Welcome to the 12 Ways of Mincemeat!

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 Idea How to adapt your recipe...

1 Mincemeat Follow the muffin recipe and use 150g of mincemeat, as an additional ingredient. muffins Add to the wet ingredients, before combining with the dry ingredients

2 Baked Follow the baked recipe and fill a cored with mincemeat or add a apples spoonful of mincemeat (or more) to chopped apples, before baking

3 Mincemeat Follow the cheesecake recipe and half the icing (25g) and stir 150g of cheesecake mincemeat through the topping, once it's all combined

Christmas 4 Serve a little mincemeat with your favourite vanilla ice cream! ice cream

5 Mincemeat Follow the pancake recipe and add either 4 tablespoons of mincemeat to the pancakes mixture or serve plain, stacked pancakes with mincemeat layers

6 Seasonal Follow the bread and pudding recipe and spread mincemeat over the pudding buttered bread pieces, before cutting into triangles and assembling / cooking

Mincemeat 7 Follow the mincemeat swirls recipe swirls

Triangles: Cut one sheet into 3 long strips, layer with melted butter, put mincemeat into a corner then fold up into a triangle. Mini parcels: Coat a Seasonal 8 pastry sheet with melted butter and cut into 9 squares. Layer 3 squares at an filo parcels angle and gently place in a mini muffin case. Add mincemeat and scrunch the top together to form a parcel. Bake at 220°C for 15 to 20 minutes, until golden

9 Christmas Follow the crumble recipe and place chopped apples into a bowl, mix together crumble with a few tablespoons of mincemeat and top with the crumble mixture

10 Mince pies Follow the jam tart recipe and add a small spoonful of mincemeat instead of jam

Butter two pieces of bread or brioche and place buttered side out into a Mincemeat 11 sandwich toaster or pannini press. Spread a layer of mincemeat and grated or toasties sliced cheese, such as Wensleydale, onto the unbuttered side and cook

12 Seasonal Make your porridge as normal and swirl a tablespoon of mincemeat through it porridge (use more or less to suit your taste) wisherefordshire.org/cooking