”

“So it wasn’t that hard, huh?” Maria said with a twinkle. “That could be a small blessing in disguise.”

“Maria, if you are going to double talk, I’m going to leave.”

“Sorry. Sorry. Continue. So how was it, or am I allowed to ask?”

Jonathan ate his ice cream slowly. “I…it was...” Frowning at the frozen ice cream he tried to piece together his thoughts. “I…I think he proposed to me.”

Maria was up on her knees. “Really! Oh my god! This is big. Really big! But you’re not sure? Tell me everything. Don’t leave out one single thing.”

Jonathan tried to remember exactly how it went. He was pretty out of it, with his mind on only one thing. Sex. Making love. All the things in between.

475 “He told me it wasn’t the mechanics of the sex that was the problem. He had done it before with women in his acquaintance.”

“Oh yeah. He used to be a slut. He and Michael both, I swear. Half of Roswell’s population.”

“I know. The first time he met me for a date, there was a woman there we both had dated. She was a real interesting person. Loved life on her knees.”

“Don’t be crass. So anyway, he said...,” Maria prompted.

“That he didn’t want it to be just about sex, getting off, and that he held back because it meant something more than sex. I thought for a moment he was talking about waiting until…”

“You got married! That is so sweet! He was thinking about your virginity. Awww...”

“Are you going to cry?” Jonathan grabbed a tissue next to him and handed it to her.

“Damn, I think he had every intention of waiting until we made some firm commitment, but lucky for me it was already too far gone. He was easy to convince to just get on with it.”

“Wow! So was it…” Maria saw his face and laughed. “Never mind! Geez. Who knew men were so closemouthed?” Maria became very serious for a moment. “You do know how serious he is, right?”

“He said…”

“No. It’s more than that, Jonathan. He doesn’t hide you, not even at work. Michael said he takes comments about being a fag, some pretty nasty remarks and threats at times.

A few times he was rousted in the men’s, but he refuses to hide that he’s with you. That’s pretty serious if you ask me.”

476 Jonathan didn’t know what to say. In his pre-Max life, he was pretty autonomous.

What and how he chose to live his life concerned no one but him.

“They didn’t hurt him?”

Maria shook her head. Hurt Max Evans? A man that could flatten them with a wave of his hand? Hardly. “No. He’s fine. Michael watches out for him, as do Kyle and Sean.

He’s good. And now you tell me he’s good in more ways than one.”

“It was good. We’re good. So everything is good.”

Maria nodded licking her spoon slowly. “Okay, so everything is fine.”


“Uh huh, so why are you here in the middle of a work day chowing on B&J with the pregnant woman?”

Damn. She was too shifty. Know it all.

“I went shopping with Max last night.”

“Distractions don’t work. Just confess. What happened?”

Jonathan searched his pint. Empty. Already? He needed more. Cookies. The house of

DeLuca-Guerin had to have cookies. “You got any cookies?”


“Fine. Okay. I got a phone call.”

“Oh, this can’t be good.”


“And she scores!” Maria congratulated herself. So the damn pregnancy hadn’t totally melted her brain.

“She is not only coming, but was expecting to stay with me.”

477 “Oh. That could be a problem. Vanessa shacked up at your place. You over at Max’s place getting fucked as often as possible…oh dear. How will this ever work out?”

“You called me crass? Damn, Maria. Get serious. Three weeks. She said near the end of next month.”

“Tell Max.”

Jonathan sighed. “Thought of that. Obviously it’s the only solution, but how do you think it’s going to affect our relationship?”

“Hmmmm.....it should make Max overly protective. Possessive. Maybe you’ll get lucky and he’ll exert his territory by marking you real good.”

“You’re a sick woman. You know that, right?”

Maria felt too tired. She scooted down and rested her head on the side of his leg.

“Yeah, yeah. Everyone needs an hobby.”

That was how Max and Michael found them an hour later. Jonathan had his hand in her hair, softly moving it through his fingers, thoughtful when the two cops came through the door.

Max was holding Michael up. But Michael wasn’t so tired that he couldn’t find his gun and blow Jonathan Stiller’s smarmy guts all over the place.

“Put it away, Detective. I hate macho posturing.” Jonathan could feel a twinge in his back. He was too afraid to move in case he woke her. “She was talking, and just like that....asleep. I’ve been stuck here an hour. Nothing to do, and even the television remote was too far away. I would’ve just risked moving her, taking her upstairs and putting her to bed, but figured you’d hate that even more.”

478 “What the hell are you doing here in the first place?” Michael growled, going to retrieve his property, growling more when he saw Jonathan’s fingers in her hair.

“Eating ice cream. I got her to eat an entire carton before she passed out from fatigue. You wouldn’t have felt too exhausted to move about an hour ago, would you now?” Jonathan asked, not so innocently.

Letting Michael chew on the fact that Jonathan noticed how connected he and Maria were, Jonathan slowly got to his feet after Michael picked her off of his lap.

It was there. In that instant Jonathan saw everything. Michael was holding her in his arms, looking down at her small tired sleeping face, and a look of wonder came across his face. He looked at her like she was something fey, small, and untouchable. An angel or a fairy. Something that should be out of his reach, unreal but wonderful. His emotions were so apparent that Jonathan held his tongue. Damn. Love. It was more. Something he had no word for. He watched Michael carry her up the stairs.

“You really are pushing it, Jonathan.”

“I know. I could have moved her I guess, but there was something inside me that didn’t want to. I liked that she was mine just for a few moments. She…she helps me find peace inside at times.”

Max bit back a jealous retort. Jonathan could watch porn if he wanted. View naked women or skimpily dressed ones, but not Maria. She felt like a threat.

Jonathan saw Max’s face and sighed, shaking his head. “Don’t think it. Stop it. Maria is no threat. It takes two to tango and even if I was willing, she is not. For some reason that totally escapes me, she loves that boorish man, to almost obsession. They are nicely paired.”

479 “This isn’t the first time…”

Jonathan grabbed Max and kissed him. Hard. “I’ve learned to trust you. At least try to pretend to trust me in this matter. Now what are you doing here?”

“Michael. I wanted to make sure he made it home.”

“You have to go back to work?”


Jonathan stroked Max’s cheek. “Come to dinner with me tonight.”

“Thought we had a standing date.”

“Out. The Towers. I’ll call in a reservation. You’ll have to dress.”

Max nodded. They avoided going out in public at times. Not that they were uncomfortable so much, but because it was easier to spend time together alone. Dinner.

Nice restaurant. He could do that easily, plus Jonathan in full dinner dress was something worth viewing.

“Okay, but let me borrow some shirt studs.”

“My shirt studs are your shirt studs.”

When Michael came back down, it was just Jonathan. No Max.

“He left,” Jonathan said as he poured water over the tea leaves. “I thought we should talk. It’s time.”

Michael didn’t want to. He just wanted Jonathan to go. Get lost. Take a hike. Die.

Implode. Whatever.

Jonathan ignored his attitude and poured Michael a cup of tea, and himself one as well. He was past his coffee drinking hours.

480 “Maria. She…” Jonathan paused trying to think of how to say it without Michael murdering him.

“You love her.”

Shocked, Jonathan nodded. He never thought Michael could ever find a way to spit that out.

“Yes. I love her. But, I’m not in love with her. There is a difference, you know.”

Jonathan took a seat next to Michael and doctored his tea with lots of sugar.

“Love is love.”

“No, it’s not. You understand the difference, but in this you’re being difficult. Do you love Isabel Evans?”

Michael frowned, “It’s not like that.”

“Do you love her, yes or no?”

Michael sighed, “She’s like a sister I wish I never had, so yes. Yes, I love her.”

“But you’re not in love with her?”

“No. Never. Not that way.”

Jonathan nodded. “I’m not saying that I think of Maria like a sister, because that would be too clean, too uncomplicated. It’s more. But I knew her long before you came on the scene. I knew her when she was nothing but a shell. I couldn’t feel. Didn’t feel much in my life. I just got by. Then I met her. I faked it a lot, and most things were done in my own self-interest. She was…she felt everything. Like very nerve ending in her body was exposed, and hurt, alive and aching. She hid in the dark, refusing to talk, refusing to go outside. She was too exposed and that just invited more pain. I never knew such a small body could know and withstand so much pain. I, who felt nothing. She, who

481 felt everything. I took her sorrow. I took her pain into myself. She taught me to feel and I don’t regret that. Not for a moment. There is a richness in life that I was missing, and it hurt. But damn, it felt alive too.”

Michael remained silent.

“All those years, it was just her and me. Friends. Could I have fucked her, made her my lover? Sure. We were free. Adults.”

Michael a sound. “You’re not doing yourself any favors here, Stiller.”

“How about you? You and Isabel. She was doing everything in pants, and you were about as bad. You were free. Had something resembling warm feelings for each other.

Did you ever take her to bed? Want to? Or even kiss her romantically with intent?”

Michael’s brows fused together in a huge frown. He scratched his eyebrow. “No! I told you, I wasn’t in love with Isabel.”

“You weren’t in love with any of those other women either, but that didn’t stop you from sleeping with them. So why not Isabel?”

Michael shrugged. “I couldn’t. I…she meant something to me. I couldn’t just use her for that, not if I had no real feelings for her. It would’ve ended badly, and I’d rather have her as a friend than lose her for a physical relationship that could never mean anything. It wasn’t worth it. She deserved better, and so did I. It would have cheapened our friendship.”

“Now you understand my feelings for Maria. I could’ve done her. I could’ve had a relationship with her, but I couldn’t. Not unless it meant so much more than just sex. I couldn’t use her, and she wasn’t interested in using me. People make mutual loneliness an

482 excuse to become involved. It is a piss poor excuse. Stupid. There is love, and then there is everything else.”

Michael drank his tea. “Then why do I get these feelings around you? Feelings that I should just kill you right now and be done with it?”

“I fiercely protect what is mine. Maria has been under my protection a long time.

Long before you came on the scene. Sean yielded his protective mode to you, gave up his position in Maria’s life, but I never did. And don’t get me wrong, it isn’t that I don’t trust you to protect her, because I do. There is just something in me. I can’t walk away from her. Never. Since she’s known you she’s almost been murdered by a serial killer with a jones for you. She was standing and working in a department with another serial killer, and she almost died because of the babies. I’ve never had a chance to feel she’s alright.

So here I stay. Her friend.”

“Perhaps. But I saw your face, the way you were touching her hair when I walked in the door.”

“Yes. She fills me with wonder. Something so tiny and delicate, yet so strong. Not just her body, but her will to survive and live. It’s intoxicating. She’s like a head rush, the best of drugs. Every once in a while, I pause and really look at her, see her small frail body, and I know her history, who she is, and it blows me over how incredible she really is. That is what you see, Michael. Reverence. Hard to explain in any other way.” Jonathan paused. “But one last point. Do you honestly think that Maria and I would know each other all these years, be close, and never get involved? Then one day find two people we love and want to live our lives with, and suddenly, just like that, find a mutual passion

483 and destroy all that which we found, searched our entire lives for? Do you really believe she cares so little for your love that she would hold a secret attraction to me?”

“No. Of course not! I trust her with my life. My heart. Everything. She is incapable of betrayal of that sort.”

Jonathan nodded. He stood up. “Good. Then think about it. Why do you react so violently? It’s not really her, and it’s not really me. It’s you.”

Michael watched the door close behind Jonathan.

Jonathan was right. It was him.

Looking up at the dark bedroom, he was forced to admit this to himself. He knew that nothing would ever happen between those two. It never could. Maria wasn’t that type of woman any more than he was that type of man. It was what Jonathan said. Reverence.

She was so much more than he ever expected to find. How could he have known? Every day he lived a little more terrified that it was going to be taken away, that she would be taken away and he would be alone.

Was love supposed to be that unsure and hurt that bad?

She was dying. And he was powerless to stop it.

He kept saying over and over, that it would be alright. But he lied.

484 Chapter Sixteen: Juliet is dying.

Day Sixteen: Wednesday, 12:13 am

“Are you talking to me yet?”

“No.” Tess turned on her side to continue reading, but it was impossible to get comfortable.


“Don’t ‘Tess’ me!” She closed her book and tossed it across the room. Sitting up, her stomach hurt. Her back hurt. To say she was unsettled would have been an understatement. “You could’ve died!”

Kyle flopped back in the bed. “Yes, I could have. So could anyone else who was being held hostage in the bank. I wasn’t in there because I was a cop, Tess. I was in there because like a normal person, I stopped at the bank this morning.”

“I know.” Tess covered her eyes for a moment. “I know it, but my heart doesn’t. I can’t stand the thought of losing you, Kyle. Not like Jack. Not again.”

Kyle pulled Tess into his arms. “I can’t promise it won’t happen. I can promise that I won’t take unnecessary chances. Every day, I swear to you, Tess. I swear! I will think of nothing but coming home to you. You and the baby. Babies. I can’t promise more than that.”

Tess kissed him. Running her hand up his face, she searched his eyes. He was so incredibly beautiful. His brown eyes were warm and friendly. Sexy. He had a mischievious look and a great fun loving personality. All those years, even after Jack, he had remained her oldest and best friend. That short year they were apart and not talking,

485 hurt more than she could say. It was like having her heart cut out knowing he was near, just not speaking to her.

“When you took that bullet over a year ago. I thought I almost lost you then. I remember sitting there, crying beside your bed. You hurt me, Kyle. You were there, and yet so far away.

“Tess. I was here. I had things to work through. It wouldn’t have mattered. No matter how long it took, I was going to find my way back to you.”

Tess kissed him. “I wish you had done it sooner. This baby would’ve been yours, not

Max’s, not that I regret that either. We just spent too much time running away from each other.”

Kyle laughed. “It’s okay. The baby. Us. Even Max. It feels right. Now, did I tell you about how many kids I wanted?”

Tess pinched him. “Wait until this one is born before you start making requests. A few weeks with late night feedings and no sleep, and you might change that tune, mister.”

“Poopie diapers. I say we give Max all the poopie diaper detail. I’ll take care of feeding.”

Tess seemed to be pondering Kyle’s plan. “You realize that I’m breast feeding, so your supervision would be, what?”

Kyle kissed the side of her neck and up to her ear. He bit the lobe softly and then said huskily in her ear, “Watching.”

Tess stopped smiling and looked at him. Oh, damn... He was so sexy. How was a woman supposed to keep her hands off him? Oh God, he was so damn beautiful. There was no telling a man that, but it didn’t make it any less true. He was still self-conscious

486 about the scars on his shoulder from where the bullet and then the surgery had ripped through.

Tess touched them, feathering her fingers over the rough edges of the skin that had slowly mended. It was like a benediction, touching him. Touching them. There were many things about Kyle, but mostly he lived with his heart and soul. Every ounce of his honor was part of his makeup. He was her husband.

"You should never be ashamed of these, Kyle. You're alive. That's the most important thing." Tess said quietly. His face was a bit of a mask. Her ability to read his emotions almost scared him sometimes.

Tess continued to run her hands over his scars in a soothing motion. She wanted to tell him that they were erotic, that because they marked his skin and because they were his, they were an incredible turn-on for her. But the words were dying in her throat as she watched his face.

Sometimes just the sight of him unnerved her. Stole her breath, and with it all the words she needed to say. With Jack it was always easier. For both of them. Jack was open in a way other people wished they could be. He just understood one thing. Love. Love for

Tess. Love for Kyle. There was nothing else, and he never apologized or denied it. Not to either of them.

Kyle too, was struggling for words...

He wasn’t Jack. Those words, expressions and feelings welled up inside, searching for a way out. He wanted to tell her everything about himself, but he lost the words whenever he looked at her. She was so much more than he was. So strong. Powerful.

Beautiful. And an alien.

487 The amazement was that she ever loved him. For the longest time he was afraid that

Tess only wanted him in her bed because it was what Jack wanted. It took him a long time to realize that Tess was her own woman, and she didn’t skimp on expressing her love, not to anyone.

Perhaps it was doubt that kept him away. It was hard to say. But he wasn’t going anywhere ever again. Ten long years he fought with his love of one woman, a woman he couldn’t have, and now he had everything. Nothing was more important than she was.



"Shhh..." she murmured, bringing the finger that has been tracing across his flesh up to his lips.

Their breath was coming quicker as she moved back slightly and pulled her night gown over her head. She normally slept nude, but lately with the advanced pregnancy she liked to sleep in one of his old t-shirts. Kyle knew he was gaping at her breasts. He couldn’t help it. They were exquisite. A little large for her frame now, but he certainly wasn't going to complain. No, they were firm. Wonderfully firm and high...her nipples were erect already with her arousal. She was flushed as well. God, he loved her pregnant.

Did great things to her body, and better things to her libido. Did better things for him.

Something about her was so feminine and intense. It rocked him on his feet.

He finally managed to swallow deep enough to unfreeze himself from the stare and touch her. He was touching her breasts and he was in ecstasy. He knew she would be so soft, so warm. So...vibrantly alive. Running a finger over her left nipple, slowly, erotically. he tenderly repeat the motion on her other nipple.

488 "Oh God...." she whispers.

"You're beautiful," Kyle whispered back. An added advantage to her pregnancy was how sensitive her breasts were. It was a total turn-on.

Tess brought her hand up and places it over his as he knead her flesh, tweaked her nipple between his fingers.

"You have gorgeous hands, Kyle. They...they're so warm and strong."

Kyle moved his hand from her nipple and bought it and his other hand up onto her shoulders. drawing her to him. Their kisses increased in passion again as his erection pressed against her, tipped up and rubbed against her stomach. This time both of them were moaning before they broke the kiss.

"I'd better go slower," he suggest raggedly, looking down into her eyes. They were luminous. Brilliant blue, almost shiny with emotion. They glow deep down with her heat.

Kyle groaned. He could get lost in those eyes.

"Yeah..." she breathed out slowly as well and Kyle chuckled under his breath as he lowered his mouth to her breasts.

“This is going to slow things down? You think?” Tess said in exasperation.

Kyle smiled against her skin, and slowly moved back to let his eyes travel over her body. They took in every inch of her perfectly formed petite body pregnant and fertile.

His eyes finally settle on that spot between her legs. On the soft, downy patch of light curly hair that was at the apex of her thighs. Kyle gazed with eyes hooded, and couldn't help it. He licked his lips.

She had her arms crossed over her breasts. Kyle paused. She was suddenly a little shy? It reminded him of when they were young. How vulnerable he thought her. She

489 really was even though she'd probably kicked him in the slats if she heard him suggest it.

Kyle smiled finding it terribly touching that unexpected return to their youth.

Gently pulling her arms away from her breasts and lifting her right hand up, he bent to kiss her palm.

"You should never...cover...something...this lovely." Kyle said huskily. “I love this shyness.”

Tess unexpectedly hit him on the back of his head. “This isn’t shyness, you putz! It is called over-sensitivity. Damn, Kyle. I didn’t want to be gone, tired and ready for sleep before I even got you at the starting gate.” Damn pregnant breasts were both a blessing and a curse. One touch and she was ready to jump out of her skin.

Kyle sat up and looked at her. His eyes were gleaming in delight. “You used a racing analogy!”

His woman. Perfect!

Kyle attacked her, his deeper laughter joining her lighter more carefree one. Oh hell.

He wasn’t getting any sleep tonight.


Max was running late. It was already after nine when he got to work. Jonathan had kept him up most the night and into the early morning, ending up the damn shower. He was lucky to get out the door. The date at the restaurant had been a complete success.

Max smiled to himself.

490 Fun. He was having real fun for the first time in his life. He couldn’t remember ever feeling this carefree and happy in any relationship he ever had. It was just there. All of it.

They both were keeping things from the other, but they sort of had a respectful distance with an understanding that they would share once it was possible.


His other relationships had all started about the same. He would feel an overpowering transfixed attraction to a woman, even to Jonathan. It bordered on pathetically love-struck, and highly unrealistic. It was like he was looking for a woman with stars in her eyes. Something more in her body that could match and draw from him what was buried deep inside. His heart. And he would follow, moon and brood over the woman until he had her, then he would promptly drop her because she wasn’t the one. It was a tragic, never-ending circle. He had the lovesick pup look down.

His relationship with Jonathan started out in the same way. He was standing there in shock, mouth wide open, eye dilated and a sense of ‘wow’ on his face. Jonathan took one look and made a sound of disgust. Those first few dates, Jonathan was almost harsh in so many ways. He was arrogant and exacting, telling Max he didn’t want someone who mooned after him, but rather wanted an equal partner. He taunted and pushed Max so much, that Max’s natural instinctual defenses revved up. He took a firm ground. The difference was amazing.

He was happy, feeling a part of something bigger than himself without this overwhelming need to be all romantic and dewy eyed. Love. Who knew it could be so reaffirming? He felt strong on his own, not because Jonathan supported him, but because

491 he didn’t need support. Jonathan just made it easier, because he knew that if he needed him, Jonathan would be there.

“Damn! Stop daydreaming and either get in the elevator, you fag, or move out of the way!”

Max entered the elevator and noticed other people avoiding his eyes as the burly offensive uniform got into the elevator with his snickering buddies. Max made eye contact with them, and without flinching reached out and read the nameplate pinned on the chest of the largest uniform.

“Jenkins, it's Evans. I’ve got a uniform of yours that seems to have a problem with people’s personal sexual preferences. I think he needs some beat time to learn tolerance and understanding of what it means to serve and protect. The name is Leonards, badge number 17883. Let's make sure he realizes that serving and protecting extends to all people, regardless of race, color, creed or sexual preference. Put him on the downtown beat. Thanks.”

Max hung up his phone. The uniforms weren’t snickering anymore, and most of the people in the elevator stood away from Max giving him a lot more space. Power. It was intoxicating. Some had it in their blood, some were just born with it. Either way, words meant little. Power affected Max hardly at all. He took those words flung at him, and he demonstrated how powerful he was. Leonards would remember him well as he tended the blisters on his feet from walking a beat for the next two weeks or so. Fag town. Racer joints. The nice seedy underbelly of Roswell society was waiting for him. Max made a note to self to call Jenkins again and make sure Leonards helped served in the soup kitchen under the guise of keeping the peace.

492 Max’s floor couldn’t come quickly enough, and when the doors opened, people cleared a path for him, wishing him a good morning.

Then his morning went to shit.

Rhonda handed over the first report.

“You’re kidding, right?”

Rhonda just shook her head no.

Max looked at his watch and whistled. This had to be a record. “They’ve only been on duty an hour. How…?”

“They were feeling good, so they came in an hour early.”

Max moaned. “Where are they?”

“They're on their way back in.”

Max put his hands on his hips and looked out thoughtfully at the bullpen. “Fine.

Have them write up their reports immediately. I want them on my desk ASAP. Then I want to see them both ten minutes after.”

Rhonda withheld a chuckle. Oh, some poetic justice was in the works! Cap was going to love this. “There is one more thing.”

Max looked into his now empty coffee cup. Of course there was. There was always just one more thing. He was going to need more coffee.

“Hit me.”

“Hanson and Banks. They were on late desk last night. There was an incident.”

“There is always an incident. Do I have anything resembling a report?”

Rhonda snickered. “You know Hanson.”

493 Max sighed and held out his hand as Rhonda sympathetically handed him a huge sheaf of paper. The anal report-writing Hanson had struck again. He was the only detective who made a career of putting every detail into his report, down to the perpetrator’s shoe size.

“Let me get some more coffee and about ten minutes to scan this, then send them to me!”

Max had a feral look in his eyes as he charged the coffeemaker in the breakroom.

Someone better not have left it dry.

Max kept reading, ignoring the two detectives standing in front of his desk. Taking his time, he read the report slowly, so as to pick up all the nuances. Banks was the first to break. She cleared her throat.

“Something, Detective?”

“No, Sir. It’s just…”

“Good. Stand fast. I’ll be with you in a moment.” Max went back to reading. If someone takes the time to write a book report, he should at least read it. Finally done, he closed the folder and glared at the two of them.

“So the call came at three in the morning?”

“Yes, Sir. And…” Max sat back and let her ramble on with her excuses, showcasing her ability to somehow foist the greater of the blame on Sam’s head.

“Thank you, Banks. That was pretty much in the report.” Max put his hands clasped together on top of the folder. “Hanson, comments? Input?”

494 Hanson looked uncomfortable. “The call came in, Sir. We responded. There were reports of activity in a junction section of the sewage system running under the streets.

Due to the recent activity with narcotics, the making and movement of them, we - my partner and I - and three uniforms went to investigate.”

“So this led to a quarter mile of underground sewage pipes exploding?”

“It was just a methane flash, Sir. The system was undamaged according to the city inspector. We called the city's plant department immediately.”

“I see.” Max picked up a letter from the inspector. “It seems that the inspector believes you are without blame. So I just want to know what went on. How did this happen exactly? Your report is unclear.”

Hanson cleared his throat. “We followed the sewage tunnels until we came to this intersection. Following it onward we came to a cavern, sort of large. It was a planning relay that they use for heavy equipment to do work down there. Sir, someone had moved in.”

“Moved in?”

Courtney looked uncomfortable.

Hanson continued. “Set up house in that methane filled cavern. We went to investigate, and there was a voice. It laughed and said, ‘See ya!’ and then we heard a match being struck.”

“That’s when you ran?”

Hanson nodded. They had barely made it to the nearest access ladder out of the tunnels before a raging inferno of exploded methane gas filled the area. “We returned

495 after the inspector cleared the area. There were charred rats, and the cavern area had nothing left to pick through. Just ash.”

Sam Hanson met Max’s eyes, and the man nodded in understanding. “Well, there’s not much that can be done. You did right to check it out. You’re dismissed.” He waited as they started to file out and called to Hanson. “One moment, Hanson. I need to see you.

Banks, you go on and finish your report. I want it by the end of the day.”

Hanson stood there until the door closed, at which point his body seemed to relax.

“What’s going on, Sam? What didn’t you say in your report?”

Sam looked out the glass and noticed his partner watching. So he just shrugged. “It’s the situation, Sir.”

“Can the ‘Sir’ stuff and just tell me.”

“The person in the tunnel. I got a glimpse of him.”

“You said you didn’t, that you just heard a voice.”

Sam cleared his throat. “No, Max. I saw him. There was more than just one, but I got a look at the one closest to the entrance. The one who said ‘See ya!’ was very clear in my sight.” Max waited. Sam took his time. He was exact. “It was Michael Guerin. I swear.

Slightly different dress. Leather, tattoos and strange hair, but it was him. No mistake.

Someone who looked close enough like him to be a twin.”

Max put his hands on the desk in shock.

“One other thing, Max?” Max gestured for him to continue. “The match that was struck? It wasn’t from this Guerin-look-alike. It came from my right side. I heard it strike.

It was my partner. Courtney exploded the methane.”

496 ~~~

She went down two floors before finding a phone in a nice relatively empty corridor.

It took three rings to get an answer.

“This is Courtney.”

The pause was telling. Great. They were pissed. Who gave a fuck? “Are you reporting that Vilandra has been neutralized?”

Courtney swore. “In case you haven’t noticed, there was a fire at the loft complex.

The Commander installed new security. It’s tight, with double backups. Breaking the connection without a key triggers the internal security. There is no way to get to her right now, not while they’re on high alert. She moved in with her boyfriend for a short period, but both she and her roommate are back in their place as of today.”

“Your orders…”

“I know. I’ll do it as soon as it’s possible.” Courtney looked around, rechecking the hall. “We’ve got bigger problems. The Dupes are here. They have no doubt come for the



Max’s head was hurting. Holding it, all he could think was, “...my head is...my head is starting...my head is starting to pound...” Fucking Valenti and DeLuca. A nightmare.

497 "Max, I think if you just read the letter you have in your hand from the Roswell

Electric and Power Company, you'll realize that blowing up the substation was a total ac....


"Yes, sir?"

"There is no excuse."

"Yes, Max, but..."

"But, Max, Sean is right. Under the circumstances, the...uh, incident was hardly our fault..."

"So, you admit that it wasn’t my fault..."

"I didn't say that....I..." Kyle said out of the corner of his mouth at his partner. Oh, it was definitely his fault. Did he have to be in such a chipper mood, see an taillight out and decide to correct the problem? No. Did he have to stop a truck carrying stolen cows? No.

Did he have to give chase when the modern day rustlers decided to run? No. No. No! He could’ve stopped at Krispy Krème and gotten them some donuts. Coffee.

"Hey, but you just did...you said..."

"Hello, remember me? I'm still here, and I did call this meeting after all..." Max said before the dumb and dumber twins went off on another tangent regarding whose fault it was.

"Sorry, Max," Sean said meekly, earning a look of suspicion from his partner.

"Yes, sorry, Max."

498 "Fine. There is no possible excuse or justification for blowing up an Electric and

Power Company substation. I don’t care how many letters you forced….or got people to write for you."

"Yes, Max. But..." Sean swore under his breath. How did Max know that they used friendly persuasion? Hey, they told them they could keep the cows. That was something.

At times like these, Max really wanted to just reach over the desk, grab both Sean and Kyle by the throat, and just end the madness. That was a stark awakening. All the times he and Michael had stood across from this desk, and still lived to tell the tale.

Captain Jim Valenti was a saint.

For the love of the living God! How in the hell was he going to justify that two of the detectives under his command blew up an electrical substation that blacked out the entire northern section of Roswell during the busy "getting ready for work" hours of the morning? How could he possibly rewrite the report so that the power truck they were trailing, a truck that had some kind of malfunction more pressing than a burned out turn indicator, crashed into the substation, blowing it to kingdom come? He needed something more urgent, more significant. No brakes? He couldn’t tell the Chief that his two detectives decided to pull over a truck for an burnt out turn signal and ended up on a dangerous chase through the northern suburbs of Roswell at seven in the morning.

Christ's blood! It's lucky half the town of Roswell wasn’t blown up with it. Wasn’t having a mad bomber on the loose enough? And of course there was an explosion. A rather large one.

The fried corpse of a large Holstein in the transformer at the substation was going to be hard to explain. But the presence of barbeque beef made the Electric and Power

499 Company think that vandals with a sick sense of humor were responsible for this debacle.

Not Valenti and DeLuca.

Jesus. Max sighed with resignation as he glanced at the letter again. Okay. The

Roswell Power Company had disavowed his detectives from any wrongdoing, but they more than likely didn’t have the entire story. That meant the Department was free of any blame for the destruction of property and the resulting blackout, even though Sean and

Kyle were practically frothing at the mouth while trying to proclaim the actual events, which included flying cows, and were undoubtedly participants in said ‘cattle mutilations’. Hence Old Gertie’s charred remains were now the backyard feast of the head regulator at the substation plant.

His two rogue detectives needed discipline. A spanking. He should hire someone to slap their asses, hard. Max paused. Okay, backing off that thought, it was too early in the morning, and his stomach was too weak to even think about it. Add in Sean’s probable reaction to the suggestion and his morning was taking a turn into the perverted and disgusting. Oh, he didn't even want to think or contemplate that image right now. Uh...no way.

Sean having warmed to his subject, continued to bleat on and on...well crap.

"Sean...." Yeah like anyone was going to interrupt that tirade. “Sean!”

"Uh, yes sir? Um, Max?"

"This is it for the two of you this week, you understand?"

"Like a snow bank in winter, Max."


"Sure, Max. I’m happy to take it easy. No more charred Clarabell’s. Gotcha."

500 Kyle turned, flashing violent brown eyes at his partner, eyes that looked like they could cut through metal right now. Guess the bank and the flying cow was too much for the man. He was, after all, the voice of reason in this duo.

"Good. You're both dismissed."

Max listened to their bitching on the way out.

“This is not my fault!” Sean whined.

“I told you to turn right, not left!”

“I did turn right!”

“I meant before that turn right, the immediate right, the one that wouldn’t have forced the damn truck into the transformer.”

“Is it my fault his damn turn signal light was out? I should write that up too!”

Max just moaned. Rubbing his neck he leaned back for a moment, trying not to disgrace himself with laughter. Flying Holsteins. Damn, Michael was going to be jealous.

They took out a bird with their front grill once, but never served up barbeque. Piss on it.

God, he had a splitting headache.

Rhonda calmly walked into the office and planted a box in front of him, patting him on the shoulder with a fresh cup of coffee. Bless her. Excedrin. Big bottle. Take two and go back to work. Was it lunch yet? Max glanced at his watch and put his head down moaning. Ten? No way. That whole thing took only an hour?


501 Maria! Michael woke to the sound of persistent meowing and the soft feel of something on his face. Mr. Booboo. His paw was frantically patting Michael on the cheek.

Michael rolled over and looked at the time. No way! No way!

“Maria? Baby, wake up.” She was still sound asleep. Too long. They had missed her morning feeding and now it was already past the mid-morning feeding and closing in on lunch. Her skin was cold.

“Maria, c’mon...!. Wake up for me.”

“Michael. Tired. Just let me sleep one more hour.” Her voice was low and far away.

“No. Can’t. We’re running behind.” Michael was out of bed and in the bathroom filling the tub with hot water. Lots of steaming hot water. Rushing downstairs he put on some water for tea.

Mr. B. was sitting there watching him, his head moving back and forth like he was witnessing a tennis match.

“I’ll feed you later. She’s cold. Why don’t you go find her a nice treat?”

The cat meowed and stretched in his usual manner, then lazily went out to hit the back gardens and the hunt, now that Michael was up and on the job.

The loft was hot. Too hot. Michael could barely breathe. He had turned up the heat, and with the hot September sun turning the desert heat to over a hundred degrees, the inside of the loft was steaming. They were in the bath together. He was holding her up against him as she straddled his hips. The sweat was running off his skin, and he couldn’t focus his eyes.


502 It was insane, but they were engaged in hot sex - sex that was literally hot, and sensually hotter. Her body was joined to his, and the heat was sapping his ability to really move, so he laid back in the bath with his arms spread along the cool porcelain as her mouth sucked the blood from his neck.

He couldn’t open his eyes. It felt like a thousand points of blinding light were in his vision. Thirst. He needed more. Wanted more. His body was craving sustenance. Her skin smelt like a nectar. A perfume that was uniquely hers. Moaning, his one hand came out to hold her mouth firmly against his neck as she ravaged it, as his hips moved upward pushing more and harder.


Through hooded eyes, he could see the marks he left on her body. A cut above her right breast, the mauling of her neck. She looked wild and primitive. His mate.

Holding her hips firmly, he watched as her body came apart, and she orgasmed with him. He never felt the brutal scratches of her nails in his back or the screaming of his name...


“No. I’m too full.” Michael pushed more food at her on the fork. Chinese. He had ordered takeout from six different places. There were food containers everywhere. Sex.

Food. More Sex. Hot tea. He was wearing nothing but a pair of boxers. It was hotter than hell in here, and Maria was still shivering. She was wearing sweats, thick socks and a sweater. It had to be close to one hundred and twenty degrees in the loft, and Michael could hardly keep standing.

503 Sex. More sex.


“God! No. I’m tired! I’m so damn tired.” She grabbed him, held his face between her cold hands. “Just let me rest. Just for a little while. I promise, I’ll eat when I'm awake. I promise.” Her eyes filled with tears. Michael made a sound of distress in his throat. There were dark circles under her eyes. She was too tired to stay awake a moment longer. He watched helplessly as her eyes closed.

Tucking her in bed, he piled the blankets and comforters on. Taking a phone, he went into the bathroom and ran the cold water, drinking glass after glass as he wet his skin.

“Parker,” Michael gulped trying to clear his throat. “Parker.” Shocking how dry his voice was. “It’s Maria. I can’t get her warm. I…I need help.”

“Michael! I’ll be there. As soon as I can.”

“Get Max and Sean. They’ll get you here faster.” Michael’s voice faltered. “Hurry.

We’re dying.”

Liz frowned and made a sound of distress as the phone disconnected. No. No. It couldn’t happen. This couldn’t be happening. Calling to her assistant, she grabbed her bag with the supplies she kept for Maria and Michael’s blood draws. Rushing to the elevator, and frantically punched the button for Major Crimes to find the others.

What was she going to do? There had to be a solution. There had to be one. What was it? Oh God, she was out of time!

Max. She had to get to Max. The elevator opened to her almost running full force through the glass door, through Major Crimes and without stopping, straight into Max’s office.

504 Max looked up at the interruption, at the frantic face of Liz Parker and his stomach went hollow.

“It’s Maria!”

Max was up and the two of them left in a dead run, as Max called to both Sean and


The trip was a blur. Liz sat in the back beside Kyle muttering to herself. Going over all the possibilities. Out of time. They were out of time.


Sean opened the door using his security override. The heat of the loft knocked them all back.


Kyle rushed to the thermostat and turned down the control. It was boiling in there.

“Max, get some water, lots of ice. Michael has to be dehydrated, and so does Maria.”

Sean took the stairs three at a time with Liz fast on his heels. “Boil some tea, lots of sugar.”

They were in the bed. Michael was holding her, and she was covered in so many blankets they could barely find her. Sean took the iced water Max handed him and helped

Michael to drink.

“We should call an ambulance.” Max said.

“There's no time! And what would they do for her?” Sean swore and kept trying to force water on Michael.

505 Liz paced. This wasn’t supposed to happen. It couldn’t be happening. She had missed something. There had to be a solution.

Max looked at his best friend. “Michael? Michael!”

Michael opened his eyes. “Maria?”

“She’s still here with us. What should we do? Take her to the hospital? They can take the babies, maybe save her.”

Michael nodded. Save Maria. Save her.

Maria’s voice was low, but they heard her. “No. No. It’s too late for that. They can’t take them. They can’t survive.”

Michael rolled over. “Maria, we tried. It’s time. Any longer and you’ll die. Let me have Max take you to the hospital.”

Maria shook her head no, she was leaning back against Sean. Her voice was weak, but he could hear the word ‘no’, over and over again. Finally she said something he couldn’t understand. Leaning closer he listened carefully.

“She said, ‘Blood. It’s in the blood.’”

Michael grabbed Maria’s hand and they made eye contact. She wouldn’t let it happen. She wouldn’t go. He could force her, but…”

“Liz. The blood. What does she mean?” Michael asked desperately, his voice rising in fear. “Think, dammit!”

Liz was frustrated. “I don’t know! I don’t know! It’s in your blood. What she needs, what they need is in your blood. It’s why she craves it, needs it. The precursors, the transportation system. It moves the molecules and energy, faster and cleaner. She's

506 starving. They're starving. I don’t know how to get it to her, how to get enough to her body to make a difference.”

“Blood transfusion?” Sean asked quietly. “If drinking it isn’t enough, hasn’t a long enough effect, how about a transfusion of Michael’s blood into Maria?”

Liz shook her head. “I thought of that. It wouldn’t work. It couldn’t. There would be a rejection reaction, a hemolytic response. That is why blood is cross-typed. Giving her alien blood could kill them all.”

Maria looked at Michael. “I’m already dying. They’re dying. Give me the transfusion. If the babies are taken now, they'll die. I might live, but I won’t want to. Or I might die. At least this is a chance. Even if I don’t make it, take them. Take them to the hospital, they might be able to save the babies. Maybe we’re wrong. Maybe they can survive.” Maria looked too tired to talk anymore. “Michael, please. You promised.”

Michael closed his eyes and bent to rest his head on her hands. He had indeed promised. Promised to protect.

“Give her my blood.”

Liz shook her head. “Michael, it’s a risk. I can’t…I don’t know…”

“Just give it to her!”

Liz backed away. “I’ll need things. Supplies to start IV lines. I need them from a hospital.”

Michael looked at his partner, who nodded. “We’ll help you. I can open the locks.

Let’s go.”

As they headed for the stairs, Michael called to Max, “Maxwell, hurry!”

507 ~~~


He held her. They were taking too long, but he refused to leave her side, even for a moment.

“There’s not much time.” Maria was pale and very weak. Her hand came up to stroke his face. “I can feel the need to sleep, and I’m afraid.”

“Maria,” his voice was almost a gasp of pain.

“I’m afraid I won’t do everything I need to, just in case.” She looked over to her closet. “Go in my closet, in my Tallboy, top drawer. There are some letters and things.

Bring them to me.” He didn’t move. “Please? Hurry.”

Michael scooted off the bed and went into her closet, finding three stacks of letters, each tied with a pink ribbon. He brought them back and handed them to Maria, but she pushed them back to him.

“I started these a few months ago, long before Alex told us that the babies can’t survive without me. I can’t believe that. I can’t. I have to believe that their mixed genetics from you and me makes a difference, and if I am no more, they can go on. I have to believe that. So I finished these.” Maria put her hands over his. “Here. Take them. Keep them safe. If it goes bad…you’ll need them.”

Michael looked down at the stacks of letters. One said “Mikey”, another other,

“Amanda”. The last one said “Michael.” He had never got around to marrying her. All those delays. Flowers. Everything.

508 He shook his head, his eyes filling with tears. “What are these? Professor, what did you do?”

Maria tried to keep her eyes open. “They’re letters. For the babies. I wrote them one for every birthday, every Christmas, and all the special events in between. The day they learn to ride a two wheel bike, the day they lose their first tooth, chicken pox, first date, first broken heart, graduation, meeting the person they will marry, leaving home, marriage, the birth of their first child, and even your death. I wrote them everything I could think of, all the times they would need me and I wouldn’t be there for them.”

Michael couldn’t breathe. His chest felt heavy and tears were chasing unnoticed down his face. “Maria...”

“I need you to tell them, if they survive. Tell them for me. Make them understand how much I loved them, and wanted them. Make sure they know that I never regretted one moment of my life with you, with them, and that it was my choice. My choice that they live.” Maria reached up and wiped the moisture from his cheek. “Can you do that, my love?”

Michael nodded. Biting his lip, he looked away and then back. “And the letters for me?”

“The same. Every event I could think of. I wrote a letter for you, so you wouldn’t have to face it all alone.” Maria looked at him, pulling his head down, she softly kissed his mouth and rubbed her nose along his face. “I’m really sorry. I never meant to leave you alone. I wanted to be stronger.”

“You are! You’re a survivor. You will survive.” Michael kissed her face, her eyes, and held her close rocking her in his arms. He was feeling the cold too.

509 Her hand came up to stroke his face. “It’s okay, honey. You can let me go. You can let me sleep. I’m not afraid.”

“Maria…” He looked at her. She had closed her eyes. She was asleep, too exhausted to hang on any longer. “Maria, god. Don’t! Don’t do this to me!” His hand wandered over her, checking her breathing and pulse. She was still alive. Moving his hand down her body, he felt the twins. He could feel their strong heartbeats. “Maria.” He bent over her, stretched out along her length, his face next to hers as he held her. “What do I do? Tell me. What do I do, Maria?”


“Go faster!” Sean said to Max, who was driving. It had taken them so long to locate the needed supplies in the hospital. Much too long. Liz was in the back seat biting a nail.

This was wrong. It couldn’t work. It was too simple a solution. One she had thought of weeks ago, but discarded as impossible.

The trip seemed to take hours, but they made it in record time. Sean was through the door first. The house still felt like a furnace. There was a stillness to the place. A stillness brought by death. No.

They all rushed up the stairs to find the two of them on the bed, wrapped around each other. Both were either asleep or unconscious, it was hard to tell. Kyle was watching over them silently, his face closed and stony. Michael was holding Maria tightly to his body, and in one hand was his gun. Sean swore and gently removed it. No. Not yet.

“Liz! Maria.... Is she...?” Sean asked.

510 Liz took her pulse. “It’s weak. We might still have time. Just pray that whatever is alien in his blood can make the difference.” Liz quickly found a good place for an IV access on Michael’s arm. Prepping the area, she looked up to see him watching her. He was awake. He nodded for her to continue.

Max picked up the letters and looked at the names. He quickly put them back on the bedside table. Michael would want them later.

Maria didn’t wake up. Liz deftly accessed a vein and connected Michael to her in a direct transfusion. They all stood and watched helplessly.

How long?

When would they know?

It was a shorter time than it felt. Time had elongated, forcing every passing second into a minute and minutes into hours.

Maria’s body began to convulse and Michael grabbed her and held her as she experienced seizures that racked her small body, almost breaking it in two. Michael made a sound in his throat the others couldn’t understand. Then suddenly Maria’s body relaxed into a deathly silence. Michael lifted his hand, as he sat back a little, gazing at her in horror.

Liz reached out and tested her pulse. Nothing. Maria was dead.

Horrified, Liz stepped back as a stunned Michael stared down at his dead mate.

“Maria?” Max started to approach the bed, but Liz and the other hung back. Michael looked up at them and they all stopped breathing.

511 “Get out! Just get out!” Michael closed his eyes and pulled her into his arms rocking her body back and forth. Max stumbled down the stairs at the sound of his best friend and partner’s strangled cries of grief. It was the worst sound he had ever heard.

512 Chapter Seventeen: The Dead Woman

I do not dare, I do not dare to write it, if you die.

I shall live on.

If you no longer live, if you, beloved, my love, if you have died, all the leaves will fall in my breast, it will rain on my soul night and day, the snow will burn my heart, I shall walk with frost and fire and death and snow, my feet will want to walk to where you are sleeping, but I shall stay alive,

… Pablo Neruda, 1972

Day Seventeen: Thursday, 12:03 am

“We should go back over there.” Max couldn’t stop pacing. Liz was strangely silent in the corner. She neither agreed nor disagreed. She was just silent. Disbelief seemed to mar the very lines of her back and face.

Tess was crying softly against Kyle, and occasionally Max stopped and stroked her hair in comfort.

“The babies. If we get her to the hospital, maybe there is a chance for the babies?”

No one was listening.

513 Sean simply sat in a chair, holding Michael’s gun dangling between his legs. Michael had had it in his hand. His intent was apparent. If Maria didn’t make it, Michael had no intention of going on without her. Sean had taken the gun when Michael told them to leave. He took it, and all other guns he could find, closing the door to the nursery.

Isabel was leaning against the wall, her arm on it with her head leaning on it crying.

Alex was pressed along her back, his arm on the wall next to hers as he leaned his head into her back.

Sean sat up, sticking Michael’s gun in his waistband. “Max is right. If the babies are alive, we need to get them to the hospital. Even if they don’t survive, Maria would want everything done for them.” They had probably already left it too long. Once Maria stopped breathing, the supply of oxygen would’ve stopped. That was some time ago, but none of them had the heart to go back earlier.

Michael, he…

Sean swallowed hard and stood. It was time.

Not waiting for the others, he went across the gardens, his feet like lead as he thought of his cousin, how she sat in the garden all those times. He bent over for a moment in pain. It wasn’t real. It couldn’t be. Not Maria.

Amy. Oh god! How was he going to tell Amy?


Sean nodded to Kyle’s voice and wiped his arm across his eyes. He led them back into Michael and Maria’s loft, moving up the stairs, the others following him even more slowly. A funeral procession.

514 Sean stood looking down at the bed. They seemed so peaceful. At rest. Maria’s face no longer had the deep lines of concentration she got when she was trying to rest. Her face looked beautiful and young. Even the dark rings under her eyes had seemed to fade.

Michael was still holding her, asleep, his face buried in her hair. One hand was on her chest, covering her.

Sean reluctantly started to remove Maria from him, stooping to gently kiss her on the forehead. His cousin. His sister. His family. A tear dropped onto her cheek and remained there, then slowly ran along its curve. He bent over and gently kissed her on the mouth.

Sean was surprised how warm her skin felt. What warmth she couldn’t find in life was finally found in death. Death.

It was in that moment, that he felt it.

A gentle whispering breath on his mouth.


Sean’s hand quickly went to her throat to check the pulse.

“She's alive! She’s breathing!”

“What!?” Liz joined Sean, and she too checked the pulse. The warmth of the skin and the strong pulse was proof enough. Liz stood up in shock. It worked! But…she was dead. Liz had no doubt - Maria had died.

Liz removed Michael’s hand from Maria’s chest. And both Liz and Sean made a sound of shock and stood back. On Maria’s skin, over her heart was a silver handprint.


“He…healed her?” Max asked in a hushed tone. He had only seen that handprint associated with death.

515 Liz was too astounded to speak. She just shook her head and then cleared her throat.

“No. I think he gave her heart a jolt, a boost. Almost like restarting it. The blood... I…I don’t know.”

Liz quickly looked around the room for her bag, the supplies she kept to take their blood. They were still transfusing. She had never taken the line out, and Michael was losing too much volume. Liz quickly ended the IVs. Taking a sample of blood from both of them, she ran downstairs to pack it in ice.

“I need to get to my lab! Now!”

Max nodded and Kyle followed. Sean stood looking at his living cousin. He wasn’t letting her out of his sight. Not for a while. Maybe never. Michael was just going to have to deal with that.

“Liz, what should we do?”

Liz shrugged. “Wake Michael. Get some orange juice down him. And water. He has to be dehydrated. Her skin is warm, so I suggest turning down the heat somewhat. Keep the loft warm though. I need to see what happened…to understand it.”

“What if they…”

“Call me on my cell phone. We’ll be back as soon as we can.”

Sean ran down the stairs as they went through the door. Damn. If they weren’t careful, they were going to set off the alarm. A streak of black came through the door before he could shut it and reset the alarm. Mr. B. didn’t even stop. Carrying a headless bird in his mouth, he rushed the stairs to be with his pets. Placing the dead on the bed at their feet, he sat down on Maria's pillow clean himself and kept watch.

516 ~~~

“Michael.” Sean couldn’t get him to wake. Tiredness. Anxiety. Grief. Or too much blood loss. It was hard to say. With Isabel’s help, they were slowly able to get Michael to drink some orange juice, and get Maria to take a little water. It was slow going, and neither was moving. They slept like the dead.

Alex helped Sean strip the bed, with Michael, Maria and Mr. Boo still in it. The bedding was sopping in sweat. Michael and Maria both had skin as hot and dry as parchment. Turning down the heat, Sean actually switched back to the air conditioner. He and Alex covered Michael and Maria with a thinner blanket. Mr. Boo remained on alert.

“Are you sure that it's okay to take the covers away?” Isabel was sucking on her nail.

“What if Maria becomes chilled again?”

Alex kissed Isabel on the side of her head. “Then we cover her up again. It’s really hot in here. If she isn’t cold any longer, then she’ll soon be dehydrated. She’ll be okay until Liz gets back.” Alex took her hand. “Come on. Let’s go make some food. She’ll probably be hungry.”

“Alex. It’s after midnight.”

“Have you ever known the time of day to make a difference for these two?” Isabel had to give him the point. “The babies, are they…?”

“I don’t know. Let’s not worry about it right now. They’re alive. That’s all that matters, that and the fact that it's as hot as a sauna in here.”


517 “This can’t be.” Liz rechecked her findings. Starting over, she prepared a new slide.

“What is it?” Max came to stand next to Liz. She took the slide and put into in the larger microscope with a large screen scope attached. She pointed to the overhead screen, and both Kyle and Max looked at whatever she wanted them to see.

“That’s Maria’s blood.” Liz took that slide away and put in another one. “This is

Maria’s blood.”

Max frowned and moved closer. “That’s not the same blood.”

“No. It’s not. It is, but it's not. See, there's the normal human hemoglobin. Perfectly normal. But look at these other cells. In a normal bloodscan you can see different blood cells present. There are platelets, leukocytes, basophiles, and others. Maria has the normal complement, but her leukocytes are different. Strange. Her hemoglobin has a human look to it, but it too is different. It looks like...more. The concave configuration remains, but there is more, much more. I think her blood can carry that special binding protein of iron- iodine.”

“I don’t understand. How can her blood chemistry just change? Aren’t blood cells made in a special place then dumped into the body just like old blood cells are destroyed?”

Liz quickly made another slide and put it under the scope.

“This is Michael’s blood.” Liz sat back.

Max looked at the two slides. One of Maria’s blood captured on the screen, and now

Michael’s. It was the same…sort of. But not quite. The human blood cells in Maria’s blood had been altered slightly to match Michael’s.

518 “What’s happening, Parker?”

Liz shook her head. Damn!, it was elegant. Totally fucking elegant! “Her blood is still human, but just ‘more.’ It has an added alien component. His blood flooding her system, is rewriting her genetics, I think. She…I think this is a permanent thing. I can’t be sure. It might revert back to normal later, but for now, her blood is running fast, more efficiently. I had no clue. No idea! This was just so simple. Too simple.”

Kyle shook his head. “I don’t understand. You mean she's turning alien, like

Michael? That’s what you’re saying?”

“No. It’s the marking thing they have going. Leaving marks on each other. Michael just marked her another way.” Liz pointed at the blood smear. “His genetic markers are on her hemoglobin, and they’re slightly altering it so her system can carry that special iodine-iron binding agent, and energy, oxygen…cell fuel faster and efficiently. The babies were getting perhaps only twenty-five percent of the energy Maria’s body created by converting food to energy and separating the building blocks into usable components.

This new alteration changes that. Speeds up the system. Her body can process the food faster, cleaner and more efficiently. Now what once only gave up twenty-five percent to use in energy is giving up more…closer to 90 percent. She just took an evolutionary boost upward. She is human…just tweaked for more power.”

Max rubbed his face. He was exhausted. He needed to call Jonathan, and the night was just beginning. “Why did she die?”

Liz shook her head. “I’m not sure since I didn’t see it happen, but I think that the dominant alien blood overtook her system and began altering her normal blood, possibly too fast. Her body didn’t know what to do, how to handle the change and the alien

519 substance. It confused her heart, and so it stopped beating. Michael must have given her heart a jolt, like a defibrillator. It jumpstarted her heart. Reset it. Almost like booting a computer. Her whole body restarted with the new altered blood now running where the old blood once was.” Liz looked at Max in awe. “Without even realizing what he was doing, he just saved her life.”

Max closed his eyes and thanked whatever higher being it was that guarded and watched over them that his son was safe in Tess, not experiencing what Michael and

Maria were. Selfish, yes. But a very human reaction.

“There’s more.” Liz quickly cleaned the area and disposed of all blood materials and slide smears. “I think this changes Maria for all time. I think that she can and will have only one mate in her life…Michael. I don’t think she could even get pregnant by another person, because her body is altered now. It would find anything not from Michael, sperm or whatever, as foreign, and it would reject it, attack it, make an immune response.”

Kyle didn’t think it was going to be a problem. He couldn’t see Michael and Maria breaking up and her remarrying and trying to have children with another man. It wasn’t in the cards. But the implication was fascinating. “They mate for life. Michael and Maria, they're now genetically joined beyond everything?”

Liz nodded. So damn complex. So damn simple. It was so easy to overlook. They thought Michael Guerin was a territorial obsessive fanatic before, now he had even more reason. It was more than his children in Maria, now it was a part of him as well. He could probably feel her across a galaxy. Maybe even over time.

Max looked at his watch. “We need to get back. Liz, what else will you need?”

520 Liz was packing up a microscope and supplies. “Nothing. I’ll take blood samples over the next few hours or so to see if her blood remains altered. Tomorrow, I’ll try to locate a female about Maria’s age, pregnant with her blood type.”

“I don’t understand?” Kyle looked at Max in confusion, shrugging.

Liz looked at the two men. “She can’t have her blood drawn by anyone but us. Not anymore. Her blood has changed drastically overnight. There will be questions. Her doctor would want to investigate, maybe do a paper. Present it at medical societies. She and Michael can’t risk that. If the government is looking for you, since they’re confiscating all materials with silver handprints, then they’ll find this in the literature.”

“Shit.” Max rubbed his face again. Michael would have to switch the blood every time hers was drawn. That was assuming that Liz was right, and this was it. This was the solution to making Maria better. “Let’s go.”


They stayed the night, the group of them, watching as Michael and Maria slept. The few times they approached the bed, the cat hissed at them threateningly, so they backed away and let the couple sleep.

The loft wasn’t so hot anymore. It was much more comfortable. Tess and Kyle were asleep in the guest room, and Sean was sacked out in a large chair. Isabel and Alex were at Isabel’s loft, and Parker was still up working on the blood and on her computer. She had taken over the dining room table and there was no talking to her. She just grunted when someone put a fresh cup of coffee next to her.

521 Jonathan showed up around three. Max had called him and left a message.

“Sorry to keep you up, you could’ve slept and then came over in the morning.”

Jonathan shook his head at Max. “It didn’t matter. I wasn’t asleep. Doing some late night work wondering where the hell you were.”

Jonathan searched through the stack of take out containers looking for more food. He found a container of egg rolls. Heaven. Now if there was some pork…

“I would’ve called earlier. It was really bad.” Max rested his head back and stretched his back.

Jonathan ate thoughtfully, taking in the entire scene. He had come as soon as Max called him. The first thing he did was run up the stairs to check on Maria. On both

Michael and Maria. He didn’t trust them to be telling him the whole truth. The thing he noticed first was a silver handprint on Maria’s chest, just barely covered up by the blanket. Michael was wrapped around her from behind, holding her close as their body remained spooned together, unmoving. Staring for a moment, Jonathan reached down and touched Maria’s pregnant stomach.

They moved.

Damage was uncertain. She had died. Their oxygen had been cut off for however long it took Michael to bring her back. But one thing was certain, the twins were still moving inside their mother.

“We need to talk about this. You realize that, right?”

Max went and sat on the sofa in exhaustion. Waiting for Jonathan to join him, he was well aware the time had come. How could he avoid it? No new people. Not unless they were becoming part of the family, a permanent part.

522 “I know. I owe you explanations, and you’ve been good about keeping the questions to yourself. It’s difficult. It’s not just my secret though. It’s a secret that belongs to all of us, and letting new people in…it opens doors for mistakes.”

Jonathan saw. He knew what Max was saying.

“Okay, then tell you what, Max... you tell me when you can. But I’m already in the know. I’ve seen things. You can tell me, or you can let me bumble around figuring it out for myself. Either way. You decide.” That was mean. Jonathan knew it was a no-win situation for Max. Leaving a bumbling Jonathan searching for answers might alert people they would rather not alert.

Max sat up on the sofa and turned towards Jonathan.


Closing his eyes, he concentrated. Make a smart decision. His heart versus the safety of the group. The safety of his son and Michael and Maria’s children. So much more at stake here now. So much that could go wrong. He wanted Jonathan in with the rest of them, but he had others to consider.

“Jonathan, I love you.” Max paused. Had he ever said that aloud? He had thought it often. Jonathan became still, frozen. Maybe not. Maybe he hadn’t actually said it aloud.

Max moved closer, taking a half eaten eggroll from Jonathan’s fingers and putting it on the coffee table. Scooting even closer, he glanced at the man. Jonathan. From the moment he met him, there was something between them. Jonathan was special.

Max leaned in and whispered low, his breath just moving across Jonathan’s mouth. “I love you, and I’ll tell you everything. Everything. But only if the others agree.” Max

523 kissed him lightly. “Is that agreeable? If it were just me, then I’d tell you without hesitation. But this is more.”

Jonathan licked his mouth, tasting Max on his lips. His eyes darkened and he looked down at Max’s lips. Okay. That was honest. He could live with that. He could wait.

“Okay. Tell me when you can, if the others agree.” Jonathan leaned into a kiss, joining his mouth to Max’s, his hand coming up to rest on the firmness of Max’s waist.

They never kissed in public, in front of others. Not like this. Not unless they lost control on a smoky dance floor in a gay bar. “I guess I have a few things I need to tell you too, but there’s still time. It can wait. This can wait. I can’t.”

Jonathan leaned back on the sofa, taking Max with him.

When Max looked up later, as he was trying to untangle himself from Jonathan. It was stop, or go forward. And there was no going forward since the room had a working

Liz and a sleeping Sean.

He looked up to see Sean’s amused expression. Bastard. He smiled big. Sean had been watching them on the sofa. His eyes twinkled and there was a gleam Max didn’t care for.

“Don’t stop on my account. I was just going to undo my pants a little, and…”

Max threw a sofa pillow at Sean DeLuca, resident pervert and voyeur. Jonathan looked up over his head from where he was lying on the sofa. It must have struck him as funny because Jonathan just started laughing.


524 “All of you should go.” Jonathan said.

Max frowned. It was late. Getting later. He needed to get to work, as did Kyle and

Sean. Liz was already gone. She left the borrowed microscope, but took fresh blood samples. It was Thursday. He, Kyle and Tess had a doctor’s appointment later in the day.

Michael and Maria were still asleep. They didn’t want to wake them, but they also didn't want to leave them alone.

“Look, Max, just go, okay? I have the most flexibility. CEO, remember? I can make calls from here, have my secretary call and reschedule meetings. Crime doesn’t wait.


Jonathan kissed Tess on the cheek. “You can leave me Tess for company, but she looks like a little more sleep might not hurt.”

Tess smiled her thanks. She didn’t want to leave her friends, but the bed wasn’t her own and she had a hard time getting comfortable, especially once Kyle started snoring. A nap in her own bed, a shower and getting ready for her doctor’s appointment was just what she needed.

Finally he convinced them. Max looked back as he left, listening before pulling the door closed behind him.

“Jonnie! It’s Jonathan Stiller. Yes, look I’m in need of a nice large breakfast, so I was thinking about how you could make me a breakfast buffet? Oh, enough for at least six.

I’m feeding hibernating bears, and when they wake, hot food might be needed. What’s on the menu? Kippers! Damn. Okay bring extra of those, and some bagels with lox, capers, and extra cream cheese, the stuff with the chives. None of the pineapple crap. Add in caviar and I’m a happy man. No! Not the domestic crap, the real Russian gold. Eggs

525 Florentine, fresh bread, French toast, lots of crispy bacon….damn, just slaughter a pig.

This house doesn’t mind pork. A few urns of hot coffee both leaded and unleaded.”

Jonathan ran down a long list of breakfast pastry and specialties he knew Maria loved.

They would set it up buffet style on warmers, so it would be waiting. “So how long are we talking here? Hmmm, okay, but you push it and there is a hundred dollar tip in it for your servers.”

Max shut the door. Strange people, the DeLucas and Stillers of the world. They talked an entirely different language, but somehow it worked. Things got done and no one went away hungry. Food. It bound them all.


“You got it?”

Alex stopped and lit a cigarette, nodding to the man in the shadows. He had never been here before.

“Nice crib, Freddie. You’ve got taste.”

“This place? Not so bad. You live for over fifty years, you accumulate things.”

Freddie looked at Alex. He was disturbed. “Alex, this is a good thing. Trust me.”

“I’ll trust you, because I’ve known and trusted you a long time. But you burn me on this, Freddie? I’ll kill you myself.”

“The little switch in the back. Hard whack across the small of the back breaks the husk.”

526 Alex drew on his cigarette. Reaching in his pocket, he passed Freddie two vials.

Blood. Maria’s and Michael’s.

“This could be it, you know. The answer.”

Alex just swore and tossed himself into the chair like the traitor he felt. Trust. Hard thing to learn. This could go sour.

“What are you looking for, Freddie?”

“Answers.” Freddie took two beers from the refrigerator. “We know she's the one. It was obvious. Nothing ever touched the Commander until he met his mate. One look. She was the one. Her blood. It was wrong. It didn’t match what we needed. We thought it was the twins. But the last tests her doctor ran, and the special test they did on the babies - the results weren’t what they should have been. The genetics were wrong. Not what we were expecting.”

“You’re going to need to tell me more. You know that, right?”


Alex swore. “Don’t pull this shit on me! I swear, Freddie. Just don’t. I’ve held your secret a long time, but this time, you need to give something back.”

Freddie rubbed the back of his neck. “Alex, do you understand time? How it’s not a straight line? It doesn’t just run forward. It has an elasticity that folds back on itself, it loops.”

“You’re talking String theories, all that Star Trek stuff, right?”

“In part. That is part of it. Physicists are guessing it. Perhaps Hollywood is guessing more, and between the imagination and the application of theoretical science, there is

527 more truth than they realize. Time is like a ball of string. It overlaps, runs over and around itself. It is classified only by its mutability.”


“Ability to be changed. There are different realities, but a shifting in the timeline can shift the whole reality. That is why many of us are here. That and the Granilith.”

Alex lit another cigarette and took a long draw on his beer. “This Granilith thing again? It always comes down to that.”

“Yes. Always. Centuries ago, longer perhaps than your recorded time, our worlds were dying. Our solar system was played out. The three suns of our worlds were expiring.

The larger of the suns was fast becoming a Red Giant. The helium and hydrogen wells were depleted and solar flares and other problems were tearing our worlds apart. The outer worlds were becoming colder. They lost plant life. That was when the Consortium was built. It was a signed Federation of all the five inhabited planets of our solar system to find a new home, or a solution. We took to space. Traveled its vastness, looking for something, someplace.”


“Yeah, we found Earth. Back when your species were still scratching in the dirt, living in the caves, having barely left that original primordial ooze of colliding amino acids, energized by a lighting strike that made the first primitive proteins.” Freddie stole a cigarette. “We couldn’t live here. Not in this atmosphere, so colonization was impossible, but using husks we were able to manipulate ourselves to sustain our lives for short periods of time.”

“Why? We were barely human, you couldn’t use this planet, so why did you stay?”

528 “We didn’t. But we kept returning. There was something here. It was an energy signature far more evolved than the life forms that lived here. It was an anomaly. Unique.

Strong. It took some time to find. To locate. Along the way, we watched you grow.

Primitive men to primitive societies. Early settlements. There was something in your nature that appealed to us. It was imagination. Innovation. The ability to bend and create, along with a sort of ingrained cruelty and quest for power. We appreciated that. This innate thirst for power and the drive to move forward. It was intoxicating. Our societies were old and stagnant. Dying like our solar system. We couldn’t even imagine creating a solution to our problems, so we went out to look for them.”

“So you found us?”

“That and more. We started taking people. Special people with special attributes.

King. Leaders. Movers. Scientists. We took them and we stripped those genetics that we admired and integrated them into our own genomes.”

“You’re human?”

“In a way. We had no special powers back then, but once we added in human nature, human genetics codes, we developed them….fast. Our powers to shapeshift, to move objects and transform matter are all by-products given to us from those human donors. It is what your brains will be capable of as you evolve. Our highly evolved systems were already there, so those powers started showing up a few generations later, and increased with every new generation. We redesigned our social classes based on the power structures. Healers, shapeshifters, dreamwalkers, mindwarpers and pushers.”


529 “Sub-classes of pushers. Those who can move molecules at will. Explosive. Highly dangerous. We all had every power, just in varying degrees. One specialty will dominate the others. We were categorized by our dominant ability.”

“The Royals. What are they?”

“The King is a healer. One of the best ever seen. He can create warp fields, shielding, manipulate matter, but his dominant gift is healing. Your Isabel is a dreamwalker. She can manipulate dreams, men’s consciences. Make suggestions. Plants seeds of thought. She can manipulate and alter matter, but her dreamwalking ability makes her mind very strong, therefore her other abilities are equally talented. But it's mental walking that is her gift. The Queen has two main powers. It was why she was singled out as a mate to the

King. She is a mindwarper. She can plant illusions in the minds of the waking, unlike

Vilandra who could only touch dreams. She is strong. She can bend people to her will.

With that comes her greatest power, and combined with her second gift of being a pusher she is very powerful. She can bend energy to her will just like people. She can create huge amounts of fire and energy, enough to incinerate the world.”

“Michael? Your Commander. What of him?”

“He is a pusher. The highest order. He has the same intensity that the Queen does, but he has something more. The Commander was the first pusher who encompassed all subclasses. He is a generator of energy. It lives in his body. He is a walking nuclear reaction. Harnessed, his power is immeasurable. But it is the most uncontrolled, like a wildfire. His abilities make him see order in chaos, find patterns, and with it comes a propensity towards visions. He needs a tuner. Something to help him channel his talent into a stream. His mate is that focus. She is clarity. Clean. Pristine. A clear crystal. It’s

530 like shining a ray of light through a prism, and having it separate the light into the color spectrum. She can do that with the Commander.”

“Maria? She’s an alien?”

Freddie laughed. “No. She is very human. But these powers are also human. She is a special class of human, a conductor. A channeling prism. Very pure. Very clean. Why do you think people seek her out for her opinion, or just to talk to? She focuses their thoughts. She can help over time to separate the Commander's power into strands of different colors, and with practice, he can choose which strand to pick up, to use. Once he can do that…he will be more powerful than you can imagine. Once he learns control, his power will be immeasurable.”

“That’s why you all protect him? Protect Maria? Because they have a purpose?”

“Yes, but there is more. So much more. Perhaps more than you can ever fully understand.” Freddie laughed bitterly. “God, Alex! We made a mistake, so many eons ago. A crucial and very critical mistake.”

Alex closed his eyes and nodded, “Tell me. Tell me, and explain why this is important to me, to these people. Tell me why we’re the pawns of some greater game that you aliens are playing.”

“This isn’t play, Alex. This is reality. We sit on a hinge of our very existence. What game is playing now will determine whether we live or die. You have no idea.”

“And this mistake?”

Freddie laughed again without humor blowing smoke into the air as he drew again on his cigarette. “You as species, are incredibly innovative. There is a will, a drive to survive, to go on. I told you, we found it intoxicating, admirable. So we took those

531 aspects of your genomes and integrated them into ourselves. But, Alex, we made a mistake. Our forefathers, those who began this process long ago, made a horrible error.

They took all that was ambitious, driven, innovated and inspiring from your people, but they left the esoteric behind.”

Esoteric? “I don’t follow.”

“Your people built cities, civilizations on the ruins of others. Conquer or be conquered. There is a spirit of conquest, thirst for power and domination, but in all this there is something divine that keeps you from destroying yourselves. The human heart.

That part of you that feels compassion, mercy…love. Dictators rise and fall, and the human will for freedom survives. Your history is littered with protectors, warriors, and heroes. Everyman….ordinary men rising to defeat at unconquerable odds. Your ability to love and feel mercy and compassion has tempered the more violent, cruel and raging aspects of your heritage. We took all that was violent, bloodthirsty and cruel….the best and worst that you can be, and we left behind the control.”

Alex shook his head. “I don’t understand.”

“These gentler emotions keep you from totally destroying each other. You have a sense of morals and rules of conduct and respect for life that tempers out all the harsh aspects of your nature. We didn’t realize that these emotions of compassion and even morals…your basic superstructures of God and life were the checks and balances necessary to keep those raging warrior genes under control. We annihilated ourselves by creating a new breed, a new future of people who knew only a quest for power, a thirst for supremacy. We have been at a stalemated war for centuries, building alliances, destroying them, and building even more. The Granilith is the one thing that is desired by

532 all. It is a quest by all worlds, a desired power base. It is, in our solar system, the closest thing to a holy relic, like your legend of the Holy Grail. And the Antarians have held it forever. It is their fear of its true power and their inability to understand how to control it that has held them back, and forced them to continue to ally with the other planets. There are genetic markers in the Granilith…keys, that turn on and operate the systems. There are four unique DNA’s that combine when activated together, to work as one. They are the true Royal Four. And then there is one master DNA that controls everything, and that is the One. It is comprised of two DNA’s combined into One. The Commander and his mate. As they are, now, today.”

“Michael’s DNA, his hybrid DNA was part of the Granilith eons before his birth? As with Maria? Is that what you are saying?”

“Why do you think we worship him? His special powers, the first true Pusher ever known or born. That and his special DNA, his genetic genome was integrated in the

Granilith. He is a safety key, one of two.”

“And the other…”

Freddie sighed. He went to get them both another beer. “Is Maria. As she is now, altered.”

“I don’t…”

“Neither did we. The journal in the Granilith. It told us. We knew that it was the

Commander’s mate. We had the DNA signature. We tested her blood. It had elements. It was close, but she wasn’t the one. We were confused.” Freddie held up the vial of blood for Alex to see. “I bet you my life that her blood fits the profile now. He changed her. She didn’t fit before because she hadn’t been changed. It was the same for the Commander.

533 When he lived on Antar, we knew his DNA signature was in the Granilith, but it wasn’t right. It was the same in some ways, but was missing so much more. It was enough that a class of us realized that he had an importance, that he was strong. He was loyal. We started worshipping him.”

“His blood. Does it match now?”

Freddie laughed and picked up the other vial of blood. “Yeah, it matched from the moment he was re-engineered and came back a hybrid. The DNA signature was his hybrid one. He couldn’t control the Granilith as an Antarian, because he wasn’t human enough.”

Alex sat back, his face twisted in thought and confusion. The history. It was flipping between the past, the present and the future. How the hell could they know about Maria?

How could they know to look for her?

“The Granilith. It’s been yours for centuries upon centuries. How can you have sample DNA from both Michael and Maria in it? That was eons before they were born.

Here or even on Antar.” Alex looked into his empty beer bottle. “This Granilith. What is it?”

Freddie laughed and hit Alex on the arm. “There is the million dollar question! What is it? We have no idea. It was our solution. A huge energy signal. We couldn’t make it work. Our scientists couldn’t understand it. They were able to manipulate it to tap into some of its power. A miniscule amount. The energy blast rejuvenated our Sun, the main sun, and a generation later, we did the same to our other two. It was as if our solar system was new again. We were saved.”

534 Alex stopped smoking and put down his beer. He was missing something. Something huge. If the aliens didn’t know what the Granilith was, and could only us a small part of its power, then how the hell did Michael and Maria’s DNA signature become part of it?

“I don’t understand. Your people didn’t make the Granilith, so where did it come from?”

“Earth.” Freddie blew smoke around him. “It was the huge energy signature that first led us to your planet. Generations later, we were able to find where it originated. We found it in a huge artificial cavern, carved by some unknown technology. The Granilith came with a journal which told of its history, but that manuscript was only partially preserved. It contained pictures and stories, and we pieced together parts of the missing history. But there were gaps. Large gaps.”

“So who left it here on Earth? Aliens from some other place?”

Freddie shook his head. “You’re not understanding, Alex. We found it and took it.

The Granilith was created and belongs to Earth.”


Jonathan stayed the entire day. At different times throughout, Max and the others stopped in to see how Michael and Maria were doing. Sean came and helped Jonathan force the sleeping couple to drink, but they both soon returned to sleep. Mr. Boo had not left their side.

535 The breakfast Jonathan ordered was eaten by everyone, and later he ordered lunch, and finally dinner. It was the knock on the door that interrupted his latest phone call.

More than likely the set up waiters from the restaurant.


It was Amy and Jim. Amy took one look at Jonathan and easily went into his arms.

Jim watched Jonathan hug his wife, and looked over noticing that Max was there as well.

He quickly went over to talk with Max while Jonathan and Amy talked.

“Max, what is going on? Sean came to pick us up. He said that Maria…”

Max looked at Jonathan, and led Jim away. “Maria died. Her heart actually stopped.”

Jim swore. “Is she…” Max quickly shook his head.

“Something happened. Michael did something. Put his hand on her chest, and we think his power shocked her heart.”

Jim shut his eyes. “How is she?”

“We don’t know. Neither of them has woken up for any length of time, just long enough to drink juice.”

Jim gave a quick glance at Jonathan, “Does he know?”

“No. But he knows there’s something going on. He knows and has observed enough to have questions. I haven’t told him, but I want to.”

“There seems to be so many of us that know. It is getting confusing who knows and who doesn’t. Sean wants to tell Julia. He doesn’t like keeping her out of it.”

“I know how he feels.” Max looked over at Jonathan and Amy. “Maybe Amy should be the one to tell the secret?”

Jim looked at his wife, standing in Jonathan’s arms with her crutches. Maybe.

536 “Maria?”

“She's sleeping. Has been all day.”

Amy’s frowned in concern. “She can’t. The babies need…”

“They’re fine. I think they would wake her up if they were hungry. She needs sleep more than anything.” Jonathan put Amy from him, but kept his hand on her arm. “Let me take you upstairs. When you see her, you’ll feel better.” Amy nodded and a sound of surprise when Jonathan picked her up in both his arms and easily carried her up the stairs.

“Oh! Wow, you’re so strong. Sure I’m not too heavy?”

Jonathan laughed at the idea that Amy or even Maria could weigh more than a feather. “I’m fine. Don’t take away this pleasure for me. Max won’t let me carry him anywhere.”

Amy laughed in delight. “Silly boy. Should I have a talk with him?”

Jonathan just laughed on his way up the stairs. glancing at Amy critically, he took in her pale appearance and the cast on her leg. “Are you supposed to be walking? I don’t think you look ready to be out of the hospital.”

“Now you sound like the doctors. They tried to keep me in a wheelchair, but once my legs woke up I could walk just fine. Just a little weak. I stop when I’m tired. It’s been almost three weeks. I think both Jim and I really need to be home, start getting back to normal.”

Amy looked down as Sean came in the door with a group of servers from the restaurant.

“Did you order food?”

537 “All day long. I wanted there to be hot food when they woke up.” Jonathan got to the top landing, and paused. “The loft has been a revolving door all day. People in and out, checking on the sleeping beauties.”

Amy looked down from her perch in Jonathan’s arms at her peacefully sleeping daughter. Michael was wrapped completely around her, holding her so close and tight, they would have to pry them apart to separate them. They looked so peaceful and beautiful. In sleep, there was a youth, an innocence that returned to both of their faces that everyday life and mischief robbed them of.

Jonathan put Amy down on the bed next to Maria. Her hand went to touch her grandchildren, and Jonathan breathed a sigh of relief when Amy smiled. They must have moved under her hand.

“He’s holding her tight.”

Jonathan had noticed the same thing. “I think it will be a long time before he is comfortable enough to let her go. I figure they’ll wake up when the need to eat becomes more imperative than the need to rest.”

“You ordered food?”

“Twice, but between Max, Sean and Kyle it’s pretty much all gone. I ordered sandwiches from a local deli. They ate those too. Maggiano’s is delivering an Italian spread right now.”

“You didn’t order their cannelloni?”


Amy made a sound of disgust. “Theirs is not so good. I better go cook.”

538 Jonathan nodded. He thought so. Amy wouldn’t feel better until she made food for her kids. It had been over two weeks. Jonathan started to pick her up, but paused when

Amy’s hand went to brush over Michael’s hair and cheek, softly removing the hair that had fallen across it. She smiled softly and bent over and kissed his lips.

“My poor boy. He takes on too much, feels too deeply. He really needs to rest.”

Jonathan kissed Amy on the top of her head. Amy DeLuca. She had been a friend and a nightmare for a long time. Long ago she helped him create Maria’s Foundation, and his life had become entangled with hers and all the DeLucas. They were the only real family he ever had, and without them, he was alone.

“He’ll rest. All heroes deserve it sometimes.”

Amy smiled when Jonathan picked her up. “Thank you Jon-Jon.” Jonathan just laughed at her nickname for him. It had been a long time since she used it. “So Maria tells me that bitch Vanessa is chugging her fat ass this way.”

Jonathan suddenly had a harassed look on his face. “Not so loud! I haven’t told Max.

No time. Damn, I swear, Amy, if she comes between and Max, I’ll kill her, or worse, shred her credit cards.”

Amy laughed. “Oh! Wicked, evil man! Not the plastic!”


Maria was breathing. Her chest was falling gently and consistently. The strands of her golden hair were around her face, and for the first time in months, she actually looked

539 rested. Michael’s fingertip softly swept the features of her face, tracing her lips and the downy sweep of her eyelashes.

Closing his eyes he tried to control a need to just weep. Really cry. It wasn’t an easy thing for him. He remembered crying just three times: First, when his father died in his arms, Second, over a child on the street, and third, the last time Maria lay bleeding in his arms. That was it. This time was worse. It was the slow play by play death watch, knowing it was coming, and being unable to stop it. He wasn’t a man who prayed, but he had prayed for her.

The letters. They were what broke him. The whole idea of going on without her, of surviving on his own even if the babies miraculous lived, was beyond him. He had held her lifeless body in his arms, could still feel his children reaching for him. Kissing her, crying, he couldn’t imagine life without them, any of them. His gun. He had his gun ready, but Sean took it. There was a time when the phrase ‘no more’ meant something. An end. An end to suffering. Without her, there would be no end. Without them, there would be no reason.

He kissed her, and his hand came to rest over her quiet heart. Then he felt it. It wasn’t him. It was them. The babies. Suddenly it was if all his power, all he was, was being pulled from his body, through his hand and into her, through her. Her body jerked once and then again. She made a loud gasping sound, and her eyes opened.

For eternity. In that moment they were trapped in time, his eyes looking into hers unblinkingly. He could see everything. The universe. The spiraling of stars, the explosion of matter, the birth of creation in her eyes, and then that moment in time lapsed into regular time and they both passed out, exhausted from the expenditure of energy.

540 It wasn’t just her. It was him. Michael reached down and opened his shirt. There was a mark on his chest over his heart, the same place as Maria’s. Not a hand print, but a symbol. Two spirals interlocking, moving counter-clockwise and clockwise. Time. It moves back and forth.

He had felt the surge of power. It moved from his body into hers, and from her body back through his arm into his heart. He felt it. A pressure. A squeeze, as if a large hand had his heart in a hold. The pressure was extremely intense. It hurt. He could feel his own heartbeat in his mouth and hers beneath his hand. The moment their heart synchronized, their eyes met, and there was nothing, nothing but them. He saw it all in her eyes. Like a bright corridor of light. She stood there like a prism in the dark, shiny, brilliant and seductive. He needed, wanted and desired to push himself through her. The power matrix of his body moved through the pure diamond crystal, and the world exploded inside his body.

It was the most powerful orgasm he ever had. It felt like birth. It felt like death.

“You’re staring.”

Michael smiled at her soft voice. Most beautiful sound in the world. “I expect I’ll do that a lot in the future.”

Maria made a soft humming noise under her breath. “Yes. Yes. We’re going to feed you. Patience.” She was talking to the babies as her hand rubbed her stomach. “They’re hungry. Starving. I smell Italian. Damn inconsiderate of people eating in our home without us. Who are all these people anyway?”

Michael didn’t even bother to rise up and look over the railing. “I suspect they're our family.”

541 “Hmmm...” Maria opened her eyes and gazed at him. They were totally silent.

Suddenly Michael’s eyes became glassy. Maria’s hand went to his cheek as he lowered his mouth to hers. “It’s okay, baby. It’s okay.” Maria rubbed her head into him, soothing the back of his neck as he choked on his tears.

Michael looked at her again.

“Hi, Detective.”

“Professor. You scared me. Really scared me bad.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to do that.”

“The letters. I…,” Michael shook his head. He couldn’t even talk about it. Not now.

“I swear, if you put me through this again, I will beat you when you’re better.”

“Oh, Detective, I’m sorry, I’m too tired for sex right now, maybe later?” Maria’s hopeful smile made him laugh.

Michael took her one hand and lifted the back of it to his mouth to kiss it. “Stay with me.”

Maria smiled. “Okay.”

542 Chapter Eighteen: Amy Hit the Atmosphere

If I could make it rain today And wash away this sunny day down to the gutter I would Just to get a change of pace Things are getting worse but I feel a lot better And that’s all that really matters to me

Amy hit the atmosphere Caught herself a rocket ride out of the gutter and She’s never coming back, I fear But any time it rains, She just feels a lot better And that’s all that really matters to me

We’ve waited so long for someone to take us back home It just takes so long And meanwhile the days go drifting away And some of us sink like a stone Waiting for mothers to come

There has to be a change, I’m sure Today was just a day fading into another And that can’t be what a life is for The only thing she said was she feels a lot better And that’s all that really matters to me

~~Counting Crows~~

Day Eighteen: Friday, 12:13 am

Max watched his partner eat yet another plate of food. Maria was finished. She was lying on the sofa bitching about how full her stomach felt one moment, and fast asleep another. Jonathan was moving around the loft, helping to clean up.

Amy and Jim had left a few hours previously, but not until after Amy cooked enough food to feed a small army on top of what Jonathan had ordered. Jonathan, with Liz’s help, was trying to put away the leftovers. Max frowned over at Liz, who was chatting animatedly at Jonathan. She smiled and moved into the man’s space.

543 What the hell was with that?

“Don’t tell me you’re getting jealous of Parker.”

“What?” Max asked distractedly.

“You look like you’re going to spit.” Michael said, mopping up his plate with more bread. Burping, he sat back and patted his stomach. Stuffed. Really stuffed. He couldn’t remember the last time he had actually felt that feeling. Looking over at a sleeping Maria, he frowned.

“I need some help.”

Max stopped sending Liz daggers of hate and turned back to his partner. “Help? In what? Maria’s looking pretty good right now.”

“Today is the last day. I have so much crap left that needs to be done. You got the list right, and you know what to do.”

“I’ve got the list. Checked it twice. Everyone will be there.”

“Sean... Did you tell Sean to…?”

“He called. Had a problem with the hotel, but Jonathan took care of it.”

Michael sighed. He had started the arrangements a few hours ago when he woke up and found he hadn’t lost everything after all. Too much time had been wasted. Not anymore.

Max stretched. He was tired. He had things he needed to talk to Michael about, but for once, he couldn’t. Michael had other things that were more important right now. The rest could wait.

“If you’re not ready, Michael, just put it off another week.”

544 Drinking the rest of his bottled water, Michael reached for another. He still felt dry, about a good pint low on body fluids. “No. Not this time. I can’t.” Michael shook his head. “If she had…If I couldn’t have…” Dammit. He couldn’t even say it. “I wouldn’t have been married to her. Do you know what that would’ve done to me?”

Max reached into his back waistband. He fingered the cold steel. Yes, he knew.

Pulling the gun out, he put it on the table in front of Michael. “Sean asked me to give this to give back to you.”

Michael touched his gun and checked the load. Empty. That wasn’t how he left it.

Max remained quiet. There was nothing to say. Faced with the reality that if Maria had died, that Michael was determined not to live, he had no words.

Connections. They were all connected. Some stronger and different than others, but they were all living in each other’s lives.

Michael took his gun and put it away. “Thanks.”

“Michael…” Max didn’t even know what to say.

“Is it better, Max? What did Parker say?”

Max looked over at Liz and Jonathan talking in the kitchen. “She thinks you changed

Maria. That your blood rewrote hers, and she is now able to transport and carry everything the babies need to survive.”

“I hope so. I can’t live through this again. It was close. Too close.”

Max nodded. They had a real busy day in a couple of hours. Too busy to put off anything else. “I’m going to go collect Jonathan and go home. Try to get some rest. I’ll be back tomorrow to help you.” Gathering his stuff, Max paused. “I want to tell Jonathan.


545 “You that serious about him?”

Max picked through the things on the table. “It’s pretty serious, Michael. I…yeah, it’s serious.”

Michael looked over at a sleeping Maria again. “Fine. It’s okay with me, if Isabel and Tess agree. I already know what Maria would say.” He couldn’t imagine ever keeping

Maria out of the loop in anything; it wasn’t fair to expect Max to feel comfortable doing it.

Max squeezed Michael’s shoulder and went to talk Jonathan into going home after they saw Liz home through the garden.

After it was finally quiet, Michael looked down and saw Mr. Booboo, who had been surprisingly quiet. He dropped some Italian beef on the floor for the cat.

“It was close, buddy. Really close. What would we have done without her?” Michael closed his eyes for a moment, and then suddenly smiled. He could feel them. All of them.

They brushed the edge of his awareness.

The cat merely finished his meat and then gracefully jumped up on the sofa to settle down next to Maria. Michael made a sound in his throat and went to finish putting away food. Maria was safe. Someone was watching over her. In the gloom of the loft, the cat’s eyes shone luminously.


“What? That is not what I ordered! Shit. I need it done today! Not tomorrow, today!”

Michael listened, shutting his eyes he tapped his fingers against the table impatiently.

546 Maria stood at the top of the stairs watching him. He was damn sexy when he was in a pissed off mood. Truth be told, it was why she loved to push his buttons, make him crazy. Seeing his narrowed eyes and angry pacing, he never looked more fuckable.

“Hey, Tiger! Got a problem?”

Michael looked up, swearing under his breath, and saw Maria. He made a quick threat into the phone and then hung up, nonchalantly sitting down at the table and covering up his notes and papers.

“Naw. Just work stuff.”

“Hmm...work stuff. Okay, guess that means no.”

“I’ve got Max helping me a little.”

“Well, there you go. Mom called. She wants to go shopping despite the doctor telling her to take it easy, stay off the leg, and everything. She wants me to come.” Maria went over to him, hugging his head to her stomach. She bent and kissed this hair, her nose brushing through it. “You okay with that?”

Michael reached up a hand and pulled her into his lap, his mouth finding hers easily.

“No,” he said huskily. He needed her gone for a few hours, but it felt like too soon.

Damn. He could smell her blood beneath the skin, feel the rush of warmth and the telltale sign of her beating heart at her pulse. “You need something from me, Professor?” That husky deep tone with a slight hint of hope was adorable.

Maria laughed, delighted at his tone. “I need lots of things from you, Detective. I want lots of things from you too. What do you have in mind?”

“A feeding?” Michael looked at her seriously. It had been almost two days since he last fed her, not since that terrible day, that terrible moment.

547 “Hmm, hungry. Not that hungry.”


Maria bent and nipped the side of his neck smiling in his skin at his reaction, the small sound in his throat. “Sex. Always want sex with you, Michael. Love sex with you.

But for once, I don’t feel a need for sex. I think right now, I’d rather have a nap.”

Michael looked into her eyes. “Thank god!” They both laughed. Michael pulled her tighter in his arms. “A nap I could do. When is your mother coming by?”

“In about two hours. Plenty of time.”

“Uh huh, plenty of time.” Michael picked her up as she wrapped her legs around his middle, he plopped down on the sofa with her on top of him, rearranging her so that they were lying side by side. Grabbing a light afghan, he pulled it over them and arranged her more firmly on his body with their legs intertwining. Maria moved her hand over his chest and snuggled in closer. She felt good. Much better. Not so tired.

Rubbing her leg up and down his, she noticed Mr. B. on a chair watching, his eyes winking at them. “Mr. Booboo is watching.”

Michael didn’t even open his eyes. He just made a sound in his throat. “He’s always watching. I think we need to consider sending him out for therapy. I think he thinks we belong to him, rather than the other way around.”

Maria chuckled and sat up a little. “Is he stealing things again?” She looked over at her kleptomaniac cat with his nappy coat.

“Worse. He’s killing everything in sight. Stockpiling dead birds, and he’s taken to digging holes all over the garden. He’s either Oscar hunting, or stashing his extra kills.”

548 Maria made a sound of distress. “Extra kills? But he leaves me about two birds a day.”

“I think he kills more. He buries them for days when he doesn’t catch any.”

“Oh dear!” Maria buried her head against Michael. “Do you think we’ll ever just be normal?”

“This isn’t normal?”


“Don’t keep her out too long. If she gets tired, it’s okay, you can bring her home.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day, and…”

Amy kissed Michael gently on the mouth. “Stop it. Did you contact Jennifer?”

“Yes. She’s got everything done on that end. Jonathan took care of the hotel rooms.

The rest is arranged. Now the dress is already picked out, just make sure she…”

“I got it. Michael, really, it’s going to go perfectly.”

“Okay. Right.” Michael rubbed a nervous hand over his neck.

“Jim is coming with us. He’ll be her bodyguard.”

“I didn’t…”

“You didn’t have to.” Amy laughed softly and went to find her husband as Maria approached them.

“Detective, you going to be alright?”

549 Dammit. She was laughing at him. “It’s not funny.” He knew he was acting neurotic.

He could hardly keep his hands off her, and even when she tried to walk out the door, he suspected someone was going to have to peel him away from her.

“I didn’t say it was. I just find you so incredibly cute right now. I’ll only be gone a couple of hours, okay?”

Michael pulled Maria to him. “No.” She kissed him hard. The kiss quickly became deep and passionate, and it was Jim’s throat clearing that had them pull apart. “Okay, go shopping with your mom. But do me a favor.”

“Shoot. Name it.”

“Buy a special dress with comfortable shoes for tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” Maria smiled as a frown marred her forehead. “What’s tomorrow?”

“A date.” Maria’s eyebrow went up at that. “I want to take you on a special date.

Somewhere away from Roswell. There’s a small town just off the Reservation that’s having a flower festival. I thought maybe you’d like to go. We’ve been cooped up in this place, worried, and to say we’ve had a hard time lately would be the understatement of the year. Let’s just take a day off, okay?”

“Hmmm, does this date include anything else besides flowers?”

Michael looked at her suspiciously. “Such as?”

“Dancing. Slow. Up close and personal.” Maria smiled hopefully. She loved dancing with him, close and slow. He hated dancing in any form.

“Okay, there could be dancing.”

“How about candles? Will there be candles?” Maria’s eyebrow went up questioningly.

550 “There will be candles.” If it killed him, there would be candles.

“Food and music?”

“I’m sure that we can find food and music.” That was a guarantee. They didn’t go places that didn’t have food.

Maria seemed thoughtful. “Soooo... comfortable shoes?”

“Your feet might hurt otherwise.”

“Okay. It’s a date, Detective.”

Michael kissed her hard. “Thank you, Professor.”


Michael was ready to shoot himself when Max showed up. It was kill himself or eat, so he was in the middle of making a large sandwich. Opening the door, hoping for a reprieve or at least Maria to save him from himself, he found Max with Hanson.

“Maxwell? Sam?” Michael’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. “What’s going on?”

“Is that a sandwich? Good. I’m starving.”

“Yeah, come on in. I think sooner or later we’re going to need to talk about you contributing to the grocery bills.” Max just laughed and Hanson followed him in, a little on the timid side. He had been to the loft a few times, but it was still a place of awe to him. Guerin’s home. Wow.

Michael went back to making his sandwich. Passing Hanson the bread and fixings, he quickly started making yet another sandwich for himself. He was still hungry. All the

551 lost weight was ground he needed to make up. Maria hadn’t drunk his blood since that day, well except once, but that was more in play, and not in desperate hunger.


Max watched horrified as Michael slapped cold cuts on a sandwich, spread peanut butter on one piece of bread and mayo on the other, adding pickled banana peppers and crumbled blue cheese with alfalfa sprouts.

“That’s a nightmare, Michael.”

Michael shoved a bite into his mouth and shrugged. “Tell that to Maria. I’m not responsible for her cravings. We can’t keep French Onion dip, hollandaise or cocktail sauce in the house. Add in the Tabasco, and this place is a condiment nightmare after a feeding binge.” Michael paused and added a few large slices of onion. “Make your own sandwich. You too, Sam.”

Hanson checked out Michael’s sandwich, and shrugged. “I’ll try one of those.”

Michael looked up in interest, and quickly sliced his sandwich in half and passed it to Hanson. If Hanson survived that, he could make his own if he was still hungry.

“So you got Maria out of the way?” Max was amazed. He didn’t think Michael would find it possible to let her or the babies out of his sight for a good twenty years.

“Amy and Jim took her shopping. They’re going to maneuver her into buying the dress I ordered for her.”

Max laughed. Good luck. Michael’s taste and Maria’s taste tended to be at different ends of the spectrum. If one added in Amy’s taste it was going to be a treat to see what

Maria ended up with.

“Did you stop and pick up…?”

552 Max nodded and patted his pocket. Taking it out, he handed it over to Michael. The box was small and elegant. Michael opened it and looked inside. Good. Now those damn candles. Candles? He didn’t think of that until Maria mentioned having candles. He called Jennifer, hopefully she could get something arranged and done.

“Okay, I’ve got everything settled. You know what time to show up tonight, right?”

“Yeah. It’s set. What did Amy say?”

“Family dinner. She said to let her take care of it. The rest will be around later.”

Max just shook his head. It was going to be an incredible nightmare. But Maria would be happy.

“So what’s going on?” Michael noticed that Sam not only finished the part of the sandwich he gave him, but was making another one with extra mayo and peanut butter.

Michael reached up in a cabinet, in his private stash and passed Sam a can of cheese under pressure.

Max made a pained face at the thought Michael and Hanson’s eating habits and made himself a simple sandwich of meat and cheese, a little mayo with lettuce. No onions. He still had to work today.

“Tell him, Sam.”

Hanson looked at the two men and shrugged hoping he wasn’t making a bigger deal of it than he should. He recounted the person he saw in the sewer, who looked like

Michael, and his belief that Courtney had exploded the methane in the tunnel to cover up the other person.

“Looked like me? How much like me?”

“Well, he was different. Clothes, hair, and there were piercings and tattoos.”

553 “I have tattoos.” Michael mentioned indicating his arm.

“These were different. His hair was different. Shorter. Punked.”

Michael looked at Max. The Dupes.

“You said your partner, Crissy, exploded the methane?”

“Courtney. Yeah. I’m positive. The sound of the match was to my side. She was the only person there. And she started running first.” Hanson looked uncomfortable. “And there’s something else…”

Max and Michael patiently waited. Sam Hanson was a slow methodical man. He worked best at his own speed. His speed usually pissed Michael off, but this time Michael just counted to ten with a cuss word between each count and waited. Maria was teaching him patience. Well, sort of.

“I…she…that is…”

“Hanson!” Michael’s irritated voice made Sam jump a little.

“Right. I was just saying that she’s always shown an interest in you, especially you. I thought she had a crush thing going, and even warned her off. I told her that you were very much engaged and not available.”

“Damn straight! Anything else? Is that it?”

Hanson looked uncomfortable. “Actually no. I...well, I was sort of suspicious of her.

She showed up around the same time as that other thing, the strange handprint. And then the FBI came in and took the evidence. I also noticed that she dumps me and takes off on her own a lot. So one time I followed her.”

“Well?” Michael’s patience was hitting an all time low. Max put a restraining hand on his arm.

554 “She went to an out of the way public phone on a lower floor and called someone. I couldn’t get close enough to hear what she was saying. But I also took her disappearance as an opportunity to search her desk.”

“I swear, Sam…”

“Lotion. Lots of lotion in her desk. And pictures. Lots of pictures of the surveillance type.”

Max frowned. “Pictures?”

“Yes, of the Commander. The Commander and Ms. DeLuca. Maria.”

Michael looked at Max and shut his eyes. Calm. He was calm. No. No, he wasn’t. He was going to find that Connie person and strangle her.

“Easy, Michael. Where is she today, Sam?”

“You reassigned her with Fletcher today to work the University. They have their first major game tonight, and the University asked for help.”

Max nodded. Right. Looking at his watch, they had time. “Okay, she’s not home then. Michael, let’s go check out her place.”

Before Michael could comment, the door opened and Maria and Amy came in with poor Jim dragging a crap load of stuff.

“Oh, good. Help. There’s more in the car. My arm can only hold so much. Between

Amy’s driving one-legged and Maria throwing up every three blocks, I’m exhausted.”

Jim certainly looked exhausted.

Michael crossed over to Maria and tipped her face up searchingly. There was a slight darkness under her eyes, and she was a little pale. She had probably done too much.

“Dammit, I…”

555 Maria kissed him instead. Whispering to him, she rubbed her face in his neck. “Stop it. It’s nothing. Mom’s driving. She makes me carsick every time.”

Michael framed her face. They had a busy night ahead of them. “Are you sure?”

“Positive. Now that I’m out of the car, I’ll feel better soon enough. I’ll make some tea.” Michael shook his head. Leading Maria to the living room, he made her lie down on the sofa. Covering her up lightly with the cover they had used earlier, he dropped a remote on her lap and kissed her on the forehead. “Uh uh. You rest. I’ll make the tea.

Amy and Jim are eating over tonight, so that means Sean will come mooch as well. You need your strength.”

Maria looked at her mom. “You’re eating with us tonight? You didn’t mention it.”

“Oh, I did, sweetie. You weren’t listening. You were badgering the salesclerk.”

Maria shrugged. “Oh. Oh! Michael there’s no food in the house.”

“Maria, there is a shi…crap….a lot of food in the house. Jonathan had to have ordered the full menus from three restaurants yesterday.”

Amy just patted Maria’s head and kissed the top of it. “No matter. I’m cooking. I’ll order groceries to be delivered. Don’t worry. Now just rest a little. You were getting overtired. Jim and I will be back. I need to go get some stuff for dinner. Michael, what do you have in the house for an antipasto tray?”

“Olives. I think there are some olives, maybe marinated mushrooms. No cheese. Just ate the last of the fresh mozzarella on my sandwich.” Amy made a determined sound.

“Jim, honey. We better go shopping for food.”

“I’ll drive.”

556 Amy kept the keys and wielded herself out of the loft on her crutches. “Nonsense.

You know you can’t drive with one arm in a sling. It’s illegal. Isn’t it illegal? Diminished capacity or something? Now, on the other hand, my cast is luckily on the foot that doesn’t matter for driving. So…”

Maria giggled when she heard Jim’s dry, “Oh yeah, so lucky.”

Michael took her hand. “Maria.” He waited for her attention. “I need to go out with

Max for just a short while. Why don’t you take a nap before your mom shows up with half a store and her favorite pot. Sam is going to stay with you, and…”

Maria laughed a little edgy. “I don’t need a babysitter, Detective.”

“I know. But we can’t use the phone where we’re going. At least not to call the

Department. Sam will stay and man the phones here, and relay any messages, okay?”

Maria looked skeptical, but agreed. As long as it was the job, and not him being freakishly possessive and paranoid. “Fine. But I expect to find you here when I wake up, and not find you on the news for destroying something in the city.”

“Deal. Would Max and I destroy the city? I told you we’ve reformed.”

“Oh, that’s good!” Maria said perkily and slightly sarcastically.

Michael kissed her quickly with a laugh, and then again, slower and with some heat.

Looking at her with half-closed eyes, it was a shock to realize that the overwhelming need to have sex was gone, but the sexual desire was still as strong. Nice. “I’ll be back soon. I promise.”

Michael took the cup of tea Max handed him and gave it to Maria, and gestured for

Sam to follow them out.

557 “No one comes in unless you know them, right?” Hanson nodded. “Call me on the cell phone if you have any problem, and don’t pet the cat. He hates strangers. No one comes near her, you got that?”

“Yes, Commander. No one.”

Michael hit him on the shoulder. “Good man. C’mon, Max. I’ve got too much to do to waste time.”

Sam re-entered the loft to find the cat guard-dogging Maria. Strange to see a cat so intense with a touch of fierceness to it.

“Mrs. Guerin…..um, Ms. DeLuca, I mean…”

“Maria. You can call me Maria, Sam. It’s okay.” Maria looked at the embarrassed man and smiled, her eyes becoming quiet and intense. “They really didn’t need to leave you to watch over me. The Commander is just a little overprotective. So is Mr. B.”

Sam smiled slightly easing up in his awkwardness. “The Commander talks about you all the time. Sometimes I think I know you better than I do listening to him.”

“He does?” Maria couldn’t even describe how happy that information made her.

Most of the time she felt she was sort of a burden, that loving her changed Michael’s life so much and he sacrificed many things by knowing her.

“He does.”

“Well,” Maria coughed a little to distract Hanson from noticing her pink cheeks.

Michael talked about her. “Wait! What does he say?” Maria’s eyes were narrowed, and

Hanson couldn’t help it - he burst out laughing.

558 Putting up his hands, he surrendered. “Only good things, I swear. I think most of the stuff slips out without him realizing it, like he can’t not talk about you. You must be on his mind a lot.”

And that made Maria smile even more. Looking upstairs at the darkened bedroom, her face softened. She almost…

No time for those thoughts.

“So, did you eat?”

“A sandwich.”

“Oh, too bad. I was going to tell you about this special goat’s cheese. Now Michael loves it, and it’s very repulsive in smell and stuff, but it really is very good. I hide it from him in the back of the refrigerator. I like to use it in sauces, though I haven’t made any lately so it might be a bit ripe.” Maria paused in thought. “Oh, well it should be okay.

Anyway, I know you have a fondness for cheese, so I thought maybe you’d like to try some, have some tea and tell me about yourself.”

“In the refrigerator?” Maria nodded and instructed him to the whereabouts.

“Of course, I hide it from Michael. It does terrible things to his digestive system, and

I have to live here too. He likes it on those special crackers with the cracked pepper. I think there’s a box up in the cabinet.” Maria put on her best smile, most persuasive.

“Sam, you don’t see any cookies up there do you? I really can’t see up that high, and being pregnant I’m reluctant to climb up there.”

“Three bags.”

Three bags! Oreos?” Maria’s eyes narrowed. Cookie hoarder! She suspected as much. Well, that was just against the rules. “You better drag those down as well. And

559 some milk would be great!” Maria watched as Hanson took out the cheese and crackers, added them to a tray with her cookies and milk, and a cup of tea.

“Now, did anyone ever tell you about the importance of cookies, the cream center? It has a nice history. Much like the handshake. Now a handshake was once done between strangers meeting, and the open hand was a gesture of no weapons. Very much in that way, the sandwich cookie can have great social implications.” Hanson sat back, nibbling on the very ripe stinky cheese as Maria quickly demolished Michael’s secret Oreo stash.

He sat back and enjoyed her long lecture about literally anything and everything that crossed her mind.


Breaking into Courtney Banks’ home wasn’t hard. Not once they acquired her address from the Department. Max watched as Michael opened the lock with his hand.

They entered and used their handheld pen lights to see in the darkened room.

“You take high, Michael. I’ll take low.”

“Whatever. How about you just take that part of the room, and I’ll take this area?”

Max just grunted. He found a pile of CDs and quickly flipped through them.

“She listens to Britney Spears and Jefferson Airplane. Strange combination.”

“Psychotic. Let’s fry the bitch.”

“Michael.” Max shrugged. Her music was a strange mix. Some oldies. Classic rock and more modern stuff. Not very great choices on the modern, but some of the classic rock was just that, classic.

560 “Maxwell.” Michael held open a lower cabinet and shined his light inside. Max came over and squatted next to him whistling under his breath.

“Damn, she must have dry skin or a warehouse buyers’ club where she buys in bulk.”

They stared at the entire cabinet full of therapeutic dry skin lotion. Max stood up and opened up a closet cabinet.

“Fuck me!”

“I told you. Stop that gay stuff, man.”

“Stop being a dick and come look at this, Michael.” Max stood back and reached inside the cabinet switching on a light. Michael swore and stood looking at a closet full of pictures of himself pasted everywhere. There was his gym sweatshirt that he had lost from his locker at work. Most of the pictures were of him alone, but a few were of him with Maria. The ones with Maria either had her face marked out, or another picture overlapping the original, so as to remove her from sight.

“What are you thinking?” Max asked. Damn. It looked like a shrine to Elvis or some other idol.

“That we need to look into who this chick is. I can’t live through another Cassie,

Maxwell. And she comes near Maria, I won’t be responsible for my reaction.”

Max put a comforting hand on Michael’s back. “I’ll take care of it.”

“I don’t have time right now, and…”

“I told you, it will keep. I’ll take care of it, okay?” Michael nodded.

“You think she’s one of the Skins?”

Max stared at the closet. Major jones for Michael. “Maybe. I don’t know. Hanson is right though, she showed up right around the time that Price went down. We definitely

561 know that we’ve got Dupes here. Scary. Other people who look like us, talk like us, but aren’t us. What are they, Michael? Twins? Our brothers and sisters? What are they?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know. I just know who my family is, and it’s not them.”

“C’mon, let’s get you back to your family. You’ve got problems, Partner.”

Michael laughed. “Don’t I know it! The DeLucas are coming for dinner.”

Max laughed. “Jonathan was so excited. He said he was going to fast all day.”


The loft was in chaos. Amy was home.

Michael found Maria immediately. He sat next to her and mauled her neck until she begged for mercy. He whispered in her ear. “You get any sleep, Professor?”

“Not a wink. My teddy bear was missing.” Michael made a face as being referred to as a stuffed animal. Reaching over, he took some food from a plate. A rare spiced beef tenderloin topped with seasonings and served in a salad.

“Hmm, this could be bad timing.” Maybe the dinner was a bad idea. Maria was tired.

It put the fear of God in him.

Maria sank down on the sofa next to Michael hugging his arm. “Mom is making me hollandaise sauce.”

Michael kissed her on the temple. “Bonus.”

They both laughed as a harassed Sean entered the loft carrying a bag, actually bags.

He had an equally unhappy Kyle following him.

562 “Aunt Amy, I swear this is the last trip out! I’m sick…” Sean swallowed his tongue at the look on Amy’s face, that and what was in her hand. “Um…that is...I mean, unless you need something else.” Amy put her threatening wooden spoon down.

“I need you to roll out the pasta sheets.” Sean quickly washed his hands. Finally something he liked to do. “Where’s Julia?”

“Working. She said she’d try to get here before dinner. Where’s the pasta machine?”

It had taken him some work to convince Julia to come, but finally she agreed. She felt a little strange doing the couples thing until they got themselves back on track, so Sean was forced to bring in the big guns. He pouted. She caved like a ton of bricks.

Amy handed him a rolling pin. Sean looked at it like it was a torture device. “By hand? You want me to roll it by hand? C’mon, Aunt Amy! Stop fooling! Where’s the machine?”

Amy just turned her back on him. “Hurry up, we need to get them boiling, and when you finish with that, I need you to grind up the meat and vegetables for the cannelloni.

Sam has already grated all the cheese for me, and he made the stuffing for the manicotti.”

Amy gave her kitchen assistant, Sam Hanson a large sweet smile that made his ears turn red.

Sean started rolling and looked at what his aunt was doing. “What are you making there?”

“Oh, Maria wanted dumplings with hollandaise and extra butter.”

“Oh! Maria wanted?” Sean looked over at Michael and Maria, who were watching him slave away. He mouthed the word ‘brat’ her way, and Maria in her usual adult manner, stuck her tongue out at her cousin.

563 Tess was sitting at the kitchen bar trying to eat, but Kyle kept taking away the really fattening stuff, and things with too much salt, until Amy hit him on the hand. “Leave the girl alone! She’s pregnant, not a helpless imbecile. Let her eat!”

Tess gave Amy a grateful look, but quickly kissed Kyle. He was only trying to take care of her after all, even if he was a domineering food rogue. She actually got three bites down before the other half of the freak food patrol arrived. Max. He saw her and made a straight beeline for her and the plate in her hand.

“Amy, help!”

Amy saw Max, and intercepted smoothly. “Max, just the man I needed to see! It seems to me that there is something I might need you to do, something important. Follow me.” Max looked back at Jonathan in helpless despair, but Jonathan ignored him in good humor as he picked through the food already cooked and went over to kiss Maria.

“God! It smells great in here!” Isabel and Liz had arrived through the sliding glass door, along with Alex carrying a case of beer. He was followed by Zeke and a timid

Margo, who stayed surprisingly close to him.


“Hmm?” Michael was busy kissing her neck and stealing off her plate.

“How many people did you invite to dinner?”

“Oh, I don’t know. I just said that Amy and Jim were coming, and I guess it turned into a ‘Welcome home, glad you’re out of the hospital thing.’” Michael looked at her.

“Why? You too tired? I can shoo them all away, or shoot them with my gun...”

564 Maria’s eyes narrowed at the hopeful sound of his voice at the shooting part. “No. I just noticed the place is full of people. Lots of people. The only person we’re missing is


The doorbell rang. Michael made a face.

“That would be her, I suspect.”

It was. Jim opened the door to a Julia plastered to the front door in fright. All around her, talking at the top of their lungs and all at the same time, were the DeLucas. Hundreds of them. Okay, so maybe not that many, but three DeLuca’s are easily exponentially derived, and soon become more. There were maybe about twenty or so. Hard to say.

Michael kept counting a few of them more than once.

Michael called over to Amy, “Mom, I think you’re going to need more pots!”

That was when the room exploded in hugs and laughter. Michael stood up with

Maria in front of him, greeting their guests. His hands snaked around her waist to rest on her pregnant stomach, so her excitement level wouldn’t alarm the twins. He really didn’t need to do that anymore. He could feel them, and suspected they could sense his presence now without physical touch.

Maria seemed overwhelmed as she was hugged, and people kept handing her presents. Julia tried to get to Sean, but was cut off by his sister and mother. Teresa

DeLuca had Julia almost cornered when Julia found refuge behind Michael and Maria.

“Maria, help!”

“Don’t make eye contact. Keep your hands to your side at all times. Never look them in the face when talking, and I suggest a fast shuffle,” Michael advised out of the corner of his mouth. Maria jabbed her arm backwards to hit him in the stomach.

565 “Don’t listen to him. They’re harmless. They’ll stop harassing you about why you won’t marry Sean in about six hours, then they’ll want to know if he’s impotent in bed.”

“Oh, god!” Julia looked around in fright. “Um...Sean? Sean...”

Maria looked back and found both Zeke and Margo on the stairs watching the melee in amusement, both eating from the same plate. They had Mr. Booboo between them whining, telling them his woes while nabbing extra meat from the plate.

“Michael, is the Boo gaining weight?”

“Yeah, I noticed that. Maybe it’s time to instigate a diet for the fat boy.”

Maria looked over and saw Tess surrounded by female family members all touching her stomach and sharing stories with her. Her Aunt Teresa was already in the kitchen with

Amy and one of her cousins who was making Hanson blush an interesting red. Actually it was more of an orange. Obviously, Hanson was a big hit.

It was her uncle that finally pulled them away from all the talking people.


“Zio!” Maria hugged him hard. “I never…what are you doing here?”

“What? My sister-in-law is in the hospital from a car bombing, almost dead. The home of my niece is terrorized, and I hear that she is too thin and sick. My son is upset because his woman is threatened and he is apart from her. Where, Niece, where is it that I should be?”

“Here. Here is good.” Maria hugged the older man again who surprisingly looked very much like her father. Marco DeLuca was a very handsome distinguished man. He held his niece tightly and looked over her shoulder at Michael Guerin. Miko. The boy’s condition was appalling. He was too thin and too pale. His hands weren’t shaking

566 anymore, but he still hadn’t totally recovered in the last few days. The two men shared a look over Maria’s head.

Family. It was what Maria needed right now. The last few months had been too hard.

It was nice to finally have a sense of normalcy, or as normal as her family could get.

The entire group worked on dinner as they talked and laughed. Zeke found himself in the middle of more men then he could ever remember being around. They were all strong men. Powerful. Full of presence. For the first time in his young life, he was shocked that he felt protected and not threatened. Marco DeLuca seemed to take a shine to both him

Margo, and he invited them to come to Florida for his winter break while Margo’s place was being rebuilt. That was months away, but the offer was appreciated. Margo strangely, actually talked the elder DeLuca.

After dinner, the men started making noise and Maria looked around.

“What’s going on?”

Her uncle took her hand, and kissed it. “We are going to steal your Miko for just a few hours. A local pool hall is calling, and we want to hear all the latest gossip, smoke and get him a little drunk. We take the young one too.”

“You’re going to get my Michael drunk?” Maria laughed delightedly. “Then I’ll see you in half an hour!”

Michael made a sound of protest as the rest of the party laughed with her. “Dammit,

Professor, I can drink two beers now.”

Max laughed too, but his limit was still half of one, but he remained quiet so he didn’t come under fire.

567 Maria kissed Michael and pushed him over to her uncle. “Take him, but I expect him and this city to be in one piece when you’re done. Have Alex pick the place. He has better taste and a better sense of the best and seediest of dives.”

“Alex! Boy, you will be the guide.”

Maria grabbed Zeke and kissed his cheek. “Go. I’ll take care of Margo!”

Once the very loud men were gone, and Max called on the phone to let the other members of the Roswell PD know where they were going, Michael was having an impromptu version of a bachelor party.

Maria looked around and found many female eyes trained on her. “What?”

“Dessert!” Amy said. And all the females started moving at once in a flurry of activity. Now the men were gone, they could finally get down to the important stuff.


It was late. Hours later, when Maria felt his arms coming around her in their bed. He had come in earlier, but the shower ran a real long time.

“Where did they take you?”

“A strip club on thirty-first. It was smoky, loud, packed, and I’m not sure if the women dancing on the stage were really women, or men in drag.”

“You smell.”

“I know. I couldn’t seem to get the smell of smoke off me. Your uncle had three lap dances until Sean threatened to tell your aunt on him.”

“How many did you have?” Maria asked interestedly.

568 “One. Courtesy of your cousin.”



“Aw. He would. He runs a side business. A dance place. Good money, I understand.”

“Hmm...” Michael hugged her closer, wrapping himself around her. Their home still smelt of food. Good food. It was late.

“So, was it a good dance?”

“I gave her a hundred dollar tip. Had to borrow it off your uncle to get her off my damn lap. You’re better.”

Maria laughed and turned in his arms, hers going around his neck as she kissed his neck. “That was nice of them. At home, when I was a kid, Marco and the others would go into my father’s study and you could hear them playing pool, drinking and smoking. The women would stay in the kitchen and make dessert and talk about their husbands…um, well…”


Maria laughed delighted. “Yeah, that and their performance. Tonight poor Margo was embarrassed by some of the comments and stories, and Julia, Isabel and Liz were quizzed on their love lives. Julia especially about Sean. Now Tess, she had a great time. They brought her wedding presents and baby gifts.”

“So, this happens how often? I saw you made out in the gift department.”

“Oh, we did! That’s the advantage of being the hostess.”

569 “Hmmm.” Michael was tired of talking. He was busy. His mouth found the side of her neck, and the playful nip that suddenly wasn’t so playful had her hands tightening on him, her breath caught in her throat. Hours. He had been away from her for hours.

His bachelor party was fun, but he prefer not have another one in this life. One time shot. He didn’t refer to it as such, or mention why everyone just happened to come at this time. It was finally time, after months of planning. Tomorrow. Tomorrow was the start of the rest of his life. The rest of their life…together.

570 Chapter Nineteen: In Your Eyes

Love I get so lost, sometimes Days pass and this emptiness fills my heart When I want to run away I drive off in my car But whichever way I go I come back to the place you are

All my instincts they return And the grand façade, so soon will burn Without a noise, without my pride I reach out from the inside

In your eyes The light the heat In your eyes I am complete In your eyes I see the doorway to a thousand churches In your eyes The resolution of all the fruitless searches In your eyes I see the light and the heat In your eyes Oh, I want to be that complete I want to touch the light The heat I see in your eyes

Love, I don’t like to see so much pain So much wasted and this moment keeps slipping away I get so tired of working so hard for our survival I look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive

All my instincts they return And the grand façade, so soon will burn Without a noise, without my pride I reach out from the inside

In your eyes The light the heat In your eyes I am complete In your eyes I see the doorway to a thousand churches In your eyes The resolution of all the fruitless searches In your eyes I see the light and the heat In your eyes Oh, I want to be that complete I want to touch the light The heat I see in your eyes In your eyes In your eyes

571 ~~Peter Gabriel~~

Day Nineteen: Saturday, 9:33 am

“Maria, are you almost ready? We’ll be late.”

“Late?” Maria’s head came over the railing as she struggled to put on her shoe. “To a flower festival? Doesn’t it run all day?”

Michael swore under his breath. Sure it does. “Yeah, but all the exotic and fresh flowers will be picked through. C’mon, what if your family shows up out of the blue? I say we blow Roswell for a few hours before someone remembers they want us for something.”

Maria came completely into view. Standing at the top of the stairs she smiled at

Michael, did a quick pirouette and curtsy to him. “Right you are! Detective, do these shoes meet with your approval?”

Michael made a noise in his throat. Enthralled. Caught. Captured. There were too many words. She was so beautiful in a mid-calf dress of antique white lace over a silk sheath, trimmed in a golden piping. The dress swung at the shirt line in the fashion from the 1950’s. She looked like a movie star from the old days, classical, classy and so gorgeous, she took his breath away. Her golden blonde hair was bright and shiny, swinging as she slowly and carefully descended the steps. The shoes were a cream white silk that matched the dress with a low comfortable heel, more of a strapped sandal than a shoe. She looked young and carefree. Happy. Pregnant. The dress was a very expensive dress, more like a sundress, but still elegant.

572 “What? You hate the shoes?”

Michael shook his head. The dress. He had seen it in the sheets from the fashion house. Knew that it would be perfect for Maria. It took great effort to have it specially made for her, to fit her pregnant frame, and then figure out how to maneuver her to get the dress he pre-ordered. He had a lot to thank his future mother-in-law for.

“You look…I...,” Michael paused and went to stand at the bottom of the stairs to wait for her to join him. “I love the shoes. Very practical. They fit that dress completely!”

Okay, now he just sounded gay. Dammit, Maxwell. But he didn’t know what else to say without exposing his plans.

Maria laughed. “Too much, huh? Mom made me buy it. Insisted. Had a veritable fit over it. But once I put it on, I fell in love with it. It’s perfect.”

“Yes, it is.” Michael’s hands rested on her waist as she stopped two stairs above him.

“God, Maria, you look like a dream. Some mythical, magical dream I fell into while I was asleep.”

Maria took on a look of shock, and put her arms around his neck. “Romance? You offering me romance, Detective?”

Michael shut his eyes as her forehead came to rest against his. “Hmm, maybe my version of it.”

Maria kissed him outrageously and hugged him harder when he lifted her off the stairs and twirled her around. “Lead me to the Grease Pit and those cheeseburgers, baby!

I love your version of ‘romance’!”

Michael laughed. “I might surprise you someday.”

573 Maria suddenly became very serious from her perch held high in his arms. Looking in his face, she searched his features and held his eyes. “You surprise me every day,

Michael. Every day.”

Damn. They could be late, and…Shit! Michael forced himself to remember the plan and not let her distract him.

“You ain’t seen nothing yet. I’m a slow worker, but I think I produce excellent product.” Taking her hand, he led her out to the Mustang.

Maria’s hand rested on the swell of her stomach. “Nothing slow about you,

Detective, and I’m positive that anything you produce will be of the highest quality.”

Michael put her in the car and kissed her hand. “Then let the fun begin!”


Maria frowned at the small town. It was a small town, mostly Mexican, outside of

Roswell with a mixed population of Native Americans and some whites. A small artisan community that specialized in local art. Michael pulled the car into an open field just outside the town next to a number of other cars. Getting out, he helped Maria alight, keeping her hand in his.

“No parking in town?”

“Easier to leave this way. It is a small town, but that’s why I wanted you to get comfortable shoes.” Maria nodded and smiled at the sunshine, the running children carrying streamers and laughing. Many of them had their faces painted. The main street of the community was lined in flowers of all sorts, streamers of ribbons, colorful and

574 festive. Greens. Emeralds and white, with pinks and blues, purples and gold. It was so beautiful, almost medieval. The scene reminded her of Italy when she was young.

Her parents had taken her to Palermo to a special festival, and it remained one of the most colorful memories of her life. This had the same close knit community feel to it.

Family. A community. There was music and laughter, and balloons of all colors floated in the air. The flowers added a sweet perfume, and it was all about being alive. She was alive. Her babies were alive, and Michael’s hand was in hers. Nothing could be more perfect than that very moment.

“Isn’t this the place you had that necklace made for me?”

“Yeah. My friend, Rick has an artist shop here. C’mon, let’s walk!” Michael led her through the streets as people made a path for them.

The Church was at the end of the street, a nice Old Catholic church. Maria laughed when its bells began to ring. The doors stood open, beckoning those to enter.

That was when she first saw them. Scattered among the flowers and the people, were her people. Friends. Family. People she knew from work, the museum, her private life.

People she knew with Michael. His work friends. Her mom and Jim.


“Hi, honey. You look so beautiful!” Amy was all misty eyed and she quickly kissed

Maria and placed a long stem white rose in her arms. Jim did the same.

Maria looked at them in confusion and then at Michael, but he just tipped his head and gestured for them to continue walking.

More people she knew came up to her. They all greeted both her and Michael, kissing her and shaking hands with him offering her a flower. There were too many, all of

575 them coming up slowly, but fast enough that she couldn’t corner Michael for an explanation.

He kept them on a constant slow crawl down the street, his hand never letting go of hers, only pausing to greet people as his arm went around her waist to hold her back tightly to his chest.


“C’mon, let’s go.” They were never going to make it at this pace.

The amount of flowers she was carrying was becoming too much, so Michael took most of them and let her start over.

Sean was standing there with Julia and a large handful of long stem roses. He kissed his cousin and laid them across her arms. Whispering in her ear, he kissed her cheek and stood back as Julia hugged her as well.

Roses weren’t the only flower of the day. Orchids. Birds of Paradise. Irises. Full displays of tropical and exotic flowers to the most charming of violets were in festive arrangements wherever she looked. Maria glanced behind her, and she saw that people that she had greeted were following them along their walk.

Sneaking a peek at Michael, she could see the new mark on his chest through the open button of his shirt. The interlocking spirals. Glancing down at her own chest and the skin just above her right breast exposed by the low cut of her dress, she could see the same mark on herself.

It hadn’t become apparent until after the silver handprint was gone. But there it was.

On her the larger spiral moved clockwise with the smaller one moving counter clockwise.

It was just off center above her right breast. On Michael his dominant spiral was counter

576 clockwise, off center on his left chest. They offset each other. It wasn’t a tattoo or a scar or even a burn. The pigmentation of their skin had changed. It looked like a unique birthmark.

Perhaps it was. She had died, and in a way so had he. At the moment of her death, all the power of his body was drained from him, pulled into her, through her heart and back again. Who was to say, that in that moment, before the rush of energy completed a circle, that he, drained of his life force, had not also died? Last night, they had laid facing each other until the early morning light trickled into the upper windows of the loft. Their bodies closed and melded together until the marks on either of their chests touched, matched as mirror images of the other.

It could’ve been a birthmark, because she felt reborn.

“What did Sean say?” Michael asked as Maria continued to hug and greet people.

“That I looked like a fairytale princess, one of the ‘fey’ ones. In his best Irish, which sucks.” Maria looked at Michael. “Is this my party? For me?”

Michael’s eyes sparkled, and he nodded. “Yes. It’s for you.”

Before she could comment, she found herself engulfed in a hug from her uncle.

Laughing, she wrapped her arms around his neck and put her head back to watch the swirling colors of the day, the ribbons and balloons mixed as he swung her around. For a moment, it felt like her father was there, that he was alive, and she once again was but a child in his arms.

“Zio! What…”

He stopped her from speaking. “Later. You have a long way to go and so many others to meet.” The older man pulled something from his pocket. A necklace. Old and

577 handcrafted. Her aunt Teresa stood next to him with a hand on her mouth with a large smile and tears in her eyes. Marco held up the necklace and then handed it to Michael to put on Maria.

“It would do me a great honor if you were to wear this, keep it and treasure it. It was your great-grandmother’s, my grandmother. It was once to go to your father to give to you one day, but he is not here. And there is no greater pleasure or honor that you can pay me, your uncle, then to let me stand in his place.”

Maria looked down as the necklace laid on her breast and then up again, to quickly hug her uncle. Whispering in his ear, she kissed him again with tears in her eyes. He finally put her away from him, quickly cupped Michael’s cheek and pushed them both on their way. Teresa handed Maria a stem from their lemon trees from home, with blossoms attached. The older couple watched as they walked on, and when Amy and Jim came to stand next to them, the four continued on behind them.

Marco DeLuca, a large and powerful man, the head of his family took out his kerchief and wiped a hint of moisture from his eyes, quickly blowing his noise. Teresa ran a comforting hand on his arm and ran her hand down to join with his.

“What did she say?”

Marco looked at the day, the place, and the smell of summer and he had to agree with

Maria, it was one of the most beautiful places on the earth. “She said that her father stands with me, that she can feel him, and she isn’t alone. That every time she sees me, she sees her father. That I am her father.” Marco wiped his eyes again.

Jim smiled down at a crying Amy, his one good arm holding her close. She was walking awkwardly on her cast in a special boot and using a cane. She refused to ride in a

578 chair, or use crutches. Not today. Today, it was important that she walk. Jim tried to talk

Amy to at least wait at the end of the street, closer to the church so her walk would be short, but she refused. Amy insisted on being the first to greet her daughter and to walk the long road with her.

Maria and Michael finally came upon Zeke and Margo. Zeke was wearing almost the same thing Michael was. They were both dressed in loose muslin cloth pants and light open shirts of the same material. They both looked like they were living in the Caribbean under the sun. Michael’s shirt was held closed only by about three buttons, but young

Zeke hadn’t bothered to close his at all. He stood there looking tall, strong, healthy and young with a timid Margo at his side. She was smiling, loving the community and the flowers, all the colors and music put a healthy bloom in her cheeks, and Maria paused staring at her, amazed by her immense beauty as her brilliant red hair shone and made her part of the festive color.

Margo held something in her arm, against her body protectively while Zeke held flowers. Long stemmed Lilies of the Valley. Maria’s hand tightened on Michael hard.

Their first children. Zeke and Margo. Those that came to them scared and beaten, and in the sunlight of the day, they both stood so tall and straight, so young and valiant. It was a good day.

Margo kissed her and handed Maria a small portrait. Mrs. Mulhoney. It was fitting that she too be there that day. Maria, wiped a stray tear off her cheek and hugged Margo hard, and then Zeke. The three of them looked over at a watching Michael, he just stared at them. Nodding he took her back and shoved all the flowers into Zeke’s hand.

579 “You two better follow close. Try to keep up.” Michael took a little of Maria’s load and added it to the bundle Zeke was already holding as Margo chuckled under her breath, and then finally helped the young man with all the stems. “Don’t drop any of them.”

“Yes, Pa.”

Michael just gave the boy a quick glare.

Maria laughed softly under her breath when Michael said ‘cheeky bastard’ and took her hand and led her on. They only had a short ways to go.

Maria stood at the bottom steps leading to the open door of the church.

“Michael?” The quavering uncertainty of her voice had him holding her close to him.

He bent and whispered in her ear away from the ears of those following them. “I thank God every day for you.”

Maria looked at him, her eyes bright. “You don’t believe in God,” she whispered back in a hushed tone.

Michael put his hand on his children and cupped the back of her neck forcing her to look at him. “Now I do. Can you finish the walk with me?” Maria nodded, looking back at all the people following them. Michael forced her to look back at him. “There is just you and me. No one else. Maria, in your eyes I see the doorway to a thousand churches.”

Maria smiled as he pulled her up the stairs with him. “That’s Peter Gabriel. You hate

Peter Gabriel.”

“I think he stole the lyrics from Metallica.”

They stopped in the church, at the first pews. Maria’s voice caught in her throat. The entire place was covered in white silk ribbon, brocade satin sheets, flowers and long white tapered candles all lit in every place imaginable. The sound over her head made her

580 look up. White birds flew in the top belfry of the church to the sanctuary. Doves. Behind them, those they knew best, those they loved and cherished, moved into the church up the sides to take places standing in front of the pews to turn to watch the two standing at the door, paused before making that last walk to the front.


Michael took her hand and brought to his mouth kissing the back of it. “Marry me?

Maria DeLuca, marry me.”

Her hand turned to cup his face. “I thought I already said yes.”

Michael moved closer, his head resting against hers. “Here. Right now.”

Maria looked around at all the beaming faces of her family and all those she knew, and smiled, her smiled wavering as a few tears ran down her face.

“You…you did this?” Michael nodded. “For me?”

“For you, Professor.” Michael wiped her face. “Stay with me. Walk just those last few steps with me, and I swear, you’ll never walk anywhere in your life alone again. Can you do that, Maria?”

Maria smiled and took his face in her hands and kissed him, ignoring their audience, she kissed him long and slow, closing her eyes to anything, to everything, to the world.

There was nothing but him, them.

They must have been kissing longer than either of them realized because her uncle’s voice broke through and made them return to the world of the living.

“Miko! Was that a yes? Are we getting married today, no?” Maria rested her forehead on Michael’s and laughed at her aunt’s outraged voice saying, “Marco! Let him do it! You

581 promised.” Her uncle made a huffing noise under his breath, something about getting on with it.

Maria looked in Michael’s eyes and smiled, and she said, “Yes. Yes, we get married today!”

The church exploded in sound as Michael took her hand and led her to the front of the church and the waiting priest.

Amy cried through the entire ceremony. The photographers she hired were taking enough pictures to send Kodak’s stock into orbit. The ceremony went off without a hitch, except for both Michael and Maria’s voices being very hushed and almost a whisper when they said their vows. It didn’t matter. They could hear the other, as they stared at each other the entire time.

There was only one glitch. Rings.


The priest smiled and said slowly trying to get Michael’s attention. “The rings?”

Michael searched his clothes quickly, cussing aloud enough to make the guests all laugh in delight. “Dammit, Zeke, where did I put them?”

Zeke shrugged. “You didn’t give them to me.”

Max whistled loudly at Michael. He held up the box. Tossing it to Sean who was closer, Sean caught to and gave it to Zeke who handed it to Michael.

“Rings. Right. Got them.”

Michael quickly opened the box and showed Maria matching rings for them both.

His was a large golden band with a counter clockwise spiral. Hers was a smaller band

582 with a clockwise spiral and diamonds that fit the engagement ring she was already wearing.

Maria stared at the spirals and looked at Michael confused.

“I’ve been dreaming about them. It just seemed right.” He took the ring for her and repeated the ceremony slowly sliding the ring on her finger. Maria watched the ring as it moved on her finger and then looked up to watch him staring at him. It took a moment before she realized that the priest was talking to her.


“The ring.”

“Yes, it’s beautiful.” Maria said with a breathless sound in her voice, her eyes never leaving Michael’s.

“No. His ring.”

“What?” Maria looked at the priest in confusion. Then it hit her. Michael’s ring. It was her turn. “Oh! Right. Um...ring.” She quickly looked around embarrassed and Zeke handed her the other ring from the box.

Michael’s tongue came out in amusement at the delicate pink shade staining her cheeks. He actually laughed when she swore under her breath. Maria turned a deep pink at the sound of the audience’s soft laughter, her mother’s rising above the rest.

Michael kissed the bride before the priest got to that part, but undaunted, the man finished his duty before man and God. Zeke came up to Michael and handed him the end of a ribbon. He nodded. Maria was watching Michael bemused and for once silent, when she noticed everyone was leaving.

Michael kept her close to his side.

583 “Where are they going?”

“To the party.”



Maria laughed. Of course. Food. What else was there? That and lots of love. “Are you taking me to this party?”

“In a moment.” Michael looked over at the priest who nodded, and he discreetly left leaving only the two of them in the church filled with flowers, doves and lit candles.


Michael looked out of the church and he made a gesture she couldn’t understand. It took a moment for her to realize that he was speechless, overwhelmed. They had just gotten married. What a huge step for both of them, considering they started to this very moment!

She tried to help him. “You did all of this on your own?”

“I wanted to. I sort of screwed up the proposal thing, and when I thought of your mother’s wedding, the nightmare planning and stress, and everything…there was nothing

I wanted less than a big wedding.”

“I was thinking of Reno or Atlantic City myself.”

“I know.” Michael finally looked at her, fingering the neckline of her dress, and touching the necklace her uncle gave her. “I thought of that too, but I couldn’t. My father,

Mikey. My real father. He would have loved you. Adored you, Maria. And you...you would have loved him too. He was a great man.” Michael looked up at the top of the church and around clearing his throat. “He would have been ashamed of me if I didn’t

584 marry in the Church, a Catholic Church. And despite everything, he would’ve told me that the day wasn’t about me, that it was about you, and our family, and all our friends that would want to wish us well. I knew that cheating them of that would be a real selfish thing, and the more I thought about it the more I knew I wanted to do it all myself.”

“It’s beautiful. The most incredible thing anyone has ever done for me.” Maria gave him a watery smile.

“I didn’t want to cheat you of having your uncle give you away or Sean walk you down the aisle, or even bridesmaids. But I had to compromise some things if I wanted it to be a surprise.” Michael led her to a low bench and made her sit down. “It took longer than I was planning. The organization. Buying out all the flowers from every state from here to Hawaii. Getting the church decorated, the town decorated, and creating the festival. Organizing the guests so they knew where to come.” Michael touched her dress.

“Choosing the dress and making sure you picked it. I special ordered it for you.”

“Michael!” Maria laughed through the tears. Oh God. All that? That from a man who found the simple act of matching his socks to be a major inconvenience.

“I wanted it to be special. A day you’d never forget, because it was going to be the only wedding day of your life.” Michael moved closer to her, his mouth just inches from hers. “I wanted you to know how much it meant to me that you said you loved me. I knew it was hard for you, and such a huge risk, it meant something. To me, it meant everything.”

Maria framed his face. “To all that, and more. I love you. Practically the moment I saw you. What the body saw as lust, my heart knew as love. Detective, was there ever a breath that I drew that didn’t have a part of you in it?”

585 Michael laughed and rubbed his head into her. “You do this romantic crap pretty good, Professor.”

Maria looked around and shook her head. “Surprisingly, so do you, when you put your excellent mind to it. What if I expect this level of romanticism from you all the time?”

Michael leaned in close and whispered to her, “I’ll kill myself. This is it, Professor.

All the romantic bones in my body were crushed for this one big affair.” Maria laughed delighted by the look on his face, but suddenly he went very serious.

“I made a fatal error, Maria. An almost fatal one.” She looked at him and waited. “I held you in my arms, dead, and it hit me that I would never marry you. I would never marry you, because you were dead. I waited too long. I would never forgive myself that.”

“I’m not dead. I live. That is thanks to you.” Maria kissed him. Framing his face she searched for the part of him that she knew better than her own heart. Smiling, she closed her eyes and felt them.

Spirals. Off center. Circling. Completing a perfect ascetic form. What nature had created, time and destiny polished.

It was Sean at the door clearing his throat that made them stop kissing. “As much as

I’m sure that this time is important, you have guests that are getting impatient for your arrival. They made me come and fetch you since it was decided that I am the only one that can handle the beating Michael would give anyone interrupting him.”

Maria laughed as Michael pulled her to her feet. Michael gestured Sean to go away.

“So, where is this party, Detective? How do I get there?” Maria leaned into him and kissed the side of his neck. “And more importantly, is there a planned honeymoon?”

586 “Hell yes! I planned the honeymoon first!”

“A man with priorities.” Michael laughed handing her the large red ribbon that Zeke had shoved in his hand. “Perhaps if you were to follow this…”

Maria laughed, her eyes sparkling as she almost did a dance, and already she was literally hopping in delight. Michael was playing, being part of the fun. He came up close behind her reaching his arms around her middle, “Mrs. Guerin, let me help you with that.”

“Mrs. Guerin?” Maria made a face. “I was thinking that you could be Mr. DeLuca.”

“Nope. Mikey would turn in his grave. Guerin it stays.” They walked out the church into the bright sunlight. He had planned the party away from the church so their pesky guests wouldn’t be out there to pelt him with rice or some ecologically sound grain that the birds could eat at his mother-in-law’s instructions.

Damn. A handful of rice or something hit him in the face. He scowled at a group of children all laughing at them. The eldest held up his hands.

“The man paid us to do it!”

Michael scowled as Maria pulled him away, made him help her gather the long streamer of red ribbon leading them to the party. Kyle? Sean? It had to be Sean. No,

Maxwell! One of them. He was going to get even after he de-riced his hair.

They didn’t need the ribbon to find the party. The sound of music, laughter, and the smell of food was enough to get them there. The town had a nice old fashioned Irish pub with an outside serving area. The artists in the community liked to sit outside, drinking dark ale and talking politics. Michael had found the community a few years back after rescuing a man named Rick who was driving drunk. Rick’s wife had left him, taking his

587 daughter. Rick, in a fit of depression, had hit the bars of Roswell. All of them. Michael pulled him off the road and drove him home. They had been friends ever since.

The outside area behind the pub was enclosed with large tents. There were barbeques set up, manned by a local restaurant, Michael’s favorite place. Italian restaurants, as many as he could find, brought food and set it up in long buffet lines. They entered the party through the hanging tent covers and stood there in front of the crowd.

Okay. So that was his nightmare. Being on display. The center of attention. For an instant, it seemed interminable, but then suddenly the place exploded and Maria was ripped from his hands into a flood of friends and family, and he was pulled into the vortex as well.

The rest of the day was one huge blur between all the people talking to him, the hugs, and the occasional pinch on his ass from a few of Maria’s cousins, thankfully all female, including one elderly aunt. Finding Maria between the barrages of well-wishers, the only time he got a rest was to actually dance with his wife, until someone swept her away.

“Who are all these people?” Maria asked him as they slow danced.

“Townspeople. I decided to invite them as well.” Maria smiled at his soft heart.

“How do you like the music?”

Maria kissed him hard. “I love it! A mixture of Irish music and Italian. The last aria had Uncle Marco in tears.”

Michael made a face. He could do without the opera crap, but the other music was okay. People were dancing and drinking, and about two hours into the party they all began to make speeches. Since he didn’t have a best man, all the males decided to assume

588 that duty, including men he had never met before. Perhaps they were townspeople. Sean’s tipsy toast was…colorful, and had his mother hitting him with her bag.

“So last night was…”

“Family wedding dinner. And stag parties.”

Maria moved her hand up his front under his open shirt rubbing his skin. He was slightly drunk. Between the toasts and stuff, he had consumed more than usual. Max was suffering too, and Jonathan was keeping a close hand on him, keeping him upright.

Isabel, who was still on the wagon and Tess, who was pregnant, just watched the boys, amused.

Isabel was dancing with Alex. Non-stop. They practically danced every slow dance together, except for the one she danced with Michael. Alex had taken an opportunity to dance with Maria by shoving his girlfriend in Michael’s arms. It didn’t last long. Michael and Isabel exchanged merry insults and good wishes, but soon Alex went to rescue Isabel from Michael and the couple was back together in their own world.

Maria laughed when Jonathan tried to talk Max into dancing, but gave up when it was decided that Max wouldn’t be able to stay on his feet.

“Soooo..... Who bought you the lap dance?” Maria asked, not so innocently.

Michael laughed. “Luis. I swear, my hands never touched her!”

“Uh huh.” Maria looked around with narrow eyes and found her cousin Luis. He saw the look and quickly ducked into the main bar. “I’ll take care of him later.”

Jim and Amy came up to them at that point, and Amy quickly stole Maria from

Michael’s arms. The two stood whispering, and Amy kept moving her fingers through her daughter’s hair.

589 “I’m going to take Amy home. She’s been on her leg too long, and we have a houseful of DeLucas over the next two days.”

“Everything arranged with their flight?”

Jim nodded. “Kyle and Sean will help out. I’m going to start back at work in another week. Sean has your keys, and he’ll pick up the Mustang from Albuquerque tomorrow.”

Michael tried not to think of his Mustang in the hands of Sean. Some things couldn’t be helped.

Zeke came up beside Jim.

“Do you need to get going, Zeke?” Michael could see Margo over in a corner safely behind Marco DeLuca’s protective bulk.

“Yeah, I think Margo is at the end of her tolerance for social events.” Michael thought as much. “I was going to catch a lift with Amy and Jim.”

“Okay. You have all the security codes and the special numbers I gave you, right?”

Zeke nodded. “Don’t be missing any school. Sean will be at the loft. He’s babysitting Mr.

B, so if you need anything, go to him.”

Zeke hit Michael on the shoulder. “We’re fine. We’ll be fine.”

Michael made a face. It was hard to walk away, even for a short while with all that had happened over the last few weeks. But he needed to walk. Both he and Maria needed some time away, alone. They were both still very low, and it was time to reclaim a little of their lives.

Jim put his good arm around the younger man’s shoulders and gave him a good squeeze. “I’ll watch over them. Don’t worry. When are you leaving?”

590 Michael looked at his watch. “In another hour. Our flight from Albuquerque is in six hours. We leave Miami tomorrow. So we’re spending the night there. You’ve got my travel plans, right?”

“In a sealed envelope, not to be opened unless the world is on fire.”

“Good.” Michael hadn’t divulged his honeymoon plans to anyone. But in good conscience he couldn’t disappear without leaving an itinerary, so Jim was his choice.

“I’ve got the boys on clean-up crew tomorrow. All the wedding presents will be at the loft waiting for you when you get home.”

Presents? Michael smiled at that. Maybe he would get a new Playstation. They didn’t really need household stuff.

It was much later than Michael wanted it to be before he could extract Maria from the guests and family. The party would go on far past their departure. He had had Amy pack Maria’s bags the night before, and everything was waiting for them in the Mustang.

He left specific orders that no one was to decorate his car, on threat of a horrible and excruciating death.

The last people they said goodbye to were Marco and Teresa DeLuca. Maria hugged her aunt and uncle, and said good-bye to her numerous cousins, paying particular attention to the one who had caught the bouquet. She was eying a very red Hanson who had the garter on his arm.

“Miko. This was a good thing. You did a good job.” Michael nodded to the elder

DeLuca. “Maria, she looked like the ray of sunshine she was born to be. An angel on

Earth, and you make her happy.” Marco became serious. “Make sure you continue to do so. Ci capiamo, eh?”

591 Michael gulped slightly, “Understood.”

Marco nodded in satisfaction. It was tradition, threatening a new member of the family. Marriage was a serious thing. More than an alliance of families, but an alliance of the heart. Nothing to be entered into lightly.

Marco slapped Michael on the shoulder companionably and handed him an envelope. “This is information you will need, including a lawyer. When you return home, you will call me and make arrangements for transfers and transactions.”

“Transfers?” Michael opened the letter as Sean stood next to his father. Both Max and Jonathan were next to Michael reading over his shoulder. The three men whistled at the same time in amazement. “What is this?”

“Maria’s dowry. It comes with her.”

Michael shook his head handed the envelope back. “That’s okay. I didn’t marry her for no damn dowry.”

Sean discreetly shook his head. “We know that, Michael,” he said quickly. “It’s something the Family created a long time ago. Every marriage to one of us comes with this. It is just…tradition. Most just invest it in their future.” Sean shrugged dramatically.

“They put it in a college fund for the children. You already have two coming, so keep the money. Invest it and save it.”

Michael stood looking at the envelope. Damn. He had literally just spent every penny he had in the world on a wedding. Between that and his car, he was pretty broke until he received his next paycheck. Well except for the emergency fund that he kept aside for his children’s trust fund and college. But that was money Mikey left him. Looking at the check, his stomach felt sour. He couldn’t spend that much money over a lifetime. Maybe

592 two. It was DeLuca money. Money made killing people professionally, but it was also where his wife came from. His heritage was that of an alien and hers was what it was.

Michael nodded. Fine. But he’d never spend one red cent of it.

Handing the letter to Jonathan, he looked at the man standing next to his partner.

“You’ll take care of that? Put it somewhere safe for the babies?”

“First thing Monday.”

So Michael learned a valuable lesson. Marriage wasn’t just about love. At times, it was also about business. But that was over now, and it was time to concentrate on what was really important. His wife. Their honeymoon.

Well, until the party saw them to the car and he got a lesson in how fucked up one’s friends could make a car. His damn Mustang looked like a circus wagon, with streamers, cans and condoms decorating it.

“I’m going to kill someone.”

Maria laughed and pushed him towards the car. “No, you’re not. We’ll stop in a mile and clean it off. Get in the car, Mr. DeLuca.”

“Guerin. Whatever you say, Mrs. Guerin.”



The flight from Albuquerque to Miami was uneventful. Maria was tired so she rested against Michael, sleeping for most of the flight.

A flight attendant approached him, “Would you like something to read, or a drink?”

593 “No. Could I have a light blanket? She gets cold at times.”

The flight attendant smiled. “Of course.” Reaching to an overhead compartment, she pulled a light blanket and handed it to Michael who spread it over Maria.

“How far along is she?”

“About seven months.”

The woman seemed shocked. Maria looked too thin for being seven months pregnant, and she hadn’t added any of the extra weight on her face or other places.

“She is very beautiful.”

Michael looked down at her golden hair, his hand resting on her stomach. “She is that. She really is.”

Michael watched as Miami came to view. It was after nine at night. Twelve hours. It had been a long day. Much had happened. Tomorrow they would board a plane to St.

Thomas to meet up with their special reservations, and then to the British Virgin Islands.

Roswell seemed a lifetime away.


“Is it done?”



“There is something else.” There was a subtle pause.

“Something else? They finally married, did they not?”

594 “Yes. They married. The players are in play.” There was a laugh lacking in humor.

“They showed up today with the marks on their persons.”

The man at the end of the line voice increased in volume. “The spirals?”

“Yes, the spirals mark their bodies.”

“Then Destiny is upon us. The prophecy is true.” The man’s voice becomes cagey.

“Did you find the Granilith?”

“No, but then neither have you.” Pierce laughed. “Her blood is the One along with the Commander’s. All the pieces are present, and the Granilith should activate soon. I’ll be here when it happens.”

“I have agents…”

“Ah, yes. The ever-diligent Nikolas. Really? Did you not think it better to give him something other than a child’s body? The longer they wear their skins, the harder it is for them to divorce themselves from the emotions and thoughts of the lifeform they take.

Your Nikolas is suffering the torment of a thirteen year old boy. Perhaps he is caught in the thralls of Playstation? It was poor planning on your part.”

Kivar refused to comment. It was the only way to keep the dangerous Nikolas under control. Earth. What a shit pile.

“So, you are here?”

“I am here, but I am gone, Shapeshifter. Walk carefully. I understand there are outside forces threatening your precious Royals and their Destiny. Until the One is born, there is nothing for us but to wait.”

595 Pierce knew that to be true already. “The Granilith. Its time is now. The manuscript never told us how it disappeared, or where it went. It can’t be on Earth, or it will never be created.”

Kivar laughed. “I love these paradoxes. Don’t think I don’t know that you wouldn’t have killed them all if you could’ve found a way. I would’ve done the same. Until everything is in place, I guess they remain protected by us all - reluctantly.” Losing the

Granilith over twenty-three years ago was a bitter pill to swallow. How could they have known?

“Perhaps I will get the Granilith first? That and the new King?”

Kivar’s voice became deadly in its intent, “The King of Antar will be under my reign, or he will be dead. I killed his father once; do not think I will not kill a child King.”

Pierce’s voice broke in amusement. “Perhaps a deal can be struck. A deal for power, an alien King, and a weapon of extreme power.”

“Perhaps there is a way. We will talk again, Shapeshifter.”

596 Chapter Twenty: the seas may burn, if I should not return

Day Twenty: Sunday, 1:23 am

Sean sat up angrily and tossed the pillow across the room. “I will kill you!” Grabbing his gun, he faced off with the deadliest foe of his life. The vicious grumbling. The plaintive whining accentuated with a hiss. Sean’s eyes narrowed as he cocked his gun, cracked his neck and took careful aim.

“I’ve got your beady little eyes in my sight. Don’t think I won’t pull the fucking trigger. You put that shoe down immediately!”

There was a large rumble, a noise so terrible and fearsome that Sean dropped his sight, and the perpetrator fled the room, to stalk in the dark ready to return in vicious revelry, waking the night.

Mr. Booboo. That persnickety cat, a blight to all but those who loved him, was on a diet. Sean reached over and turned on the light. Dammit. His shoe. The damn beast had eaten his shoe! There were clumps of black hair everywhere, and teeth marks in his shoulder holster.

“God Dammit!” Sean picked up the phone. Checking the clock, he made the call. It wasn’t that late.

“Do you have any idea how late it is?” Sean smiled at her pissy night voice.

Now how did she know it was him?

“Counselor, I have a problem.”

“I’ve seen that problem. Jack-off and go to sleep. Goodnight.”

597 Sean rushed in before she could hang up. “Julia! Dammit, wait! I’m not talking about that.” Sean ignored the fact that he actually did have that problem too. “It’s the damn cat.”

“Mr. Booboo? He’s just a baby. What the hell could he have done to warrant you waking me in the middle of…” Julia swallowed the ‘you’. So what? She was having a little nighttime Sean fantasy. The real thing was irritating as hell. Dream Sean just did what he was told. So refreshing. For a man that was into being dominated, he was quite the handful. Julia snickered at that double meaning. “….sleeping.”

“With who? Anyone I know?” Sean asked devilishly. “I told you that you should spend the night with me.”

“Oh, that’s refreshing. Haven’t heard that before. You needed to check on Mr.

Booboo, and I needed to get home to Ms. Fluffy. She’s been lonely lately. Misses you.”

Sean smiled at the idea of Julia not being able to figure out why the hell her cat was missing him, given that he found a way to talk his way into her bed practically every night.

A loud growl and followed by a low rumble came across the phone. Julia sat up in her bed in alarm. “What the hell was that?”

“Heard that, huh? You try being here. It’s the Boo. Michael and Maria put him on a diet. This morning! One fucking day, and the damn beast is already acting like he’s starving to death. He had this vicious gleam in his eyes, already ate my Doc Martens, and

I think if I fall asleep he’ll cannibalize me.” The growling continued, and the freaked out cat in the other room was bouncing off the walls in a sudden burst of energy. Sean could hear the crashing. The damn thing sounded like a jungle cat on the prowl. “I swear, Julia,

598 if you don’t come rescue me, I’ll either be eaten alive by this demon or be forced to shoot it between its beady eyes.”

Julia was already grabbing clothes. “Don’t shoot Maria’s cat. They have an unnatural bond. She’ll grind you into dust with her spike heels.”

Sean swore. “Normally that threat would work for me, but not with ‘Sheba the

Hunter’ on my ass. Oh damn!”

Julia frowned as the phone went dead. Looking at it she clicked the receiver.

Nothing. Call back to the loft was not responding. Sean?

“Don’t look at me like that,” she said to the white fluffy feline watching her get dressed. “You realize this is just a Sean ploy to get me into bed, right? He’s okay. He’s always okay.” Julia searched through her clothes and lingerie. Tossing the old Dallas

Cowboys Jersey she had been sleeping in, she picked some lingerie, much more…daring.

“We’ll just go over there, check out the situation, slap him up across the head for being a nuisance, and be right back home.”

Julia stopped and turned around holding up two pairs of shoes. “Okay, so quickly....

‘Pump Me Powerfully Red’ pumps, or ‘You’ve Got My Attention in a Bad Way’ black sable?” She tilted her head. “Right you are! The ‘Fuck Me’ red always works best on him.” She threw up her hands in exasperation. “What was I thinking?” Wearing next to nothing, or nothing that couldn’t be seen through, a short trench coat tied tight around her slim waist and red pumps with daring to walk in six-inch stilettos, she was on her way with her cat under her arm.

“This will be real quick, I promise. Did you want to see your daddy? Yeah, he’s in big trouble. Big!”

599 ~~~

The rain felt like acid on his dirty skin, washing it in streaming rivulets of cold fire.

The blood marred his hands, covering him from head to toe as he stood in a field of destruction, the dead piled at his feet.

He looked up at the sky. It too was red. Red rain was drenching him as the fog grew to the left and swept the field. On the high promontory watch stood the Commander, tall and undaunted, viewing the field. The Commander then raised his arm high, reached behind and pulled a large sword, thus ordering more to the field. And they came, swarming down the embankment to join death on their way to that place where their forefathers waited for all warriors to return.

Standing amongst the dead with sword in hand, his chained armor pressing into his skin, his eyes met that of the Commander. He crossed his chest with the sword, hitting the metal plating hard in a loud slap to proclaim his allegiance. Stand or fall, he would not leave that field, on his honor.

Through the smoke, he saw her…

“Alex? Honey, are you okay?” Isabel reached for the light next to the bed, but his hand stopped her.

“I’m fine. Just a dream.”

Isabel sat up a little and tried to pierce the gloom of the darkness to see him. She needed to see him. “Can’t you tell me what it is?”

600 Alex sighed. “No. Not right now. I’m not sure what it is myself. Maybe an old memory, or maybe a foreshadowing of things to come. I don’t know.”

“Maybe it would help to talk about it.”

Alex smiled slightly and lifted his hand to wrap it around her neck. Pulling her back into the bed, and into him, he rested her on his chest, brushing her long blonde hair across his skin. “Having you here is a bigger help than talking. Believe me.”

Isabel laughed against his skin and brushed her mouth on his chest, touching her tongue to his nipple. She tasted the metallic ring, and gently grasped it gently tugged.

Alex moaned. Oh yeah. Having her with him really was much better than anything.

“I don’t think I can go back to sleep.”

“Oh, is that what you call sleep? Hmm....well maybe I should see if I can find a way to help you relax enough so you can sleep.” Isabel couldn’t hide the amusement from her voice.

Alex Whitman. He was her man. Definitely hers. It was a giddy feeling, like a reward. All those other times in the past it was as if she was looking for something...someone. Then she found Alex, and he was too arrogant and knowing to take what she offered. He was too smart. He realized that what she was offering wasn’t something she really valued, so he put her away. Sent her to some place where she could leave to value herself again. It was a risk. He didn’t even know if she would return to him once she found herself again. But she had found him again, and from that time on, their relationship made changes along the way. What once started as desperate punishment soon became mutual lust and finally love, and even respect. Every time he touched her,

601 she knew that he wasn’t thinking of all those who had touched her before, or how she had once used her body. He was only seeing her. Now.

Alex Whitman. She loved him.

"Oh yeah, I seem to remember a certain blonde co-ed bouncing off the walls from too much caffeine and no sleep. I was seriously tempted to sleep with a tranquilizer injection under my pillow." Alex smirked at the sigh of indignation from the blonde head on his chest. Isabel on caffeine studying for tests was something to watch in amusement.

She sat up indignant, ready to retaliate. The hand that hung loose at her side suddenly provided inspiration, and Alex reached out and grabbed it, pulling Isabel down on top of him again.

"Ooof," Isabel sounded as she landed on top of her bedmate. "Wow, this a not-so- subtle hint to test some more theories on who Alex Charles Whitman is?" she asked quietly, squirming to get her hands out from between them to frame Alex's face.

"Interesting way to begin an investigation of sleeping habits. Think I'm gonna have to share this one with my classmates or at least write it up in a paper," she murmured, lips once again moving closer.

It was like a complete replay of all the nights before, save for the slightly different position. "Do whatever you like, just don't share your case notes with them, okay?" He got a snicker for that, then a tongue in his mouth that made him forget what he'd just said.

Nope, no hesitation whatsoever. Alex wondered how he was still able to put his thoughts in any meaningful pattern, until Isabel moaned into his mouth. The graceful hands slid from his face to grip his hair passionately, and he brought his own arms to pin

602 the woman to him tightly, receiving another delectable groan from Isabel sprawled on top of him.

Teeth clicked together, and they parted for a moment, trying to catch their breath, leaning forehead against forehead. Isabel's tongue snuck back out to wet her lips, and she dove back down. Mouths slanted across each other, allowing tongues to wrestle wetly.

But instead of winning the match, they simply wanted to provide as much pleasure to their partner, and of course to enjoy themselves just as much.

Alex's hands once again chose between the thick, silken hair and massaging the dip of lower back. The caress had Isabel slowly writhing against him, teasing him with her entire body as he cradled her head tenderly. One hand moved down Alex's neck, around to the front, following the outline of the medallion he wore. It said 'Krystal'. Alex never took it off.

The hand slid further, running down his chest. Alex arched into the touch, using his hand in Isabel's hair to push their mouths even closer together. This relationship was unlike any he'd ever encountered before, and he felt the need to thank someone or something for giving him this unbelievable gift. When fingers finally tweaked his nipple, playing with his nipple ring, he pulled away from Isabel, panting heavily.

"Thank you," he breathed heavily.

Isabel was just as short as breath as he was, and her eyes asked the question for her in the near darkness: "For what?"

"For this, for all of it. I don't know...just....thank you," he stammered as the finger on his nipple continued to tantalize. "What exactly are we gonna check tonight? My mental soundness?" he inquired, trying to be serious and failing miserably once Isabel's tongue

603 licked the tip of his nose. Since his nightmares began, she was always trying to psychoanalyze him. Determine where his dreams came from, what hidden demon haunted him.

"I hadn't thought about it. Right now I just really want to get this dream out of your mind." The husky voice geared Alex into action and he pushed Isabel up so she was straddling Alex's waist.

"Fine, it’s out of my mind," he said, fingering her hair, and smiling. “Put this up.”

"No problem." Isabel said reaching her hands up to tie her long hair in a knot, then she grabbed his head again and kissed him in this new position, sitting on his thighs and straddling the heat Alex felt building in his lower body. As her breasts met his chest, the two of them growled in unison, the vibration moving through their bodies. Isabel pulled back then, looking down Alex's body. "God, I somehow knew that you would only get more tasty-looking the closer to it I got," she muttered as she pushed him back down in the pillows. Her mouth finding the side of his neck, to whisper in his ear, “I love your body, and everything about it.”

Alex’s hand came up to hold both her breasts in his hand as his thumbs brushed over sensitive nubs, tormenting a nipple lightly with his thumb. "You're not so bad yourself, baby," he said, sliding the other hand through the knotted hair until it broke loose and dropped like a rain of golden silk. He moved his hands down her silky skin and down to the flat stomach then around to the strong back. "Not bad at all." He pulled Isabel back down to him, and again they kissed.

He could feel the soft hands slide over his pecs, pinching the nubs there reflexively, playing with his nipple ring and his body tightened in response. Isabel's tongue was now

604 working at owning his mouth and he was happy to allow the victory. The rich lips slid away from his and down his jaw to his neck, tongue drawing unidentifiable pictures on his hot skin. He let it continue down, releasing his grip on the slithering body to allow greater movement. Isabel mumbled something that Alex was too out of it to pick up, and suddenly his left nipple was drawn into the sauna of her mouth.

"Shit, Iz," he moaned, bringing both hands up to run through the long silky hair that obscured his view of the beautiful face. She sure as hell knew what she was doing. Isabel seemed to be making her life’s ambition to know him every way possible, and once again

Alex was overtaken with the need to give thanks.

"Oh god, thank you, thank you, thank you," he droned, not missing the giggle that slipped out from somewhere over his chest.

"Alex, you’re too funny," commented as she switched sides and latched onto the lonely and as yet unloved other nipple, which she saved for last because his nipple ring was totally her favorite turn on.

“I’m just getting out my appreciation to combat all the times I will no doubt leave you feeling under- appreciated. I can be an ungrateful pig.”

Without really thinking, Alex's hand traveled down the planes of milky soft skin to the curve of buttocks he couldn't see over Isabel's head and squeezed. God, he loved her ass. Everything about it. She had a derriere that seemed to captivate his attention, his lust, and some pretty erotic fantasies. Isabel froze, body shaking in what Alex knew was anticipation.

“You are so easy!” Alex laughed at that. She had him all figured out. He had unholy designs on her ass at all times.

605 "What do you want?" he asked when deep grown eyes met his own half-lidded ones.

The soft lines of her jaw, high cheekbones, swollen lips, all gleaming with sweat in the subdued light from the moon outside. "Anything, everything, every prospect you want to test for, it's yours."

Isabel swallowed the words with a gulp, smiling at the persistent joke. "I think I'm gonna have to draw this testing out a little. I don’t have to get up tomorrow, and I believe it would be best to discover your prospective humping techniques right now."

They laughed together as Alex nodded. "Good idea. Besides, tomorrow's a Sunday.

Nothing to do in morning, gives us lots of time to guarantee you an A on this research."

Isabel moved to a sitting position again. "Ahh, but I don't have nearly enough data.

This might have to extend well into next week, next month or even next year," she pouted.

"Hey, we better get started, then." Alex punctuated his suggestion with a bucking of his hips as his hands on her luscious ass helped him easily hold her in position for him to slide in, and the pout fell away. "C’mon, let's get things off to a good start. But the test subject wants to review all findings and only allow certain facts disclosed at his discretion."

"Damn, that's not fair." Isabel's hand moved out to run down one of his powerful thighs as Alex watched. He had a strange body. In clothing, he appeared wiry. She knew better. He had strong powerful, long lean muscles, that rippled and moved under his skin in a fascinating way, a way more enticing than that of a weight lifter, a body builder, or an exercise junkie. His body looked perfectly formed and well worth watching endlessly.

"What's not?"

606 "It's not fair to keep all of this body to myself," she said, locking gazes with him.

"But then again, I've never been good at sharing," and she pounced.

Alex decided Isabel must have the greatest stamina in the fucking world, because when she moved on him, their previously sated bodies seem to rip out of control. He could feel her all the way to his toes, and so deep inside. Closing his eyes, he could see her like in his dreams, and it terrified him to think he might be in love with two versions of her, Isabel and Vilandra. Sometimes he couldn’t distinguish between what he knew, what he dreamt, and what he felt. He came into contact instantly with her. And it was

Isabel, all of her, past and present, and that was all that mattered, because that was what he loved. They froze. "Oh god," said two voices as one, sucking in air like they were scared of never knowing it again.

"Shit, oh shit," Isabel muttered, clenching her fists on Alex's shoulders. He sat up a little careful not to unseat her, grabbed the face that wasn't looking at him yet and forced eye contact. Immediately Isabel calmed, smile captivating and seductive. "Oh, God, do you feel good," she moaned as Alex's hands slid down her back to the round ass again.

"So do you, baby," he whispered as he used his new handhold to begin a slow rocking motion. The hardness between them fit together perfectly, sensitive skin already slick with sweat. They couldn't have broken their locked gaze if they tried, Alex was positive of that, unless they kissed again.

‘Oh, you are a mind reader, baby,’ he thought to himself as her mouth sought out his lips again. The rocking motion gave them just enough leverage to make the kiss passionate without being overpowering, and they continued wrestling mouths while slowly building up speed.

607 The burn began somewhere in Alex's belly, and languidly made it's way down. She could feel the cock embedded in her enlarging those last few crucial millimeters in size, and tore her mouth away. He used the opportunity to watch the beautiful face of his lover crease with expectancy, feel the matching tension in the slim body above him as they undulated together. Isabel's chin hung low as her mouth was open to allow the harsh breaths escape, eyes growing impossibly larger as orgasm approached.

"Shit, fuck, oh god," Isabel repeated over and over, body thrusting harder each second.

"Dammit Iz, where did you get that vocabulary?" Alex joked breathlessly as his own body rushed towards the end.

"Michael. Where else, do you think?" was the reply, followed by a gasp and a wail that could barely make it past her throat.

Isabel's rocking grew in speed as she came, her release easing the way for Alex’s body to slide, deeper and deeper in her body. Alex felt the tingle grow into a full clench, and he came, bucking up hard against the woman on top of him. He grabbed the silky hair again, dragging the succulent lips back to him. They rode out the climax, mouths locked together as their hips slowed their own grind.

Alex's eyes had closed in exhaustion as their lips disconnected, and he felt Isabel's head heavily against his still heaving chest. The hand on his flank was calming, prompting him to do the same on his lover's ass. A few minutes were spent enjoying the feel of the other's cooling body.

"Hey, don't leave me yet," Isabel whispered close to his face. Alex's eyes opened to see the flushed sight above.

608 “I thought the whole experiment was to help me find a way to sleep.” It was working. He wanted to close his eyes, spoon up behind her, and hold her tight.

"I'm gonna go get something to clean up with. Don't go to sleep yet, okay?" All he could do was nod, which Isabel accepted gladly and dropped a kiss to lax lips.

Within moments, he felt a warm cloth against his groin and lower stomach. He peered down to see Isabel carefully rinsing off his lower body, and his hand reached out to tug on a swatch of her hair. "So, how's it looking?"

Isabel regarded him a moment before rolling her eyes and grinning. "Oh, I think you've got definite contender status." She tossed the cloth in the dark in the direction she hoped was her dirty laundry and turned back to Alex. "You gonna sleep there?" His body had been a mess from her and him both leaking on him, but most of it drained to the bed, so Alex was in a nice wet spot.

"I don't think I can move," he mumbled. "What about you?"

The naked shoulders shrugged. "Don't know. Bed may be more comfortable with clean sheets, but somehow..." she trailed off, looking at her own hand at she rubbed his stomach.

"Come here, Iz," he said, pulling her back to her earlier perch on top. He could take a little wetness, and she could take the drier ground, which meant on top of him.

"You sure?" she whispered. Terrible to be too lethargic to even change the sheets or anything, but fatigue was catching up fast.

Alex just nodded, easing the head down for a quick kiss on red, puffy lips then settled her on his chest. They were out before either of them thought about a blanket.

609 ~~~

“Oh God!” Julia circled the room. She could believe her eyes.

The place was a holocaust. Worse. War zones looked better. The evil… um....distressed... cat was on a low table with his back arched, hissing and growling at

Sean. The damn thing seemed possessed.

“Sean, baby,…um, don’t get too close.” Julia swore at the endearment. Damn. This was definitely distress. She held her own cat in her arms up from the beast who was hissing and spitting.

Sean yelped as a back claw made contact and gave him a nice scratch. Nasty. Mr.

Boo was short his front claws, but the back were proving very deadly. The front door was still wide open, and suddenly it was if Mr. B. spied the white fluffy cat in Julia’s arms, because his voice suddenly changed - not so much growling as a long drawn-out purr.

Julia tightened her hands on Ms. Fluffy, but her cat seemed to find Mr. Boo too threatening and she squirmed out of Julia’s arms.

“No! Sean, catch her!”

Sean made a dive toward the white feline, but she was too fast. She headed for the door, followed by the sudden explosion of Mr. Boo launching off his perch after her, taking down a lamp and a vase with him and disturbing pictures along the way. Sean hit a side table in his failed attempt to grab Ms. Fluffy, so Julia tried to catch her cat. She crashed into Sean and they both knocked their foreheads together hard.

The loft was finally silent, as both cats shot out the door.

610 The two outclassed humans lay panting on the floor in a heap of arms and legs, both rubbing their heads. Sean groaned and fell back on the floor in a heap of abandon. He was too tired for this shit. Damn Michael and Maria, leaving their damn demon cat behind!

“Are you going to tell me what happened?”

Sean sighed with his hand over his eyes. Damn, he was tired. He needed to get up and shut the front door before the security alarm alerted someone. Rolling to his feet, he slammed the door shut and punched in the code.

“Diet. Maria decided that the Boo was looking too portly, so she put him on a diet before she left. I got a detailed list. He lasted two hours. Wouldn’t touch his dry food.

Demanded treats. Snarled when I ate a sandwich. Shredded three pairs of Michael’s socks.”

“He can’t be hungry. It’s only been a couple of hours. You must have pissed him off somehow. Maybe he’s missing Michael and Maria?”

Sean calmly walked into the downstairs bedroom, and came back out holding what once resembled a shoe. Holding it up, he waited for her reaction.

“Oh my! And that beast is outside with my baby girl! Sean, we’ve got to find Ms.


Sean shook his head. It was dark. Late. Almost three in the morning. Those cats were gone. And if they were lucky that damn black beast from hell would remain gone. At least until Maria returned. Then it would be a toss-up.

611 “Tomorrow. When it’s light. They’ll be wanting food.” Sean went over and locked the cat door so the evil beast couldn’t get back in and eat him in his sleep. Ms. Fluffy couldn’t get in anyway, not without the correct radio frequency collar on.

Finally Sean turned his glance towards Julia. Oh damn. Now how could he miss the short trench coat and the shoes? He smiled at the sight. Oh. Oh. Oh. Give a man a heart attack!

“What you got under that coat, Mac?”

Julia moved closer to him and hugged him. “What you want me to have under it?”

Sean made a noise in his throat. Damn, so many possibilities. What did he want her to have under it? Nothing? Something sexy? Her skin was sexy, so that went back to nothing again. Something leather? Maybe…

Julia opened her coat and dropped it. Sean didn’t say a word. Couldn’t. Oh, that worked for him too. The thing with Julia? She was a breathing, walking, moving- violation. He could barely speak past his tongue.


Julia laughed, and kissing him, her hand moving up his chest. “No such thing. Don’t be a big baby. It’ll only hurt for a little while.” Sean grabbed her and she laughed harder.

Neither of them noticed the sounds coming from outside, polluting the silence. The sounds of cats, two of them, caterwauling in a loud cascading racket.


612 Michael swore. It was late. No, glancing at the bedside clock, it was early. Real early.

His cell phone. He’d recognize that ring anywhere. Slowly untangling himself from

Maria, his wife, he allowed his hand to rest on her tousled blonde hair. His wife. Smiling, but soon cursing as the phone rang again, he scrambled on the floor in the dark, trying to locate the offensive machine.

Going outside on the balcony, he answered the phone.

“Yeah, you’ve got a death wish, so just give me your name, and I’ll kill you in about two weeks.”

The identity of the person calling him was a total surprise. It made him pause, and his anger quickly bled away. Glancing back in the room, he saw that Maria was till asleep. Good. He listened to the person on the other end for a few moments.

“You should’ve told me this before I left.”

“What? Would you have cancelled your honeymoon?”

Michael swore. Okay, that point was in the other man’s favor. “So what are you going to do?”

“Handle it.”

Michael leaned back against the stone beside the door. It was the coldness on his ass that made him realize that he was flashing the world at large at four-thirty in the morning.

Shit, some sick bastard wants to be up at that hour, then they deserve to get an eyeful of his naked body.

“Then why are you calling me?”

The man on the other end paused. Maybe even he was unsure why he was calling. It was a judgment call either way. “Look, you said they have mine and Maria’s blood,

613 right?” Michael waited for the affirmative. “And they’re worried about Vilandra…or perhaps Isabel?” The pause was better than an acknowledgement. “Well, I don’t give a shit about all this alien crap! I care about Isabel. I don’t want her hurt in any way. You want to know what to do? Protect Isabel. The rest can wait until I get back.”

“That’s a given. Nothing will touch her, I swear.”

“Then what’s the problem? You didn’t call me at almost five in the frickin’ morning on my honeymoon to tell me what you told me. Something is bothering you….what?

“Vilandra. She betrayed you before. All of you. Is there a need to be cautious over

Isabel? She still has this Vilandra inside her.”

Michael pondered the question. He didn’t have the entire story; he was certain of that. He only knew what he knew. “Look, in twenty-eight years the only person she has ever harmed is herself. The woman I know as Isabel has been weak at times, tormented by ghosts, but she has never done any evil deed against another person. I have to believe that a track record of twenty-eight years is a good indicator.”

The deep sigh on the other end was cause for alarm.

“What? Are you having…”

“No. I’m fine.”

Michael stretched. He just wanted to go back to bed and back to sleep. “Who are you really afraid of, Alex? Isabel or yourself?”

Alex sat back against the door of the bathroom from where he was making this call.

He had only slept a few hours before another dream woke him up. Isabel was still asleep.


614 “I don’t know. The visions are getting stronger. More about death and destruction. So much blood. She stands in it.”

Michael rubbed his neck. “Look, pal, I can’t be of much help right now. I’m thousands of miles away. Just keep my sister safe.”

“That I can do.”

Alex stared at the phone after Michael hung up. Michael was the only person to whom he had told everything. Maybe he should tell Max or even Isabel, but it was hard.

Neither of them in their past lives had inspired confidence. He followed the

Commander’s orders, and if it paid off, maybe then they would know. Protect Isabel.

With his life. Till death. It didn’t matter who she was to him, but he knew it would matter to her. Time was short, and he needed answers now. Alex went back into the bedroom. He stood staring at the woman in his bed for a short while before joining her again.



Why was he the only one who could actually see both women in her?


Miami. It was a living city, filled with sunshine and the feel of the sea. Even the congested skyline and downtown couldn’t detract from the glorious sensation of being away from Roswell. Maria stood at the hotel window smiling at the cooling breeze.

Home. This was home. Strange to be standing there when her family was actually still in

Roswell. But Miami was just a stop on a journey of greater adventure.

615 The knock pulled her from her thoughts. Opening the door in her dressing gown, she smiled at the waiter. “Michael! Second breakfast is here!”

The man seemed startled at that, and Maria quickly signed the room service receipt and gestured to the other room service tray they had finished hours ago.

Maybe food didn’t feel so imperative any longer, and maybe the same pressing need for sex was also slacking, but, they had some ground to make up. Both of them were underweight, and so it was good to finally eat and feel sated and full.

“Thank you!” Maria’s happy, sing song voice made Michael smile as he came out of the bathroom. Grabbing her around the waist, he tackled her to the sofa and worked on munching the side of her neck, making loud chomping noises. Maria squirmed away laughing.

“Detective, how long do we have until we leave?”

There was a clock on a mantle. Michael squinted to see the time. “Six hours. We’ve got six hours before we need to seriously think of hitting the airport.”

“Hmm, Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

“Nope. Surprise.” Michael pushed her dressing gown away from her body, and was contemplating her neck and points much lower.

“You realize that I will know at the airport. So you should just tell me now.”

She had a point. He was going to take her shopping to pick up essentials for the trip.

All her summer clothing was becoming too small for her pregnant frame, and it was warmer in the British Virgins.

“St. Thomas.”

616 Maria sat up, pushing her hair from where it had fallen forward. “We’re honeymooning in St. Thomas?”

“No. We’re going to St. Thomas, meeting our party and then going someplace where no one can bug us.”

“But in the Virgin Island region?”

“British. Virgin Island. Region.”

Maria smiled slowly. “So what are we doing for the next six hours, besides eating many breakfasts?”

“Shopping. I thought you might need things for the Islands.” Michael rubbed her pregnant stomach. Seven months. It should have been bigger, especially with twins. He really needed to fatten her up. “Clothes with room to grow,” he said as he quickly flipped her under him. “Because you are going to grow, Professor.”

“Shopping? You’re going to take me shopping?” Maria’s voice lowered to a hushing sound. “Shoes?”

Michael nodded. “Shoes, too.”

Maria gave a loud yelping laugh and hugged him hard, kissing him outrageously. “I married a god!”


Roswell to Albuquerque was about a two hour drive, actually a little longer. But the way Kyle drove, he usually could make it just under two hours. Sean sat next to him in the front, bitching about the evil cat he was being forced to babysit, while Julia and Tess

617 sat in the back chatting about everything else, occasionally rolling their eyes at the partners in the front seat.

“I told you! Did you believe me? No. I told you that cat was possessed.” Kyle felt perhaps a little vindicated. When he had had his Mr. Booboo nightmare, Sean just laughed at him . Now the worm had turned.

“He was waiting at the front door this morning. I opened it, and he was inside the house in two seconds flat. I had to disarm the electronic cat door just in case the Fluff found her way back, she could get in. Not that she would want in that house! That evil…”

“Sean...” Julia sighed. Already over an hour into the trip, and it had been the only topic of discussion.

“Honestly, Sean, he’s not a bad cat.” Tess smiled at Kyle’s indignant look in the rear- view mirror. “He really had a lot to do with Kyle and me finally getting together. The poor thing tends to miss Michael and Maria an awful lot. It has to be because Maria has been so sick lately. Add in his hoarding and killing to give her presents, then you’ve just got a cat with a heightened sense of territory.”

Sean sighed. Looking back at Tess in disgust, his face increased its look of disbelief when Julia appeared to be agreeing.

“What? Is this an anthropologist thing? Tess, honestly, I could’ve shut my eyes and sworn it was Maria giving me one of her anthropological seminars on anthropomorphic analogy. You cannot assign human emotions to animals!”

Both women huffed at him, and went back to better topics. His stupidity was beyond their correcting. Of course Mr. Boo was almost human. Any idiot could see that.

618 Kyle, a wiser man, being that he was already married and settled into a life he wanted, just held his tongue. One thing he knew…that mangy black, sometimes calico cat was a kleptomaniac, thief, and neurotic demonic beast. End of story.

“One lucky thing. At least you get to drive the Mustang!”


Sean sat back in happiness almost willing to hum a happy tune. That car. It was a dream. An orgasmic blowjob with radial tires. Totally sexy. Sean peeked a glance at Julia wondering if classic sexy cars got her all bothered like they did Maria. Of course,

Michael more than likely wouldn’t appreciate him test driving the Counselor in his car, but what Michael didn’t know, wouldn’t hurt him.

Though thanks to Kyle and Tess, Michael made it very clear that no one, NO ONE, was to sleep in his bed, or do anything else in his bed. Period. Michael even gave detailed scenarios. For example, should a person come to the door, bleeding, their bloody stump draining on the floor where their arm used to be and beginning to faint due to blood loss,

Sean was not to pick them up and put them in Michael’s bed waiting for the ambulance.

The front floor is closer, and already a mess.

That was one of the nicer, and not so wild scenarios. No wonder it had taken Michael over four months to get married to Maria. Obviously the man spent his time thinking up detailed ‘what if’ scenarios preparing for the event.

Sean’s cell phone rang before he could share his theory with Kyle. They were just arriving in Albuquerque, and Kyle was heading for the airport so Sean and Julia could pick up Michael’s car.


619 “Oh good, I was afraid it would be my mom!”

“Andy?” Sean laughed in good nature. “Hey, man, what’s going on?”

“Just wondering where I can find you? I went by the house and it was empty, so I figure you and the lovely Assistant DA were off amusing crowds with your rendition of romance.”

Sean made a face at that. People didn’t know what they were talking about. He and the Counselor was a perfect match. So what if she got a little huffy in public and threatened him bodily harm? It was all in good fun.

“Actually you called it almost right. Julia and I are in Albuquerque picking up

Guerin’s classic rebuilt Mustang from the airport.”

Andy made a sound of appreciation under his breath. “God, I’d give my left testicle for that car.”

Sean made a sound almost like a grunt. Exactly. Only men really could appreciate how intense that car was. “So, if you could tell me what is happening, I can…”

“No. I can’t. Not over the phone.” Andy paused. “Look, take the delicious Julia out for dinner or something, and meet me at The Den in about three hours. There are a few things I need to take care of first.”

The voice changed. This was no longer a joking, or a ‘friend talking to a friend’ conversation. Especially when the friends had once been partners. Sean and Andy had a tight and long history. One cemented into a real close friendship after what happened at

The Den over four months ago. After that, Andy made an effort to keep up with Sean, checking on him from time to time to make sure everything was good.

“What’s going down?”

620 Andy paused, and the pause was more telling than words. “I’ve got some stuff you need to see. Information. I…it’s not safe for me to be seen talking to you right now, Sean.

Meet me at the place, okay? I’d just tell you to pick it up in the place where I left that thing that one time, but this needs more than papers. I’ve got a story to tell. No one I can trust to tell it to. No one but you.”

Sean looked at Kyle who kept looking over from the road.

“No one else?”

“No one I trust. Maybe Guerin. But he’s still a stranger to me. And he’s not in town, right?” Andy seemed suddenly distracted. “Look, just meet me, okay? I’ll pick up a private room, and leave word at the bar where you can find me.”

“Andy, man, this sounds…”

“Just meet me.” Sean frowned as the phone suddenly disconnected. Looking at it, he looked at Kyle and the two of them shared a look of concern. Andy was a Vice cp. One of the few not suspended, but he was on the board of inquiry’s list of witnesses, as were

Captain Jim Valenti and Sean.

“I should come with you.”

Sean looked back at the now quiet Tess and Julia. “No. You need to take both Tess and Julia home. I’ll meet Andy, and then find you at your house.”

“I’m coming with you.” Julia said.

Sean just shook his head no. “Sorry, Counselor, not this time. I’m hitting The Den to talk to an informant. That means no you.”

Kyle swore. “You need back up, Sean.”

“It’ll be cool, don’t sweat it. It’s Andy.”

621 “Good, then there’s no danger, so I’ll come too.” Julia took on a firm stubborn look, and Sean opened his mouth to reason, but she purposely ignored him and went back to talking to Tess.


The Den.

It never changed. It was a place that emitted energy in waves. Maybe it was the sense of excitement the clientele had when they entered the place. An irrepressible sense of expectation and adventure. It catered to all kinds, but basically the more adventurous.

The different levels of the club were color coded, with Red being relegated to the

Dungeon, the basement area and what most would term ‘hardcore’. That was a home that

Sean knew well, but he was banned from ‘red’ level, and his membership card only held the upper level access. He was a Cathedral admit only, along with puffer rooms. Nothing too hardcore, nothing involving anything past level four pain.

Sean could get a better beating from Michael and Maria’s cat. And had. In the four months since his aborted session with Felicity, he hadn’t been back to The Den. There was nothing there for him. Therapy was helping him with the more destructive parts of his nature, but in that therapy he was finding a nice balance of what he just really enjoyed. A touch of violence and domination was suddenly all it really took to wire him.

He no longer needed to feel his life on the edge of leaving him.

Maybe it could be attributed to him learning to realize he wanted to live. Or perhaps it was getting his family back, and what hurt so much in the past was finally scabbed over

622 and healing. Hard to say. He liked to think it was Julia. She made him feel, and it was all good. For a man who felt nothing but worthlessness and pain for so long, that in itself meant everything.

“So this is The Den?” Julia looked around, and Sean smiled slightly at her attitude.

She wasn’t disgusted or above it all. She actually looked intrigued. Much like Andy, and his sense of fun play. Julia seemed to be having the same sense of adventure.

“This is The Den.”

“A Sean playground?”

“Once upon a time. Not so much ‘play’ though. I was deadly serious about it.”

Julia noticed the bleak harshness of his eyes. Demons. He had let many of them go, excised them to a place where he could handle them, stop them from fucking up his life, but nothing was absolute. Pain and guilt were part of what made him who he was, and it would always be a part of him.

Julia rubbed his face and leaned in and kissed him. “Should we look for Andy, or do you want to play a little?”

Sean looked at his watch. They were early. About an hour early. “What do you want to do?”

“Cathedral. I want to see this place. How about a drink, and then go see what‘s going on?”

Sean just moaned. Cathedral. Oh damn. School kids fantasies of what’s sexy and racy. A little slap and tickle, some light domination, punks in leather with studs. Nothing much to see really. “Baby, it’s nothing more than bitches in britches.”

“I thought you said there was a trapeze thing too?”

623 “Yeah. There is. Don’t tell me you want to swing?”

Julia just laughed. “Not really. Not that way, and not the other way either. But we’ve got an hour to kill, and I am assuming that you can’t take me to any really interesting places?”

“No, just yuppies having orgies, and tittering girls trying to learn how to be biker bitches.”

“Tragic. C’mon, I’ll teach you how to make it fun.”

Fun? Sean’s eyebrow went up and a twinkle hit his eyes. Julia knew how to make most things fun, and so this could maybe give him a whole new look at The Den.

She was right. Her running commentary, that and her hand down his pants whispering alternatives and suggestions in his ears, plus about three Bicardis on ice, and he was really having more fun then he thought possible in the Cathedral. Surprisingly, there wasn’t even a mark on his body except a nice bite she gave him on his neck. He had her clothes all undone, and she was walking around with an open shirt with no bra. All that was left was a very short micro skirt, high heels, and her open blouse. Even her hair was loose and flowing. She looked good. Real good. Especially where she was perched on his lap, straddling his hips. He lost his shirt and was down to unfastened jeans.

“Want to leave the crowds and hit a lower level domination room?”

Sean kissed the side of her neck taking another drink from the server, and placing hers on the table next to him. There was a loud whooping noise from a very loud party, and Julia looked up to see six not so dressed people trying not to fall off the swing. He was thinking of her suggestion. It was tempting.

624 “They only have covered handcuffs. Not even the real thing. Feathers, and soft lashes.”

“Hmmm. Too mellow?” Julia leaned in hard to him and whispered some suggestions.

Sean sat back, okay even the suggestions were erotic enough to get him interested. “Do we have time?”

Time? Oh shit! Sean sat up and dug in his pocket for his discarded watch. They were late. Two hours had passed, and now they were an hour late for meeting Andy.

“Andy first, and then we’ll see about a playroom!”

Julia allowed herself to be dragged out of the Cathedral back to the main bar.

Holding Sean’s shirt, she waited while he talked to the bartender. Sean handed over his membership card, and the bartender ran it through the computer.

“I’m sorry, your friend has checked in, but his assignment is a non-accessible area for you. It is beyond your color code.”

Sean frowned. “That’s impossible. Andy knows my clearance. He wouldn’t request something with a lower level coding then I can access. Can you access the original request, and see if it was altered in any way?”

The bartender looked skeptical until Sean pulled his badge and flashed his shield.

The man went back to the computer, and with a few key strokes, he accessed the information. There had indeed been a change. Ten minutes after Andy had entered and acquired a private room, the room coding was upgraded from inside.

“He upgraded it ten minutes after he arrived.”

“Did anyone ask for him, or access his booking?”

“One second please.”

625 Julia watched Sean, and suddenly she was beginning to share his concern. Andy wouldn’t have changed his level coding making it impossible to access his level. There was something wrong. This was taking too long.

“Is there some way to send someone to interrupt Andy…Mr. Marlow to see if he is indeed alright and perhaps inform him that Sean DeLuca is looking for him?” Julia asked politely.

“Well, it’s highly unlikely and rarely if ever done, ma’am. The clientele value their privacy and time in the rooms. Unless it is a red level at dungeon level with a controller and safety in the room, most rooms are not monitored.”

“But, given special circumstances, who can make that decision?”

“House boy. The main floor runner.”

“Then please call this person.” Julia’s hand grasped Sean’s. It seemed to take a long time before someone responded to the call, but in reality it was mere moments. The floor runner of the main Cathedral came to talk to the bartender who quickly outlined the problem. He finally came over to Julia and Sean.

“Sir, I understand your concern, but…”

“Perhaps you don’t. Mr. Marlow and myself had a meeting. He would never enter a room level that is off limits to my membership. That means someone changed the level coding from inside his room.” Sean’s voice remained even and very cold. “The only person he was meeting was me, so who else could be in his private room?”

The floor runner looked at the bartender. “Please can I have your membership card? I will consult the Master.” Sean quickly handed over his membership card. Taking Julia’s

626 hand he led her to a table to wait. It took only a few moments before the man himself arrived.

Julia felt it first. The room changed. Suddenly there was a stillness followed by a sudden wave of hushed whispers of awe as groups of people turned to the man approaching them. He was tall. Very tall. Julia looked up at him as he approached from her seat. He was a dark man. His eyes were like unfathomed coals in his head, and he was dressed in nothing but black. Surprisingly not leather. Expensive Armani cut black dress pants and black silk shirt opened at the next with a medallion on his chest displaying chest hair. Magnetic. That was the best description. Magnetic and powerful. The people around them practically bowed to the man. The serving slaves quickly averted their eyes to the ground.

“Follow me.”

Julia’s eyebrow went up. A simple command brooking no denial. The man practically hit and ran them. He walked through the Cathedral causing a stir, quickly culled them from the herd of members, and except for the slight pause in step to issue the command, he continued on through to an elevator. It was open and waiting for him. Of course it was.

Not even the elevator would deny him access as he commanded it.

Sean and Julia joined him immediately. The man remained aloof and quiet at their side. Neither of them spoke. Talking seemed inappropriate.

They exited the elevator on a lower level and then walked a hall. Green level. The halls were colored in a slated green with a nice dark trim of heavy oak. It was almost

Regal. There were three men waiting at a closed door when they arrived.

“Did you not open the door?”

627 The one man with an air of dominance to him, that above the others, but below the

Master shook his head. “Master, the internal lock is on. Yours is the only key that will access it at this level.”

The Master pulled an access card and swiped the key control. The door swung open.

Sean’s eyes closed immediately. Death. It wasn’t a smell he could ever forget. The sickly sweet smell permeated the nose and left a sensory memory that was undeniable and unforgettable. Julia gasped and Sean quickly pulled her to the side, and backed her to the wall beside the door.

One of the men tried to enter, but Sean stopped him.

“No. You must not contaminate the crime scene.”

The three men looked at each other in shock. “Surely,” said the one man who stood closest to the Master, “it’s a self termination.”

Sean looked at his friend’s dead body, and met the eyes of the Master. Both men understood what was undeniable. No. It was not suicide. It was an assassination.

The Master looked at the man to his right. “Call the main controller. Tell him to place a call to the local PD. We have a homicide.” The man forgot himself and without bowing, he ran down the hall to do the Master’s bidding. The Master looked at a pale Julia.

“Simon. Take the young woman to my office.”

Julia went to open her mouth, but Sean stopped her. “Julia, go. This is not a place for you. I’ll come for you as soon as the detectives take over the scene.”

Sean waited until Julia reluctantly followed the man. Looking up at the Master, he made a small gesture, and the Master didn’t even acknowledge his request, but he quickly complied. He issued instructions to the remaining man.

628 “Go tell the house runners and controller to clear the house. We close the doors early tonight. All internal guests are requested to return to their assigned rooms. All rooms must be recorded. Take down all membership numbers, and get the records and time receipts for all signed drinks and requests. The police will want to know who was here at the time, their movements and where they were when the body was found.”

“Master, the clients will…”

“Comply or they may turn in their membership badges. Any one not complying is to be summarily dismissed and immediately banned. Take all information, but clear the house.”

Sean and the Master watched as the man quickly went to do his Master’s bidding.

“You wanted to search the room?”

Sean nodded. “You wouldn’t happen to have any latex gloves?”

The Master smiled without a hint of any real humor. “Actually I think I can find a pair or two. One moment.” He went down a hall to a door at the end of a corridor.

Opening the door, he quickly went inside. He was back in a short time. Sean was still in the doorway, squatting to the floor with his hands between his legs. He sat there staring into Andy’s dead empty eyes. Standing when the Master returned, he took the gloves and didn’t protest when the Master donned a pair as well.

Sean entered the room first, careful of the floor, searching as he placed his feet.

Moving slowly at a wide arc, he noticed that the Master followed placing his footsteps almost exactly in the same place that Sean had.


629 Sean nodded. “Three shots, mid-chest. Direct. From the angle of the fall, the person stood in the doorway. They entered, and before Andy could react, he was already dead.”

“He tried.” The Master pointed to a gun near Andy’s hand. He made no comment about Andy once again violating the rules and bringing a gun into his club. The man obviously had a reason to feel the need for his sidearm.

Sean quickly bent close to the gun. Never discharged. He never had a chance. Andy was waiting for him. He probably left the door unlocked. The person entered, and as

Andy looked up, he quickly turned in shock and drew his gun, but took the three bullets to the chest before he could return fire.

“Jesus, Andy...” Sean rubbed his face. Without removing his eyes from his friend he asked the Master if he had a pencil or pen on him. The man handed him a pen from his pocket. Sean closed that part of his brain that felt the horror of looking into his dead friend’s eyes. His friend. His ex-partner. His fault. He lost track of time. If he had met

Andy when he came into the club…If he had only been there...

Taking the pen, he quickly moved the clothing around to search for the papers Andy mentioned. Nothing. His membership card was covered in blood. His badge. His wallet.

An extra clip for his gun, and at his ankle was his clutch piece. Nothing else.

A beeper went off on the Master’s belt.

“They’re here. They will be down in a moment.”

Sean nodded. “There is nothing to tell us here. You have security tapes?”

They quickly exited the room to stand outside. Both men quickly removed their gloves, and the Master took out a cigarette and offered one to Sean who gladly accepted.

“The halls. Elevator.”

630 “The room?”

The Master was silent for a moment. Then he nodded. Yes. They recorded all rooms.

It wasn’t a known fact. His clients might find the invasion a problem. They would worry about showing up in some cheesy porn show shot on cheap digital video, or perhaps having their ‘appetites’ exploited in their private lives. Blackmail was always a concern for some.

“My place is clean. All security tapes are destroyed after forty-eight hours. I personally make sure that the trust ensured to me is not violated. Not by myself or anyone in my employment.”

Sean nodded. “The cops will want to see the tapes.”

The Master nodded. He walked a few paces, quickly talked low into a phone. By the time he finished, the elevator opened and a group men headed towards them. Sean recognized the men as cops. Hard to miss the breed. He saw it every day in his own mirror.


Julia roamed the rooms. It was a nice room. A nice office. Impressive.


Julia sat on the edge of the desk and picked up a book. A novel. The Prozac Nation.

She had already read it. Flipping through it, she tried to clear her mind. Andy. His body.

His eyes. In a moment, she saw them both. They imprinted on her mind. They had been late. She and Sean were late. If she hadn’t insisted he let her come with him, he would

631 have sat in the bar, and Andy would’ve found him immediately. Sean would have never gone into the Cathedral. Not on his own.


Julia knew him. They met a few times. She worked with him on a few cases. The book hung loosely in her hands as she stared at a wall, her face ash white, her eyes closed as a single tear leaked from beneath the closed lids.

Her fault.


It was Sean’s voice that called her back from her thoughts. Julia nodded, and despite wanting to be strong, she dropped the book and rushed into Sean’s arms. He held her close, feeling a slight tremble in her body. She wasn’t holding strong. For a moment, she let him hold her tightly, but when the Master entered the room, she stood back.

“I’ve got them.”

Sean joined the man to a special monitor in his office. A VCR and close circuit television setup. The detectives were through with them for now and had confiscated the tapes. The Master had copies made before he turned them over to the cops. Sean stood silent next to the man. They watched the security tapes.

“There. That’s Andy.” They continued to watch until another figure exited the elevator. The man was wearing a low hat that covered his face. It was a man. He had on gloves. A long coat. He reached in his pocket, and screwed a silencer on the end of the gun. Pausing at the door, the man waited, and then opened the door. They watched as he shot off three rounds quickly. Stepped into the room. The door closed.

632 Julia stood watching with a hand over her mouth. The two men ignored her gasp and the Master put another tape into the machine. It was the room. Andy entered the room. He stood with his back to the door. He wasn’t even in there for more than a few moments when the door opened. He said something with a smile on his face. When he turned his face went serious. Deadly serious. His hand moved so fast it was almost hard to track. He reached into his holster with the gun cradled in the small of his back. His hand came forward, but as fast as he moved, he didn’t move fast enough.

Sean winced as the three bullets hit his chest straight on. The look on Andy’s face was astonishment, a disbelief of betrayal. He knew his assassin. And then nothing. He hit the ground. The figure came the rest of the way into the room. The door was shut. The figure quickly checked Andy’s pockets and went through his wallet, taking the time to check every compartment possible. He searched the room in case Andy had left anything.

Then he walked to the key pad next to the door.

Sean squinted. He could almost see the face. Almost. But not enough. There was too much shadow, and the man knew that if there were cameras, where they would be located. A new level was key punched into the control pad. The man looked around one more time. Then he exited.

“Security cameras for the club? Major access. He had to use a card to get on the elevator.”

“He did. When he entered the club he bumped into a person leaving. He lifted a wallet. Inside was a club card. The person had just used it, so there was no security check with ID like there is when you first enter the premises.” The Master opened a cabinet and poured Sean a stiff drink and one for the quiet Julia as well. “He had to have followed

633 your friend to the club. He came into the club right behind Marlow. Followed him to the main bar. It only took two minutes for him to access a room. The man was right on his tail.”

The Master looked at Sean. “I doubt you could’ve stopped it from happening. It happened so fast that there was no warning. Even if you were at the bar when he arrived, it wouldn’t have mattered.” The Master pointed at the mystery man frozen on the screen.

“Not to this man. He had an agenda. The only difference was how many he took out to achieve it.”

Sean tried to take comfort, but there could be no comfort. He was exhausted. His head hurt. His heart hurt. Roswell was too far away.

Julia was watching him discreetly. She saw his tells. His left hand was flicking almost nervously, and his other hand was searching his clothing for a cigarette. Sean was on a very sharp edge, almost on the verge of falling off. Julia went over and took his hand. Looking at the silent man in the office, she smiled slightly, but without humor or warmth.

“You wouldn’t have open accommodations tonight?”

The Master looked at the woman with a knowing eye. He had noticed the tell sign too. Sean DeLuca had been a wreck the last time he had been in his presence. The dead cop was more than just a member, he had been someone that the Master remembered well. That type of loyalty and friendship was a rare thing. Sean rubbed his eyes. He stood with his head down and eyes closed, he was beginning rock on his heels in an almost methodical method. He was holding, or trying to hold onto his nerve, his calm. It was breaking fast.

634 “What did you need?” The club was closed, but he could make an exception.

Julia looked at Sean. Her hand went to his face. She forced him to look up at her.

They stared at each other for a long moment. She stroked his faced gently. Without looking away from Sean she said, “Dungeon. If that is okay?”

The Master pushed an intercom button and requested a slave. “My man will escort you. Will you need a controller?”

Julia shook her head. “No. He’s mine. I’ll take care of him.”

The man entered the office. The Master went to the door. He handed her a red ball and a pack of cigarettes.

“I gave you a deluxe suite. It has a comfortable bed. It’s yours for the next twenty- four hours. There is a phone. Dial one if you need anything, I’ll order the floor runner to serve you. That includes food and drinks.”

Julia nodded. She didn’t know the rules, but she suspected that normally food and beverages weren’t allowed in the lowest levels of the club. Julia took Sean’s hand and led him out the door. The Master stopped her again.

“You are a very understanding…sympathetic woman.”

Julia looked back at the man. “No, I’m not. I just understand him.”

The man lit a cigarette and nodded as the two left. The cops were through with Sean, asking questions. They were through with him as well, at least for the night. Going to the chair behind his desk he sat on the arm opened a panel of security cameras. Watching the progress of Sean and Julia to a room, his curiosity was a killer. He switched to the room.

Expecting to see what he knew Sean would want, what he knew a man such as Sean would need, he sat waiting for the scenario to start.

635 The door closed leaving the two inside. Totally against his rules. There was no overseer in the room. No safety. Just the two of them. Perhaps his voyeuristic manner could serve to keep an eye that things did not go out of control.

Julia led Sean to the middle room. She removed his shirt. Then she removed her own. Lifting his head, she forced him to look at her. Then something unexpected happened. The two stood both topless facing each other, then she leaned forward and kissed his eyes gently. Her arms opened wide, and he moved into them as they both collapsed on the floor. She held him against her breasts as he wept openly. The red ball that Sean had held in his hand dropped to the floor and rolled away.

“Well, I’ll be damned.” The man known as the Master reached over and turned off the monitor.

636 Chapter Twenty-one: The Interim

Days 21-33: Somewhere better than Roswell, time unimportant.

St. Thomas rose like a brilliant jewel in a sea of turquoise. It has the distinct pleasure of being the busiest cruise-ship harbor in the West Indies, but is not the largest of the U.S.

Virgins, with St. Croix, 40 miles south, having that distinction. But bustling Charlotte

Amalie at the heart of the island is the capital of the U.S. Virgin Islands, and it remains the shopping hub of the Caribbean.

Michael looked over Maria’s shoulder as their plane lined up to land. Miles of beach head stretched as far as they could see from the small window of the plane, until it turned into the wind and lowered its flaps for approach. Then all they could see was ocean.

Beautiful spans of blues and greens, so uncomplicated on the surface, but holding a wealth of life beneath. The beaches on this island are renowned for their white sand and calm, turquoise waters, including the very best of them all, Magens Bay. National

Geographic rated the island as one of the top destinations in the world for sailing, scuba diving and fishing.

“We’re not staying here?”

Michael still leaning into Maria shook his head. “No. Only for a short while. We leave for the British Virgins almost at once.” Michael looked at Maria and tipped his head. “But our plans are our own, if you want to stay in St. Thomas for an extra day or so, we could.”

Maria smiled and went back to watching out the window. “I’ll let you know.” Maria snuck a glance at him again. “Careful Detective, I’m on the verge of becoming

637 completely pampered by you, with my every wish and desire met. Careful that you don’t spoil me entirely.”

Michael just tightened his arms around her. Spoiled? Pampered? Perhaps. Who cared? Until someone lived through the experience of holding her dead body in their arms, feeling her life gone, they had no room to criticize. It was his pleasure to make the most of every day he was given with her. It was a gift. A gift from something bigger than himself. God? He was actually learning to believe in God again.

Charlotte Amalie, with its white houses and bright red roofs glistening in the sun, is one of the most beautiful towns in the Caribbean. It's most famous for shopping, but the town is also filled with historic sights, like Fort Christian, an intriguing 17th-century building constructed by the Danes. The town's architecture reflects the island's culturally diverse past. As they drove through the town on the way to the harbor, they passed Dutch doors, Danish red-tile roofs, French iron grillwork and Spanish-style patios.

Maria was excitedly reading him a history of the Fort, and the Denmark’s settlement of the island, as they finally arrived at their destination. The line of pristine boats in slip at the marina was impressive. There was a warm gentle breeze, and the smell of the sea permeated.

“A boat?”

Michael waited as a man came towards them with a large smile on his face. “Mr.


“Michael. This is my wife, Maria.” Michael missed Maria’s startled look in his direction. That was the first time he had officially introduced her as his wife.

638 “I’m Harry.” He shook their hands. “Welcome to St. Thomas. Leave the bags. I will have them brought aboard.” Harry looked over at a young man, said a few words to him and tossed him a few bills. Soon their bags were speeding past them on the way to their


“My wife, Gaby is waiting. The Prima Donna, our First Lady, is actually a Nautical

62 foot Ketch, more of a yacht than a boat, Mrs. Guerin.”

“Maria.” Maria looked at the beautiful yacht with her tidy sails, teak decks and the hull painted in a brisk Nautical blue sitting in the water. “It’s beautiful! How many in the crew?”

“Just my wife, Gaby and myself. We run and operate it ourselves.”

Maria pushed her glasses higher on her nose and held her hat on her head firmly to keep the breeze from blowing it away. Fish. The air smelt of fish. “Your accent is charming. German, but not quite. Bavarian?”

Harry laughed. “Yes! Both Gaby and I come from a beautiful town in Bavaria called

Oberammergau and the Schloss Neuschwanstein always a major find. Here is Gaby!”

He watched as Michael climbed aboard sure-footedly and quickly helped Maria.

Gaby was a lovely woman, blonde with mid-length hair and a charming smile as beautiful and brilliant as the sunlight. She helped her husband get them situated, showing them their stateroom. It was the main room with its own bath and a King-size bed. All the wood was a fine teak, refurbished. The cabinets and bureaus were built into the walls to maximize space.

Michael and Maria took the time to settle in and unpack. They would live on the

Prima Donna for the next two weeks. Its normal run was seven days, but Michael booked

639 them two seven day tours back to back. It was less crowded than a resort, and they had the added benefit of traveling to the numerous Islands, even some of the American

Virgins and Leeways. Maria left Michael in the shower as she rushed topside to look at everything.

“Maria.” She turned at the sound of Gaby’s voice. “I hope everything is okay below.”

“Perfect! Michael is showering. He hates to admit it, but he suffers from jet lag. We flew from Albuquerque last night and even though the flight from Miami wasn’t that long, he still feels it. The shower will help to wake him. That or he’ll collapse on the bed in an exhausted heap and join us later in a pissy mood.”

Gaby laughed, delighted at Maria’s expressions. “I understand this is your honeymoon.”

“Oh, yes!” Maria sat back in the lounge chaise and told Gaby all about her wedding.

The women were soon gossiping and laughing like old friends, exchanging stories. When

Harry joined them, he sat down and poured himself a fruit drink and listened, adding a few tales of his own. That was how Michael found them two hours later. As predicted,

Michael wasn’t in a very good mood. He never was when he had impromptu naps.

Maria handed him a drink, and his mood quickly turned, becoming more boyish and devilish. He was away from Roswell. Everything was so far away. He had Maria. His children, and there was a whole lot of fun to be had exploring islands, snorkeling, and just watching Maria grow brown and fat in the tropical sun.

Maria talked Gaby into making them something from Bavaria. She stood in the galley watching and assisting as the women continued to talk. Maria was delighted to discover that both Harry and Gaby spoke not only a charming English with their

640 charming Bavois accent, but also spoke French and Italian fluently. Maria and Gaby continued talking in Italian as they cooked.

Dinner was Bavarian roast beef with homemade dumplings, red cabbage and mushroom sauce. Maria nibbled on the dumplings, some cheese and fruit as they cooked.

Michael came into the galley to ask Gaby for some more limeade, and as she refilled it,

Michael hugged Maria from behind kissing her loudly on the side of her neck making her giggle.

Gaby smiled.

“Aw, feeding your face again, I see! Good. Eating for three.” Michael took his glass and thanked Gaby on his way out.

“Three?” Gaby looked at the young thin woman. Her pregnant stomach was hardly noticeable, not as much as it usually is on someone as thin as she was. Twins? “How far along are you?”

“Just passed twenty-eight weeks. By the time I get home, I’ll be thirty.”

Oh crap! Gaby pushed more food on Maria. She was too skinny to be twenty-eight weeks and carrying twins! The young woman probably looked better in a bikini than she did. “You better eat some more.”

Maria laughed delightfully shoving more food in her face. “I eat all the time!” Gaby doubted it, but maybe that was why Michael had asked them to carry more food, enough for a much larger party. He paid extra for it. His only provision was that there be food available twenty-four hours a day, a ton of Tabasco, hollandaise sauce, cocktail sauce, and French onion dip. It made no sense at the time, but seeing the overly-thin young woman, Gaby was beginning to understand.

641 It was a good night. After dinner, Harry and Gaby took Michael and Maria on a tour of St. Thomas and some its better and more interesting night spots. Michael didn’t seem to drink, and of course neither did Maria, but they stuck to Island favorites full of mango juice and other delightful fruits. Watching the couple add a ton of Tabasco to their drink,

Harry had to comment.

Maria took the blame immediately. “It’s my fault. This pregnancy has me eating all the time, strange things, and the taste of sweet and spicy is just killing me. Michael tried my drink once, found out he liked it, and now we can’t keep Tabasco in the house. We put it on everything!”

“You are going to have some fiery kids,” Harry said good naturedly.

“You have no idea,” Michael said under his breath.

They made it back to the slip well before midnight. Michael didn’t want Maria too tired, and they were leaving in the morning to Jost Van Dyke, the Barefoot Island and a few smaller ones nearby. They were going to explore Sandy Cay, Green Cay, and Sandy

Spit along with enjoying the fun of Jost Van Dyke. Harry told them that they had to meet

Foxy Callwood, a character of immense local color. Maria was so excited by the entire trip, Michael doubted he would be able to talk her into actually sleeping.

They would have to find better things to do to whittle away the time.

“You want to go for a midnight dip? Harry said it was safe.”

Maria seemed to be thinking about it. “Oh, what will I wear?”

Michael laughed and shed his clothes, easily jumping in the water. Turning around he waited for her to disrobe and join him. She took her sweet time, taking off every item with excruciating slowness. They were in the tropic zone; it was warm and perfumed.

642 Maria wasn’t wearing much to start with, a thin sundress, strappy sandals, no bra, and nothing but a tiny pair of panties.

She stood at the bow on the lower step in nothing but the panties with her small body in the moonlight making her skin seem like the purest of pearls, with the silky texture gleaming. She reached up her hands and casually tied her hair up in a quick slipknot enticingly letting his eyes roam happily over her entire body. Even pregnant, she was still slim and sexy with her stomach a gentle swell. It was her breasts that held his attention.

They were rounder than usual, taunt and more than just a little perky. Her nipples were almost becoming too sensitive, but the mark above her right breast held his attention. His.

He had marked her for all time. Maybe shame should have been a little bit of what he felt about that thought, but it wasn’t. All he felt was an immense sense of pride.

Then she slipped that slight piece of silk and lace off her body and let it drop suggestively to the deck. With her foot, she kicked it on in the pile with the rest of their clothing. Michael’s eyes had already dropped to another area to concentrate on.

Michael groaned. Okay, maybe they should just go to bed.

Maria, reading his thoughts laughed. “Uh uh. You promised me a swim.” She stepped into the water and made a sound of surprise at its warmth. Somehow, she had expected it to be cold. Michael’s arms immediately found her, and they played in the warm waters of the Islands just off the boat, while all the other boats around them gentle bobbed in the ocean.

It was good to be alive!

Maria tried to keep her laughter down as they stumbled to their stateroom. They were both dripping wet, minus any clothing except what they were carrying.

643 Michael paused in the door as Maria went in first. He had a nice clear view when she turned on the light. His head was cocked to one side, and a slight smile pulled at the corners of his mouth.

"What?" Maria asked, pausing, wondering if he'd forgotten something.

"You look sexy like that," Michael told her, a slow smile spreading across his face.

"Like what? Dripping?" Maria laughed. She knew that expression on his face.

Michael shut their door and padded barefoot around the corner towards her. Maria actually stepped back from him, natural instinct perhaps, or some innate sense of self- preservation. The man was fully nude, walking with a predatory gleam in his eyes, and it was undeniable that whatever animalistic part of nature that made him a hunter, sparked in her the responding wariness. Well, for all of two seconds, until that other part of her nature kicked in. The one called ‘female’ as she took in the muscles of his chest and shoulders, his thighs, the long leanness, and dropping her eyes to stare at his very obvious groin she made a clicking noise in her in her throat with a ‘My, my, my’ sound. The

Guerin body. Oh, Lordy, it was a little hot in there. He was the sexiest thing Maria had ever seen.

Michael reached for her and drew her close with a hand on the back of her neck, fingers tightening in the damp strands of gold. Maria moved to him, holding his hips in her hands, and allowed him to tilt her head back for the kiss. Michael's free hand dropped down to grip her ass and pull their bodies together. Maria moaned softly. God, it was amazing how fast the man could turn her on! She'd never known anyone else who could get her so hot, so fast. The man was a detriment to her normally functioning brain,

644 draining it of logical progression, leaving behind nothing but the most basic and primitive of thoughts. Honeymoon. Good. Roswell. Bad.

"I want you," she murmured when Michael freed her mouth.

"How do you want me?" Michael murmured back, lips centimeters from her own, nose nuzzling a soft cheek. Michael was distracted by the soft play of her lashes on her cheeks as she closed her eyes. That and the hot movement of her tongue in his mouth.

"Ahh... any way I can get you, Detective," Maria whispered, leaning her head into the warm caress of Michael's mouth.

"Any way you can get me, huh?" he repeated, a wicked light shining in his warm golden eyes.

Maria shivered. God help her, he was able to send thrilling chills down her spine with just a look. Note to self, upon returning home, find twelve step program to work on this obsession problem. Staring at her husband, she just made a mental note to forget her mental note. A good healthy addiction could really be not such a bad thing.

"Just dry me off and I'm all yours," she promised.

Michael laughed. He swung her around and gestured. Maria stood at the foot of the bed, looking up at him curiously. Michael picked up a towel from a pile on a low bureau, gave her a rubdown, all along her arms, back and legs. He dried away most of the water dripping from her hair, and looping the towel around her waist, pulled her to him. Maria laughed. He was still wet. Michael kissed the side of her neck and tossed the towel onto the side table.

"Wait," he directed, with a light touch to her shoulder, and disappeared behind her.

Maria twisted to watch , to see what he was doing. Candles. He was lighting candles.

645 “Romance, Detective?”

Michael came to wrap himself around her from behind, his hands moving over her still damp skin. “Romance? Will it get me lucky?”

Turning in his arms, she leaned hard into him, her arms going around his neck as she lifted on toes and kissed him. Kissed him hard. Her tongue finding a warm place in his mouth, and she could taste him. It was slow and intense. All she was seemed to be yearning for was him. Then suddenly, Maria started to giggle.

“What?” Michael said huskily, as he tried to pull her back for another kiss.

Maria grabbed his hand and redirected it away from her breasts to her stomach.

Michael smiled as her entire stomach moved under his hand. Suddenly, he picked her up, and deposited her on the bed, quickly joining her. His hand stayed on her in wonder. The twins were becoming more active every day.

“Michael, do you think they’re okay? I didn’t hurt them when…”

“No. I think they’re fine. And I think you’d know if they weren’t,” Michael gazed into her worried face. “Maria, you didn’t do anything wrong. Don’t take this as blame.”

Maria started to nod, but suddenly her face infused with color as her checks became redder, and Michael watched as her eyes closed and her mouth opened making a low moaning sound. His hand. Beneath it, her skin was changing colors, streaking, and then the sensation hit him too. She was still overly sensitive to touch. Moaning, he buried his head in her breasts. It took a few moments for either of them to recover.

“Oh baby!” was all Maria said, and then she and Michael started laughing, collapsing against each other. “God! I hope I get to keep this instant orgasm thing!”

“You’re such a slut,” he teased gently.

646 “I am! I so am!” Maria pushed him over on his back, and straddled his legs, her hands on his chest. Leaning down, her mouth found his, as her lips brushed his lightly, seductively. “For you, I am a total slut.”

“I am so good!” Michael said, outrageously proud of himself, and Maria pinched him.

"You arrogant bastard," Maria said, laughing in spite of herself.

"You know it." Michael pulled her closer, his gaze a hot caress on her naked body.

Maria shivered under the intensity and lost her grin under those possessive eyes. She licked the taste of him from her lips and groaned softly with desire for his touch.

Smiling, Michael stared into Maria's half-closed eyes and lifting himself to a half upright position, he bent down to leisurely taste her mouth, pulling away every time

Maria tried to lick or suckle. The kiss was going anywhere until Maria gave him total control of the kiss. Maria sighed and opened her mouth in silent surrender. Michael chuckled and began to kiss her slowly and thoroughly, tongue sliding warmly. Reached down with his left hand, stroking her skin from breasts to her stomach, he kept the touch light, just enough to make her move against him wantonly. They'd been lovers long enough for each to have learned just what it took to blow their partner's mind completely away, and Michael was taking advantage of the knowledge.

It was different. Maybe it was being away from the stress of Roswell, and what that meant lately, or maybe the freedom of fear for the first time since they discovered Maria was pregnant, but something was different.

They were young again, in love and happy just to be together without the world weighing them down. Sex wasn’t survival any longer. It was fun again. Provocative and

647 sexy. Making love bled into the actual act and gave it back a sense of newness and wonder. They stayed up making love as the candles burnt down to the holders, and until the sun teased them with the start of a new day. Whatever had happened between them, it changed both of them inside, and for the first time in months it felt like being energized instead of drained.


In the dark a hand circled her body and pulled her from sleep. Settling deep into the warmth and making a soft sound from the hot mouth on the back of her neck, Gaby wiggled deeper into the embrace.


“Shhh, Harry is sleeping. Be real quiet!”

Gaby laughed at her husband’s playful whisper. Turning in his arms she kissed him, enjoying having him all alone, in the dark, with a soft breeze coming in their small stateroom window. The gentle sway of the boat was as lulling as the night.

It was an unexpected surprise for a woman married to the same man for over thirty years, and a mother of three grown boys away at University. Life was good, and at times like these, it was even better.

Harry whispered suggestions in her ear, as Gaby softly laughed, mindful of their guests.

They could sleep tomorrow. Naps were a big thing in the British Virgins.

648 ~~~

Michael and Maria lay facing each other in the soft dying light of the candles. The sweat on their bodies was finally drying, and for a while they both had slept.

Maria had woken to find him facing her, staring at her. His fingers softly touching her features. She tried to smile, but couldn’t. It was so much. All he felt. It was there on his face, and at times it was overwhelming to hold so much of him. They didn’t speak for the longest time.

“If you had died…” Michael started softly, but Maria quickly put her fingers over his mouth.

“No. Michael, no.” Maria’s eye held pain. He was hurting her. What was in his eyes hurt her. There was too much. He gave her too much power over him, over his heart and his very happiness. Many women would’ve felt the urge to control at such a gift, but

Maria only felt the responsibility. She loved him too much to face what it meant.

If she had died, then so would he.

“No, Michael. No. Don’t feel that way. I don’t want that. I never asked for that.”

Maria kissed him softly. A part of her needed to know, needed to believe that if she had died, that he would go on, that a part of them would survive. His eyes told her the truth, and the stark reality of how close they had come for the both of them fading from this world, was almost like a heartache.

Michael’s fingers continued to trace her features, and moved down to trace a gentle line over the swell of her breasts, and then to touch his sleeping children, finally giving

649 their mom a rest. His hand came up to cover the mark he had left on her and her hand did the same to him, covering the mark on his chest.

He understood why it hurt her, but she needed to understand him as well.

“If I die?” He asked softly.

What he was asking hit her hard, and the very breath in her body seemed to shutter and struggled to release. If he died? She…God! She thought of Tess, and how she had been after Jack died. Maria’s eyes flooded with tears, and she gently shook her head. He saw it in her eyes, the same thing she saw in his. She would not go on.

Understanding was all they had. The only comfort. Each of them would wish the other to survive, but they knew it would never be so. Grief. So much grief and loneliness.

At what point did it break a body, after already breaking a heart? It wouldn’t be suicide. It would be mercy.

Michael kissed her then. Kissed her softly, his lips melding along the line of hers, gently tracing hers with the tip of his tongue and letting his breath mix with hers. Then it was agreed. Understood. Together. They walked together. They lived together. They died together.

There could never be any other way.


Jost Van Dyke, four miles long, is truly the "barefoot" island known by travelers around the world for its casual lifestyle, protected anchorages, fine beaches and beachfront restaurants and bars. A favorite destination of yachties, Jost Van Dyke adjoins

650 the tropical isles, Green Cay and Sandy Spit. They spent over two days moored in the

Great Harbor and exploring the small island. Maria dragged Michael from shop to shop, and they spent an afternoon learning to snorkel.

Michael was taking instructions from Harry on scuba diving, but he refused to let

Maria try it, since she was pregnant. Spending a lot of time in the water, and the rest in the sun and walking the long sandy beaches, it was nice at night to hit the local spots for music and food.

Harry and Gaby insisted on taking the couple to a special treat, introducing them to

Foxy Callwood, a man of immense local color. He had opened a lemonade stand sized bar that was suppose to be open for one day, and soon became a tourist favorite stop.

What was to be only a two day stop quickly became five days as Michael didn’t want to miss the Friday and Saturday barbeque at Foxy’s and insisted they all go to another place,

Ali Baba’s for the Monday pig roast.

Maria found a sort of kinship with this Foxy person, who was one to croon a nice song, or tell a tale of whopping proportions. She matched him in lectures of history and what she had learned reading about the Islands. They amused each other with stories of the local shipwrecks. And Maria laughed delighted at the outrageous stories that Foxy created of his boyhood adventures. Michael watched her, his face quiet and at peace. It was nice to see her back again. His Maria. The one he first met and fell in love with. This lively happy creature had been weighed down in worry and sorrow, but as bright as the sun shone in that part of the world, Maria DeLuca…Maria DeLuca-Guerin was back.

Gaby and Harry found it amusing that their guests were doing the Islands as an eating tour. But there was more than just food. They were in the upper wheelhouse when

651 Gaby looked down on the deck, and found the two sharing a chaise lounge. Michael was whispering in Maria’s ear, and suddenly she laughed and tried to get away from him. He lazily pulled her back, and then they were kissing passionately in a flurry of arms and legs.

Harry looked down and smiled. He pulled back on the engine, and dropped anchor. It was a good place to take a nap. Taking his wife’s hand he pulled her along with his to their stateroom, kicking the door shut behind them. Gaby’s laughter and an ‘Oh Harry’ made him smile even more. Whatever their guests had going for them, it was a true miracle aphrodisiac. He hadn’t felt that young in years, and the happiness and laughter in his wife’s eyes made it worth everything.


Tortola, the main island of the British Virgins was their next major stop, with short day trips and stops at smaller Islands. Treasure Island was a day long excursion. Maria read all types of books in preparation, following Michael and Harry around on the decks reading them choice passages as the two men rigged lines for fishing, and Harry gave

Michael lessons in sailing. There was a special adventure on Treasure Island, a Treasure

Hunt for children, but Maria insisted they do it. Michael made lots of noise about not being a child, but suddenly under Maria’s organization the four of them were ready.

There was the sudden feeling of being excited and going on an adventure, and in that instant Harry and Gaby got to meet the real Michael Guerin. His competitive nature hit a high, and he eyed up the other group of children ready for the great adventure.

652 Turning to Harry, he said with a deepness to his voice, “We should have come out last night and cased the area. See those kids over there?” Michael pointed to a group of boys, with one leader, a second in command, and kid a little on the portly side, but obviously bright, and a small kid, one of the other’s brother. “We might have to take them out.”

Harry laughed in true delight, but both Gaby and Maria’s mouths open at the horror of an overly competitive Michael, and a delighted Harry.

“You bring your gun, Detective?” Maria asked quickly, fearing for those poor children’s lives.

“No.” Michael grumbled a lot. So, he sort of forgot to register and request a travel permit to carry his sidearm, so for once in a long time, he was unarmed. Well, hell. That just made him mad enough to spit. Those kids were going down. They looked over at the group of adults and bent together conspiring. Let the games begin!


Maria had read every book she could find on Pirates, Treasure Island, and Prince of

Pirates in preparation. The first leg of the journey began with a sail to the‘Bight’ which had wonderfully ample moorings and anchorage. Harry settled them in a choice spot towards Billy Bones with a 15-30’ shelf. Michael kept a lookout for their major competitor, and swore when he saw a boat equal in size and power to the Prima Donna.

Maria rolled her eyes, but inside she was bubbling over in laughter at her husband’s boyish abandon. He was so damn cute and adorable. It was a good thing it was a single

653 day adventure or she would’ve been forced to tie him up or at least handcuff him overnight to prevent him from convincing Harry into snorkeling with him to the other boat and sabotaging it. Poor baby hated to loose.

“Professor, what do we need?” Michael asked as he used the binoculars to spy on the competition.

“Snorkeling fins, masks and snorkels. Also be sure to bring an underwater flashlight and some zip-lock baggies with bread or crackers to feed the fish.” Michael scowled.

“Fish? We have to feed fish as part of this? What? Are they guarding the ‘Dead

Man’s Treasure’?”

“No silly. Children like feeding animals and fish. It’s supposed to be fun.” Michael made a sound under his breath. Fun? Hell, he was having fun. What? What was that? He squinted to get a closer look at the competition. Those four boys were up to something.

He might have to arrest them.

“Next, Professor! What’s next?”

“Once in the Bight, check your map.” Maria waved it dramatically for effect and

Michael quickly took it. “To locate the Pirate’s Treasure in The Caves. Remember, ‘X’ marks the spot!”

They immediately took off to The Caves. Gaby and Maria hurrying to keep up with the men. Gaby puffing along laughed under her breath. “In all these years we lived here, we never did this. I swear, I haven’t seen Harry this carefree and enthusiastic in years.

Your Michael is a good influence.”

654 Maria just snorted. “Oh, yeah, he is that. You should see all the fun and interesting things he influences at home. Usually it is full of destruction and mayhem, restaurants being destroyed, and other things.”

Gaby laughed and shook her head in wonder. She couldn’t remember the last time they laughed so much during a cruise. They were heading towards The Caves.

The Caves. Lending to the continuing legend of buried treasure, the famous Caves, were only four feet deep, although they drop off to 40 feet near their entrance. Typically explored by snorkeling, the Caves were fascinating rock formations. The northernmost

Cave stretches 70' back into the island. An underwater flashlight was needed to see the gorgeous purples, rusts and deep veins of the above water walls. Underwater, it was like a night dive, with the coral polyps extending their tentacles to feed. At the end of the cave was a small room. The next Cave was deeply indented into the rock face. Still another

Cave was above the water line.

The southernmost Cave had a rounded rock bottom on which to stand underneath a natural skylight.

Maria read the instructions as they practically ran at a fast pace. “To go to The Caves, get in the dinghy and follow the craggy shoreline to Treasure Point on the lower tip of

The Bight. Round the point and tie up at the dinghy mooring.”

The four boys had caught up to them, and Michael looked over cursing. “Damn it!

They’re going to take the good dinghy. Harry, get the good one!”

It was a pathetic display to see two grown men going at it with four small boys. And

Michael cheated by cutting the poor guys off as he rowed the dinghy with unnatural speed. For a moment the kids dinghy looked like it was losing control, and spinning a

655 little. Maria stared at her husband sharply suspecting an unauthorized usage of alien mojo to defeat the competition. Michael met her stare with a look a pure innocence, but she wasn’t that easily convinced.

“Slip into the water with your snorkeling gear. Stop to feed the fish at the entrance of

The Caves.” Maria said as Harry passed out the snorkeling gear. She had memorized the instructions.

“Feed the fish? Do we have to? If we don’t stop, we can get a jump on those midgets!”

Maria tossed the small bag of bread crumbs at her husband. “Michael, feed the damn fish! Okay?”

So he did. He upturned the bag and was ready to continue. Damn fish. Fat ass bastards. He’d be catching them next and eating them. Harry was leaning against a rock laughing his ass off.


“Right, right, right!” Maria said exasperated. “Explore the northernmost Cave which goes 70' back to a small room. Watch for the surge!”

Too late! Michael and Harry got caught in the swell and were swept dangerously close to the rock face. While they were struggling to right themselves, four small bodies, young Indian Jones, each of them, slipped past them into the lead, their young little bodies as lithe and fast as the little fish they just fed.

“Look for secret markings on the cave walls with your flashlight. Just remember, if you find the buried treasure, it's your turn to pay!”

656 Michael and Harry were hot on the others’ trail shining their light, following the markings. When they arrived, the kids were sort of disappointed by the end treasure. The cave emptied into an underwater dry grotto. They had really wanted to find the buried treasure of Pirates, and each won an award, but real treasure would have been even better.

Michael looked at Maria, and winked suggestively. She stood in front of him as he bent down to some volcanic rocks. Using his powers, he quickly transformed the rocks into multi-parity glass of various colors. Gems. Sweeping the sand away, he quickly buried them.

Winking again at Maria, he went to stand next to the young boys. “You kids are good. Real good!”

They just shrugged. So Michael tried again.

“It’s hard for people to beat me at finding clues seeing as how I’m a cop.” That got their attention.

“A real cop?”

“Yeah, just like Serpico.”

The four boys looked confused. “Who?” said the older one.

“Serpico! You know, Al Pacino, and…”

“Michael...” Maria called to him.

Michael cleared his throat. “Anyway. Yeah, a real cop. Anyway, this used to be a real treasure hold, but I bet after all these years, it’s all been picked over.” Michael squatted to be more on level with them. “I hear tell, from my friend Harry here, who lives in these waters, that all the Pirates’ treasure hasn’t been found. Sometimes, it’s missed, and if you look around and dig a little, you might find some precious gems! Of course, you’d not

657 want to tell anyone if you found them, because you know all adults are greedy thieving bastards and…” Maria cleared her throat and gave him a look of disbelief, “um, well I mean, certain unscrupulous individuals, real low scum might try to take your treasure.”

“What’s unscrupulous mean?” asked the smaller one.

Michael looked at Maria and bet closer to the little boy as the other three leaned in.

“Greedy thieving bastards.”

“Oh!” They all said together nodding in understanding. Michael gave Maria a nice smug look.

“So I propose that before the others catch up, that we scout around, look for places where the sand looks disturbed, and quickly dig to make sure no treasure was overlooked.

My man, Harry there will be a lookout.”

“Yeah! Yeah!” Screamed the young boys. And they started to take off.

“Whoa! We have to have a plan. Why don’t you start over there, by that big fat rock.

That looks choice for hiding treasure.”

The older kid remembering the eager and competitive Michael, and the term

‘unscrupulous’ stopped the others before they started. “We get to keep what we find?


“Absolutely!” With that, they rushed off in a loud shout of excitement.

Maria watched amused coming to stand next to him, her hand on his back. It didn’t take too long before they found the buried glass gems that Michael had made.

“Treasure! We found treasure!”

658 It was a good day. Made better when later they met up with the same boat cutting across the waves. How it became a competition, no one knew. But Maria was sure it was the boys on the other boat telling their parents that ‘greedy thieving bastards’…um, well

‘unscrupulous’ individuals were coming for their Pirate’s treasure. So the two sixty-two foot Ketches went mast to mast in a full tacking regatta. Rounding the Treasure Cove and back, Maria was given the task with Gaby to hold the wheel steady while Michael and

Harry pulled the sheets and turned tack. Scooting high on the water, the Prima Donna pulled wind and pushed the other ship in her wind shadow.

“Dammit, Harry, they’re gaining!”

“Not for long!”

The two men were suddenly in their element…men against nature as the brilliance of the sea, the spirit of the wind carried the Prima Donna into a once long ago time and land. It was like living history when the seas were dominated by high mast and sail.


Tortola. The main island means "Turtle Dove," so-named for its shape and beauty. Of volcanic origin, a central mountainous "spine" formed its core with a series of lesser ridges undulating and spilling to the sea. Spectacular views abound with vistas opening up to outlying islands across the azure blue sea and emerald colors above reefs. The scenery was enhanced by ascents like "airplane rides," sheer descents and hairpin turns that require mirrors to be posted in places. Yes, driving on Tortola was an experience in itself.

659 Michael loved it. He insisted that they travel the entire island by jeep. The Ridge road, Sir Francis Drake Channel Coastal Road, and the North Coast Road were but a few.

It was hazardous in numerous spots, and Maria had to keep reminding him to drive on the left.

They explored so many places, ate till they were sick, and shopped so much Michael was horrified at the growing packages crammed in their stateroom until Gabby took them and put them in the empty other stateroom.

Nanny Cay, Road Town, Fat Hog’s Bay, and Maya Cove were just a few in a five day stay. It wasn’t unusual to find them in a private cove that Harry found to moor at while

Michael and Maria went ashore for a picnic and a nap in a hammock under tropical palm trees. They snorkeled around smaller islands and enjoyed the uniqueness of Peter Island,

Copper and Salt Islands, and Beef Island. It was a magical place. A place where time and concerns seemed to melt away. In the almost fourteen days they spent with Harry and

Gaby, almost a moment didn’t go by that the two weren’t caught up in each other and lost to their normal lives. It was a nice break.

Time passed unmeasured. Their last major stop was Anegada, an island 10 miles long by 2 1/2 miles wide, with extensive salt ponds. It reaches its highest point at 28 feet, hence its name, which means the "drowned land." Of coral reef origins, Anegada had

"extruded" sixteen miles of sandy beaches with a primeval quality. Anegada is "guarded" by the famous Horseshoe Reef which, at eighteen miles long, is one of the world's largest coral reefs. It was a world apart from the other islands of the British Virgins.

On the East End of Anegada, large piles of conch shells, some even forming islands, attest to the presence of Aboriginal people. Later, pirates hid in the maze of reefs, with

660 legends of pirate treasure. In modern times, earlier generations of Anegadans practiced agriculture, of which The Walls at the Settlement are unique artifacts. Subsisting in close harmony with nature, its rich marine environment was harvested as well. Contemporary

Anegadans were skilled fishermen supplying the markets of the British Virgin Islands.

Sea turtles, now conserved, were communally shared. Maria, Professor of Anthropology that she was, found the entire island a fascinating experience. She found a woman named

Diane, famed to be one of the world's best Anegada lobster cooks. They found her at the

Big Bamboo in Loblolly Bay, and Michael declared her a goddess with an apron. Michael decided that they could never go home when he found Anegada Reef Hotel with their barbequed lobster with a special secret sauce.

It was with great reluctance that the two-week honeymoon came to an end, and on the last night Gaby and Harry took them out to a special place in St. Thomas where they had returned that day. The smell of cooking barbeque, steel drums and the sweet tropical plants were all part of everything they experienced, that and new good friends. Harry and

Gaby actually talked about refunding Michael and Maria their money for the charter, but

Michael just made a face. So Harry invited them to return again, not as customers, but as friends.

They promised to write and send pictures of the twins when they were born, and standing at the airport, Harry waved goodbye to Michael and Maria as he held his wife close to his side.

Now that was fun.

End of Book I

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